january-febuary 2010 western tanager newsletter - los angeles audubon

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  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon



    wo titans of American culture

    crossed paths on Saturday,

    November 7th, their spirits and

    joy of life blessing an historic LosAngeles Audubon event. Johnny

    Mercer, iconic American songwriter, is

    known and loved for hundreds of

    songs including Satin Doll, Black

    Magic, Autumn Leaves, and

    Blues in the Night. Leo Politi,

    beloved for his childrens books

    embracing Los Angeles

    multiculturalism, children, history,

    flora and fauna, wrote the 1950

    Caldecott Medal winner, The Song ofthe Swallows. Both men, I am sure,

    looked down upon the events

    unfolding in a school yard deep in our

    urban core, and smiled.

    Leo Politi Elementary School is

    located in the midst of the Pico-

    Union neighborhood, one of the

    densest and most park poor in all of

    Los Angeles. Yet since its

    construction in 1991, the school hasemerged as an urban oasis for its 818

    K-5 students, their families, the

    community, and hundreds of birds

    some resident, some migratory. The

    schools vision seeks to fulfill Leos

    dream of making this city a peaceful,

    safe and happy place for its youngest

    citizensa place where their

    imaginations can run wild and where

    months of planning, study, and site

    preparation: Dorsey High School

    students, participating in Los Angeles

    Audubons Restoration LeaderProgram, developed a restoration

    curriculum and spent three afternoons

    engaging Leo Politi students in soil

    and native plant analysis, slope,

    direction, and hydrology; Leo Politi

    teacher, Linda Dowell, spent

    afternoons exploring topics such as

    JOHN JAMES AUDUBON, the water

    cycle, and native plants with GATE

    (Gifted and Talented Education)

    students, so that they could mentor

    they can explore all the wonders of

    the natural world.

    Recently, Los Angeles Audubonformed a partnership with Leo Politi

    Elementary School to expand the

    scope of science-based nature

    activities it offers its students. As a first

    step, we successfully applied for a

    U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Grant to

    install a native habitat on 6,000 square

    feet of underutilized school yard.

    What followed the award of the

    $18,000 F&WS grant was several

    Volume 76, Number 3 January/February 2010


    a publication of Los Angeles Audubon www.laaudubon.org

    Yellow-rumped Warblers and Titans of American Culture

    Or, How Los Angeles Audubon Helped an Elementary School Install a Native Habitat

    by Mary Loquvam, Exec. Director, Los Angeles Audubo

    Over 300 volunteers turned out to help.

  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    other students; Principal Brad Rumble,

    coordinated the schools baseline bird

    count; dozens of Leo Politi families

    and teachers spent many a Saturday

    morning removing Bermuda grass and

    tilling the soil in preparation for the

    installation; and, Dr. Margot Griswold,

    gave of her time and expertise

    designing the habitat and procuring apalette of native plants and trees.

    Then, on the cool and dewy

    morning of November 7th, over 300

    students, teachers, families and friends

    of Leo Politi Elementary School turned

    out to assist with the installation.

    Dorsey Restoration Leaders guided

    teams of community volunteers with

    the planting and watering of over 500

    trees and plants. It was magical,marvelous creative chaos!

    At eleven, everyone took a break

    to celebrate, gathering in the schools

    courtyard. City Council Member Ed

    Reyes, in whose district Leo Politi

    ElementarySchool resides,

    commended the community for the

    restoration and gave the school and

    Los Angeles Audubon a proclamation

    from the City honoring ourcollaboration. Leo Politi fifth grader

    Kevin Martinez, gave a speech

    describing how this project had

    changed his life (please see text on

    next page). Los Angeles Audubon

    then dedicated the habitat to its angel

    patron, Johnny Mercer, to celebrate the

    centennial of his birth and the Leo

    Politi choir sang Johnnys Ac-cent-

    tchu-ate The Positive and Moon

    River as the grand finale!

    Then it was over the plants were

    in, the cookies were eaten, and the

    crowds had gone home. Just a few

    lingered on, giving a final douse of

    water to the plants, when suddenly, out

    of nowhere, two Yellow-rumped

    Warblers lit on two of the newly

    planted oak trees! It was then I was

    sure that Johnny Mercer and Leo Politi

    were smiling on the new habitat! 2 Western Tanager Vol. 76, No. 3

    The mission of Los Angeles Audubon Society is to

    promote the enjoyment and protection of birds and

    other wildlife through recreation, education,

    conservation and restoration.

    Los Angeles Audubon is a non-profit volunteerorganization of people with a common interest in

    birding and natural history. Los Angeles Audubon

    maintains offices, a library, and bookstore, the

    proceeds of which benefit all of its programs.

    Los Angeles Audubon Society

    Audubon House

    7377 Santa Monica Blvd.,

    W. Hollywood, CA 90046-6694

    Mailing Address

    P.O. Box 931057, Los Angeles, CA 90093-1057

    (323) 876-0202 (voice/messages)

    (323) 876-7609 (fax)

    [email protected] (general email)


    Board Officers

    President David De Lange

    1st Vice President Garry George

    2nd Vice President Paul Fox

    Executive Secretary Linda Oberholtzer

    Recording Secretary Eleanor Osgood

    Treasurer Lisa Fimiani

    Executive Past President Dexter Kelly

    Programs & Activities

    Conservation Garry George

    Field Trips Nick Freeman

    Bird Walks Eleanor Osgood

    Pelagic Trips Phil Sayre

    Membership Meetings Mary Freeman

    Ornithology Consultant Kimball Garrett

    Rare Bird Alert Jon Fisher

    Report Rare Birds (323) 874-1318Volunteer Coordinator Eleanor Osgood

    Library Dorothy Schwarz


    Executive Director Mary Loquvam

    Director of Interpretation Stacey Vigallon

    Audubon House Administrator Martha Balkan

    Membership Services Susan Castor

    Audubon House Bookstore

    Orders (888) 522-7428

    Fax (323) 876-7609

    Bookstore Manager (323) 876-0202

    Hours Mon-Thurs 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

    1st Sat. ea. month 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

    Online Nature Store


    WESTERNTANAGERPublished by

    Los Angeles Audubon Society

    Western Tanageris published bi-monthly. For address changes or

    subscription problems call (323) 876-0202, or write to Member

    Services, Los Angeles Audubon, PO Box 931057, Los Angeles, CA

    90093-1057. Submissions are due the 1st of the month, two months

    before the date of the issue. Please send submissions as Microsoft

    Word or RTF documents, or plain text files, to Linda Oberholtzer at

    [email protected].

    Editor Linda Oberholtzer

    Layout Susan Castor

    Proofreaders Hanna Hayman, Kimball Garrett

    Printed on Recycled Paper

    Dorsey Restoration Leaders hard at work.

    Principal Rumbel and Los Angeles Audubon Exec.D

    Mary Loquvam receive commendation from

    City Councilman Ed Reyes.

    Leo Politi choir sings Johnny Mercer.

    The community pitches in.

  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    Western Tanager January/February 2010 3

    Good morning.

    I have attended this fantastic schoolsince kindergarten, and every year has

    been memorable.

    But the only word I can think of todescribe this year, my final year here atLeo Politi, is unforgettable. And thatis because I never expected I wouldget to learn so much about nature.

    My friends and Iand when I sayfriends, I mean the nearly 800students of Leo Politimy friendsand I are proud to be part of a projectwhich restores a portion of our campus

    to how it might have looked before LosAngeles even existed as a city.

    We have learned how native plantsand trees can help the native birds,insects and wildlifeeven thearachnids. Our schoolyard habitat willbe a very lovely home for all of them,and a place where we kids can learnabout them.

    I will leave Leo Politi at the end of thisschool year. I cannot be like the Black

    Phoebe or Northern Mockingbird whoare residents here all their lives. But,like the Yellow-rumped Warblers whomigrate here, I will return to see thegarden grow. And as a big brother ofKenny in grade 3 and Leslie in firstgrade, I am thrilled that they will growup in a school with a native Californiaschoolyard habitat.

