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  • 7/31/2019 January'12



    Message for the day 01-01-2012


    Happy and Prosperous New Year 2012

    Bidding bye to 2011, forget all waste thoughts and welcome 2012 with

    determined thoughts to have heartfelt love and cooperation for one and all.

    May this bring the consciousness of One God, One World and One Family.

    Wishing you the best of everything this year.


    Soul Sustenance 01-01-2012


    Simple Exercise For Experiencing Inner Peace And Compassion


    Sit comfortably and relax. Now focus your attention on your breathing. let it find

    its own calm rhythm. gently breathe in peacefulness and breathe out any

    negative feelings.

    Allow your mind to slow down. do not judge your thoughts as good or bad,

    accept them and let them go.

    Now focus on your inner peace.that place that is deep within yourself. that is

    peaceful. where your inner compassion (kindness) and forgiveness lies. here you

    are patient, tolerant, generous, understanding. all these qualities are here which

    make up your inner compassion. Experience the feeling of compassion. and see

    it focused as a point. a point of light.situated at the center of your forehead.

    Now raise your awareness beyond yourself. to a place of unlimited peace. see it

    first as a small point of light. As you move towards it, it becomes brighter. it is

    like an ocean of peace. a space of calm, of love, of compassion. you feel

    connected to that ocean of deep peace and love. it surrounds you like a shawl, it

    fills you up, absorbing every part of you with a comfortable warmth.

    Rest in that feeling of being loved. it is like energy. a vibration. a light filling you.

    until you overflow.

    Now, slowly you move away from the ocean . as a point of light. You still have

    the memory of being loved. and can reconnect at any time you want. Gradually

    become aware of your body.

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    Message for the day 02-01-2012


    True love brings constant benefit.

    Expression: When there is true love, there is an expression of inner growth - not just for oneself

    but benefit for others too. When there is true love, there is the ability to express one's own

    qualities without being negatively influenced by others' negative character traits. To love is to

    know that what is being given is true.

    Experience: When I have true love for those around me, I am able to win the hearts of others.

    Since the expression of my love is consistent, others are able to return that love and give me good

    wishes. I find myself as a source of support for others and they are able to use me as a support for

    their growth.


    Soul Sustenance 02-01-2012


    The Evolution Of Anger

    We become a little irritated when we are stuck in a traffic jam and we getting late to reach

    somewhere on time, or we are not going to complete a particular task, as per our expectations or

    if someone whom we very well know decides to ignore us today, for some reason or the other. If

    this seed of irritation is watered, or in other words it is given the concentrated energy of our

    attention i.e. we continue with the irritation for some time, it slowly grows or evolves into

    frustration. Unless we take some constructive inner action to stop the growth of the frustration and

    we keep energizing it, it will grow or evolve into anger. And if this happens regularly and we are

    not careful, it will become a habit, a part of our personality, which we will finally come to believe isa natural part ofyour nature. We will even think we were born with it. That it is in our genes.

    Every time we become angry we cause the production of certain chemicals in our body and we also

    become addicted to those chemicals then we look for people and situations which will give us an

    excuse to get angry so that we can have our daily dose of chemicals. We not only become

    attached to material objects, people, ways of thinking, beliefs etc. - we also become attached to

    our emotions like the emotion of anger. The regular secretion of these chemicals will finally kill our

    body. We dont need to kill our body. We need to accept that anger is never ever productive, know

    that it is just not necessary to be angry with anyone or about anything, know that it is entirely our

    own creation and know that we can choose a different response. If we know and accept that, we

    will experience freedom from it.

    ----------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 03-01-2012


    To have trust in the power of peace is to be free from conflict.

    Expression: The one who has faith in the power of peace never reacts to

    situations. Instead he watches each situation with inner silence knowing and

    understanding that the situation will surely change. Such a person is able to

    search for a solution and a reason in every challenging and conflict-arousing

    situation. So there is the ability to be the best.

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    Experience: When I understand that there surely is a solution for every

    problem, and the solution doesn't lie in loosing my inner peace, I am able to be

    in touch with my inner peace in all challenging situations. I will be free from

    creating conflicts in my mind and in my life too. So I'll continue to experience

    the best from everything.


    Soul Sustenance 03-01-2012


    Being A Good Transformation (Change) Agent

    Often, we feel ourselves to be victims of different factors that seem to direct

    the course of our life without us being able to control them. The world does not

    seem to dance to our music and our will, and we feel ourselves to be victimsbecause things do not work out or are not as we want. Therefore, we give up

    and decide to resign ourselves to this reality; to be victims of it and observe

    passively (non-actively), resisting what comes, getting frustrated and bad-

    tempered. However, we could position ourselves in another way:

    being transformation (change) agents (the ones who are able to change the

    external factors like people or situations) by creating a different reality. To do so

    we have to change our perception. Also, it is necessary to strengthen our

    capacity totolerate, accept, let go and forget. Tolerance here also refers

    to understanding, love and compassion(kindness). Not to put up with people

    or things, but to remain above them, to go beyond them; to co-operate withtrust and motivation. It is difficult for us to tolerate because we have

    expectations and pre-conceived ideas of how others should act and be. Then we

    create negative feelings towards them because they are not like that or dont act

    in the manner that we want. This makes our relationship with them difficult.

    When your vision towards others is positive, you see their qualities, their efforts

    and their values instead of their defects and their errors. You are open to

    listening to them and to understanding their intentions. That way it is easier to

    have good feelings towards them. Basing ourselves on a positive and

    objective vision and on good feelings, we do not have to put up with, or

    even tolerate the other - the relationship becomes streamlined.


    Message for the day 04-01-2012


    The one who has constant positive thoughts is the one who experiences


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    Expression: Success means to reach to such a constant level of positive

    thoughts that right actions happen naturally. There is such concern for actions

    today that success is ensured for the future. There is an expression of inner

    specialities and virtues at every step and with every action.

    Experience: When I am able to maintain a constant stage of positivity, I am

    able to experience constant success. Whatever the situations may be they don't

    influence me negatively. On the contrary I begin to see each new situation as a

    beautiful learning that enriches me and makes me move forward.


    Soul Sustenance 04-01-2012


    Being A Good Transformation (Change) Agent (cont.)

    If you go inside yourself and observe, with sincerity, your feelings towards

    someone that you consider 'unbearable' or intolerable, you will see that your

    perception (way of looking at them), your expectations and your bad feelings

    make you feel that the other is 'unbearable' or intolerable. You have allowed

    the other to influence you in the creation of your bad feelings. You have lost

    compassion (kindness) and the capacity to accept and understand the other.

