january 15, 2016 - south central high school · january 13, 2016 dear parents: re: accountability...

Telephone Extensions (403-664-3644) 8 Student Absences 0 or 2700 Office Ruth Munroe 1 or 2701 Principal / Jean Kimber 2703 Counseling/ Tenelle Brost 2704 Ashley Schellenberg 2705 Tenelle Brost 2706 Badlands Badgers Office 2707 Kendra Girletz 2708 Lois Bedwell / Library 2711 Rachel Booker 2713 Bruce Peers 2714 Shannon Hauck 2715 Vaughn Olorenshaw 2718 Carmen Hoffmann/Tricia Fischbuch 2722 Gym Office 2721 Larry Lane /Custodian January 15, 2016 SCHS 105-3rd Ave. W Box 299 Oyen, AB T0J 2J0 To subscribe to this newsletter electronically, please go to SCHS web site: http://southcentral.ca/ , scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up. This is an excellent way to keep up with happen- ings around the school South Central High News One last look at Christmas Spirit Days!

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Page 1: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards

Telephone Extensions (403-664-3644) 8 Student Absences

0 or 2700 Office Ruth Munroe

1 or 2701 Principal / Jean Kimber

2703 Counseling/ Tenelle Brost

2704 Ashley Schellenberg

2705 Tenelle Brost

2706 Badlands Badgers Office

2707 Kendra Girletz

2708 Lois Bedwell / Library

2711 Rachel Booker

2713 Bruce Peers

2714 Shannon Hauck

2715 Vaughn Olorenshaw

2718 Carmen Hoffmann/Tricia Fischbuch

2722 Gym Office

2721 Larry Lane /Custodian

January 15, 2016


105-3rd Ave. W

Box 299

Oyen, AB T0J 2J0

To subscribe to this


electronically, please go to

SCHS web site:

http://southcentral.ca/ ,

scroll to the bottom of the

page and sign up. This is

an excellent way to keep up with happen-

ings around the school

South Central High News

One last look at Christmas Spirit Days!

Page 2: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards
Page 3: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards

January 13, 2016

Dear Parents:

Re: Accountability Pillar Survey

Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards to the education system. The survey you are

given specifically focuses on the education your child is receiving through South Central High School in the Prairie

Rose School Division.

You may have already received a letter and the survey from Alberta Education. If you have not, please be patient

as the surveys are mailed out in January. The purpose of this letter is two-fold:

The first is to encourage you to participate in the survey. The last survey showed a low participation rate with only

32 households out of a potential 110 completing the survey. I encourage you to complete the survey to the best of

your knowledge. The school would like to hear from a significant number of students and parents.

The second point is to address one concern we often hear, which is that parents feel that they sometimes feel that

they lack the knowledge to accurately answer certain parts of the survey. Please complete the survey to the best of

your ability, but the following list of initiatives or highlights that we have targeted in the past year may help:

Comment on the learning environment/learning opportunities. Dual Credit, Credit Recovery, Flex Blocks (B


The school has implemented many new options this year – Fitness, Cosmetology, Outdoor Ed, Media Studies,

Drama, etc.

Focus on literacy integration in all subjects.

Public PowerSchool – Parents have received login information and access to student course marks online

through the Prairie Rose.

Improving communication with parents and our community through the use of Facebook (South Central High

News) and our website (southcentral.ca).

Other potential topics:

Safe and caring learning environment?

Field Trips

Extra-curricular – Sports Teams, Leadership, Murder Mystery

When completing the survey, you will have the option of choosing various levels of agreement/disagreement, and

you also have the opportunity to select “don’t know or unsure”, which unfortunately factors in as a negative

response for our school. We are hoping that this letter will help you to be more informed about some of our initia-

tives, so that you do not need to use “Don’t know” as an option. While our intention is not to influence your re-

sponses, we are very proud of the initiatives and educational climate at SCHS. However, there is always room for

school improvement hence the request for your involvement in the survey. Please assist us in recognizing what is

working well at the school and what areas of programming and operation may be adjusted to better meet the needs

of our students.

Thank you for your time.


Jean Kimber


Page 4: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards


DIA April 7, 2014 by DJ Thistle

As a parent and an educator, this topic is near and dear to my heart. Every week that passes, the social media landscape chang-

es, and keeping up with it can be a nightmare. I ask that if you find value in this article please share with others so that we

may spread the word about keeping our children safe online.

If you’re a parent, you have to keep up with it. You have to be “savvy” enough to know what social networks your kids are

using. You can’t use the excuse “I don’t understand this stuff!” (for example: Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Vine, Google+,

Ask.fm, and Tumblr) <– If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s time to start doing some research. You don’t have to

be an expert, but you should know how these networks operate. These are the platforms your teenagers or soon to be teenagers

are probably using right now.

