jangomail magento integration - database connect list

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. JangoMail Magento Integration - Database Connect List Contents Contents What is it? How do you use it? First things first...you'll need to have.... Step 1 - Setup a Web Services Role on Magento Step 2 - Setup a Web Services User on Magento Step 3 - Setup a Magento Connection on JangoMail Make the Connection, and Send! What is it? Magento is a powerful, proven web-based e-commerce platform used by thousands of companies worldwide. JangoMail is a powerful, proven broadcast and transactional email platform used by thousands of companies worldwide. They were meant to connect! JangoMail has the unique ability to connect to your Magento installation hosted on your website and pull your customer email addresses and data to be used in an email campaign. How do you use it? It's easy! First things first...you'll need to have.... A Magento Installation! Install on your server. They have several paid versions and even a free one. Magento Ensure you have API support (via SOAP) for other applications to connect to your installation. This is what JangoMail will use to connect. Know the URL to access this (example: http://www.yourcompany.com/index.php/api/v2_soap/) Know the admin login page for your installation (usually something like http://www.yourcompany.com/index.php/admin/) as well as the credentials to login as admin (username, and password). Finally, you'll need a account. Duh! JangoMail Step 1 - Setup a Web Services Role on Magento You may not even need to do anything for this step except ensure a role exists. Login to your Magento installation with your admin account, then... On your Magento Installation: Go to System->Web Services->Roles

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JangoMail Magento Integration - Database ConnectList

ContentsContentsWhat is it?How do you use it?

First things first...you'll need to have....Step 1 - Setup a Web Services Role on MagentoStep 2 - Setup a Web Services User on MagentoStep 3 - Setup a Magento Connection on JangoMail

Make the Connection, and Send!

What is it?Magento is a powerful, proven web-based e-commerce platform used by thousands of companies worldwide. JangoMail is a powerful, provenbroadcast and transactional email platform used by thousands of companies worldwide. They were meant to connect!

JangoMail has the unique ability to connect to your Magento installation hosted on your website and pull your customer email addresses and datato be used in an email campaign.

How do you use it?It's easy!

First things first...you'll need to have....

A Magento Installation! Install on your server. They have several paid versions and even a free one.MagentoEnsure you have API support (via SOAP) for other applications to connect to your installation. This is what JangoMail will use to connect.Know the URL to access this (example: http://www.yourcompany.com/index.php/api/v2_soap/)Know the admin login page for your installation (usually something like http://www.yourcompany.com/index.php/admin/) as well as thecredentials to login as admin (username, and password).

Finally, you'll need a account. Duh! JangoMail

Step 1 - Setup a Web Services Role on Magento

You may not even need to do anything for this step except ensure a role exists. Login to your Magento installation with your admin account,then...

On your Magento Installation:

Go to System->Web Services->Roles

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You will be presented with a list of available roles. You may use "admin" for your Magento connection if you like, or another role that hassufficient (admin) privileges if one exists. If you'd like to use one of these pre-existing roles, proceed to the next major step below.Otherwise, proceed with step 2 for this section to create a new role. If there are no roles in the list or you'd like to create a new role, click the "Add New Role" button.

Enter a name for this new role, such as "api"

Click the "Role Resources" tab on the left. It is recommended you select "All" in the selector.

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Click the "Save Role" button on the right side.

Step 2 - Setup a Web Services User on Magento

As with the web services roles on Magento, you may also use a pre-existing web services user with an admin role, should one exist already.

On Magento:

Go to System->Web Services->Users

You will be presented with a list of web services users that exist. The list may be empty as none may exist. However, if one exists andyou know the credentials for that user, including API Key, you may proceed to the next section and skip the remaining steps for thissection.

To create a new user, click the "Add New User" button on the right.

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Enter the credentials for the new user. This includes:

A User Name – such as "jangomail"First Name, Last NameEmail AddressAPI Key – think of this as a "password". Make it a good one. Something long, secure.Select account as "Active" 

Save the user by clicking the "Save User" button on the right.

Now, click the "User Role" tab on the left. Make sure you select a role such as "admin" or the one that you created in the previoussection.

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Save this user again by clicking the "Save User" button on the right. 

Step 3 - Setup a Magento Connection on JangoMail

Now that everything is in place on your Magento installation, go to and login with your username and password to initialize theJangoMail.comconnection on JangoMail to your Magento installation.

Click on "Lists" in the navigation menu.

Click on the "Databases" tab of the "Lists" page. (Green arrow, in figure.) Then click the "Create New Database" button. (Red arow, infigure).

Now, click the large "Magento" icon to designate the database connection as a "Magento Connection".

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Now you can enter the credentials for your Magento Connection.

Connection Name – Give your Magento Connection a nice name, like "Magento Connection" Magento API URL -- Specify the SOAP API url to access your Magento installation. This is  usually something like http://www.yourcompany.com/index.php/api/v2_soap/Username – Your Magento Web Service user, usernamePassword – This is your API Key for your web service userFields to Include – Here you can select all the fields you want to pull from your customer list into Jangomail. At a minimum, selectemail. But you may select more fields to use in the body of your campaign message.Filters – You can optionally use filters to narrow down specifics to pull from your customer list. For example, you may wish toonly pull the list of users that have created their account longer than a month ago, or have a store_id of more than a certainnumber. 

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5. Now that you've specified all of your parameters for the connection, click the "Test" button at the bottom of the screen to test yourconnection.

Should everything work out well, you'll see a connection success dialog appear at the top right of the screen.

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If there is an error with the information you have entered for this connection, you'll see an error dialog instead.

Relevant information to the error may also appear. Should an error occur, check all of your credentials to make sure they are correct.Ensure the username and password (API Key) are correct, that they exist on your Magento installation, and that the user has the properrole associated, and that the role has admin privileges. Also, ensure you have the right API url specified and that this url is accessible andset up to work properly on your server and Magento installation. Contact if you are having problems and need assistance.supportFinally, after a successful test connection, click the "Save" button to save your Magento Database Connection.

You've completed the setup process! Rejoice! You can now connect to your database and use the list of members in a campaign, withthe click of a button!


Make the Connection, and Send!When you've completed setup, connection to your Magento database is a breeze!

Whenever you're ready to send a campaign to your Magento users, visit the Lists page on JangoMail and click on the "Databases" tab. Here you'llsee a list of all of the database connections you have including your Magento connection.

In the "Operations" column of the table, click on the "Connect to Database" icon on the right.

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A dialog will appear to let you know that the connection is being made with your Magento site.

JangoMail connects to your Magento site and downloads the contacts. When the contacts have been retrieved, you arrive at the messages page.A green checkmark dialog at the top of the screen lets you know that the contacts have successfully been retrieved.

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Once on the messages screen, you may compose a new message for your Magento users (blue arrow) copy an existing campaign email (purplearrow) or use an already existing campaign (yellow arrow). When you select a campaign message to use with your Magento contacts, the list willautomatically be added to the recipients list.


Your work is complete! With JangoMail, connecting to your Magento site to send mail to your contacts is a breeze! =)