    We appreciate the U.S. Fish & Wildlifeservice for giving us this grant. Maryand the people of L. A. Audubonyouchanged our lives. Dorsey HighSchool, thank you for teaching us moreabout nature, and making us laugh atthe same time. Council memberReyes...LAPD Olympic Division: weknow you care a lot about whathappens to us. That means a lot.

    At Leo Politi, we are surrounded byreally awesome peopleand birds.

    Thank you.

    Transcript of speech by LeoPoliti Elementary School fifthgrader, Kevin Martinez, atdedication of schoolyard habitat.

    Conservation Conversation



    An Audubon California Important

    Bird Area located west of Whittier

    Narrows, is slated for a suggested

    housing development by its owner.

    The site contains approximately

    480 acres of coastal sage scrub habitat

    and has California Gnatcatcher and

    Cactus Wren populations. Plains

    Exploration and Production Companys(PBX) real estate development arm,

    wants to develop half of it with

    housing and turn the other half of it

    into a gnatcatcher reserve.

    The owner of the property is Plains

    Exploration and Production Company,

    the Texas and Bakersfield oil and gas

    company currently drilling in the

    Baldwin Hills. The company also wants

    to drill off the Coast of California.


    We wrote comments on the TheCalifornia Environmental Quality Act

    (CEQA) Notice of Preparation (NOP),

    to focus the City of Montebello (lead

    agency) on Gnatcatchers and Cactus

    Wrens. We partnered with Sierra Club,

    Endangered Habitats League and the

    Natural Resources Defense Council

    (NRDC) on strategy, and contributed fi-

    nancially to an extensive biological sur-

    vey and comment letter filed on behalf

    of Endangered Habitats League.

    LATEST REPORT:The development lost its support in

    the Montebello City Council as the

    Mayor was ousted and two new City

    Council members have been elected that

    give a majority on the Council that does

    not support the development, according

    to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.




    Big developer, Monterey Hills

    Investors, planned to build homes on

    a hillside in El Sereno in the NE hills

    of Los Angeles near Debs Park using

    an EIR approved over twenty years

    ago. Local residents, led by former

    Audubon Center at Debs Park

    Director, Elva Yaez, protested thedevelopment to the City of Los

    Angeles Planning Commission and

    Los Angeles City Councilman Jose

    Huizar. The city demanded an

    updated EIR from the developer, the

    developer sued, and the city just

    settled the lawsuit and bought the

    land for around 12 million dollars to

    be 20 acres of open space.


    We wrote letters and met with Los

    Angeles City Councilman Jose Huizarand testified publicly at the City of Los

    Angeles Planning Commission and City

    Council meetings.


    The U.S. Army Corps of

    Engineers has invited Los Angeles

    Audubon to be one of a small group

    of participants in a workshop on the

    Los Angeles River Ecosystem

    Restoration Study to be held on

    December 2, 3, & 4, 2009. This isbecause of our five year participation

    on the Los Angeles River

    Stakeholders Committee. We will be

    briefed by the Army Corps on their

    restoration alternatives from Verdugo

    Wash downstream to 1st Street, and

    discuss and provide ecosystem

    restoration alternatives in the three

    day session.




  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    4 Western Tanager Vol. 76, No. 3

    We have been on the Los Angeles

    River Stakeholders Committee since

    around 2004, and have provided the

    Los Angeles River Revitalization

    Master Plan with comments, and

    testified twice before the Los Angeles

    City Council Ad Hoc River

    Committee, chaired byCouncilmember Ed Reyes. We

    discussed the importance of water

    flow in the Los Angeles River to

    migratory shorebirds that feed and

    congregate on the lower Los Angeles

    River, the impacts of the river

    revitalization on birds in general, and

    opportunities that might be available

    for nature education and public bird

    watching on the Los Angeles River.


    Los Angeles Audubon is

    considering partnering with San

    Fernando Valley Audubon on a study

    and confidential mapping of sensitive

    species including: Swainsons Hawk,

    Ferruginous Hawk, Mountain Plover,

    Burrowing Owl, Le Contes Thrasher

    and other species of birds from our

    article Los Angeles County Sensitive

    Bird Species which appeared in theWestern Tanager Vol. 75 No. 3, Jan/Feb 2009.

    This study could inform

    permitting and wildlife agencies on

    applications for large and small scale

    solar and wind projects in the

    Antelope Valley. This would add

    another layer to the GIS layers of

    other environmental groups on plants,

    animals and other resources in the

    desert that should be avoided by solar

    projects, and hopefully direct them to

    areas where environmental permits

    may be easier to obtain. We hope.



    Los Angeles Audubon held the

    third conference for beach managers

    and interested parties to present the

    results and recommendations of the

    2009 surveys of Snowy Plovers on

    Los Angeles County Beaches. The

    conference was held at Los Angeles

    County Museum of Natural History.

    Kimball Garrett welcomed the group.

    Angeles Audubon, Urban Wildlands

    Group, Endangered Habitats League,

    and American Bird Conservancy have

    entered into an agreement which

    extends the deadline under the

    California Environmental Quality Act

    (CEQA) for filing of a lawsuit on the

    Citys adoption of an ordinanceallowing Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR)

    of feral and domestic cats without

    environmental review. This gives the

    coalition of environmentalists the

    opportunity to work with the City of

    Beverly Hills on the enactment of the

    ordinance to address our concerns for

    the welfare of birds and other

    wildlife. The city concluded that an

    environmental review was not

    necessary in adopting the ordinance,

    an opinion which the coalition of

    environmentalists does not share.


    Los Angeles Audubon joined the

    coalition of environmental groups in

    opposing the ordinance publicly and

    in written comments, and has joined

    the coalition in a lawsuit against the

    City of Los Angeles for adopting a

    TNR policy without environmental

    review. Los Angeles Audubon and

    National Audubon Society do not

    support TNR as we do not support the

    release of domestic or feral cats into

    the natural environment. Scientific

    evidence shows that TNR does not

    reduce the number of cats in a colony

    and may actually increase them, and

    the impacts on native wildlife is not

    considered in TNR programs.

    Predation by cats is one of the biggest

    reasons for the decline of migratory

    and resident songbirds in North

    America after habitat loss and

    collision with man made structures.

    Follow Los Angeles Audubons

    conservation efforts on our

    Conservation Blog.

    Go to our website


    under MAIN MENU, click



    Tom Ryan and Stacey Vigallon, led

    the meeting attended by beach

    managers from Los Angeles County

    Beaches and Harbors, Hermosa

    Beach, program partners from Palos

    Verdes/South Bay Audubon, Santa

    Monica Bay Audubon, potential

    partners Heal the Bay, CabrilloMarine Aquarium, CalCoast, and by

    representatives from California

    Department of Fish & Game and U.S.

    Fish & Wildlife Service.

    Protection of the Plovers on

    Dockweiler Beach with symbolic

    fencing and a permitted docent

    program run by Los Angeles

    Audubon, will hopefully be

    completed in the near future, pursuant

    to a Memorandum of Understanding

    between the U.S. Fish & Wildlife

    Service and the Los Angeles County

    Beaches & Harbors.

    Attending for Los Angeles

    Audubon were Mary Loquvam, Garry

    George, and Stacey Vigallon. Tom

    Ryans Power Point presentation is

    available upon request. Email

    requests to:

    [email protected]


    Los Angeles Audubon, in

    partnership with Tom Ryan, initiated

    this program in 2005, funded by

    grants. Stacey Vigallon first joined

    Los Angeles Audubon as Volunteer

    Coordinator and biologist for this

    project, replacing Jenny Jones when

    she moved. This is a citizen science

    project with data provided mostly by

    volunteers from the three chapters of

    Audubon that are partnered. The first

    surveys found a freshly killed Snowy

    Plover in a tire track at Zuma, which

    added a sense of urgency to the work.

