jan -1 93 - 1c-f1

'CLIPPING SE.RVICE 1115 HILLSBORO RALEIGH, NC 27603 TEL, (919) 833 - 2079 / teWS ARGUS 0bI,DSB0R0, N.. Co IUNt 24.754 JAN -1 93 . - - -- . 1C-f1 ' )Farewell dlnn e honors couple Th e Reverend Dr , K, Tho mas Tom) Greene, former pa stor of the Madison Av enue Baptist Church, and his M 'lle, Dr. Diana Grrene, . were honQ red with a fa rewell dinner at Goldsboro Country C lub , Rev, Greene will le ave for Da ll.!s in January to become the CEO of a new international ministry. His fam ily will join him later. Approximately 60 friends and rel- atives gath ered to ex press appreci- ation and best wishes to the Greenes. The co upl e was presented a scr apbook filled with personal let- articles and me morabilia of events a nd per form ances during thei r slay in Gol dSboro, Th ey also were gi ven a ftamed- portrait by , Zeno Spence of their two sons, TOOllliK Jr. and John Arthur. Other gifts included a Spode Chr istmas China servi ce for eight. Thei r sons were given $100 savings bonds, two children's classics, and a sum of money. t J ,--l ./

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RALEIGH, NC 27603 TEL, (919) 833 -2079


teWS ARGUS 0bI,DSB0R0, N.. Co

IUNt 24.754

JAN -1 93 . - - -­

(~"JI . 1C-f1')Farewell dlnne honors couple

The Reverend Dr, K, Thomas Tom) Greene, former pastor of the

Madison Avenue Baptist Church, and his M'lle, Dr. Diana Grrene,

. were honQred with a fa rewell dinner at Goldsboro Country Club,

Rev, Greene will leave for Dall.!s in January to become the CEO of a new international ministry. His fam ily will join him later.

Approximately 60 friends and rel­atives gathered to express appreci­ation and best wishes to the Greenes.

The couple was presented a scrapbook filled with personal let­ter~ articles and memorabilia of events and perform ances during their slay in GoldSboro, They also were given a ftamed- portrait by

, Zeno Spence of their two sons, TOOllliK Jr. and John Arthur. Other gifts included a Spode Christmas China service for eight. Their sons were given $100 savings bonds, two children's classics, and a sum of money. t J,--l ./

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RALEIGH. He 27603 TEL . (919)833·2079



JUN - 3·l3





Ministers Receive Degrees

Three local ministers each received a Mast r's of Divinity or Master'! of The­ology degree during spring commencement exercises at Southu st ern aaplist Theological Seminary at W ke F rest.

Page 3: JAN -1 93 - 1C-f1

They are ' e Reverends Levi Edward Braswell Sr .. William Gerald Garris and I,{evin Thomas Greene.

Rev. Braswell received a Master's of Divinity degree. He is pastor of Greenleaf Christian Church. N. Willia m S1. He grad uated from Charles H. Darden High School and Atlantic Christian College. A resident of Elm City, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Braswell of Wilson. His wife is the former Shirley Edwards of Elm City.

Rev. Garris resides on RL 3, Dudley. He also received a Master's of Divinity degree. He is a graduate of Atlantic Christian College and is married to the former Mar­jorie Pridgenof Dudley.

A recipient of the Master's of Theology degree, Rev. Greene is pastor of Madison Avenue Baptist Church. He graduated from Campbell University with a bachelor's of arts degree in religion. He holds a Master's of Divinity degree from Southeastern and has done post-graduate studies at Regent's Park College, Oxford University, Oxford, England . He is mar­ried to the former Diana Lynn Barbour of Four Oaks, who serves Madison Avenue J Bap~ist Church as minister of I musIc . ( \.. •



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K. Thomas Greene

K. T. Greene

Is Ordained

K. Thomas Greene of Four • Oaks was ordained . into the , ministry at Harrisburg~t ~ Chapel in Lenoir, on the 28th of i

May. Along with 25 deacons ; from different associations I

within the state, the presbytery t was made up of 13 pastors from , various churches throughout l the Caldwell County Association. The pastors were as follows: the Rev. Fred Barnes, the Rev. Forest P. Blankenchip, the Rev. D. L. Bumgarner, the Rev. R. B. Burnett, the Rev. Thad R. Dowdle, the Rev. Robert B. Evans Jr., the Rev. G. Hanford Hamby, the Rev. M. Dale Larew, the Rev. J. E. Led­better , the Rev . H. H.


