j t uhtheshillingsu l 11 fut - chronicling...

j 11- w+ w v + l 6 pkhtttiUe ftttttttektaii Ill t ISSUE DEFINED Tidal Wave of Democracy W Sweep The Country J Statement by The Democratic tional Committeemen In I dicatte Victor yr The Democratic National Con grtftsionnl Committee Issues the lollowirjgstatcmant of the situation A tidal Wnvcof Democracy is swooping over the country and in- dications now point to therren test popular majority for Bryan month ever given to any Desna tic Presidential candidate The great popular uprising in favor Bryan is not confined to any pti tl ular section of the country I univeral The sign is in the shy and it spells victory puby Bryan has lost nothing of the strength fae had in 1896 when than 25000 votes properly dig buted would have elected him therefore follows that this year will receive at least as many v- as otes in 1896 plus the natural incre in the number of young Democrth voters who have come of age ii the last national campaign this year Mr Bryan ha s many ments of strength which he lac in 1896 and which are sufficient insure him a tremendous major both in the popular vote and elector ial collugdb In 1896 the German vote wentthi most entirely for McKinley T year Mr Bryan will receive by most conservative xt puper ten per cent in the German v oteats alone is sufficient to carry severaljl of the so called doubtful elect the Democratic national ticket the labor pawas the alleged prosperity iss lJlabor higvote several doubtfulStates for Bry and Stevenson In 1896 the Gold Democratsl fill hafinancial has e cast one million votes mos theley trats recognizing that their con- tention ¬ has for the time beingb settled by statute have returned the old party and fully eighty per- cent of them will vote for Bryan This vote insures a safe Democra ¬ tic majority in several close States In 1896 a large majority of the Irish vote was cut for MCKinl This year this vote will be given Bryan and this alone means sue of cess in several important States which four years ago gave their electoral vote to McKinley The Holland vote which has ways heretofore been Republican will this year go over to Bryan with practical unanimity because ty of the unfriendly attitude of the ad at rmuistratiou towards the struggling Boer Republics In three or four important States this vote holds tile balance of power The antiImperialistic vote will be cast unanimously for Bryan a month This is a new andunC Ifobut claim that in onepiyotal Stattt alone in they have 100000 voters enrol ledstate leexcluil i Republican In u score of othervo leacly a must important und perhaps COB rec elusive factor If theapproaehiurty election ti- The reform vote will be given most unanimously to Bryan thie year Heretofore it has been scat and tered about through numerous small party organizations where it mts OOL made itself felt but in the aygregattf il is a great power This includes the Single Taxers the Direct Legislation ists the at Golden RuleJonej people100000 in Ohio and many others age I e next gating considerablymore than one million votes The independent vote of the country which in late years has been such an important factor in alla be cast solidly for Uryan 7 alone is sufficient to decide the elec ¬ Ii t UJ t 1 u tion in certain States and give the national victory to the Democracy In 1896 the vote and influence n- Ethe the commercial travelers of McKinleyI th spis the last ntttioual compaigu T year teaveliug men are almost l1Ca working as hard for lion as they did for McKinley in 1896 In 1896 a large proportion of prohibition vote of the country was cast for McKinley under a mss talon impression This year evory prohibition vote not given tp Bryan will undoubtedly be cast for Wooley Certainly McKiuley receive none of them In addition to this one sacs thehas againsters white House and this will certain ofly affect thousands of church vet rsD fut And then there are the thousands of conscicncioua and patriotic Re blicans who have been obliged to their party or its can Jf datebecause of the bold and gl ar ¬ itsn worlehc jussse m an sufficient to overcome the llnjoritut ridele popularto in YOI lZepublicathe on ex ¬ Hannas corruption fund And s will not suffice Four yea boughtIe blican managers They can worse this year But the ele mentioned above who ha ned the Democratic ranks sin hit rty and its candidates from psi and are in the fight to stay UG uehese are the true elements oflottoq erican greatness because th of rep resent the best citizenship t hest thought and the trues peoplet1 beseft as Wve O TIt over whole country gaining strength CJ rywhere Hta modto Former Republican Is Supporting Every Issue of The Kansas City Platform Cyhea ne the most sought men iuIndianap I olis in connection