    Being a good transformation (change) agent requires having full control

    over your inner world. If you are the victim of your rapidly moving mind,your bad feelings, your aggressive emotional states and of your not-

    very-healthy habits, you will easily feel yourself to be the victim of

    others, of circumstances, of time and of society.

    In relationships, the key is in living with your consciousness awake and not to do

    anything that your conscience does not agree with. In doing so, you don't have

    to fear the opinion of others. You don't have to feel insecure or doubt yourself. If

    not, we will continue to act against our own consciousness and we will feel

    ourselves to be victims. To avoid pain or the unhappiness that arises

    automatically when we act against our own consciousness, we look for guilt

    excuses: "Because of... I haven't acted as I should." We blame or we make

    excuses. That way we suppress the voice of our consciousness until the suffering

    and unhappiness is such that our conscience scolds us, which increases our

    unhappiness even more. A good transformation agent will always obey the voice

    of the inner conscience. By remaining in tune with our conscience and creating

    right thoughts, words and actions, it becomes easier for us to move from

    victim consciousness to transformer consciousness (one who brings about


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    Message for the day 05-01-2012


    To be a master means to be powerful.

    Expression: The one who is a master, is never influenced negatively by

    situations or people. He never reacts to situations or people. He is able to

    recognize and understand the need and fill in with what is missing. So there is

    the ability to respond positively and effectively.

    Experience: When I have the consciousness of being a master, I am powerfully

    in control of situations and people. I am thus able to be beyond the influence of

    superficial and negative situations. I thus experience the true beauty and

    richness of each and every moment.


    Soul Sustenance 05-01-2012


    Creating A Meditation Space Of Your Own

    The first step in your journey towards experiencing your true state of inner

    peace is finding a place or space in your home where you will practice your

    meditation regularly, even if it's just an armchair. Always use this chair, thisspace when you can. In this space, place two or three objects, which represent

    peace to you. Soft music, soft red light and lighting an incense stick ('agarbatti')

    can make the atmosphere soothing and relaxing. The walls could be decorated

    with white curtains to create a peaceful and purifying effect. After using this

    space for your practice of meditation for a few days, you will experience that the

    atmosphere of this space has elevated itself to a higher positive level and this

    will help your practice further.


    Message for the day 06-01-2012


    To have an attitude of power is to be free from physical pain.

    Expression: When there is a problem in the body, there is naturally pain

    experienced. The one who is caught up with the pain is not able to take the mind

    beyond it. Such a person usually continues to describe the pain and tends to

    focus on it more and more. So there is inability to use the power of the mind torelieve oneself from the pain.

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    Experience: When there is the ability to make the mind strong even when there

    is a problem in the body, I am able to have the courage to win over the pain. I

    don't get caught up with the pain. On the other hand, the relaxed attitude of my

    mind generates power, which can even cure the body.


    Soul Sustenance 06-01-2012


    Rising Above Limits

    From the moment the soul has occupied the physical body, it has been living a

    life completely surrounded and absolutely controlled by limits. The domination of

    these limits has been increasing as it has taken body after body. Not justphysical limits such as of gender or power, money or material possessions, but

    of time the time I spend with my children, the time it takes me to finish a

    particular task, the time my friendship lasts, the time it takes me to drive to the

    office, etc.

    The beauty of meditation is that it detaches me from the consciousness

    of the body and as a result I rise above these physical limits and limits

    of time. I experience the pure and very

    importantly, free andindependent consciousness of the soul. I step out of the

    boundaries of both space and time. I begin to feel my own eternity, in which Isimply am, without a beginning or an end. I existed before the formation of the

    body and I shall exist after it has returned to dust. This awareness of my

    eternal (with no beginning or end) identity is powerful, because it

    removes the fear of death. With that goes away a lot of the ego-driven,

    pressure filled behavior, the desperate need to make a mark through my

    profession or material objects which I own or in my relationships. This is the

    behavior in which I indulge when there isn't the realization of my eternal


    I, the soul, become aware of a continuity to my existence. Very importantly, I

    am also able to have the feeling of a place that is my eternal home, a

    place of rest, of peace, of complete stillness and silence. It is my place

    from where I began my journey. I exist in that home, and I come from that

    home to play my role on Earth, and I return there when my role is completed.

    This realization makes me internally full, fearless and content.


    Soul Sustenance 08-01-2012


    Spiritual Vision

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    A simple definition of .spiritual vision. is that I see the best in others. A parameter of proving to

    myself that I have a spiritual vision and I am seeing the best in others is that I naturally thank and

    praise rather than criticize those with whom I interact at home or at the workplace on a daily basis

    . even though I may see obvious negative characteristics in them and experience negative

    behavior from them. Keep a daily chart of the three points, for three people close to you, below for

    one week. Every night, fill this chart up for the day that.s just gone by.

    1. Name of person and relationship

    2. How did I thank or praise him/her?

    3. What was this person's response?

    Remember that although you may be constantly positive with others, constantly seeing their

    original spiritual qualities, it may take time for your positive energy to transform them and for

    them to start transmitting positive energy back to you and start behaving positively with you. At

    the end of the week, check what benefits did you and others experience from this exercise.


    Message for the day 08-01-2012


    To spend time in silence is to be a ruler of the self.

    Expression: The usual response to negative stimuli in the environment is to react negatively. The

    impact of such stimuli on the sense organs is negative, which brings out negative behaviour too.

    The one who is able to spend a few moments in silence before responding to situations is to be a

    master who is free from negativity.

    Experience: When I am a master I am able to remain stable in all situations. I have the practice

    of calming my mind and looking at the situation in the right perspective. My mind grows strong inits commitment to peace and truth in action. I don't allow the sense organs work according to the

    previous conditioning. Instead I consciously monitor, giving them right direction.


    Soul Sustenance 09-01-2012


    The Creations Of The Mind

    Scientists have learned a lot about our physical functioning, but most admit that

    what actually keeps a human being alive is a mystery not completely solved.

    Rising above being just a product of chemical and electrical activity in the brain,

    as believed by many of us, spirituality orients me and trains me to come close to

    my real self, my spiritual self. Before I was a stranger to my own self, unaware

    of what is going inside my consciousness and distant from my own self. The

    first step in coming close to myself is that I learn to use the energy of

    my mind in the most effective way possible. For this, I decide to find a

    place where, each day, I can sit for a few minutes without interruptions, in order

    to focus on the self and explore the inner world of the creations of the mind -my thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions.

