java beetle report

CM0112 Programming Project Java Beetle Philip Strong 0807259 Cardiff University School of Computer Science BEng Computer Systems Engineering

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Page 1: Java Beetle Report

CM0112 Programming Project

Java Beetle

Philip Strong 0807259

Cardiff University School of Computer Science BEng Computer Systems Engineering

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Table of Contents

1. Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4

3. Software and languages .................................................................................................................. 5

4. Specifications and Requirements.................................................................................................... 5

5. Design .............................................................................................................................................. 6

6. Implementation .............................................................................................................................. 8

7. Testing ........................................................................................................................................... 11

8. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 13

References ............................................................................................................................................ 14

Appendix A - Initial Project Plan ............................................................................................................ 15

Appendix B - Project Diary .................................................................................................................... 18

Appendix C -User Guide ........................................................................................................................ 19

Appendix D - Sample Code Listings ....................................................................................................... 25

Appendix E – Images ............................................................................................................................. 28

Appendix F – Initial interface designs ................................................................................................... 33

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1. Abstract

This report documents the initial research, design and implementation, and conclusion

of creating a Java interpretation of the pen and paper game Beetle.

It was decided to make an application with hand drawn, easy to see buttons, to keep the

charm of the pen and paper game. Additional features were initially planned, however

only multi-round and scoring made it into the final build.

It was concluded that the project was successful, with a base to be built on for further

features, which were not implemented in the given timeframe.

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2. Introduction

The aim of this project was to create a game inspired by the pen and paper game

‘Beetle’, in the Java programming language. This report documents the design,

implementation and testing, as well as including the user guide, diary and samples of

the code found in the final application. I planned to make the game more advanced and

personalised, whilst keeping the charm of the original pen and paper game.

Using knowledge gained in CM0123 Java, CM0124 Java II, CM0137 Systems modelling

and CM0128 Communication skills and Project planning modules, I have compiled this

document as part of the requirement for the CM0112 Programming project module.

In the appendices are the user guide, project diary, test results, code samples and a copy

of the initial project plan. The initial project plan documents the initial research

undertaken to prepare this project. Throughout this report, it is discussed that several

changes occurred from the initial plan.

There are several reasons to replicate a simple pen and paper based game for the

computer. Often, classic games such as this are readily available, however people do not

hear about them. If we are to make it distributable and downloadable, it becomes

available to everyone, with no preparation necessary. Some games can be tedious and

boring when played with pen and paper, and computerising them can breathe a new

lease of life into them, with a modern interface and playability. New features can be

added to the game to make revive a game, and make it more appealing to a more

demanding younger generation.

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3. Software and languages

Java is an interpreted, high level programming language. With strong influence from C

and C++, it is compiled to an intermediary byte code, which is then run on a Java Virtual

Machine (JVM). (Elliotte Rusty Harold, 1998)

Java is cross platform, and runs on any system with a JVM, from full computers running

Windows, Linux and Mac OS, as well as smaller devices such as phones, mp3 players and

even microcontrollers.

I will be writing and testing this project in Microsoft Windows 7, and testing in Kubuntu

9.10 (Karmic Koala), using Java runtime environment version 6 update 20 in both.

The application will be written in TextPad 5.3.1. ‘TextPad® 5.3.1 is a powerful, general

purpose editor for plain text files. Easy to use, with all the features a power user

requires.’ (TextPad,com, 2010)

Project management has been catered for in Microsoft Project. I have used this package

to create a Gantt chart, and calculate approximate timings for each task.

4. Specifications and Requirements

The compulsory specifications outlined in the initial project plan are as follows:

The project must:

Be implemented in the JAVA programming language

Be for two or more people

Have a clear user interface

Have an exit function

Have a user guide for a high level manager

The user interface must:

Be clear and usable by younger generations

Needs to be easy for multiple players to understand

I will explain how the program will be designed to meet these requirements in the

design stage.

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In deciding the resolution of the game, I had to consider what computers may be

available to the consumer. Web statistics show that in the year 2010, almost all

computers have a minimum vertical resolution of 600 pixels, and a minimum horizontal

resolution of 800 pixels (, 2010). I considered using a higher resolution;

however I decided that it would be unnecessary, as it was not intended to be a full

screen application. My decision would be that my applet would need to be less than

800x600 pixels in size.

