java newsletter 8

-S econd oldest breed of poultry in America- 8th Quarter newsletter

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Newsletter 8 of the Java Breeders of America Poultry Club


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-Second oldest breed of poultry in America-

8th Quarter newsletter

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Hi Java Breeders and enthusiast. We got thru the Holidays and I hope everyone had good times

and enjoyed the celebration of the birth of Jesus. My Java hens have been working hard cranking

out hatching eggs as I have a huge waiting list. What a good problem to have! Take care this time

of the year when temps can range anywhere from really warm to freezing in a matter of hours. Try

to keep your birds free from cold wind. The birds are very hardy but severe temp changes can be

damaging. Also don’t blame your birds if egg production dips in this kind of weather. It will return

when temps rise just a bit. Also, take note that if you don’t provide addtional light sources, the birds

will not lay very well.

I would like to see everyone working hard to get new folks to join our Java club and especially the

kids. Well, I won’t make this any longer as I know everyone has much work to do. However, you

can expect some better articles from my pen in the next few issues.

Roy J. Autrey

Vice President- Monte Bowen

Here it is, time for Ruth to be showing up in my inbox, wanting another article. She just did this, or time either flies by -- or she is stock-piling. . . something most newsletter editors do at one time or another. Saves worn nerves come print time if you have something filed away to slip into a big blank spot. This is the time of year when the Javas are taking a break from all the work they did early on. Unless you live in a temperate area of the Nation, the birds are slowing way down on production; most likely either molting or coming out of a molt, and not doing much besides digging in the litter and eating all that expensive feed. That’s fine, as they need to take a break to preserve energy to go into the breeding season. When folks come to me wanting birds, they always ask about the production rate of the Java. I tell them if they want eggs year-round, go find some Production Reds or California Whites, as the Java, being an old, heritage breed, knows when to lay and when not to lay. You will find this true of all heritage breeds. They usually lay fairly well during the late winter and come spring and summer, they crank it up to the point of having more eggs than we can use some days. They provide enough eggs to keep the kitchen supplied the rest of the year, but no extras for setting or selling. These old breeds KNOW when it is time to start hatching eggs, as they were hatched with the knowl-edge borne out by generations of their breed to carry on regeneration of the species. They know when it is time to lay, set a clutch of eggs, raise the young and keep the breed going. This is something you will not find in the modern, agri-business breeds found in the large production houses spread around the country. Most of those have barely the sense it takes to find the feed and water troughs in their cages, let alone the knowledge to pro-create and avoid predators. Even though the egg supply is a mite skimpy some of the year, I’ll take an old breed of fowl any day over the modern junk. Java hatching went well this spring, but I did not keep many birds from the process. Mottled Javas were non-existent when it came time to cull. I had two males going into the winter last year. One I wanted to breed from and a spare. All was going well until one day, just before I was ready to set eggs. I went out to chore one morn-ing and the best male was under the roost, feet up, graveyard dead! Now, that just ain’t what a feller likes to see of a morning. So, I gathered up the “spare” and looked him over again. As he had matured, he developed a type I was not particularly pleased with, so I decided not to use him as a breeder. I pulled a black male from

President- Roy Autrey

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Notes from the Secretary- Ruth Caron

Well its kinda late but I have a had a few things to keep me busy. I had a poultry show to attend, been help-ing with the grandbaby and my son came to visit me on leave from Fort Bragg. I am very proud of him. I’m also very happy to announce that the Facebook page seems to be a big success. Everyone is welcome to join our Facebook page because the primary purpose of the Java Breeders of America Poultry Club and this Facebook page is to encourage the long term preservation of Javas through selective breeding, exhibi-tion, and through sharing knowledge. Hopefully the importance of this breed club will inspire others to join and participate. I am encouraging breeders to take the time to sit down and write a story about their Javas, where you got them from, what breeding methods you use and all the rest of the details and share them with us. Please send me pictures of your breeding birds, chicks and birds you enter into shows to share with others so they too will be inspired to raise Javas.

I have finally culled my breeding flock down to 12 Javas. I have 2 of the best males I raised and 10 of the best females in 2 different pens. I am getting ready to hatch. Im just waiting for winter to get about 2/3 done. I will then set my first batch of eggs and by the time they start hatching winter should be over. I plan on hatching about 200 Mottled Javas. I will keep some and sell the rest. Javas sell so fast here in Texas its un-believable. we have a huge market, but then again people are finally aware of this wonderful bird and want them as fast as they can hatch.

