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JAVA DAY Istanbul 6 mayis 2017

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JAVA DAYIstanbul

6 mayis 2017

O r g a n i z e r

Istanbul Java User Group (JUG) consists of a group of Java professionals and enthusiasts who are interested in help-ing the Java Community since 2010. Our main purpose is to convey latest industry developments and Java related technologies to developers by organizing regular meetups and workshops.

Java Day Istanbul is the one-of-a-kind international Java community driven conference in Turkey. Developers who attend this conference, can improve their knowledge from a number of newest technologies such as Java, Web, Mobile, Big DATA, Cloud, DevOps, Agile, and IoT. Java Day Istanbul helps in bringing together popular speakers, core developers, tech companies, and startups to better estab-lish networking among them.

A b o u t u s ;

Largest Java Community in Turkey.

Support development of new technologies.

Organize at least one event each month.

Networking between developers and companies.

Member of Java Community Process.

More than 16.000 followers in social media.


W h y u s ?

More than 500 developers.

30 sessions in 5 parallel tracks.

Workshops with interactive games.

By developers for developers!

Community with pioneers of technologies.


Mete AtamelG o o g l e

I'm a Developer Advocate at Google, currently focused on help-ing developers with Google Cloud Platform. As a long-time Java and a recent C# developer, I like to compare the two ecosys-tems. Prior to Google, I worked at Microsoft, Skype, Adobe, EMC, and Nokia building apps and services on various web, mobile and cloud platforms. Originally from Cyprus, I currently live in Greenwich, not too far away from the prime meridian.

Resilient Java-based microservices with Kubernetes

Creating a single Java-based microservice is a well understood problem. Creating a cluster of load-balanced microservices that are resilient and self-healing is not so easy. Managing that clus-ter with rollouts and rollbacks, scaling individual services on demand, securely sharing secrets and configuration among services is even harder. Kubernetes, an open-source container management system, can help with this. In this talk, we will start with a simple Java-based microservice, containerize it using Docker, and scale it to a cluster of resilient microservices man-aged by Kubernetes. Along the way, we will learn what makes Kubernetes a great system for automating deployment, opera-tions, and scaling of containerized applications.


Kasia MrowcaM r o w c a L T D

Kasia is a product magician, IT passionate, agile & lean enthusi-ast, PhD candidate & big conference junkie. Kasia has over 3 years experience in product development, (including require-ments elicitation and expectations management etc) and over 4 years experience of project management in non-profit organiza-tions.

Delivering unicorns

“Brand-new shiny” project(s), no legacy, everything being built and designed from scratch…. Dream scenario, isn’t it? Well, it can be a nightmare when under this description is hidden a few-years-old project that is still under construction and can’t be used by businesses/users even though it’s kinda “working.” Yep, this means a lot of mess and a few more years of address-ing legacy code even before going to production. Yay, what fun! But even if you’re lost in the darkest forest, there is hope. Always. This session covers the sins that lead to situations such as no product vision, gold-plating, and too big a backlog and prescribes cures for them.


Barış DereI N G B a n k

Baris is a Software Architect with over 14 years of experience architecting and building complex and high-performance com-puting systems. Baris specializes in Messaging, Microservices, Cloud, Integration, Streaming, Web technologies and Agile methodologies.

Scala for Java Developers

Scala is one of the most popular JVM languages and its populari-ty is still getting increased. What makes Scala so popular? How easy is it to learn Scala and adopt in a Java team. In this talk I will give an introduction to Scala language and explain its strengths and weaknesses. After that, I will share my experiences in my journey getting Scala adopted in my team. I will explain what kind of problems we faced during this journey, how we solved them and finally made the team a highly productive Scala team.


Philipp KrennE l a s t i c

Philipp is part of the infrastructure team and a Developer Advo-cate at Elastic, spreading the love and knowledge of full-text search, analytics, and real-time data. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and meetups about all things search & analytics, databases, cloud computing, and devops. Philipp lives in Vienna where he enjoys experimenting with software, organizing meet-ups, and sports.