    The project hopes to find the firstbreeding record of Snowy Plover on

    Los Angeles County beaches since

    1949, and has already recorded pre-

    breeding behaviors. Western Snowy

    Plover, is a threatened species under

    the Endangered Species Act.



    The City of Beverly Hills, Los

  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    Western Tanager January/February 2010 5

    Interpreting NatureBy Stacey Vigallon

    Director of Interpretation

    Students Teaching Students:

    Creating Opportunities for

    Environmental Mentorship

    I expected it to be a piece of

    cake, but I was really nervous being ateacher, explained June Blassingame

    about his experience teaching

    elementary school students about

    habitat and wildlife.

    June is one of more that 20 high

    school students in Los Angeles

    Audubons Baldwin Hills Greenhouse

    Program who developed

    environmental curriculum and taught

    dozens of students in first through fifth

    grade at Leo Politi Elementary School

    during the 2009-2010 school year. The

    goal of the curriculum was not only to

    place high school students in a

    mentorship role, but also to give the

    elementary school students the

    knowledge and skills they needed to

    convert 6000 square feet of their

    school yard into native habitat for

    wildlife. Beginning in the summer of

    2009, Greenhouse Interns and

    Restoration Leaders spent severalafternoons writing their environmental

    curriculum. They studied California

    State Education Science Standards,

    elementary school science textbooks,

    and used the information they

    themselves learned at Greenhouse

    Boot Camp to craft lessons that

    addressed how to use a compass, how

    to sample soil, the differences between

    native and invasive plants, and the

    concept of biodiversity.

    We wanted to make sure they

    were equipped with the knowledge

    they needed, June explains again,

    but in a fun, interesting way.

    Danya Ruiz added, We needed to

    make sure that we could fit important

    information in small activities.

    Most students found the

    challenges of writing the curriculum

    manageable, but actually

    implementing that curriculum with

    younger students was a different story.

    Writing the curriculum was a lot

    more organized than teaching the

    kids! said Joyce Realegeno.

    Kimberly Garcia agreed. Writing

    and teaching are way different.

    Greenhouse Program students, all

    from Dorsey High School, visited Leo

    Politi Elementary School three times

    in the fall of 2009. For all three visits,

    high school students found themselvescoordinating over 40 enthusiastic

    elementary school students eager to

    learn and thrilled to be outside the

    classroom. High school students had

    to implement their curriculum

    outdoors, without chairs and

    chalkboards, engaging younger

    students in hands-on learning

    experiences, a daring feat for any

    teacher. Everyone got their hands in

    the soil. Everyone ran around forFoxes Through the City, a version

    of tag that taught young students

    about the challenges that urban

    wildlife species face. Though it

    wasnt easy, Greenhouse Program

    students found the process extremely

    rewarding and felt they had a big

    impact on the younger students.

    It was very exciting when I

    would ask them a question on what I

    taught them and they answered it,described Jessica Sosa, I was like,

    Yeah, I did my job.

    You get inspired because they

    look up to you and you want to help

    more, said Emily Cobar.

    Both Dorsey High and Leo Politi

    Elementary face many of the

    obstacles common among inner-city

    Los Angeles public schools, from

    extreme budget shortfalls to student

    populations that come from

    economically challenged

    communities. In bringing thesestudents together, we hoped to

    create an opportunity for students to

    find common ground in the cause of

    environmental stewardship. That

    commitment to habitat restoration

    was made abundantly clear on

    November 7th, 2009, when students

    from both schools, parents, teachers,

    and members of the local

    community worked together to

    install the 6000 square foot native

    plant garden during one of LosAngeles Audubons TogetherGreen

    Volunteer Days events.

    It makes me feel like Im doing

    something important, summed up

    Hana Kim, Creating those bonds and

    being somewhat of a role model is

    like leaving footprints in their hearts.

    Greenhouse Program students

    will return to Leo Politi in March2010 to teach younger students about

    birds and pollinators in the new

    native plant garden.

    The Baldwin Hills Greenhouse

    Program is the result of a partnership

    between Los Angeles Audubon and

    NewFields, with funding from th

    Baldwin Hills Conservancy a

    TogetherGreen. This is the programs

    second year. A huge THANK YOU! i

    extended to the faculty and staff of LeoPoliti for their support and faith in this

    mentorship project, as well as to the

    U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for

    providing funding for the new native

    plant garden.

  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    Mid-September through

    early November encom-

    passes the second half of

    fall passerine migration, the arrival

    of increasing numbers of waterfowl

    and the end of shorebird season.

    Thus autumn always presents bird-

    ers with the challenge of how to go

    everywhere wed like to with a fi-nite amount of time.

    Things quieted down on the

    lower LA River after August and

    September, but passerines picked up

    the slack. As expected, the period

    produced a wide variety of vagrants.

    Reports ranged from waterfowl to

    buntings and orioles and included

    nearly everything in between.

    There was a notable movement

    ofGreater White-fronted Geese in

    early October. In the San Gabriel

    Valley at least one flock of up to

    twenty birds was at both Peck Park

    and Santa Fe Dam between October

    1-3 (Andrew Lee, John Garrett).

    Smaller numbers were found at

    Hansen Dam, Peck Park in Arcadia,

    Bonelli Park, Harbor Regional Park

    and along the lower LA River. Inthe desert, twenty-seven were at the

    Piute Ponds on October 1 (Mike

    San Miguel).

    Three White-winged Scoters

    were at Quail Lake near Gorman

    on November 8 where small

    numbers were present last winter

    (Jon Fisher).

    Other waterfowl included two

    rather early Bufflehead at the

    Ballona Creek mouth on

    September 26 (Roy Van de Hoek).

    Always unusual inland was an

    immature Brown Pelican at

    Bonelli Park in San Dimas from

    October 1-9 (Rod Higbie).

    Increasing along the southern

    California coast but still quite rare

    in LA County was a Brown

    Booby seen well offshore on

    September 7 (Terry Hunefeld).

    Of much less regular occurrence

    was a Red-footed Booby which

    rode into Santa Monica Bay

    aboard a ship it alighted on near

    Anacapa Island on September 20.It departed the ship the following

    morning near Point Dume

    (Michael Force).

    There were a number of

    coastal slope reports ofWhite-

    faced Ibis including an

    impressive flock of over 400 birds

    above Pasadena on September 17

    (Dan Cooper).

    Raptors of note included a

    flock of sixty-three Swainsons

    Hawks over Westchester on

    October 17 (Kevin Larson) and a

    rather early Ferruginous Hawk

    in the Ballona area on October 1

    (Dan Cooper). Away from the

    deserts, a Prairie Falcon was at

    Hansen Dam on October 11

    (Kimball Garrett) and one was

    seen flying over Calabasas on

    November 1 (Jon Fisher).

    Two adult Sabines Gulls

    were at the Piute Ponds on

    Edwards AFB on September 14

    (Jim Abernathy, Jim Hardesty).

    Pectoral Sandpipers,

    typically uncommon but regular

    migrants in fall, moved through

    the area in good numbers in late

    September. Sixteen were seen on

    the lower LA River on September

    24 and nineteen were still there

    on October 5 (Richard Barth,

    Andrew Lee).

    Elsewhere, a half dozenPectorals were at the Piute Ponds

    from September 26-October 1

    (Mike San Miguel) and three were

    at Bonelli Park in San Dimas from

    September 27-October 4 (Sister

    Mary Colombiere).

    The last report ofBairds

    Sandpipers was of two on the

    lower LA River on September 24

    (Richard Barth).

    A Dunlin was at an odd

    location- Polliwog Park in

    Manhattan Beach- on September

    25 (Don Sterba), and unusual

    inland were two at the gravel pits

    near Irwindale on September 26

    (Ed Stonick).