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    There has been a lot of conflicting views in the world about what the mind is and

    how it works. In the teachings of meditation by the Brahma Kumaris, the

    mind, which gives rise to my thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions,

    is seen as a faculty of the soul, not the body. It is rather like the difference

    between a television set and the movies seen on that set. The movies originate

    in the minds of the directors, not in the television set itself. The television set is

    just a medium for displaying the movies. So it is with all these four creations

    (thoughts, feelings, attitudes and emotions). These originate in the non-physical

    consciousness and not in the physical brain. The brain is just a processor of

    them and the body is a medium via which all four are displayed or brought onto

    expressions, physical gestures, words and actions. When I realize this, and really

    understand this difference, it very empowering. I am then able to use the

    power of discrimination to make choices between thoughts, feelings,

    attitudes and emotions that are useful and empowering for myself andothers, and those that bring me down.


    Message for the day 09-01-2012


    To be connected to the inner nature is to be a master.

    Expression: When there is the connection outside without looking within, there

    is inability to be the best and do the best in situations. Instead if there is aconstant connection within, before the connection is made outside, then it

    becomes easy to express the inner qualities necessary to deal with the problems


    Experience: When I allow my mind to get disturbed over small things, it will

    cost me my peace of mind. I am not able to retain my inner power, which is

    needed to experience freedom. On the other hand, if I am able to retain my

    inner peace, I can be connected with my innate divine nature. I am able to

    experience true mastery.


    Soul Sustenance 10-01-2012


    Meditation And Health

    The soul has seven original positive qualities - peace, joy, love, bliss, wisdom, purity and power. In

    meditation, we create an awareness of ourselves as a soul, which leads to an experience of these

    qualities. The non-physical soul is closely connected with each cell of the physical body. These

    qualities of the soul flow as spiritual energy to each cell and nourish them. The mind acts as a

    sieve (mesh) between this spiritual energy and the body. When the mind creates negative

    thoughts, the sieve of the mind gets blocked thereby blocking the flow of this spiritual energy to

    the cells, which leads to disease in a particular organ. Also, as a result of a negative mind set, the

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    immune system gets damaged which attracts toxins, viruses, bacteria, etc. towards cells of the

    diseased organ, which contributes to the development and worsening of the disease further.

    Positive thoughts have the reverse effect i.e. an increase in the flow of spiritual energy to the cells

    of the body and strengthening of the immune system, both of which have a beneficial effect on the



    Message for the day 10-01-2012


    To have the power to discriminate means to have the power to imbibe

    Expression: The one who knows and differentiates right from wrong is the one who is able to

    imbibe the right. In every situation, there is effort put in to correct the situation and learn

    something new. In fact, there is no influence of negativity.

    Experience: When I am able to use the power of my discrimination in the right way, I am able to

    take the best of what life gives. Since I imbibe only the best, I continue to experience progress at

    each step. I get enriched with the different experiences that life brings.


    Soul Sustenance 11-01-2012


    Applying The Law Of Balance To Anger

    We are all very much aware of the law of gravity. It keeps us grounded on the earth. Gravity

    ensures everything returns to a state of balance. This is the law of balance on a physical level.

    The law of balance can also be applied on a mental and emotional level, to the emotion of anger

    e.g. Too many angry thoughts of revenge and animosity (hatred) inside our

    consciousness can emerge in two ways:

    a) either externally as toxic, violent behavior, which will attract toxic, violent responses from

    others, or

    b) if these thoughts are kept bottled inside, they will eventually, after a period of time, emerge as

    some disease or the other in the physical body. This is because our consciousness then tries to

    find a way to get rid of the mental impurity, which enters our physical body and restores balance

    to the mental and physical system, which has been upset due to the creation of the toxic thoughts,

    in the first place.

    The above e.g. is an application of this law on a micro level. We can apply this law of balance on amacro level, on the world at large, where we watch groups of people, even countries exchanging

    negative energy. We shall explain that in tomorrows message.

    (To be continued tomorrow)


    Message for the day 11-01-2012


    The one who has constant positive thoughts is the one who experiences success.

    Expression: Success means to reach to such a constant level of positive thoughts that rightactions happen naturally. There is such concern for actions today that success is ensured for the

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    future. There is an expression of inner specialities and virtues at every step and with every action.

    Experience: When I am able to maintain a constant stage of positivity, I am able to experience

    constant success. Whatever the situations may be they don't influence me negatively. On the

    contrary I begin to see each new situation as a beautiful learning that enriches me and makes me

    move forward.


    Soul Sustenance 12-01-2012


    Applying The Law Of Balance To Anger (cont.)

    Yesterday we had explained how the law of balance can be applied to anger on a smaller level. The

    same law can also be applied on a larger level. Each time a group of people transmit the

    negative energy of anger physically to another group of people - at that time, either:

    a) one party is disturbing the balance temporarily, which will be restored sometime in the future,

    by the second party indulging in similar behavior, or

    b) balance is being restored at the present moment (because negative energy had been

    transmitted from the opposite party to the first party sometime in the past). This balancing must

    take place, because it's an unbreakable law. This is the law of balance.

    This law that does not need to be enforced by us, the police or even by God. It is a natural

    law like other laws of nature. It gets enforced itself and cannot be broken by

    anyone. Understanding that this law is embedded in the human state of affairs at all times makes

    us careful and detached so that we dont hurt ourselves with violent, toxic thoughts, when

    someone acts negatively. We create these kinds of thoughts because we believe this is revenge

    that is justified. Also, knowing that anger that is radiated comes back doesn't mean we dont have

    any laws within society they are required, but it helps us not to take the law into our own hands.

    We cannot force justice to take place before its fixed time. We cannot force the balancing of

    energies of anger. If we trying doing it, it is being egoistic and we only upset the balance of our

    energies as a result. Even to criticize those who try to take the law into their own hands is to take

    the law into our hands.


    Message for the day 12-01-2012


    To be a master means to be powerful.

    Expression: The one who is a master, is never influenced negatively by situations or people. Henever reacts to situations or people. He is able to recognize and understand the need and fill in

    with what is missing. So there is the ability to respond positively and effectively.

    Experience: When I have the consciousness of being a master, I am powerfully in control of

    situations and people. I am thus able to be beyond the influence of superficial and negative

    situations. I thus experience the true beauty and richness of each and every moment.