We are currently in need of a new president. Roy has graciously stuck by us for 2 years. He has a very busy schedule in the chicken world and with his family. I am currently taking nominations for that position. Please contact me with your information. If we have more than one nominee we will have a vote.

We have 3 wonderful articles for your enjoyment, I hope you enjoy them. Ruth

the other pen and put him on the mottled hens and pullets. This project brought a pen full of chicks, but I saved only two of them for this year. When it comes to Mottled Javas, don’t get too much white in them. The Standard states how much white tipping there should be in various parts of the body, wings, back, et cetera, so read it and know where the white should be, and the amount. A properly marked bird is a real “looker”, so beware of too much white creeping into the birds. The mistake I made with the Mottled Javas last year was one that a lot of the old time poultry breeders preached against. I did not “go deep enough”. I shorted myself on breeder birds the prior year, placing “all my eggs basically in one basket”, as it were, and that was a mistake I’d be wise to not repeat. Often, when the old timers would start with a line of birds, they did not start with a mere trio, as they said that was “not deep enough”, meaning they needed more birds and more genes to carry out the plan. Often they would com-mence with at least two trios and often a pen of 5 or 6 hens and pullets and at least three cocks or cockerels. They liked to have half again as many males in reserve as they had breeding males. This was what they called “going deep”, and it bodes well if we follow that advice even today. You never know when you may go out to chore and find your good cock has flown off to that big roost in the sky! “Go deep” when you select your birds for the breed pens this year and always keep your Standard of Perfec-tion at hand when selecting those birds. Read it, study it, apply it to your flock and you can’t go wrong. It is the best tool you have in your arsenal to get the Java to the point it once was, and keeping it there. Good hatching and showing. --- Monte

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The Auburn Java – Past & Present by Lyle BehlThe Auburn (or Red) Java was mentioned in early chicken literature and it seems its greatest claim to fame was being one of the parent breeds of the Rhode Island Red. Janet Vorwald Dohner in an article dated July 2010 in “Mother Earth News” states: “The Rhode Island Red was developed not by fanciers but by poultry farmers in the area of Little Comp-ton, Rhode Island beginning about 1830. The Rhode Island Red is widely considered to be the most successful dual-purpose breed in North America. Because of its good production and other useful traits, the Rhode Island Red was one of the most successful and widespread farm flock birds for many years.”

In 1856, John C. Bennett, M.D. wrote about Auburns in “The Poultry Book.” “The Great Java fowl is seldom seen in this country in its purity; excellent specimens, however, may be seen at Mr. Charles Burton’s, Plymouth, or at Mr. E. T. Packard’s, East Bridgewater, which he purchased in New York as “Malays.” The pair is now one year old, and the cock weighs ten pounds, the pullet nine pounds and a quarter. These, like all other pure Java fowls, are of black or dark au-burn color, with very large black legs, single comb and wattles. They are good layers, and their eggs are very large and well-flavored. Their gait is slow and majestic. They are, in fact, amongst the most valuable fowls in the country, and are frequently described in the books as “Spanish fowls,” which nothing is more erroneous. They are as distinctly an original breed as the pure-blooded Great Malay, and possess about the same qualities as to excellence, but falling rather short of them as to beauty. This, however, is a matter of taste, and some consider the pure Java superior to all other large fowls, so far as beauty is concerned. Their plumage is decidedly rich.” Craig Russell, President of the Society for the Preservation of Poultry Antiquities and probably the most knowledgeable poultry historian living today, com-mented on this quote saying “Dr. Bennett is not the only person to mention dark auburn Javas. The strain was never standardized but was used in the development of the Rhode Island Red.”

In Jim Ward’s recent article, “Early Java History,” an 1857 publication mentioned a lady near Philadelphia who had some choice foreign poultry for many years and had a variety that she called Java that were almost all colors.