    6 Western Tanager Vol. 76, No. 3

    birds of the season by Jon Fisher

  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    Western Tanager January/February 2010 7

    Columbids included a White-

    winged Dove in Pico Rivera on

    October 3 (Larry Schmahl) and a

    Common Ground-Dove-

    surprisingly scarce in the county-

    along the lower San Gabriel River

    on October 10 (John Garrett).

    Burrowing Owls are alwaysscarce on the coastal slope even

    as transients. Two reports

    included a bird returning to the

    Ballona area- likely for another

    winter- present from September

    28-October 19 (Jonathan Coffin)

    and one was found dead in

    Exposition Park on 25 October

    (Kimball Garrett).

    A Lewiss Woodpecker atJackson Lake near Wrightwood on

    October 24 was the first in the

    county this fall (Ron Cyger), and

    by November 7 eight were there

    (Mark Scheel). On the coastal

    slope one was in San Gabriel

    (Tom Wurster) and seven were in

    La Verne on November 5 (Dan

    Gregory). In addition, a number

    of others have already been

    reported in southern California.

    Other unusual woodpecker

    reports included a Nuttalls

    Woodpecker away from expected

    locales, and a male Northern

    Yellow-shafted Flicker, both at

    Harbor Park in Wilmington on

    October 25 (Martin Byhower).

    Another Yellow-shafted was at

    Mountain View Cemetery in

    Altadena on October 31 (RickSwartzentrover), and one was at

    Quail Lake on November 11

    (Kimball Garrett).

    Away from normal areas of

    occurrence were Hairy

    Woodpeckers in Calabasas on

    November 1 (Jon Fisher) and at

    Veterans Park in Sylmar on

    November 3 (both John Garrett).

    Plumbeous Vireos seem to

    increase every year. There were a

    number of reports of fall migrants

    and these will inevitably be

    followed by the usual slew of

    wintering birds on the coastal

    slope. This species now faroutnumbers Cassins in winter.

    The only vireo of note was a

    very good one a White-eyed

    Vireo was at DeForest Park in

    Long Beach from September 22-

    27 (Karen Gilbert, Jeff Boyd).

    With this years late spring bird

    also at DeForest, the number of

    LA County records of this species

    has nearly doubled in the span ofthree months.

    A Northern Rough-winged

    Swallow at Holiday Lake in the

    Antelope Valley on November 2 was

    late for the high desert (Cal Yorke).

    Several reports from last

    summer foreshadowed a

    movement ofWhite-breasted

    Nuthatches, and small numbersof birds did appear in the

    lowlands this fall, with reports

    scattered across the coastal slope,

    generally close to the foothills.

    Infrequent away from

    breeding areas was a Brown

    Creeper at Lacy Park in San

    Marino on October 23. By early

    November several were present

    there (John Garrett).

    A Winter Wren near Chantry

    Flat above Arcadia on November

    8 was the only one reported thus

    far (Mark & Janet Scheel).

    An influx ofGolden-crowned

    Kinglets was evident in southern

    California in October and early

    November 3 (Richard Barth).

    Tropical Kingbirds, rare but

    regular in fall, were along the

    lower LA River on October 6, at

    El Dorado Park in Long Beach on

    October 15 (Karen Gilbert, Jeff

    Boyd), and at Lindberg Park in

    Culver City on November 5 (DonSterba). A probable Tropical was

    heard but never seen at Banning

    Park in Wilmington on October 11

    (Tom Wurster).

    A somewhat late Western

    Kingbird was at Legg Lake in

    South El Monte on October 10

    (Andrew Lee) and still later birds

    were at Banning Park on October

    11 (Tom Wurster) and at ForestLawn in Glendale on October 26

    (Richard Barth). The most recent

    report was from Hansen Dam on

    November 7 (Kimball Garrett).

    While Westerns were once

    virtually unheard of after

    September, these days no kingbird

    in late fall and winter can be

    assumed to be Cassins.

    Also running late were Ash-throated Flycatchers at Hansen

    Dam on October 4 (Kimball

    Garrett), on the lower LA River

    on October 5 (Richard Barth) and

    at Peck Park in Arcadia on

    October 9 (Jon Fisher).

    Remarkable was an Eastern

    Phoebe found at the Ballona

    Freshwater Marsh on September

    22 (Don Sterba). This is anunprecedented early date for this

    species in the county.

    The returning Gray

    Flycatcher continued at Bonelli

    Park in San Dimas and others

    were at Santa Fe Dam on

    September 3 and at Lacy Park in

    San Marino from October 30-

  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    8 Western Tanager Vol. 76, No. 3

    at Banning Park in Wilmington

    on September 27 (both Andrew

    Lee) and again at Peck Park in

    Arcadia from September 29-

    October 1 (Mike San Miguel).

    Finally, two were at Legg Lake in

    South El Monte on October 10

    (Andrew Lee).

    American Redstarts were at

    Sand Dune Park in Manhattan

    Beach on September 12 (Lori &

    Mark Conrad) and at Creek Park

    in La Mirada on September 22

    (Jonathan Rowley).

    Also at Creek Park was a rare

    Prothonotary Warbler on

    September 23 (Jonathan Rowley).

    The only Northern

    Waterthrush was one at Peck

    Park in Arcadia on September 29

    (Mike San Miguel).

    Black-and-white Warblers

    were at Ladera Park in Ladera

    Heights on September 25

    (Richard Barth), at Sand Dune

    Park in Manhattan Beach on

    October 4 (Lori & Mark Conrad),near Whittier Narrows on October

    24 (Andrew Lee), at Charles

    Wilson Park in Torrance on

    October 30 (Richard Barth) and at

    Neff Park in La Mirada on

    October 31 (Jonathan Rowley).

    A female Summer Tanager

    was at Creek Park in La Mirada

    on October 3 (Jonathan Rowley),

    while another was at theArboretum in Arcadia on October

    4 (Mary Jane Macy). One that

    appeared to be of the western

    cooperi race- expected as a

    breeding bird in the interior but

    not coastally- was at Woodlawn

    Cemetery in Santa Monica on

    October 6 (Richard Barth).

    November, but as yet reports from

    LA County have been sparse.

    The first Varied Thrush

    report was a bird in Evey Canyon

    north of Claremont on November

    8 (Brian Elliott), while another

    unusual thrush was a Townsends

    Solitaire at Veterans Park inSylmar on October 20 (Richard

    Barth). Solitaires are remarkably

    scarce on the coastal slope.

    A Gray Catbird, a regular

    vagrant in Kern but quite rare in

    LA County, was at Holiday Lake

    in the western Antelope Valley on

    October 15 (Cal Yorke). This

    locality has proven its potential as

    a vagrant trap over the years andcould definitely benefit from

    more regular coverage.

    The Claremont Colleges

    Campus hosted a Sage Thrasher

    on October 25 (Cathy McFadden,

    Paul Clarke).

    While birders know that most

    anything is possible when it

    comes to vagrants, some birdsstill inspire a double-take. One

    such example was a LA Countys

    first everCurve-billed Thrasher

    discovered by a consultant

    working on private property in the

    San Gabriel Valley on September

    1 (Kimball Garrett); there are a

    handful of records from the

    eastern deserts, but not even an

    optimistic birder would have

    expected this bird at this locale.

    Two Horned Larks,

    typically hard to find on the

    coastal plain, were at Santa Fe

    Dam in Irwindale on October 3

    (Andrew Lee).

    Wood warblers were well

    represented during the period. In

    addition to our regular western

    migrants, a Tennessee Warbler

    was on the USC Campus in Los

    Angeles on October 1 (Kimball

    Garrett) and Lucys Warblers

    were at Peck Park in Arcadia on

    September 20 (Andrew Lee) and

    at Creek Park in La Mirada on

    September 22-October 3(Jonathan Rowley).

