japan tsunami

Japanese Earthquake & Tsunami I know you will have questions… First I want to know what you know? What would YOU like to know Finally what you SHOULD know about what has happened over the past few days

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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Japan Tsunami

Japanese Earthquake & Tsunami

I know you will have questions…

First I want to know what you know?

What would YOU like to know

Finally what you SHOULD know about what has happened over

the past few days

Page 2: Japan Tsunami

Lets get some ideas on the board.

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BBC News Special

• BBC News Special

• As this plays make notes on some vital stats..• Eg: The Magnitude of the Earthquake, Towns

and Cities affected

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Before and after

• These new images show the devastation• New York Times Sliding images

• Can you imagine going into London for the day, coming back and Luton looking like this?

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So what caused the earthquake?

• Can any of you remember what it said in the video?

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Social Media Reporting the News

• Now you know I love twitter.. • The website helped get news out and about very


• Now as you completing the task I want you to use the twitter feed on the board to help you create a news item.

• In Pairs fill in the spaces with new tweets that you see appearing on the board

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Reporting the Tsunami

• The earthquake was huge but it has been the tsunami that has caused the devastation

• You will start today, and finish at home, a news report summing up what has happened so far.

• This should include some hard facts (magnitude, current death toll, location) but also talk about the human side of the disaster

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Plenary• Write your own tweet that explains in 140 characters

what you know and have learnt about the Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami

• Some of the best tweets will go up on the @icknieldgeog page

• HOMEWORK• Finish off these news reports for next lesson, there is

massive amounts of information on the internet and tv and papers… there is no excuse not to have nothing to write about

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Next lesson

• We will look at the impacts on the people of Japan…

• How the tsunami travelled across the Pacific Ocean

• And what has the world learnt that will help plan for future events like these