january 12, 2016 - fbicgroup group multi-cha… ·...

January 12, 2016 Metro’s fiscal year 2015 results highlight the importance of logistics investment in the group’s modernization strategy. Improvements in logistics are important to sustain the expansion of multichannel capabilities, central for all three Metro’s retailing brands. Metro has also started fostering startups, having partnered with US accelerator Techstars to launch the Techstars Metro Accelerator program. Metro’s modernization strategy aims to equip the company with the tools to grow within the expanding German ecommerce market, where the group faces competition from the likes of retail giant Amazon. MULTI-CHANNEL INVESTMENTS DEBORAH WEINSWIG Executive Director – Head of Global Retail & Technology Fung Business Intelligence Centre [email protected] US: 646.839.7017 HK: 852.6119.1779 CHN: 86.186.1420.3016

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Page 1: January 12, 2016 - fbicgroup Group Multi-Cha… · expanding(German(e?commerce(market,(where(the(group(faces(competition(from(the(likes(of(retail(giant(Amazon. (MULTI-CHANNEL INVESTMENTS



January 12, 2016

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  EXECUTIVE  DIRECTOR–HEAD  OF  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

• Metro’s  fiscal  year  2015  results  highlight  the  importance  of  logistics  investment  in  the  group’s  modernization  strategy.  

• Improvements  in  logistics  are  important  to  sustain  the  expansion  of  multi-­‐channel  capabilities,  central  for  all  three  Metro’s  retailing  brands.    

• Metro  has  also  started  fostering  startups,  having  partnered  with  US  accelerator  Techstars  to  launch  the  Techstars  Metro  Accelerator  program.  

• Metro’s  modernization  strategy  aims  to  equip  the  company  with  the  tools  to  grow  within  the  expanding  German  e-­‐commerce  market,  where  the  group  faces  competition  from  the  likes  of  retail  giant  Amazon.  


D E B O R A H W E I N S W I G E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r –

H e a d o f G l o b a l R e t a i l & T e c h n o l o g y F u n g B u s i n e s s I n t e l l i g e n c e C e n t r e

d e b o r a h w e i n s w i g @ f u n g 1 9 3 7 . c o m U S : 6 4 6 . 8 3 9 . 7 0 1 7

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Page 2: January 12, 2016 - fbicgroup Group Multi-Cha… · expanding(German(e?commerce(market,(where(the(group(faces(competition(from(the(likes(of(retail(giant(Amazon. (MULTI-CHANNEL INVESTMENTS



January 12, 2016

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  EXECUTIVE  DIRECTOR–HEAD  OF  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

MULTI-CHANNEL INVESTMENTS On  December  15,  2015,  Metro  Group  announced  its  results  for  fiscal  year  2015.  In  a  recent  FBIC  flash  report,  Metro  Group  Gears  Up  Its  Logistics  to  Fit  Multi-­‐Channel  and  Fresh  Produce,  we  analyzed  how  the  company’s  plan  for  logistics  investments  announced  in  September  2015  sits  within  its  broader  strategy.  

In   this   report,  we   expand   the   analysis   of   the   group’s   strategy,   and   of   the  role  of   logistics  within   it,   in   light  of  announcements  made  by  Metro’s  CEO,  Olaf   Koch,   and   CFO,   Mark   Frese,   in   the   company’s   annual   results  presentation.  

TARGETS  ACHIEVED  DESPITE  CHALLENGING  ENVIRONMENTS  Koch   introduced   the   fiscal   year   2015   presentation   by   remarking   that,  despite   the   challenging   macroeconomic   and   geopolitical   environment,  Metro  managed   to   grow   its   comparable   sales   by   1.5%   year   over   year;   its  EBIT   before   special   items   (adjusted   for   currency   effect)   by   4.7%,   to   €1.5  billion  (US$1.7  billion);  and  its  EPS  to  €1.91  (US$2.14)  from  €1.84  (US$2.33)  on  September  30,  2014.  The  company  also  managed  to  reduce  its  net  debt  to  €2.5  billion  (US$2.8  billion)  from  €4.6  billion  (US$5.8  billion)  at  the  end  of  the  previous  fiscal  year.  

Frese   explained   that   positive   comps   were   achieved   thanks   to   the  performance  of  Metro  Cash  &  Carry  (Metro’s  dominant  retail  brand,  which  contributes   about   50%   of   the   group’s   global   sales),   and   electrical   goods  chain  Media-­‐Saturn.  The  reduction   in  the  group’s  net  debt  was  mainly  due  to   the   sale   of   department   store   chain   Galeria   Kaufhof   to   Hudson’s   Bay  Company  for  €2.8  billion  (US$3.1  billion)  in  September  2015,  Frese  noted.  

