japanese teenager

Japanese teenager

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Post on 21-May-2015




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Page 1: Japanese teenager

Japanese teenager

Page 2: Japanese teenager

•The legal age for adulthood in Japan is 20. It is the legal age for drinking, smoking, betting at horse tracks, voting, signing contracts and getting married without parental consent. The driving age in Japan is 18.•Senior(sempai) - junior(kohai) relations are very important. They manifest themselves between students of different grades in school.••Most Japanese teenagers receive a monthly allowance of $300(¥26000) or more. Boys tend to spend their money on video games, girls spend their on the latest fashions.

Page 3: Japanese teenager

•Japanese students lack self confidence and express high levels of dissatisfaction with themselves. •Girls outperform boys in school and study as hard or harder but are often taught that finding a husband is more important than choosing a career.

Page 4: Japanese teenager

•Japanese girls feel insecure if they don't do what other people are doing. What they are concerned about most is what they look like.•Japanese teenagers, particularly girls, often spend the night in the streets or at karaoke shops stay with men who ask for a date. Because they find it boring to stay at home.Compensated Dating (euphemism for teen prostitution)

Page 5: Japanese teenager

• Japanese teenagers said they spent only an average of one hour a week dating (compared to five hours a week for American teens).•They usually go out with their friends, do karaoke. Hang out in a nearby major city Kyoto. They don’t eat dinner at home, they just go out with friends instead. Teenagers for about four times a week.

Page 6: Japanese teenager

•Teenagers are the driving force of the Japanese telephone industry. They prefer sending SMS which many claim are more fun than talking face to face.•The number of people aged 20 years old this New Year's Day is estimated at 1.2 million compared to 2.4 million in 1970.