january 2013

C C ATHEDRAL ATHEDRAL N N EWS EWS January 2013 Volume 18 Issue 6 Tulsa, Oklahoma Holy Family Cover image: Adoration of the Magi, tapestry, 1894, Manchester Metropolitan University

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Father John Grant reflects on new year's resolutions.


Page 1: January 2013

CCATHEDRALATHEDRAL N NEWSEWS January 2013 Volume 18 Issue 6 Tulsa, Oklahoma

Holy Family

Cover image: Adoration of the Magi, tapestry, 1894, Manchester Metropolitan University

Page 2: January 2013


Identification Statement: The Cathedral News Issue 6 January 2013 (USPS 022-729) is published 10 x per year (monthly, except for June and July) by Holy Family Cathedral at 122 W 8th St., Tulsa OK 74119-1402. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CATHEDRAL NEWS, PO BOX 3204, Tulsa, OK 74101-3204.

By now many of us have already given up on the resolutions that we've made to be better this year at: being good stew-

ards of our bodies through healthy eating and exercise, giving up that annoying habit that we seem to always run back to

when we're stressed, or organizing our room, home, or office. But the resolution I hope that all of us have made and never

give up on is the commitment to become a better Christian this year. Especially since this is the Year of Faith!

This past week was Vocations Awareness Week, and 5th Graders from all across the diocese met last Friday or Sunday

to learn about what a vocation is and why its important. Did you know that we all have vocations? And as the 5th graders

might be able to tell you, a vocation is a calling from God that each person receives at their baptism: a calling that has

been given to each of us to do some definite thing for God that He has not called anyone else to do. Our Christian vocation

is either to married life, to priestly life, to religious life, or to consecrated lay single life. But each of these vocations which

God calls us to is just the path that God has given us to accomplish the universal vocation that we all share, and that vo-

cation is holiness! We have all been created by God so that we may know, love, and serve Him in this life, so that we may

live with Him forever in the life to come. We were created to become saints: heavenly citizens!

Therefore, we must not take for granted our responsibility to fulfill our Christian duties to grow in our faith and evangel-

ize others. If we neglect our bodies, let us never neglect our souls. If we struggle with vice, let us never abandon the source

of grace and virtue. If we keep a messy space, let us never tolerate keeping a sullied heart. “I appeal to you therefore,

brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your

spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove

what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Rom. 12:1-2)

And to accomplish this, the Church give us precepts which she, in her wisdom, considers bare minimums so as not to

loose the possibility of eternal life:

1. You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor.

2. You shall confess your sins at least once a year.

3. You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season.

4. You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church.

5. You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church.

6. To obey the laws of the Church concerning Matrimony.

7. To participate in the Church's mission of Evangelization of Souls.

A New Year...A New Year...

A New You?A New You?

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Cathedral News deadlines: Please submit articles and announcements to the Cathedral News by the 15th of the preceding month.

Email [email protected] or send your article to Mike Malcom at the parish office.

It is to this last precept that I most wish to highlight. St. Thomas Aquinas said, “To teach in order to lead

others to faith is the task of… each believer.” (ST, III, 71, 4 ad 3.) We all have the ability to preach the Gospel

everyday by our words and actions, but do we? At the dismissal of every Mass, having been strengthened by

the gift of the Eucharist, we are sent to continue our Mission to make disciples of all nations. (See Mt. 28:19-

20) It is though the fulfillment of our vocation and our Christian duties that we become holy. We actually grow

in our faith by sharing it with others. Its one of the only things we've been given that increases by giving it

away, the other is love and they are eternally intertwined.

So if we feel like we are not adept or ill-prepared to share our faith, it behooves us to learn more about it.

Everyone has received the Year of Faith Bucket List which has numerous suggestions about how one could

take advantage of this graced year to grow our own faith and share it with others. Another opportunity began

this week with start of the Catholicism Adult Study Program on Tuesday Night. These are tools to help us

achieve the resolution that we have every year, every week, every day to become better Christians. Because

how can we take our part in the New Evangelization unless we have first been evangelized? St. Paul asks the

same thing: “But how are men to call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in

him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? And how can men preach

unless they are sent? So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes by the preaching of

Christ.” (Rom. 10:14-15, 17)

As we begin the two thousand and thirteenth year of our Lord, we have the opportunity to once again hear

the good news that, God so loved us that He sent His only begotten Son to save us from our sins, and then He

gave us Himself to fulfill His promise to remain with us always. If we need reminding, then let us be reminded.

If we have heard, then let us proclaim, let us be witnesses, and let us evangelize!

Rev. John Grant

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RCIA inquirers were recognized and blessed in the Rite of Acceptance at the 10 a.m. Mass on the Feast of Christ the King. Our

RCIA group is now part of our congregation. Catechumens still need the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Candi-

dates have been baptized, so need Confirmation and the Eucharist to complete full union with the Catholic Church. The enthusiasm

and dedication they show is an inspiration to we who assist the RCIA process.

Our first potluck dinner was on 12/19, providing a wonderful opportunity to build community in our parish. Many are looking for

was to get involved with the needs of the church and find plenty of opportunities to serve as we get together and talk over a meal.

Father Grant and Deacon Jerry and Tom helped the group pray the Liturgy of the Hours evening prayer. It was a lovely way to pre-

pare for our excellent dinner.