Thomas Fletcher McGrew in “The Book of Poultry” published in 1921 had this to say about the origin of the Rhode Island Red: “The Rhode Island Red fowls originated in the farming districts of Rhode Island, near New Bedford, Lit-tle Compton, and Westport. Fowls of many kinds were brought to that locality by captains of sailing ships and were freely distributed among the farms.... Many of these were Asiatic fowls strong in black-red plumage color; among them were Shanghais, which had almost red plumage; Great Malays, which had red plumage; and Javas, as they were called, which also had red plumage. As attention was directed to these fowls, they were gradually added to the stock of all the farms....”

Mr. McGrew continues with the origin of the Rose-Comb Rhode Island Red: “In the catalog of the Rhode Island Red Club of America it is stated that as early as 1860 there existed in and about New Bedford, Rhode Island, fowls called the Red Java which had been brought by whaling ships from Java, and that they had red plumage and rose combs. Both Males and females were dark red.... From these fowls it is claimed that the present type of Rose-Comb Rhode Island Red fowls descended.”Another old source mentions that in the Black Javas there was a tendency to breed mahogany-colored neck, and red on hackle and wing. The evidence suggests that there were several variations of Javas that tended toward the auburn/red color – some showing more red than others. These were most likely the ones used in the development of the Rhode Island Red. I do not believe that these early Red Javas that Mr. McGrew referred to were in fact a self red chicken. A quick sight seeing trip through the Standard of Perfection will reveal that almost all red varieties have some black trim. I see no reason why the early Red Java would be an exception. In addition, by comparing the body types (rectangular shape) of the Java and Rhode Island Red a strong relationship is revealed. Refer to Jim Ward’s recent article “Culling Javas II – Type” for excellent body type illustrations. They certainly suggest that the Red Java – ancestor of the Rhode Island Red – was not far removed from the Black Java.

Several other early sources document the Auburn Java. Unfortunately the Auburn was supplanted by the

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very popular Rhode Island Red and by the 1870s the Auburn Java had disappeared into the sunset and was presumed extinct.

However, with the rising sun on September 25, 2003, over 120 years later a chick with a red head and black body hatched from Garfield Farm’s Black Java eggs at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.

Historically, the Black Java has been the most popular Java variety and was Garfield Farm’s choice to fit into its 1840s farm museum time period. In the mid-1980s Garfield Farm acquired a small flock of Black Javas from Urch/Turnland Poultry in Owatonna, Minnesota. The Duane Urch flock was acquired from Florida resident Howard Tallman in the late 1950s or early 60s and has been closed ever since. To insure that these Black Javas were indeed pure, Garfield Farm had genetic testing done at the University of Iowa. Though a small number of birds were tested the results revealed a definite possibility that all of the Black Javas studied were a purebred line.

In 1994 Garfield Farm, wanting to do more to insure the survival of the now very rare Black Java, launched its conservation breeding program. The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago offered to incubate and hatch the farm’s eggs in its facility. Tim Christakos, senior exhibit specialist of the chick hatchery had this to say: “When I first learned of their work with the Black Javas, I knew the museum’s hatchery could provide the perfect means for hatching this almost extinct breed.” Tim and MSI were the perfect match for this con-servation effort, hatching thousands of chicks.

Over 100 years of selective breeding to perfect the black plumage of the Black Java could certainly sup-press most any recessive color gene. That is until Garfield Farm and MSI began mass hatchings of the Blacks, which allowed these very recessive genes to reoccur. Fortunately a male chick with Auburn highlights hatched in March of 2004. The personnel at Garfield Farm and MSI realized they had made an astound-ing discovery and Auburn chicks were seen as very special and worthy of preservation. This rooster and the chick, a female, hatched the previous September were used to produce more chicks with the Auburn color or at least the Auburn gene. In addition more Auburns hatched sporadically at MSI. It took nine years of mass hatchings for the Auburn color to resurface. That was a tough code to crack and I will explain how it hap-pened later.

I became involved with the Auburns on February 4, 2008 when I acquired one rooster and three hens. 2013 will mark 10 years since the first Auburn emerged and five years that I have been working on them. My first rooster had fairly good color, even though I was not sure at that point what “good color” was as these were the first Auburns I had ever seen. The hens showed quite of bit of black on their bodies making it difficult to determine what color/pattern they really were. I was on a fast learning curve to know as much as I could about Javas and their colors. But from the very beginning, I felt that if the excess black could be removed from the hens we would have a magnificent bird.