    Soul Sustenance 13-01-2012


    Stress Management

    Often when faced with stress at work or at home, we can feel quite drained (mentally tired).

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    Indeed, we may have noticed how certain individuals or particular situations are draining. We feel

    as if all our energy has been drawn out of us and it leaves us tired and exhausted. Although this

    sort of energy cannot be measured in the scientific sense, we can use the power of imagery to

    stop us feeling drained.

    E.g. we can visualize that we are surrounded by a sphere of golden light, so any negative feelings

    or energies cannot affect us. In a detached way, we can view what is happening and can act

    suitably, but we are not touched by the stress. This method of using your power of visualization to

    create protective shields around us can be used in stressful situations e.g. before or during an

    important exam or an important meeting, interview or any other specific situation.


    Message for the day 13-01-2012


    To have an attitude of power is to be free from physical pain.

    Expression: When there is a problem in the body, there is naturally pain experienced. The one

    who is caught up with the pain is not able to take the mind beyond it. Such a person usually

    continues to describe the pain and tends to focus on it more and more. So there is inability to use

    the power of the mind to relieve oneself from the pain.

    Experience: When there is the ability to make the mind strong even when there is a problem in

    the body, I am able to have the courage to win over the pain. I don't get caught up with the pain.

    On the other hand, the relaxed attitude of my mind generates power, which can even cure the



    Soul Sustenance 14-01-2012


    Meditation On Experiencing Deep Peace

    Consider your mind as a stage, and each thought, feeling, emotion as a scene in the film of your

    life... Relax... Don't try to control anything... Observe how your thoughts pass through your

    mind... Don't identify with any of them... Only observe... Look where they take you... Observe

    what happens inside you... Do not judge... The thoughts flow through your mind as if they were

    clouds that are crossing the sky until everything is clear and open... The mind is becoming calm,

    making itself peaceful... like the surface of the sea when it is serene...

    Now, be conscious of the sounds that are produced around you... Stay here and now as an

    observer who sees and feels everything from a point of light, a point of calm and peace, behindthese eyes... Feel the calm... the tranquility... that comes from within you... Look around you...

    Observe without interpreting or judging... Feel the silence that is created through the power of

    concentration. Consciously, create a positive, peaceful, elevated thought that you repeat slowly in

    your mind, leaving a space of silence between one thought and another, while you keep the focus

    on that point...

    I am a being of peace... I am at peace... I feel the peace... I am light... I am a being of light... My

    nature is of light... peace and silence... I am feeling the silence between one thought and the

    next... I listen to the peace... a silent peace... calmed... full... This peace and silence attracts the

    ocean of peace... I feel the attraction towards my home of silence and peace... a world full of soft

    golden light, beyond the sun, moon and stars In this peace and silence, I strengthen myself...

    my mind rests in that calm and quietness...

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    I experience a light, the Supreme Light, the Supreme Soul who fills me... he recharges me...

    renews me... heals me... frees me... I am free... completely free... now I am at peace... I leave

    my mind in silence, as if I were floating on a sea of peace for a few minutes...


    Message for the day 14-01-2012


    Real honesty is to be free from excuses.

    Expression: The one who is truly honest never gives excuses - to himself or to others. He is free

    from words that blame others or give excuses. Honesty also enables one to bring into action only

    such things that will bring about progress for the self and will influence others positively.

    Experience: When I am free from giving excuses, I am able to learn from situations and

    experience constant progress. This is real honesty, which brings me deep inner contentment and

    joy. It also brings me blessings and good wishes from others on the basis of their trust.


    Soul Sustenance 15-01-2012


    Overcoming Frustration In Relationships

    There are two things in life that we can never change:

    the past and

    other people

    This often brings us one frustration after the other, especially when we do not get the results that

    we want. Frustration is also a sign of failure, and every time that you fail in getting what

    you want from the other, your self-esteem and self-confidence are reduced.

    Frustration is a form of anger. You allow the negative emotion to control you, and therefore

    you lose control. Most times situations will not be as you want them to be and neither will people

    behave as you want them to. Therefore, you can decide now if you want to continue allowing the

    other to dictate your reactions according to how they behave, which results in the loss of your

    rule, control and personal power, or you can decide that no matter how the other behaves, you

    rule over your responses; you decide what you want to think and feel.

    When another tries to control you and then gets frustrated because you don't do what he or she

    wants or you aren't who he or she expects you to be, they get in a bad mood with you; they lookat you with anger and what do you do? You then place an invisible barrier between you and him or

    her. In such a way that they cannot 'enter' into your world and you do not leave yours either, they

    lose their influence over you. In the same way, when you try to control people you lose your

    influence over them and distance is generated.


    Message for the day 15-01-2012


    To spend time in silence is to be a ruler of the self.

    Expression: The usual response to negative stimuli in the environment is to react negatively. Theimpact of such stimuli on the sense organs is negative, which brings out negative behaviour too.

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    The one who is able to spend a few moments in silence before responding to situations is to be a

    master who is free from negativity.

    Experience: When I am a master I am able to remain stable in all situations. I have the practice

    of calming my mind and looking at the situation in the right perspective. My mind grows strong in

    its commitment to peace and truth in action. I don't allow the sense organs work according to the

    previous conditioning. Instead I consciously monitor, giving them right direction.


    Soul Sustenance 16-01-2012


    Natural Qualities and Acquired Qualities

    When we look at ourselves from outside we can only see the surface of what we

    have become. We can't see or perhaps cannot even imagine the inner core

    (center), which, like in the example of the coconut, is the only part that really

    can nourish us and give us energy. The shell (in the case of the coconut) serves

    as a protection but we certainly can't eat it.

    In our case, the core (center) consists of natural or inner qualities such as

    peace, love, power, truth, happiness and so on. The shell is the ego which

    consists of features or personality characteristics we have acquired through the

    journey of our lives such as experiences, abilities, memories, learning, habits

    and beliefs in short, all that we are referring to when we say: 'I am so-and-so,

    from such-and-such family or organization or city'.

    While we are limited to these acquired characteristics, our true qualities remain

    inaccessible. Through deep reflection and meditation we can break the shell and

    activate our inner qualities from which our values or principles are born.


    Message for the day 16-01-2012


    Faith in others gives them power to do their best.

