janelle agius – principal may 2021 - st patrick's

Janelle Agius – Principal Last Sunday, we celebrated Mother’s Day. I asked students to reflect on the love of mothers and the role of mothers. Many staff members help fulfil this role. Mother’s continually display commitment and I urge students to follow their commitment to reach their own goals. So, thank you to all the mums in our St Pat’s community. Exams, Assignments and Study The Year 11 Exam Timetable is now available on the College Website, College App, Student Café, and Parent Lounge. Students need to pay close attention to the times of their exams and attendance requirements. Please see Mrs McLeod’s section later in the newsletter for attendance dates and requirements for Year 11 students. A reminder that Year 12 students will have normal classes during this timeframe. In the lead up to these exams, it is important that students begin to study at home more intensely than they may have been doing. If students are having difficulty studying at home, they could make use of the library before and after school. Diocesan Director for Catholic Mission Visit At the end of April, Mr Greg Clair, Diocesan Director for Catholic Mission visited our college to thank us for our generous support of Catholic Mission throughout the year. He spoke with representatives of the Christian Leadership Committee and presented the College with a Certificate of Appreciated and a Soccer Ball. The Soccer Ball was to mark “Socktober” and to remind us of how when we work together as a team, we can accomplish greater things. Our students appreciated the visit and the opportunity to hear about what projects Catholic Mission supports. MAY 2021 13 Parent Teacher Interviews 14 Youth Pilgrimage 19-21 Year 11 Exams 25-27 Year 11 Indigenous Leadership Camp 28 Mackay Catholic Debutante Ball 31 Year 11 Industry Placement JUNE 2021 1-4 Year 11 Industry Placement 2 College Photo’s 3 Introduction to Senior Schooling 6 Music Ministry 17 Mackay Show Public Holiday 22 Year 12 English Exam 25 Term 2 Ends 27-30 QISSN 27-30 Confraternity Shield JULY 2021 1-2 QISSN 1-2 Confraternity Shield 4-11 NAIDOC Week 12 Term 3 Commences 14 NAIDOC Celebrations St Patrick’s College 20 NAIDOC Mass 21 Athletics Carnival 22 Subject Selection Evening 29 Parent Teacher Interviews 31 Year 12 Formal 12 May 2021 Dates to remember NUMBER FOR SMS The number to send SMS Messages regarding student absence is 0416 906 288

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Janelle Agius – Principal

Last Sunday, we celebrated Mother’s Day. I asked students to reflect on the love of mothers and the role of mothers. Many staff members help fulfil this role. Mother’s continually display commitment and I urge students to follow their commitment to reach their own goals. So, thank you to all the mums in our St Pat’s community. Exams, Assignments and Study The Year 11 Exam Timetable is now available on the College Website, College App, Student Café, and Parent Lounge. Students need to pay close attention to the times of their exams and attendance requirements. Please see Mrs McLeod’s section later in the newsletter for attendance dates and requirements for Year 11 students. A reminder that Year 12 students will have normal classes during this timeframe. In the lead up to these exams, it is important that students begin to study at home more intensely than they may have been doing. If students are having difficulty studying at home, they could make use of the library before and after school.

Diocesan Director for Catholic Mission Visit At the end of April, Mr Greg Clair, Diocesan Director for Catholic Mission visited our college to thank us for our generous support of Catholic Mission throughout the year. He spoke with representatives of the Christian Leadership Committee and presented the College with a Certificate of Appreciated and a Soccer Ball. The Soccer Ball was to mark “Socktober” and to remind us of how when we work together as a team, we can accomplish greater things. Our students appreciated the visit and the opportunity to hear about what projects Catholic Mission supports.

MAY 2021

13 Parent Teacher Interviews

14 Youth Pilgrimage

19-21 Year 11 Exams

25-27 Year 11 Indigenous Leadership Camp 28 Mackay Catholic Debutante Ball 31 Year 11 Industry Placement

JUNE 2021

1-4 Year 11 Industry Placement

2 College Photo’s

3 Introduction to Senior Schooling 6 Music Ministry

17 Mackay Show Public Holiday

22 Year 12 English Exam

25 Term 2 Ends

27-30 QISSN

27-30 Confraternity Shield

JULY 2021


1-2 Confraternity Shield

4-11 NAIDOC Week

12 Term 3 Commences

14 NAIDOC Celebrations St Patrick’s College 20 NAIDOC Mass

21 Athletics Carnival

22 Subject Selection Evening

29 Parent Teacher Interviews

31 Year 12 Formal

12 May 2021 Dates to remember


The number to send SMS Messages

regarding student absence is

0416 906 288

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St Patrick’s Community This year, we again welcome many new faces to the St Pat’s teaching community. Miss Melea Ballantyne, Mrs Liz Fatnowna, Miss Sarah Gibbs, Ms Susan McKay, Miss Rachel McKenzie, Mr Jake Riley, Mrs Donna Sumpter and Mrs Teresa Verhoeven-Sweeney. Sarah and Jake are both recent graduates and part of the Graduate Teacher Program offered through Catholic Education. Welcome everyone to St Pat’s.