Full-Text Search Explained

Today’s applications are expected to provide powerful full-text search. But how does that work in general and how do I imple-ment it on my site or in my application?

Actually, this is not as hard as it sounds at first. This talk covers:How full-text search works in general and what the differences to databases are.How the score or quality of a search result is calculated.How to implement this with Elasticsearch.Attendees will learn how to add common search patterns to their applications without breaking a sweat.


Mesut Can Gürlen 1 1

Mesut Can Gurle is a software craftsman and devops booster with around 10 years of experience. Thinks open source and science are the biggest foundations of human beings. Commit-ted lots of open source projects including PacketFence, Open-wall, Google, Debian and Spring Boot. Studying PhD at Marmara University. Has worked for Intron, DEU, Borsa Istanbul, Nasdaq and One of the founders of Istanbul Coders and Devops Turkey. Accessible via @mesutcang.

Going Reactive using RxJava

High load in applications change the way we look at program-ming. RxJava is a Java VM implementation of Reactive Extensions which is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences. Reactive program-ming has a lot of advantages over regular approaches. I will cover patterns, principals and applications in Java.


Alex TheedomR e a d L e a r n C o d e

Alex is a microservice developer/architect with over 10 years experience developing Spring and Enterprise Java applications in a variety of sectors including finance and gambling. He is a published author, conference speaker, technical editor, trainer, kids coding club mentor and OTN resource speaker and blog-ger.

Java EE 8: What Servlet 4.0 and HTTP/2 mean to you

The goal of HTTP/2 is to increase the perceived performance of the web browsing experience. This is achieved by multiplexing over TCP and Server Push among other techniques. What impli-cations does this have for developers? How does Servlet 4.0 embrace HTTP/2 and what support is there in JDK 9? We will see, with code examples, what the future of developing with HTTP/2 might look like.


Büşra Deniz AkınG D G I s t a n b u l

Kasia is a product magician, IT passionate, agile & lean enthusi-ast, PhD candidate & big conference junkie. Kasia has over 3 years experience in product development, (including require-ments elicitation and expectations management etc) and over 4 years experience of project management in non-profit organiza-tions.

Delivering unicorns

“Brand-new shiny” project(s), no legacy, everything being built and designed from scratch…. Dream scenario, isn’t it? Well, it can be a nightmare when under this description is hidden a few-years-old project that is still under construction and can’t be used by businesses/users even though it’s kinda “working.” Yep, this means a lot of mess and a few more years of address-ing legacy code even before going to production. Yay, what fun! But even if you’re lost in the darkest forest, there is hope. Always. This session covers the sins that lead to situations such as no product vision, gold-plating, and too big a backlog and prescribes cures for them.


Ensar Basri KahveciH a z e l c a s t

I am Ensar Basri Kahveci. I first saw the term "NoSQL" in 2011 and used some NoSQL databases while doing backend develop-ment for a social gaming company. Over time, I became curious about their theoretical aspects and started digging into the distributed systems topics in general. I ended up working for Hazelcast in 2015, which is a distributed computing platform. I have been fuelling my enthusiasm by getting my hands dirty on core parts of Hazelcast every day!

Distributed Systems Theory for Mere Mortals

This is a light talk about the fundamental topics of distributed systems theory. It introduces a few theoretical system models, and briefly discusses how they reflect to real world problems. It talks about the concept of time, how we perceive and use it to order things in distributed systems. It also touches on the con-sensus problem by walking through the famous FLP result, failure detectors and a couple of consensus algorithms. Lastly, it mentions the CAP theorem, which gained a lot of attention recently, thanks to the cloud computing paradigm and NoSQL databases.


Amadhy AbdelazizV a a d i n

International technical speaker, Google developer expert (GDE), trainer and developer advocate. Passionate about Web and Mobile apps development, including PWA, offline-first design, in-browser database, and cross platform tools. Also interested in Android internals such as building custom ROMs and custom-ize AOSP for embedded devices.

Sometimes we are not sure if using a specific tool is a good deci-sion or not. How many framework.js are out there right now? Is JS a replacement for Java? What will become standard and what is just a hype?

