january 2012

Holy Family January 2012 Volume 17 Issue 5 Tulsa, Oklahoma C C ATHEDRAL ATHEDRAL N N EWS EWS

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Monsignor Gier comments on the new Roman Missal and the translation of the Mass. Meet the people in RCIA.


Page 1: January 2012

Holy Family

January 2012 Volume 17 Issue 5 Tulsa, Oklahoma CCATHEDRALATHEDRAL N NEWSEWS

Page 2: January 2012


Dear People of Holy Family Cathedral:

Several weeks ago we began the New Translation of the

Mass. There have been numerous articles in our Diocesan

magazine and other places explaining the reasons for the

new translation and the philosophy behind it. We may

agree or not but at least there have been valiant attempts to

help us understand the thinking. Just before it all began I

preached a homily on the topic and asked us, as a parish,

to approach the New Translation and all it entails with a

certain attitude. It has been suggested and I have been en-

couraged to print that homily in this news letter for all of

us to ponder now that we are “in the midst” so to speak of

the New Translation. So here is the homily I preached in


This is an interesting Gospel today for those of us who

filed extensions on April 15th. Our taxes are due on Mon-

day. We may consider that a matter of paying to Caesar

what belongs to Caesar. However that really is not the

point of today’s Gospel.

Repay Caesar and repay to God what belongs to God.

Certainly the most important thing we owe to God is

Worship. We sometimes forget that very basic part of be-

ing a creature and not the creator. The creature owes the

creator by virtue of the creature’s very life. God would

seem to agree in that He has given us a wondrous and

awesome way to fulfill this duty.

Identification Statement: The Cathedral News Issue 1 January 2012 (USPS 022-729) is published 10 x per year (monthly, except for June and

July) by Holy Family Cathedral at 122 W 8th St., Tulsa OK 74119-1402. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CATHEDRAL NEWS, PO BOX 3204, Tulsa, OK 74101-3204.

Regularly we gather, here in our beloved 98 year old

Cathedral and worship God the almighty Father, one with

His Son, Jesus Christ.

We do not simply “go to Church” or simply sing songs

and say prayers. We gather one with the Angels and

Saints. We stand beside them before the very throne of

God. In what we name so simply THE MASS God allows

us to transcend earth and be one with His Son as Christ

gives himself for the remission of our sins.

“We offer you in thanksgiving this holy and living sacri-

fice.” “Look with favor and see the Victim whose death has

reconciled us to yourself.” “May He make us an everlasting

gift.” Now that is more than saying prayers and singing

songs. That is an essential, total personal gift of self to God

Himself. “Repay to God what belongs to God.”

Catholic Liturgy transcends earth and sets us in

Heaven while Heaven in the very person of Jesus Christ

pierces time and nourishes us with Himself. We say so

simply “I’m going to Mass.” But we mean so much by those

simple words. In this wonderful act we find our purpose

and the ultimate meaning in our lives. With St. Paul to-

day, “we give thanks to God always…before our God and


When we repay Caesar or pay our income taxes we pre-

pare our statement. We gather the facts, we assemble the


Page 3: January 2012


Cathedral News deadlines: Please submit articles and announcements to the Cathedral News by the 15th of the month. Email [email protected] or send your article to Mike Malcom at the parish office.

materials, and we look for loop

holes and consciously decide how we

are going to render an account. In other

words we prepare our tax statements. How much

more should we truly be prepared to repay to God what

belongs to God, prepare to worship, prepare for the sacred-

ness of Mass?

“Our offering in thanksgiving, this holy and living sacri-

fice.” Heart, mind, soul, spirit all need to be prepared! The

tax return affects last year and next year. The Mass affects

now and eternity!

It is in this attitude that I would like us at Holy Family

Cathedral to approach the upcoming adjustment in the

Mass. I am sure you have heard or are aware that there

will be some things new with the coming of Advent. How-

ever there will certainly be much more that is old. There

will be some adjustments in the wording of the prayers.

Some adjustment in atmosphere within certain prayers,

most of the changes really affects what the priest prays

here at the altar. The priest has most of the work in ad-

justing. However there are some challenges on your side of

the altar as well. To assist in this we have ordered pew

cards with all of the people’s part on them. We will simply

pick them up and pray them together. After a few months

or so the cards will no longer be necessary, it will all be

second nature to us.

One of the things I like about the new is that we will all

have to pay closer attention to what we are praying. Right

now we can go through it and literally give it no thought.

At least for awhile that will not be possible. We will have

to pay attention.

So if you filed an extension in April, pay the IRS what is

due by Monday.

Here and now however we creatures have come together

to pay to God the creator what belongs to Him, our wor-


Sincerely in the Holy Family,

Msgr. Gregory A. Gier, Rector

Page 4: January 2012


the Forum Romanum one would be

faced with the major temple dedicated

to Ianuarius, otherwise known as Janus,

the god of Gates and Doors, or Portals.