In 2008 I hatched as many chicks as I could from my 3 hens. By 2009 I was hatching chicks as well as send-ing eggs to the University of Illinois. The U of I was supplying hatching eggs to the local schools. After the chicks hatched they were returned to me – what a deal! Then in May of 2009 I got a call from Tim at MSI asking if I would be interested in all of their Auburns. Of course I was thrilled to add more Auburns to my flock to deepen my gene pool. On May 17 at Garfield’s Rare Breeds Show I acquired over 60 birds. My num-bers were quickly increasing. But it didn’t end there – in July, Tim and I met half way between Chicago and my farm and I received another 65 chicks. Then in April of 2010 another 61 chicks from Tim came to my farm.

A month later, at the 2010 Rare Breeds Show I chose more chicks to bring back to my farm. By this time I could tell by the chick down the ones that would likely show good adult color, so those were the ones I select-ed. Included in this group were “Rusty” and “Lucy.” The Kohn Children’s Museum in Chicago hatched three Auburns in April in their annual “Eggs to Chicks” exhibit. This was phenomenal considering the Children’s Museum incubates only 15 eggs a week. The press release, in part, reads: “Rusty and Lucy will stay on dis-

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play at Kohl Children’s Museum until April 19 at which point they will be shipped to Behl Farm in Rochester, IL, which is dedicated to the repopulation of the Auburn Java species. Behl Farm began a partnership with MSI in May 2009 to repopulate the Auburn breed of Java chicks....” The third chick, Scarlet, was to remain on display at Kohl. I have no record of her beyond that point.

At the 2011 Rare Breeds Show I acquired only a few chicks and none in 2012. I had essentially closed my flock. I plan to bring Auburns for display and sale at Garfield Farm’s 2013 Rare Breeds Show on Sunday, May 19, 2013. Try to attend, you are assured a good time.

Obviously I had enough birds to do some serious selective breeding as well as strict culling. And that is what I have done for these several years and though I have struggled with many variations of color – usually too much black -- each year seems to get better as far as having consistent color and pattern. Progress is definitely being made. By selecting individuals with lesser amounts of black I was able to determine what seemed to be the gold spangled color/pattern. The Hamburg sets the standard for this pattern. My knowledge of chicken color genetics was certainly limited so I was on another learning curve to sort out the color genetics involved in making the gold spangled pattern. I had a copy of Fred Jeffrey’s book and I found some information and misinformation about color genetics on the internet. It was not until I received a copy of Sigrid van Dort’s book, “Genetics of Chicken Colours – the Basics” that I began to make progress in this area. I have a copy of her 2011 second revised edition. Most of the information presented here will be from van Dort’s book unless otherwise noted and presented the way I understand it.

The first group of genes that we are involved with are called the Color Distribution Genes and include those of the “e-series.” They include E (Extended Black), ER (Birchen), e+ (Duckwing), eb (Brown), and eWh (Wheaten). Of course, e+ (Duckwing) is the basis for the Red Jungle Fowl that all other genes are compared to and are mutations of. Most black chickens including Black Javas are on the E (Extended Black) e-series. But it takes more than just E/E to make a completely black chicken. For the Standard Color, black with a beetle green sheen is desired. This sheen is affected by the presence of additional black enhancers, usually Ml (Melanotic) and “rb.” Ml (Melanotic) is a known genetic black enhancer but alone is not capable of making a self-black chicken. More black enhancers (melanizers) are necessary. At this point “rb” comes into play. “rb” ( recessive black) is the name for a group of melanizing (black enhancing) recessive genes. According to van Dort, when present in homozygous form “rb”can produce completely black birds. When heterozygous, color is usually seen on the head, hackle and shoulders of both hens and roosters. “rb” is a group of genes that melanizes the feathers when there are other genes present. Not all melanizers are known so they are giv-en the catchall name of “rb” (recessive blacks). Obviously not everything is known about genes for chicken colors. “rb” has been known to scientists for a long time and is often used by semi-professionals and breed-ers all over the world. Fred Jeffrey used the term “hypothetical ebonies” for unknown eumelanin enhancers. (Mr. Jeffrey’s book, “Bantam Chickens” was published in the early 1970s and his second addition had at least seven printings through the late 1990s. Other scientists, Punnett 1957 and Smyth 1976, unable to determine the genetic basis for certain “recessive black” lines suggest the existence of more than one eumelanin inten-sifying mutation.) “rb” can also be guilty of producing too much black and I think this is where the problem was with many early present day Auburns that were too dark. In my flock of Auburns, selecting away from “rb” seemed to be the key to controlling it and hopefully someday eliminating it. Interestingly, in my flock of Auburns, the ones with black adult plumage were a “dull” black. Black Java breeders use “rb” to produce the beautiful beetle green sheen. Perhaps “rb” is expressed differently depending on its e-series basis. Chickens that show the spectacular patterns cannot be “made” on Extended E. They are usually on eb (Brown) and it is my working assumption that the Auburn is on the e-series eb (Brown). I think this was accomplished only due to the massive amounts of Black Java chicks that were hatched by MSI. Apparently a few of the Blacks were heterozygous for Extended Black. And obviously very few as it took nine years for the Auburn color to reappear. So being heterozygous for the e-series, namely E/eb, 25% of the offspring from the E/eb parents should give us eb/eb. And that is when we hit the jackpot. eb/eb allows the pattern genes to be expressed. Now we are at the point where multiple laced, double laced, single laced, autosomal barring and spangling can be seen with the right gene combinations. Many of these patterns were “locked-up” in the Blacks.

