java database connectivity · 2019-03-26 · •use jdbc = java database connectivity . why use...

Java DataBase Connectivity Kainjan M. Sanghavi

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Page 1: Java DataBase Connectivity · 2019-03-26 · •Use JDBC = Java Database Connectivity . Why Use JDBC Before JDBC what was used ODBC Written in ‘C’ Thus , Sun Microsystem Uses

Java DataBase Connectivity

Kainjan M. Sanghavi

Page 2: Java DataBase Connectivity · 2019-03-26 · •Use JDBC = Java Database Connectivity . Why Use JDBC Before JDBC what was used ODBC Written in ‘C’ Thus , Sun Microsystem Uses

Importance of Database

The data in a Java program vanishes when the program terminates


But Most Data must be stored and maintained for years

Relational databases are used for this

Page 3: Java DataBase Connectivity · 2019-03-26 · •Use JDBC = Java Database Connectivity . Why Use JDBC Before JDBC what was used ODBC Written in ‘C’ Thus , Sun Microsystem Uses

SetUp from Java to maintain database

Simplest approach:

• Use JDBC = Java Database Connectivity

Page 4: Java DataBase Connectivity · 2019-03-26 · •Use JDBC = Java Database Connectivity . Why Use JDBC Before JDBC what was used ODBC Written in ‘C’ Thus , Sun Microsystem Uses

Why Use JDBC

Before JDBC what was

used ODBC

Written in ‘C’

Thus , Sun Microsystem


Not Platform Indepen

dent And Also Unsecur


Page 5: Java DataBase Connectivity · 2019-03-26 · •Use JDBC = Java Database Connectivity . Why Use JDBC Before JDBC what was used ODBC Written in ‘C’ Thus , Sun Microsystem Uses

Java DataBase Connectivity

JDBC Is a Java API that is used to connect and query to the database


Java Application

JDBC Driver Database

JDBC API uses uses JDBC driver to connect to the database

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Application Program Interface

Document that contains description of all features of a product or software

It represents classes and interfaces that program can follow to communicate with each other

API can be created for applications, operating system etc

Page 7: Java DataBase Connectivity · 2019-03-26 · •Use JDBC = Java Database Connectivity . Why Use JDBC Before JDBC what was used ODBC Written in ‘C’ Thus , Sun Microsystem Uses

JDBC Drivers

Software Component that enables Java Application to interact with database

• JDBC- ODBC Bridge Driver

• Native API- Driver ( Partially Java Driver)

• Network Protocol Driver

• Thin Driver

Types of Drivers

Page 8: Java DataBase Connectivity · 2019-03-26 · •Use JDBC = Java Database Connectivity . Why Use JDBC Before JDBC what was used ODBC Written in ‘C’ Thus , Sun Microsystem Uses

JDBC – ODBC Bridge


Java Application

JDBC – ODBC Bridge Driver

Vendor Database


ODBC Driver

Client Machine


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Native API


Java Application

Native API Driver

Vendor Database


Client Machine


Page 10: Java DataBase Connectivity · 2019-03-26 · •Use JDBC = Java Database Connectivity . Why Use JDBC Before JDBC what was used ODBC Written in ‘C’ Thus , Sun Microsystem Uses

Network Protocol


Java Application

Network Protocol


Client Machine

Database Middle Ware

Server Side

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Thin Driver


Java Application

Thin Driver

Client Machine


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Creating a DSN for MS Access

• Click: Start • Control Panel • Administrative Tools • Data Sources (ODBC) • User DSN • Add • MS Access Database • Name : Browse the path of your database file (mdb) -> For eg : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\SAMPLES\Northwind.mdb

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Overview of Connecting Java Application with Database




Process results

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Stage 1 : Connect




Process results

Register the driver

Connect to the database

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Stage 1 : a. Register Driver

The forName( ) of class ‘ Class’ is used to register the driver class . This method dynamically load the driver class

import java.sql.*;

// Load the vendor specific driver Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");

OR sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver ( if Jdbc-odbc Driver) …….and many more drivers are possible

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Stage 1 : b. Connect to database

The getConnection ( ) of class ‘ DriverManager’ is used to establish connection with database

Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection ( "jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle-prod:1521:OPROD", username, passwd);

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection (URL, userid, password);

OR (jdbc:odbc:dsn , username,passwd ) ( if Jdbc-odbc Driver) …….and many more drivers are possible

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Stage 2 : Query Database




Process results

Create a statement

Query the database

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Stage 2 : a. Create a statement

A Statement object sends your SQL statement to the database.

You need an active connection to create a JDBC statement.

Statement has three methods to execute a SQL statement:

• executeQuery() for SELECT statements

• executeUpdate() for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or DDL statements

• execute() for either type of statement

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Stage 2 : a. Create a statement

Create an empty statement object. ;

Stage 2 : b. Query the database

ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(statement);

int count = stmt.executeUpdate(statement);

boolean isquery = stmt.execute(statement);

Page 20: Java DataBase Connectivity · 2019-03-26 · •Use JDBC = Java Database Connectivity . Why Use JDBC Before JDBC what was used ODBC Written in ‘C’ Thus , Sun Microsystem Uses

Querying Database Examples

String createLehigh = "Create table Lehigh " + "(SSN Integer not null, Name VARCHAR(32), " + "Marks Integer)"; stmt.executeUpdate(createLehigh);

Execute a create statement.

Execute a select statement.

Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery


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Querying Database Examples

Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

int rowcount = stmt.executeUpdate

("delete from ACME_RENTAL_ITEMS

where rental_id = 1011");

Execute a delete statement.

Execute a insert statement.

String insertLehigh = "Insert into Lehigh values“ + "(123456789,abc,100)"; stmt.executeUpdate(insertLehigh);

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Stage 3 : Process Results




Process results

Step through Results

Assign results to Java variables

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Stage 3 : Process Results

while ( { … }

1. Step Through the results

Stage 3 : Assign values to Java variables

Use getXXX() to get each column value

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Stage 3 : Process Results

String queryLehigh = "select * from Lehigh"; ResultSet rs = Stmt.executeQuery(queryLehigh); //What does this statement do? while ( { int ssn = rs.getInt("SSN"); String name = rs.getString("NAME"); int marks = rs.getInt("MARKS"); }

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Stage 4 : Close




Process results

Close the resultset

Close the statement

Close the connection

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Stage 4 : Close


1. Close resultset

2. Close Statement


3. Close Connection


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Sample Program

import java.sql.*; class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); //dynamic loading of driver Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( “jdbc:odbc:KMS” ,"",""); Statement s = con.createStatement(); s.execute("create table TEST12345 ( firstcolumn integer )"); s.execute("insert into TEST12345 values(1)"); s.execute("select firstcolumn from TEST12345");

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Sample Program

ResultSet rs = s.getResultSet(); if (rs != null) // if rs == null, then there is no ResultSet to view while ( ) // this will step through our data row-by-row { /* the next line will get the first column in our current row's ResultSet s a String ( getString( columnNumber) ) and output it to the screen */ System.out.println("Data from column_name: " + rs.getString(1) ); } s.close(); // close Statement con.close(); //close connection } catch (Exception err) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + err); } } }