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J2EE Overview

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In this session, you will learn to:

• Identify the characteristics of different Java Platforms

• Identify the challenges of an enterprise application

• Describe J2EE architecture

• Define the role of various J2EE technologies

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Java 2 Editions

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Issues in Enterprise Applications

• Transactions

• State management

• Multithreading

• Resource pooling

• Security

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Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition






Servlets JSP Java IDL






Java 2: Standard ed.

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J2EE Architecture

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Services Java Technology

Web Servlets/ JSPs (HTML/ XML)

Database Access Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC™)

Naming And Directory Java Naming and Directory Interface

Messaging Java Message Service (JMS)

Email Access JavaMail™

Protocol JavaIDL, Remote Method Invocation

(CORBA compatible)

Transaction Object Transaction Service (OTS),

Java Transaction Service (JTS),

Java Transaction API (JTA)

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Naming Services

• Provide J2EE components with access to a JNDI naming environment– J2EE component locates its environment naming context

using JNDI interfaces

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Java Naming and Directory Interface

• A standard for Naming and directory services

• EJB strictly relies on JNDI for looking up distributed components across the network

• e.g. Novell’s NDS and the internet standard LDAP– Each one is accessed differently

– Stores info in a proprietary way

• JNDI bridges the gap between different directory services: provides portable interface

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JNDI Interface

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Transaction Scenario...

What’s Wrong with This Code?try {// Withdraw funds from account 1}catch (Exception e) {// If an error occurred, do not proceed.return;} }try {// Otherwise, deposit funds into account 2

}catch (Exception e) {// If an error occurred, do not proceed,// and redeposit the funds back into account 1.return;}

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Transaction Definition

• An atomic unit of work

• Can consist of multiple operations from multiple objects

• Example: withdrawing money from an account using an automatic teller machine

• Can support the following features:– Distribution across a network

– Two - phase commits

– Nested transactions

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Transaction Participants

• Resource has transactional state– Example: Database connection

• Resource manager can commit and rollback– Example: JDBC driver

• Application server assists in managing usage of transactional resources by beans– Example: EJB server

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Transaction Participants

• Transaction manager:– Controls state of transaction, two- phase commit

– Coordinates/ controls all resource managers within transaction

• Transactional application obtains a limited access to the transaction manager:– Client application

– Enterprise bean

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Transactions and the ACID Properties

• As we have seen, exceptions are not enough for enterprise computing– Code is non- deterministic

• Transactions guarantee determinism

• Transactions give you four virtues, called the ACID properties:– Atomicity

– Consistency

– Isolation

– Durability

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Transaction Services

• J2EE transactions are flat

• J2EE platform implicitly handles many transaction details

• A Transaction is a unit of work that makes a set of guarantees about its execution

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Java Transaction API (JTA) and Java Transaction Service (JTS)

• JTA: – High level transaction interface: EJB clients use JTA

– Required to perform transactions in Java

• JTS:– Low-level transaction interface: EJB uses behind the scene

– Makes possible multiple vendors to collaborate for distributed transactions

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Service Technology

• Provide access to database, transactions, naming and directory services and enterprise information systems


• Java Transaction API and Service

• Java Naming and Directory Interface

• Connector Architecture

• Communication Techniques– Internet protocols

– RMI protocols

– OMG protocols

– Messaging technologies

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Introduction to RMI

• Distributed Computing



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Features of RMI

• Remote invocations of methods on objects in different JVM’s

• Simple to write reliable distributed applications

• RMI is transparent

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RMI Architecture

Client Program



Transport Layer

Server Program

Skeleton Layer


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Writing a Simple RMI program

• Write the Remote Object program//Product.javaimport java.rmi.*;import java.rmi.server.*;interface Product extends Remote{public String getDescription() throws RemoteException;}

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Writing a Simple RMI program

2) Write the Remote Server Program

//ProductImpl.javaimport java.rmi.*;import java.rmi.server.*;public class ProductImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements Product{ private String str;

public ProductImpl(String d) throws RemoteException{str = d;

}public String getDescription() throws RemoteException{

return "Product Name : "+str;}

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Writing a Simple RMI program

2) Write the Remote Server Program …contnd

public static void main(String a[]){ try{

ProductImpl p1= new ProductImpl("Washing Machine");ProductImpl p2= new ProductImpl("Microwave Oven");