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Now that we have the correct e-series, eb/eb (Brown), we can see how the Auburn gene works. The Auburn gene is actually several genes that work in concert to produce the gold spangled pattern/color. The second group of genes we are involved with is called the Uniform Changing Genes. There are several of them, but we are not changing the uniform color; it will remain as the original Red Jungle Fowl color of gold, symbolized as s+/s+. The “+” merely indicates that it is the “wild” or “original” color of the Jungle Fowl. Thus we have gold as the uniform color for the Auburns.

Now comes the trio of genes that produce spangling: Pg (Pattern gene), Ml (Melanotic) and Db (Dark brown). van Dort adds that “because they are located closely together, it’s found they are often inherited together. In other words, the ‘Famous Trio’ responsible for spangling is ‘attached’ by inheritance.”

Pg (Pattern gene) is one of three genes that make up a group known as the Pattern Gene Group and those are Pg (Pattern gene), B (Barred or Cuckoo) and mo (Mottled). These three Pattern Genes are the only genes re-sponsible for making patterns. All the patterns of the standard color varieties can be made with these. These genes may have different effects on different breeds and this is due to selection. It’s all about selection to produce and maintain the most striking and clean patterns. It is only Pg (Pattern gene) in this group that is involved in making the Auburn Java color/pattern which is gold spangling. Besides making spangling, Pg is capable of making penciled (muptiple laced, partridge, concentric penciling), single laced, double laced and autosomal barred with only the help of one or two other genes. All of these patterns consist of black mark-ings on a ground color of gold/red (s+).

An eb hen on s+ (gold) is self brown colored with a peppering of black pigment which appears as stippling or very course penciling. The eb hen is perfect for Pg to act on as her body has the same all over ground color. The most beautiful patterns are made with Pg on an eb (Brown) basis as Pg reorganizes the black pigment. eb/eb, Pg/Pg produce penciled (aka multiple laced, partridge, concentric penciling). The Partridge Plymouth Rock is a typical example of this pattern. Note that this is seen in the female only as male hormones produce large black areas giving a “wild-type” color in the male known as Black Breasted Red. Usually double matings are used to produce exhibition stock with this pattern. The beautiful show birds have undergone many years of selection. (I have seen this pattern in a few birds from the Garfield Black Javas.)

If Ml (Melanotic), a black enhancer, is added to the above genetics then the double laced pattern is produced: eb/eb, Pg/Pg, Ml/Ml. Ml gives Pg more black to produce a darker pattern. The Barnevelder is an example of double lacing on eb.

Adding Co (Columbian) to the above mix gives us eb, Co, Pg, Ml. Co is known for restricting black to the outer ends of the chicken, and must be homozygous to produce the best specimens. This combination of genes will give us the laced (single laced) varieties like the Golden Laced Wyandotte. This is a variety I have not seen in the Auburn stock. Sometimes the Auburns will show a “rough lacing” on their backs, but I feel that is merely “extra” black that didn’t get reorganized properly. (Co with only eb and s+ will give the typical Columbian pattern. The perfect Columbian is the result of 100 years of selection.) However, Co is not added to our genetic mix to get the spangled pattern – just wanted to explain how Golden Laced happens.