Here is some advice to get you started on educating yourself and your children on how to use social media safely: 1. Teach your child about respect. Respecting themselves and respecting others. If you stop them from being on Twitter or

Facebook they’ll just move to WhatsApp or Instagram or SnapChat or Google+ or … you get the point. Give them the skills

to make good decisions first and foremost.

2. Don’t use social media to humiliate your child. It may be a temporary fix to get your child to stop making poor decisions

but the potential long term ramifications definitely outweigh the short term.

3. Teach your child that whatever they put online is permanent (this includes texting!) Private is not always private. The photo

they post online is not owned by them anymore. It’s owned by Facebook, Instagram, and Google, etc… and they can do what

they want with it (so can that bully who happens to be a friend of a friend on Facebook which gives them access to certain

photos your child posts).

4. Some day, your kids may apply to a university or college, or submit a resume for their dream job and I can assure you they

will most likely be researched online. Ask yourself, what will their impression of my child be when their done? Therefore,

teach them to also share their accomplishments like academic awards, sports awards, volunteering, community events, school

club activities etc. online when they are involved in them.

5. Lead by example. Practice what you preach if you want them to navigate their digital life safely.

6. Explain to your child that communicating verbally is completely different than communicating online. If you happen to say

something verbally that you later regret you can fix this over time. If you happen to post something online that you later re-

gret, that content may never disappear and you may never be able to fix it.

7. Be present and aware of what your children are doing online. Don’t give your tween a laptop/iPad/iPod and let them go to

their room for the night if you don’t plan on keeping an eye on them. Know what apps they have. Know their password to

these devices. You have to find a balance between trusting your child and parenting. If you don’t give them some space

they’ll never learn to make good decisions (even if that means making a mistake here and there) and if you’re completely

oblivious to their online activities you’re making it far too easy for them to potentially make an unrepairable mistake.. Teach

your child not to interact/follow people they don’t know in person (exceptions: sports stars, celebrities, etc. who are positive

role models).

9. Review the privacy settings of each app with your child. You’ll probably want to make sure that they’re not sharing their

current location. For more information on privacy settings, visit the White Hatter on Facebook to learn how to adjust privacy

and location settings.

10. Make sure your child knows to come to you with a problem right when it occurs, so you can help fix it. Things can get out

of hand quickly online, as pictures, texts and posts can go viral within hours! Whether something is happening on their ac-

counts, or on a friends’ account they need to know to report it to you. Let them know coming to you is their only option and

that you will always listen.

11. Trust while online only goes as far as they trust their friends! Teach your child to never share passwords with friends.

Along the same line, encourage your child to never share private information, speak ill of another person or share inappropri-

ate photos online. Once information has been shared with others, it can never be taken back.

Page 5: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards

Apps/websites that you need to be monitoring if your teens/tweens are using them: Remember it’s not necessarily about the technology. It’s more about how the technology is being used. However, some of these

apps/websites encourage risky behavior.

1. Tinder – This app lets your kid “like” people who are as close as 1 mile from their location. If the other person “likes” your

child back then they’ll be able to chat and give their location. This app is known for “hook ups”.

2. Ask.fm – This is a question and answer social site that allows people to ask and answer anonymously (the bullying possibilities

are endless).

3. Whisper -This website allows users to post “secrets” and photos anonymously. It also allows whispering to other us-

ers anonymously as well. Here is their tagline: “Express Yourself – Share Secrets – Meet New People.”

4. SnapChat – The app that supposedly allows users to send a photo that will disappear “forever” after 30 seconds. The problem is

that it’s easy to take a screenshot, which makes that statement ridiculously untrue.

5. Burn Note – Similar to SnapChat, this app’s number one priority is privacy, which teens are drawn to, but makes bullying, sex-

ting, etc.. easier to participate in.

6. Let’s Date – Similar to Tinder, this app starts you off as anonymous to all but once you tell other users “let’s date” and once re-

ciprocated you’re no longer anonymous to them.

7. Kik Messenger – I think I will let this next quote sum up this app:

If you grab every new app out there that you hear the kids & teenagers like, then you probably have KIK, an app extremely

popular among the young crowd. While the messenger app is simple and often fun to use, with meme-making features and the

ability to add videos and images to chats, it’s also full of random sex-spammers. AdLand.TV

8. WhatsApp – Recently purchased by Facebook. This app allows users to chat, send messages, send photos, join groups, etc…

9. Slingshot -Teens love this app because in order for you to view a video or photo another user sends you have to send them one as

well. Your kid can easily be found by random people on this app.

