j .o bueie. a.t:e3t rice, - chronicling america€¦ · an index to legislation as a court of in...

i.!8!.?.". frad and JACKSOX AIJVEIITISEMEXTS 7':' uuier oi uopiah. LEGAL NOTICES. JACKSOX ADVEU1 ISF.MKNTS sales. TahlPd. , .mk; call. - tmwk "! S. B.to in reNtlAn " i, oaeot 1371. debtr S.l?emPVon3,.of Property of to indefinitely postpone the -- ii.uiuusiHOVWIiDHJJ: bill. Mr. Cow- - Hii.i tl.o !.iH For relief of i Ma i citr -- n afUi-i.- . . lr. Johnou, chairman C ininitr n .. ... . I m in i i t w -- v ..u....;.aiiuii, rt-iri- 11. u scoi'f nome to n.e p'or uv.i ol Mf i opi, do not I I I lii'Un iHHy e- -t poned. .nr. .Man in, c ni'rman Ccru mi t tee 00 ! Propositi, ns and uriViincvs, reported a number ol bills. Mr. Carter, chinnan pro tern of s oie I j committee, reported one hill. Tiie rtinnrs ' were taken Up. II. 15. to oroli hir rl, of liquors within five miles of Mount Pleas ant Church, Jackson county. Indefinitely postponed. H. B. for the relief of J. M. Hale, of Lau- derdale county. Mr. Dabney offered an amendment, which was a lopted, and the bill pasej. II. B. to repeal the game law so far as it relates f o Hancock, Pearl and Jones counties. Indefinitely postponed. Mv. 1 intard gave notice that he wonld on ow move to reconsider the vote con- cerning the Senate resolution adjourning sine die March 1st. Mr. Street moved to re- consider the vote and table the motion. Carried. H. B. for the relief of the heirs of Iaac Rubell. Indefinitely postponed. II B. to prohibit the sale of intoxicatin"-liquor- s in Perry county. Indefinitely post, poned. II. B. for the relief of W. II. H. Tucker o t b( ott countv. I'asKed. II. li. to repeal the anti-liqu- or law of Westviile. Passed. H. B. for the relief of Ciias. F, Taffe of Warren county. Lies over. H. B. for the relief of J. L. Rutherford of Hinds county . Relerred. II. B. to "amend the liquor laws. Mr. Gholson moved to indefinitely postpone the bill. Mr. Hurt moved to table the motion. Lost, and the bill was laid on the table. Mr. Street moved that when the House ad- journ, it be until Monday next at 9 o'clock. Mr. Gibson moved to amend hy Inserting until Tuesday at 9i' o'clock. Mr. street accepted the amendment. Lost. Yeas, 10 : nays, (54. Mr. Speaker Percy designated Mr. Tison as speakei pro tem. during his absence. At 2:30 o'clock, the House adjourned. JACK SO X A I) VEUTIS EM EATS. J. S. HAMILTON & CO., Lessees Mississippi Penitentiary, -- I sick so 11, ItliMfeifciwippi. COVritACTOItN for the of sill linl of PUBLIC BUILLUNGS, COURT HOUSES, JAILS, CHURCHES. Etc., Etc. Also for BRIDGES, TRESTLES, RAIL ROAD AMJ LEVhE WORK. All work fully guaranteed. WAGONS, NO TOP BUGGIES, SPRING WAGONS, CARTS, PLOUGHS and W HE ELD ARROWS, For Sale, Made to Order, Repaired. All Kinds of Fancy and Plain Wood an Iron Work made to Order. BEDSTEADS, Plain and Turned, COTS, WASHSTANDS, CHAIRS, BUREAUS, DESKS, SAFES, TABLES, PICTURE FRAMES, MATTRESSES, Etc., Etc Made to Order and Repaired. BOOTS, SHOES and BROOANS, For Sale and made to order in any number. Planters and Merchants supplied. All Work guar anteed, and most reasonable charges mad OAK, POPLAR, WALNUT and PINE LUM BER, Seasoned and Dressed, for sale. Sir-- A Liberal Discount to the Trade"1SS Highest Price paid for Shucks, Moss, Wool, and Hides. Also Grind CORN ON WEDNESDAY'S and SATURDAY'S. Ilolted or Uubolted Jflesil. Jan. 2. '78-- tf Vf. A. WHITINS. J. M. GRAT WHITING & GRAY, DEALKR IN STAPLE AMD FANCY DRY GOODS. AND Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stsite Street, JACKKOX, JIISS. WOULD respectfully call the attention of to their large and well-select- ed stock of lreM Goods ;inl Trimmi njjs. Ladies and Gents' Kid Gloves, both white and in colors. Ladies and Gents' Linen and Silk Handker- chiefs. Linen Coiars and Cuffs, Magic ltuffling and Tucked Edgings and Inserting?, and full line of Cotton irimmings ; also G. G. and L. S. RIBBONS in endless variety aud qualities. COTTON AND WOOL FLANNEL, all prices and qualities. BROWN AND BLEACHED DOMESTIC, from the cheapest to the best. Ladies Merino Vests, all sizes and qualities. Gents', Youths' and Children's Caps and Wool Hats, aud a full line of Gent' and Hoys Ilool and Shoes, Also, Ladies, Misses' and Children's Shoes, and a full stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS; Haii Braids and other Hair Work made to order. ;ZrCall and see. No trouble to show goods. to. decl9,'77-3- m. WATCHES, JEWELRY, S.I, VI. II iVARG, Htc, Etc., at Consideration of the scarcitv of money, IN and as the GOODS MUST BE PAID FOR, JACKSM HALE HIGH SCHOOL. T HE PRESENT ession of this School commenced Septemrkr 94ti 1!77 . will be continued until June, 1S78. The session J Hivilod irir, i , luition, payable monthly in advance: J.. ry LnP"sh Class, per month t3 00 Higher ' 4 qq Senior 14 " a tu Langruaares embraced in the Students may enter at any time. No deduction of Tr.ition will be made for absence, except in cases of protracted sick- ness. Board can be had, convenient to the School, at ?lo.!iJ per month, or where the student goes home Saturday and Sunday, $10.00 per month. L. II. BABB, Principal. oct24, 77-tm- arl. TES 1CLD POWEE HUMPHEETS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS Been in general use for twenty years. J:7.where Provert the mot SAFE. MMPLE, IiCOXOMICAljfind EFFICIENT nictlicine4 known. Tliey are Just what the people want, saving- - time, money, VJSYS Pnd S"trerlner. Every single specific the well tried perscrlption of an eminent physician. 1. Fevers, CoTictiou, InflammationB, . 25 2. Vt nrm?. U mm Fever rrn, n.i.i 25 3. JTryinsr-CoIi- r. or Tt elhine of Infants. . 25 4. Wiarrlitra, of Children or Aonlfs, . . 25 5. Mysentery, Gripin- -, Bilious CoUc. . . 25 6. C holera-Morbu- s, Vomiticff, . . . . 25 7. roushs, Colds, Bronchitis, . 23 8. Neuralaria, Toothnche, Faceache, . 85 9. Heaaaehcs, Sick Headache, Vertigo. . 25 10. IS ynepsla, Bilious Stomach, . 25 11. supprcseed, or Painful Periods. . . . 25 12. M'lutes, too Profnse Periods, . . . . 25 13. Croup. Cough, Diilicnlt Breathing, . . 25 14. alt Itheuni, Erysipelas, Eruptions. . 25 15. Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains, . . 25 16. Fever and Asrue, t hill Fever, Anies, . 50 17. IMley, blind or bleedine. . . . 50 is. upnmajmy, aaa ore or Weak Eyes, . 50 19. t'atarrJi, acnte or chronic. Influenza, . 50 20. Whoopin-tGUS'- h, violent coutjhe. . 50 21 Asthma, oppressed Breathing. 50 2. Ear Eliscliarces. impaired hearinsr. . 50 . Ncroiula, enlarged plands. Swellings, . 50 2. fienoral I)ebility, Physical Weaknesa, . 50 25. Hrojuy and ccanty Secretions, .... 50 2t. rea-Sickne- ss, sickness from riding, . 50 27. Kklney.Sisease, Gravel, 50 28. Xervflws Debility, Vital Weakness, 1 00 2'.). Hove JSontli, Canker, 50 30. t rinary Wealiiiess,wettin2rthcbcd, 50 31. Painiul Periotts, or with Spasms, . . 50 32 niseaseoflSearr, palpitations, etc. . 1 00 33. Euilei!sey, Spasms, ist. Vitus' Dance, . 1 00 31. Diphtheria, ulcerated eore throat, . . 50 35. Chronic Congestions and Eruption, 50 FAMILY CASES. Ca."e, Morocco, with above HZ larj?e viala and Manual of directions, ..... $10.00 Case Morocco, of 20 large vials and Book, 6.00 Thec remedies ai'e sent by the case single box or Tial, to any part of the rountry, free of rharge, on receiptor price. Address II uiiiphreys Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office aud Depot, 1W Fulton St. New York. For aic by all Druggists. tT" Humphreys' Specific Manual on tha care and treatment of disease and its cure, sent FREE on application. Chris. Hinckle. 5 s o kit? 0 H o c O 0 h V. rJl - H .! H S, 3 s TAUItArvr and I uruiliod looms An "elo's Old Mtatud. Samjle Room for Commercial Travel- ers. Good Fare Clean Beds. $2 00 rer day CHRIS. HINCKLE, oct 12, '77-G- m. ' Proprietor. KKIDSWELI'S UST1CE OF THE PEAC-l- i VERY BIMJFUL JIAXITAI TI..S iT3iiitr:tt-w- , Attorneys, Planters, 33i4;li:tiitw, and .tuiiie. iln ral I v prepared by Jude J. O. BRIDEWELL, of Copiah County is now ready, and orders for same will be promptly filled. The volume makes 430 large and closely printed pages, and contains: 1st Forms and Instructions for all possible cass that may arise in a Justice Court, Civil and Criminal. 2d Forms of all kinds of Deeds, Leases, Con- tracts, Partnerships, Liens, Bonds, etc., making it invaluable to the merchant, planter, and public officer. 3d The full text of the Revised Code of 1871, and all subsequent legislation, pertaining to the jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace, as a Civil and Criminal Court, with an index to legislation as a Court of In quiry. 