    Expression: When there is faith in others, one is able to provide an

    environment for others' growth. All resources are used to give support for

    others. There is no interference in others' work and no feeling to take over

    others' responsibility. Instead it helps to provide them with the power to deal

    with their own problems.

    Experience: When I have faith, I am able to see what is lacking in others and

    fill in with it. I don't complain but am able to see positivity instead. I provide

    with what is necessary and I have patience too. I am free from expectations for

    them to bring about a change immediately.

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    Soul Sustenance 18-01-2012


    The Method Of Realizing Your Purpose (cont.)

    A question that can help you to find the purpose for your self is: when you feel

    absolutely on top of the world, very much content and full of

    enthusiasm, what is there in you? Who are you at that moment? What is the

    energy inside you at that time? What do you give to your surroundings and to

    others? This stage is something that you want to reach all the time and keep

    with you. Ask yourself that question. Visualize that moment, which at some time

    in life you must have experienced. If not, visualize what you would like to


    Second question to find your purpose related to the world: What is it that you

    want to radiate to others? What is it that you want to give? That is,

    what do you want to devote yourself to? This isn't limited to your job or a

    hobby or a sport for e.g., but rather applies to what you offer and radiate in the

    whole day, in relationships, with people through your thoughts, words and

    actions - in the family, at work, in the market, friends, acquaintances and even


    To carry out this inner inquiry (in both the cases above) you need to go to its

    deepest part. What is your purpose? Not your purpose for this weekend youwant to go for the club meeting or not, or that in the holidays you want to visit a

    hill station; all these are short term purposes. Your life purpose refers to what it

    is that you really want to reach. If you clarify it, it will help you to make

    decisions with clarity and determination in your life.


    Message for the day 18-01-2012


    Thoughts are the seeds that create destiny.

    Expression: Thoughts lead one to destiny. If there is the same thought as

    before, there is no newness and there cannot be anything new attained. If things

    have to change, effort needs to be put in at the level of the thought first. Such

    thoughts will naturally inspire and motivate to make the best use of the available


    Experience: When I begin to create new thoughts in challenging times , Iam

    able to be happy and peaceful . I don't have questions related to the situations

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    but I am able to find the solutions in my mind .This inner peace naturally creates

    a peaceful environment around me.


    Soul Sustenance 19-01-2012


    Letting Go Of The Past

    The influence of the past on our personality, hopes and fears is deep, and difficult to trace. The

    past is by definition a collection of memories. It is also the journey on which we have picked up

    the skills required in our day to day activities, because of which we tend to believe that

    remembering the past will help, sustain (strengthen) and protect us. There are certainly great

    benefits in learning from our past mistakes, but too much attachment to the past can damage

    present satisfaction.

    Many of us are very worried about avoiding past disaster, even to the extent that we forget how to

    enjoy the present or how to hope positively for the future. E.g. if we have been badly hurt bysomeone in the past, we may allow this to damage our self-esteem. We become worried that the

    unhappiness will occur again, because of which we see our current relationship with some other

    person with a negative frame of mind. As a result of that the negativity is reflected back at us. The

    relationship fails, which strengthens our belief in the past, and increases negative feelings about

    the future.


    Message for the day 19-01-2012


    Inner power reveals truth through few words.

    Expression: When there is an experience of the truth that one is speaking about, there is

    economy in words. The authority of the experience is so powerful that it has a very positive impact

    on the other person. There need not be many words used but a few words would convey very

    powerfully and bring about the desired change too.

    Experience: When I have experienced the truth of what I say, I am an embodiment of what I am

    speaking. So my words are not just words but are more an inspiration for those around me. I bring

    about a change in people automatically because I become a role model. I don't have to use a lot of

    energy in correcting things that go wrong. Instead I am able to inspire change easily.


    Soul Sustenance 20-01-2012


    The Car-Driver Comparison To Aid Self Realization

    One of the comparisons which help in self realization i.e. in strengthening the awareness that I,

    the soul, a non-physical energy am different from this physical body is that of the driver and the

    car, where the driver represents the spiritual energy and the car represents the body which is

    controlled by the spiritual energy. The biggest reason why I do not have the desired control

    over my physical body, my vehicle, my sense organs today is that I lost the

    consciousness of being a driver which could control and rule the vehicle. Instead Ideveloped the consciousness that I am this vehicle, this physical body. This consciousness

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    disconnected me from the ability and the power I possessed inside me to control the vehicle. If I

    want to achieve the desired control, I need to be in a driver consciousness i.e. in the awareness

    that I am a soul and my body is a vehicle, through which I experience life. Being in this

    awareness, in this consciousness awakens me and empowers me to regain the much required

    control over my body.

    The car controls are the gears, brakes, accelerator and steering wheel which can be compared to

    the sense organs of the soul which are the mind, intellect and sanskars and those of the body

    which are the eyes, ears, nose, hands and tongue. A good driver is one who remains extremely

    alert and is able to use the gears, brakes, accelerator and steering wheel effectively and

    efficiently, in order to be fully in control of the vehicle and avoid any accidents. In the same

    way, as I move on the road of life, I need to keep my mental and physical sense organs

    (mentioned above) in complete control. If I do that, they will keep my journey enjoyable

    and take me to my desired destination of mental peace and happiness safely and

    successfully.If I dont do that and let them overpower me, accidents will definitely occur, making

    me peaceless and sorrowful.

    (To be continued tomorrow )


    Message for the day 20-01-2012


    To be pure is to become an instrument to spread positivity.

    Expression: The one who is pure and clean inside is the one who reflects his purity through his

    words and actions. Such a person's thoughts are powerful having a positive impact on the

    thoughts of others too. There is such clarity inside that others are able to take inspiration from him

    to do what is right.

    Experience: When I am honest with myself, I become more and more pure and clear inside. Thispurity reveals the power of truth and I get all the more powerful. I don't allow anything negative

    to influence me and take away my inner purity. This purity becomes a source of powerful

    inspiration for everyone around.


    Soul Sustenance 21-01-2012


    The Car-Driver Comparison To Aid Self Realization (cont.)