2021 Next Step survey The Queensland Government is conducting its annual statewide survey of all students who completed Year 12 in 2020. The Next Step survey is a brief, confidential survey that gains a comprehensive picture of the employment, study and life choices made by Queensland school completers in the year after they finish Year 12.

Between April and June, all our students who completed Year 12 last year can expect to receive instructions to complete a web-based survey or a telephone call from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office. Please encourage them to take part. If their contact details have changed, please assist the interviewer with their updated details or forward the survey to their new address so they can participate. Thank you for your support of the Next Step survey in 2021.

Further information on Next Step, including results from previous years, is available online at www.qld.gov.au/nextstep or on toll free telephone 1800 068 587. St Patrick’s College APP The St Patrick’s College App is available for downloading from the App store. The App has been designed to provide information for students, parents and the community. I encourage all parents/carers to download the App as a great way to stay connected with the College and to receive timely information. The app will allow users to:

• Keep up to date with current news and upcoming events through the Calendar, Notices and Extra Curricular icons

• Read or download the College newsletter • View the College Map, Tuckshop Menu and Tutoring Times • Easy links to Parent Lounge, College Website and Catholic Education

Diocese of Rockhampton Website

Melea Ballantyne



Sarah Gibbs

Susan McKay

Rachel McKenzie

Jake Riley

Donna Sumpter

Teresa Verhoeven-


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Enrolment Processes for 2022 The dates are below for your information if you have a student in Year 10 or you know of others who may be interested in enrolling in the College next year.

3 June Introduction to Senior Schooling will commence at 6:30pm in St Patrick’s Hall. Canapés will be served from 6:00pm. All prospective Year 11 students, accompanied by at least one parent, are strongly advised to attend. Please register your interest for enrolment in 2022 by completing the online enrolment application or emailing [email protected].

22 July Subject Selection Evening from 3:30pm – 6:30pm in St Patrick’s Hall. Attend at a time to suit your family.

Gonski Institute for Education - New Report: Growing Up Digital Australia Phase 2 Results Following is a link to an article which you may find interesting in relation to children being more distracted by digital devices. This study was completed by the Gonski Institute for Education. Link to study - https://www.gie.unsw.edu.au/growing-digital-australia-phase-2-results

Sean Geoghegan – Deputy Principal

What is the next step for Year 12 ATAR students? For those who are still working to get their heads around the new QCE system, we are presently awaiting the approval of the results for the very first Internal Assessment task, commonly known as IA1. Understanding the backstory to these changes is important for all who are involved in it – including teachers and parents and of course, the students themselves. The examination period for this assessment occurred at the end of Term 4 in 2020 and during the course of Term 1 in 2021. In the new system, all exams or assessment tasks that schools set for their students had to be pre-approved by the QCAA. This occurs in a process called ‘Endorsement’. Then once these QCAA-authorised tasks have been administered, it is followed by another quality control measure called ‘Confirmation’. All the tasks are graded against criteria that are specific not only to each subject (obviously), but to each task (not so obvious). It is also important to note that the proportion and weighting of the cognitions (such as comprehension, analysis, evaluation and synthesis) can vary significantly from one assessment task to another, even within the same subject. This means, one can expect significant variation within a subject between one assessment piece and another. Simply put, if oral presentation and analysis are part and parcel of a subject, but those two objectives skills are not integrated into all tests in that subject – then swings and variation (within a subject) can be expected. The criteria against which a student’s performance is measured is encapsulated within an ‘Instrument Specific Marking Guide’ or ISMG. Within these guides are descriptors, the interpretation of which needs to be commonly understood across the state. Words like ‘appropriate’ and ‘discerning’ occur frequently in many ISMGs, but they are, in themselves, open to interpretation. The process of Confirmation establishes the extent to which the school and other teachers, acting on behalf of the QCAA, share a common understanding of how these descriptors ought to be interpreted. Schools across the state will soon see if their interpretation of the marking guides (ISMGs) are in alignment with the QCAA interpretation. The latter’s opinion holds sway, and they will adjust provisional marks accordingly. This explains why all the Year 12 marks that have hitherto been awarded by the College and are currently displayed in Parent Lounge and Student Café are termed ‘provisional’. Simply put, these grades only become final and ‘set in stone’ once the QCAA have had their say in the Confirmation process.