with the notifica for ceremonies was Webster Davis ° Missouri former assistant secre reaal because of the McKinley policy and vho renounced the Republican par and made a Democratic speech the Democratic National coat e lln tion atIanlasCitj Mr Davis was asked byahoosier Democrat whether he was a Demo- crat J the on all issues or merely on the imperialism question Hs replieii firca celYIiu in the iiaasasCity plat I have been one of the most l1l advocates of bimetallism tilt Republican part in my hor nail T afraid unequivocally on ptalI of every oie of them during the of It is trot a halfhearted IppOt liryau and Siuvenson will il from ttiie I believe the safe of the Republic lies in their elec ¬ It in November inent munl fooled with a lot of small questions part they will not stop for the hide the show but the math tent will be their stopping place and I am s imI die und of iU and Dry wlllliit in the1Vhite louse for four years at lcat tinti Lord Clive said that Robinson thl Ct1Illifnad OA9TOLXA m Bouhi 8hl It ing ot BLOOD POISON CURED B BB Unttlo tfreo To Sufferers shat rings aud patent medicine mont quickly to Ili B B tlattduu you t J ru tiuufEutiu6SolresfBonn Throat PniuR Itching Skin Swollen Glands Stiff Uhthe ores on nUll eyebrows fall out la Ilia Skin n mass of boils pimples and ulcers 1 Then this BI3Bsped will completely change tho wit holly into 11 nluim condition free fr thedlJ drains the POIHOU out of the aystem so the symptoms cannot return Bimo UD J3buildB up down eoufitittitlou and i suRerthe ill r be given away free of ubHfge B B for sale druggists 1 per large bottle or 0 butt ll treatment 5Cotitplqw die with oach b tie addroia BLOQD BALM CO Atlanta Qa D lcrilftrouble lUlU Free medical e gtveu B B B sold by R 0 tlardtvi HopkiUivilleKYrr Dont behave in a J street car train as if no one else haflfa right to be there 1 r < tJust o Tonic blood purifier and vermifuge They are nut Ib d but pmJ J Hd > historyL r y and novels There are thousands of peopta suf Cori untold torture havrs TABLEBUCI will S rentdo 1iu Tubes 7 1cenle Sold R C Mrste witce prayer book Jogn 8PClJSIoIOII osfi uojxoidiuoo nj > neag n 010E g pJIC OZTB oJbC l Ji joj 3 t nojpnnC riiscoid JlA cp v nl n noo jnoZ eat mhe luosioe uuno Gonads sop JC Hle garded Aurora Leigh as h bestre e have seen the frail infant exietene ce a madestoug bv the use of WHITE EAM VERMIFUGE Price 2 ° ceutH Sold by R 0 Hardwick allam said that Livy was the el historian of O4SXOElXAt 11 Bears Signature CLGltlIlcf in and hopin rarely read anything vier than a French novel Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is a sale by CK er lAuber hated reading and neverE d save under compulsionfel For Rent Three store houses in the Dryer to LnthamHotel Youngm Titian read his prayer book and Metamorphoses of Ovid j she o iaT J us wiSlgDatnro of < him Voltaires favorite classical au was Juvenal the satirist the Take care cf the stomach and ti health will take care of itself people Only realized the soundtle that statement the majority ry might live to a good old like no Moses the eye undimmed the ththe is from the stomach that noun bh is dispensed to nerve and than scle If the stomach ia ryes c ant do its whole york for as 01 the body It diseased disease will taint the remCllt I tat lle sons the ing of the stomach as the comlsil1mon Goldall i net i20the be cured through htomach1 The soundness of is ever curen awi tlIl1Ifllij 1 a blood a udpolice gaus of digestion and nutrit i u n in a temperance medicine costa ¬ 1 no whisky or other toxicant I News P1 1 07 > JVALL BARGAINS OF COURSE 4Mre Few Llttlo Things Mrs Hilber I was in tho to- opping with Mrs Bwindlor today anythingSU to get a few ReallyIIIH softie 0 t Ie 0 wero not fit to use ITilberrIIov much was the bill shillingsu just for Ave r j Mlnd I simply poundIf 1ecthe 1nC plhj hook I I haIa dozen of the latest I sohe llthem yurar1L JU ji litles T knot o1V yon t SeJ1Wshoa for sliUiftgj fli oightnrdsoftholove sach j Q1tI t4x t II InilberIs that all v V < Sirs HilberGn thoro it ero a f sports little thfngiiof no p rti iii qutnce Necessities oi cbli t of tr1fimg cdst I nber Mudojnl do you know that you have been Joing frs Hilboi Why uhwhat do- D ot noa 11 ° ruinitme g and slave to make the money neces ourh Uidcoolcst p1Esible manner UlUl OH I e been buying without my con soar what you are pleased to term a few little things Bahl Mrs Hilber But my dear Hilber Dont my dear me Did Dwindler who say was- h you spend anything Mrs Hilber No She said she couldnt afford it- HilberPriselj What man i circumstances can afford it you any idea how much the tors is the memorandum Just ten pounds hlberAL 1 do you know madam representser dear It the sum Mrs Dwindler says you won from her husband cards