january 10, 2021 the baptism of the lord · 2021. 1. 10. · charles and rebecca chandler, karen...

January 10, 2021 The Baptism of the Lord

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  • January 10, 2021 The Baptism of the Lord




    THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 2nd Collection-Religious Retirement Fund

    SUN. 10 Baptism of the Lord 8:00 a.m. Mass (St. Lawrence Parish) CH

    10:00 a.m. Mass (Marie Rhorer) CH 11:15 a.m. Religious Ed (RE) via zoom

    12:15 p.m. Spanish Mass (Leo & Mary CH MargaretScheetz) 6pm-8pm HSYG St. Francis-Parish Hall PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN MASS TIME TO 12:15pm

    MON. 11 First Week in Ordinary Time

    9:00 a.m. Staff Meeting AH

    12 Noon Gather, Pray, Learn K of C Hall

    12:15 p.m. Mass (Jerry Thornburg, Sonny CH

    Williams and Pete Taverna)

    TUES. 12

    8:00 a.m. Mass (Chuck Beaty, Jr.) CH

    9:00 a.m. Sunday Scripture Study via zoom

    WED. 13 St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of the Church

    8:00 a.m. Mass (Beth Kaiser) CH School Children attend

    THURS. 14

    No 8am Mass at St. Lawrence

    9:30 a.m. Footprints Sewing Group AH

    12:15 p.m. Mass at St. Francis

    5:15 p.m. Mass at St. Mary


    FRI. 15

    12:15 p.m. Mass (Kelly Kirby) CH

    . Church Cleaning

    SAT. 16

    NO 8am Mass

    3:00 p.m. Confessions CH

    4:30 p.m. Vigil Mass (Harry Metzger) CH Sun. 17 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. Mass (St. Lawrence Parish) CH 10:00 a.m. Mass (Patients and Staff at CH IU Health/Ball Hospital) 11:00 a.m. Adoration CH 11:15 a.m. RE via zoom 12:30 p.m. Spanish Mass (Poor Souls in Purgatory) CH 7:00 p.m. Benediction CH




    Pastor’s Column – A Message from Fr. Eric Underwood

    Muncie Catholic! By now, you have been hearing us use Muncie Catholic to refer to the

    beautiful unity of our pastorate – St. Francis, St.

    Lawrence, and St. Mary all working together for

    the glory of God!

    Get connected with us!

    1. Have you visited our website? munciecatholic.com

    2. Have you signed up for Flocknote communications (visit our website)?

    3. We even have some prayerful (and some just plain crazy) videos on YouTube – search for the

    MuncieCatholic YouTube Channel.

    4. If you need to register as a parishioner, please contact one of our parish offices directly. We are

    glad to help you! The Year of St. Joseph! In September, a parishioner

    gave me a beautiful book about the Consecration to St.

    Joseph. Immediately, I fell in love with it and decided

    that in Lent of 2021 I was going to invite parishioners to

    join in this study and Consecration. We are going to

    consecrate our pastorate to the guidance of St. Joseph!

    This same parishioner wrote me a note in December

    that said – “wasn’t it great that we got Pope Francis to

    declare this year in honor of St. Joseph.” I couldn’t help

    but laugh at the irony. Should we claim it as our own idea

    or allow Pope Francis to take this one?

    Would you join me in this study? Our book study and

    preparation for the Consecration to St. Joseph will begin

    on February 15th and continue through the Feast of St.

    Joseph on March 19th. We are planning the group

    dynamics, COVID considerations, and how best to

    embrace the spirituality of Jesus’ foster father. If you are

    interested in assisting me in planning this study, please

    email me at [email protected] this coming week.

    And… stay tuned for more details on how you can sign

    up to be a participant and purchase a copy of the book!

    Thank You to Everyone Who Made Christmas

    Extra Special! So many people made the Christmas

    season special for our priests, staff, and parishioners.

    Thank you to all who brought in goodies and gifts for the

    staff and priests. We truly feel loved in the Muncie

    Catholic Family! And to those who gave of your time to

    decorate, provide music, greet others, serve as liturgical

    ministers, and create beautiful welcoming spaces for us to

    celebrate Christ’s birth… God bless you for your

    generosity and kindness. May God bless you all in this

    New Year!

    Check Your Mailboxes: A letter is coming with some

    updates about the 2021 year and our Muncie Catholic

    embracing Uniting in Heart. What do we have planned

    for this new year? It promises to be exciting for all of us!

    mailto:[email protected]

  • St. Lawrence Catholic Church http://www.stlawrencemuncie.com



    First Reading — Behold my servant with whom I am

    pleased; he shall bring forth justice to the nations

    (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 55:1-11.

    Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace

    (Psalm 29) or Isaiah 12:2-6.

    Second Reading — God anointed him with the Holy

    Spirit (Acts 10:34-38) or 1 John 5:1-9.

    Gospel — You are my beloved Son, with you I am well

    pleased (Mark 1:7-11). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,

    International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


    Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20

    Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28

    Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39

    Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45

    Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12

    Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17

    Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10;

    1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42


    Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for January

    Human Fraternity – May the Lord give us the grace to

    live in full fellowship with our brothers and sisters of

    other religions, praying for one another, open to all.

    PRAYER REQUESTS Please remember the following parishioners in your prayers

    this week: Sonja Bickey, Larry & Dorothy Tricker, Isaiah

    Greiner, Joe Morgan, Dale Goth, Miriam Walker, Adam Pence,

    Alex Pence, Joseph Jenkinson, Clara Persinger, Martha Jean

    McIntosh, Dorothy & Joe Duncan, Linda Goth, Shirley Jordan,

    Kameron Kadinger, Lucille Kanney, Pat Daunt, Larry Rigel,

    Joyce Doyle, Stacey Vencel, Richard Biehl, Ed Kratochvil,

    Mary Hadley, Noah Cross, Mary Kerrigan, William Berger, Tia

    Lindsey, Dixie Lindsey, David Duke, Bill Brown, Bailey

    Michelle Rinker, Jimmy Hossom, Kathleen Hossom, Paula

    Hughes, Helen and Ronny Fouts, John Hartmeyer, Julie Coley

    Werling, Gary Pavlechko, Dan Wade, Kathy Lewis, John

    Slivoski, Jeff Fasnacht, Luisa Sanchez, Jake Ragala, Dixie

    Modglin, Robynn Russell, Steven Russell, Kevin Farrell, Helen

    Schmaltz, Sheila Henry, Gloria Frasier, Jim Frasier, Marsha

    Clark, Adam and Claire Kobulnicky, Barbara King, All health

    care workers, first responders and teachers, Lila Tweedy,

    Charles and Rebecca Chandler, Karen Freiburger, Fr. John


    PRAYER CHAIN Please call Joan McKinley 716-7073 for the St. Lawrence Church Prayer Chain request.

    Pray for our priests, deacons and seminarians:

    PRIESTS: Dcns/Seminarians Sun. Fr. Leroy Kinnaman Dcn. C. Jindrich

    Mon. Ch.Lt.Col J. Kinney Dcn. Gary Kuenz

    Tues. Fr. Jeff Kirch Dcn. Paul Lunsford

    Wed. Fr. Bob Klemme Dcn. Todd Marye

    Thurs. Fr. Leonard Kostka Dcn. Mike Mescall

    Friday Fr. Peter Logsdon Dcn. Mark Miller

    Sat. Fr. Gustavo Lopez Dcn. Steve Miller

    Weekend of January 3, 2021

    (Online included) (info not available due to vacation time at this printing)

    St. Lawrence Parish …………………….. $11,090.00 Children’s Envelopes …………………… $ 50.00 School Support …………………………. $ 806.00 Family Assistance Fund ………………… $ 35.00 Deacon’s Food Pantry ………………….. $ 195.00 Fuel Fund ………………………………. $ 188.00 Holy Day ……………………………….. $ 380.00 Special Donation ……………………….. $ 415.00 Candles …………………………………. $ 37.00 Fr. Heitz Scholarship …………………… $ 85.00 Other ……………………………………. $ 72.00 TOTAL: $13.353.00


    DECEMBER 2020

    (Includes Online Donations) St. Lawrence Parish ………………… $56,755.00

    Children’s envelopes ……………….. $ 150.00

    School Support ……………………… $ 3,808.00

    Deacon’s Food Pantry ………………. $ 3,257.00

    Fuel Fund …………………………… $ 696.00

    Holy Days …………………………… $ 1,104.00

    Christmas ……………………………. $ 5,873.00

    Other ………………………………… $ 2,493.00

    TOTAL: $74,136.00


    2ND Collection – January 9 and 10 In good times and bad, senior Catholic sisters, brothers,

    and religious order priests have dedicated themselves to

    service and acts of mercy. Today, they pray for an aching

    world. Yet years of serving for little or no pay have left

    their religious communities without enough retirement

    savings. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious

    helps provide medications, nursing care, and other

    necessities. Please be as generous as your means will


    Please consider online giving. Go to

    www.osvonlinegiving.com/4289 or call the Business

    Office at St. Lawrence 765-288-9223, Ext. 22 for

    additional information.