    A female Northern Parula

    was at Apollo Park in Lancaster

    on September 19 (Nick & Mary

    Freeman) and two left over from

    last springs nesting attempt were

    at the Village Green Condos in

    Los Angeles through October 6

    (Don Sterba). Another parula was

    at Oak Park Cemetery inClaremont from September 4-26

    (Mike San Miguel Jr.).

    Also at Oak Park Cemetery

    was a Chestnut-sided Warbler

    seen from October 11-13 (Mike

    San Miguel Jr.) while another

    was in Pico Rivera from

    November 6-8 (Larry Schmahl).

    Other wood warblers includeda Magnolia Warbler at El

    Dorado Park in Long Beach on

    October 15 (Karen Gilbert, Jeff

    Boyd), a Blackburnian Warbler

    at Creek Park in La Mirada on

    September 25 (Donna Bray) and

    a rare Yellow-throated Warbler

    at DeForest Park in Long Beach

    on October 29 (Karen Gilbert,

    Jeff Boyd).

    Palm Warblers were at

    Harbor Park in Wilmington on

    October 25 (Martin Byhower) and

    at the Ballona Freshwater Marsh

    on November 6 (Chris Lord).

    A handful ofBlackpoll

    Warblers included birds at Peck

    Park in Arcadia on September 20,

  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    Western Tanager January/February 2010 9

    Green-tailed Towhees were at

    Oak Park Cemetery in Claremont

    on September 18 (Tom Miko) and

    again on October 11 (Cathy

    McFadden, Paul Clarke). Another

    was at a feeder in Malibu in late

    September (Scott King) while the

    latest was at Sepulveda Basin on

    November 7 (Hiroshi Kano).

    A Black-throated Sparrow at

    Peck Park in Arcadia on October

    1 was the only one reported

    during the period (John Kelly).

    Several Vesper Sparrows

    were found, with birds at Creek

    Park in La Mirada on September

    23 (Jonathan Rowley), at Santa Fe

    Dam from October 3-9 (AndrewLee), at Hansen Dam on October

    4-24 (Kimball Garrett) and one

    near Balboa Lake in Van Nuys on

    October 11 (Jon Fisher).

    A few Clay-colored

    Sparrows turned up, with birds

    at Ladera Park in Ladera Heights

    on October 3 (Richard Barth), at

    the Huntington Gardens in San

    Marino on October 31 (RonCyger), at Valhalla Cemetery in

    Burbank on November 4 and at

    Los Angeles State Historical

    Park on November 7 (both

    Richard Barth).

    There were few reports of

    Brewers Sparrows, but singles

    were at Hansen Dam on

    September 24 and October 4

    (Kimball Garrett) and four wereat Santa Fe Dam on October 3

    along with a rarely recorded

    migrant Grasshopper Sparrow

    (Andrew Lee).

    One and possibly two

    Dickcissels were at Malibu Lagoon

    on September 13 (Dan Cooper).

    A Rose-breasted Grosbeak

    was at Bonelli Park in San Dimas

    on September 29 (Rod Higbie),

    while Indigo Buntings included

    one at Peck Park in Arcadia on

    September 20 (Andrew Lee) and

    another at Oak Park Cemetery in

    Claremont on October 11 (Cathy

    McFadden, Paul Clarke).

    Only a few Bobolinks were

    reported, with up to three at

    Hansen Dam from September 20

    - October 11 (Kimball Garrett)

    and one at Bonelli Park in San

    Dimas from October 4-10

    (Andrew Lee). Population

    declines are undoubtedly

    affecting the numbers of birds

    appearing in California.

    Orchard Orioles were at Peck

    Park in Arcadia on September 26

    (Jon Fisher) and at DeForest Park

    in Long Beach on September 29

    (Jeff Boyd, Richard Barth) and a

    Baltimore Oriole was at the LA

    National Cemetery on October 1.

    A female oriole, presumed to be a

    Hooded Oriole, was at Lacy Park

    in San Marino on November 2(John Garrett).

    The only Yellow-headed

    Blackbirds reported were along

    the lower LA River in Paramount

    on September 20 (Richard Barth).

    A review of these reports

    reveals that many vagrants are

    found in just a few prime

    locations. Clearly these areproductive birding spots and

    well worth covering, but how

    many other unknown patches are

    out there? The county is loaded

    with parks, cemeteries, riparian

    corridors and miscellaneous

    patches that get little to no

    attention. The comparatively

    slow winter season is a good

    time to check out these new

    and under-birded areas.

    On another front, the Station

    Fire has resulted in the closure

    of a good chunk of the Angeles

    National Forest, supposedly

    through September of 2010.

    This puts a number of birdinglocations off limits, but there is

    still access to that portion of the

    San Gabriels east of Highway

    39, and to the ANF north and

    west of the 14 Freeway.

    If youre looking for

    something to do, Christmas Bird

    Counts are nearly upon us and

    most of them can benefit from

    additional help. If you dontalready participate in one or

    more CBCs, its a worthwhile

    endeavor and quite a lot of fun to


    Otherwise, the Antelope

    Valley offers good- though often

    cold and windy- winter birding,

    and checking the northwest

    countys lakes and reservoirs can

    also pay off. These oftenproduce unusual gulls and

    waterbirds. Theres an awful lot

    of territory in this part of the

    county and it makes for a nice

    quiet change from birding the

    crowded LA basin.

    Also worthwhile are Pt.

    Vicente, Pt. Dume and Leo

    Carrillo which are often good in

    winter for pelagics close toshore tubenoses, jaegers, alcids

    and others. Patience is required

    though, as some days are fruitless.

    But not knowing what youre

    going to find is one of the most

    intriguing aspects of birding.

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    10 Western Tanager Vol. 76, No. 3

    Field trips often require more

    time or effort than do bird

    walks. They delve more deeply

    into identification, natural

    histories and interactions

    observed in the field. No pets

    or small children, please.Contact information will be

    released for carpooling unless

    requested otherwise.

    Before setting out on any event,please call the LAAS bird tape at(323) 874-1318, Option #4.For a recorded message withspecial instructions or possiblecancellations that may haveoccurred.

    Same will be posted on ourwebsite.www.laaudubon.org

    Field Trips

    Saturday, January 9

    East Antelope Valley

    Leader: Stan Gray. We will be birding

    beyond 50th Street East for much of the

    day, in areas sometimes neglected by

    birders. However, Stan birds this area

    regularly, and knows that Mountain

    Plover, raptors, Le Contes Thrasher and

    otherAV specialties are sometimes

    easier to find in the far eastern reaches

    of the Valley. Take Hwy 14 N to Avenue

    S (next to Lake Palmdale). Drive into

    the Park-and-Ride just to the east of the

    off-ramp. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at the W end

    of the main lot. Bring lunch and a full

    tank ofgas for a full day of splendor in

    the alfalfa. No fee, no reservation.

    Scopes and FRS radios helpful.

    Saturday, January 16

    Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Area

    Leader:Kris Ohlenkamp. Freewayclose morning of birding. Kris has led

    this walk on-and-off for over 30 years,

    noting 240 species, and averaging 60-65

    per walk. Take the 405 Fwy N into the

    San Fernando Valley, turn W on

    Burbank Blvd. and N (Rt.) on Woodley

    Ave. to the second Rt., which is marked

    Wildlife Reserve. Turn here and park

    in the lot at the end. Meet at 8:00 a.m.,

    and bird until about 11:30 a.m.

    January 23 & 24 Weekend

    Salton Sea

    Leaders:Nick & Mary Freeman.

    Meet at 7:00 a.m. Saturday at the

    Wister Unit parking lot, 5 miles north

    of Niland. Calipatria Inn (800) 830-

    1113 (leaders preference) and

    Brawley Inn (760) 344-1199 are

    recommended. Yellow-footed Gull,

    Snow & Ross's Geese, Sandhill

    Cranes, Stilt Sandpiper, and Gila

    Woodpecker all hopeful to certain.

