jan. 9, 2012

THE Volume 53, Issue 17 Wednesday, January 9, 2013 thecord.ca The tie that binds Wilfrid Laurier University since 1926 Inside Idle No More spreads Examining the complex issues covered by the growing Idle No More movement National, page 7 Fall sports: in review The Cord Sports staff assess the performances of Laurier’s fall varsity teams Sports, page 16 Former Western QB named Laurier head coach; Pyear out as offensive coordinator KATE TURNER PHOTOGRAPHY MANAGER JUSTIN FAUTEUX EDITOR-IN-CHIEF WCH hit by thefts Students’ property stolen over break After returning from the winter break, some first-year students liv- ing in Waterloo College Hall (WCH) had a rude awakening. Upon moving back into their rooms, some noticed that some personal items, as well as furniture from their lounge, had been stolen. The reports of stolen items began trickling in Sunday afternoon after the students began moving back in and were quickly directed to Special Constable Services. Special Con- stables, however, declined to make a comment to The Cord. In an e-mail to The Cord, Kevin Crowley, the director of communi- cations and public affairs at Laurier, explained that the school is aware of the thefts and is working towards resolving the issue. However, in his e-mail he ex- plained that because “the thefts are the subject of a police investigation, that’s about all we can say at the moment.” Sheldon Pereira, manager: resi- dence life at WLU, was able to give more insight regarding the incident. He explained that the majority of reports were for small, personal items, and the Residence Life Dons directed their students to Special Constables. “Since then, the police reports have continued to develop, and the investigation has continued to de- velop as we try to figure out exactly what happened,” he explained. “At this point we do have some infor- mation as to what was found when the students returned to the rooms, but I can’t speak to the ongoing investigation.” For the time being, however, some students of WCH feel uncom- fortable within their residence, and want the school to do more with re- gards to student safety. Bethany Bowles, a first-year liv- ing in WCH, expressed how she now feels at risk within her living arrangement. ELIZABETH DICESARE CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR Campus, page 4 Sports, page 16 A new shade of purple “It’s my job to bring back that excitement.” —Michael Faulds, new Laurier head coach on his goals in the position Be smart, be healthy Features, page 8 Four years ago, Laurier football sup- porters would have greeted Michael Faulds with anything but applause. But on Tuesday afternoon Faulds was the man of the hour as the for- mer Western Mustangs star, was introduced as the new head coach and manager of football operations at Laurier. This will be the first head coach- ing gig for the 29-year-old Faulds, who just four years ago was setting passing records for Western. As a player, Faulds is one of the best to play quarterback in Canadian In- teruniversity Sport (CIS) history, holding the all-time passing yardage record with 10,811 career yards. As a coach, he’s only been a part of three career CIS wins since taking over as offensive coordinator of the York Lions, a team that has gone 0-8, 1-7 and 2-6 in the past three years. However, Faulds is credited with the dramatic improvement in the Lions’ offence going from 26th to 6th in the nation in yards per game between 2011 and 2012. Admittedly an inex- perienced coach, Faulds didn’t shy away from questions about his age. “The passport doesn’t lie; I am 29 years old,” he said. “I am a first- time head coach, I didn’t lie on my resume either… But in my 29 years, no one has been more entrenched in the sport of football than me.” In taking over the Golden Hawks, Faulds steps into a potentially deli- cate situation. He will be replacing Gary Jeffries, who stepped down in November following the team’s 3-5 season, the worst in his ten-year span as head coach. Jeffries gained a large following of supporters in his nearly 40 years with the program, but Faulds isn’t worried about following the well- entrenched coach. “He has big shoes to fill. But I’m not trying to fill those shoes,” said Faulds. “Gary Jeffries has his own legacy just like every other coach that’s been a part of this great pro- gram. I’m trying to be coach Faulds.” The hiring of Faulds also spells the end of Ryan Pyear’s 11-year ten- ure at Laurier. Pyear — who played at Laurier from 2001-05 and led the Hawks to their 2005 Vanier Cup win — took over as the team’s of- fensive coordinator almost imme- diately after graduating. On Tues- day, the WLU athletics department confirmed that Pyear was “no longer working with the program.” Laurier’s offence struggled for much of Pyear’s time as offensive coordinator, hitting a low point in 2012. The team finished second-last in the entire country in points per game, averaging just 13.6, as rookie Travis Eman and veteran back-up Steve Fantham struggled behind an offensive line comprised almost ex- clusively of first- and second-year players. So clearly, fixing the offence is priority number one for Faulds, who will take over offensive play calling duties. “I’m going to install a new of- fence. My first meeting yester- day was with the whole team, af- terwards I got the offence to stay

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Vol. 53, Issue 17


Page 1: Jan. 9, 2012


Volume 53, Issue 17 Wednesday, January 9, 2013 thecord.ca

T he tie that binds Wilfrid Laurier University since 1926


Idle No More spreads

Examining the complex issues covered by the growing Idle No More movement

National, page 7

Fall sports: in review

The Cord Sports staff assess the performances of Laurier’s fall varsity teams

Sports, page 16

Former Western QB named Laurier head coach; Pyear out as o� ensive coordinator



WCH hit by theftsStudents’ property stolen over break

After returning from the winter break, some fi rst-year students liv-ing in Waterloo College Hall (WCH) had a rude awakening. Upon moving back into their rooms, some noticed that some personal items, as well as furniture from their lounge, had been stolen. The reports of stolen items began trickling in Sunday afternoon after the students began moving back in and were quickly directed to Special Constable Services. Special Con-stables, however, declined to make a comment to The Cord. In an e-mail to The Cord, Kevin Crowley, the director of communi-cations and public affairs at Laurier, explained that the school is aware of the thefts and is working towards resolving the issue. However, in his e-mail he ex-plained that because “the thefts are the subject of a police investigation, that’s about all we can say at the moment.” Sheldon Pereira, manager: resi-dence life at WLU, was able to give more insight regarding the incident. He explained that the majority of reports were for small, personal items, and the Residence Life Dons directed their students to Special Constables. “Since then, the police reports have continued to develop, and the investigation has continued to de-velop as we try to fi gure out exactly what happened,” he explained. “At this point we do have some infor-mation as to what was found when the students returned to the rooms, but I can’t speak to the ongoing investigation.” For the time being, however, some students of WCH feel uncom-fortable within their residence, and want the school to do more with re-gards to student safety. Bethany Bowles, a fi rst-year liv-ing in WCH, expressed how she now feels at risk within her living arrangement.


Campus, page 4Sports, page 16

A new shade of purple“It’s my job to bring back

that excitement.”

—Michael Faulds, new Laurier head coach on his goals in the position

Be smart, be healthyFeatures, page 8

The Cord Sports staff assess the

Four years ago, Laurier football sup-porters would have greeted Michael Faulds with anything but applause. But on Tuesday afternoon Faulds was the man of the hour as the for-mer Western Mustangs star, was introduced as the new head coach and manager of football operations at Laurier. This will be the fi rst head coach-ing gig for the 29-year-old Faulds, who just four years ago was setting passing records for Western. As a player, Faulds is one of the best to play quarterback in Canadian In-teruniversity Sport (CIS) history, holding the all-time passing yardage record with 10,811 career yards. As a coach, he’s only been a part of three career CIS wins since taking over as offensive coordinator of the York Lions, a team that has gone 0-8, 1-7 and 2-6 in the past three years. However, Faulds is credited with the dramatic improvement in the Lions’ offence going from 26th to 6th in the

nation in yards per game between 2011 and 2012. Admittedly an inex-perienced coach, Faulds didn’t shy away from questions about his age. “The passport doesn’t lie; I am 29 years old,” he said. “I am a fi rst-time head coach, I didn’t lie on my resume either… But in my 29 years, no one has been more entrenched in the sport of football than me.” In taking over the Golden Hawks, Faulds steps into a potentially deli-cate situation. He will be replacing Gary Jeffries, who stepped down in November following the team’s 3-5 season, the worst in his ten-year span as head coach. Jeffries gained a large following of supporters in his nearly 40 years with the program, but Faulds isn’t worried about following the well-entrenched coach. “He has big shoes to fi ll. But I’m not trying to fi ll those shoes,” said Faulds. “Gary Jeffries has his own legacy just like every other coach that’s been a part of this great pro-gram. I’m trying to be coach Faulds.” The hiring of Faulds also spells

the end of Ryan Pyear’s 11-year ten-ure at Laurier. Pyear — who played at Laurier from 2001-05 and led the Hawks to their 2005 Vanier Cup win — took over as the team’s of-fensive coordinator almost imme-diately after graduating. On Tues-day, the WLU athletics department confi rmed that Pyear was “no longer working with the program.” Laurier’s offence struggled for much of Pyear’s time as offensive coordinator, hitting a low point in 2012. The team fi nished second-last in the entire country in points per game, averaging just 13.6, as rookie Travis Eman and veteran back-up Steve Fantham struggled behind an offensive line comprised almost ex-clusively of fi rst- and second-year players. So clearly, fi xing the offence is priority number one for Faulds, who will take over offensive play calling duties. “I’m going to install a new of-fence. My fi rst meeting yester-day was with the whole team, af-terwards I got the offence to stay

Page 2: Jan. 9, 2012

Editor-in-ChiefJustin Fauteux [email protected]


News ………………… 3Campus …………… 4

Local ……………… 6National…………… 7

Features ……… 8Arts …………………… 9

Life ………………… 10Editorial ………… 12Opinion ………… 13Sports …………… 15

Editor’s choiceGain knowledge, lose weightFeatures, page 8

How did you spend your winter break?

Vocal Cord75 University Ave. WWaterloo, ON N2L 3C5519-884-0710 x3564

JAN. 9, 2013Volume 53, Issue 17Next issue: January, 16 , 2013

AdvertisingAll advertising inquiries should be directed to Angela Endicott at 519-884-0710 [email protected]

In 2011 the Canadian Community Newspaper Association awarded The Cord second place in the campus community newspaper category.