10. Chatroulette – A website that matches you randomly with another user so that you can video chat with them. According to

a poll – 1 in 8 spins yielded someone apparently naked, exposing themselves or engaging in a sexual act.

Parents should keep all their children off the site because it’s much too dangerous Parents should keep all their children off

the site because it’s much too dangerous for children. It’s a predator’s paradise. This is one of the worst faces of the Internet

that I’ve seen. It’s disconnecting human relationships rather than connecting them. –Dr. Keith Ablow

There will always be a new “it” app that your child may want to download. It’s extremely important to teach them about making

good decisions and the consequences that come with making bad ones. Just because they might be “anonymous” on said social

network doesn’t excuse them from being a good person who is respectful of others.

Please note:

The original letter can be found at the following website. This website also feature several videos that provide more detailed infor-

mation regarding some of the social media tools mentions above.


Three top tips for building your child’s online resilience Recent research suggests that a lot of what we’ve been told about

keeping children safe online may be wrong. In fact, rather than trying to limit young people's exposure to harmful content via filters

and restrictions, we should be focusing on helping them build their skills, confidence and creativity.1 This will make it easier for

them to manage their use (to switch off!) and to deal with risks. You can't shield your child from all risks online, any more than you

can offline. But not all those risks have to turn into harm.Here are our tips for helping your child to regulate their own use and take

the more positive apporach to the internet that seems to lead to greater safety:

Rather than making inflexible rules, have a conversation. It can be tempting to lay down hard and fast rules - to order your kids

not to visit certain websites or to switch all screens by dinner time. But even a child who has no access to a computer at home may

be able to surf the web on their phone, a friend’s tablet or laptop or even at school, and research shows that children who have very

restrictive parents are generally less resilient than their peers. If you’d rather your child didn't use certain websites, the best ap-

proach is to explain why. Calmly and rationally discussing the risks of some online activities can help your children decide for

themselves that uploading that picture or clicking on that link isn’t worth the risk.

Create a supportive environment for exploration and learning. We know parental support can make a big difference in offline

success, but it’s now seeming just as crucial to online resilience. Make it clear you support your child seeking out new opportuni-

ties. Encourage them to research topics that interest them, use the internet for homework and connect positively with friends and

family via social media.

Don’t be too hands-off. Giving your children freedom to explore online without excessive restrictions and monitoring is a good

thing, but there’s no need to jump to the other extreme. Research shows that parental interest and involvement is positively corre-

lated with online resilience, so don’t stay completely removed from your child’s online life. Ask them to show you their favourite

websites, videos and apps, and talk to them about how they interact online. Take a real interest in what they're doing. It is children

who feel unconditionally supported (but who have clear boundaries) who feel most secure and tend to be safer.

In other words, a lot of the best strategies for online parenting are very similar to those offline. Most parents are already trying to

balance freedoms and rules, to support their children and get involved in their lives. Adding new technology into all that can seem

scary, but don't worry too much about the tech; focusing on your child, being interested and supporting them works online too.

Page 6: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards
Page 7: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards

Information on Diploma exams can be accessed by following this link:


Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre in April

Sign up now for a great time and to be part of SCHS Murder Mystery

Dinner! This has proved to be a great experience. Mr. and Mrs. White

will be leading the charge and hope to see a great turn out. It’s not

too late to sign up

Page 8: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards
Page 9: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards

SOLARO has added Social Studies

for grades 6, 9, 10-1, 20-1, 10-1, 30-2.

St. John Ambulance Standard –First Aid-Level C CPR and AED Where: At SCHS January 28 & 29, 2016

Time:- Thursday 8:00am—4:00pm Friday 8:00am— 2:00pm This course is offered FREE . Regular cost is $150-$170. Only the first 18 students who pay their refundable $50 deposit will be ac-cepted. If you fail to show up for both days, you will forfeit the deposit. Upon comple-tion of the two day course you will receive your St. John SFA certificate and two high school credits!

Reading Corner to Be Dedicated to Darlene Scarff Remembering Dar-

lene Scarff as a

teacher and a valued

member her role as

the Co-coordinator

of Adult Literacy for the Big Country Commu-

nity Adult Learning Council, we would like to

remind everyone of Family Literacy Day on

January 27. It’s a time to celebrate adults

and children reading and learning together

and to encourage Canadian families to spend

at least 15 minutes a day enjoying a learning

activity together. South Central High School

is accepting donations If you would like to

contribute to Darlene’s Reading Corner.

Page 10: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11

12 13 14 15


17 18

19 20 21 22 23


25 26 27 28 29 30



BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday to those who

celebrate birthdays in



Last day of

regular classes

Exam Week

No School for


Exams rest of the week….check your schedule. All exams start

at 9 am. Please hand in your textbooks when you are finished!