last night London TitBits ndNEEDED A CHANGE I P piRemody for His Patient1J The following anecdote is related Dr Ilujean the most celebrated of the mEdical profession in his A certain great lady came to him much distress about her daughter i the physician began the invests gation of the case by asking Why what ails her = mothotv ¬ Z cannot tell but she has lost her humor her looks her health Her consumes every day and we f she cannot live Why do you not try to induce her marry some worthy young man nldo asover she could expect Is there ne ono else that you thin would Ah doctor thats what troubles r for there 1a young gentleman om she loves but her father and I nevqr conefnt to have her marry t Why look you madam replied doctor gravely being among his books in his library then the case marryse I another In allmy remedy for such a disease as this Change your physician and consult J young man she loves If he is an honest fellow his advice will be bettor IL t mineN Y Ledger Monthly Pesoscl The Royal Humane society in their for last year statcthat 756 per l < r distinguished themselves by saV 059 liveS and in trying to save 74 j The society presented nine medals 154 bronze medals and the latter being for a second I of bravery by a medalholder vellum or parchment testimonials i varyinghis j were 42 officers and men of tI naval and coastguard service 701 the militarv forces and 88 of the j of the United Kingdom I 11MWhen limlu i1 t Whats the Matter Have you that tlrod fooling Does yo vnhead and limbs aoho A WARNINGyou need iMPROVED II youlle It Is tho truest tonic known fora l down n Ijrlngs on a heal 21appotito J r = PRICE 50 CENTS r f MADH ONLY BY eear CO rl3eHVAN6VILLE IND All Dfcgglsts Should Havo rt In Stick o A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY Dr Agustus RUltgles Treasurer of the Greater New York Modloal Association Thoro is just one scientific compound Whle Itconstlpntion so they will stay cured P advertised dyapcpslnram over endorsed by prominent physicians They promptly digest every particle of food tok Into the stomach and are positively guaranteed Dyspopela1II11Rn 08 stipation restoring tho bowels unillivel to perfectly iintural notion In two weeks o money refunded by all druggists 3f and 60c DIAMOND DBU1t70B388tVIIWapN PENNY HEADACHE ELF A truly wonderful discovery none of the dangerous drugs found in OTHER One Tablet Ogres lustOno Ono Cent ouAnANTEED Ask Druggist for StronnA Pe- t1Neadache my C T I a POSITIONSOUQrant ondUlols- Onr Under Rea facilities for securing1 positions and of our graduates are ten times more ngly endorsed by bankers and merchants hanthoseof other colleges Send for catalogue DRAUGHONS I J7PABUSINESS Nashville Tenn 5t Lous Vot p QalvestonTexnontgomery LiCheap SouthUookkeeplng Schol4rsblpFree U GIUCUJT CUUltT mKB TfWV the cohreoweykatbtrdMoo des t 10Dd4 ta rof tdr s Pourtlijilondny ibrj Juusotu 1 rni e I2 wee- kIALtutvtnecunnklwtdayta Ajn fit yve Monday in npiiett fl1l urenterra tWell ternk mzenka t + = + t 1rtr rJAIlY rassrvamanamic 25 TIME TABLE hI Effective June 24 1900 e 200 LEAVE iloikivsviiLB 4 r Nosiodally tnpkluav111t rOOaru IHOaln lItll pm 16I pm pin anI acr Princeton 029ain ISfiSp m xrLouUvllla 7D5 pIll pin r = mi lu4upmJAr aWI e4lgpmNu C ainnwooi > A JlupklaevflleKy = It1I + WANTElWAotlvo man of good esa 4000 t or blDklnuy Urata no I PROFESSIONAL CARDS IrCa H r TANDY ENTIf rr Ulfico over ticlifa jewelry store FI011atr4n Itrl JaulLnndes Jail n Aliensworth l ondeekAlleneworth Atorueys ltt Law Ol1loe In McDaniel bUI1IUug J104r OrtHoui supromcourt HENRY E HOLTCDN LAWk j JRqp utfvmoKy L t ti j POOLer 1Dixrfeaithy r J 1 I lv iKy LinenAieta3tdr e vW W RAV TOI SU HAL AflTSTS I iOEBr 3EVEHTI1 SinEET ELB BUILDING j rsbd U f UourSIa1 niitllg Tunksr DENTiSI Beard lIullIIiKli > + tHlrit ItyanCd r Born eclpath r Olnssess Scientifically Fitted- 11011tINSVILLE KEMTDCJIV LNRR YTHE GREAT Through Trunk Line t Between villeEvansville > MenphisMontgomery VileanBrthe Without Any Changes And Speed Unrivaled AtlantaSavannah and Points iu Florida Guthrieand PulllLauOnrs line uf thia road willreceive special low rates See agent of this mpany fur rates routes c or to the General Passenger raffic Agnut at Ky rFINE FARM FOR SALE i Adapted to Agriculture ot Raisinglwr leg taurouB ot changing bpsinr ni Ior for my farm 4 800aernBRice oultivatftrand l There are 8 tobacco barns stables for hoed of stock cowsheds tool tenetment acres in cultivation and 100 in milesof foratiob nelAhborhoodWit Veroare OftencloverM w Rote Henderfm allrespects service unequaled in any city On Double Car Line B L P KLBIDEBER Props Henderson Ky f Rossini for nearly thirty years novelsi five six books all philosophical Paul Veronese thought there wes book equal to the Aeneld