4th An Appendix, containing existing rates of Taxation, Fees and Salaries of Public Officers, the time and place and terra of all the Courts, the Congressional and Senato- rial Districts, as now organized, tlie number of Representatives to which each County is entitled, the vote of the State by Coun- ties and Districts in 1873, 1875, 187G, an Alphabetical List of Postoffices in the State, Postal Rates, Railroads in the State, and Distances from Station to Station, a Dictionary of technical Legal Terms, etc. all thoroughly indexed. As the edition is small, and the work is not stereotyped, those who would secure copies should send in their orders at once. Price, in substantial half-bindin- g. $3.00; in full law sheep, $3.o0, which includes postage. Address POWER & BARKSDALE, Jacksos, Miss. Jackson, Mis?., Sept, 20, 1877-t- f. G-- . D. SIDWAY, ni0LKSI,K AND RETAIL or yjV'jAd7 .Tt-- iff LI fx 1 1 n N Is . VA and Horse Far-i- i it lire DEALER IX SADDLERY HARDWARE anl Slmo Finding, Wagons Carriages, Bueie. et.. et Hubs, Spokes and Fellies. Particular l to Exr-r-- s Orders. E.v SEUTTER, Jeweler & Photographic Artist, Juoksou. 3IiiSM. Fine Watches & Jewelry, Clocks, Spectacles and Silverware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. STRINGS AND TRIMMINGS, IN GREAT NUMBERS AND STYLES With Best French Glass. C3TFRAMING PICTURES AND MATS GRATIS 1 pS- - I KEEP THE Dl'ST OF ALL THE ABOVE, AND AT GREATLY RE- DUCED PRICES ! O'is -- 13 1877-3- m. F. BURNS, MAN t FACT U RER OF Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iro- n Work AND DK.VLKR IN Cooking and Healing Stoves, OF the moKt . proved Pattern, MANTLES find URATES, as cheap as they can he brought here. Uutterinr, Tin and Iron Roofing done at the lowest ;. price, and with dispatch. Lightning R dsjiutnp. Pumps of all kind s. Lamps an i Chimney a of all kinds, and tho very best of Oils. TINWARE, and nil goods sold nt the very lowest cash prices. F. BURNS, janl5'78-w3- m. Capitol Strekt. H. i'fi. TAYLOR, Carpenter and Builder, SASH, 1MXMC ti ml III, !.-- ! II iMcri'ier.K. Pearl St., Jackson, Miss. PREPARED to do work in his line with IS neatness and dispatch. PLANING of all kinds done at short notice. Also on hand and for nale MOULDINGS OF DIFFERENT P A TT E RN S . A lare lot of SASH, BLINDS, and DOORS on hand that will be sold cheap. M ETA LIC CASES, CASKETS, and Wood- en Coffins of all descriptions. Call and examine, before purchasing else- where. Oct. 5. 1875 tf. ' THE LLUELOTGE -- T li; X: T33 ook- - MANUAL ADAPTED TO THE WORK. A Lectures an I J uri-p- i udent e of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. Contains all that cn be written in relation to the ceremonies of opening, dispensing, calling oft' and closing lodges; all tbe ceremonies and monitorial in- structions uel in conferring the first three Degrees in Ancient Craft Ma-on- ry ; also, the ceremonies for constituting new Lodge s; in- stalling officers of Grand and Subordinate Ixdges, laying Foundation Comer-Stone- s, Burial Service. Lodge of Sorrow, etc., and the Constitution, Regulations and By-La- of all the Masonic Grand Bodies of Mississippi. Resolvel, That the Blue Lodge Text Book, now in course of publication by R.'. W. Grand Secretary J. L. Power, is approved and adopted by the Grand Lodge, and its use by the Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdiction recommended and enjoined. Adopted, 1870. By mail, postage paid, W Address J. L. POWER, Jackson, Miss. LAWRENCE'S Saloon and 'Restaurant. (Formerly of Angelo's.) Capitol Nt., !t .luckMon, HI (NEAR RAILROAD DEPOT.) always on hand the Choicest of KEEPS CIGARS, AND TOBACCOS, also, that 1802 Brandv. vrOYSTERS. FISlI AND GAME in their season. sTPrivate Dinino Room Up-Stai- rs. , L. FRAGIACOMO, Prop'r. Oct24'77-3- m. NOTICE. aA.lIi:s A. IIOSKI.t CA1T. becouirt a p ner In the lease of the Mississippi Penitentiary, the business will hereafter be conducted under the firm name of J. S. Hamilton & Co. jan'78-4- w. For Sale. Seven First Volumei of the AMERICAN" CYCLOPEDIA, in perfect condition. Have never been used. The purchaser will have the privilege of continuing the subscription, at will. Will be sold for lest than cot. Apply at this Office. jan20-dl- w. S.I I.Et. EE'S MA EE. Charles A. Ligon, ) vs. l:S0'Fi. Fa. Catherine Spencer. ) BY VIRTUE of the above stated writ to me directed from tlie office of the Circuit Clerk of Hinds Countv, for theFirst District thereof, I will t public auction, to the highest bidder tor cash, withi.i the hours prt?-scri- ed by law. in front of the City Hall, in the City of Jackson, on the First Mondav, the 4th day of March, 1878, all the ri,iht, title and interest me JJetendant has in and to the fo- llowing describe 1 property, to-w- it: NeJi Sw and Se! ; Sec. 8; NJ end VJ Se) an l EM Swi Sec. 10; Ne and Ne' SeU' and 18 acres in SwJi and 48 acres in Nw, Sec. 17. all in township 4, R. 1, V.. lying and being in Hinds county, Mississippi, levied upon as the property of the defendant, and will be sold to satisfy the above stated case and all cost. February 2, 1878. S. B. THOMAS. Sheriff. feb6,"73 3w. :.. A.t:E3t j .o riCE, Lafayette F. Birdsong. ") Joseph A. liorne, L. L. Brittain, Chancery Court, 1st District Hinds vs. 0 George Moxey and Cou nty, Mississippi W. D. Birdsonsr. ON OPENING THE SWORN BILL OF Complaint, tiled in this cause, and it ap- pearing to the satisfaction of the Court that one of the defendants, George Moxey, does not reside in the State of Mississippi, but resides beyond the limits thereof, to-w- it: City of St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, so that the ordinary process of this Court, cannot be exe- cuted against him. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said defendant, George Moxey, do enter his appearance herein on or before the Fourth Monday of March, A. D., 1878, the same being a regular term of said Court there- of at the Court-roo- in the City of Jackson, Hinds county, Mississippi, and plead, answer or demur to complainant's bill, or the several allegations thereot will lie taken lor confessed as to him. It is further ordered that this order be published in The Weekly Clarion, a newspaper published in the City of Jackson, once a week for four consecutive weeks. It is further orde ed that a copy of this order be forwarded, rostage pre-pul- d, by the Clerk of this Court to the address f said' defendant. Ordered January :id, 1878. W. T. UATLIFF, Clerk. By A. G. Moore, D. C. A true copy from the minutes. W. T. RATLIFF, Clerk. By A G. Moore, D C. Jan.9,'78-- or c. .a:cekv xivi ice. Joshua Green, ") Chancery Court, First vs. Dist.. Hinds County, W. II. Gibus, et al.J Mississippi.. ON opening the sworn petition of Samuel H. Moore, filed in this cau-e- , and it ap- pearing to the satisfaction of the Court that one of the defendants therein, J. L. Kirken-dal- l, does not reside in the State of Mississip- pi, but resides beyond the limits thereof, to-w- it: State of Missouri, postofhee not known, so that the ordinary process of this Court can- not be executed against him: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that said defendant, J. L Kirkendall, do enter his appearance herein on or before the Fourth Monday of Mareh, A. 1). 1878, the same being a regular term of said Court thereof, at the Courtroom, in tlie City of Jackson, Hinds county, Mississippi, and plead, answer or demur to complainant's petition, or the several allegations thereof will be taken for confessed as to him. It is further ordered that t li is order be published in the Weekly Clarion a newspaper published in the city of Jackson, once a week for four consecutive weeks. Ordered this January 2l2d, 178. W. T. RATLIFF, Clerk. By A. G. Moore, 1). 