My next consideration was the screen format. The current trend of screens is

widescreen. Analysing my peers and family showed that every screen purchased in

recent years has been widescreen. To follow this trend, and fit within my 800x600 size

restriction, I decided that the closest standard widescreen resolution would be

768x480. This would give me more than enough screen real estate whilst being able to

fit on almost every personal computer screen. This will also allow the game to be

displayed on Netbook screens, which are typically 1024x600.

Another specification that I felt would improve usability and enjoyment of the game,

was whether to write it in a multithreaded manner. This was a decision I needed to

make before I started, as changing this half way through would have increased the

difficulty of programming. I felt multithreading would have no disadvantages in the end

product, and may have reduced difficulty in programming in some of the more

advanced functions. Making the game single threaded may have simplified coding

initially, however any advanced features or delays added would have been less clean,

and therefore the game was multithreaded from the start.

5. Design

To meet the specification, I have explained the choices I had when designing the game.

Under each requirement I have posed one or more solutions which are both efficient

and adequate.

Be implemented in the JAVA programming language

o Write an Applet, which would allow the game to be run from within a

browser, but may incur difficulties during implementation depending on

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the complexity, due to Applet restrictions, which are in place for security


o Write an Application, which allows the game to be distributed on

mediums such as the internet, CD, USB memory stick etc. This allows

more functionality, but it is not clear whether this will be required by the


Be for two or more people

o Allow the user to choose how many players, before the game starts. To

make the implementation clean, allow each player their own class,

containing all information relating to the individual.

Have a clear user interface

o Use the Java Swing package. Several layouts are available, for simple

menu creation ‘FlowLayout’ and ‘BorderLayout’ are usable. Due to the

nature of the game, the ‘null’ layout is ideal for placing the objects

wherever required.

Have an exit function

o On all platforms the game was run on, the Java virtual machine offered a

method of exiting, without having to be coded.

Have a user guide for a high level manager

o A 6-page user guide is included with the game.

The user interface must:

Be clear and usable by younger generations

o The entire interface can be hand drawn on a tablet, and big, clear buttons

can make it simple to see how the game is functioned, especially after

consulting the user guide.

Needs to be easy for multiple players to understand

o Show all players on screen simultaneously. This makes it simple to see the

beetle the player is working for, however the screen may look messy with

less players, leaving a large amount of unused screen space.

o Rotate players, showing only the current beetle. It must be clear who’s

turn it is, a bright colour should be used to make it obvious.

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I had chosen to implement an application over an applet. This was to ensure I did not

have any problems with restrictions in the basic implementation, or in any advanced


My choice to design the interface with a graphics tablet was due to my personal dislike

of the default interface of Java based solutions. This, and using the ‘null’ layout, enabled

me to make the interface look exactly as I wanted.

I chose to rotate the players, to let the game take up less space on screen, and let me use

higher resolution images at the same time. As my application was to have a ‘pen and

paper’ feel to it, the entire interface was black and white. This meant I could merely use

a red circle around the player number to highlight which player was active.

In Appendix F, I have included some initial designs. The pencil drawn designs are

designs that have all players on screen at once, and the rough tablet drawing is a

rotational design, close to the final design.

6. Implementation

The code is split between 4 classes. The class used to run the application is Project.

This contains the game logic and code flow control. The interface is handled by the class

Interface. As the interface is made almost entirely of JLabel and JButton

objects, this class is primarily to hold swing components. The player information is

stored in the Player class. This class holds information about player name, beetle

progress and score. It also has a method to check for beetle completion. The final class is

ActionEventHandler. This class catches all action events, and relays them to the

class they are intended for.

Appendix E shows all the images used to make up the user interface. Appendix E, Fig 1

shows the final design for the completed beetle, before the wings are placed, and

Appendix E, Fig 2 shows the beetle with wings.