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Joseph Kelly – Assistant to the Principal: Religious Education Readings at Mass, Sunday 16 May 2021 – The Ascension of the Lord First Reading, Acts 1:1-11… Why are you standing here looking into the sky? Jesus has been taken into

heaven Psalm, 46:2-3, 6-9… God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord Second Reading, Eph 1:17-23… He made Jesus to sit at his right hand in heaven Gospel, Mark 16:15-20… The Lord Jesus was taken into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God Readings at Mass, Sunday 23 May 2021 – Pentecost Sunday First Reading, Acts 2:1-11… They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak different languages Psalm, 103: 1, 24, 29-31, 34… Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth Second Reading, Gal 5:16-25… The fruit of the Spirit Gospel, John 15:26-27, 16:12-15… The Spirit of truth will guide you into all the truth Last week, we had the Year 12 retreat on Daydream Island with over 200 students participating. It was good to see how well they integrated and shared as a group. Michael Fitzpatrick is a great facilitator and I know students take something positive from what he leads them through. It was quite humbling to see the students affirm each other - especially students getting affirmation from their peers they may not necessarily talk to at school. Following on from the retreat, we have the Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage taking place on Friday 14 May and we are hosting students from Holy Spirit College and Mercy for this event. Students from Years 10-12 can participate and will have keynote addresses from Gen Bryant and Michael Otto, as well as participating in some fun activities. It is good to be able to have these events, which give our students an opportunity to reflect on their faith and have positive experiences of what it means to be Church. Just as a reminder the weekend masses are listed below - we are a community of faith and it is good to see many of our students at the different parishes of a weekend. Thank you for living out your faith and being a visible witness to others in all that you do.

Weekend Masses

Tracey McLeod – Assistant to the Principal: Welfare and Administration 2021 Term 2 Year 11 Exam Timetable - End of Unit 1 Students are asked to note the exam timetable below and see Mrs McLeod for alternative times if they have an exam clash. Students who will be absent for any exam must complete an application to reschedule exam form and submit it to Mr Geoghegan. This does not guarantee that permission to reschedule will be granted. All students are required to be in attendance at least 15 minutes before the start of the exam with all materials. Year 12 students will continue with normal classes.

Southside Cluster Northside Cluster

Saturday Vigil Mass Saturday Vigil Mass 6:00 pm St Mary’s 6:00 pm St Joseph’s 6:00 pm St Francis Xavier 6:00 pm St Brigid’s

Sunday Sunday 7:00 am St Patrick’s 7:30 am St Brendan’s 7:00 pm St Therese, Alligator Creek 9:00 am St Joseph’s 9:00 am St Francis Xavier 9:00 am St Michael’s Sarina 6:00 pm St Patrick’s Church

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Day Time Year 11 Exam

Wednesday 19 May

8:45am 11 ema 60 mins plus 5 mins perusal 11 mma – Tech Free 60 mins


11 mma – Tech Active 60 mins plus 5 mins perusal

Thursday 20 May


11 gma 120 mins plus 5 mins perusal


11 re 60 mins plus 5 mins perusal

Friday 21 May


11 acc 120 mins plus 15 mins planning 11 aes 120 mins plus 10 mins planning 11 des 60 mins plus 15 mins planning 11 jap 100 mins plus 5 mins planning


11 een 90 mins plus 15 mins planning 11 lit 120 mins plus 15 mins planning

Monday 24 May


11 fan 120 mins plus 10 mins perusal 11 jap – Speaking 3-7 mins each plus 10 mins planning 11 sma – Tech Free 60 mins


11 sip 60 mins plus 5 mins perusal 11 sma – Tech Active 60 mins plus 5 mins perusal

Subject Changes Year 11 students are reminded that subject changes may only occur at the completion of Unit One or Unit Two. Once students have commenced Unit Three, they are not permitted to change subjects because of QCAA guidelines. This means that Year 11 students have two opportunities this year to change subjects. These are in the two weeks immediately after May 24 and again after October 5. Year 12 students are NOT permitted to change subjects. If students wish to change subjects at the end Unit One, they should take note of the following procedures:

• All students must complete an application to change subject form. These are available from College Reception. • Application forms must be signed by parents and by the Subject Co-ordinators of both the discontinued and new

subjects. • Students should not pick subjects based on lines. Instead they should refer to the subject guides and select a subject

they wish to study. Line changes regularly occur when subject change forms are submitted due to current class sizes.