Editorial BoardEditor-in-Chief. ............................. Justin Fauteux

[email protected] Director .............................. Justin Smirlies [email protected] Director ....................... Wade Thompson [email protected] News Editor ............ Elizabeth DiCesare [email protected] and National Editor ....... Lindsay Purchase

[email protected] Depth Editor. .............................................Vacant

[email protected] Editor ........................ Colleen Connolly

[email protected] Editor ..............................................Carly Basch

[email protected] Arts Editor ...............................Cristina Almudevar

[email protected] Editor ...................................Devon Butler

[email protected] Editor .................................Shelby Blackley

[email protected] Editor ........................Stephanie Truong

[email protected] Manager .................Nick Lachance

[email protected] Manager ........................ Kate Turner

[email protected] Editor ................................................Shaun Fitl

sfi [email protected]

Senior Sta� Lead Reporter ............................... Katelyn CullumLead Reporter ..................................Marissa EvansLead Reporter .................................... Alanna FaireyLead Videographer ........................... Jeremy EnnsLead Photographer ................. Cristina RucchettaCopy Editing Manager .....................Gillian Lopes


WLUSP administrationPresident and Publisher.................................................. Emily Frost

Executive Director ....................................................Bryn Ossington

Advertising Manager .............................................. Angela Endicott

Treasurer..................................................................... Tom Paddock

Vice-Chair .........................................................................Jon Pryce

Director...................................................................... Kayla Darrach

Director.................................................... Joseph McNinch-Pazzano

Corporate Secretary ...................................................... Allie Hincks

Distribution Manager ............................................. Angela Endicott

Web Manager .......................................................... Adam Lazzarato

ColophonThe Cord is the offi cial student newspaper of the Wilfrid Laurier University community.

Started in 1926 as the College Cord, The Cord is an editorially inde-pendent newspaper published by Wilfrid Laurier University Student Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. WLUSP is governed by its board of directors.

Opinions expressed within The Cord are those of the author and do not necessarily refl ect those of the editorial board, The Cord, WLUSP, WLU or CanWeb Printing Inc. All content appearing in The Cord bears the copyright expressly of their creator(s) and may not be used without written consent.

The Cord is created using Macintosh computers running Mac OS X 10.5 using Adobe Creative Suite 4. Canon cameras are used for principal photography.

The Cord has been a proud member of the Ontario Press Council since 2006. Any unsatisfi ed complaints can be sent to the council at [email protected].

The Cord’s circulation for a normal Wednesday issue is 8,000 copies and enjoys a readership of over 10,000. Cord subscription rates are $20.00 per term for addresses within Canada.

The Cord has been a proud member of the Canadian University Press (CUP)since 2004.

Campus Plus is The Cord’s national advertising agency.

Preamble to The Cord constitutionThe Cord will keep faith with its readers by presenting news and expressions of opinions comprehensively, accurately and fairly. The Cord believes in a balanced and impartial presentation of all relevant facts in a news report, and of all substantial opinions in a matter of controversy.

The staff of The Cord shall uphold all commonly held ethical conventions of journalism. When an error of omission or of com-mission has occurred, that error shall be acknowledged promptly. When statements are made that are critical of an individual, or an organization, we shall give those affected the opportunity to reply at the earliest time possible. Ethical journalism requires impartial-ity, and consequently confl icts of interest and the appearance of confl icts of interest will be avoided by all staff.

The only limits of any newspaper are those of the world around it, and so The Cord will attempt to cover its world with a special focus on Wilfrid Laurier University, and the community of Kitchener-Waterloo, and with a special ear to the concerns of the students of Wilfrid Laurier University. Ultimately, The Cord will be bound by neither philosophy nor geography in its mandate.

The Cord has an obligation to foster freedom of the press and freedom of speech. This obligation is best fulfi lled when debate and dissent are encouraged, both in the internal workings of the paper, and through The Cord’s contact with the student body.

The Cord will always attempt to do what is right, with fear of neither repercussions, nor retaliation. The purpose of the student press is to act as an agent of social awareness, and so shall conduct the affairs of our newspaper.Quote of the week:“After fi rst year I thought I had start doing shit and being productive. So I joined The Cord and took out my spacers.”–News Director Justin Smirlies re: growing up.

The tie that binds Wilfrid Laurier Universi� since 1926

Jennifer Armel Heather Barnes

Ally Bongard Brad Bowen

Kelly Burwash Ali Connerty

Ashley Denuzzo Spencer Dunn

Dana Francoeur Taylor Gayowsky Brad Kleinstuber

Shayne McKay Julia Pollock

Alex Reinhart Andrew Savory Janelle Scheifele

James Shin Becca Silver HG Watson

Chadwick Wheeler David Xu

“I went to New York City, saw Rock of Ages and spent time with family.”–Katie Fernandesthird-year, communica-tion studies

“Went home. Had Christmas.”–Je� Larabeesecond-year, communi-cation studies

“Went snowboarding for four nights at Blue Mountain and spent New Year’s there.”–Sierra Carmichaelfourth-year, business

“Spent 200 hours on YouTube.”–Kenneth Leungfourth-year, business

“I worked, I slept and got the 24-hour fl u just before Christmas.”–Martin Aslingfourth-year political sci-ence

Compiled by Justin SmirliesPhotos by Cristina Rucchetta


presented by

The Cord nominated for national awardsThe Cord has received four nominations for the Canadian University Press (CUP) John H. MacDonald Awards.

Congratulations to:

Kevin Campbell, who has been nominated in the sports writing category for his Nov. 2, 2011 article: “When hits to the head hit close to home”.

Taylor Gayowsky, who has been nominated in the graphic design category for her March 28, 2012 graphic “The Game of Laurier”.

Kevin Hatch, who has been nominated in the arts writing category for his May 30, 2012 article “Superheroes, comics, and your childhood self”.

Wade Thompson and Lind-say Purchase, who have been nominated in the lay-out/design category for the March 14, 2012 middle spread “Putting a face to homeless-ness”.

To read or view these nomi-nated works, visit thecord.ca.


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Page 3: Jan. 9, 2012

News DirectorJustin [email protected]


Waterloo Region’s Light Rail Tran-sit (LRT) is going to be named soon, with three potential names that will be determined by the public: Trio, Arc and Ion. Back in November, Waterloo Re-gion was accepting requests from developers to determine who will design the $818-million project. Thomas Schmidt, the commis-sioner of transportation and en-vironmental services, is currently overseeing the report along with the Region of Waterloo offi cials. The report still requires time and a plethora of supplementary discus-sions by both the public and the re-gional offi cials, but Schmidt ensures that the negotiations between the Region and Bombardier, the devel-oper chosen to produce the trains, are still underway and are going smoothly. “The process in the report is still being followed and Region staff continue negotiations with Bombar-dier,” Schmidt informed. “Negotiations are going well and it is anticipated that an agreement will be reached shortly at which point a report will be presented to Regional Council for their approval.” Now, the Region of Waterloo of-fi cials and Quarry Integrated Com-munications Inc. are working to-gether to propose three names for the rapid transit system. The names are not arbi-trary, as they all have signifi cant representation. According to Sarah Harwood, vice-president of Quarry Com-munications Inc., Ion symbolizes the electrical charge, playing on the

notion that the transit is always on the move. Arc is rounded like the proposed rapid transit route and represents a prolongation of transit in the region. Trio represents people working together with inventive and harmonious implications. The name will be deter-mined through a series of public consultations. According to Darshpreet Bhatti, the director of rapid transit at the Region of Waterloo, this is signifi -cant since public involvement is es-sential to the program. “We have a full public program that will be starting soon,” Bhatti

said. “We will be going to the public with the shortlist of the names, get their feedback and then we will go back to council with recommenda-tions in terms of the preference from the public and then we will move forward with one.” Three separate public conference sessions for the proposed names will be taking place before making a fi nal decision, which is to be an-nounced at the end of February. Once the public has selected a name, construction is intended to begin next summer. According to Bhatti, the Region’s

use of public consultations is on schedule and the expected changes will be made as soon as they are legitimized. “[The Waterloo Region offi cials] have always identifi ed with this timeline,” Bhatti reassured. “We have the public consultations coming up and we are on schedule for that, and I don’t see a reason why we wouldn’t implement this model in 2014.” Harwood shared that the narrow-ing down of the three contending names came with its own prolonged development. Harwood explained that there

were more than three names that were considered. “We had a foundation of work to inspire our thinking and then we moved into a brainstorming,” Har-wood shared. “We heard from citizens and from those at the spine of the community, delving into the history and char-acteristics that the people told us about the community that were col-laborative. We ended up generating over 300 names.” Harwood shared that Quarry Communications Inc. were able to narrow down the three names based on if the names were meaningful and able to work with the technol-ogy. Though the process of elimina-tion brought them to the top three names, there are still other factors that must be considered. “The explorations around font and logo colours and how the name will look on the station stop are a part of the contract that is needed to be done with the region,” Harwood concluded.

A team was hired by the Region of Waterloo has come up with a shortlist of names: Trio, Ion and Arc. STEPHANIE TRUONG GRAPHICS EDITOR

ALANNA FAIREY LEAD REPORTER “We will be going to the

public with the shortlist

of names, get their feed-

back and then we will

go back to council with

recommendations ...”—Darshpreet Bhatti, director of rapid transit at the Region of Waterloo

“We will be going to the

public with the shortlist

of names, get their feed-

back and then we will

go back to council with

Region looks to public for LRT name The $818-million project will be named after the public is consulted on possible names: Ion, Trio and Arc

In a recent cost-analysis conducted by Wilfrid Laurier University, the institution has found that Fall 2012 course pack costs have decreased, on average, by about 50 per cent, or $0.17 per page, from the cost of course packs in Fall 2011. This is largely due to the agreement the university signed with Access Copy-right last June.

Instead of a point-of-sale cost of $0.10 a page for course packs, the current agreement charges students a full-time equivalent (FTE) fee of $26 for fi ve courses, $5.20 of which is covered by the university. The original estimate in savings under this new agreement was only 30 to 35 per cent with the FTE included.

However, course pack for BU 447 that was priced at $41.95 for the Fall 2011 semester fell to $21.95 in Fall 2012.

“We’re pleasantly surprised, we were a little skeptical as to exact-ly what the impact of the Access Copyright arrangement was going to be,” said Chris Walker, the vice-president: university affairs at the Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union.

The new agreement has faced some criticism in the past for the upfront fee of $20.80, since the originally average students paid for copyright under the original frame-work was $15-18. For this frame-work, however, a student will have to pay this fee even if their classes do not use course packs.

“Students who are purchasing a lot of course packs are saving a lot of money. Students who aren’t purchasing course packs are being

charged more. That’s another po-tential problem with the current ar-rangement,” explained Walker.

The current agreement with Ac-cess Copyright expires in 2015 and Walker noted that the university should discuss whether or not Ac-cess Copyright should still be an op-tion for the university.

“There’s still on-going follow-up that needs to happen with respect to when 2015 comes around and the agreement expires. Is Access Copyright still going to be the right agreement for us or do we encour-age the university to go in a differ-ent direction?” continued Walker, adding that online content has been somewhat problematic under the agreement.