0. A true copy from the minutes. W. T. RATLIFF, Clerk. By A. G. Moore, D. C. janV78-4- w. COMISSIONES'S SALE OF LAND?. BY VIRTUE of a Decree of the Chancery Court for the Second District of Hinds County, Mississippi, made on the 11th day of January, 1878, the undersigned, as a special Commissioner of said Court, will, for the pur- pose of paying the debts due by Nathaniel Moore, deceased, on Monday, the 25th day of February, 1878, between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m., and 4 o'clock, p. m., proceed to sell forcasL, to the highest bidder, at public auction, in front of the City Hall, in the City of Jackson, in lots or parcels not exceeding 100 acres in any one lot or parcel, the followingdescribed lands, all of which are situated in said Hinds county, and in Township 0, of Range 1, East, being the lands owned by said Nathaniel Moore at the time of his death, to-w- it: tlie West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 4; South half of Section 5; the South half the North- east quarter, the Southeast quarter, and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Sec- tion 7; the East half of Section 8, aud the Northwest quarter of Section 8. W. H. CRANE, Special Commissioner, stc. jaii23,'78-4w- . COMMISSIONER'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Mississippi. "Washington Jackson, ) vs. 230 In Equity. Annie C. Febiger, et al. J to a Decree rendered in said PURSUANT 30th day of November, A. D. 1877, the undersigned, as Commissioner, will, en the 15th Day of February, 1878, at the west door of the Capitol, in Jackson, sell to the highest bidder (for terms of sale see note, ) the following described property, to-w- it : Lots three, four, five, six, seven and eight, and the one-eig- th of lot number two, of section Eight in Township Fourteen, Range Eight. West; also lots one, two, three and four, ot section thirty-fou- r, less fifty and a half acres belonging to J. J. Person; also lot two of sec- tion thirty-tw- o, less 3083 100-acre- s, belonging to Wade Hampton; also lot five, of section thirty-on- e, less one and 55-10- 0 acres belonging to Wade Hampton ; also lots three and mx of section thirty-fiv- e, and end of sectioi nine, containing in the aggregate, one thousand, three hundred and thirty and 70-10- 0 acres, bounded on the west by Lake Washington, on tbe south by land of J. J. Person, on the east by Steele's Bayou, and on the north by lands of Wade Hampton. ARCHY McGEHEE, Comm'r. Note. Terms of Salk. One-four- th cash, and the remaining three-fourt- hs payable in twelve months from the day of said sale, with interest from date at 6 per centum per annum. Lien reserved to secure payment of deferred payment. ARCHY McGEHEE, janl5,'78-wld- s. Commissioner. GUARDIAN'S SALE. VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE BY Chancery Court of the First District of Hinds Countv, Mississippi, made at the April Term, 1875, the undersigned Gtiard:an of the minor heirs of Anna E. Forbes, deceased, will, on the Second Iay of February, 17$, between the hours prescribed by law, proceed to sell at Clistox, at public auction, to the highest bidder tor cash, ail the interest of said minor heirs being one-seTen- th in and to the followingdescribed lands, to-w- it: 60 acres of east side of Etf of SWJ and EK of NWK and NEK and WHofSE, and C6 acres north end of Etf of SEK of See. 21, and 00 acres on west side of WM of NW i of Sec. 22, all in TO R. 1. west, containing 600 acres more or jegV ED. G. BANKS, Jan5,'78-4- w. Guardian. WORK FOR ALL In their own localities, canvassing br the FIRESIDE VISITOR, (enlarged) Weekly and Monthly. Largest Paper is the World, with Mammoth Chromos Free. Big Commis- sions to Agents. Terms and Outfit Free. Ad- dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Main. SepU9,'77--6- m. SATURDAY, FEBHUAUY 16. 187?. Mississippi Legislature. THIRTY-FOURT- H DAY. SENATE. Friday. February 15, 1S7S. Senate mot pursmnt to adjournment Untenant Governor Sims in tlie Chair. Roll I'rksknt Messrs. Allen, Harry, Bill, BrMsT'-s- . Cullieott, Carter 1st District, Carter (jth District, Onvati, Currie. DuvJ, Farisli, fewt-H- . FitzGerahl, Foote, Furlong, Gayles (iibbs Gibert, Griffin, Hooker, Jackson. Kinjr, Linneau. L-e- , Ivowrancc, MeCaskill, Mont'iinciy, Mnrr:in,OI(liixtri, IVery, Pratt, jlrtiers. Terry, Thompson Vance, and West -- :r. A is - v.s r-- Mr. Hey nol d s 1 . .Voik Our reporter had on a "sub." for tU:n ite report day before yesterday, and a iiio-- t ludicrniiA error appeared yesterday morning in iublihinj; ;n present the entire Si'iiarc of l7t;-- 7 except Mr. Fewell and Mr. I'.'vn'ild-:- . b tli o( whom were really absent an"l w. ie ni' inbors of that, body. The re porter- - "Mil)., by mistake jrot po.s ession of a roll ol that body, and as it ban t as the reut roll Allen. Barry, uills," etc., (li l not discover the dilFerenoe. Mr. FitGerald called up II. 1$. to reclaim to the S ate from overflow certain lands; an I tlie bill was read twice and relerred. Mr. Hers called up II. B. to provide for the appointment of Superintendents of Ei-uca- ti u for C.ilhoun and Tunica counties, and the bill passed. Mr. Farissh called up II. B. to authorize the Supervisor of Coahoma county to pro- tect th: line of levees in that, county. Mr. Furi-l- i o lie reel an amendment, which was adapted. Mr. Gayles movell to refer. Carried. NOTICE OF BILLS. Mr. Montgomery gave notice of a bill to repeal the Insurance Deposit Law. Mr. Thompson, chairman pro tern, of the Judiciary Committee, reported S. B. ro amend the Grand Jury laws, do not pass; ,s. II. to ; mend the practice-i- n criminal not pass; S. li. for trie preservation of game in Chickasaw county, do not pasi; S. II. to repeal an act to regulate tlie venue in certain ca-e- s approved April 11). 1S73. do pa-- s; S. It. to amend section 1311, Code of s71. in relation to special cases, do pass; S B. to amend article 11, chapter 8, of the Code of 1S71. in relation to pleadings and pract ice, do pa-- S. Mr. Lanneau, chairman pro tern, of same committee, reported II. B. to amded section 1S')2, of the Code of 1871, in relation to bas- tardy hiiits, do pass, Mr. Furlong, ehuruian Committee on Militia, reported S. B. to incorporate the Warren Volunteers, with amendments, do pass. Mr. MeCaskill, chairman Committee on County a flairs, reported S. B.to furnish tlie Circuit C'erk of Lowndes county certain books, do not pi-s- ; S. B. to carry into eiFeet tlie act to allow Sunflower county to exe- cute bonds to Leflore county, approved March 21, 1S73, do not pass; S. B. for'settle-nie- nt betvi en Sunflower and Leflore coun- ties, with amendment, do nass; S. B. to amend section 2 ID, ('ode of 1871, fixing the bond of the Sheriff of Issaquena county, with amendment-:- , do pass; S. B. to extend tlie time of holding regular session of the Supervisors of Copiah county, do pass; II. l'. to reduce the bonds of oflicers of Green. Perry, Jones and Jasper counties, do pas; S. II. to re the p;ryment of cost in crim- inal cases, etc., do not pass. Mr. Ila-r- y, chairman Committee on Cor- porations, reported to amend the laws in relation to suits against corporations do not pas; II. 1! to amend the charter of the banking house of Williams, Johnson & Co., of Columbus do pass ; II. B. for the reliet of D. T. Marion of Chickasaw county, do pass; S. B. to authorize the construction of a street railroad in Brandon, do p iss; S. B to a iitborie the Board of Supervisors of Warren county to compromise the indebt- edness of the county, do pass, Mr. King, chairman Committee on Fed- eral Relation, reported that the Senate had all already acted upon the House Bruce resolutions. Mr. MeCaskill, chairman Special Committ- ee, reported S. B. to change the time of holding Chancery Courts in Simpson, Cov- ington, Jasper, Jones, Smith and Scott counties, with substitutes, do pass. AITKOVED. Tlie Governor, through Mr. D. W. Hice, Private Secretary, informed the Senate that he has approved the following bills: S.J. 11. in relation to the pay of employ- es of the Senate. S. II. tor the relief of Walter B.Lucas, of Xoxubee county. S. II. f .r the relief of Bush, lied wood & Co., of Macon. S. II. to amend the charter of Scooba, Kemper county. S. II. to legalize the bonds of certain couri- er oflicers ot Kemper cou nty. S. It. to amend the act providing for the approval of bonds of county oflicers, so far as it relates to Marion, i'earl, Hancock, Jackson. Perry. Greene, Jones, Smith, Wayne and Covington counties. Mr. Fewell. at his own request, was ex- cused from the joint select committee to whom all matters touching amendments to the Constitution are referred. RESOLUTION. By Mr. Terry: Whereas, retrenchment is demanded in every department of the State Government; therefore be it Resolved by the Senate (the House con- curring.) That the Joint Committee on Constitutional Amendments be instructed to prepare an amendment to be submitted to tbe people lor ratification or rejection, providing for the regulation of the number pfthtf members of the Legislature, on some just basis, so as to reduce the Senate to twenty-fou- r members and the House of Representatives to eighty members. Mr. Carter of 1st, moved to indefinitely postpoue. Carried. NEW BILLS. By Mr. Cowan: To Incorporate the lcksburg Bank. Keterred. By Mr. Gayle? : To repeal section 9 of the school law, approved April 12, 1S76. lief- er red. Mr. Terrv moved to reconsider the vote indefinitely postponing his resolution, and uiui flip mntinn Antprpil iinnii the iournal. By Mr. Foote: To amend the game laws. Referred. II V Mr ITnnL- - pr TV amend the Act to Provide for agriculture liens. Referred. By Mr. West. To authorize cities and towns to regulate license of drummers and traveling merchants. Referred. Mr. West