    (Sue Wilhelm) Dear Friends,

    In today’s Gospel we hear about the expression of love

    between the Persons of the Trinity in this Sacrament we

    call Baptism. The Son lives out love through and among

    humanity. Jesus emerges from the river after John has

    baptized him as the Father declares “You are my beloved

    Son!” and the Spirit descends upon him. It is good to

    reflect on the spiritual reality of our own Baptism. We are

    so loved that the Father gave us Jesus. We are welcomed

    into the Christ Life through Baptism and the Holy Spirit

    also descends upon us to guide us, to dance with us in our

    joys and comfort us in our sorrows, to enlighten us to the

    deeper meaning of our relationship with God and with one


    May you spend some time reflecting on this very real

    truth. Place yourself in the Jordon with Jesus to see and

    hear for yourself this great mystery! Ponder Jesus’

    invitation to you as you come out of the water with Him to

    live this truth in love.

    ____ Join us online through Facebook for Evening Meditation

    on the next day’s Gospel passage and Night Prayer

    Monday thru Friday at 7:15 p.m. Night Prayer only

    on Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 p.m.

    Tuesday Scripture Study 9:00am. Until further notice,

    we will meet through Zoom. Please use the following

    link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86298800182

    The Readings for next Sunday, the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary

    Time can be found

    here: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011721.cfm

    RCIA Sessions – Monday at 10:00am or Wednesday at

    6:30pm; and Breaking Open the Word (Saturday at

    10:15am) will be done through ZOOM for the next two

    weeks and then be re-evaluated for the good of the

    community. If you are interested and have not yet

    participated, please contact Sue at the parish office.

    Every Wednesday at Noon: Prayer for Healing

    and for Health care providers during

    COVID. Please join us Livestream on St. Lawrence Facebook page to pray together for this



    REMINDER: Gather, Pray, Learn starts this coming

    Monday at noon at the Knights of Columbus Hall.

    (Adult Faith Formation cont. in next column)



    Are you interested in recycling your greeting

    cards? You can bring the greeting cards you

    have received to the St. Lawrence Rectory

    and the cards will be collected to be recycled

    and turned into new greeting cards by “Beyond I Can”

    artists. Beyond I Can is a collective of special artists with

    disabilities in Muncie who create items, often times from

    recycled items and sold to support the organization. This

    gives the artist an artistic outlet and social community in

    which to create some lovely and interesting items, as well

    as responding to Pope Francis’ call to care for the earth

    which includes recycling. If you have any questions, call

    Roberta Allen email: [email protected] or call 765-


    SOCIAL JUSTICE “The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the

    American Church’s Complicity in Racism” by Jemar

    Tisby. This study will take place on Monday evenings,

    January 18-February 22 from 7:00-8:30pm using

    Zoom. The link will be shared with you after you register

    by calling the parish office or emailing Sue Wilhelm

    at [email protected]. Registrations due

    January 10th please so that books might be ordered.


    HOMES We would like to reach out to

    Nursing Homes by sending all the

    residents a “Thinking of You” card and providing a care

    package of pre-packaged snacks for the staff. We

    envision doing two to three nursing homes per month.

    You could help by donating boxes of “Thinking of You”

    cards and donation of snacks. If you are interested in

    helping with this outreach, contact Kathy Taylor at 765-


    MASS INTENTIONS If you would like to schedule Masses to be said for

    loved ones, call the Parish Office with any specific

    requests and they can be scheduled for this year. You

    can mail your check ($10.00 per Mass) to the Parish

    Office – 820 E. Charles St., Muncie, IN 47305, or

    drop in the collection basket at Mass.


    Beginning Monday, January 11, our Monday and

    Friday Masses will be at 12:15 p.m. We will no

    longer have an 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning Mass.