Adding Db (Dark brown) to the “double laced mix” gives us: eb, Pg, Ml, Db. Db (Dark brown aka ginger) has a Columbian like action. The effect of this gene is so similar to that of Co (Columbian) that they can easily be confused. The difference is that Db in pure form (Db/Db) extends the gold so much that black is restricted to the wing and tail of the rooster, making a black tailed bird on eb (Brown) based chickens. Db is responsible for the rough autosomal barring that is seen in the juvenile feathers of the Auburns. The interac-tion of Pg, Ml, Db on eb, s+ produces the beautiful spangling on the hen. It is seen on the breast and lower thigh feathers of the rooster (more on the rooster color later).

Returning to the penciled pattern (eb, Pg) and adding Db (Dark brown) to that we have: eb, Pg, Db which produce autosomal barring. This is seen in the Brackels and Campines. I have not seen it in the Auburns

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except briefly in the juvenile feathers and that seems to be merely a passing phase.

Then by adding Ml (Melanotic) we are again back to the spangling pattern of eb, Pg, Ml, Db. It is extremely important that all of these genes be in homozygous form to produce plumage with the very clear cut patterns that are seen in exhibition birds. Once again, selection is a major factor in achieving this.

In addition to the genes that produce spangling, I feel Mh (Mahogany) is also present. Again van Dort states that you suspect Mh (Mahogany) is present in the Gold Spangled pattern because of the rich golden ground color. Mahogany is an inhibitor of black. Its action on the feather is to push black to the tip of the feather, helping to form a spangle. Mh also gives red on the shoulders, back and wingbow a deep dark color on the rooster which is very typical of the Auburn male.

My observations of the Auburns in the past five years indicate to me at this time that their color genetics are: eb/eb, s+/s+, Db/Db, Ml/Ml, Pg/Pg, Mh/Mh. Keep in mind, I am not a geneticist, but have come to this con-clusion be reading the available information and applying it to what I have seen in the Auburns.

Accounts of the historic Auburn indicate some variation in its color and pattern. Probably due in part to the fact that production birds were being selected rather than exhibition birds and perhaps the knowledge of genetics was limited. Possibly many of genes of the early birds were heterozygous rather than in pure form which could certainly result in variations. With a better understanding of how the genetics work we can select for and concentrate the genes that are necessary to produce the current Auburn colors.

(Special thanks to Jim Ward for his comments, suggestions and encouragement in writing this article.) to see pics of Lyles wonderful birds please visit his website at

26 Dec 2012lnb

courtesy of Behl Farm

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The USA is the only country in the world that requires its citizens to refrigerate eggs. And there’s a good reason for that! Pharmaceutical companies pour millions of dollars into campaigns for politi-cians to get elected. In turn elected officials “reward” the pharmaceutical companies with legislation that helps them sell more drugs. Let me explain: When a hen lays an egg, her goal is to hatch that egg (ours is to eat that egg). Since she can lay only one egg each day, it takes her 10-14 days to lay a “clutch” of eggs. When her clutch is full, she settles down on the eggs and heats them up to 101 degrees. Inside that egg is an enzyme named “trypsin,” which causes the egg to begin to develop when the hen heats it to 101 degrees. If the temperature falls below 50 degrees the trypsin dies...this is mother nature’s way to telling the hen not to hatch the eggs because it’s too cold for the chicks to survive.

Trypsin also lowers cholesterol. (Something the pharmaceutical company would rather do by selling you drugs!) Pharmaceutical companies know that your refrigerator will kill the trypsin in the eggs. So, the favor they got from the newly elected politicians was legislation that requires us to refrigerate our eggs.

A second enzyme that your refrigerator kills is Lanamine. Lanamine is responsible for healthy joints. But, if your eggs are meeting your body’s demand for lanamine, then the pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t be able to package and sell their drugs...and politicians wouldn’t have campaign money to spend. So...refrigerate! Lets keep those politicians politicising!I recently learned of two other enzymes in eggs that die when refrigerated, but I’ve not been able to run down the benefits from those enzymes. But, I bet the pharmaceutical companies know! I think I’ll ask them.