    No limit, but sign up with $15 check,

    phone number, your email address (or

    SASE for confirmation and more

    details. Meet at 7:00 a.m. Saturday at

    the Wister Unit parking lot by the

    port-a-potty. This is 5 miles north of

    Niland where Davis Road joins Hwy

    111. FRS radios & 'scopes helpful.Arrive fed and gassed up, bring

    lunches, those who wish will dine

    together in Brawley.

    Saturday, January 30

    Newport Back Bay

    Leader:Mary Freeman. Meet at 8:00

    a.m. for the 6.8 high tide, and a full day

    of birding. High tide at the mouth of the

    bay is 8:37. Nelsons Sparrow and

    Short-eared Owl (both rare), California

    Gnatcatcher, three rails, and AmericanBittern will be target birds. Take the 405

    Fwy. S to the 73 Toll Road (free this far)

    to the Campus Dr. exit, which becomes

    Bristol St. Turn right on Irvine Ave.,

    drive 1.4 miles, then turn left on a small

    street called University Drive. Park at the

    end, walk down the hill, over the bridge,

    and to the end of the boardwalk. No sign

    up or fee. Bring lunch.

    February 6 & 7 Weekend

    Carrizo PlainLeaders:Mary & Nick Freeman. Meet

    at 8 a.m. in Maricopa. Spectacular

    scenery. We will see Ferruginous

    Hawks, Golden Eagles, Le Contes

    Thrasher, and pronghorn; with likely

    Rough-legged Hawk, Mountain Plover

    and possible Sandhill Crane. We will

    meet in Maricopa, drive around the

    Plain all weekend (exact route

    depending on road conditions), then

    leave the Plain heading north via

    Bitterwater Road on Sunday before we

    away to L.A. If possible, please carpool

    or avail your vehicle to others when you

    reserve. Your phone number will be

    released for carpooling unless you

    request otherwise. Send name, phone

    number, email address SASE, and $15

    per person to sign up. Reserve a room

    in Buttonwillow for Saturday night.

    Motel 6 is one option here. FRS radios

    & scopes helpful. Limit 14.

    Friday, February 19

    Gull Study Workshop Lecture

    SpeakerLarry Allen will discuss most

    gulls that have appeared in North

    America most of which have made it to

    California. Larry will specifically

    address general aspects of gull

    topography, the confusing logic of molt

    sequences, and the finer aspects of

    identification to age and species. Slides,

    study skins and handouts will be used.

    Meet at Audubon House, 7-10 p.m., with

    one break. 20 maximum. Provide $15

    fee, phone number, your email address

    and a SASE to Los Angeles Audubon,

    which reserves you for the lecture & field

    trip. We will send your confirmation anddirections in the SASE (or to your email

    address). Lecture and Field Trip NOT

    offered separately. Park in the south lot,

    so you don't get locked in.

    Sunday, February 21

    Gull Study Workshop Field Trip.

    Leader:Larry Allen. Put your new

    knowledge to use in the field, perhaps even

    identifying California & Ring-billed Gulls

    as they fly overhead! Meet at 7:45 a.m. at

    Doheny State Beach in Orange County, andogle the gulls until were all gull

    identification experts! Doheny is a drive,

    but we have seen large numbers of gulls on

    our workshops here, including a Glaucous

    and a Lesser Black-backed! 20 maximum.

    See above instructions to reserve. Lecture

    and Field Trip NOT offerred separately

    Parking fee. Usual start time 8:00

    a.m.(details in confirmation) Bring a lunch

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    Western Tanager January/February 2010 11


    Send check, complete contactinformation for each

    participant, and a Self-

    Addressed Stamped Envelope

    (SASE) (for your confirmation

    and detailed information

    mailer) to:

    Los Angeles Audubon

    PO Box 931057

    Los Angeles, CA 90093-1057


    When phone sign-up is

    requested, but no fee is


    Call (323) 876-0202, M-Thur.

    9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

    Sunday, February 28

    Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge

    Refuge staff, volunteerJohn Nieto, and

    Nick Freeman will drive up to 24 lucky

    participants around this prime limited-

    access wetlands site where wintering

    birds such as Pacific Golden-Plover,

    Mountain Plover, Sage Thrasher,

    numerous raptors, and often Nelson's

    (Sharp-tailed) Sparrow are sighted.

    The refuge is part of the Naval

    Weapons Station. Send SASE, with

    your email address and phone number

    (phone # required) byFebruary 18.

    Only SASE-confirmed U.S. citizens

    with photo ID are allowed on base. No

    cameras or weapons. Meet at the main

    public lot at 800 Seal Beach Blvd. at

    7:30 a.m., and bird until noon. Take

    Seal Beach Blvd. S from the 405 Fwy,pass Westminster Blvd., turn left onto

    the base at the Forrestal Lane light, and

    left again into the lot. No fee, but

    SASE sign-up required.

    Sunday, March 7

    Ventura County Game Preserve

    Leader:Irwin Woldman. The private duck

    hunting club in Ventura has a long history

    of producing the kinds of birds that most

    rich, well-birded and disappearing habitats

    can lay claim to, including Sora andVirginia Rails, American Bittern, Eurasian

    Wigeon, dark morph Red-tailed Hawk,

    Golden Eagle, and one Lesser Sand-

    Plover. Emphasis on shorebirds for this

    date. Get to the preserve by taking the 101

    Fwy W to Rice Avenue S, following the

    Rice Ave. prompts to the T-intersection,

    then take Hueneme Rd. west just past the

    buildings on the right. Meet on the side of

    the road at 7:30 a.m. Free. No sign-up

    required. We will walk the property, so

    good hiking/mud shoes with energetic legsinside a plus. We may have one car.

    Scopes & FRS radios helpful.

    March 20 & 21 Weekend

    Anza Borrego Birds, Butterflies

    and Beyond

    Leader:Fred Heath. High points

    over the years: blooming desert

    evening-primrose and indigo bush,

    chuckwalla, collared lizard, desert

    bighorn (annual), Swainsons Hawks

    Le Contes Thrasher, Long-eared Owl

    (hopeful). Suggested

    accommodations: Tamarisk Grove

    Campground (reserve through

    www.reserveamerica.com), or

    Stanlund Motel in Borrego Springs

    (760) 767-5501. Anticipate a busy

    weekend, and reserve camping (up to

    3 months early) and motels very

    early. Meet at 7a.m. at Yaqui Wells

    across from Tamarisk Grove

    Campground. Limit 20 people.

    Reserve with phone number, your

    email address, SASE and $15 fee to

    Los Angeles Audubon to learn more

    details. Pleasant to warm days, cool

    to cold nights (30-100F!).

    April 10 & 11 Weekend

    Owens Valley Grouse TripMary and Nick Freeman lead.

    Greater Sage Grouse on the lek,

    breathtaking scenery. Meet early

    Saturday and Sunday mornings in

    Bishop. Limited to 20. To sign up,

    send $55 (Schreiber Grant

    fundraiser), phone number, your

    email address and SASE to Los

    Angeles Audubon. More details in

    confirmation mailer/emailer. Reserve

    rooms early. Motel 6, Mountain

    View Inn, Bishop Elms are some ofmany hotels in Bishop.

    May 1-2 Weekend

    16th Annual Kern River Valley

    Spring Nature Festival

    Come visit "America's Birdiest Inland

    County" 04 -07. Over 200 bird species

    seen during the festival! Trips spanning

    Central Valley/Giant Sequoias/Kern

    River Valley/Mojave Desert/Owens

    Valley. Check the Audubon California

    Kern River Preserve website forcomplete details and instructions on how

    to participate.


    May 14-17 Long Weekend

    Kern River Valley Spring

    Migrants and Vagrants

    Leader: Bob Barnes. This trip will

    be devoted to experiencing the

    waves of Spring migrants that push

    up through the mountains this time

    of year, as well as searching out

    vagrants that frequently show up

    with them. Reservations needed.