We took a time machine and visited the future, and we are going to reveal some secrets. For over two years, our research team has been busy exploring the state of the web. Come and listen to the future of Java, Javascript, Web Components, Progressive Web Apps, and native mobile apps. You will also watch how these come together in live coding on stage.


Yelda Gürbüz ErdoğanH a p Ç ö z ü m

Yelda is first and only Lego® Serious Play® Facilitator Trainer in Turkey. She is certified and registered as a Strategic Play® facili-tator with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology. She is a trainer of facilitator in this method. She also delivers facilitator training programs and end-user workshops. She launched an initiative named HapÇözüm. She conducts many workshops by merging Lego Serious Play materials and method. Such as Agile Values and Principles, Agile Project Management, Scrum, Agile Tools and Techniques, Business Analysis Tools and Techniques, Tradi-tional Project Management. She especially focuses on efficiency and effectiveness of processes. She helps teams on under-standing their processes and dynamics.

Lego Serious Play & Simplicity Workshop

Demonstrate the value of keeping the design simple and the code small. We'll generally do this exercise before starting into any of the others as it's really foundation for all Agile technical practices.


Milen DyankovL i f e r a y

Milen is a Developer Advocate at Liferay and focuses on Java and OSGi Platform. He is passionate about designing and building software as well as helping others design and build good soft-ware! After more than 15 years developing, designing and con-sulting on various Java EE solutions for leading European com-panies, he currently spends most of his time teaching, speaking at conferences all over the world and researching his favorite topics around Java modularity, systems architecture and soft-ware craftsmanship.

What's NOT new in modular Java?

With Java 9 and Jigsaw project around the corner (this time apparently for real), we finally need to stop pretending we can simply ignore the concept of modularity in Java! The thing is - modularity is NOT just some new framework! Neither it is a simple set of APIs! It's a complex concept that has been around for almost as long as the industry itself. So in this talk I'd like to take a step back and reason about the fundamental idea of modularity in Java by comparing the concepts of Jigsaw with other Java modularity approaches and implementations that have been around for quite some time.


Üstün ÖzgürU s t u n O z g u r S o f t w a r e

Founder of Ustun Ozgur Software Consultancy. I have extensive experience building powerful web applications with various tools such as Java, Clojure, Python (mainly Django) and JavaS-cript (mainly React and Angular).

Clojure: Building Robust Applications Rapidly on the JVM Using Functional Programming

Clojure, a Lisp dialect implemented on the JVM 10 years ago has steadily been gaining popularity, thanks to its design and emphasis on simplicity as opposed to easiness.

Clojure perfectly blends functional programming with the JVM, building on immutable data structures, along with a dynamic system that lends itself to REPL driven development, where one builds an application interactively.

In this talk, we will do a live coding demo to show the audience how it feels to develop a Clojure application without leaving the development environment or restarting the application. We'll also show how to use existing JVM libraries in a Clojure applica-tion seamlessly. We'll talk about the advantages of such a devel-opment system, and also discuss the disadvantages so that the audience can get a balanced view of the language.


Lemi Orhan Ergini y z i c o

Lemi Orhan Ergin is Agile Software Craftsman & Agile Practice Lead at iyzico. He has been talking at conferences for a long time. He is the founder of Software Craftsmanship Turkey com-munity. He is also a consultant and trainer in many areas such as Agile, Scrum, Extreme Programming, Agile engineering prac-tices and Git. He loves using Git effectively and sharing his pas-sion with others.

Git Anti-Patterns: How Mess Up With Git And Love It Again

Git is one of the most powerful tool in developers' toolbox. If you use it correctly, it dramatically increases productivity of developers and eliminates the waste products continuously. Developers cultivate a development culture on top Git most of the time. It's powerful but its power is untamed. Many teams fall into several traps of misusing commands and therefore feel uncomfortable while using Git. We mess up Git history, the codebase and the whole preferred branching strategy in seconds. We use branches, merge/rebase strategies, creating commits in wrong ways. Even we never take committing para-digms into account while using Git. In this talk, I will talk about what those anti-patterns are and what should we do in order not to fall into them.