Page 11: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards

January 2016

18 Last Day of Regular Classes

19 English 30-1 & 30-2 Part B Diploma Exam – 9:00-12:00 a.m.

20 Social Studies 30-1 & 30-2 Part B Diploma Exam – 9:00-11:30

22 Biology 30 Diploma Exam – 9:00-12:00 a.m.

25 Mathematics 30-1 & 30-2 Diploma Exam – 9:00-12:00 a.m.

26 Badlands at Dusk Fundraiser

26 Physics 30 Diploma Exam – 9:00-12:00 a.m.

27 Chemistry 30 Diploma Exam – 9:00-12:00 a.m.

29 School Improvement Day – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

February 2016

Heart Month - heartandstroke.ab.ca

1 Semester 2 Begins

2 Grade 12 Cap & Gown Photos – Time Slot Sign—up Beginning

at 10:00 - $20.00 mandatory sitting fee

15 Family Day Holiday – NO SCHOOL

16&17 Lieu Days for Parent Teacher Interviews – NO SCHOOL

18& 19 Teachers Convention – NO SCHOOL

March 2016

National Nutrition Month - dietitians.ca/

National Social Work Month - casw-acts.ca/

4 School Improvement Day – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

21 & 22 Parent/Teacher Interviews from 4:00-6:30 p.m.

25-April 3 Easter Holiday

April 2016

National Poetry Month

1-3 Easter Holidays – NO SCHOOL

11 Mid-Term Report Cards Mailed

20 SCHS Dinner Theatre

23 ATA Meeting in Oyen (6:00 p.m.)

25 Division Improvement Day – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

May 2016

20 SCHS Celebration 2016

23 Victoria Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL

24 School Improvement Day – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

June 2016

6 ATA Meeting in Dunmore (10:00 a.m.)

13 English 30-1 & 30-2 Part A Diploma Exam – 9:00-12:00 a.m.

14 Social Studies 30-1 & 30-2 Part A Diploma Exam 9:00-12:00


15 Last Day of Regular Classes

16 English 30-1 & 30-2 Part B Diploma Exam – 9:00-12:00 a.m.

17 Social Studies 30-1 & 30-2 Part B Diploma Exam 9:00-11:30 a.m

21 Summer Begins

22 Biology 30 Diploma Exam – 9:00-12:00 a.m.

23 Chemistry 30 Diploma Exam – 9:00-12:00 a.m.

24 Mathematics 30-1 & 30-2 Diploma Exam – 9:00-12:00 a.m.

27 Physics 30 Diploma Exam – 9:00-12:00 a.m.

28 Last Day of School for Students

29 Last Day of School for Staff

August 2016

SCHS Awards Night - 7:00 pm.

Lucky Owen


Winner of the

IPad Mini at our

Christmas Black-

out Bingo!

Cosmetology class learning manicures!

Glammed up for the banquet!

2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR

Page 12: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards
Page 13: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards

Celebration Important Dates and Checklist

Questions about Celebration 2016??

Contact Tenelle Brost 403-664-3644 ext. 2703

[email protected]

Date Event

January 29 Baby/toddler pictures (2 or 3) and Family Pictures

(1 or 2) DUE. Bring into school (we will scan and

return to you) or email to Mrs. Hauck: Shan-

[email protected]

January 29 Biography is DUE. Hand in now, or your biog-

raphy may not be included in the booklet.

February 2 Cap & Gown Pictures @ SCHS. Sitting fee: $20

Photographer: KC Creations

Boys please wear white collared shirt and

Girls wear a tank top or short-sleeved shirt

February 22 Invitation Request Forms are handed out to stu-


March 11 Invitation Request Forms are DUE – please hand

in to the office

March 23 Distribution of Grad Ceremonies Invitations – In-

vitations will be given to students at school

May 1 Celebration Fee $200 DUE

Banquet Fees $25 per person DUE

May 13 Wooden letters DUE – please hand in to the office

May 19 Rehearsal at the Arena during E-block


See schedule of events

www.alis.alberta.ca – this webpage has tons of information on plan-ning for post-secondary schools. Please come see me in A or E block and I can help you! If you have applied to post-secondary, keep checking your email. Most institutions will send you an email requesting more infor-mation or keeping you updated on your status. If they require an Interim Statement of Marks, all you have to do is ask me, and I will send it to them.

Page 14: January 15, 2016 - South Central High School · January 13, 2016 Dear Parents: Re: Accountability Pillar Survey Alberta Education conducts a yearly survey of all parents in regards