HOW  LOGISTICS  FITS  WITH  THE  STRATEGIC  AMBITIONS  OF  THE  GROUP  Koch   said   that   the   company’s   planned   investment   in   logistics   consisted  of  building  three  new  distribution  centers  and  expanding  an  existing  facility  by  2018.  He  did  not  disclose  any   figure,   but   commented   that   the   investment  will   be,   in   euro   terms,   in   the   high   double-­‐digit   millions,   and   that   it   will  unleash   annual   savings   in   the   double-­‐digit   millions,   without   specifying  across  how  many  years.  

 Source:  Metro  Group  

Metro  managed  to  grow  its  comparable  sales  by  1.5%  year  over  year;  its  EBIT  before  special  items  (adjusted  for  currency  effect)  by  4.7%,  to  €1.5  billion  (US$1.7  billion);  and  its  EPS  to  €1.91  (US$2.14)  from  €1.84  (US$2.33)  on  September  30,  2014.  

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January 12, 2016

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  EXECUTIVE  DIRECTOR–HEAD  OF  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

The   logistics   investment  will  be   focused  on  Germany,  which   is   the  group’s  core   market   and   accounts   for   about   40%   of   its   global   revenues.   So,   it   is  worthwhile   to   look  at  how   the  group  performed   in  Germany   in   fiscal   year  2015:  

Figure  1.  Metro  Group  Sales  in  Germany,  Fiscal  Year  2015  

 Source:  Metro  Group  

Figure  1  shows  that  overall  group  sales  growth  in  Germany  was  flat  in  2015,  with   little   progress   from   the   previous   fiscal   year.   Although   Media-­‐Saturn  showed   comparable   sales   growth   of   1.6%,   both  Metro   Cash   &   Carry   and  Real   recorded   negative   comps,   dragging   down   Metro   Group’s   overall  results.  

FOCUS  ON  MULTI-­‐CHANNEL  MAKES  LOGISTICS  CRUCIAL  Multi-­‐channel   is   a   key   element   of   Metro’s   strategy.   The   investment   in  logistics   will   be   a   crucial   support   for   the   strategy,   as   multi-­‐channel  operations  require  efficient  supply  chains  and  delivery.  

For  Metro  Cash  &  Carry,  expanding  e-­‐commerce  and   food-­‐service  delivery  options  is  central  to  refreshing  the  business  model.  The  chain  is  still  heavily  reliant   on   customers—small   business   owners,   particularly   in   the   hotel,  restaurant   and   café   (HoReCa)   sector—visiting   its   brick-­‐and-­‐mortar   stores.  But  HoReCa  entrepreneurs  now  have   less   time  to  physically  visit   stores.   In  response  to  the  evolving  needs  of  its  customers,  Metro  Cash  &  Carry  aims  to  become   the   “champion   for   independent   business”   by   being   able   to   serve  customers  through  online  retailing  and  food-­‐service  delivery.  

Multi-­‐channel   retailing   is   also   a   focus   at  Media-­‐Saturn.   The   chain’s   online  sales  grew  by  20%  in  fiscal  year  2015  at  the  global  level,  and  we  can  assume  a  similar  performance  in  Germany.  Media-­‐Saturn  aims  to  further  expand  its  e-­‐commerce   reach   and   integrate   it   with   the   optimization   of   its   store  portfolio.  This  entails  closing  underperforming  stores;  opening  new,  smaller  formats  such  as  Saturn  Connect  in  central  urban  locations;  and  refurbishing  existing   stores   to   focus   more   on   the   “digital   lifestyle”   concept,   which  involves  a  high  level  of  curation,  a  focus  on  mobile  and  innovative  products,  and   the   expansion   of   service   and   contract   offerings.   In   the   results  presentation,  management   highlighted   same-­‐day   delivery   of   online   orders  within   three   hours   as   one   of   Media-­‐Saturn’s   main   operational  achievements;  the  service  is  now  available  in  170  German  cities.  



10.0  7.7  
















Metro  Group   Metro  Cash  &  Carry   Media-­‐Saturn   Real    


€  Billion


Net  Sales  (Leo  Axis)   Comparable  Sales  Growth  (Right  Axis)  

Figure  1  shows  that  overall  group  sales  growth  in  Germany  was  flat  in  2015,  with  little  progress  from  the  previous  fiscal  year.  Although  Media-­‐Saturn  showed  comparable  sales  growth  of  1.6%,  both  Metro  Cash  &  Carry  and  Real  recorded  negative  comps,  dragging  down  Metro  Group’s  overall  results.  