While undergraduate students may be saving money on course packs, graduate students don’t share the same luxury. According to Do-menica De Pasquale, the academic and research director for the Wilfrid Laurier University Graduate Stu-dents Association (GSA), the new agreement doesn’t benefi t gradu-ate students because many graduate courses don’t have course packs.

“Those ones [course packs], for-tunately, did decrease a bit. How-ever, there is not enough savings to justify the cost [of the FTE] for all graduate students,” said De Pasquale, noting that graduate stu-dents still pay the $20.80 FTE.

Graduates students used to only pay $5.10 a semester for copyright.

“We’re trying to strategize ways in which we can see that payment received in others ways, such as in-creasing the number of publications we have access too, for example,” she added.

Mike Zybala, the associate

director of retail services/systems at the Bookstore, explained that with this cost analysis faculty might be more willing to use course packs, something that has declined in use the past few years.

“Now with that agreement, I’m thinking we’re going to be seeing a bit of an increase [in use of course packs],” he said. “I think it’s an al-ternative to a student buying three, four or fi ve books for course. It gives the faculty some fl exibility to kind of customize the course content.”

As well, professors have begun consolidating course packs for simi-lar courses or classes that have mul-tiple parts.

“We were worried that print-ing costs and other costs associ-ated with course pack material with offset the saving … but that didn’t prove to be the case,” added Walker.

He also noted that if students were told to buy course materials at an external business such as Kinko’s they were actually paying more in copyright since they had to pay the upfront fee regardless.

“Due to the way the costing works out it’s far cheaper for the student to actually purchase it at the Book-store,” he said.


Examples of price change:

PO 217: Old price (2011): $66.95 New price (2012): $23.95

CS 212: Old price (2011): $66.95New price (2012): $32.95

Savings found in agreement

Page 4: Jan. 9, 2012


Campus News EditorElizabeth [email protected]


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The fi ltered water refi ll stations on campus were out of order from the end of September until the break between semesters, when they were said to have been repaired. The fi l-tered water refi ll stations are a re-cent addition to the Wilfrid Laurier University campus with the intend-ed purpose of reducing the waste of water bottles as well as providing the student and faculty with fi ltered drinking water.

The reasons why it took so long for the water refi ll stations to be repaired was explained by Chris Walker, vice-president of universi-ty affairs at the Wilfrid Laurier Uni-versity Students’ Union.

“The units as an entirety weren’t Canada Safety Standards Associa-tion (CSA) compliant,” explained Walker.

“What we had to do, was work with Water Fills, the company that builds the machine; they had to be

inspected, then schematics were drawn up [and] the company had to develop a new part, then install it to the systems, so the period of that took a considerable amount of time.”

Students were bothered by the lack of water fi ll stations during the time it took to repair the stations.

Alex Krawecki, a fourth-year stu-dent, noted this and said, “It was very inconvenient.”

However, not all students were inconvenienced while the water fi ll stations were out of order, and were not concerned by the lack of water refi ll stations.

Dan Graziotto, a third-year stu-dent at WLU, said that he was aware that the water stations were broken because of signs in the Con-course which indicated that the wa-ter stations were not working, but it did not affect him.

“I don’t bring a reusable water bottle to school,” said Graziotto. “So the fact that they were broken didn’t affect me in ways other students

would have experienced.” Walker also spoke to The Cord

regarding the concerns of students as to why it took so long for the wa-ter refi ll stations to be repaired.

The water fi ll stations are now working and compliant with the CSA regulations.

There is now fi ltered drinking water accessible to students on campus from the water fi ll stations. Students were able to voice their concerns about the water fi ll sta-tions through Fix My Laurier.

“We saw a lot of feedback through Fix My Laurier, so there defi antly was a response from stu-dents who wanted to use the free water fi ll stations,” said Walker.

The concern of the students re-sulted in the repair of most of the water fi ll stations, but The Cord found that the water station in the science building is still out of order.

However, WLUSU is still plan-ning to increase the amount of wa-ter stations on campus, especially in high traffi c areas.


Water stations fi nally see repairs

The water refi ll stations around campus were out of commission since the end of September.KATE TURNER PHOTOGRAPHY MANAGER

“I was expecting some sort of secu-rity [before moving in] but we don’t have that whatsoever,” she said. “There’s the odd Special Constable that drives by, but they’re not really protecting you in your building.” She also explained that upon re-turning back to residence, the other students on her fl oor discovered that both couches from their lounge, along with a fl at-screen television brought in by a fellow student, had been stolen. “[That] would have meant they would have had to have a truck out front or some sort of large vehicle to put the couches in, which is really strange,” she continued. However, the most suspicious aspect of the event, according to Bowles, was that the students who had items taken from their rooms didn’t immediately suspect any-thing, because when they returned their doors were still locked. “So [we] think the person that broke in has a master key,” she said.

“They just tell us to lock our doors, but if they [people breaking in] have a master key, then what good is that?” Pereira also explained that as of now, the Residence Life staff has not implemented any further security measures, and will not do so un-til they know the full extent of the event. “I don’t know exactly how these thefts happened or the methodology that was used in facilitating them, what I can say is that students at Waterloo College Hall have swipe access to the building to get them in to the fi rst set of doors, a key to their bedroom, a key to the lounge and a key to their mailbox,” said Pereira. “So a non-criminal would be able to get into the building by using their card and then using their key.” “We’re pretty confi dent in the lev-el and degree of safety and security that we offer to our fi rst-year resi-dences, because we feel a sense of accountability to them to make sure they are safe and comfortable as well,” he concluded.


Student expresses concerns about living in residence

In the coming months the fi rst-year experience of students at Wilfrid Laurier University will be undergo-ing a detailed review by a task force, which will aim to bring a more com-prehensive approach to considering the experience the university creates for fi rst-year students.

Struck in mid-December, the task force is co-chaired by David Mc-Murray, vice president of student af-fairs, and Deborah MacLatchy, vice president: academic and provost. Comprised of 27 members drawn from various factions of the uni-versity, the task force held its fi rst meeting before the holidays.

“We’ve talked about doing this for a couple years,” McMurray ex-plained. “There’s always been a con-centrated effort on parts of the fi rst-year experience, but never some-thing as comprehensive as this.”

Two goals have been established to guide the task force, one being

academic, integration and success, and the other success with regards to personal transition. After look-ing at the different aspects of the fi rst-year experience in alignment with the goals and principles set out by the task force, recommendations will be brought to WLU’s senate and the board of governors.

“A big part of what we’re going to do as a task force is not only look at what we’re doing, but also look at what best practices are happening at other universities,” said MacLatchy. “A lot of it will be looking as well at some statistics.”

Both MacLatchy and McMurray discussed the role students will have as part of the review, beyond their representation on the task force.

“We’re planning on communi-cating to the campus community at large and asking for feedback as the work proceeds,” said McMurray. “We want to engage students and all members of the community and the external community to some extent in what we want to try to do.”

Michael Onabolu, president and CEO of the Wilfrid Laurier Universit Students’ Union, also emphasized the importance of involving fi rst-year students in the process as he explained that “their feedback will be instrumental in helping to shape what the strategy looks like. ”

All three confi rmed that the task force will also be contributing to the discussion surrounding the possi-bility of fall reading days that were discussed this past fall.

“It’s obviously not the entire thing, but it’s a component of it,” commented Onabolu.

As for their long term hopes for the task force, MacLatchy said she hopes to see retention rates in-crease, and for students to come to Laurier because of “how we ap-proach the fi rst-year transition and student success.”

“If we accomplish the two goals, to focus on academic success and personal transition, I think that will ultimately say it all,” McMurray con-cluded.



First-year experience to be reviewed by task force

“There’s the odd Special Constable that drives by,

but they’re not really protecting you in your build-


—Bethany Bowles, fi rst-year living in WCH

“There’s the odd Special Constable that drives by,

but they’re not really protecting you in your build-

Page 5: Jan. 9, 2012


Nomination due date will be TBA. Nomination packages can be picked up from the WLUSP office. Nominations are now open for the President and 4 Board Directors.

Unlike the past few years, students, staff and faculty at Wilfrid Laurier University are returning back to campus later than in past years, as we had an unusually long break this year.

Although scrutinized in previous years, the offi ce of the registrar is still maintaining that the later start date in January of this year and the earlier date in January 2012 were due to guidelines set out by Laurier’s senate.

At the beginning of each year, in this case on Nov. 23, the senate pro-duces guidelines for academic dates for the following year. The 2013-2014 academic dates have already been established. For example, in fall of 2013, students will be com-ing back to school on September 9 and on January 6 for the winter semester.

For constructing these academic dates the senate uses ten guidelines.

The most basic aspect of these guidelines outline that “the start date for the fall term be the Mon-day following Labour Day [and] ... the winter term Reading Week is the week containing the third Mon-day in February,” Darling explained, adding how these guidelines dictate the university’s academic calendar and affect the length of breaks.

“There are guidelines for setting academic dates that dictate these things [longer breaks],” said Dar-ling. “It is really out of my control as to how these things are set.”

Despite the complaints last year, many Laurier students and staff were pleased with the longer break this year.

Ali Berish, a third year Laurier student enjoyed having more time off.

“It allowed me to do everything I wanted to do,” she explained.

However, she says that she has heard mixed feelings regarding the longer break.

“Some people got bored during the holidays, so I could see why they would go back sooner and see their friends in Waterloo,” she continued.

Barbara Carmichael, a WLU pro-fessor, also believes the longer break is good for students.

“The longer break might work well for students – one more week to work to earn fees,” she expressed.

Geoffrey Stevens, another WLU professor, echoed Carmichael’s comments.

“One, [it] gives me time to pre-pare for the term and two it coin-cides with the high school schedule,” he said.

This makes it easier for staff with children in those years to plan holi-days and allows many university students with younger siblings to travel with them.

Whatever the reasons may be, the consensus seems to be that the lon-ger break this year was much appre-ciated by staff, faculty and students.

Although there are several senate guidelines the registrar upholds, the majority of semester schedules are based on “how the calendar falls,” Darling concluded.


WLU enjoys a longer break

Parenting is certainly no easy task: the innumerable number of lifestyle choices to be made for the child can easily become dizzying. As a moth-er, Linda Quirke, a sociology profes-sor at Wilfrid Laurier University un-derstands and researches this.

Quirke’s current, on going re-search involves reviewing every Today’s Parent issue — a popular parenting magazine — from 1984 to 2012 and examining articles on topics related to childhood obesity, physical activity and leisure time.