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6 pkhtttiUe ftttttttektaiiIll



Tidal Wave of Democracy W

Sweep The CountryJ

Statement by The Democratic

tional Committeemen InI dicatte Victor yr

The Democratic National Congrtftsionnl Committee Issues thelollowirjgstatcmant of the situation

A tidal Wnvcof Democracy isswooping over the country and in-

dications now point to therren testpopular majority for Bryanmonth ever given to any Desnatic Presidential candidate Thegreat popular uprising in favorBryan is not confined to any pti tl

ular section of the country Iuniveral The sign is in the shyand it spells victorypubyBryan has lost nothing of thestrength fae had in 1896 whenthan 25000 votes properly digbuted would have elected himtherefore follows that this yearwill receive at least as many v-


in 1896 plus the natural increin the number of young Democrthvoters who have come of age iithe last national campaignthis year Mr Bryan has manyments of strength which he lacin 1896 and which are sufficientinsure him a tremendous majorboth in the popular vote andelector ial collugdb

In 1896 the German vote wentthimost entirely for McKinley Tyear Mr Bryan will receive bymost conservative xtpuperten per cent in the German voteatsalone is sufficient to carry severaljlof the so called doubtfulelect the Democratic national ticket

the laborpawasthe alleged prosperity iss

lJlaborhigvoteseveral doubtfulStates for Bryand Stevenson

In 1896 the Gold Democratslfill

hafinancialhas e cast one million votes mostheleytrats recognizing that their con-


has for the time beingbsettled by statute have returnedthe old party and fully eighty per-cent of them will vote for BryanThis vote insures a safe Democra ¬

tic majority in several close StatesIn 1896 a large majority of the

Irish vote was cut for MCKinlThis year this vote will be givenBryan and this alone means sue ofcess in several important Stateswhich four years ago gave theirelectoral vote to McKinley

The Holland vote which hasways heretofore been Republicanwill this year go over to Bryanwith practical unanimity because tyof the unfriendly attitude of the ad atrmuistratiou towards the strugglingBoer Republics In three or fourimportant States this vote holds tilebalance of power