}catch(Exception e) {System.out.println("ERROR: "+e);e.printStackTrace();


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Writing a Simple RMI program

3) Write the Client program

import java.rmi.*;import java.rmi.server.*;public class ProductClient{

public static void main(String a[]){try{

Product c1=(Product)Naming.lookup("wash");Product c2=(Product)Naming.lookup("oven");System.out.println(c1.getDescription());System.out.println(c2.getDescription());

}catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Error: "+ e);}System.exit(0);}}

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• The JavaMail API allows your applications to use e-mail capabilities

• JavaMail defines a set of interfaces to which you write your application code, and those interfaces shield your code from the specific protocols or mail service implementations used

• Based on JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) to encapsulate message data and to handle interactions with that data

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Java Messaging Service

• JMS allows Java programs to exchange messages with other Java programs sharing a messaging system.

• Messaging systems are sometimes called Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM)

• JMS API enables communication that is :– Asynchronous

– Reliable

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Real Time Example

• Automobile manufacturer– The inventory component can send a message to the factory

component when the inventory level for a product goes below a certain level, so the factory can make more cars.

– The factory component can send a message to the parts components so that the factory can assemble the parts it needs.

– The parts components in turn can send messages to their own inventory and order components to update their inventories and order new parts from suppliers.

– Both the factory and parts components can send messages to the accounting component to update their budgets.

– The business publishes updated catalog items to its sales force and web site.

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JMS Architecture

• JMS provider – is a messaging product that

implements the JMS interfaces and provides administrative and control features

• Administered objects– pre-configured JMS objects

created by an administrator for the use of clients.

• JMS clients– the programs or components

written in the Java programming language that produce and consume messages.

• Messages– the objects that communicate

information between JMS clients.

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Publish-Subscribe Messaging

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Point- To-Point Messaging

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Enterprise JavaBeans

• Enterprise JavaBeans is an architecture for component- based distributed computing:– Customizable at deployment time

– Deployed on a compatible application server

– Portable to other application servers

• Enterprise Beans are components of distributed transaction - oriented enterprise applications

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Defining EJB Technology

• EJB servers provide core services to server components:– Transaction

– Security

– Concurrency

– Naming

– Persistence

• EJB technology enhances:– Simplified access to services

– Portability of components across server platforms

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Defining EJB Technology

• Is a server component specification (for vendors)

• Separates and defines integration of development stages:– Component creation

– Application assembly

– Application deployment

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EJB Developer Roles

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EJB Programming Paradigm

• Declarative programming and customizing

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EJB Programming Paradigm

• Deploying

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EJB Architecture Overview

• Uniform client access whether local or remote

• Home object is a factory for EJBs

• EJB object is the remote object for accessing EJBs

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EJB Architecture Overview

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EJB Server

• Services:– Transaction support

– Data access

– System resource

– Namespace

• Industry support:– Application/ middleware servers

– Database servers

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EJB Container

• Can contain multiple Bean classes or homes– Often created using code generation by tools

– Is normally provided by EJB server vendor

• Is not visible to the client

• Is implemented in different ways by different vendors

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EJB Container

• Provides some standard services:– Persistence

– Transaction control

– Security

– EJB instance lifecycle management

– EJB instance identification

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Home Interface

• Factory interface for the bean:– Interface provided by EJB developer

– Class generated by vendor tool

• One factory class per bean class

• Factory instance is installed into the server’s naming service

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Remote Interface

• Interface is provided by bean developer.

• Implementation is provided by container tools, which include:– Stubs and skeletons

– The EJB Object

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EJB Object

• The EJB Object is a wrapper object that acts as a proxy to the EJB instance.– Interface provided by Bean developer

– Implementation class generated by vendor tool

• Each business method has a corresponding wrapper method in the EJB Object– Wrapper method implements container- provided services

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Stubs and Skeletons

• Stub is downloaded from server

• Communication between stub and skeleton can be proprietary, yet EJB code is still portable

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Types of EJBs

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J2EE Components and Containers

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In this session, you learnt to:

• Identify characteristics of different Java Platforms

• Identify the challenges of an enterprise application

• Describe J2EE architecture

• Define the role of various J2EE technologies

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