“I’m interested how parenting has or hasn’t shifted over time,” said Quirke. She is hoping that the com-parison in content across the dif-ferent periods will give light to just that.

Although still in the early stages of her review, Quirke has already come across some notable patterns in parenting advice, especially in re-gards to childhood obesity.

“I’ve looked at the nineties and what advice is out there for parents in respect to childhood obesity and then I compared that with the last three years, and the discussion of childhood obesity is quite different,” explained Quirke. “It changes and shifts a lot between the nineties.”

One big difference she found was the way obesity was talked about. In the 1980s and 1990s, obesity was discussed more in relation to pro-tecting the child’s self esteem.

“[People would say,] ‘The world is a cruel place and people tease

kids who are overweight so this is how you want to position your dis-cussion with your child about their health.’”

Therefore, articles advised par-ents to simply maintain their child’s weight and not overfeed them so they don’t feel bad about themselves.

In contrast, over the past three years, obesity was discussed more in terms of the health of the child and the healthiness of their diet. There was signifi cantly more micro-analysis of the inherent qualities of the all the foods being eaten and ad-vice tended to be much more scruti-nizing and specifi c.

“This has too much salt. This has too much sugar. Food is positioned in a slightly more sinister way,” said Quirke. “So parents are in an almost impossible position because they have to make these decisions in a

practical way daily.”Another notable difference

Quirke discovered was who the ar-ticles on obesity were directed at. In the past, these articles and advice were mainly written for parents of overweight children. In recent years, however, they are directed at any and every parent whether their child is overweight or perfectly healthy.

“Obesity is [now] seen as some-thing to be avoided, even if your child isn’t overweight,” explained Quirke. “It’s still positioned as something you need to be very vigi-lant about because it’s a risk to every child.”

Quirke’s research is still in progress and will also be examin-ing other topics such as kids’ physi-cal activities, leisure time and safety and danger.

She anticipates it to be completed in the next year or so.

Quirke looks at parenting methods that combat obesity in children.CURTOSEY OF LINDA QUIRKE


This winter break gave students and sta� more time to relax between their classes

Healthy choices for kids

Page 6: Jan. 9, 2012


Local EditorLindsay Purchase [email protected]

CALL FOR NOMINATIONSLaurier Teaching Assistant Award of ExcellencePurpose of the Award •To recognize the outstanding achievement of one undergraduate and one graduate teaching/instructional assistant (TA/IA) at Laurier The Award•A framed certificate at convocation, at which time a citation will be read, a $500 scholarship, and a framed picture of the recipient added to the Teaching Hall of Fame

Eligibility •Currently registered undergraduate or graduate students serving as TAs or IAs•Minimum 2 terms (or courses) of experience as a TA or IA (nominees may be teaching in their 2nd term)•Past recipients of this award are not eligible to apply


For more information: www.wlu.ca/edev/awards >> Institutional Awards

If you have further questions, please contact:Mary Neil at 519 884-0710, ext. 3507 | [email protected]

Teaching Support Services invites applicants from the Wilfrid Laurier University community for the

Innovation is of the utmost impor-tance at Kitchener’s Tannery Dis-trict. Hundreds of startups work out of Communitech, the Laurier Launchpad and UW Velocity — all located in the refurbished Lang Tan-nery building located at Charles St. and Victoria — to turn their vision into reality.

Located in the UW Velocity Ga-rage, entrepreneurs Stavros Rougas and Ebrahim Ashrafi zadeh are cre-ating an online platform for journal-ists and specialists to connect that is fast and convenient.

Mediaspotme.com is a resource for journalists to fi nd media-ready specialists and for specialists to share their knowledge with a broad-er audience.

For Rougas and Ashrafi zadeh, innovation begins in media at the content creation stage.

“How do you create quality con-tent?” Rougas asked. “There’s more content than there ever was, so the question is how do you create con-tent in a way that is feasible and on-going? You need to do it in a kind of more pointed manner. And this [mediaspotme.com] basically helps

people create content.”The digital revolution has shifted

the control in journalism from the executives and owners of estab-lished distribution channels (pub-lications, television channels, radio companies), to individuals making creative, interesting content. Though the traditional media in-dustry is historically resistant to change, new media, specifi cally the internet, has completely redefi ned who we can call, “journalist.”

According to Rougas, by elimi-nating all barriers to entry, everyone and anyone can be a journalist.

“The word journalism which we use, well what does it mean? It’s producing stuff,” he said.

Rougas sees room for both tra-ditional media and the new, citizen journalists who are reporting via blogs or Twitter.

“Are they doing it on the side or if someone’s got a great blog and they’re more narrow? You get into more specifi c kind of niche areas, but you really know your stuff in an area. So you’re kind of moving be-yond this idea of journalism,” he added.

Rougas has an extensive back-ground in traditional media himself. As a former television producer for

TVO, he acknowledges and sympa-thizes with the journalist who must become an expert in everything instantly.

“Let’s deal with some of the pain points of a journalist,” he said.

“Try to satisfy that, instead of try-ing to satisfy some sort of public re-lations need.”

Working from offi ces in both To-ronto and Waterloo, the co-founders utilize all the resources these two areas of Southern Ontario offer.

Rougas explained that between Toronto and Waterloo Region, they have all the technology and media they need.

“You’ve got all this great technol-ogy, great engineers, a certain core. On the other hand, on the media side, English Canadian media is based in Toronto,” he said. “There’s not much here on that front.”

These entrepreneurs draw on the expertise of two distinct regions of Southern Ontario to create a prod-uct that will deliver.

Launching a beta test in the com-ing months, Rougas hopes medi-aspotme.com will be at the forefront of media innovation.

“There’s no money in making stuff,” noted Rougas, “So I’m trying to facilitate.” Stavros Rougas explains his new project, mediaspotme.com.



Local couple Taylor Jackson and Lindsay Coulter have launched a branding website that hopes to help local charities while also promoting small businesses. The initiative, called The Niyama Project, endorses local small busi-nesses with the couple’s marketing services, like blogging or video. The products are sold online with a large portion of the proceeds going to a local charity. “I think a lot of small businesses are trying to market themselves like they are big businesses,” Coulter explained. “We’re just trying to tell the story about the people behind the busi-ness, what their products are, what their services are.” The project was inspired by Jack-son and Coulter’s previous struggles to market their own small business-es from a lack of funds and a desire to share their businesses’ story to the world. Coulter explained that she and Jackson use an alternative method of payment for their services, opting for inclined payments, a modernized use of imbursement. “Rather than giving us cash and a cheque, [the small businesses] can pay for their marketing products in their own marketing products and services,” Coulter explained. By creating this website, the cou-ple hope to help small businesses become more detectable on the Internet. “When people search for local businesses on the Internet, their websites will pop a little bit closer and then they can view their website and it raises their recognition up,” Jackson explained. The public has seemed to re-sponded well to this project. After gaining some recognition for their

work, Coulter and Jackson had been approached by several small busi-nesses and self-employed workers who are interested in their help and associations. “My inbox was fl ooded from peo-ple from businesses such as Inkjet, a winemaker who works from home and freelancers from their homes who want to be a part of the project,” Coulter shared. “You don’t remember why you went into a store, but at least you heard about it, so there’s some social credibility there,” Jackson added. Coulter and Jackson are currently promoting Nutrition for Learning, a community association that assists students in gaining a proper educa-tion by guaranteeing they are fed throughout the day at school. The two hope to promote other Waterloo-based charities in the future. “I think one thing that we’re look-ing for is a local charity that doesn’t always look at the negative and sad stories around the city,” Coulter said. “We ultimately want to promote and fi lter something that goes back to the community.”

Communitech startup seeks to aid journalists

“I think a lot of small

businesses are trying to

market themselves like

they are big businesses.”

—Lindsay Coulter, co-founder of The Niyama Project

“I think a lot of small

businesses are trying to

“I think a lot of small

businesses are trying to

market themselves like

they are big businesses.”


Locals give back with marketing New project donates profi ts to charity

Follow us @cordnews

Page 7: Jan. 9, 2012


National EditorLindsay Purchase [email protected]

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Protests started in November as a reaction against mistreatment of treaty rights for Indigenous people.Tamara Herman cREAtivE commoNS

On a cold, windy day in late Decem-ber, approximately 30 people are gathered at the Speaker’s Corner at King and Frederick Streets in Kitch-ener. They’re intently listening to a blessing led by a local First Nations leader.

Drums beat along as he passion-ately tells the crowd what Idle No More is about. “[People] want to know what our people are fighting for.”

The chill is most keenly felt by Miigizi Miigwan Kwe, one of the or-ganizers of the protest. For the past 15 or so hours she has gone hungry, staging her own 24-hour hunger strike in support of Chief Theresa Spence, the headline-making lead-er of Attawapitkat First Nation in Northern Ontario.

Kwe spent the night in front of Kitchener City Hall, hoping to bring attention to a protest movement that has captured the attention of Waterloo Region and the rest of Canada. “We had a bit of ignorance last night with people yelling pro-fanities from cars … if we can get out and tell people what’s going on maybe they’ll listen.”

Since the Idle No More hashtag sprang up on Twitter feeds nation-ally in early December, Canada has found itself in the midst of another mass protest movement just months after the climax of the Maple Spring. Rooted in protest against proposed amendments to the Indian Act, the Navigation Protection Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, the movement has come to represent resistance to what First Nations see

as the many injustices against their community. On a much warmer day in Janu-ary, Kandice Baptiste is overseeing the weekly soup lunch at the Ab-original Student Centre at Wilfrid Laurier University. As the univer-sity’s Aboriginal student recruit-ment and retention officer, her job runs the gamut of possible problems an Aboriginal student may face on campus, from academic problems to homesickness. “The biggest challenge that they face is culture shock — they don’t

see themselves reflected here,” she said. The lone Aboriginal student in a class may be singled out to speak for all First Nations people— a daunt-ing task, considering the number of bands and people right across the country. It’s a problem that’s reflected in the media portrayal of Idle No More and the First Nations community at large. Four Saskatchewan First Na-tions women coined Idle No More when they decided to protest Bill C-45, a bill that would, amongst

many other changes, get rid of wa-terways protections for 99 per cent of Canadian lakes and rivers and change the terms under which bands can surrender treaty territory. But as Idle No More began to make waves on social media networks, it came to mean many things to many people. “For on-reserve people they would say it’s a lot about land sur-render and their treaty rights,” said Baptiste. Human rights, environ-mental rights and democratic rights are all on the table.