moved to recall- - from tho joint committee all proposed Constutional Amendments. Carried. , SENATE BILLS. S. B. to amend the public health law. the special order for 7 :30 o'clock this ev'Pning. S.B. for relief ot II. M. McCollum, Tax llettorof Perry county. Passed. a- - B. to authorize Supervisors of Amite ;nty to settle with Tnos. P. Street lor re tiring a br rlcro. Passfid. B, granting right of way over certain Ste lands to the Natchez, Jackson and -- muuus nauroaci ; commitiee auieuumeuw JPted, anj the bjU pasSed. Reconsidered lnil tabled. ni1' t0 Provide against the killing of e"0ck by railroads. Tabled, subject to call. LO regulate criminal Droceuure in JJjf of misdemeanor. Tabled, subject to o.n uauu rr.p iKKa r. Huiiuii, ana Jir. I "'LuiismtTfu ana table 1 Yea? IS; nays, 17; absent, 3. n tG writs habeas cor pus- - Indefinitely nostnoned. S. B. tO more OiYnt na I lir .1 ,. u erricori8s. co nmittee substi- tute adopted, and the hill ,,.,., S. B. to amend section 2547, Code of 1S71, i" LatIOl to emblement.. Committee an(1 the bill passed. Re-couside- red and tabled. L-a- ve of absence was granted II. Taylor, Doorkeeper. ' establish "mess cottages" at the &tti? LmvMty,was tabled, subject to call, a. B. to amend the act to make the State xieaaurerex-oniei- o Treasurer of the State schools and institutions, was indefinitely postponed. S. B. to change the time of holding Chan- cery Courts in Simpson, Covingto'jasper, Jones , bmlth, and Scott counties, of the sth Judicial District. Committee's substi- tute adopted and the bill passed. o. u. to release the Meihodiat v.an.,n.n Church South, of jSoufh Union, Sumner county, from paying taxes on certain lands Passed. S. U. to change the Gth and 7th Judicial Districts, was taken up. Mr. MeCaskill moved to adjourn. Lost. Mr. Barry moved to indefin.tely postpone. Mr. Fewell moved to table the motion. l".5 Vl,ici1' the Senate t00k a recess until 72 o'clock. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Fkiday, February 15. 1878. House met pursuant to adjournment. Sp aker Pekcy in the Chair. Ifoil call : Pkesknt Messrs. Aldrich, Applewhite, Augustus, Bailev, Baker, Ballard, Ba.et, Lenti, Bird, Bizzell, Bunch, Cameron, Car- ter, Catchings, Causey, C amberlain. Cook, Cooper, Cunningham of Mar-hal- l, Cunning- ham of Monroe, Dabney, Davidson, Day, Dean. Denham, Dockery, D.-zir- , Eaton, Lrvin, Farmer, Fairley. Field.Ford, Galla- gher, Gholson, Gibson, Gilmer,Glass, Good-ru- m, Gordon, Gwin, Hall, Hatch, Henry, IieKsof Yazoo.Uill, lloyle. Hurt, Johnson, Key, Love, Luk, Magee of Franklin, Mar- shal! of Carroll, Marshall of Warren, Mar- tin, McCollum, McG.diee of Wilkinson, Mc-Kei.z- ie, McSwiue, MoWhorter, Metts, Mil- ler ot Copiah, Moody, Montgomery or Mar- shall Montgomery ot Oktibbdia,Moore.Xeil-sou- . Niles, Nunn. Parker. IN'ar.ini. Ppi Lins i x inraru, Kainey, Ramsey, Reed of Choctaw, Rei.l ol Coahoma, Redhead, Richardson, Rome, Roberts, Robinson, Saott, Seabrook, Slu:nds, Smith, Spight, Spmks Stamp, r, Stowers,btreet, Tarvt-r,Tison,- 'l rest, Tucker. Wall. Warren. ashinsrton. Whitaker. Wil son. Wood, loung f Calhoun and Youn' of Panola 105. Absent Messrs. Allen, Brown, Clay, Edwards, Hampton, Heathman, Hicks of Hinds, IIorin, Lewi. Libbv, Liddell. Mar- shall ot Holmes, McLean, Miller of Panola and Seal 15. Leave of absence was granted Messrs. Brown, Lewis Tucker and Hicks of Hinds. The piiyilegesof the House were extend- ed in Hon. A. C. McNair of Lincoln, ex-memb- er, and Hon. A. F. Bond of Warren county. special order. H. J. R to provide for an amendment to the Constitution to he submitted to the peo- ple to provide for biennial elections. Mr. Street moved that the resolution bi recom- mitted with in tructions to provide for ex- tending the lirst terms of all officers elect- ed in 1879. and whose terms of office is two years to three years. Carried. Mr. Bird, chairman, reported II. B. to amend section 2330, Code of 1S71, in rela- tion to public roads, properly engrossed, and the bill passed. APPROVED. The Governor, through Mr. D. W. Rice, Assistant Private Secretary, informed the House that he has approved: II. B. for the relief of 3Irs. II. E. Moore and her five minor children. II. B. to authorize the Supervisors of Wayne and Gieen counties to levy a special tax to pay outstanding indebtedness ot said county. H. B. to incorporate the Meridian Rifles. 11. B. to provide for a duplicate copy of record book P. P. of the record of deeds of Adams county. II. B. to authorize the Deacons of College Hill Church, Lafayette county, to sell or exchange real estate. II. B. to authorize the Supervisors of Law- rence county to settls and compromise a certain judgment rendered in the Circuit Court against M. M. Fortenberry etal. H. B. for the relief of Sani'l C. Trest of Jones county. II. B. to change the time of holding the C'neuit Court in the countj' ol Monroe. II. B. to authorize the Supervisors of Jas- per county to have certain parts of their procceedings published. H. B. to amend the charter of Nesbitt, DeSoto countj'. H. B. to incorporate the Grange Agricul- tural College of Coahoma county. STECIAL ORDER. II. B. and S. B to divide Panola county into two Court Districts. Mr. Field moved to indefinitely postpone the Senate bill. Mr. Spight moved to table the motion. Carried. Mr. Field moved to reconsider the vote tabling the motion. Lost. Mr. Shands oliered an amendment submitting the ques tion of division of the county to the people of Panolaon the first Tuesday after the first Monday of April, 1S78. Adopted, and the bill passed. The House bill was then in definitely postponed. SINE DIE. Mr. Street called ud Hie Senate Jo int Res- olution to adjourn sine die on March 1, and the resolution was concurred in. NEW BILLS. By Mr. Henry. To require Tax Assessors to call upon eacn taxable inhabitant for a list of his taxes. Referred. By Mr. Gordon. To establish high schools in each Congressional District. Referred. By Mr. Hall. To facilitate the redemp- tion of lands hereafter sold to the State for taxes Referred. By Mr. Lusk. To incorporate the Capitol Lijrht Guards, of Jackson.- - Referred. Bv Mr. Carter. To incorporate the town of Goodman, in Holmes county.. Referred. By Mr. Roane. To amend section 13S3, Code of 1S71, in regard to appeals from judgment on decisions of Supervisors. Referred, Rv Mr. Roane. To change the time of holding Circuit Court in Calhoun county. Referred. By Mr. Seabrook. To incorporate the Chickasaha Navigation Company. Refer- red. By Mr. Johnson. To change the bounda- ry lines of Monroe and Itawamba counties. Referred. By Mr. Gholson. For relief of J. M. Trice of Monroe county. Referred. By Mr. Cook. A resolution providing for a night session every alternate night. Lies over. - By Mr. Marshall of Warren. In relation to service of process form Justices of th Peace by Constables. Referred. By Mr. Neilson. To incorporate the Plan- ters and Merchants Wharehouse and Com- press Company, of Columbus. Referred. By Mr. Dozier. To incorporate the Leaf River Navigation Company. By Mr. Eaton. To secure the costs in Justices' Courts In State cases. Referred. HARRISON TAYLOR, JACKNO.V, JIISS. (.Veit Door to Person! Cotton Warehouse.) WAGONS, all Sizes, LIGHT and HEAVY, or made to order. Wagons, Bcggies, Carriages, anc Farming Imple- ments of all kinds, repaired promptly. tW .Slacksmithing: of every De- scription. All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable. Jackson, Oct. 31, 1877-G- m. GBOCEEY DEPARTMENT. JUST RECEIVED. ALL GRADES. FLOUR MEAL. Rio Java and Cordova Coffee. Green and Black Teas. Sugar Rice Hominy and Grits, by A. VIRDEN. For Rent. PLANTATION about 2 miles West of the A City of Jackson SO acres of open Jland in cultivation. A Dwelling House, Stables, and two good Cabins, with cistern, and all un- der plank fence. Terms reasonable. JOHN W. ROBINSON. jan2378-w4- t. i I offer an Unnsual Lane anl Beautiful Assortment or the aboTe CHOICE fOOIS, At prices just covering Cost and Expenses. dFTliese Good are of tlie Eatcst and moit II:tndome Styles, And have been BOUGHT THIS FALL at from 10 to 25 per cent, less than the same arti- cles cost in Nevr York last winter. Pricing and examination of my ex- amination of my extensive assortment of FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVER WARE, etc., will at once reveal the the above facts! ! E. v. SEUTTER. Jackson, Dec. 19, iS67-5-w. A. IILU.vIE'S BOAKDING HOUSE, PRESIDENT STREET. pfr One Square from the Court House. Terras Moderate. dec-5,'77-3- For Sale. DWELLING and 5 acre lot, in North THE formerly owned by E. F. Parham, and now occupied by Mr. M. A. Van Hook. Apply to II. MUSGROVE & CO. Uec.l9,'77-- tf. V