Çağatay ÇiviciP r i m e T e k

Cagatay Civici is a member of JavaServer Faces Expert Group within JCP, the founder and project lead of popular PrimeFaces Component Suite and PMC member of open source JSF imple-mentation Apache MyFaces. He’s a recognized speaker in inter-national conferences such as JavaOne, SpringOne, JAX, Jazoon, Confess, JSFSummit and many local events such as JUGs. Caga-tay is also an author and technical reviewer of couple of books regarding web application development with Java EE.

It’s just "Angular"

Angular is a cross-platform framework to build applications for any deployment environment such as web, mobile and desktop. In this session, we'll start with the core features of Angular and then deep dive into the platform.


Dimitar BakardzhievT a l l e r T e c h n o l o g i e s

Dimitar Bakardzhiev is an expert in managing successful and cost-effective technology development, often in geographically distributed environments, and delivering cutting-edge, large-scale projects for multinational organizations. With his blend of technical, managerial and operational expertise with advanced skills in planning, product development and resource allocation, Dimitar effectively combines the theory and practice of Agile and Kanban Method to deliver business results.

Adaptable or Predictable? Strive for Both – Be Predictably Adaptable!

Our efforts to improve software development face the question what to focus on? Should we govern for predictability without concern of value, maximizing cost-efficiency without concern for end-to-end responsiveness? Or maybe do the opposite and govern for value over predictability, focus on responsiveness over cost efficiency? That seems to be an ongoing discussion in the software development world. Looking through the Cynefin lens we’ll show that’s a false dilemma – in reality we can’t be predictable if we are not adaptable. What we really need is to be predictably adaptable.


İlkin BalkanayP e a k G a m e s

İlkin Balkanay is a veteran software developer. He works at Peak Games since 2013. Before joining Peak Games he had worked at Vodafone for 10 years where he built realtime charging systems. He received the B. S. in Computer Engineering from Galatasaray University and M.S. in Computer Engineering from ITU. Besides crafting code, İlkin also enjoys blogging and spending time with his family.

Kotlin @ PeakGames

We have 5 successful Android games written in Java program-ming language. We constantly add new features to these games and we will continue adding new features to them over the next 5 years. Although, we love the Java programming language, we have decided to develop new features in our games using the Kotlin programming language, a modern and pragmatic language. In this presentation you will learn why Kotlin becomes a worthwhile programming language, what the process of learn-ing the language is, and how we solve the problems encoun-tered when adding new features to the existing games with Kotlin.


Huzeyfe ÖnalB G A B i l g i G ü v e n l i ğ i A K A D E M İ S İ

Since 2002, he has worked as a Linux / UNIX system specialist, network security manager, information security audit specialist, forensic information analysis expert, and penetration testing specialist in Turkey's largest infrastructure companies such as Ford, AVEA, Vodafone and Turkcell. More than 50 documents written in Turkish, have been prepared for topics related to information security and sub-branches by Hüzeyfe Önal. His work on the Snort Attack Detection and Prevention System was awarded by SourceFire ( Since 2011, he is in charge of the Division Manager of Corporate Security Services at BGA Bilgi Güvenlik A.Ş.

Forecasting Cyber Breaches Using Machine Learning and Big Data

Cyber security becomes very important topic for Enterprises. After big cyber attacks and breaches most of big company's stock value fall down. Most of companies are hacked with the same techniques, thus we can predict who's next, using old data and machine learning. Every company has a cyber risk score like finance score, using some security tools we can score every company and predict which company will be hacked for next 3-6 months using old breach data.


Dedeman Bostancı İstanbul Hotel & Convention Center

Değirmenyolu Cad. No:39/B 34752 Bostancı / İstanbul

Located in Bostanci district in Asian side of the city. Bagdat Avenue is 4 km from the property and Ataturk Airport is 37 km. Dedeman Bostancı Hotel is just a short walk from the nearest Bostancı Metro Station. Sabiha Gokcen Airport is 30 km away.

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