It makes sense then, that Idle No More has gained comparisons to the Occupy movement, another far-reaching protest that encompassed several issues. Both have made use of social media to bring their mes-sage to the masses. “What is amazing about Idle No More is that there are thousands of people on Twitter and Facebook that read these articles and respond in unique and intelligent ways,” said Hayden King, a lecturer at McMas-ter University specializing in the representation of Indigenous peo-ples in media. For him, media that once may have gotten away with stereotyping the movement, are now being held accountable by the citizens moni-toring the Fourth Estate via Twitter and Facebook. The comparisons to Occupy do not end at the use of social media. Idle No More claims no leadership. Individual communities and or-ganizers are free to protest as they wish and when they wish. Yet more organized days of pro-test have come about. On Jan. 11 the first international Idle No More day of protest is being promoted, which speaks to the reach these three little words have. King believes that Idle No More also sets itself apart from activism of the past in tone, which he calls “spontaneous, celebratory and wel-coming.” Baptiste views Idle No More as a positive movement. “I read once that our protests are really gifts … that our creators gave to us to perform so by doing them we’re gifting Canadians with our ceremonies and dances,” she said.

H.G. WaTson ccE EDitoR-iN-chiEf

Idle No More goes nationwide

Page 8: Jan. 9, 2012


Features EditorColleen Connolly [email protected]

When a new page is turned on the calendar, it feels as though a new page has been turned in the lives of those wishing to better themselves. According to the Universi� of Scranton Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45 per cent of Americans make a New Year’s resolution and the most common of 2012 was to lose weight. How-ever, only a discouraging 8 per cent were actually suc-cessful in achieving their goals.

“I think maybe it’s because people wanted fast re-sults and didn’t realize that it was something that they should just adopt for the rest of their life,” said certi-fi ed nutrition practitioner Charlene Galloway. Gal-loway graduated from the Institute of Holistic Nutri-tion in Mississauga, Ontario during early 2009 with fi rst class honors and currently works as a nutrition consultant at Willow Lane Natural Foods in Acton, Ontario.

“In our current society we can get things so quick-ly,” added Galloway. “And I think the problem is that a lot of people don’t realize that their own bodies are not instant, that it takes time and it takes some ef-fort. But people want instant results so within four weeks of going to the gym if they are not dropping the weight they wanted to drop then they just get frustrated.”

A further problem may be that those willing to make a serious commitment to their resolutions are not focusing their efforts productively. Even with fi ve weeks or even ten weeks at the gym, exercise is not enough for someone looking to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable manner. The best way to make a lasting change is to get informed as to how weight loss works in the body and the foods we eat play a very large role in that process.

“The simplest explanation [of weight loss] is a mathematical calculation of calories in and calories burned and most people will use that only,” said Gal-loway. “But if you said ‘I’m only going to eat 1,500 cal-ories a day’ there would be a very bad way of doing it and you would never lose any weight and there would be very good ways.”

The kinds of calories we consume matter a great deal because different kinds of food have different effects on our bodies, but they all serve a purpose. By understanding that purpose, it becomes easier to consume them in a manner that is advantageous for our health.

“Glucose is the fundamental building block your body needs, it’s just that you can give it too much,” stressed Galloway.

Glucose, or sugar, is essentially body fuel. Our bod-ies turn most of what we eat into glucose in order for them to run but if they are receiving more than what is required, it gets stored as fat. However, if there is

less intake than what is required the body will then take from these reserves and that’s how we burn fat.

“A lot of people are afraid of fat and they shouldn’t be,” Galloway said. “The real villain is sugar and things that turn into sugar very quickly.”

Foods that turn into sugar fast are called simple carbohydrates which the body digests quickly, giv-ing it the sugar it needs but leaving us hungry. These types of food assist with weight gain because we end up eating more and getting too much glucose. Com-plex carbohydrates, however, break down slowly, giv-ing the body a steady fl ow of sugar and keeping our hunger in check.

Galloway suggested that a good way to moni-tor weight is to eat simple carbs throughout the day when the body can use their sugar and keep to eating complex carbs at night. Another trick is to eat a lot of foods that break down the toxins in our body, like those high in fi ber.

“What your body does is: if there’s a lot of toxins in your body it’s going to build interior fat around your organs to protect them, it’s going to protect your or-gans from the toxins that are circulating in your body and that’s why people start to expand,” said Galloway. “So if you start to get rid of the toxins then that fat can go away because it’s not needed anymore.”

There are certain cleanse diets that can benefi t your health in this way, but many are not only detrimen-tal to our health, but unsustainable. Dieting, which drastically reduces our food intake altogether instead of increasing the intake of better foods, deprives us of essential nutrients and makes our body more suscep-tible to weight gain in the long run.

“When you go on a severely low-calorie diet, your body slows down, your metabolism slows down. Your body thinks it’s in starvation and the human body is supposed to slow down in times of famine,” said Gal-loway. “When there’s lots of food and you eat more you have a lot more energy and your metabolism works faster. So people that do a lot of this yo-yo di-eting, their metabolism just gets slower and slower.”

Again, it all comes down to eating the right foods. But these days it can be hard to decipher between the good and the bad with so much of our food under-going unhealthy processes before ending up in our kitchens.

“Processed food, food that has all the nutrients taken out of it, food that has had too many additives in it, food that were raised being sprayed with poison, toxic herbicides, pesticides,” listed Galloway, trailing off with a sigh.

“The closer a person can get to naturally raised food; vegetables and chicken and beef and every-thing then the higher quality proteins and fats and

carbohydrates they’re going to be putting into their body.”

Living in Waterloo presents the advantage of being near the St. Jacobs market where many farmers sell all natural foods year round, but even buying basic foods to cook with at the grocery store is benefi cial as opposed to those that are pre-made and packaged.

“Most foods that are sold in grocery stores have to have enough preservatives so that food doesn’t go bad on the shelf and a lot of foods have too many preser-vatives in it because the manufactures want the shelf life to be very long,” Galloway explained.

Although these types of foods can often be more time effi cient, especially when dealing with a uni-versity work load, they don’t always serve a student’s bank account as much as we generally assume. Not only do these foods often cost more due to packag-ing and shipment on the short term but they will end up costing us on the long term as well, in more ways than one.

“Some people believe that it costs too much money to be healthy and it doesn’t because the really good food has nutrients in it. If you’re eating food with no nutrients your body is still looking for that and its go-ing to ask for more food. That’s how people get fat,” said Galloway. “So if you get really good quality food you eat less, and that costs less.”

In general, there is no such thing as a quick fi x for weight loss. So many of the things we do with this mindset are short lived and ultimately unbenefi cial. The only way to keep that New Year’s resolution of getting healthy is to get informed.

“Become familiar with what healthy food is versus junk food,” advised Galloway. “The type of food that you eat is going to give you life-long success.”

Gain knowledge, lose weightWeight loss is the leading New Year’s resolution of modern day. But in an era of instant gratifi cations the vast majority do not educate themselves on how to achieve more timely but lasting results. Features Editor Colleen Connolly seeks out the information required for taking a proper approach

“A lot of people are afraid of fat and they shouldn’t be... the real villain is sugar and things that turn into sugar very quickly”

—Charlene Galloway, nutrition consultant


Page 9: Jan. 9, 2012


Arts EditorCristina [email protected]

We all know what we are going to see when go watch a Quentin Tar-antino film: excessive violence, copious amounts of blood, pop cultural references, quick-witted dialogue and characters unlike any you have ever encountered.

Unfortunately, like every great di-rector, there are some inconsisten-cies across their work where audi-ences are left to wonder what exact-ly was the intention of the film that they just saw.

Sure, Tarantino’s last picture In-glourious Basterds was enjoyable, but there was no humanistic element that made you truly care for the characters involved.

Now arrives Django Unchained, the latest cinematic installment from Tarantino.

It’s a gritty western that takes a delicate period of American his-tory in the thick of the slave trade and makes it guiltily comedic, if not heroic, as we watch the lov-able and charismatic duo of Jamie Foxx as Django, a former slave, and Christoph Waltz as Dr. King Schultz,

pursuing bounties across America.Together they embark on a jour-

ney that is extremely graphic as we frequently see women abused, slaves beaten and depicted in shack-les and other inhumane contrap-tions for entrapment.

The film is tough to watch at times, yet it’s almost impossible not to remain entranced. Tarantino frankly approaches America’s dark past, not in an attempt to comment on slavery, but more so in an effort to acknowledge its prevalence and to place you in a world where you are witness to the atrocities that were common on a daily basis to those who endured it.

Featuring an impressive sup-porting cast that features the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio as the capti-vating villain and plantation owner Calvin Candie, along with Samuel L. Jackson as his loyal housekeeper Stephen.

Django Unchained is a great film not only for die-hard Tarantino fans, but also for those who want to find a human element in a film that en-dears them to a hero whom one can only wish existed during the Ameri-can slave trade.

Andrew sAvoryStAff WritEr

New tarantino film has heart

The Cord presents:A compilation of a few upcoming releases and events for 2013

Kim Kardashian has procreatedKimmy K and Yeezy gave the world one of the first great scares of 2013 when they announced to the world that they are pregnant. West re-ferred to Kardashian as his “baby mama” while performing which brings a whole new level of irony to his song “Golddigger.” There is no word on whether they will con-tinue the Kardashian tradition of “K” names but here’s a suggestion: Kash Kow.

Studio execs falsely as-sume The Bachelor is still relevant The “hit” reality TV show The

Bachelor premiered Monday night making this its 17th season. This means we get to watch the begin-nings of yet another failed Bachelor marriage while trying to not throw things at the television when Sean Lowe, this year’s Bachelor pro-claims that his future wife is defi-nitely in the room tonight.

Speaking of potentially terrible reality shows …Swimming darling Ryan “Reezy” Lochte (Jeah!) has signed on to star in his own reality show What Would Ryan Lochte Do? Apparently we get to follow Lochte as he works on his fashion line, prepares for the Olym-pics and searches for love. The part

that everyone is truly excited for is more Lochte quotes. Why would anyone ever give him a reality show? Because, racing.

Taylor Swift gets her heart broken. Again.Taylor Swift can now cross “dating a prepubescent pop-star” off her boys of Hollywood list as the pair broke up yesterday. I give it three months before the songs about Harry Styles start popping up ev-erywhere and two months before she latches herself onto whomever is culturally relevant and hilariously age-inappropriate.

– Complied by Cristina Almudevar

Arts bitesThe latest news in entertainment

CristinA AlmudevArArtS EDitor

January can be a depressing month: Christmas is over, classes are start-ing again and it’s too cold to proper-ly enjoy standing in line at Phil’s. To bring some cheer into your bland lives, here is a list of some up-coming movie and music releases and local events in K-W for January, February and March.