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On start

When the application is started, a new instance of the Interface is initialised. This

class is threaded, and thus it must be set up to act as a separate thread. This is shown in

Appendix D, Fig 1.1. The splash / welcome screen is then called; this is merely an

introduction to the application. The rest of the interface follows in a very similar fashion

to this method, with other objects substituted in place. The code for the welcome screen

is shown in Appendix D, Fig 1.2. Through trial and error, I found that when using

this.setSize(768,480) to achieve my desired resolution, a large amount of the

application was not visible. It appears that this method includes the graphics Windows

includes in the border of the application. To rectify this, and get a true 768x480 pixel

size of the application, I needed to cater for this Windows addition, and therefore I

ended up using this.setSize(782,516).

On dice roll

rollDice() (shown in Appendix D, Fig 2.1) is called when the dice button is pressed.

This action is captured by the ActionEventHandler class. The rolledCorrect

variable is set to 0. This variable is used later to define whether or not the player is

allowed to place a beetle piece.

incrementPlayers() (shown in Appendix D, Fig 2.2) is called, which

increments all player variables, and makes the player index loop.

The updateBeetle(int playerID) (shown in Appendix D, Fig 2.3) method is

called, which updates the player variables. This is done by looping from 1 to 15, getting

the value of whether the player has the particular part or not, and displaying it if the

player has. Before this, the beetle stage is cleared, and all parts set to false. The score

fields are updated, and a check is done to ensure the player hasn’t completed their


The program returns to rollDice(), which sets the player number labels to show a

ring around the current player. There is an if statement to place a ring around player 1

at the beginning of the game. The random number generator then picks a number

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between 0 and 5, and the dice button is set to show the value of the roll. Using the value

of the dice, one of six methods is called, rollOne(), rollTwo(), rollThree() etc.

Game logic

The game logic provides checks and links to make the application play the game. For

each dice number, 1-6, there is a roll and a part method. These methods for numbers

1 and 2 are shown in Appendix D, Fig 3.1. The roll method does checks to ensure the

part hasn’t been selected before for single parts (ie body, head and wings), and ensures

the player hasn’t reached the limit for multiple parts (ie eyes, legs, antennae). If the

player hasn’t placed this part before, then the status is updated, to show:

(playerID) may now place the (part).

For example, if player 1 rolls their first one, the status will be:

Player 1 may now place the body.

If the player has already placed the part, then the status message indicates that the next

player can play.

If the player is allowed the part, the rolledCorrect variable will be set to the part

number. The player may then click on the button which refers to the part they are

allowed to place. This will call the part method for this number, which initially checks

to ensure the player is allowed to place the part. If the player is, it will set the part as

true for that player, update the status and the beetle, and reset rolledCorrect to 0,

to ensure no other player can take advantage of the dice roll.

If the player is not allowed to place any parts, the buttons will not function.

Action handling

As I intended to implement more advanced features, I decided to abstract all action

handling into a separate, threaded class. The code for this class is shown in Appendix D,

Fig 4.1. When an action object is created, I added an ActionCommand. This allowed me

to tell the difference between different events, from different classes.

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In the end, all of my action based methods ended up in the Project class, so the

benefit was lost. However, this way of abstracting the action handling away from the

body of the code was useful for adding test objects, and having the action handling in a

threaded class meant that if any other class was in a delay routine or under heavy load,

the event would not be ignored.

7. Testing

Testing was done on all requirements. Inclusive of ensuring all requirements were met,

the functionality of the application was tested to ensure all bugs were eliminated.

The following test framework was used to document all tests. Details of the tests can be

found in Appendix H.

Test ID Test description Test procedure Expected outcome Test Outcome 1 2 3

Before testing, a number of issues were discovered. Firstly, an issue was discovered

where the status would not update after every state change. The cause of this was a

missing line of code, where the hideStatus flag was not set. Once this line had been

reinstated, the code flowed fine.

Secondly, it was evident during the implementation that it was very confusing to follow

the game flow, and it was then discovered by playing the game with friends that I had

confused my currentPlayer and nextPlayer variables, and so the beetle being

shown was for the wrong player. This was easy to fix, and now works correctly.

The final issue was that only player 1 was able to score points at the end of the round.

The problem, it turned out, was that the endRound() method was resetting the player

before incrementing the score. This was resolved, and the application was fixed.