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January 12, 2016

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  EXECUTIVE  DIRECTOR–HEAD  OF  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

Even   for   hypermarket   chain   Real,   the   division   of   Metro   Group   that   is  struggling  the  most,  multi-­‐channel  is  a  central  part  of  the  effort  to  make  the  brand  more   relevant.  Over   fiscal   year   2015,   Real’s   online   sales  more   than  doubled,   to  €47  million   (US$54  million).   Frese  announced  plans   to  expand  Real’s  multi-­‐channel  proposition,  including  by  offering  in-­‐store  grocery  click-­‐and-­‐collect,  as  part  of  a  store  modernization  effort.  Supply  chain  efficiency  efforts   to   reduce   costs   were   also   listed   as   a   priority   for   the   hypermarket  chain.   For   Real,   the   group’s   investment   in   logistics   will   also   help   it   meet  demand   for   a   broader   selection   of   fresh   produce,   which   requires   more  frequent  supply  restocking.  

 Source:  Metro  Group  

The  growing  importance  of  multi-­‐channel  retailing  at  Metro  shows  how  the  role   of   the   stores   within   the   group’s   operations   will   increasingly   become  integrated  with  the  company’s  overall  e-­‐commerce  operations  and  services  provision   (although  we  note   that   the   store   operations  will   still   be   central,  particularly  for  Metro  Cash  &  Carry  and  Real).  To  sustain  these  efforts,  and  operate   smoothly   as   a  multi-­‐channel   retailer,   the   group  must   enhance   its  logistics  capabilities.  

INVESTMENT  IN  STARTUPS  Frese   showcased   the   most   recent   component   of   Metro’s   modernization  strategy,  investment  in  startups.  Together  with  the  expansion  of  the  multi-­‐channel  operations,  this  is  a  central  element  of  Metro’s  innovation  strategy.  

Metro   partnered   with   US   startup   accelerator   Techstars   to   launch   the  Techstars   Metro   Accelerator   program   in   October   2015.   The   company  defines  it  as  the  world’s  first  hospitality  and  food  tech  accelerator.  There  are  currently   11   startups   in   the   program,   including   companies   that   produce  software  solutions  and  apps   for   restaurant  owners,   caterers  and  hoteliers,  such   as   www.1001menus.com,   Flowtify   and   Wynd;   travel   and   restaurant  services  providers  such  as  Lunchio  and  Journy;  and  online  retailers  such  as  Gastrozentrale.de,   a   B2B   online   shop   for   kitchen   technology   and  restaurant/catering  equipment.    

The  fostering  and  investing  in  startups  is  part  of  the  modernization  strategy  at   Metro   as   it   aims   to   come   up   with   “the   next   big   thing”   that   will  differentiate  the  way  the  group  caters  to  its  customers.  

Even  for  hypermarket  chain  Real,  the  division  of  Metro  Group  that  is  struggling  the  most,  multi-­‐channel  is  a  central  part  of  the  effort  to  make  the  brand  more  relevant.  Over  fiscal  year  2015,  Real’s  online  sales  more  than  doubled,  to  €47  million  (US$54  million).  

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January 12, 2016

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  EXECUTIVE  DIRECTOR–HEAD  OF  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

“AMAZONIFICATION”  OF  METRO  The   investment   in   logistics,   expansion  of  multi-­‐channel   and   search   for   the  next   big   thing   through   investments   in   startups   all   suggest   that   Metro’s  modernization   process   entails   a   good   degree   of   “Amazonification.”  Much  like  Amazon  does,  the  company  is  developing  strong  logistics  capability  and  plans  to  reinvest  profits  in  innovative  ventures.  

This   is  a   logical  move,  as  Amazon   is  an   important  competitor   for  Metro   in  Germany,   particularly   for   Media-­‐Saturn.   Over   the   last   three   fiscal   years  ending  December  31,  2014,  Amazon  grew   its   sales   in  Germany  by  31%,   to  €8.9   billion   (US$11.8   billion).   The   two   companies   compete   closely   in   the  German   market,   often   embracing   similar   initiatives.   For   instance,   in  response  to  Media-­‐Saturn  offering  same-­‐day  delivery,  Amazon  launched  the  same  service  for  its  Prime  customers  in  14  German  cities  in  November  2015.  