The antiImperialistic vote will becast unanimously for Bryan amonth This is a new andunCIfobutclaim that in onepiyotal Stattt alone in

they have 100000 voters enrol ledstate


Republican In u score of othervoleaclya must important und perhaps COB recelusive factor If theapproaehiurtyelection ti-

The reform vote will be givenmost unanimously to Bryan thieyear Heretofore it has been scat andtered about through numeroussmall party organizations where itmts OOL made itself felt but in theaygregattf il is a great powerThis includes the Single Taxersthe Direct Legislation ists the at

Golden RuleJonej people100000in Ohio and many others age I e nextgating considerablymore than onemillion votes

The independent vote of thecountry which in late years hasbeen such an important factor inallabe cast solidly for Uryan 7

alone is sufficient to decide the elec ¬

Ii t UJt1


tion in certain States and give thenational victory to the Democracy

In 1896 the vote and influence n-Ethethe commercial travelers ofMcKinleyI

thspisthe last ntttioual compaigu Tyear teaveliug men are almostl1Caworking as hard for lion as theydid for McKinley in 1896

In 1896 a large proportion ofprohibition vote of the country wascast for McKinley under a mss

talon impression This year evoryprohibition vote not given tp Bryanwill undoubtedly be cast forWooley Certainly McKiuleyreceive none of them In additionto this one sacsthehasagainsterswhite House and this will certain

ofly affect thousands of church vetrsDfutAnd then there are the thousandsof conscicncioua and patriotic Re

blicans who have been obliged totheir party or its can Jf

datebecause of the bold and gl ar¬itsnworlehcjussseman sufficient to overcome thellnjoritutridelepopulartoin YOI

lZepublicatheon ex ¬

Hannas corruption fund Ands will not suffice Four yeaboughtIeblican managers They canworse this year But the ele

mentioned above who haned the Democratic ranks sinhitrty and its candidates from psi

and are in the fight to stay UG

uehese are the true elements oflottoqerican greatness because th of

represent the best citizenship thest thought and the truespeoplet1beseftasWveOTItoverwhole country gaining strength CJ

rywhereHtamodtoFormer Republican Is SupportingEvery Issue of The Kansas

City PlatformCyheanethe most sought men iuIndianap I

olis in connection with the notifica forceremonies was Webster Davis °Missouri former assistant secrereaalbecause of the McKinley policy andvho renounced the Republican par

and made a Democratic speechthe Democratic National coat ellntion atIanlasCitj

Mr Davis was asked byahoosierDemocrat whether he was a Demo-crat

J theon all issues or merely on the

imperialism question Hs replieiifircacelYIiu in the iiaasasCity platI have been one of the most

l1l advocates of bimetallismtilt Republican part in my hor

nail T afraid unequivocally onptalIof every oie of them during the ofIt is trot a halfhearted

IppOt liryau and Siuvenson will

il from ttiie I believe the safeof the Republic lies in their elec ¬ It

in November inentmunlfooled with a lot of small questions partthey will not stop for the hide the

show but the math tent will betheir stopping place and I am simIdie und of iU and Drywlllliit in the1Vhite louse for

four years at lcattintiLord Clive said that Robinson thl

Ct1IllifnadOA9TOLXA mBouhi8hl It



Unttlo tfreo To Sufferersshatrings aud patent medicinemont quickly to Ili B Btlattduuyou t

J ru tiuufEutiu6SolresfBonn ThroatPniuR

Itching Skin Swollen Glands StiffUhtheores onnUll eyebrows fall out la Ilia Skin n

mass of boils pimples and ulcers 1

Then this BI3Bspedwill completely change tho witholly into 11 nluim condition free frthedlJdrains the POIHOU out of the aystemso the symptoms cannot return

Bimo UD J3buildB updown eoufitittitlou and i

suRerthe illr

be given away free of ubHfgeB B for sale druggists

1 per large bottle or 0 buttll treatment 5Cotitplqw die

with oach btie addroia BLOQD BALM COAtlanta Qa D lcrilftrouble lUlUFree medical e gtveu