• You will not be contacted if the subject change was approved. You will only be contacted if the change cannot be approved.

• Forms are available now, but changes will not occur until after May 25. Students should check Student Café regularly after this date, as approved changes will appear on your timetable.

• Students who need additional career guidance are encouraged to make an appointment with the College Counsellors Ms Danika Hurley or Ms Susan McKay.

Students and parents are encouraged to contact the College reception if they have any questions regarding the change of subject process.

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Brendan Gunning – Assistant to the Principal: Administration Amalgamation Update The exciting news of the amalgamation of St Patrick’s and Mercy College into one school was announced at the end of last year. This led to the announcement of our new Principal, Mrs Janelle Agius and the forming of our steering committee to help guide and manage this transition. It’s members consist of: Fr Don White (Parish Priest), Mr Michael McCusker (Chairperson), Mrs Janelle Agius (Principal), Mr Sean Geoghegan (Deputy Principal - St Patricks College), Mr Adam Skoczylas (Deputy Principal - Mercy College), Mrs Marie Martin (Catholic Education Office), Mr Dean Lynch (St Patrick’s College School Board) and Mrs Rebekkah Pollard (Mercy College School Board) With this announcement, Term 1 has presented many opportunities for both colleges to continue making strong connections across our two campuses. At the commencement of the year, we saw the introduction of the Responsible Thinking Process (RTP) to St Pat’s. This brings a consistent Behaviour Management Structure across both our colleges. RTP is a behaviour management system used to manage any disruptions in the classroom, where the student takes responsibility for their behaviour. It is based on the following three principles: Students have the right to Learn, Teachers have the right to Teach, No student has the right to Disrupt. Even though it is early days in the implementation of RTP at St Pat’s, it is pleasing to see the Responsible Thinking Classroom (RTC) up and running and being utilised by the staff. Ongoing support for both staff and students will continue with this program, limiting the disruptions in the classroom. Mercy students this year enjoyed the opportunity to attend and assist with the St Patrick’s Day celebrations on 17 May at St Patrick's College. With the use of the Mercy Brekky Van, Hemi Heke and Julien Mezieres assisted with the cooking and serving of a BBQ to the St Pat’s students. It was great to see these students involved and assisting the St Pat’s students in these celebrations for the first time. Six St Pat’s students joined the Mercy Interact students in the delivery of Easter Eggs to many of our essential workers during the second last week of term. It was great to see the students from both colleges coming together and supporting each other for this worthwhile cause. Their combined efforts were certainly appreciated by the greater community.

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The Cross Country for Mercy College was held on the last day of term, with students running and walking the Blue Water Trail. For the first time, a number of students from St Pat’s joined us for this end of term event. Brodie Hocking, Nicholas Dogao and Jacob Wegner welcomed the opportunity to participate in one of their favourite events. Once again, it was pleasing to see the colleges starting to build on their already strong connections.

We were also very fortunate to have both our pastoral teams from Mercy and St Pat’s spend a day planning together at The Ocean International. This was the first opportunity both teams had to meet together. It was an extremely open and productive day, where the pastoral practices and procedures of both colleges were discussed. Discussions from the day will now be used in assisting the planning and aligning of our pastoral procedures moving to one College.

In another sign of our colleges strengthening their connection, Mercy staff were invited to attend the St Pat’s Year 11 Camp on Daydream Island in the final week of term 1. Scott McSherry, Doug Bettington and myself found the experience extremely rewarding, having the opportunity to spend time and get to know both the staff and students of St Pat’s. It also gave staff from St Pat’s the opportunity to come to Mercy and assist with teaching at Mercy for the first time. This proved to be a positive experience for all those staff and students involved.

It is an extremely exciting time as we begin working to bring the many great things that both colleges have to offer into one college. The feedback from both staff and students has been nothing but positive as we work towards this goal.

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Our Leadership, Pastoral and Curriculum teams from both colleges continue to meet on a regular basis, working towards this transition. Identifying issues and challenges as they arrive and ensuring we are communicating to all stakeholders, will continue to be a priority for us as we continue to move forward with this process of having a combined College in 2023.

Danika Hurley and Susan McKay– College Counsellors Year 12 students and parents attended an information session about the basics of QTAC and ATAR last week. Parents who were unable to attend, can view the recorded session via this link. Link - QTAC / ATAR Presentation Year 12 students doing the ATAR program will meet individually with the Careers Counsellor to ensure they have created a QTAC and ATAR account.