We reserve several rows each Sunday at the 10:00 Mass for these catechumens, candidates, their families and sponsors. They

have the opportunity to ask questions as they get a clear view of what happens at Mass. Seeing the differences in the way the Mass

is celebrated by our Bishop and our other celebrants helps them understand what is essential to it.

Inquiry Gets Them Started, Now as Catechu-

mens and Candidates They Study in Earnest BY T H E RCIA MI N I ST RY T EAM




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Now there comes upon us

another chance to dream

that all your hopes and promises

will happen as foreseen!

So we wish you well

and hope they all come true

as we say, “Happy New Year!”

to each and everyone of you.

WELCOME TO 2013! Traditionally, a multi-storied building had

no “13th floor” designation to avoid bad luck associated therein

as was the a “fir tree topping” was done for the favor of the gods

but those myths and legends are for another time, another col-

umn, Rather, like Janus - that double faced Roman god of doors,

entries, exits, and Porter of Heaven (he released the sun each

morning and locked it away at night as he alone possessed the

key to the gate of heaven!) let us glance back into 2012 and for-

ward into 2013 to muse what has happened and what we hope

will occur. So, let us review our accomplishments, gratitude, and

mea culpas!

The Council was able to continue in supporting many of our

charitable undertakings - church, school, and civic programs of

various depth and variety - due to the success of the parish ga-

rage sale, your patronage of our monthly pancake breakfast, &

Mardi Gras to hit the highlights, our “passthrough” projects —

UltraSound, Turkey Drive, and, most importantly, your most gen-

erous contributions to our Homeless Monthly Dinner Project by

which $3,164.00 was collected as a result of our appeal to you

for your financial assistance in its continuance.

It is hoped that, along with the Council's contribution of

$500.00 our Homeless program is on sound footing for the next

two years! Our gratitude is extended to all of those individuals

who contributed so generously to this feeding project with their

additional contributions of goods and services. The Council's

List of Angels (& I hope that I do NOT overlook anyone!) include

first and foremost Rebecca and (daughter) Mary Grace Thomp-

son for their unstinting monthly assistance in preparation and

serving food at the Day Center, Beth Henry, Catherine Caldwell/

Caves, Jean Caldwell, Ann Owen, Kathleen Davis, Ann Sellars,

Vivki Buckendorf, and (of course!)Helga Gorman for the pumpkin

pies served at our December “Blowout” dinner celebrating

Thanksgiving/Christmas! We want to especially thank Ethel

Brooks, Colleen & Mayo Brooks, Gloria Bennet, Kali Hayden, The

Thierrys - Sharon, Johnny, Johnny II, & Johnny III who brought

Notes from the Knightstand BY MA RT I N REI D Y

forth the six pans of dressing, several of mashed potatoes, and a

cauldron of gravy for the same holiday feast. Our January dinner

is always Turkey Stew prepared by Edna Hawkins with assis-

tance from her granddaughter Shae, her nephew Raymond Dean,

who along with his wife, Theresa who drive up from Okmulgee

just for this occasion. Dessert was cookies bagged by the stu-

dents at Holy Family School, while the Council provided the din-

ner rolls, beverage, and milk for Sunday breakfast. So it is to

these extraordinary “saints” that we in all humility give a tip of

the chapeau in recognition of all that they have done and con-

tinue to do without reservation or hesitation. were there one or

more of you that deserve recognition and I have not noted

you ;thusly know that you are so noted by Christ who said,

“What ever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for Me!”

Up and coming for 2013 is more of the same: Sausage and

pancakes every third Sunday (with exceptions and a summer

break), Mardi Gras in February and Garage Sale through March

in co-operation with the H.F. Women's Club, “Sagebrush Satur-

day” in March at Clear Creek Monastery, KC Convention in April,

Altar Server Award(s) in May, Priest Dinner in August, perhaps a

Spring/Fall Festival, Turkey Drive in November, and without say-

ing - the monthly dinner at the Day Center for the Homeless -

and whatever Monsignor Gier comes up with in between!

Finally, I sadly report with a sigh and a tear in the eye that as

2012 came to a close so did our annual Christmas bash with a

farewell dinner at Ludiger's with Scott McQuade at the keyboard

and some fifty Knights and guests in attendance. A fun-filled

occasion for some fifteen to twenty years all things must come

to an end as Time marches on - meaning that we are all becom-

ing a older - not in spirit, not of heart, but of muscle and bone!

What the Council will do for festivities is yet to be known but as

the late Patti Page sang so many times: “Que Será Será!” May

you have a Blessed New Year and may God be with you through-

out your days! PAX!

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Proceeds benefit the Mike Petzet Scholarship Fund Saturday, January 26, 5:30-8:00 p.m.

Cathedral Auditorium Dinner Includes: Pasta, Bread, Salad, Drink and Dessert

Pre-purchase prices: Adults: $7.00, Teens (12-17): $6.00, Children (11 and under): $5.00, Family of 5: $25.00 At the Door Prices: Adults and Teens: $10.00, Children (11 and under): $6.00

Email: [email protected] Call the School Office for more information: 918-582-0422.

Parish Youth! Thanks to everyone who

helped transport turkeys last year from

the Cathedral to Catholic Charities:

especially the students of Holy Family

Cathedral School. Special thanks to the

parents and students who delivered

turkey dinners to Tulsa families in


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Holy Family Cathedral

P.O. Box 3204

Tulsa, OK 74101-3204