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8. Results

The final product meets the specification provided at the beginning of the project.

Whilst being fun to play with friends, it is quite clear that the game is based on the

original pen and paper based game. When comparing my code with my other offerings,

it is evident to me that my code is fairly lightweight, at only 800 lines. I put this partly

down to using images for the interface, but also down to extensive pruning whilst

implementing. I feel that in writing this application I have managed to capture

everything required and more, whilst not implementing any useless features which will

not add to the experience, just because ‘I can’.

9. Further work

I feel that given more free time, there is plenty of room for expanding this game with

useful functionality. I have added a scoring system over and above the original

specification, however there is clearly more to be had from this application.

A feature I had initially planned to implement was an AI player. Whilst there are still

remnants of this code in the source, it became difficult to implement whilst keeping the

code efficient, and also enabling multiple players from the same program. Given more

time, I feel I could quite happily implement an AI player whilst keeping the code small

and keeping multiplayer functionality. If I were to continue this project, I would also

allow the AI player to ‘miss’ goes to let younger, less skilled players to have a chance,

especially as this game is essentially a game of luck.

Whilst I feel the interface is attractive and funky, I would like to have subtly animated

certain parts, for example transitions and buttons, to capture the attention of the player

for longer. In this day and age, the user expects a more dynamic interface, and my

interface could be construed as old fashioned.

To further improve this game, a feature I wanted to implement was network play. As I

have had experience with networking in Visual Basic 6, I felt this would not be difficult

to code, however time was not on my side, and I had to drop the idea from the final


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10. Conclusion

The final product meets the mandatory criteria set by the project specification, and can

therefore be considered successful. The game both playable and enjoyable, and captures

the feel of the original game, with a modern, computerised twist.

To further improve the product, I would like to have implemented an AI player, to allow

the game to be played alone, and networking to allow the game to be played by many

simultaneously. A less static interface, with transitional effects and animation would

have further added to the appeal.

The project has been sufficiently documented and specific excerpts of code given to

show the functionality of the program.

I hope that this game can be enjoyed by many, young and old alike.

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Elliotte Rusty Harold, 26th May 1998 [WWW]

<URL:> [Accessed 18/4/10], 2010 [WWW] <URL:> [Accessed 18/4/10], 2010 [WWW] <URL:>

[Accessed 17/4/10]

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Beetle Dice Game Project

Initial Project Plan


The task is to develop a computer implementation of the ‘Beetle’ dice game. I will be applying the skills learnt in my last

semester in communication skills and project management, JAVA 1 and systems modelling.

Problem Breakdown

The game is a simple game usually played by two or more, on paper. The goal is to draw a beetle before .

your opponents. Before you are allowed to start, you must roll a specific number to be allowed to draw .

the body, then following body parts can be drawn when assigned numbers have been rolled. Often the .

numbers are assigned as shown in the diagram.

Similar systems


Taken from:

As far as I can find with my research, the only alternative to the traditional paper

method of playing ‘Beetle’ is an American interpretation called ‘Cootie’. The basic

game is the same, however instead of being played on paper, the aim is to make a

plastic model from individual parts supplied in the box.

This game is obviously aimed at younger children. Bright colours and chunky parts

make the game seem more appealing to children and goofy looking models add to the

charm. I am not keen on the idea of young children playing with small parts however. This game would require adult

supervision to be safe.

I think I can take some ideas concepts from this game in my project. I can use bright colours and charming images to make

the game appealing to younger generations, whilst avoiding the problem of small piece.

Initial Requirements

User interaction

User interaction features from the user must:

Be clear and usable by younger generations

Needs to be easy for multiple players to understand

Possible addition features which can be implemented if the project is on time:

Animated images on buttons and other objects

Appendix A - Initial Project Plan

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More complex beetle image or an alternative picture

Option to play with other insects / objects


This is a high level specification to be used as a guide for the rest of the project. More features may be added however these

must be implemented / followed. The project must:

Be implemented in the JAVA programming language

Be for two or more people

Have a clear user interface

Have an exit function

Have a user guide for a high level manager

Possible additional features which can be implemented if the project is on time:

Multiple games with a point scoring system

Special dice with body parts on rather than numbers

Second dice with add, remove, steal etc to allow more competition between players

Give players mystery cards with forfeit / double or quit etc options

Project Calendar

ID Task name Duration Start date End date Description Predecessor

1 Initial Plan 7 days 25-Jan-10 31-Jan-10 Project plan and initial specifications

2 Design use case and activity diagrams 4 days 01-Feb-10 04-Feb-10 Model system functions and user interaction 1

3 Design interface 3 days 05-Feb-10 07-Feb-10 Design user interface 2

4 Code basic function 21 days 08-Feb-10 28-Feb-10 Code basic functions to basic specification 3

5 Code interface 4 days 01-Mar-10 04-Mar-10 Code user interface 4

6 Test basic function / interface 3 days 05-Mar-10 07-Mar-10 Test basic function and interface 5

7 Code advanced function 10 days 08-Mar-10 17-Mar-10 Code advanced function beyond basic specification 6

8 Test advanced function / whole project 7 days 18-Mar-10 24-Mar-10

Test advanced function and complete project ensuring there are no errors 7

9 User testing 3 days 25-Mar-10 27-Mar-10 Get various users to test and give feedback 8

10 Demonstrate application 1 day 12-Apr-10 12-Apr-10 Demonstration of application 9

11 Report - first draft 25 days 28-Mar-10 21-Apr-10 Create first draft of documentation 9

12 Report - revision 7 days 22-Apr-10 28-Apr-10 Revise documentation 11

13 Report - proof read 5 days 29-Apr-10 03-May-10 Proof read for errors 12

14 Project end - hand in 0 days 03-May-10 03-May-10 Deliver project 13,9

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Gantt Chart

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Appendix B - Project Diary

ID Task name Duration Estimated start date Estimated end date Actual start date Actual end date

1 Initial Plan 7 days 25-Jan-10 31-Jan-10 25-Jan-10 31-Jan-10

2 Design use case and activity diagrams 4 days 01-Feb-10 04-Feb-10 01-Feb-10 09-Feb-10

3 Design interface 3 days 05-Feb-10 07-Feb-10 09-Feb-10 16-Feb-10

4 Code basic function 21 days 08-Feb-10 28-Feb-10 16-Feb-10 25-Mar-10

5 Code interface 4 days 01-Mar-10 04-Mar-10 25-Mar-10 29-Mar-10

6 Test basic function / interface 3 days 05-Mar-10 07-Mar-10 29-Mar-10 1-Apr-10

7 Code advanced function 10 days 08-Mar-10 17-Mar-10 1-Apr-10 4-Apr-10

8 Test advanced function / whole project 7 days 18-Mar-10 24-Mar-10 4-Apr-10 15-Apr-10

9 User testing 3 days 25-Mar-10 27-Mar-10 n/a n/a

10 Demonstrate application 1 day 12-Apr-10 12-Apr-10 16-Apr-10 16-Apr-10

11 Report - first draft 25 days 28-Mar-10 21-Apr-10 16-Apr-10 26-Apr-10

12 Report - revision 7 days 22-Apr-10 28-Apr-10 26-Apr-10 01-May-10

13 Report - proof read 5 days 29-Apr-10 03-May-10 1-May-10 04-May-10

14 Project end - hand in 0 days 03-May-10 03-May-10 04-May-10 04-May-10

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User guide

Appendix C -User Guide

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This guide documents the use of Java Beetle, which is an implementation of the paper game Beetle in


The aim of the game is to complete your beetle before your opponent. Each player takes it in turn to roll

the dice, to try and roll a number of a part they have not yet placed.

System requirements:

Computer capable of running the Java™ Virtual Machine

Figure 1 – Splash screen

When the application is first loaded, the user will be shown the splash screen, as shown in figure 1. After

two seconds, the user will see the ‘Number of players’ screen, as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2 – ‘Number of players’ screen

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After the number of players has been selected, the players must enter their names, on the ‘Player names’

screen, as shown in figure 3. The default names are ‘Player’ and the player number, but it is recommended

that you put your name in to make it easier to keep track of the players.

Figure 3 – ‘Player names’ screen

After entering the names of the players, click ‘Accept Names’. You are ready to start playing.