His temple, known as Iaus Geminus,

was a double gated temple with one en-

try facing the rising sun and the other

facing the setting sun - one facing the

“old” and one facing the “new” - another

chance, an opportunity for a better des-

tiny. Thus, in a sense Janus was the god

of peace and war waged within one’s self

and was thus expressed in the public

Forum for when Rome was at peace the

gates were closed - but when open it

meant that the empire was at war. Do

you recall those epic Hollywood “sandal

sagas” of yesteryear whence movie-goers

watched the Roman Legions in all their

pageantry march off to war and, hope-

fully, victory? Nell, it was through the

portals of Ianus Geminus that they

marched. Yet Janus, whose very name

derives from the Etruscan word for door,

was more than a martial god.

Janus was moreso the god of begin-

nings and endings, planting and har-

vest, marriage and birth, maturing

youth, as well of war and peace. Origi-

nally, Janus was of such importance to

the Romans that he was honored on the

first day of each month - again signify-

ing the importance of “a new beginning”

but eventually such deference devolved

to the first day of the New Year. So it is,

to come full circle, that the Council ex-

tends to each and all a well-being for

your journey into this year of 2012 as

you hold the key to many doors and may

those doors open to your spiritual

growth and happiness!

For all intent to change our ways

is our promise come New Year's Day!

Tho looking back we see ourselves

not much changed come 2012!

For the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

and feel my resolve dissolve as I speak!

Happy New Year to one and all! We

wish you well in all your endeavors in

the coming year and applaud all who

struggle to keep those thoughtfully

made New Year's resolutions for you

hold the key to your destiny. You are the

heir to an ancient tradition - that of

seeking a change for the better - and

Janus, the Roman god of Portals and

Doors, is your mentor! Janus, from

whence we derive the name January, is

depicted as the two-faced god as he

looks from the past and into the future

and in his hand he holds a key - the key

of Destiny! His appellation as the god of

Gates and Portals derives from the abil-

ity of a gate or door to swing in both di-

rections and becomes the portal by

which one leaves their predicament and

enter into their destiny thereby leaving

behind the “old” and taking on the “new”

- and from thus comes our modern cus-

tom of invoking resolutions of reforma-

tion in each coming New Year! The key

is symbolic in that one holds within

their grasp a key to the door of the fu-

ture and what or which door it will

unlock is within the power of the indi-

vidual. Little known to us today other

than by the name of the present month

Janus was of singular importance to the

Romans. Here one able to time-travel to

And so it is that the Council looks

"back" to assess our accomplishments

we succored the homeless, prayed for

the dead and the living, sought to stave

the unborn and forgive the aborted, hon-

ored our priests, honored our servers,

instructed the ignorant, sheltered the

(storm) victim, and provided music to

the faithful. Some of the eyes; aforemen-

tioned we accomplished alone but much

was done with the unsung help of oth-

ers. Quite suddenly in mid-year we as-

sumed the full responsibility for provid-

ing a meal for about 120 persons on the

first Saturday of each month at the

Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless and

not knowing would we be able to do

much beyond the end of the year as the

financial obligation was onerous to say

the least. Indeed, I did say, half in

prayer and half in fact to the Sacred

Heart, “You provide and we will abide”

and, like Moses, not really believing

that money would flow from the rock -

but it did! In an off-handed conversation

over coffee and donuts one Sunday a pa-

rishioner inquired as to what we as a

Council were about and when told of our

latest worry project wrote a check with-

out hesitation for a sum sufficient to

carry our dinner project through possi-

bly August or September. Another pa-

rishioner, actually a husband and wife

formerly active in the monthly meal but

sidelined by the march of time to which

we all must step, continued to provide a

side dish to the monthly meal which was

a continued savings on our meager re-

sources. Our big meal, our feast of the

(Continued on page 8)

Notes from the Knightstand BY MARTIN REIDY

Page 5: January 2012


This year’s RCIA class participants

have been strong in faith as they attend

weekly Mass. The Rite of Acceptance,

celebrated before Advent, was a great

start to their official status with our

parish. Catechumens, candidates and

their sponsors enjoyed a pot-luck dinner

on December 14th, helping to solidify

their sense of community with our par-

ish. Classes were not held for the two

weeks of Christmas and New Years, so

the group eagerly rejoined their study

on January 4th. They are enjoying the

fact that the Christmas season has just

begun on the 25th of December, and

that we celebrate that season through

Epiphany on January 8th (moved from

Friday the 6th). The solemn time of Ad-

vent was a surprise and relief to many

of them as they were immersed along

with the rest of us in the commercial

rush of the secular Christmas season

which began before Halloween.

Sessions after Christmas are devoted

to in-depth study of the sacraments and

social teaching of the Church. Sacra-

ments are a major difference of the

Catholic Church from the Protestants.

