janaina cardoso aplierj / uerj/ celing [email protected]

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  • Janaina Cardoso APLIERJ / UERJ/ Celing [email protected] www.techweb.wikispaces.com
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  • Changes in teachers profile affecting the use of technology Introduction Generation Y The course The pilot group The research Results Suggestions Conclusion
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  • Abstract Nowadays most teachers-to-be are digital natives. However, this change in teachers profile does not guarantee better use of technology in the classroom. This presentation shows the findings of a study which compares groups of university students, and discusses the possible adaptation of language teacher development courses.
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  • Cacique Almir, Paiter-Suru tribe, Rondonia Almir Suru: Elected one of the most creative leaders in the business world by the American magazine "Fast Company, he uses/prescribes technology to preserve traditions urgos4patas.blogspot.com.br/2012/06/cacique-de-cocar-terno-e-iphone.html
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  • Introduction
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  • Hadfields reversed pyramid Language labs, videos, computers, PowerPoint Cassette recorders, OHPs, photocopiers Whiteboards, books Paper and pens Blackboard Nothing (Harmer 2007:175)
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  • Other way up resources pyramid People Real life Blackboard Paper and pens Whiteboards, books Cassette recorders, OHPs, photocopies Language labs, videos, computers, PowerPoint (Harmer 2007:176)
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  • Technological awareness process AccessUseKnowledgeCreativity
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  • Generations 1946-1964 post-war The Baby Boomer Generation 1965-1980 Working, independent and skeptical Generation X 1981-1999 confident and technologically advanced, and they come with a sense of entitlement Generation Y 2000-present A group that has received little attention in the literature thus far. Generation Z (Reilly 2012:03)
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  • Gen Y characteristics tech-savvy balances personal and work lives kinesthetic and visual feedback-dependent predilection for entertainment and games redefine respect seek a purpose and a passion read less and less well Gen Y and academic dishonesty
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  • Generation Y
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  • The Course Teacher development course : Use of technology in TEFL Compulsory discipline in the graduate UERJ English-Literature course Objective: discuss the use of new technologies in ELT.
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  • The First Group (Pilot - 2009) 12 university language learners Age: 18 to 30 Familiarity with modern technology: only three were very much familiar; the others mentioned that they used, but were not confident. Two did not have computers at home, but used cyber cafs or the university lab.
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  • The Result of the Pilot Course Not only did learners discuss on the use of technology, but experienced this technology trying to find ways of making it useful. The ones who were not very much familiar with these tools were helped by their partners and now feel much more comfortable. The result of their work can be shared with other learners and teachers. They had the opportunity to practice English all the time.
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  • The Research A study which compares groups of university students, and discusses the possible adaptation of language teacher development courses
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  • Type of Computer
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  • Access to internet
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  • Social network - use
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  • Social network - Teaching
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  • Favorite websites
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  • Teaching Experience
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  • Where do you teach?
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  • Available technology at work
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  • techweb.wikispaces.com techweb.wikispaces.com http://Englishuerj.wikispaces.com http://Englishuerj.wikispaces.com http://british-american-english.wikispaces.com http://british-american-english.wikispaces.com http://techweb.wikispaces.com/WebQuests http://techweb.wikispaces.com/WebQuests http://uerjpraticas.wikispaces.com http://uerjpraticas.wikispaces.com www.narrativeuerj2011.blogspot.com www.narrativeuerj2011.blogspot.com
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  • Learners profile: now and then
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  • PASTNOWADAYS Lack of familiarity with technology More negative attitude towards technology Little access to the Internet Lack of modern technology at work Used to read more Methodology awareness Wish for a less traditional education More familiarity with technology Addicted to technology, esp. social networking Access to internet on the phone all the time Read less and dont worry about what other people will think about their posts Think more about themselves Very creative and fun Lack of methodology awareness
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  • The Course: now and then PASTNOWADAYS Introducing modern technologies Thinking their possible use in the classroom Technology as a useful tool Main aim: Change of attitude towards technology Methodology awareness Rethinking the use of technology adapting it to language teaching Technology without methodology doesnt work. Technology is just a tool. Main aim: How to apply their technology skills to their teaching reality
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  • Findings Learners have more access to technology than they used to. However, they have less methodology awareness. The need for more training and development course.
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  • Findings There may be a generation gap between teachers working in the same institution. There may also be a greater gap between coordinators and the new generation of teachers. More study to understand this new generation as workforce.