Figure 4 – Main game screen

Figure 4 shows the main game screen. To begin playing, Player 1 must roll the dice. The dice rolled first

time by clicking the ‘Click to roll’ button.

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Depending on what number is rolled, the player may be able to place a beetle part. The parts are as


1. Body

2. Head

3. Leg

4. Antennae

5. Eye

6. Wings

The first part any player is allowed to place is the body. Once the body is placed, the player is allowed to

place the head. To place the legs, antennae or eyes, the player must place the head, and to place the

wings, the player must have every other beetle part. Placing the wings ends the round, and scores 10

points to the player who got the wings.

When the dice has been rolled, the ‘Beetle stage’ will show the progress of the last person to roll the dice,

so the turn does not change until the dice is rolled. Figure 5 shows the screen after the dice has been rolled

for the first time.

Figure 5 – After the dice has been rolled

The players will roll the dice until somebody rolls a 1, when they will be given the opportunity to place the

body. This is done by clicking button 1, with the picture of the body on it.

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Figure 6 – Player 1 is allowed to place the body

Figure 7 – After the body has been placed

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Figure 8 – Player 1 with a completed beetle

In figure 8, player 1 has completed their beetle, and can click the dice to start a new round. Their

score will be incremented, and their beetle reset.

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Appendix D - Sample Code Listings

Fig 1.1 Interface thread initialisation

Fig 1.2 Splash screen

Fig 2.1 Method called on dice roll.

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Fig 2.2 Code called to increment all players.

Fig 2.3 Updates interface and beetle.

Fig 3.1 Game logic excerpt

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Fig 4.1 Action handler class

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Appendix E – Images


body.gif antennae1.gif antennae2.gif head.gif

wings.gif leg1.gif leg2.gif leg3.gif

eye1.gif leg4.gif leg5.gif leg6.gif

eye2.gif leg7.gif leg8.gif

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dice.gif dice1.gif dice2.gif dice3.gif

dice4.gif dice5.gif dice6.gif

Game interface

1.gif 1select.gif 2.gif 2select.gif

3.gif 3select.gif 4.gif 4select.gif

bodyButton.gif headButton.gif legButton.gif antennaeButton.gif

eyeButton.gif wingButton.gif title.gif


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1.gif 2.gif 3.gif 4.gif

name1.gif name2.gif name3.gif name4.gif



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Fig 1 – Final beetle design without wings

Fig 2 – Final beetle design with wings

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Appendix F – Initial interface designs

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Appendix G – System design diagrams

Fig 1 – Use case diagram

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Appendix H – Sample test data

Test ID 1 Test description Check splash screen is displayed for 2 seconds Test procedure Expected outcome Test Outcome 1 Splash screen showed for 2

seconds Run application, observe time splash screen is shown

Splash screen was displayed for 2 seconds

Test ID 2 Test description Ensure splash screen shows the correct image Test procedure Expected outcome Test Outcome 1 Image shown is ‘welcome.gif’ Run application, observe

image that is displayed Correct image displayed

Test ID 3 Test description Ensure all images load on the player select screen Test procedure Expected outcome Test Outcome 1 All images show Run application, observe

that images are displayed Images are displayed

Test ID 4 Test description Check layout of buttons on player select screen Test procedure Expected outcome Test Outcome 1 Title is at the top, buttons are

in a row below Run application, observe layout

Layout is correct

Test ID 5 Test description Ensure button press initialises the correct number of players Test procedure Expected outcome Test Outcome 1 Command line will display

and output as many times as the number of players clicked

Add System.out.println debug output to Player class

Correct number of commands shown

2 Correct number of player name fields will be shown

Click through to next screen, view number of player name fields

Correct number shown

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Test ID 6 Test description Ensure all images load on the player names screen Test procedure Expected outcome Test Outcome 1 All images show Run application, observe

that images are displayed Images are displayed

Test ID 7 Test description Check layout of text fields on player names screen Test procedure Expected outcome Test Outcome 1 Fields are equally spaced,

one per player Run application, observe layout

Layout is correct

Test ID Test description Test procedure Expected outcome Test Outcome 1 2 3