    If a good driver, while driving a car is distracted by the negative and disturbingscenes which he comes across and his attention is pulled in many different

    directions, he will make his journey unsafe increasing the probability of meeting

    with accidents. When the same principles are applied to the soul and the body, I

    also need to take care that, while traveling on the road of life, I am not

    distracted by scenes that are not useful to me e.g. when looking out

    through my eyes and I dont have to take in all the images, scenes and

    information along the way, otherwise I may meet with an accident. When

    listening through my ears, I dont have to take in all the words and everything

    that people say, otherwise I may meet with an accident. I can choose to take in

    what is useful for me, but I do not have to register distracting, negative and

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    harmful images and words. Just like a driver, I see and understand

    situations, too I keep my eyes and ears open - it would be unsafe to

    ignore them completely, I need to be aware of them - but I look only for

    the positive in them, so that I remain focused and am not deflected from

    my goal of experiencing inner contentment and bliss, while making the


    I, as the driver in charge of this vehicle, the body, also need to take care that I

    do not drive rashly i.e. I learn to monitor the feelings and attitude that are

    transmitted outwards through my eyes, my words and my complete

    body language. Driving rashly i.e. transmitting negative energy in this way

    could harm any co-traveler on the road of life. When these feelings stay positive,

    filled with sweetness, purity and respect, that too helps to ensure that my

    journey passes smoothly and enjoyably. When I stay alert and aware in a driver

    conscious and drive carefully as explained in this and yesterdays message, myactions bring me closer to my spiritual truth and I am able to share my positivity

    with others around me. When I lose awareness for even a moment, there's

    danger either from me to others or vice versa.


    Message for the day 21-01-2012


    The power of peace finishes the force of anger.

    Expression: The one way to finish the force of anger is to fill with the power of

    peace. The one who remains peaceful in times of chaos is the one who acts like

    a fire extinguisher. So such a person does not get angry because the other

    person is angry, but speaks such words that finish his anger.

    Experience: When I maintain my own inner state of peace and calm, even

    when someone is angry, I am able to be powerful. The power within me

    becomes a big asset during such times. My light (power) of positivity helps to

    finish the darkness of negativity. All I need to do at that time is to take a firm

    thought not to let go of my inner peace.


    Soul Sustenance 22-01-2012


    Remaining Relaxed During An Interview / Meeting

    A state of relaxed alertness will yield best results in an interview or an important

    meeting. To relax, you need to remove all sense of confrontation, instead see

    the meeting as a friendly fact finding exchange and an opportunity to talk quietly

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    of your achievements.

    1. Think of your interviewer as someone with whom, very soon, you might find

    that you have a great deal in common perhaps not a friend, but someone you

    enjoy talking to.

    2. If the questions become difficult, visualize the Supreme Being in the form of a

    person in the room perhaps standing behind the interviewer. Imagine him as a

    friend urging you on, praising your handling of the situation, persuading you to


    3. If the interviewer seems unfriendly, say to yourself: it is because he or she

    has difficulty with the situation. Respond calmly and pleasantly.

    ----------------------------------------------------------Message for the day 22-01-2012


    To have the awareness of being a master is to use inner powers


    Expression: The one who is a master of the self is able to keep everything

    under control. He is able to understand the situation and act accordingly. He

    never reacts to situations, so he doesn't allow situations to influence him. On the

    other hand, he becomes a source of influence on everything around .

    Experience: When I have the consciousness of being a master, I am free from

    inner conflict and struggle. I am not under anyone or anything's control but am

    able to give an order in a second. I find that my mind, my sense organs

    everything is ready to obey these orders. My life thus moves in the right


    ----------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 23-01-2012


    Attaining Success Using The Tool Of Visualization

    A study shows that the majority of sportsmen and women, who win at prominent

    international events, are trained to use the tool of visualization to achieve

    success. Many months before the actual event, they visualize i.e. they create

    pictures of success inside their minds that they have already achieved their goal.

    The same principle of visualization is also used to cure patients from majorillnesses including cancer. Patients are taught to visualize their diseased organs

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    free from illnesses or visualize the organs receiving healing energy in some form

    or the other.

    Visualization helps people to have 100% belief in themselves that they

    will achieve the desired goal. The efforts made with this powerful

    energy of belief have a greater probability of success than when you

    make the efforts without believing in what you are doing and without

    visualizing yourself as achieving your objectives.

    If you think about your failures from the past, you stop believing in yourself,

    lose your enthusiasm and get frustrated. Visualizing images of a positive future

    helps you work from the present towards the future, without allowing the past

    failures to have any negative influence on you. You visualize yourself as a

    person, who has already overcome his fears and negative habits, and

    the fears are removed and the negative habits are transformed. You seeyourselfalready transformed e.g. you say "I am a soul full of all powers"

    and not "I am going to or am trying to fill myself with all powers ". The power

    of that vision and the positive affirmations, combined together, is such that it

    helps you to bring about a major change in yourself, not just a small change,

    because you make it easy for your sub-conscious mind that is sleeping to wake

    up and realize its potential. You stop always expecting the worst and hope for,

    visualize and believe in the best.


    Message for the day 23-01-2012----------------------------------------------------------

    Each act becomes service when there is an expression of one's own


    Expression: Each one has his own unique role to play with his own unique set

    of specialities. Every situation is actually a chance to express one's own

    specialities or virtues. The one who is busy doing this, is able to be a constantly

    serviceable one. He needs no special conditions for service, but is able to do

    service each second.

    Experience: When I am aware of the service that I can do and the contribution

    that I can make, I am able to enjoy both the positive and negative situations

    that come my way. I don't wait for situations to change but am able to make the

    best out of the present situation for others and myself too.


    Soul Sustenance 24-01-2012----------------------------------------------------------

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    The Game of Life (Meditation)

    I relax my body I breathe deeply and let go of all tensions I centre myselfon

    this present moment On the screen of my mind, I visualize myself without

    fears I let go of all labels, all roles that I play Now I am I am a shining

    being of light I am free I am peace

    I am totally free, beyond all limitations I enter into another dimension, a home

    full of soft golden red light, a home without any boundaries, my original,

    unlimited home, the home from where I have come I stop thinking so much; I

    simply experience my spiritual presence

    I am who I want to be I am me I do not need to justify myself I do not

    need to give explanations I connect to my inner beauty I radiate the energyof the beauty that there is in me

    I let go of the branches I fly I fly high Beyond the body, above this place,

    the people that surround me, beyond the houses and the streets, beyond the

    clouds, I fly towards the dimension of light where no physical limitation ties me


    I feel the unlimited peace that caresses my being I let myself be taken by the

    sensation of freedom that the flight gives me I see the planet Earth from

    above I recognize that everything there below is a game I relax: everythingis a game I am a player in the game of life I simply have to learn to play the

    game being who I am

    Now, it is time to return I am here, present My breathing calmed I, the soul

    am relieved Now I know that, whenever I want, I can fly Being an observer of

    the game, and live it with joy and peacefulness.