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  • The future is now! Can we still consider the idea of future in relation to modernity? Nothing surprises us. What can be considered modern?
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  • 5 WAYS TO ATTRACT GEN Y TO YOUR WORKPLACE Offer flexibility. Use technology and social media as recruiting tool. Write great job descriptions to find your best fit. Develop onboarding programs. Be their mentor. (Huhman, Heather 2010)
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  • Homework Reflection How does this may affect the teaching and learning process? How do you cope with this new reality? What about dealing with the brand-new Generation Z? What is the next after Z? Does the difference between the generations take into consideration teachers and learners individual learning styles? Is there a need to develop different learning strategies depending on the generation? What is the role of the teacher/developer in this new scenario?
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  • Reference Beson, Phil & Voller, Peter (eds.) (1997). Autonomy & independence in language learning. New York: Addison Wesley Longman. Cardoso, Janaina (2010). Tecnologia como uma ferramenta poderosa no aprendizado de idiomas. In Possas, Sandra (org.). Ingls na sala de aula: ao e reflexo. So Paulo: Moderna/ Richmond. Cardoso, Janaina (2005). As Estratgias de aprendizagem: eficcia e autonomia na compreenso oral. Niteri: UFF. (Doctorate Thesis) Dam, Leni (2003). Developing learner autonomy: the teachers responsibility. In Little, D. Ridley, J. & Ushioda, E. (eds.). Learner Autonomy in the Foreign Language Classroom. Dublin: Authentik. DElboux, Yannik (2010). Aprendizado na era digital. In Profisso Mestre. Ano 11, n 130 (pp. 15-19) Dudeney, G. &Hockly, N. (2007). How to teach English with technology. Harlow: Pearson Longman. Frei, S., Gammill, A. & Irons, S. (2007). Integrating technology into the curriculum. Huntington Beach: Shell Education Freire, Paulo (1998). Pedagogia da autonomia. SP: Paz e Terra. Freitas, Adriano & Leite, Lgia (2011). Com giz e laptop. Rio de Janeiro: Wak Editora. Harmer, Jeremy (2007). The Practice of English language teaching. Harlow: Pearson Longman. Huhman, Heather (2010). 5 Ways to attract generation Y to your workplace. http://sme-blog.com/guest- blog/5-ways-to-attract-generation-y-to-your-workplace SEP 29, 10 8:30 AM Lewis, Gordon (2009). Bringing technology into the classroom. Oxford: OUP.
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  • Moran, J. M. (2004). Proposta de mudana nos cursos presenciais com a educao on-line. http://www.abed.org.br/congresso2004 http://www.abed.org.br/congresso2004 Negreiros, T. C. (1999). Novas dimenses da organizao: autonomia e afiliao. Programa de Desenvolvimento de Quadro Diretivos. RJ: Senac DN. Prado, M.E.B. & Almeida, M.E.B. (2009). Criando situaes de aprendizagem colaborativa. In Valente, Prado e Almeida (2009[2003]). Educao a distncia via Internet. SP:Avercamp. (pp. 195-204) Reilly, Peter (2012). Understanding and teaching generation Y. English Teaching Forum. Number 1 2012. Santos, R & Sobrinho, J.C. (2009). Computers and the use of English as a foreign language: access to the diversity of textual genres and language skills. In Tatnall, A. & Jones, A. (2009). Education and technology for a better world. Melbourne: Springer. (pp. 401-416) Scharle, gota & Szab Anita (2000). Learner autonomy: a guide to developing learner responsibility. Cambridge: CUP. Silva, Luciana (2010). O uso de tecnologias digitais nas aulas de ingls: um relato de uma experincia. In Possas, Sandra (org.). Ingls na sala de aula: ao e reflexo. So Paulo: Moderna/ Richmond.. Sokolik, Maggie (2001). Computers in language teaching. In Sokolik, Maggie (2001). Computers in language teaching. In Celce-Murcia, Marianne (ed.) Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston: Heinle Cengage Learning. Valente, J. A. (2009). Curso em especializao em desenvolvimento de projetos pedaggicos com o uso das novas teconologias: descrio e fundamentos. In Valente, Prado e Almeida (orgs) (2009[2003]). Educao a distncia via Internet. SP:Avercamp. (pp. 23-55) Ur, Penny. (1996). A Course in language teaching.Cambridge: CUP.
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  • Janaina Cardoso APLIERJ / UERJ/ Celing [email protected] www.techweb.wikispaces.com
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