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Page 1: j .o Bueie. A.t:E3t riCE, - Chronicling America€¦ · an index to legislation as a Court of In quiry. 4th An Appendix, containing existing rates of Taxation, Fees and Salaries of

i.!8!.?.". frad and JACKSOX AIJVEIITISEMEXTS7':' uuier oi uopiah. LEGAL NOTICES. JACKSOX ADVEU1 ISF.MKNTSsales. TahlPd., .mk;call. - tmwk "!S. B.to

in reNtlAn " i, oaeot 1371.debtr S.l?emPVon3,.of Property ofto indefinitely postpone the

--ii.uiuusiHOVWIiDHJJ:bill. Mr. Cow- -Hii.i tl.o !.iH

For relief of i

Ma i citr -- n afUi-i.-. .

lr. Johnou, chairman C ininitr n.. ... .I m in i i t w --v

..u....;.aiiuii, rt-iri- 11. u scoi'fnome to n.e p'or uv.i ol Mf i opi, do notI I I lii'Un iHHy e- -t

poned..nr. .Man in, c ni'rman Ccru mi t tee 00 !

Propositi, ns and uriViincvs, reported anumber ol bills.Mr. Carter, chinnan pro tern of s oie



committee, reported one hill. Tiie rtinnrs '

were taken Up. II. 15. to oroli hir rl,of liquors within five miles of Mount Pleasant Church, Jackson county. Indefinitelypostponed.

H. B. for the relief of J. M. Hale, of Lau-derdale county. Mr. Dabney offered anamendment, which was a lopted, and thebill pasej.II. B. to repeal the game law so far as itrelates f o Hancock, Pearl and Jones counties.Indefinitely postponed.

Mv. 1 intard gave notice that he wonld onow move to reconsider the vote con-

cerning the Senate resolution adjourningsine die March 1st. Mr. Street moved to re-consider the vote and table the motion.Carried.

H. B. for the relief of the heirs of IaacRubell. Indefinitely postponed.II B. to prohibit the sale of intoxicatin"-liquor- s

in Perry county. Indefinitely post,poned.II. B. for the relief of W. II. H. Tuckero t b( ott countv. I'asKed.II. li. to repeal the anti-liqu- or law ofWestviile. Passed.H. B. for the relief of Ciias. F, Taffe ofWarren county. Lies over.H. B. for the relief of J. L. Rutherford ofHinds county . Relerred.II. B. to "amend the liquor laws. Mr.

Gholson moved to indefinitely postpone thebill. Mr. Hurt moved to table the motion.Lost, and the bill was laid on the table.Mr. Street moved that when the House ad-journ, it be until Monday next at 9o'clock. Mr. Gibson moved to amend hyInserting until Tuesday at 9i' o'clock. Mr.street accepted the amendment. Lost.Yeas, 10 : nays, (54.

Mr. Speaker Percy designated Mr. Tisonas speakei pro tem. during his absence.

At 2:30 o'clock, the House adjourned.



Lessees Mississippi Penitentiary,--Isick so 11, ItliMfeifciwippi.


JAILS, CHURCHES. Etc., Etc. Also forBRIDGES, TRESTLES, RAIL ROAD AMJLEVhE WORK. All work fully guaranteed.


PLOUGHS and W HE ELD ARROWS,For Sale, Made to Order, Repaired.

All Kinds of Fancy and Plain Wood anIron Work made to Order.



MATTRESSES, Etc., EtcMade to Order and Repaired.

BOOTS, SHOES and BROOANS, For Saleand made to order in any number. Plantersand Merchants supplied. All Work guaranteed, and most reasonable charges mad

OAK, POPLAR, WALNUT and PINE LUMBER, Seasoned and Dressed, for sale.

Sir--A Liberal Discount to the Trade"1SS

Highest Price paid for Shucks, Moss, Wool,and Hides.


Ilolted or Uubolted Jflesil.Jan. 2. '78-- tf




Gents' Furnishing Goods,Stsite Street, JACKKOX, JIISS.