Students are now encouraged to research individual university sites to check for important closing dates for courses and scholarships. CQU Regional Medical Pathway and UCAT Deadline CQUni’s new Bachelor of Medical Science (Pathway to Medicine) is an innovative new course that prepares students for a medical career. Students interested in studying the Bachelor of Medical Science (Pathway to Medicine) in 2022 and will need to register for the University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand (UCAT ANZ) before 17 May 2021 and sit the test before applying for the course in August 2021. UNIVERSITY OPPORTUNITIES JCU WINTER SCHOOL FOR ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER STUDENTS 2021 DISCOVER UNIVERSITY LIFE AND GAIN SKILLS FOR SUCCESS Kick start your future at a one week residential program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students. If you are in Year 10, 11 or 12 and want to know what it’s like to be a uni student at James Cook University, this program is for you! The Winter School is held at JCU’s Bebegu Yumba Campus in Townsville, North Queensland from Sunday 27 June to Friday 2 July 2021. More information in the attached brochure Apply online at https://www.jcu.edu.au/ierc/pathways-to-study InspireU 2021 Health Science camp The InspireU 2021 Health Science camp is now open! The camp will be held from 4 – 9 July 2021. Students are given a holistic experience of university life which is delivered in collaboration with the current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander university students.

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UQ’s faculties and Industry partners. They will stay on campus at one of the colleges and get to attend jammed packed engaging sessions which will include a hands on component. This is a great opportunity for high achieving Year 11 & 12 students interested in becoming doctors, dentists, psychologists, pharmacists; frontline health professional; nutritionists, nurses, occupational therapists, dietitians, social workers, speech pathologists, midwifes or physiotherapists. The program exposes students to a wide range of career and study options available to UQ Health Science Students and Graduates, as well as connecting with the Indigenous academics and staff. All reasonable costs for the camp including all travel, flights, accommodation, meals and excursions are paid for, by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (ATSIS) Unit. Applications close: 21 May 2021. Defence Force Opportunities - Careers Mackay, Wednesday 19 May at 5:30pm. Mackay Army Reserve Depot, 400 Shakespeare Street. Click here to RSVP or email [email protected] Businesses are starting to advertise for apprentices and trainees for 2022. These are advertised on the Jobs Board outside Ms Hurley’s office. Hasting Deering 2022 Apprenticeships – opened May 3. Any student interested in applying, should check the QR code on the poster outside the Counsellor’s office.

Karlie Tatchell – Regional Indigenous Education Liaison Officer Year 11 Indigenous Leadership Year 11 Indigenous Leadership registration forms went home last week. Please return them to the College office or myself prior to 14 May 2021.

Dean Andric – English Coordinator Debating 2021 has seen the recommencement of the Mackay Senior Debating Competition after a COVID enforced hiatus. This year, the College has two teams competing, a Year 11 team and a Year 12 team. Round one saw the teams tackle the topic ‘That Universal Health Care is a Right’. Our students wowed the judges with their compelling arguments and we were fortunate enough to come away with two wins on the night. During week two of the season, students were given the very difficult contention ‘That Australia should Boycott the Chinese Winter Olympics’. The Year 11 side came away with the spoils yet again, whilst the Year 12s unfortunately lost narrowly to Whitsunday Anglican School. Congratulations to Olivia Coppin who was named speaker of the night. Keep up the strong arguments team.

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Simon Korneliussen – Vocational and Educational Training Coordinator Work Placement Blocks The following dates have been set out for Work Placement for the Vocational Education & Training Students this year.

Year 11 31 May – 4 June Year 11 & 12 13 – 17 September Year 11 & 12 11 – 22 October

Year 11 Vocational Education students going on work Placement from 31 May to 4 June must have their applications in by Friday 14 May or see Mrs Preston for an extension.

ATAR stream students are able to take up work placement during the school holidays or exam blocks when they do not have exams. Please collect your work experience applications from the front office. Applications must be returned at least two (2) weeks prior to placement. If you have any questions, contact Simon Korneliussen or Leighanne Preston at the College.

Immogen Martin – Science Ambassador Plastic Eating Bacteria A super-enzyme that degrades plastic bottles six times faster than before has been created by scientists and could be used for recycling within a year or two. The super-enzyme, derived from bacteria that naturally evolved the ability to eat plastic, enables the full recycling of the bottles. Scientists believe that combining it with enzymes that break down cotton, could also allow mixed-fabric clothing to be recycled. Today, millions of tonnes of such clothing is either dumped in landfill or incinerated. The super-enzyme was engineered by linking two separate enzymes, both of which were found in the plastic-eating bug discovered at a Japanese waste site in 2016. The researchers revealed an engineered version of the first enzyme in 2018, which started breaking down the plastic in a few days. But the super-enzyme gets to work six times faster.

Community Notices

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