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86298800182https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011721.cfmmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://2014.igem.org/Team:OU_Normanhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/http://lockergnome.net/questions/105846/do-you-still-send-christmas-cardshttp://lockergnome.net/questions/105846/do-you-still-send-christmas-cardshttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

  • St. Lawrence Catholic Church http://www.stlawrencemuncie.com


    Saint Lawrence

    Catholic School



    Rob Frey, Principal: [email protected]

    Our mission is to provide a Catholic

    Christ-centered education rooted in love and

    compassion to prepare students to lead

    meaningful lives of service

    Wednesday, January 13 – 8:00 a.m. Mass

    Friday, January 15 – eLearning day (stay home)


    “ANNOUNCEMENTS” Sunday Religious Education (RE)

    Muncie Catholic High School Youth Group

    Two January Meetings:

    TODAY, Sunday, January 10 at St. Francis, Parish Hall

    6pm-8 pm

    Sunday, January 24 at St. Francis, Parish Hall 6pm-8 pm

    To ensure you receive information on upcoming Muncie

    Catholic HSYG events be sure to EMAIL Anne Gaydos at

    [email protected] OR [email protected]

    in.org with your Name, Email and Cell Phone number to

    get you on the MCHSYG Flocknote, GroupMe and


    Religious Education NEWS

    Welcome Back RE students! RE resumes TODAY,

    Sunday, January 10 @ a NEW TIME of 11:15am on

    ZOOM Conferencing.

    We could use additional Sunday RE teachers! All

    instruction is via Zoom. If you would like to share the

    Catholic faith with our children, please contact Anne


    Interested in enrolling your child in K-8th grade religious

    education (all K-7th classes via Zoom) or 8th grade

    Confirmation classes please contact Anne Gaydos

    [email protected].

    (Sunday Religious Ed (RE) cont. in next column)

    Sunday Religious Ed (RE) cont. At Home in Faith Looking for ways to increase your family prayer life and knowledge of the faith? @ Home in Faith is a program offered by our Diocese featuring a weekly topic

    relevant to our current Church calendar/season. The one-

    page handout and short video are designed to increase

    your family's faith and prayer life. The link is on our St.

    SLawrence website under Parish Life/

    Formation/FamilyCatechesisandYouthMinistry OR input

    the following into your browser:



    The next opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration will

    be NEXT Sunday, January 17, following the 10:00

    a.m.Mass until evening devotions at 7:00 p.m. If you

    are interested in joining our ministry, please contact

    Marilyn Sherrill at 765-396-3583 or 765-744-4086. --------------------------------------------------------------------

    Footprints Sewing Group This group will be meeting again on January

    14 and 28 at 9:30 a.m. in St. Agnes Hall. If

    you have any questions or need supplies before then,

    please contact Evela at (765)228-5348 or Jo

    Turner (765)282-0170.


    This group will meet again on Tuesday, January 26,

    from 3:30-5:00pm or 6:30-8:00pm in St. Agnes Hall.

    Social distancing is maintained and masks are

    required. If you have any questions and are

    interested in finding out more about this “ministry,”

    contact Deb Saxon at 765-760-4800. -------------------------------------------------------------------

    PLEASE HELP!!! Thank you to all the additional cleaners who have stayed after

    Mass. So greatly appreciated. We need

    more of you to help after the Mass you

    attend. Many hands make light work.

    Also, donations of aerosol Lysol spray

    would be greatly appreciated.


    St. Lawrence Mission and Vision

    Mission: St. Lawrence Parish, a people of prayer and

    service glorifying God. Vision: Through prayer and

    service, St. Lawrence Parish deepens its love for and

    knowledge of God.

    http://www.stlawrencemuncie.com/http://www.stlawrencemuncie/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://dol-in.org/AtHomeInFaithtel:(765)228-5348tel:(765)282-0170http://3stylelife.com/house-cleaning/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/



    Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA)

    Update as of January 4: Goal:

    $115,814; Number of Pledges: 116;

    Dollars Pledged: $44,602. Thank you to

    all who have donated to this appeal or sent

    in their pledge. You can still donate to this

    appeal by placing your commitment card

    in the collection basket on the weekend,

    drop off at the Parish Office, or mail in the envelope

    provided. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to

    call the Parish Office. You can also contribute online at

    www.dol-in.org/CMA. Pledge cards are available on the

    tables in the back of church if you did not receive one.