While some have one or two, all seven

are only found in Catholicism. Our

classes give the history and source for

their practice and so show a clear reason

why they are integral to our faith.

Photos of our class individuals will be

shown over the next three months as we

lead up to Easter Vigil when those who

are ready will join our faith as full mem-

bers. Please offer your prayers and sup-

port for their success.

Candidates and Catechumens are Eager to Embrace the Faith BY THE RCIA MINISTRY TEAM

Candidates & Catechumens

Melissa Benisch

Melissa Brace

Brad Cooper

Samantha Cooper

Nicole Ferra

Lauretta Miller

Lee Osburn

Robin Osburn


Page 6: January 2012


Upcoming Events

The 55+ Group meets for its monthly

luncheon on January 11 at 1:00 p.m. at

the Cracker Barrel at 71st Street &

Highway 75. RSVP to Harry or Joan at


Holy Family is one of four downtown

churches maintaining the volunteer

workforce for Meals on Wheels North

West Side of Tulsa. We are very much

in need of new volunteers. Holy Family

works March, July, & November. Only 2

hours per week during those months.

Please call Nancy Mullikin, 918-508-

9800, for details.

The Cathedral Women’s Club is collect-

ing items for our annual Garage Sale.

It will be held in March of 2012. Contact

Ann Owen, 918-748-9419, or Helga Gor-

man, 918–636-0860 to arrange pickup.


Proceeds benefit the Mike Petzet Scholarship Fund

Friday 1-27-2012 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Cathedral Auditorium

Pre-Purchase by January 24.

Email: [email protected]

Dinner Includes: Pasta, Bread, Salad, Drink and Dessert

Pre-purchase prices:

Adults (13 and over) $7.00

Children (12 and under) $5.00

Family of 5* $25.00

*each additional person is $3

Donations accepted. Please call the school to make arrangements.

At the Door Prices:

Adults and Teens $10.00

Children (12 and under) $6.00

Deacon Jerry Mattox’s weekly

Bible Study is focusing on

Exodus and Church History.

It is open to all parishioners

and meets at 7:00 p.m. every

Thursday in the Halpine


Bible Study Deacon Jerry Mattox’s weekly Bible Study is focusing on

Exodus and Church History. It is open to all parishioners and

meets at 7:00 p.m. every Thursday in the Halpine Room.

Page 7: January 2012


Save your loose change. The Knights will

collect your change in a few weeks in front of

the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Page 8: January 2012


Holy Family Cathedral

P.O. Box 3204

Tulsa, OK 74101-3204

year, has for many years been on the

first Saturday of December and it was to

honor the Feast of Thanksgiving Past

and the Feast of Christmas Come and

involved much labor and expense as it

was turkey, albeit turkey breast, and all

the trimmings! We simply could not

have accomplished this dinner this past

December without the contribution of

James and Colleen Brooks, Ethel

Brooks, Johnny and Sharon Thierry,

Johnny Thierry III, John, Shirley, and

Latasha Hayden providing five large

pans of dressing, gravy, and green beans

- all of which they contrived over the

Thanksgiving weekend for serving the

following weekend, Nor could we have

served 120 slices of pumpkin pie with-

out the teutonic organizing capabilities

of Helga Gorman mustering Claudia

Payne, Rebecca Thompson, Ann Owen,

(Continued from page 4) Jean Caldwell, Judy Elkhoury, Dorothy

Wire, Beth Henry, Katharine Klammer,

and, of course, the lady of the moment -

Helga, herself - providing the pumpkin

pies so essential to a traditional holiday

feast! So, one might say that we are very

adept at getting others to do our labors

but I see them as more as the powers

behind the throne for without them we

would be lost. And not to be forgotten is

Edna Hawkins who, in my estimation

quite courageously, wanted to continue

a tradition of her late husband, Dan, in

providing the turkey stew for our Janu-

ary homeless dinner. Our Thanksgiving

Turkey Drive would come to naught

without the generosity of those parish-

ioners who contributed their fowls and

finances to this deserving cause. We are

thankful to Monsignor Gier for his al-

lowing us to use the Cathedral facilities

for our monthly meetings and pancake

breakfasts. And, yes, we are ever so

thankful for those of you who partake of

our monthly fare come September

through May as its income underpins so

many of our endeavors. We know - it is

not the Ritz - but we try hard. Have I

forgotten any one? Needless to say, yes!

So allow me to now to say to anyone

thus forgot you are remembered and you

are appreciated - it is just that I can't

remember who you are! So, as I totter

off into old age just let me say,

“Thanks!” to each and every one of you

who in any large or small way were re-

sponsive to our needs on behalf of each

and every member of Holy Family Coun-

cil of the Knights of Columbus #10388.

Could we have done better in many in-

stances? No doubt! But I also thank God

that we did no worse! May you all have

a blessed 2012! PAX!