JANUARYGangster Squad – Jan. 11THEMUSEUM: AVATAR Exhibit – Ends Sunday Jan.13 If you felt passionately about the movie Avatar, then this exhibit will be your dream. You can learn the Na’vi lan-guage or gaze upon authentic props from the movie among many other exciting opportunities. Mac Miller @ The Turret – Jan. 14Cosmic Gate: Beta @ 10 P.M.– Jan. 16Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony – Jan. 18 & 19 at 8 p.m. Stefan Jackiw will be performing Beethoven’s Pastorale Symphony No. 6 on violin. Tickets may be purchased on the K-W Symphony Website.Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

– Jan. 25Movie 43 – Jan. 25Tegan and Sara – Heartthrob (Jan.29)

FEBRUARY Warm Bodies – Feb. 1Tim McGraw – Two Lanes of Freedom (Feb. 5)Azealia Banks – Broke with Expensive Taste (Feb. 12)Bullet for My Valentine – Temper Temper (Feb. 12)A Good Day to Die Hard – Feb. 14WLU Factory of Social Work: Anar-chist Book Fair - Feb. 16 @ 10 A.M - 6 P.M.50 Cent – Street King Immortal (Feb. 26)Stoker – Feb. 28K-W Art Gallery: Gather…Arrange…Maintain (Jan. 18 - March 10) and Or-namental Boundaries (Jan. 11– March 3) G…A…M is a collection spanning over the course of 30 years of local artist and UW fine arts professor Jane Buyers. The exhibit focuses on the mediums of sculp-ture, drawing and printmaking to allude to the influences of architecture, tools, books and botanical imagery to showcase the action and desire within them. In Ornamental Boundaries, artists Soheila K. Esfahani and Brendan Tang

conceptualize hybridity, globalization and the marriage of craft and conceptualism.

MARCH21 and Over – March 1Admissions – March 8Oz: The Great and Powerful – March 8David Bowie – The Next Day (March 12)The Place Beyond The Pines – March 20Bon Jovi – What About Now (March 26)The Host – March 29Cher – TBA (TBA)Akon – Stadium (TBA) Smashing Pumpkins – Adore (Reis-sued) (TBA)Kid Cudi – Indicud (TBA)

stephAnie truonggrAphiCS EDitor

CoNtributED photo

Page 10: Jan. 9, 2012


Life EditorCarly Basch [email protected]

A New Year’s resolution is one of those things that everyone has but few manage to complete. Setting one up is really easy and can be done on a whim, but it’s the follow up that poses the challenge. Some last just over a week, or af-ter a couple of months the idea of a new years resolution seems to get outdated. So why does this seem to happen? Do people lack the will to change something they want and be consis-tent about it? I can’t explain, nor justify the de-cisions made by others but what I offer instead are a few simple steps which hopefully would make 2013 a successful new beginning. The first step in making a new year’s resolution is to make it spe-cific, measurable and tangible. If my goal was to get a six-pack (may-be by 2015), that would be a much better resolution than to “exercise more”. Getting abs is something specific, measurable (it doesn’t all form at once) and once the goal is completed, it’s definitely something tangible. Compared to “getting smarter, stronger, more good looking”, hav-ing a specific goal is a lot easier to see progress which then creates mo-tivation hopefully having a positive feedback loop which would last until the goal is reached. The second step is to understand yourself and just how much will-power you can commit to a with New Year’s resolution. This is most

apparent when people attempt to change anything about their lifestyles. A lifestyle change is something that’s very difficult because hu-mans by nature tend to be resistant to change. Beyond the psychology, there will also be physiological bar-riers to overcome, especially with starting to work out. Do you have a strong enough willpower to get past the huffing and puffing stage and actually make progress? That is probably going to be the most difficult part to push through, which causes many to give up early on. The final step has to do with ex-pectations. By setting up the right expectations early on, it could mean the difference between success and failure. Losing fat is another common resolution and probably the reason why so many people hit the gym early in January. Some people de-cide to quit early when they feel that they’re not making any progress. A pound of body fat is equal to approximately 3,500 calories. What this means is that it will take a calo-rie deficit of 500 per day for an en-tire week in order to lose just one pound of fat. The point is, expectations have a large part to do with just how long people are able to commit to a task and it’s important to have them set up correctly at the beginning. Last year was quite eventful be-ing the year of the dragon, the year when the Mayan calendar reset and also a leap year. Have fun and good luck setting resolutions for 2013.

david xuCoRD LifE

Stick with your resolutions

All it takes is one question and immediately your freedom feels compromised.

“Where are you going?” “Who are you going with?” “What time do you think you’ll be coming home?”.

These questions are not too pressing on freedom and not really that offensive. However, even the most simple question of concern from parents can immediately result in feeling bombarded and it occurs immediately when we step foot in our front doors and settle down for the holidays.

The beauty of living without our parents during the semester is hav-ing a firm grasp on our own free-dom. But after the semester comes to an end, most, if not all of us tem-porarily flock back to our parents coop for the holidays and are re-quired to obey the “my house, my rules” mantra. A motive enforced upon us by the ringleaders of the house: mom and dad.

Living back home with my par-ents has made me realize how dras-tically different my home life is from

my school life for both positive and negative reasons. The positive aspects of living back at home includes the fact that it re-minds us how important family re-ally is, mostly because of the obliga-tions that the holidays include. But believe it or not, your par-ent miss you when you’re away. So when you do come home, you’re viewed as their little munchkin they want to cater to, just like old times. The bank of mommy and daddy is not usually for our greedy little university paws, but being home can sometimes bring out a few ex-tra dollars while your home can go a long way. Twenty dollars does help on those cab fares. Also, as a “starv-ing student” moving back home for the break provided me with the op-portunity to eat real food. Living back under our parents’ roof and having to check in after getting home from the bar to ensure our parents that we’re still alive is not something most of us are used to doing while living alone. It seems out of the way to shoot a simple text updating them on your whereabouts,. The worst thing, however, focuses

on privacy, and the fact that there is none. Someone is always hog-ging the living room TV or using all the hot water. Not to mention living back at home ensures that there is absolutely no ‘monkey business’, so the idea of bringing home that cute new ‘friend’ you met at the bar is quickly demolished. In this case, being back at home you take the good in with the bad. They take care of your health and well being, so you make up a rea-sonable time for when you’re going to be home. Although we do not have to check in with our parents on what time we are going to be home after Phil’s on a Wednesday night, responsibilities run deeper than just getting home safely. We become our own parents in making sure food is in the cup-board and that our clothes are clean. Ultimately, being back at home is an escape from the stresses that university entails. They remind you of the family values that you grew up with and show the appreciation of what it’s like to run a good and sta-ble household. Hope you’re ready to become a starving student again.

Balancing house rules

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lizzy cook gRAphiCS ARtiSt

ally bongardStAff WRitER

Page 11: Jan. 9, 2012


Page 12: Jan. 9, 2012

These unsigned editorials are based off informal discussions and then agreed upon by the majori� of The Cord’s editorial board, including the Editor-in-Chief and Opinion Editor. The arguments made may reference any facts that have been made available through interviews, documents or other sources. The views presented do not necessarily refl ect those of The Cord’s volunteers, staff or WLUSP.

The Cord is published by Wilfrid Laurier University Student Publications.

Contact Emily Frost, WLUSP President and Publisher 75 University Ave.W, Waterloo ON N2L 3C5


Opinion EditorDevon Butler [email protected]

Women’s ‘blobby’ bodies are none of your business



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The subject of beauty has been a contro-versial one since women have entered the frames of photography and movie screens, leaving audiences to scrutinize every single detail of their bodies.

We can’t help that we are drawn to those types of aesthetics: we gaze upon it with admiration, envy, desire or dis-gust.

The shift in the representation of women in media has had a positive reac-tion upon my viewing as I fi nally see real bodies appear on screen; women with curves, looking fabulous in their clothes and connecting with the audience.

They are taking the lead, not having the stress of a so-called “perfect body” and using their wits, skills and talent that extends beyond the fl esh to capture the hearts of audiences.

But with a new batch of talented fe-male celebrities hitting the spotlight, the shift goes away from their brilliance and right towards the physicalities they are born with.

Lena Dunham, Mindy Kaling, Reb-el Wilson: what do they all have in

common? They’re talented, individu-al leaders that are making a name for themselves within the media.

But turning the pages in guilty plea-sures such as Cosmopolitan, we just see them as culprits to be labeled as “nor-mal- looking”, “plump” or having “cur-vier bodies.”

I was appalled to see in the January issue of Cosmopolitan that they not only stated that Kaling’s and Dunham’s bod-ies were bigger and more average, but that they made “smart” wardrobe choic-es, which made their bodies more fl at-tering and slimming.

This gives readers a chance to pick out these pieces for when they go shopping to make their average looking bodies more slimming and fl attering as well.

At this point, all I wanted to do was take a cupcake and smear it on the page. But, that would be a waste of a perfectly delicious sweet and a clear reminder that Cosmopolitan is loaded with useless crap anyways.

While it is normal for tabloids and style magazines to put emphasis on body image, it has extended into being a remark within a television review.

In a recent review of Girls —the sec-ond season of which premieres this Sunday on HBO—New York Post critic Linda Stasi used the word “blobby” to describe Duhnam’s physique.

While this offended many readers and caused viral outbreaks of criticism and disappointment towards Stasi’s review, it is still a disappointing reminder that

no matter how far women have come, we still obsess over their bodies.

Dunham and Kaling have made names for themselves through their writing and success, but that isn’t enough.

It’s wonderful to note how realistic their bodies are because it’s true. The shapes and sizes displayed on television are more comforting because it is what I am used to seeing on a daily basis.

It makes the content and subjects re-latable and acknowledges the beauty that comes from all fi gures. Once the words “blobby”, “pear shaped” and “plump” come into the picture, negativ-ity is spewed across the page.

It seems we can’t just get away with saying their performances or work was “smart”, “funny” and “engaging” without tapping into the displays of their skin.

While it is lovely that these female ce-lebrities bring a positive image of wom-en being comfortable in their own skin, it also makes people acknowledge that the need to emphasize words that con-done a negative tone on the female body has to stop.

Hopefully with the criticism from people who agree that these terms are disgusting, we can all stop caring about size.

So please when Girls and The Mindy Project come back on screen, let them have her cake and eat it too—in peace. Where it ends up is none of your business. [email protected]


Rape is still a prevalent issueIt has become an ingrained part of our media system that breaking news has an incredibly short shelf life.