B B B sold by R 0 tlardtvi

HopkiUivilleKYrrDont behave in a J street car

train as if no one else haflfa rightto be there 1

r <tJusto Tonic blood purifier andvermifuge They are nut Ib d butpmJ JHd>historyL ryand novels

There are thousands of peopta sufCori untold torturehavrsTABLEBUCI will



Tubes 71cenle Sold R CMrstewitceprayer bookJogn 8PClJSIoIOIIosfi uojxoidiuoo nj > neag n 010Eg pJIC

OZTB oJbCl Ji joj 3t nojpnnCriiscoid JlA cp v nl n noo jnoZ eatmheluosioe uuno Gonads sop JCHlegarded Aurora Leigh as hbestree have seen the frail infantexietene ce

amadestoug bv the use of WHITE

EAM VERMIFUGE Price 2°ceutH Sold by R 0 Hardwick

allam said that Livy was theel historian of

O4SXOElXAt 11BearsSignature

CLGltlIlcf inand

hopin rarely read anythingvier than a French novel

Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is asale by CK er

lAuber hated reading and neverEd save under compulsionfel

For RentThree store houses in the Dryer to

LnthamHotelYoungmTitian read his prayer book and

Metamorphoses of Ovid j she

o iaT J us

wiSlgDatnroof < him

Voltaires favorite classical auwas Juvenal the satirist the

Take care cf the stomach and tihealth will take care of itselfpeople Only realized the soundtle

that statement the majority rymight live to a good old like noMoses the eye undimmed theththeis from the stomach that noun bh

is dispensed to nerve and thanscle If the stomach ia ryes

c ant do its whole york for as01 the body It diseased

disease will taint theremCllt Itat lle sonsthe ing

of the stomach as the

comlsil1monGoldall i neti20thebe cured throughhtomach1 The soundness of

is ever curenawitlIl1Ifllij 1

a blood a udpolicegaus of digestion and nutrit i unin a temperance medicine costa ¬


no whisky or othertoxicant I

NewsP1 1 07 >

JVALL BARGAINS OF COURSE4MreFew Llttlo ThingsMrs Hilber I was in tho to-

opping with Mrs Bwindlor today

anythingSU to get a fewReallyIIIHsoftie 0 t Ie 0 weronot fit to use

ITilberrIIov much was the billshillingsujust for Ave r j Mlnd I simplypoundIf1ecthe1nC plhjhook I I haIa dozen of the latest


yurar1L JUjilitles Tknot o1V

yon t SeJ1Wshoa forsliUiftgj fli oightnrdsoftholovesach j

Q1tI t4xt IIInilberIs that all v V

< Sirs HilberGn thoro it ero a fsports little thfngiiof no p rti

iii qutnce Necessities oi cblit of tr1fimg cdst I

nber Mudojnl do you knowthat you have been Joing

frs Hilboi Why uhwhat do-D ot noa 11


ruinitme g

and slave to make the money necesourhUidcoolcst p1Esible manner UlUl OH I

e been buying without my consoar what you are pleased to term afew little things Bahl

Mrs Hilber But my dearHilber Dont my dear me Did

Dwindler who say was-h you spend anything

Mrs Hilber No She said shecouldnt afford it-

HilberPriselj What man icircumstances can afford it

you any idea how much thetors is thememorandum Just ten pounds

hlberAL 1 do you know madam

representserdear It

the sum Mrs Dwindlersays you won from her husbandcards last night London TitBits


piRemodyfor His Patient1J

The following anecdote is relatedDr Ilujean the most celebrated

of the mEdical profession in his

A certain great lady came to himmuch distress about her daughter i

the physician began the investsgation of the case by asking

Why what ails her =mothotv ¬

Z cannot tell but she has lost herhumor her looks her health Her

consumes every day and we fshe cannot live

Why do you not try to induce hermarry some worthy young mannldoasover she could expectIs there ne ono else that you thinwould