    Message for the day 24-01-2012


    The one who has self-respect is the one who respects others too.

    Expression: To have self-respect is to be able to recognize and express one's

    own specialities. The one who does this also uses every situation as an

    opportunity to use others' specialities too. Such a person is not caught up with

    the negative aspects in others, but is able to encourage and inspire them to use

    their specialities.

    Experience: When I have self-respect I have naturally respect for others too. I

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    am able to understand others and their behaviour and act accordingly. I provide

    an environment for others' growth. I have no complaints, as I know I can fill in

    within them what is missing. To have self-respect is to be powerful and make

    others powerful too.


    Soul Sustenance 25-01-2012


    Anger Management

    Keep a daily chart for one week for the questions below, the answers to which

    will help you manage emotions of anger, irritation, frustration, etc. more

    effectively. Review your progress at the end of each day and then at the end of

    one week. Having made your observations, make improvements for the next

    week. Keeping this chart for a month, will help you manage and overcome your

    anger much better.

    1. During which event today did you get angry or irritated...even a little?

    2. What was the type of your thoughts at that time?

    3. Which negative thought/thoughts contributed to your stress the most?

    4. What positive thoughts helped you to regain your calmness and composure?

    5. How long did it take to regain your calmness?

    6. Why did it take so long to regain your peace?

    7. What would you do differently and more appropriately if the same scenehappened tomorrow?


    Message for the day 25-01-2012


    To think of the solution is to have the ability to change the situation.

    Expression: When there is a situation, which is difficult to deal with, the mind is

    usually caught up with it. But just thinking about it would not create a solution.When thinking is focused solely on finding a solution, then there is the ability to

    find the available resources and use them to change the situation.

    Experience: When I am constantly looking for answers, I find the richness that

    is lying within. I appreciate and use both internal and external resources. I am

    free from complaints about problems, and I never give excuses for whatever is

    happening. I only appreciate what is there to bring about a positive change.


    Soul Sustenance 26-01-2012----------------------------------------------------------

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    Benefits Of Realizing The Law Of Action

    Suppose a person from India goes to America for the first time and rents a car

    over there. He then parks his rented car on the wrong side of the road. He will

    be charged a fine because parking laws are different in both countries. He

    cannot simply say I didnt know, I am ignorant. It should have been his

    responsibility, if driving, to find out the laws of the new country but he didnt

    take enough care.

    In ignorance, we have done many things against the universal laws of creation

    especially the Law of Karma. We did not have the complete knowledge of

    what are good/bad karmas, what are right/wrong karmas; what

    different types of effects different karmas would have on me, others and

    nature. But we cannot just say 'I didn't know'. It was our responsibility to know.If we look at the state of the world now, there may be a few sparks of light or

    spiritual enlightenment but, generally, there is a great amount of darkness. That

    gives us an indication of the sorts of karmas the vast majority of us have been

    performing, due to ignorance, to have produced the situations or circumstances

    in the world.

    The complete knowledge of the karmic process, which we learn when

    we are introduced to spirituality, helps us:

    reduce the burden of the past remove any type of suffering or sorrow in our present life

    change our future as well as that of the world, to make it better and more


    experience a positive return from our spiritual efforts

    understand all the whys, hows, whats and whens which surround our life


    Message for the day 26-01-2012


    The mind that is rich with a positive experience is an oasis for others.

    Expression: When the mind is able to experience the fullness of each moment,

    it becomes an oasis for the others to take benefit from. Then it is not influenced

    by the difficult or challenging circumstances, but is able to express the beauty

    that is lying within. So such a person is able to become a source of influence and

    support for others during challenging times.

    Experience: When I am faced with any kind of challenge, I don't look for any

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    external support but am able to reach out within and experience the richness

    that is there within. I am able to enjoy each and every moment


    Soul Sustenance 27-01-2012


    Nurturing My Relationship With Myself

    One of the most significant areas of importance in any humans life is that

    ofrelationships. Someone with very good, close, harmonious and loveful

    relationships with loved ones, friends, colleagues, etc. is normally considered

    very fortunate or lucky. But of all relationships, the first and most basic

    one is the one I have with myself.So, how good, close or deep is my

    relationship with myself? How well do I know myself? Am I my own friend? If I

    think over the last week or fortnight, how many of my reactions were

    unexpected or uncontrolled or basically not the right ones? How many reactions

    left me confused, sad, unenthusiastic, peaceless, depressed, negative in any

    other way or in short uncomfortable? If there have been several such situations,

    it is an indication that there are still things deep within me that I do not know.

    Normally a friend is someone whose company I enjoy, for whom there is love

    and from whom there is some benefit.As in any worldly relationship,

    without knowing a particular person to the core I can never have a deep

    relationship with that person.As the phrase spiritual knowledge implies, itis the knowledge of the spirit or the self. Only by knowing myself completely and

    having a good relationship with the self, can I channelize my inner potential that

    I have within myself - just as water from a river, when properly channelized,

    provides water for various purposes. In any worldly relationship, if enough time

    and attention is not given to it and it is not nourished, it gets affected

    negatively. In the same way, though it's obvious that I have to spend a large

    chunk of each day involved in situations arising from my duties, routine

    activities, responsibilities and worldly relationships; my relationship with myself

    should also be given enough time and attention, so that it does not suffer. If I

    am not careful about that, my worldly life may use up my energy completely anddischarge my inner battery. I need to find times in the day when I give

    time to my relationship with the self and recharge myself. The peace

    and happiness I long for internally will be obtained by having a good,

    positive relationship with the self.


    Message for the day 27-01-2012


    The one who brings benefit to each and everyone is a true benefactor.

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    Expression: Each one has immense treasures that can be contributed to those

    around, but the one who is a benefactor surely finds reasons and excuses to use

    these treasures constantly for the benefit of all. True benefit lies in giving some

    or the other positive input to each and everyone who happens to come one's


    Experience: When I have the constant desire to bring benefit to everyone

    around me, I am naturally free from all kind of expectations. I don't expect

    others to change according to my needs and desires, but am able to bring about

    a change in myself according to the requirements of time. So I experience

    constant improvement.

    ---------------------------------------------------------Soul Sustenance 28-01-2012


    Overcoming The Fear Of Interaction Or Socializing

    There are various activities that you are perhaps afraid of doing, but that you

    know they are very useful activities to indulge in e.g. if you are afraid of

    socializing or interacting with people, either on a one-to-one basis or in a group.