Source:  Amazon-­‐presse.de  

Over  the  last  three  fiscal  years  ending  December  31,  2014,  Amazon  grew  its  sales  in  Germany  by  31%,  to  €8.9  billion  (US$11.8  billion).  

Page 6: January 12, 2016 - fbicgroup Group Multi-Cha… · expanding(German(e?commerce(market,(where(the(group(faces(competition(from(the(likes(of(retail(giant(Amazon. (MULTI-CHANNEL INVESTMENTS



January 12, 2016

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  EXECUTIVE  DIRECTOR–HEAD  OF  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

At   the   same   time,   Metro   Group   is   becoming   more   like   Amazon   as   e-­‐commerce   becomes   the   battleground   for   retail   growth   in   Germany.  According   to  German  e-­‐commerce  association  ECO,  by  2019   total  B2B  and  B2C   e-­‐commerce   turnover   in   Germany   will   reach   €57.6   billion   (US$62.5  billion).   ECO   estimates   that   B2C   e-­‐commerce  will   grow   at   12%   compound  annual   growth   rate   (CAGR)   through   2019.   But   the   firm   expects   even  stronger  growth  for  B2B  e-­‐commerce,  predicting  the  segment  will  grow  at  a  15%  CAGR  over  the  same  period.  

Figure  2.  E-­‐Commerce  in  Germany:  Market  Value  Forecast,  2015–2019    

 Source:  ECO/FBIC  Global  Retail  &  Technology  

With   the   B2B   e-­‐commerce   market   expected   to   grow   by   75%   from   2015  through  2019,  it  clearly  makes  sense  for  Metro  Group’s  B2B  division,  Metro  Cash   &   Carry,   to   focus  more   on   serving   its   customers   through   the   online  channel.  Similarly,  it  makes  sense  for  Media-­‐Saturn  and  Real  to  continue  to  expand   multi-­‐channel   options   for   their   B2C   customers,   in   order   to   take  advantage  of  a  market  that  is  expected  to  grow  by  12%  year  over  year.  

If   Metro   Group   succeeds   in   gearing   up   its   logistics,   it   will   compete   more  effectively  with  Amazon  in  terms  of  speed,  convenience  and  efficiency  of  e-­‐commerce   delivery.   But   Metro   has   a   big   competitive   advantage   over  Amazon   in   Germany—its   store   network.   Metro’s   cost-­‐effective   store  portfolio  gives   it  visibility  and  support  for   its  multi-­‐channel  operations  that  Amazon  and  other  pure  e-­‐commerce  players  simply  do  not  have.  


26.5  30.4  




7.2   8.1   9.1   10.2   11.3  












2015   2016   2017   2018   2019  

€  Billion


B2B   B2C  

According  to  German  e-­‐commerce  association  ECO,  by  2019  total  B2B  and  B2C  e-­‐commerce  turnover  in  Germany  will  reach  €57.6  billion  (US$62.5  billion).  

Page 7: January 12, 2016 - fbicgroup Group Multi-Cha… · expanding(German(e?commerce(market,(where(the(group(faces(competition(from(the(likes(of(retail(giant(Amazon. (MULTI-CHANNEL INVESTMENTS



January 12, 2016

DEBORAH  WEINSWIG,  EXECUTIVE  DIRECTOR–HEAD  OF  GLOBAL  RETAIL  &  TECHNOLOGY  [email protected]    US:  917.655.6790    HK:  852.6119.1779    CN:  86.186.1420.3016  Copyright  ©  2016  The  Fung  Group.  All  rights  reserved.  

   Deborah  Weinswig,  CPA  Executive  Director—Head  of  Global  Retail  &  Technology  Fung  Business  Intelligence  Centre  New  York:  917.655.6790    Hong  Kong:  852  6119  1779  China:  86  186  1420  3016  [email protected]    Filippo  Battaini  [email protected]  John  Harmon,  CFA  [email protected]  Aragorn  Ho  [email protected]  John  Mercer  [email protected]  Shoshana  Pollack  [email protected]    Kiril  Popov  [email protected]  Jing  Wang    [email protected]  Steven  Winnick  [email protected]  Eddie  Wong  [email protected]      HONG  KONG:  10th  Floor,  LiFung  Tower  888  Cheung  Sha  Wan  Road,  Kowloon  Hong  Kong  Tel:  852  2300  2470    NEW  YORK:  1359  Broadway,  9th  Floor  New  York,  NY  10018  Tel:  646  839  7017    LONDON:  242-­‐246  Marylebone  Road  London,  NW1  6JQ  United  Kingdom  Tel:    44  (0)20  7616  8988    FBICGROUP.COM