    This joint field trip is being

    organized by Sea and Sage

    Audubon. For more information

    and to reserve visit


    June 11-14 Long Weekend

    High Sierra Breeding Birds

    Leader: Bob Barnes. 150 species

    likely in 4 days. Meet in Inyokern

    for Friday morning's start. All other

    days start early in Kernville. Joint

    trip with our good neighbors in Sea

    & Sage Audubon Society. To

    reserve, and receive trip

    information including lodging, send

    SASE, email address, phone numberand $15 for each day attended ($60

    for 4 days), to Los Angeles

    Audubon. Maximum 15. Lots of

    driving, so bring a friend, and we

    will carpool. Contact information.

    will be released for carpooling.

    More information in March/April,

    2010 Western Tanager.

    Field Trips

  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    12 Western Tanager Vol. 76, No. 3

    Bird WalksBird Walks are geared for the beginner/intermediate bird watcher looking for an introduction to local birds or a less

    strenous excursion. Appropriate for young bird watchers age 6 years and older. Carpooling is encouraged. Binoculars

    are provided on some walks as noted below. NO sign-up, NO fees, just show up!

    Topanga State Park Birdwalk

    (Topanga, CA 90290)

    1st Sunday of every monthSunday, January 3

    Sunday, February 7

    Time: 8:00 a.m.

    Leaders:Ken Wheelandand Chris


    Ken and Chris will lead participants

    through this beautiful and diverse coastal

    mountain area. An ideal trip for a

    beginning birder or someone new to the

    area. Directions: From Pacific Coast

    Hwy, take Topanga Canyon Blvd. 5miles to Entrada. From Ventura Blvd,

    take Topanga Canyon Blvd 7 miles S.

    Turn E uphill on Entrada Rd. Follow the

    signs and turn left into Trippet Ranch

    parking lot. Rd. Parking fee.

    Contacts:Ken: (310) 455-1401,

    [email protected];

    Chris: (310) 455-1270

    Franklin Canyon

    Sooky Goldman Nature Center(2600 Franklin Canyon Dr.,

    Beverly Hills, CA 90210)

    Second Sunday of the month

    Sunday, January 10

    Sunday, February 14

    Time: 8:30 a.m.

    Leader: Eleanor Osgood

    This canyon is a hidden treasure where

    the surrounding urban residences of

    Sherman Oaks and Beverly Hills

    disappear from view. We expect to seewintering birds such as Hermit Thrush,

    Yellow-rumped Warblers, Ruby-

    crowned Kinglets, White-crowned

    Sparrows as well as the resident birds

    such as Spotted Towhee, California

    Thrasher and Acorn Woodpecker.

    Directions from Sunset: Take

    Coldwater Canyon to Mulholland Dr.

    Turn left on Mulholland. Make left

    turn onto Franklin Canyon Dr.

    Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area

    (Los Angeles, CA 90056) in Baldwin Hills.

    3rd Saturday of the month

    Saturday, January 16

    Saturday, February 13

    Time: 8:00 a.m.

    Leaders: Eric andAnn Brooks;

    Eleanor Osgood

    This trip covers landscaped parkland,a lake and natural coastal scrub

    habitats and is paced for beginning

    birders. We will look for wintering

    birds such as Merlin, Hermit Thrush,

    White-crowned, Fox and Golden-

    crowned Sparrows, various ducks, as

    well as resident birds such as Song

    Sparrows, California and Spotted

    Towhees, Red-tailed Hawks, herons

    and egrets among others. Directions:

    The park entrance is off of La Cienega

    Blvd. between Rodeo Rd. and Stocker

    St. After passing the entrance kiosk

    ($6.00 parking fee) turn left (leading

    to the Olympic Forest) and park in

    the first available spaces.

    If you wish to carpool, or for more

    information, contact Eleanor Osgood

    at [email protected]

    (310) 839-5420.

    Binoculars provided.

    Ballona Wetlands Bird Walk

    3rd Sunday of the month August

    through May, with the exception of


    Sunday, January 17

    Sunday, February 21Time: 8:00 a.m.

    Leaders: Bob Shanman andFriends

    Join us for a walk through L.A.s

    only remaining saltwater marsh and

    the adjacent rocky jetty. Wintering

    shorebirds and terns should be

    present, plus the resident Blac

    Oystercatchers frequent the rocky

    shores of Ballona Creek

    Directions: Meet at the Del Rey


    (6660 Esplanade Place, Playa Del

    Rey, CA 90293) parking lot. Take

    the Marina Fwy (90) to Culver Blvd

    and turn left for a mile. Turn right

    on Pacific Ave. The lot is on the

    right. Lot or street parking is

    usually not a problem. Three hour

    walk. scopes helpful.

    Contact: Bob 310-326-2473;

    [email protected]

    Franklin Canyon Dr is directly across

    from the entrance to TreePeople at a

    somewhat complicated intersection (a5 way signal). At the signal make a 90

    degree left turn. Drive down the

    residential road to the first stop sign;

    turn left into the parking lot. We will

    be birding the area around the parking

    lot for the first 15 minutes. Participants

    who are lost may call (424) 298-1376

    after 8:00 a.m.

    If you wish to carpool, or for more

    information, contact Eleanor Osgood at

    [email protected] call (310)839-5420. Binoculars provided.

  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    Western Tanager January/February 2010 13

    Two of the world's premier natural history

    destinations. Well known by birders throughout

    the world for their natural riches, offering

    numerous species of colorful birds and other

    wildlife. This action packed itinerary for

    incredible neotropical birding will excite the

    novice and enthrall the expert.

    We'll be birding new areas on this Costa

    Rica trip. Spectacular scenery from the

    Caribbean slopes of the Talamanca Mountains

    at Rancho Naturalista for both Atlantic and

    Pacific birds; Piedras Blancas N.P., in humid

    tropical primary rainforest; Las Cruces

    Biological Station and Wilson Botanical

    Gardens in the southwestern pre-montane range

    near the Panama border; Corcovado N.P. and

    Drake Bay in the south Pacific with miles of

    pristine beaches and tropical rainforest;

    Excursion to Cano Island.

    You may wish to extend your visit with an

    extension to Panama, or you can do

    Panama separately.

    With a short flight from Costa Rica to

    Panama, we will visit many of the world-

    famous birding areas such as Soberania N.P.;

    Pipeline Road and Achiote Road; Chagres N.P.

    Rainforest and a brief visit to the Embera native

    tribe; Enjoy a partial transit to experience the

    historic passage through the Panama Canal;

    ending with birding in the Metropolitan N.P.

    For information and itinerary on

    Los Angeles Audubons International Birding Tours

    contact: Olga Clarke [email protected]

    Los Angeles Audubon, Travel Director

    2027 El Arbolita Dr.

    Glendale, CA 91208-1805

    Ph/Fax: (818) 249-9511

    International Birding Tours

    Two Exceptional Countries, One Outstanding Journey

    Join Olga Clarke, Los Angeles Audubon Travel director


    March 5 to 15, 2010


    March 15 to 22, 2010

  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    14 Western Tanager Vol. 76, No. 3

    Los Angeles AudubonsBaldwin Hills Greenhouse Program

    will be hosting an opportunity to

    participate in the Great Backyard

    Bird Count (GBBC) on Saturday,

    February 13th, 2010, 9 a.m. to noon

    Join students and the local

    community to count birds at the

    Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook

    State Park.

    The Great

    Backyard Bird


    The Great Backyard Bird

    Count (GBBC) is a great activity

    for families thats both free and

    educational, while also gettingkids outside. Led by the National

    Audubon Society and the Cornell

    Lab of Ornithology, the GBBC

    provides an opportunity for

    people of all ages to learn about

    birds and the environment we

    share. Start by exploring the

    GBBC website at

    www.birdcount.org. The

    website has photos from last

    years count, a game, and othermaterials, including a

    downloadable PowerPoint

    presentation, a voice narrated

    tutorial, and regional bird lists.