Too often tragic stories of natural disasters and mass shootings are mourned and analyzed until a new-er, more tragic story arises.

This fi ckle media cycle, while momentarily bringing awareness to an issue, rarely dwells on the implica-tions, solutions or ongoing trauma that results from a tragedy.

The recent gang rape and consequential murder of a 23-year-old woman on December 16 in Delhi, India for example, has sparked outrage worldwide.

It’s worthwhile, however, to question whether or not the amount of media attention given to this tragic event will contribute to a change in the way we view, treat and penalize rape and its victims.

While Indian citizens are engaging in protests and calling for change, it’s clear that raising awareness through media does little to actually help change the way society approaches the subject of rape and assault. Some may blame the victim for travelling on a city bus, it is important to note that she was with a male companion, dispelling the traditional idea that a wom-an is safe if chaperoned.

Closer to home, the rape of a 16-year-old girl in Steubenville, Ohio has sparked controversy as the vic-tim was not only blamed for being too drunk, but was videotaped and photographed at the location of the as-sault.

After two boys allegedly raped the girl, Michael Nodianos, a student present at the party, created a 12-minute video in which he recounts the rape and laughs it off by blaming her drunkenness.

What is most disturbing about these cases is the way that multiple people were involved in the attack and rape, and the general insensitive nature to which these victims were treated.

Condoning rape is just as troublesome as those who actually commit it.

It is important to remember these cases and the mil-lions of others that occur both worldwide and in our own neighbourhoods.

While the media is treating these cases seriously, it is obvious that even in our developed world, rape is still a prevalent issue not adequately being dealt with. Nothing will change until we start teaching children from a young age to respect women.

It is a diffi cult issue to tackle, but change is only possible if we continue to vocalize our outrage and re-member the victims and their tragic news stories.

–The Cord Editorial Board

Page 13: Jan. 9, 2012


OPINION Opinion EditorDevon Butler [email protected]




YoYo’s Yogurt Café Waterloo 255 King Street North (Across from Morty’s Pub)


Exams need computer integration

As we venture further into the 21st century, we are all experiencing the “information age.”

Although numerous advance-ments towards the integration of technology into pedagogy have been made over the past decade, educa-tional institutions need to encour-age the use of technology in all parts of university life.

Just a few weeks ago, most stu-dents were spending countless hours preparing for exams.

Anybody who was required to write short answers or essay com-ponents for their tests probably re-member having a sore hand and an exhausted mind afterwards.

I believe technology could in-crease the exam performance of many students at Laurier, or any other educational institution.

The use of computers for typ-ing answers for exams with writing components is beneficial for both students and faculty.

Most of us acknowledge that ex-ams will be completed online or us-ing a computer in the future, so why not give Laurier the chance to be a leading example by starting now?

There are a number of possible benefits to using computers dur-ing exams since many students are capable of typing more words per

minute than by hand writing. If these students were provided

with technology, they could spend more time planning their arguments and answers instead of rushing into the actual writing due to lack of time.

In addition to planning, the peo-ple taking the exams could more easily edit their work by inserting, removing, or changing sentences as they need.

When editing a hand-written exam, the modifications can be-come confusing since there is lim-ited space for adding new content. Students are not the only group who would benefit from the use of com-puters on exams.

Professors would no longer be required to read messy and rushed hand writing and could print off typed exams resulting in more effi-cient marking.

Better yet, if professors opted to view exams online or on their com-puter screen, they would be saving paper and making this option envi-ronmentally friendly.

There are some foreseeable issues with the use of computers on exams, but each can be avoided with careful planning.

Some opponents may suggest that cheating would become an is-sue, but like hand-written exams it can be prevented.

Software can be purchased from third-party companies who design programs to lockdown a computer to prevent cheating on exams.

Another possible issue is the lim-ited amount of computer spaces at Laurier. This problem is more difficult to solve but the program could commence with only a small

number of classes using the labs we already have.

If the use of computers is well re-ceived, the university could plan to gradually add more devices to allow more students to use technology for their exams.

Some students may also prefer hand-writing over typing, in which case the option to do so should be granted.

In this case, professors could have a few traditional exam book-lets available to accommodate these

requests.Technical problems would prob-

ably be the most difficult issue to predict and prevent since technol-ogy can fail at anytime.

Nonetheless, the benefits of us-ing computers for exams would far outweigh the possible risks. Like all changes, this one should be made gradually.

I am not asking Laurier to im-mediately give all classes comput-ers to use for this purpose. Instead, I would recommend that research

be initiated to measure the perfor-mance difference of students who are able to use technology versus those who hand-write their exams.

If the results are positive, a few classes could start using computers as a test run.

If these classes successfully use the computers without major is-sues arising, Laurier could develop a long term plan for the complete integration of technology into exam writing. [email protected]

chadwick wheelerOPINION COLUMNIST

taylor Gayowsky gRAPhICS ARTIST

Drastic polarization of the Isreal-Palestine conflict incites hatred and fear both abroad and at home


Over the past month, the Israel-Palestine conflict has made front page headlines on numerous occas-sions. This clash is one of the most polarizing topics in recent news and many, if not most, have already de-termined which side they support. While I have been a staunch sup-porter of Palestine throughout much of the ordeal, a conversation with WLU professor Gavin Brockett in early December 2012 made me re-evaluate the entire conflict. Initially, this article intended to condemn Israel for their actions against inno-cent Palestinian civilians.

While I still denounce their ac-tions, I no longer intend to condemn one side or the other, but rather sug-gest that this issue is not as straight-forward as many people would sug-gest.

The Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the most dividing debates on the current international stage and the clear disparity of these opinions has been continuously demonstrat-ed on our campus.

Unfortunately, however, the im-mense division of belief, be it po-litical or religious, is not construc-tive. To understand the debate surrounding this conflict, there is much context that is imperative to

understand. Since the Second World War the

conflict between Israel and Pales-tine has raged on endlessly. While the conflict has had numerous peri-ods of intense conflict and relative calm, the past five years have dem-onstrated a period of great tension.

Following the takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007 by the Islamist political group Hamas, there has been a continual back and forth be-tween Palestine and Israel.

These attacks however, have been initiated on numerous occasions by both sides, thereby making it im-possible to condemn a single party.

Currently, there is a massive mis-understanding between both the Is-raelis and Palestinians. While it may be the goal of Hamas to destroy the Israeli state, this is not the objective of all Palestinians.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine the motivation behind Hamas’ most recent attacks; it is situations such as this that make the entire conflict even more difficult to understand.

As Brockett noted, bystanders must attempt to understand the mindset of both parties. He states that one must note the constant state of fear that both Israelis and Palestinians live under.

For Israel, the political landscape in surrounding nations is discon-certing. Following the Iraqi attack on Israel in 1991, the nation has been in a constant state of alert.

As such, Israel is continually aware of the potential for attack from every nation, but from Pales-tine in particular.

This constant state of fear has led to what many would deem para-noia. Both the state and citizens are continually prepared to return fire, a mindsewt that is compounded after every attack.

Likewise, Palestinians are also in a continual state of fear, as Israel has become a trigger-happy nation.

Additionally, the advanced weap-onry of the Israeli army has ever-in-creasing consequences. Hamas’ ten-dency to locate military depots in civilian areas has led to mas-sive amounts of innocent civilian casualties.

Clearly, the mind-set of both parties is one that rein-forces itself. Each na-tion is in a

continual state of fear, and senses the need to retaliate immediately.

Unfortunately, these reactions not only promote continued hatred and a lack of understanding, but cause physical destruction to properties and lives.

The current ideological polariza-tion on campus mirrors this, as both groups appear as unwilling as the nations themselves to attempt to reach a mutual understanding.

The solutions to such problems are far from easy and I, personally, would have no idea where to begin. Indeed, as Brockett stated, “The problem may never be solved.”

Despite this, one thing is clear: the ignorance and loathing these groups display towards one another, be it on campus, or globally is de-

structive. It is time for the partisan-ship on this issue to stop. While many may view politics as a game, this situation is not; innocent civilians con-tinue to die on a daily [email protected]

Ideology only furthers violence in Middle East

Currently, there is a

massive misunder-

standing between both

the Israelis and Pales-


With so much technology available, does it really make sense to continue writing exams by hand?

Page 14: Jan. 9, 2012


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Gun legislation not a guaranteed solution

In the Newtown, CT shooting, Adam Lanza used three fi rearms to kill 27 people including himself.

His XM-15 rifl e has received the majority of the media’s attention and reignited the American gun de-bate. For years, the defi ning cause of the modern gun control movement has been the restriction of assault weapons, a class to which the sinis-ter XM-15 belongs.

However, assault weapons are not so simple to classify, and their regulation is not as ‘common sense’ as it appears. Linguistically, an im-portant distinction must be made.

An assault rifl e is a select fi re, inter-mediate cartridge rifl e with a de-tachable magazine.

An assault weapon, under the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), is a semi-automatic rifl e that pos-sesses several cosmetic features of assault rifl es. Much of the fear mon-gering about assault weapons stems from this simple distinction.

Assault rifl es are military-issued rifl es while many fi rearms are tech-nically assault weapons, princi-pally rifl es but also shotguns and handguns.

All of the features qualifying an assault weapon, except the rare grenade launcher, were cosmet-ic, and do little to actually make a weapon more dangerous.

The XM-15 used in Sandy Hook, for example, could not be used in some states to hunt big game due to its low power.

Bans on assault weapon are popular because the term is es-sentially loaded, but it is ultimately

meaningless. The AWB was a monstrous legis-

lation, unclear in purpose, stum-bling in execution and completely failing to make any meaningful im-pact on crime rates while punish-ing people who just wanted to own guns.

Even efforts to make a stronger new ban are ultimately fl awed by the statistical ineffectiveness of gun control in general and the rarity of assault weapons in crime.

Unfortunately, there is extreme diffi culty in studying the impact of the AWB as a National Research Council review stated, the percent-age of assault weapons used in crimes is very small.

On The Wendy Williams Show, journalist Nicole Lapin asserted that, had Lanza only had his hand-guns, he could not have killed so many people. However, the Virginia Tech shooting—the largest school shooting in American history—was carried out exclusively with

handguns. The largest school attack in the

United States was carried out with bombs, not guns, in 1927, when guns were not controlled.

The simple and unfortunate fact is that madmen and murderers will always be around and will always fi nd ways to kill, regardless of the law. There is ample evidence, how-ever, that other, broader types of gun control in the United States have failed.