    In a party or a situation where lots are people are enjoying the company of each

    other or in a meeting with your boss for e.g., you feel out of place and

    uncomfortable. The problem might lie in a negative image of the self or

    low self-esteem, lack of confidence, fear of the other.s opinion about

    you, lack of spiritual strength, past failure in having done so, being

    influenced by the other person.s role or position etc. How do you

    overcome this fear? By interacting with more and more people. The more you

    interact and mix up with them and express your viewpoint fearlessly, you realize

    that it is not a problem. Even if you make a mistake or you feel unsure, with

    practice you will see that there is no problem.

    Most of our fears are overcome with the practice of doing what you are

    afraid of. If you do not make a brave step forward in order to overcome the

    fear of expressing yourself, you will continue to be the victim of this fear. This

    fear is then a negative energy that paralyses your intellect as a result of which

    your concentration and your decision-making power reduces. It also disorganizes

    your ideas, and confuses you whenever you express yourself in front of a person

    or people. What is more, fear produces clumsiness in your words, body

    movements and actions and makes you lose your image of credibility. It gives an

    impression of nervousness and low self-respect to the other. You have to

    overcome it, and you will manage to do it with practice and by changing thevision that you have of others: they are not a threat, they are not judges who

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    are going to pass a judgment against you, they are offering you the opportunity

    to express yourself. If you value yourself, you will not be afraid of not

    being appreciated by them and others will finally appreciate you. If you

    do not value yourself, the opposite will happen.


    Message for the day 28-01-2012


    The means for protection is to use the shield of humility.

    Expression: Humility means to be connected with our own sense of self-worth.

    This inner strength and power enables us to respond to situations and people in

    a positive way. We are able to understand and provide instead of expecting.

    Experience: I experience the protection from my own weaknesses when I'm

    humble. Situations do challenge my weaknesses, but the power of my humility

    keeps me calm and stable and I don't react even in my mind to situations.


    Soul Sustenance 29-01-2012


    Self Transformation (Change)

    We nourish the soul by going into the depths of silence and learning to love and

    appreciate the self. Giving time to do this will bring about a change in how we go

    about doing things, and this will start to show itself in improved relationships

    and in quality of life. By adopting a systematic and practical approach, we can

    assist the changes we wish to bring about in our life, otherwise old patterns of

    behaviour and the influences of the world will weaken our determination and

    efforts, like the sea tide washing away a sandcastle.

    Here are some practical reminders and steps we can take to grow spiritually and

    bring out transformation (change) in ourselves:

    Create a space for silence

    Creating a space for inner silence is important and we can also create a corner

    area or a room used only for this purpose. In that place there is the opportunity,

    for instance, each morning to prepare for the coming day and, in the evening, to

    unburden the mind of any wasteful thoughts and feelings that have accumulated

    during the day.

    (To be continued tomorrow..)

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    Message for the day 29-01-2012


    Bring about true change with a firm promise to yourself to change.

    Expression: When you find that there is a need for you to change some aspect

    in yourself, check how strong your thought is. Check if your words are 'I'll try to

    change or is it I promise to myself I will change.'

    Experience: Take any aspect that you would like to change in yourself and take

    a firm promise to really bring about the desired change. Also remind yourself of

    your promise each day so that it is further strengthened.


    Soul Sustenance 30-01-2012


    Self Transformation (Change) (cont.)

    Here are some practical reminders and steps we can take to grow spiritually and

    bring out transformation (change) in ourselves:

    Daily practice

    Having the inner discipline to practise meditation by one's self is necessarybecause, in reality, we have to be self-reliant as only we can step into our mind

    and bring it long-term benefit. The mind needs to relax and to refresh itself if a

    person is to feel positive and strong to live each day peacefully and effectively.

    When this is recognized, time for inner silence every day becomes a personal


    Start each day with positive silence. Before work, breakfast, or doing anything,

    let us step inside the self for a little while. In this space of introspection (self-

    observation), we can connect with our original spiritual qualities, charging up our

    internal battery with positive thoughts for the day ahead.

    At the end of the day, we can remove any remaining thoughts of past actions -

    after all 'past is past' - and send our good wishes where they are needed.

    The daily practice of morning preparation and evening clearing, keeps the mind

    healthy. A healthy mind is light and focused, not disturbed, or burdened easily.

    (To be continued tomorrow..)


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    Message for the day 30-01-2012


    To have a clean and clear heart is to learn constantly.

    Expression: The one with a clean and clear heart practices the truth in daily

    life. Such a person is able to focus attention on the self instead of looking

    wastefully at others or their weaknesses. It enables to bring knowledge into

    practice. It enables one to be free from excuses. Thus there is constant learning

    and constant change and progress.

    Experience: Where I have a clean heart I am free from feelings of laziness, fear

    or dependence. When I am clear within, there is a deep desire within me to

    change and I make myself available for every little thing that will enable me to

    bring about a change. I am willing to change constantly, progressing andimproving with each and every situation.


    Soul Sustenance 31-01-2012


    Self Transformation (Change) (cont.)

    Here are some practical reminders and steps we can take to grow spiritually and

    bring out transformation (change) in ourselves:

    Use 'traffic control'

    To remember our original peaceful state during certain moments of the day

    creates a space for us to recharge and to be released from accumulated

    negativities, which have influenced our mind without our realizing it.

    'Traffic control', is a method to check and control the flow and type of thoughts

    that we create. Are our thoughts wasteful or are they useful, necessary, positive,

    and peaceful? By stopping for a minute every hour, we can step inside, apply a

    brake to the flow of thoughts and instead focus on the experience .I am apeaceful being (soul).. This practice has an immediate cooling effect on the

    mind, and if done regularly, has a very positive impact on our daily lives.

    (To be continued tomorrow..)


    Message for the day 31-01-2012


    Where there is faith there is victory

  • 7/31/2019 January'12


    Expression: When someone has faith there are no doubts or questions about

    the self, others or situations. Faith also enables a person to see and understand

    simple things in life with a new understanding. It shows direction and courage to

    go on.

    Experience: When I have faith, I experience myself to be lucky and thus

    receive cooperation from many others. I would also be able to experience

    success at every step. There is then no worry for me and am troubled less by

    aspects that keep changing around me. My thoughts then would always be

    positive and I experience victory.