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Singley, the Rev. Horace Story, and Ms. Elizabeth Campbell the Director of Home Missions of Caldwell CoW'lty.

Before the presbytery had the laying on the hands, K. Thomas Greene sang a solo entitled "Lord God Of Abraham" an oratorio taken from Felix Mendelssohn's Elijah. The Rev. Fred Barnes of the First Baptist Church of Lenoir delivered the sermon while the Rev . J. E. Ledbetter conducted the service and gave the charge to K. Thomas Greene and his wife, Diana L. Greene.

The Rev. G. Handford Hamby, supply pastor at Harrisburg Baptist Chapel, presented the candidate with a Bible and pledged the support of the church. After the right hand of fellowship was given a reception followed the service given by the Harrisburg Baptist Chapel.

K. Thomas Greene is presently serving as Associate Pastor-Youth Director at Princeton Baptist Church while his wife the former Diana Barbour of Four Oaks, is ser­ving as Minister of Music­Associate Youth Director,

Clarkton : Southeastern Times Clavton News Clemmons Cour ier

JUN 211919 -~J(f"lJO!ler ()J pUB Mel leJ()p(),

pue luno:>:>e Jno.{ 01 p"ppe "Ir ·Jenb alqe.{ed s.11 '.{lrenuUB par­



Page 6: JAN -1 93 - 1C-f1

Lenoir Minister In Ordination Kevin Thomas Greene,son of

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Greene, 308 Hampton Heights, was recently ordained into the

-nrtnistry at Harrisburg ~l Chapel.

He is now associate minister of Princeton Baptist Church in Princeton and is' attending Southeastern Theological Seminary.

He is the husband of Diana Barbour Greene of Four Oaks, . who is minister of youth and music at Princeton, and is also

\j.llendin g Southeastern -=-heological Seminary. ,

Leno'ir 'N"ew" Topic Cax lngton D,spatc h Lumberton : Robesonian Morganton News-Herald New Bern : Sun-Journal Norfolk: Virginia Pilot Raleigh : News & Observer Raleigh Times Reidsville Review

JUN 23 1978

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TEL. (919) 833-2079


SUN: 24,754 \

K~ crCYW\) iJ~

OCT 30 92

CfY-asrorof Madison$ ~( :, Avenue resigns ­LThe Reverend Doctor K. Thomas (Tom) Greene has resigned from the ·pastorate of Madison A venue Baptist Church after 12 years of service.

Dr. Greene will begin a new ministry in Dallas, Texas, in January. He will serve in Dallas as director of a multi· million dollar in· terdenominational, international ministry. He will be preaching, teaching, training and ministering in Russia , Venzeula, Albania and other countries as well as throughout the USA. Dr. Greene also will be working with the bill Glass prison ministry as well as special ministry projects with NASCAR, Joe Gibbs and others.

Dr. Greene has led Madison Avenue Baptist in many oppor· tunities for spiritual growth such as the United Church Ministries, the ecumenical Lenten Services, the pulpit exchange for Christian Unity, the Neuse Associational Hispanic work in LaGrange, migrant mis· ~' AIDS aw~ess and

discipleship programs. 1

In addition to his ministry a(~ Madison Av~nue, Dr. Greene haS" been active in the community and-" was instrumental in the establish#~ ment of the Department of Pastoral i Care at Walne Memorial Hospital. : He has served as chaplain of . Hospice and was a member of the , special study committee appointed

lby the Goldsboro Board of Educa·· tion. He also served on the Citizen's ~ Advisory Committee appointed by ; the Goldsboro City Council and was . a member of the Community Af. • fairs Commission. He was a·, member and president for Policy Council, Head Start/WAGES and as' I a member and president of the'· Wayne Oratorio Society. Dr. Greene' and his wife, Dr. Diana L. Greene,~ founded and established the Wayne = Oratorio Society 'and the Golds)2Ql'o ' Boys Choir . both art affiliate' orgamzatlons. For the last three ~ years he has taught religion courses'; for Mount Olive and Saint Leo Col. ,.~ lege's extension classes at Seymour. Johnson Air Force Base. ~ I'I ;jI