jackson pollock jennifer uzzolino. (contents) early life schooling later in life paintertechnique...

Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino

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Page 1: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms

Jackson Pollock

Jennifer Uzzolino

Page 2: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms


Early Life


Later in Life


Key Terms

Page 3: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms

Early Life

Born in Wyoming Raised in Arizona and California Father was a surveyor --- moved a

lot Reason why he loved nature Abandoned family (tough childhood)

Page 4: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms


Manual Arts High School in LA Art Students League

Thomas Hart Benton and New York Studied Old Master and mural paintings Participated in group exhibition

Caught attention of Peggy Guggenhein Patron and introduced work to audience Solo exhibition and contract

Page 5: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms

Later in Life

Struggled with alcoholism all his life Jungian analyst --- encouraged him to

create drawings Pictures = outpourings of his own mind

Died in a alcohol related car accident in 1956

Page 6: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms


The Springs on East Hampton, Long Island

Created large scale artwork Praised and dismissed at same time Periods of just black paint when

struggling with alcohol Used colors again

Page 7: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms
Page 8: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms
Page 9: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms


Action painting Dripping technique Fractals

Mathematical concept Randomly dripping paint onto a canvas – truly

complex process “Continuous dynamic” technique

patterns similar to those in nature So complex --- tell fake from authentic Dating --- changes in dimensions show evolution in



Page 10: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms


Influenced by: **Native American sand art Thomas Hart Benton

Rural American subject matter shaped Pollock’s work

Rhythmic use of paint and fierce independence

Pablo Picasso Joan Miró

Page 11: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms
Page 12: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms


Cubism, Surrealism, and Impressionism

Balletic moves around canvas - performance art

Famous symbol of the alienated modern artist

Memorial exhibition at Museum of Modern Art in NY

Page 13: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms
Page 14: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms

Key Terms

Abstract art – Art that does not attempt to represent external,

recognizable reality but seeks to achieve its effect using

shapes, forms, colors, and textures

Dripping technique – constant stream of paint splattered onto

a large, horizontal canvas.

Jungian analysis – psychotherapy offers the individual a

setting in which to explore his or her inner world

Native American sand art – art of pouring colored sands,

powdered pigments from minerals or crystals, and pigments

from other natural or synthetic sources onto a surface

to make a fixed, or unfixed sand painting

Page 15: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms


"When I am painting I have a general notion as to what I am about. I can control the flow of paint: there is no accident.“

"Every good artist paints what he is."

"The strangeness will wear off and I think we will discover the deeper meanings in modern art.“

"When I'm painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing. It's only after a get acquainted period that I see what I've been about. I've no fears about making changes for the painting has a life of its own."

Page 16: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms

Multiple Choice

What was Pollock’s painting technique called?a) Spilling b) Dripping c) Dusting d) Random e) Splatter

What was the greatest influence on his artwork?a) Other artistsb) Nature c) His parentsd) Native American sand arte) Performance shows

Page 17: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms

Multiple Choice

Pollock’s career took off in …a) Californiab) New Jerseyc) New Yorkd) Arizonae) Wyoming

Jackson Pollock went to … a) The Springs Universityb) Art Students Leaguec) Manual Arts High Schoold) Modern Art High Schoole) Both b and c

Page 18: Jackson Pollock Jennifer Uzzolino. (Contents) Early Life Schooling Later in Life PainterTechnique Legacy Key Terms

Multiple Choice

This artist specialized in what type of art?a) Abstractb) Portrait c) Landscape d) Sculpture e) None of the above