    This years GBBC is scheduled for

    Presidents Day Weekend(February 12 - 15th).

    Please save these dates!

    Saturday, February 27, 2010

    Los Angeles Area Pelagic Trip

    Palos Verdes Escarpment and

    Redondo Canyon

    This 8 hour trip departs from Ports

    of Call in San Pedro at 8:00 a.m.

    on the m/v Pacific Adventure.

    Leaders:Jon Feenstra and Todd McGrath

    Birds seen on prior trips:

    Northern Fulmar; Short-tailed,

    Black-vented, Sooty and possibly

    Pink-footed Shearwaters; rocky

    shorebirds; Pomarine and ParasiticJaegers; Common Murre; Xantus's

    Murrelet; Cassin's and Rhinoceros

    Auklets. Occasionally: Ancient

    Murrelet. Rarity: Manx Shearwater.

    Gray Whales and several species of

    dolphins are often seen.

    There is a galley on board, please restrictyour carry-ons due to limited cabin space.

    $85 credit card payment or$80 for a cash discount.

    Reservations for this trip: Send check and aSASE (self address stamped envelope) to:

    Los Angeles Audubon - PelagicPO Box 931057Los Angeles, CA 90093-1057

    Or, pay with Visa, MC or Discover, bycalling Audubon House (323) 876-0202(Mon.- Thur.) from 9.30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Include complete contact informationfor each participant. Name, Address,Phone number(s), and email address.

    Note: Destinations may be changed tomaximize bird sightings, or minimizerough seas. With an increase in fuelcosts there can be an energy surchargeper person.

    Refund Policy: You may receive arefund less a $5.00 handling charge ifyou cancel 31 days in advance or if apaid replacement can be found.

    Saturday, May 1, 2010

    Condor Express Trip:

    A deep water trip toward the

    San Juan Seamount

    This trip departs from the Santa

    Barbara Harbor on the fast

    catamaran Condor Express at 8:00

    a.m. and will return approximately

    by 8:00 p.m.

    Leaders: Jon Feenstra, Todd McGrath

    and Terry Hunefeld

    We will cruise along the deep

    water shelf by the San Juan Seamount.Birds seen previously: Black-footed

    Albatross; Northern Fulmar; Sooty

    and Pink-footed Shearwaters; Ashy

    and Leach's Storm-Petrels; Pomarine,

    Parasitic and Long-tailed Jaegers;

    Pigeon Guillemot; Xantus's Murrelet;

    Cassins and Rhinoceros Auklets.

    Uncommon species seen on prior trips:

    Laysan Albatross; Fork-tailed Storm-

    Petrel; Red-billed Tropicbird; and

    Tufted Puffin: Rarity: Murphy's Petrel.

    There is a complete galley on board

    that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    $195 cash or credit card

    Reservations for the trip:

    For reservations and trip status,

    contact Sea Landingin Santa

    Barbara (805) 963-3564.

    (Please do not call Audubon House

    for this pelagic trip.)

    Pelagic Trips with Los Angeles Audubon

    Visit our website for changes or

    additions to

    Los Angeles Audubon sponsored

    Pelagic Trips.


  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    Los Angeles Audubon Centennial Bird-a-thon

    Los Angeles Audubon is moving into its

    Centennial Year!

    To celebrate our first 100 years and to celebrate the birds of Los Angeles County,

    Los Angeles Audubon is sponsoring a

    Centennial Bird-a-Thon!

    Save time the week of

    May 1-8, 2010,

    and get ready to join a team!

    Watch the next Western Tanagerfor details!

    Western Tanager January/February 2010 15

    41 Pounds.orgLarry W. Allen

    Jonathan ArmstrongKenneth & Marlene AbelMarvin & Gloria Baker

    Katheryn & David BartonTracy Berge

    Lorna BitenskyE. Waters Bjornen

    Peter H. BloomBarbara & Jay Boland

    Lorna BrownDr. Francis F. & Ande Chen

    Olga L. ClarkeSydney CortwrightKathleen Crandall

    Buford CritesThomas E. DuqueDenver Museum of

    Nature & ScienceMary Deutsche

    Belinda DombrowskiThomas L. DrouetThomas E. Duque

    Jon DunnLisa M. Fimiani

    Michael FishbeinChristine S. Francis

    Patty Garland Garry George

    Vernon & Winona HoweAllen & Carol Goldstein

    David Haake

    Steven & Leslie HartmanWinona & Vernon Howe

    June InaiLinda D. Jaramillo

    Carol Louise JohnsonLaurence M. KaplanJohn A. KirchnerSaran Kirschbaum

    Muriel & Allan KotinJody M. LawlerMartha Lesser

    Phoebe S. LiebigMary Loquvam

    Margaret A. MawKatherine MacQueenJeanne McConnell

    Marilyn MorganDavid & Joyce Oppenheim

    M. Louise OwensRobert W. Pann

    Donald Pilling

    Paula K. ReynosaBradley J. Rumble

    Michael L. SandlerDr. Raymond A. Schep

    John & Dorothy SchwarzSempra Energy Foundation

    Mark L. SerranoPhillip Skonieczki

    Jane StavertTimothy R. SteeleDorothy SteinerMartine Tomczyk

    Dr. Joshua TrabulusRobert Roy Van de Hoek

    Marie VesterEdith WeinerLiza C. White

    Billy Youdelman


    Ron & Beth Saul,In honor of

    Dr. Paul Fox

    Michele Schroeder,In honor of

    Laurel Scott & Vic Warren


  • 8/8/2019 January-Febuary 2010 Western Tanager Newsletter - Los Angeles Audubon


    PO Box 931057

    Los Angeles, CA 90093-1057



    7377 Santa Monica Blvd@ Martel Ave

    West Hollywood, CA 90046

    Regular Hours:

    Monday - Thursday 9:30a.m.-4:00p.m.

    Regularly Closed:

    Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

    Open: 2ndWednesday of each month

    9:30 a.m until 9:45 p.m.

    for those attending the monthly

    membership Program.

    The office and store will NOT be open anySaturday in January.

    We WILL be open Sat., Feb. 6, 2010 from

    10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    Wednesday, January 13, 2010

    Muriel Horacek presents

    Earthwatch Institute Adventures

    Muriel Horacek has traveled the globe, volunteering

    for Earthwatch Institute on many diverse projects:

    to re-establish a non-migratory flock of whooping

    cranes into Florida, describe the mating dance of Long-

    tailed Manakins in Costa Rica, tally and mist-net birds

    at the International Birding and Research Center Eilat in

    Israel and Jordan, mist-net birds in Kenya with local

    ornithologists, and to study hummingbirds and other

    tropical birds caught in mist nets in Manu National

    Park, Peru for flight research by a scientist from

    Caltech, Pasadena.

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    Blake Massey presents

    "The California Condor Recovery Program Update"

    Blake Massey is a US Fish and Wildlife Service

    California Condor Biologist. He will discuss the

    status, management, and the research effort of the

    California Condor Recovery Program. Blake will

    provide a perspective on the wild and captive

    population of the past 25 years, and the status of thespecies today. He will show information about the

    current nest guarding program and share video footage

    of first-hand account of nest entries. Blake will

    provide up to date GPS transmitter data and illustrate

    insights into the seasonal reproductive and foraging

    patterns of this species. Lastly, Blake will talk about

    the Program's ongoing research and challenges of

    recovering such a unique and amazing bird in a

    changing landscape.

    mONTHLY pROGRAMSMeet at 7:30 PM in the Community Building in Plummer Park

    7377 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90046

    Immature California Condor, Tejon Ranch, June 2009, Photo by Mary Freeman

    Volume 76, Number 3 January/February 2010