WOULD respectfully call the attention ofto their large and well-select- ed

stock oflreM Goods ;inl Trimmi njjs.

Ladies and Gents' Kid Gloves, both whiteand in colors.

Ladies and Gents' Linen and Silk Handker-chiefs.

Linen Coiars and Cuffs, Magic ltufflingand Tucked Edgings and Inserting?, and fullline of Cotton irimmings ; also G. G. and L.S. RIBBONS in endless variety aud qualities.COTTON AND WOOL FLANNEL, all prices


from the cheapest to the best.Ladies Merino Vests, all sizes and qualities.Gents', Youths' and Children's Caps and

Wool Hats, aud a full line of

Gent' and Hoys Ilool and Shoes,Also, Ladies, Misses' and Children's Shoes,

and a full stock of GENTS' FURNISHINGGOODS; Haii Braids and other Hair Workmade to order.

;ZrCall and see. No trouble to show goods.

to.decl9,'77-3- m.


Consideration of the scarcitv of money,INand as the GOODS MUST BE PAID FOR,


T HE PRESENT ession of this Schoolcommenced Septemrkr 94ti 1!77 .

will be continued until June, 1S78.The session J Hivilod irir, i ,luition, payable monthly in advance:

J.. ry LnP"sh Class, per month t3 00Higher ' 4 qqSenior 14 " a tu

Langruaares embraced in theStudents may enter at any time.No deduction of Tr.ition will be made for

absence, except in cases of protracted sick-ness.

Board can be had, convenient to the School,at ?lo.!iJ per month, or where the student goeshome Saturday and Sunday, $10.00 per month.L. II. BABB, Principal.oct24, 77-tm- arl.



Been in general use for twenty years.J:7.where Provert the mot SAFE.MMPLE, IiCOXOMICAljfind EFFICIENTnictlicine4 known. Tliey are Just whatthe people want, saving-- time, money,VJSYS Pnd S"trerlner. Every singlespecific the well tried perscrlption ofan eminent physician.1. Fevers, CoTictiou, InflammationB, . 252. Vt nrm?. U mm Fever rrn, n.i.i 253. JTryinsr-CoIi- r. or Tt elhine of Infants. . 254. Wiarrlitra, of Children or Aonlfs, . . 255. Mysentery, Gripin- -, Bilious CoUc. . . 256. C holera-Morbu- s, Vomiticff, . . . . 257. roushs, Colds, Bronchitis, . 238. Neuralaria, Toothnche, Faceache, . 859. Heaaaehcs, Sick Headache, Vertigo. . 25

10. IS ynepsla, Bilious Stomach, . 2511. supprcseed, or Painful Periods. . . . 2512. M'lutes, too Profnse Periods, . . . . 2513. Croup. Cough, Diilicnlt Breathing, . . 2514. alt Itheuni, Erysipelas, Eruptions. . 2515. Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains, . . 2516. Fever and Asrue, t hill Fever, Anies, . 5017. IMley, blind or bleedine. . . . 50is. upnmajmy, aaa ore or Weak Eyes, . 5019. t'atarrJi, acnte or chronic. Influenza, . 5020. Whoopin-tGUS'- h, violent coutjhe. . 5021 Asthma, oppressed Breathing. 50

2. Ear Eliscliarces. impaired hearinsr. . 50. Ncroiula, enlarged plands. Swellings, . 50

2. fienoral I)ebility, Physical Weaknesa, . 5025. Hrojuy and ccanty Secretions, .... 502t. rea-Sickne- ss, sickness from riding, . 5027. Kklney.Sisease, Gravel, 5028. Xervflws Debility, Vital Weakness, 1 002'.). Hove JSontli, Canker, 5030. t rinary Wealiiiess,wettin2rthcbcd, 5031. Painiul Periotts, or with Spasms, . . 5032 niseaseoflSearr, palpitations, etc. . 1 0033. Euilei!sey, Spasms, ist. Vitus' Dance, . 1 0031. Diphtheria, ulcerated eore throat, . . 5035. Chronic Congestions and Eruption, 50

FAMILY CASES.Ca."e, Morocco, with above HZ larj?e viala and

Manual of directions, ..... $10.00Case Morocco, of 20 large vials and Book, 6.00

Thec remedies ai'e sent by the casesingle box or Tial, to any part of therountry, free of rharge, on receiptorprice. AddressIIuiiiphreys Homeopathic Medicine Co.

Office aud Depot, 1W Fulton St. New York.For aic by all Druggists.tT" Humphreys' Specific Manual on thacare and treatment of disease and its cure,sent FREE on application.

Chris. Hinckle.

5 so

kit? 0H


0 hV.

rJl -H .!H S,


TAUItArvr and I uruiliodlooms An "elo's Old Mtatud.

Samjle Room for Commercial Travel-ers. Good Fare Clean Beds. $2 00 rer day

CHRIS. HINCKLE,oct 12, '77-G- m. ' Proprietor.



VERY BIMJFUL JIAXITAITI..S iT3iiitr:tt-w- , Attorneys,Planters, 33i4;li:tiitw, and .tuiiie.iln ral I v prepared by Jude J.O. BRIDEWELL, of Copiah County is nowready, and orders for same will be promptlyfilled. The volume makes 430 large and closelyprinted pages, and contains:1st Forms and Instructions for all possible

cass that may arise in a Justice Court,Civil and Criminal.

2d Forms of all kinds of Deeds, Leases, Con-

tracts, Partnerships, Liens, Bonds, etc.,making it invaluable to the merchant,planter, and public officer.

3d The full text of the Revised Code of 1871,and all subsequent legislation, pertainingto the jurisdiction of a Justice of thePeace, as a Civil and Criminal Court, withan index to legislation as a Court of Inquiry.

4th An Appendix, containing existing ratesof Taxation, Fees and Salaries of PublicOfficers, the time and place and terra of allthe Courts, the Congressional and Senato-rial Districts, as now organized, tlie numberof Representatives to which each Countyis entitled, the vote of the State by Coun-ties and Districts in 1873, 1875, 187G, anAlphabetical List of Postoffices in theState, Postal Rates, Railroads in the State,and Distances from Station to Station, aDictionary of technical Legal Terms, etc.all thoroughly indexed.

As the edition is small, and the work is notstereotyped, those who would secure copiesshould send in their orders at once. Price,in substantial half-bindin- g. $3.00; in full lawsheep, $3.o0, which includes postage.


Jacksos, Miss.Jackson, Mis?., Sept, 20, 1877-t-f.




or yjV'jAd7 .Tt-- iff

LI fx 1 1 n N Is . VA

andHorse Far-i- i

it lire


Carriages, Bueie. et.. et Hubs, Spokesand Fellies.Particular l to Exr-r-- s Orders.

E.v SEUTTER,Jeweler & Photographic Artist,

Juoksou. 3IiiSM.

Fine Watches & Jewelry,Clocks, Spectacles and Silverware,







O'is -- 13 1877-3- m.


Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iro- n WorkAND DK.VLKR IN

Cooking and Healing Stoves,OF the moKt . proved Pattern, MANTLES

find URATES, as cheap as they can hebrought here.

Uutterinr, Tin and Iron Roofing done atthe lowest ;. price, and with dispatch.

Lightning R dsjiutnp. Pumps of all kind s.Lamps an i Chimney a of all kinds, and thovery best of Oils.

TINWARE, and nil goods sold nt the verylowest cash prices.F. BURNS,

janl5'78-w3- m. Capitol Strekt.

H. i'fi. TAYLOR,Carpenter and Builder,SASH, 1MXMC ti ml III, !.--

! IIiMcri'ier.K.

Pearl St., Jackson, Miss.PREPARED to do work in his line withISneatness and dispatch. PLANING of all

kinds done at short notice.Also on hand and for nale MOULDINGS OF


A lare lot of SASH, BLINDS, and DOORSon hand that will be sold cheap.

M ETA LIC CASES, CASKETS, and Wood-en Coffins of all descriptions.

Call and examine, before purchasing else-where.

Oct. 5. 1875 tf.'

THE LLUELOTGE--T li; X: T33 ook--

MANUAL ADAPTED TO THE WORK.A Lectures an I J uri-p- i udent e of the GrandLodge of Mississippi. Contains all that cnbe written in relation to the ceremonies ofopening, dispensing, calling oft' and closinglodges; all tbe ceremonies and monitorial in-

structions uel in conferring the first threeDegrees in Ancient Craft Ma-on- ry ; also, theceremonies for constituting new Lodge s; in-

stalling officers of Grand and SubordinateIxdges, laying Foundation Comer-Stone- s,

Burial Service. Lodge of Sorrow, etc., and theConstitution, Regulations and By-La- of allthe Masonic Grand Bodies of Mississippi.

