
landscape architecture selected work Stephanie Rattanong

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Landscape Architecture Portfolio


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landscape architecture selected work Stephanie Rattanong

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Key Projects Landscape architecture


Skill Sets Landscape architectureHand GraphicsConstruction DocumentsBasic GISComputer Graphics

Resume University of GeorgiaGPARecommendations

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Jackson StreetCollege of Environment and DesignThe University of Georgia

(2012)The new College of environment and design’s architecture represents both modern and sustainable principles to help define the college’s goals.

This proposed master plan

Campus Design

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Holliday park located in Indiana is situated in the midst of a suburban-city neighborhood. This plan in-cludes several park amenities which caters to several visitors and tourists. The park is equipped with 2 soc-cer fields, 4 baseball fields, large formal entrance park, trails, commu-nity center, tennis courts, basketball courts, picnic space, and a natural children’s playground. These elements all combine to create an enjoyable multi-recreation site for all types of visitors.

Caldwell Corridor RedesignPlan

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Residential designAycock Residenceathens,Georgia

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Residential Design

Residential planting designThis planting design explores differ-ent varieties of seasonal colors and also soft combinations of textures to highlight physical aspects of the house. This high End Residential planting de-sign takes inspiration from botantical gardens in the southeast of the United states with the addition ornamental plant species.

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With the addition of the new building for the Cochran Mill Nature center, our design takes into consideration existing grade. Some grade will be required in order to comply with ADA accessibility stan-dards. The proposed design for the second building includes a deck and several native plantings. Recommendations for the deck application comes from the easydeck website. The recommended wood tiles are pest and water resistant.The proppsed circular meeting area was placed to allow for open gathering space for larger groups. Note: these are rough spot elevations and recommendations.

Public Service and OUtreach

Cochran Mill Nature CenterChattanooga, Ga

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NCWSA Water Harvesting Plan

Public Service and OUtreach


THe Newton County water and Sewage authority includes issues revolving around water drainage coming from neighborhood land and also stormwater.

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The image below is view of the post office from Emory St.

Design Criteria Guide-lines: •Setback requirements •Build-to-lines (in ordi-nance guideline) •Maximum height require-ments •Proposed street front •1 parking lot for every 500sq. ft. •Patio space •Street Radius to reduce speeding rates •Trees spaced 35’ on center along EmorySt. •Connectivity between buildings

Public Service and OUtreach

Oxford City-Town CenterThis Design Focuses on the Oxford College and City mixed use planing and development. Citizens have expressed interest in efforts to unify the campus and surrounding neighborhoods.

A mixed use and live work site are proposed in the folling designs. The basis for the design has been the Oxford City’s Zoning Ordinance plan.

The Two site developments along emory street are intended to give the community ideas for preserving the unique characteristics of oxfort. After several meetings with Oxford students and faculty members, 2 mixed use area were proposed.

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Holliday park located in Indiana is situated in the midst of a suburban-city neighborhood. This plan in-cludes several park amenities which caters to several visitors and tourists. The park is equipped with 2 soc-cer fields, 4 baseball fields, large formal entrance park, trails, commu-nity center, tennis courts, basketball courts, picnic space, and a natural children’s playground. These elements all combine to create an enjoyable multi-recreation site for all types of visitors.

Holliday Park MasterPlanPlan Holliday Park Master Plan

Park Design

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GraphhicsIllustrative planThis is a mock-up plan that portrays the kind of style I have as an artist and planting designer. I like to show a variety of planting symbols to help market the different traits and aspect of plant species that I select. It also give a better representation of how different texture combination will work. The larger symbols are simpler not to detract from the more finer smaller symbols.

Garden Design

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Downtown Development

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