    Thank you to the Knights of Columbus

    for their gift of $16,917.13



    Are you Experiencing Pandemic

    Fatigue? Are you feeling exhausted from all the disruptions to life brought on

    by the pandemic? Are you or someone you

    know struggling with challenges like: Isolation and

    loneliness; anxiety over health; grief due to many different

    kinds of losses; tension from juggling work, childcare, and

    schooling; financial strain or job loss; uncertainty about

    the future; other unexpected life challenges. Our Stephen

    Ministers are ready to listen, care, encourage, and provide

    emotional and spiritual support. A Stephen Minister will

    meet with you privately—by phone, by video chat, or, if

    safely possible, in person—to offer care and support. It’s

    free and completely confidential. For more information,

    call the Parish Office (765-288-9223)


    Welcome to St. Lawrence

    Lizbeth Torres and her children

    Jared and Abby Torres

    --------------------------------------------------------------- Memorial Flowers

    Would you like to honor the memory of a loved one, special intentions, and anniversaries with a special flower arrangement that will help adorn the church? Normandy Flower Shop, Inc. has graciously agreed to offer Memorial Flowers for $25.00. Call the Rectory at 288-9223, to make the arrangements.

    Please pray for those serving our country in the military – especially: Benjamin Branson, William Cox, Jared Hargis, Kyle &

    Leandra Long, Jon Powell, Stephen Smith, Kyle Stewart, Christopher Tolmachoff, Payden Schug, and Matt Johns.

    DEACON’S PANTRY – During the

    month of December the pantry helped 309

    households – total people 778. Thank

    you, parishioners, for your generosity in

    2020. We will continue to serve our food

    impoverished clients with lots of prayer. Our

    immediate need is boxed macaroni and cheese.




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    MINISTRY ASSISGNMENTS FOR JANUARY 16 AND 17 Readers Altar Servers E.M.H.C. Ushers


    0 P

    .M. Jeanette Carnes Jack Greiner Jim Carnes Harold Hannon

    Matt Hill


    0 A

    .M. Mark Dirksen Eli Hart Rob Frey Phil McPherson

    Jack Sharp


    0 A

    .M. Mary Cox Volunteer needed John Coutinho Mateo Romero

    Greg Smith

    Indiana March for Life Commemoration of the Solemn Anniversary

    of Roe v. Wade

    All are invited to join in any of the following events

    commemorating the solemn anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

    The events include:

    January 21

    7:00-9:00 pm - Vigil for Life at St. Elizabeth Ann

    Seton, Carmel, a prayerful time of Eucharistic

    adoration and confession

    January 22

    10:30 am - Mass for Life at St. John’s, downtown


    12:00 noon - March for Life, Indianapolis, from St.

    John’s to the Indiana Statehouse

    12:45 pm - Rally at the south lawn of the Statehouse

    6:30 pm - Diocesan Mass for Life at St. Mary

    Cathedral, Lafayette

    All of these events are free. Diapers will be collected for

    distribution to local crisis pregnancy centers. Registration

    is required at most of these events. Contact Susan Hoefer,

    Diocesan Respect Life Coordinator, [email protected] /

    765.421.1998 for more information, or check out our

    website, https://dol-in.org/family-life-events


    The Baptism of the Lord

    January 10, 2021

    All you who are thirsty, come to the water!

    — Isaiah 55:1

    Arts and Environment Committee

    Report--GIVING TREE UPDATE: A Note from United Day Care: “Thank

    you all SO very much for the gifts! The

    children loved them all. We can’t thank you enough for all

    of the kindness and warmth that you all show us.” We

    collected $1,491 in cash/check donations. 95 tags were

    placed on the tree for the children and their siblings. 45

    gift cards were given to the caregivers of the children ($20

    each - $900 total). The committee was able to provide an

    additional gift card to United Daycare Center for $505.94.

    A huge “thank you” to everyone who helped brighten the

    lives of so many young children. You are so kind and

    generous. God Bless you all!


    Thank you from the St. Vincent de

    Paul Society’s Christmas Project: Thank you to all the volunteers for the

    Christmas Adoption Program organized by

    Saint Vincent dePaul Society where we

    served 65 families through the generous donations of food

    gift cards, gifts, blankets, and winter wear from the three

    Muncie Catholic Churches...the new Muncie Pastorate! A

    truly tri-parish endeavor with a core team of a dozen and

    over 60+ donor families, 40 deliverers, 25+ gift organizers

    and 20+ loaders of vehicles. Volunteers were helpful and

    much needed for everything to run smoothly. We

    received many messages of gratitude. Here is an example:

    "Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your

    generosity. Merry Christmas!" Safety measures were put

    in place for Covid 19 for volunteers and recipients.

    St. Vincent dePaul Thrift Store The store is in

    desperate need of women’s and men’s clothing. Now

    is the time to clean out your closet of the items that

    no longer fit or you do not wear. Store Hours:

    Tuesday thru Friday 10am-3pm. Location: 920 E.

    Charles St.

    mailto:[email protected]://dol-in.org/family-life-events

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