Resolvel, That the Blue Lodge Text Book,now in course of publication by R.'. W.Grand Secretary J. L. Power, is approved andadopted by the Grand Lodge, and its use bythe Subordinate Lodges in this Jurisdictionrecommended and enjoined. Adopted, 1870.

By mail, postage paid, WAddress J. L. POWER,

Jackson, Miss.

LAWRENCE'SSaloon and 'Restaurant.

(Formerly of Angelo's.)Capitol Nt., !t .luckMon, HI


also, that 1802 Brandv.vrOYSTERS. FISlI AND GAME in their

season.sTPrivate Dinino Room Up-Stai- rs.

, L. FRAGIACOMO, Prop'r.Oct24'77-3- m.

NOTICE.aA.lIi:s A. IIOSKI.tCA1T. becouirt a p ner In the lease

of the Mississippi Penitentiary, the businesswill hereafter be conducted under the firmname of J. S. Hamilton & Co.

jan'78-4- w.

For Sale.Seven First Volumei of the AMERICAN"

CYCLOPEDIA, in perfect condition. Havenever been used. The purchaser will have theprivilege of continuing the subscription, atwill. Will be sold for lest than cot. Apply atthis Office. jan20-dl- w.

S.I I.Et. EE'S MA EE.Charles A. Ligon, )

vs. l:S0'Fi. Fa.Catherine Spencer. )

BY VIRTUE of the above stated writ to medirected from tlie office of the Circuit

Clerk of Hinds Countv, for theFirst Districtthereof, I will t public auction, to thehighest bidder tor cash, withi.i the hours prt?-scri- ed

by law. in front of the City Hall, inthe City of Jackson, on the First Mondav, the4th day of March, 1878, all the ri,iht, title andinterest me JJetendant has in and to the fo-llowing describe 1 property, to-w- it: NeJi Swand Se! ; Sec. 8; NJ end VJ Se) an l EMSwi Sec. 10; Ne and Ne' SeU' and 18 acresin SwJi and 48 acres in Nw, Sec. 17. all intownship 4, R. 1, V.. lying and being inHinds county, Mississippi, levied upon as theproperty of the defendant, and will be sold tosatisfy the above stated case and all cost.February 2, 1878.

S. B. THOMAS. Sheriff.feb6,"73 3w.

:.. A.t:E3t j .o riCE,Lafayette F. Birdsong. ")

Joseph A. liorne,L. L. Brittain, Chancery Court, 1st

District Hindsvs. 0

George Moxey and Cou nty, MississippiW. D. Birdsonsr.

ON OPENING THE SWORN BILL OFComplaint, tiled in this cause, and it ap-

pearing to the satisfaction of the Court thatone of the defendants, George Moxey, does notreside in the State of Mississippi, but residesbeyond the limits thereof, to-w- it: City of St.Louis, in the State of Missouri, so that theordinary process of this Court, cannot be exe-cuted against him. It is therefore ordered bythe Court that said defendant, George Moxey,do enter his appearance herein on or beforethe Fourth Monday of March, A. D., 1878, thesame being a regular term of said Court there-of at the Court-roo- in the City of Jackson,Hinds county, Mississippi, and plead, answeror demur to complainant's bill, or the severalallegations thereot will lie taken lor confessedas to him. It is further ordered that thisorder be published in The Weekly Clarion, anewspaper published in the City of Jackson,once a week for four consecutive weeks. It isfurther orde ed that a copy of this order beforwarded, rostage pre-pul- d, by the Clerk ofthis Court to the address f said' defendant.

Ordered January :id, 1878.W. T. UATLIFF, Clerk.By A. G. Moore, D. C.

A true copy from the minutes.W. T. RATLIFF, Clerk.By A G. Moore, D C.

Jan.9,'78-- or

c. .a:cekv xivi ice.Joshua Green, ") Chancery Court, First

vs. Dist.. Hinds County,W. II. Gibus, et al.J Mississippi..

ON opening the sworn petition of SamuelH. Moore, filed in this cau-e- , and it ap-

pearing to the satisfaction of the Court thatone of the defendants therein, J. L. Kirken-dal- l,

does not reside in the State of Mississip-pi, but resides beyond the limits thereof, to-w- it:

State of Missouri, postofhee not known,so that the ordinary process of this Court can-not be executed against him: It is thereforeordered by the Court, that said defendant, J.L Kirkendall, do enter his appearance hereinon or before the Fourth Monday of Mareh, A.1). 1878, the same being a regular term of saidCourt thereof, at the Courtroom, in tlie City ofJackson, Hinds county, Mississippi, and plead,answer or demur to complainant's petition, orthe several allegations thereof will be takenfor confessed as to him. It is further orderedthat t li is order be published in the WeeklyClarion a newspaper published in the city ofJackson, once a week for four consecutiveweeks. Ordered this January 2l2d, 178.

W. T. RATLIFF, Clerk.By A. G. Moore, 1). 0.

A true copy from the minutes.W. T. RATLIFF, Clerk.

By A. G. Moore, D. C.janV78-4-w.


BY VIRTUE of a Decree of the ChanceryCourt for the Second District of Hinds

County, Mississippi, made on the 11th day ofJanuary, 1878, the undersigned, as a specialCommissioner of said Court, will, for the pur-pose of paying the debts due by NathanielMoore, deceased, on

Monday, the 25th day of February, 1878,between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m., and 4

o'clock, p. m., proceed to sell forcasL, to thehighest bidder, at public auction, in front ofthe City Hall, in the City of Jackson, in lotsor parcels not exceeding 100 acres in any onelot or parcel, the followingdescribed lands, allof which are situated in said Hinds county,and in Township 0, of Range 1, East, being thelands owned by said Nathaniel Moore at thetime of his death, to-w- it: tlie West half ofthe Southwest quarter of Section 4; Southhalf of Section 5; the South half the North-east quarter, the Southeast quarter, and theNorth half of the Southwest quarter of Sec-tion 7; the East half of Section 8, aud theNorthwest quarter of Section 8.

W. H. CRANE,Special Commissioner, stc.

jaii23,'78-4w- .

COMMISSIONER'S SALE.In the Circuit Court of the United States for

the Southern District of Mississippi."Washington Jackson, )

vs. 230 In Equity.Annie C. Febiger, et al. J

to a Decree rendered in saidPURSUANT 30th day of November, A. D.1877, the undersigned, as Commissioner, will,en the

15th Day of February, 1878,at the west door of the Capitol, in Jackson,sell to the highest bidder (for terms of sale seenote, ) the following described property, to-w- it :

Lots three, four, five, six, seven and eight, andthe one-eig- th of lot number two, of sectionEight in Township Fourteen, Range Eight.West; also lots one, two, three and four, otsection thirty-fou- r, less fifty and a half acresbelonging to J. J. Person; also lot two of sec-tion thirty-tw- o, less 3083 100-acre- s, belongingto Wade Hampton; also lot five, of sectionthirty-on- e, less one and 55-10- 0 acres belongingto Wade Hampton ; also lots three and mx ofsection thirty-fiv- e, and end of sectioi nine,containing in the aggregate, one thousand,three hundred and thirty and 70-10- 0 acres,bounded on the west by Lake Washington, ontbe south by land of J. J. Person, on the eastby Steele's Bayou, and on the north by landsof Wade Hampton.

ARCHY McGEHEE, Comm'r.Note. Terms of Salk. One-four- th cash,

and the remaining three-fourt- hs payable intwelve months from the day of said sale, withinterest from date at 6 per centum per annum.Lien reserved to secure payment of deferredpayment. ARCHY McGEHEE,

janl5,'78-wld-s. Commissioner.

GUARDIAN'S SALE.VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THEBYChancery Court of the First District of

Hinds Countv, Mississippi, made at the AprilTerm, 1875, the undersigned Gtiard:an of theminor heirs of Anna E. Forbes, deceased,will, on the

Second Iay of February, 17$,between the hours prescribed by law, proceedto sell at Clistox, at public auction, to thehighest bidder tor cash, ail the interest of saidminor heirs being one-seTen- th in and to thefollowingdescribed lands, to-w- it: 60 acres ofeast side of Etf of SWJ and EK of NWK andNEK and WHofSE, and C6 acres north endof Etf of SEK of See. 21, and 00 acres onwest side of WM of N W i of Sec. 22, all inTO R. 1. west, containing 600 acres more orjegV ED. G. BANKS,

Jan5,'78-4-w. Guardian.