Ah doctor thats what troubles r

for there 1a young gentlemanom she loves but her father and I

nevqr conefnt to have her marryt

Why look you madam replieddoctor gravely being among his

books in his library then the casemarryse I

another In allmyremedy for such a disease as this

Change your physician and consult J

young man she loves If he is anhonest fellow his advice will be bettor IL


mineN Y Ledger Monthly

PesosclThe Royal Humane society in theirfor last year statcthat 756 per l<r

distinguished themselves by saV059 liveS and in trying to save 74 j

The society presented ninemedals 154 bronze medals and

the latter being for a second I

of bravery by a medalholdervellum or parchment testimonials ivaryinghis j

were 42 officers and men of tInaval and coastguard service 701

the militarv forces and 88 of the j

of the United Kingdom I

11MWhenlimlui1 t

Whats the MatterHave you that tlrod fooling Does yo

vnhead and limbs aoho

A WARNINGyou need

iMPROVED IIyoulleIt Is tho truest tonic known fora ldown n Ijrlngs on a heal

21appotito Jr =PRICE 50 CENTSr




All Dfcgglsts Should Havo rt In Stick


Dr Agustus RUltgles Treasurer of theGreater New York Modloal Association

Thoro is just one scientific compoundWhleItconstlpntion so they will stay cured Padvertised dyapcpslnram

over endorsed by prominent physicians

They promptly digest every particle of food tokInto the stomach and are positively guaranteed

Dyspopela1II11Rn 08

stipation restoring tho bowels unillivelto perfectly iintural notion In two weeks omoney refunded by all druggists 3f and 60cDIAMOND DBU1t70B388tVIIWapN

PENNY HEADACHEELFA truly wonderful discovery

none of the dangerous drugs found inOTHER

One Tablet OgreslustOnoOno Cent ouAnANTEEDAsk Druggist for StronnA Pe-

t1Neadachemy C




Under Rea

facilities for securing1 positions andof our graduates are ten times more

ngly endorsed by bankers and merchantshanthoseof other colleges Send for catalogue


Nashville Tenn 5t Lous Vot pQalvestonTexnontgomeryLiCheapSouthUookkeeplngSchol4rsblpFree



cohreoweykatbtrdMoodes t 10Dd4 taroftdr s Pourtlijilondny ibrjJuusotu 1

rni e I2 wee-kIALtutvtnecunnklwtdayta Ajn fityve Monday in npiiett fl1lurenterra tWellternkmzenkat


= +t1rtrrJAIlYrassrvamanamic



Effective June 24 1900 e 200

LEAVE iloikivsviiLB4

rNosiodallytnpkluav111t rOOaru IHOaln lItll pm16I pm

pinanIacrPrinceton 029ain ISfiSp m

xrLouUvllla 7D5 pIll pinr =milu4upmJAraWIe4lgpmNu C

ainnwooi > AJlupklaevflleKy =It1I +

WANTElWAotlvo man of goodesa 4000t orblDklnuyUrata no




Ulfico over ticlifa jewelry store

FI011atr4n ItrlJaulLnndes Jail n Aliensworth

londeekAlleneworthAtorueys ltt Law

Ol1loe In McDaniel bUI1IUug J104r OrtHouisupromcourtHENRY E HOLTCDN

LAWk j

JRqp utfvmoKy

L t ti j

POOLer1Dixrfeaithy r

J 1

I lv iKyLinenAieta3tdre



fUourSIa1 niitllg

TunksrDENTiSIBeard lIullIIiKli > + tHlrit


Born eclpath r

Olnssess Scientifically Fitted-



Through Trunk Linet


villeEvansville >


VileanBrtheWithout Any Changes

And Speed Unrivaled

AtlantaSavannahand Points iu Florida

GuthrieandPulllLauOnrsline uf thia road willreceive

special low rates See agent of thismpany fur rates routes c or

to the General Passengerraffic Agnut at Ky


Adapted to Agriculture ot

Raisinglwrleg taurouB ot changing

bpsinr ni Ior for my farm 4

800aernBRiceoultivatftrand l

There are 8 tobacco barns stables forhoed of stock cowsheds tooltenetmentacres in cultivation and 100 inmilesofforatiobnelAhborhoodWitVeroareOftencloverM


Rote Henderfmallrespects

service unequaled in any cityOn Double Car Line

B L P KLBIDEBER PropsHenderson Ky f

Rossini for nearly thirty yearsnovelsi fivesix books all philosophical

Paul Veronese thought there wesbook equal to the Aeneld