Also note that If you pick up your eggs directly from the hen house, you do not need to wash them. I use a damp sponge to knock off any dirt on them and then put them on the kitchen counter. When the hen lays an egg she puts an antibiotic coating on the egg. This protects the egg from things like salmonella from getting into the egg. However, if you wash off the antibiotic coating, you wash away the protection. It’s interesting to note that the government also requires egg distributors to wash the eggs before they sell them. Isn’t that just great?

Is It Necessary to Refrigerate My Eggs?

We are now on Facebook

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The Java DreamBy Glenis Marsh, Javahill

I’ve been working with the Black Java for about 3 years. We previously lived in a small apartment for 10 years and dreamed of owning chickens. As I researched “the perfect” chicken, I read up on every dual pur-pose breed I could find. I purchased breed books, poultry health books years before I ever owned a single chicken. We knew hard times were ahead and were interested in a chicken that could forage for most of it’s food and produce meat and eggs for our family. As I read Michael Dougherty’s article in Backyard Poultry Magazine, I knew I had found what I was looking for. The Java dream began! After we moved to the coun-try, it took a while to locate Java chicks. We ordered 25 from Mr. Urch and began our journey into the Java chicken world. As I read and learned more, I found others who said their breed was “the best” so, I ordered other breeds to put them to the test along side our Javas. We raised (side by side) 25 Dorkings, ~10 Marra-duna Basque, ~10 Araucana and 18 Marans and continued to find that Javas are unmatched and an excel-lent dual purpose breed. In fact, we named our farm after them. Perhaps the individuals touting that their breed is best, haven’t investigated the Java? In the future, I would like to provide photos of the Java dressed as a picture is worth a thousand words. Remove a bird’s feathers and you’ll see what you have! We breed for a large Java with a lengthy spine and look forward to continue breeding this bird to it original purpose, providing for families. Java meat has the best flavor and the eggs have the darkest, richest, most flavorful yolks compared to the above listed breeds...good things take time...we are happy to wait a few extra weeks for a dinner party. We’ll continue incubating Java eggs/chicks for the table and save the very best for replac-ing others. I’m delighted to participate and be part of such an important project.

courtesy of Javahill Farm

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It is important to keep your new baby chicks warm and free from drafts. They will also need to be properly fed and watered, and be protected from predators. A 95 quart Rub-bermaid plastic bin can be a satisfactory home for up to 20 newly hatched chicks. The size and shape of the bin is not as important as long as it provides enough space for the chicks and the equipment to feed and water them. Next I take the lid and cut out the center leaving a 2 inch edge and attach chicken wire with plastic ties.This is to protect the chicks from cats and other predators. The sides of the box provide adequate protec-tion from drafts. Next I place a brooder lamp on top and use a 65 watt light which is adequate if your chicks are kept indoors in a heated room. Make sure that the lamp is attached safely so it won't be a fire hazard. During the 1st week the temperature should remain at 90-95 degrees. As the chicks get older reduce the temp by 5 degrees a week. When the chicks are cold, they bunch up and give off a distressed chirp. When they are too warm they will pant with their mouths open. I use rubber shelf liner the first few days so that the chicks can get a firm grip as they walk. After that I use old newspaper and change it out every day. Make sure the paper does not have a strong ink smell. Be sure to change their water twice a day, or more frequently if necessary to keep the wa-ter clean and fresh. Clean the waterer each time you make the change, and refill it with fresh slightly warm water. Although chicks don't need feed or water the first 48 hours after hatching, both are usually provided as soon as the chicks are transferred to the brooder. I use a small dish the first few days for a feeder. Let the chicks scratch around in the feed for the first few days so they get off to a good start on the feed. Chicks are best started on a 20 percent chick starter mash. Remember the better you feed your chicks the healthier they will remain and they will also grow faster. When the chicks are approx 4 weeks old I transfer them outside to an outdoor brooder. Once again this all depends on the weather and time of year.

Starting Baby Chicks

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If you would like to join JBOA by mail, please print this application, fill out and mail to address below with the appropriate dues payment.JAVA BREEDERS OF AMERICA - YEARLY MEMBERSHIP DUES:

Juniors (17 years and under): $5.00;Individuals: $10.00;

Families: $15.00;Foreign Members (anyone living outside the USA): $20.00 (US funds!)