The 1993 Brady Handgun Vio-lence Prevention Act, for example, was a demonstrable failure, with the American Medical Association’s analysis stating they found no evi-dence the Brady Bill was seriously associated with a fall in homicide rates, indeed, California, not subject to the bill and passing no major gun control laws of its own between 1991 and 1998, had a drop in gun crime much larger than other states.

A number of serious reviews of gun control measure have been

published, and the vast major-ity have seen little to no impact on crime stemming from legislation.

A number have actually found an inverse relationship with decreasing gun ownership and tolerance lead-ing to an increase in crime.

Mass shootings are always tragic, but the immediate emotional reac-tion to legislate, forbid and force compliance on citizens is doomed to fail.

Even worse, gun control under-mines essential rights. Whether enumerated in constitutions or not, citizens have the same right to guns as to other property.

Misinformation and transparent fear about assault weapons and fi re-arms has led to a glut of terrible laws and media witch hunts.

The truth of the debate is that laws will never really hamper the criminal and the violent, and that gun control has been ineffective.

[email protected]



Page 15: Jan. 9, 2012

Sports EditorShelby Blackley [email protected]

THE CORD • WEDNESDAY, jANuArY 9, 2013 • 15


Follow us on Twitter.@WLURecreation

Greg Puhalski couldn’t have asked for a better New Year’s present from his team. The Wilfrid Laurier men’s hockey team opened 2013 and the second half of their season with back-to-back victories over the weekend, winning the battle of Waterloo against the UW Warriors 2-1 on Thursday before defeating the Brock Badgers 4-3 in a road game on Saturday. “It’s a good win for us after not playing for a month,” Puhalski said Thursday. “I thought we played with pret-ty good energy. For us, work ethic is always going to be a key issue.

[Ryan] Daniels had a solid game and good contributions from a lot of people as far as effort wise.” Fourth-year goaltender Daniels stopped 63 of the 67 shots he faced over the weekend. After finishing off the first half of their season with four consecutive losses, the Hawks looked for a fresh start on the ice to open the second half of the year. With the two wins, Laurier moves out of last place in the Ontario Uni-versity Athletics (OUA) West divi-sion and now sits in seventh place, a point ahead of the Badgers and the UOIT Ridgebacks. The weekend also featured a new addition to the team, as former On-tario Hockey League (OHL) for-ward Derek Shoenmakers made his

Laurier debut Thursday night. Against Brock, Shoenmakers re-corded two goals — including the game-winner — and an assist. “It’s been a while since I’ve played a game to be honest with you but it was good,” Shoenmakers said Thursday. “The team played really well top to bottom. Danny played well in net and it was great to come away with the win.” Laurier picked up Shoenmakers from the Peterborough Petes. While Shoenmakers could not confirm whether or not the trade deadline for the OHL — which is currently set for Jan. 10th — will affect him playing for WLU, dressing for Laurier does not affect his OHL eligibility. “There’s no rules that restrict him

from going back and playing in the OHL,” Puhalski said. However, Shoenmakers believes that Laurier is a “natural” fit for him. “I’ve been around this school a lot. I know a lot of people that went to this school and I’ve heard nothing but good things and it’s been great so far,” he said. “I think for him, he’s looking at this as an opportunity to kickstart the next phase of his career,” Pu-halski said regarding Shoenmakers’ possibility of returning to the OHL. “So, we’re glad to have him and I know he’s blending in well with his teammates.” Laurier will host the eighth-place UOIT Ridgebacks Thursday before travelling to Windsor Friday night. Both games start at 7:30 p.m.

shelby blackleySportS EDitor

Hawks start 2013 on high notenick lachance photogrAphY mANAgEr

Page 16: Jan. 9, 2012


The highs and lows of the fi rst halfThe Cord Sports sta� looks back at the fall semester and grades the performances of Laurier’s teams

New coach Faulds takes over young team—cover

behind and we’ve already planned our next meeting,” said the new coach. “Obviously I don’t know the tal-ent here yet. I have to see where the pieces lie… but the gist of it will be no huddle and fast-paced.” Faulds wasn’t the only one get-ting a new title Tuesday after-noon. Defensive coordinator Ron Vanmoerkerke, who has held that

position since 2003, will add the role of associate head coach, which holds responsibilities in recruiting and staffi ng. Vanmoerkerke did throw his hat into the running for the vacant head coach position, however, he said he will have no problem working with Faulds, who essentially beat him out for the job. “I trusted the university to come up with the best candidate avail-able and I think they did,” said

Vanmoerkerke. “Michael brings an immediate recognition, name rec-ognition to the recruits. He has a proven track record with his success at York.” Vanmoerkerke will continue to lead Laurier’s defence, which has consistently been among the best in Ontario under his tutelage. He will also serve to take some pressure of the Hawks’ fi rst-time head coach. “There are many questions that

I’m going to ask,” said Faulds. “I’m going to need another voice and an-o ther set of ears that I can ask those to and Ron and I are going to be able to do that.” Several players attended Tues-day’s press conference, and for the most part, they seemed excited by having Faulds as head coach. “It’s awesome,” said wide receiver Alex Anthony of the hiring. “It’s sad to see Coach Jeff go but I think change is good and bringing in

a young mind like Michael Faulds is good for the program.” Faulds may be a young coach — less than a decade older than most of his players — but he is not shying away from lofty goals for his new team. “There’s been winning here and recently in 2005 and it’s like since then, the light’s been slightly dim-ming,” he said. “It’s my job to bring back that ex-citement and bring back that light.”

Men’s footballThe 2012 men’s football team put on a clinic in one area: how to back into the playoffs. Despite a 3-5 re-cord, two shutout losses and offence that didn’t score a touchdown for the entire last month of the season, the Hawks managed to squeak into the post-season – only to be (fi ttingly) eliminated by a 34-0 loss to the Queen’s Gaels. The Hawks most glaring problems were on offence where a quarterback carousel of rookie Travis Eman and fourth-year back-up Steve Fantham led to a Laurier at-tack that fi nished second-last in the country, averaging just 13.6 points per game. The struggles of the offence — which featured several fi rst- and second-year starters — were compounded by the fact that the 2012 edition of Laurier’s usually reli-able defence lacked the experience to keep the team in games. Even the Hawks’ three wins — a last-minute win over York, who has won three games in the past three years, a sloppy victory over then-winless Ottawa and an ugly 12-0 win over Waterloo — don’t offer many positives. New head coach Michael Faulds will certainly have his work cut out for him in 2013.

Grade: D–Justin Fauteux

Men’s soccerMaybe not the best season Mario Halapir could have expected out of his players, but the men’s soccer team produced a surprising conclusion to a roller coaster sea-son. The beginning of the year sparked a hopeful feeling as the team won six of their fi rst seven games, however the wins slowly declined as the front line couldn’t pro-duce enough offence to get past big teams like Western or York. A suffi cient amount of ties allowed the Hawks to have a stranglehold on the sixth and fi nal playoff spot in the West division. With minimal expectations, Laurier sur-prised the OUA by winning a last-minute come-from-behind game against the Western Mustangs. However, the lack of offence hurt them again as they were unable to produce any offence against the York Lions and were eliminated. Grade: B-–Shelby Blackley

Women’s soccerLaurier’s women’s soccer team ended their season by surpassing many expectations in what was supposed to be a “rebuilding season”. However, with an impressive 11-2-3 record, the purple and gold dominated the On-tario University Athletics (OUA) West Division. Trying out new talent on the squad, Laurier initially showed inconsistency and had trouble executing their shots. Games that should have been clear blowouts end-ed in dangerously close scores. The team was also deci-mated by injuries. Numerous starters were forced to sit, causing rookies to step up and keep the season rolling. The squad eventually fi nished fi rst in their division. In their OUA semi-fi nal match, the Hawks dethroned last year’s OUA and two-time CIS champions, the Queen’s Gaels but failed to defeat the Ottawa Gee-Gees. The Hawks then travelled to Victoria, B.C to play in the CIS fi nals where they were eliminated fi rst round by the Trinity Western.

Grade: A-–Ashley Denuzzo

Men’s rugbyThe young Golden Hawk rugby squad amounted to a 1-7 record, slotting them in the eighth spot in the OUA, falling short of the playoffs for a third-straight season. If this doesn’t sound bad enough, the real salt in the wound are the departures of key players such as captain Jeff Pickel, who stood out this season as the team’s all-around leader, including scoring three tries in the fi nal season game against U of T. The Hawks were comprised mainly of rookies and second-year players, who saw impressive development through the season, including talented rookie backs Ryan Cowan and Andrew Thomson. They also only lost half their games by ten points, exemplifying how, de-spite their record, the Golden Hawks weren’t the punch-ing bag of the conference and showed great fi ght.

Grade: C+–Brad Bowen Women’s rugby

The women’s rugby team saw their season end with an 0-6 record and two of those games being shutouts. De-spite this, in their fi nal game against Brock, the Hawks still had a chance to make the playoffs as both teams were in the same position. After gaining an early lead, Laurier fell short in the second half, losing 39-12, fall-ing just short of the fi nal OUA playoff spot and their fi rst win since 2009.

Grade: D–Shayne McKay


Women’s lacrosseIn a season that featured a 9-2-1 record, the women’s lacrosse team went into the playoffs a heavy favourite to bring Laurier home their fi rst banner of the 2012-13 year. The team easily held the OUA to a low amount of points and their only losses came from the top team in the province, the Western Mustangs. The Hawks fi nished their season outscoring their op-ponents 32-10 in their last two games. However, Laurier failed to develop once the postseason arrived. A 9-3 win allowed them to play in the semifi nal, but the team was stunned by the Queen’s Gaels and was forced to play for bronze. Even then, the Hawks couldn’t win an important game and were forced to settle for fourth.

Grade: B–Shelby Blackley

Men’s baseballThe baseball Hawks garnered national coverage for ev-erything outside of their performance on the fi eld. A hazing incident that landed them a four-game suspen-sion halfway through their season overshadowed their athletic play, albeit it was less than impressive. After winning much of their exhibition and preseason games, a 9-12 season landed them one game outside of the playoffs. Less than ten days after the season ended, the team then fi led an appeal against the WLU ath-letics department. Currently, the appeal is still being reviewed.

Grade: C+–Shelby Blackley

In ProgressMen’s Basketball: 2-7, 6th in OUA West Women’s Basketball: 4-5, 5th in OUA West Men’s Curling: 4-1 Women’s Curling: 4-1Men’s Hockey: 7-9-2, 7th in OUA West Women’s Hockey: 14-1-2, 1st in OUA, No. 4 in CIS Swimming: next meet Jan. 13 @ Guelph