Benefits: Quarterly Club Newsletters, Annual Breeders Directory, and access to the website's member area which includes: access to classifieds, member forum, member directory, immediate access to quarterly news-

letters, and email updatesDate:__________________________



State:_________________ Zip code______________-_________ COUNTRY________________________

Phone:(___ ) ___________ E-Mail Address:___________________Web Site URL: ____________________

Membership Type (Circle one): JUNIOR______INDIVIDUAL _______FAMILY _______FOREIGN______

Check One: NEW MEMBER_____________ RENEWAL_________________

For website access of ‘Member’s Area’: Desired USERNAME:_____________ PASSWORD: ______________

Receive Quarterly newsletter by: MAIL ________________E-Mail__________________

Note: Please only request mail version of newsletter if you do not have an email address.Types of Javas that you raise:

Mottled:___(YES)___(NO) Black:___(YES)___(NO) White:___(YES)___(NO)Auburn:____(YES)____(NO)

Do you offer your Javas for sale? What colors?___________________________________________________

Do you sell chicks?_____________Do you sell eggs?_______________Do you sell adult birds?___________

Other Breeds and varieties of fowl that you raise:________________________________________________


How long have you raised Javas? ____________________________________________________________

Do you show Javas?____________________________________________________________________

What is your main reason for keeping Javas? (Attractive egg layers, Preserve the breed, backyard pets.....)


Mail the completed form with appropriate dues payment to:Java Breeders of America

Ruth Caron - Secretary/Treasurer195 Northglen Lane

Martindale, Texas, 78655, United States



of Americaof America1883

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RE: Area Director, District #8 (CA, AZ, NV)

I Glenis Marsh, declare as follows:

I am honored and hereby accept the position as Area Director, District #8 (CA, AZ, NV) as of the date of my election to the Board of Directors and until my replacement or removal. I hope to benefit Java Breeders of America with my passion for the breed and look forward to making a major contribution to the growth of this poultry club.

Yours Sincerely,

Glenis Marsh


RE: District #5 – FL, GA, SC, NC, TN, AL, MS

I am very very pleased to be the director for district 5. Javas are simply a beautiful bird. I first heard about the Black Javas plight in 2000. I have long wanted to own a flock of my own. However, due to the economics I was unable to get any until last summer when some came to my attention on E-bay. I have since found several other breeders and thanks to this club, I will hopefully begin to get some White Javas, Auburns, And Mottled Javas this summer. I feel this breed deserves to be promoted to Restaurants and Egg Producers both small and large. My hope is we can promote the Javas to gourmet retaurants in the area as a tasteful alternative to modern hybrids. While still focusing on the birds show characteristics. There aren’t many breeders in this section compared to other districts. So, focusing on bringing new breeders into the fold is a necessity. This is what I hope and plan to bring about in the near future as your district 5 director.

CHad McConnell

Welcome to our new Dist. 5 and Dist. 8 Directors

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I encourage our members to join the American Poultry As-sociation and to purchase a Standard of Perfection. It is a wonderful club thats will help you along the path to achieve standardbred poultry.

Visit them online at may ask yourself why should I join the APA? Well I am including their mission statement which states why.

APA Mission Statement

• To promote and protect the standard-bred poultry industry in all its phases.

• To continue the publication of the American Standard of Perfec-tion with the breed and variety descriptions for all the recog-nized purebred fowl.

• To encourage and protect poultry shows as being the show win-dow of our industry, an education for both breeders and public, and a means of interesting young future breeders in taking up poultry.

• To assist, encourage and help educate the junior poultry man to the sound and practical value of standard-bred poultry and pure breeding.

Toward these goals the APA supports sanctioned meets at poul-try shows all over the US and Canada, including an Annual meet and a Semi-Annual meet. Individual members earn points at these shows toward becoming a Master Exhibitor as well as receiving awards from the association.

The APA publishes a quarterly newsletter and an annual yearbook. The newsletter is sent to all members and the yearbook is sent to individual members and Endowment Trust members. The year-book features many different articles, membership listings, adver-tisements, APA licensed judges and master exhibitor information.

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Every year we place an ad in the APA yearbook. This year for 2013 it would be nice to have members share the cost of the page. You would pay a portion and be able to advertise. Above is the full page ad we ran last year. I encourage members to join the APA and to buy a Standard of Perfection. Contact Ruth if you would be interested. Lets make a statement for Javas.