WORK FOR ALLIn their own localities, canvassing br theFIRESIDE VISITOR, (enlarged) Weekly andMonthly. Largest Paper is the World,with Mammoth Chromos Free. Big Commis-sions to Agents. Terms and Outfit Free. Ad-

dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Main.SepU9,'77--6- m.


Mississippi Legislature.THIRTY-FOURT- H DAY.

SENATE.Friday. February 15, 1S7S.

Senate mot pursmnt to adjournmentUntenant Governor Sims in tlie Chair.Roll

I'rksknt Messrs. Allen, Harry, Bill,BrMsT'-s- . Cullieott, Carter 1st District, Carter(jth District, Onvati, Currie. DuvJ, Farisli,fewt-H-

. FitzGerahl, Foote, Furlong, Gayles(iibbs Gibert, Griffin, Hooker, Jackson.Kinjr, Linneau. L-e- , Ivowrancc, MeCaskill,Mont'iinciy, Mnrr:in,OI(liixtri, IVery, Pratt,jlrtiers. Terry, Thompson Vance, and West-- :r.

A is - v.s r-- Mr. Hey nol d s 1 ..Voik Our reporter had on a "sub." for

tU:n ite report day before yesterday, anda iiio-- t ludicrniiA error appeared yesterdaymorning in iublihinj; ;n present the entireSi'iiarc of l7t;-- 7 except Mr. Fewell and Mr.I'.'vn'ild-:- . b tli o( whom were really absentan"l w. ie ni' inbors of that, body. The reporter- - "Mil)., by mistake jrot po.s essionof a roll ol that body, and as it ban t asthe reut roll Allen. Barry, uills," etc.,(li l not discover the dilFerenoe.

Mr. FitGerald called up II. 1$. to reclaimto the S ate from overflow certain lands;an I tlie bill was read twice and relerred.

Mr. Hers called up II. B. to provide forthe appointment of Superintendents of Ei-uca- ti

u for C.ilhoun and Tunica counties,and the bill passed.

Mr. Farissh called up II. B. to authorizethe Supervisor of Coahoma county to pro-tect th: line of levees in that, county. Mr.Furi-l- i o lie reel an amendment, which wasadapted. Mr. Gayles movell to refer.Carried.

NOTICE OF BILLS.Mr. Montgomery gave notice of a bill to

repeal the Insurance Deposit Law.Mr. Thompson, chairman pro tern, of the

Judiciary Committee, reported S. B. roamend the Grand Jury laws, do not pass;,s. II. to ; mend the practice-i- n criminal

not pass; S. li. for trie preservationof game in Chickasaw county, do not pasi;S. II. to repeal an act to regulate tlie venuein certain ca-e- s approved April 11). 1S73. dopa-- s; S. It. to amend section 1311, Code ofs71. in relation to special cases, do pass; S

B. to amend article 11, chapter 8, of theCode of 1S71. in relation to pleadings andpract ice, do pa-- S.

Mr. Lanneau, chairman pro tern, of samecommittee, reported II. B. to amded section1S')2, of the Code of 1871, in relation to bas-tardy hiiits, do pass,

Mr. Furlong, ehuruian Committee onMilitia, reported S. B. to incorporate theWarren Volunteers, with amendments, dopass.

Mr. MeCaskill, chairman Committee onCounty a flairs, reported S. B.to furnish tlieCircuit C'erk of Lowndes county certainbooks, do not pi-s- ; S. B. to carry into eiFeettlie act to allow Sunflower county to exe-cute bonds to Leflore county, approvedMarch 21, 1S73, do not pass; S. B. for'settle-nie- nt

betvi en Sunflower and Leflore coun-ties, with amendment, do nass; S. B. toamend section 2 ID, ('ode of 1871, fixing thebond of the Sheriff of Issaquena county,with amendment-:- , do pass; S. B. to extendtlie time of holding regular session of theSupervisors of Copiah county, do pass; II.l'. to reduce the bonds of oflicers of Green.Perry, Jones and Jasper counties, do pas;S. II. to re the p;ryment of cost in crim-inal cases, etc., do not pass.

Mr. Ila-r- y, chairman Committee on Cor-porations, reported to amend the laws inrelation to suits against corporations do notpas; II. 1! to amend the charter of thebanking house of Williams, Johnson & Co.,of Columbus do pass ; II. B. for the relietof D. T. Marion of Chickasaw county, dopass; S. B. to authorize the construction ofa street railroad in Brandon, do p iss; S. Bto a iitborie the Board of Supervisors ofWarren county to compromise the indebt-edness of the county, do pass,

Mr. King, chairman Committee on Fed-eral Relation, reported that the Senate hadall already acted upon the House Bruceresolutions.

Mr. MeCaskill, chairman Special Committ-ee, reported S. B. to change the time ofholding Chancery Courts in Simpson, Cov-ington, Jasper, Jones, Smith and Scottcounties, with substitutes, do pass.

AITKOVED.Tlie Governor, through Mr. D. W. Hice,

Private Secretary, informed the Senate thathe has approved the following bills:

S.J. 11. in relation to the pay of employ-es of the Senate.

S. II. tor the relief of Walter B.Lucas, ofXoxubee county.

S. II. f .r the relief of Bush, lied wood &Co., of Macon.

S. II. to amend the charter of Scooba,Kemper county.

S. II. to legalize the bonds of certain couri-er oflicers ot Kemper cou nty.

S. It. to amend the act providing for theapproval of bonds of county oflicers, so faras it relates to Marion, i'earl, Hancock,Jackson. Perry. Greene, Jones, Smith,Wayne and Covington counties.

Mr. Fewell. at his own request, was ex-cused from the joint select committee towhom all matters touching amendmentsto the Constitution are referred.


By Mr. Terry: Whereas, retrenchment isdemanded in every department of the StateGovernment; therefore be it

Resolved by the Senate (the House con-curring.) That the Joint Committee onConstitutional Amendments be instructedto prepare an amendment to be submittedto tbe people lor ratification or rejection,providing for the regulation of the numberpfthtf members of the Legislature, on somejust basis, so as to reduce the Senate totwenty-fou- r members and the House ofRepresentatives to eighty members.

Mr. Carter of 1st, moved to indefinitelypostpoue. Carried.


By Mr. Cowan: To Incorporate thelcksburg Bank. Keterred.By Mr. Gayle? : To repeal section 9 of the

school law, approved April 12, 1S76. lief-er red.

Mr. Terrv moved to reconsider the voteindefinitely postponing his resolution, anduiui flip mntinn Antprpil iinnii the iournal.

By Mr. Foote: To amend the game laws.Referred.

II V Mr ITnnL-- pr TV amend the Act toProvide for agriculture liens. Referred.

By Mr. West. To authorize cities andtowns to regulate license of drummers andtraveling merchants. Referred.

Mr. West moved to recall- - from tho jointcommittee all proposed ConstutionalAmendments. Carried. ,

SENATE BILLS.S. B. to amend the public health law.

the special order for 7 :30 o'clock thisev'Pning.

S.B. for relief ot II. M. McCollum, Taxllettorof Perry county. Passed.

a- - B. to authorize Supervisors of Amite;nty to settle with Tnos. P. Street lor retiring a br rlcro. Passfid.

B, granting right of way over certainSte lands to the Natchez, Jackson and

-- muuus nauroaci ; commitiee auieuumeuwJPted, anj the bjU pasSed. Reconsidered

lnil tabled.ni1' t0 Provide against the killing ofe"0ck by railroads. Tabled, subject to call.

LO regulate criminal Droceuure inJJjf of misdemeanor. Tabled, subject to

o.n uauu rr.piKKa r. Huiiuii, ana Jir. I

"'LuiismtTfu ana table 1

Yea? IS; nays, 17; absent, 3.n tG writs habeas corpus- - Indefinitely nostnoned.

S. B. tO more OiYnt na I lir .1 ,.

u erricori8s. co nmittee substi-tute adopted, and the hill ,,.,.,S. B. to amend section 2547, Code of 1S71,

i" LatIOl to emblement.. Committeean(1 the bill passed. Re-couside-


and tabled.L-a- ve of absence was granted II. Taylor,Doorkeeper.

' establish "mess cottages" at the&tti? LmvMty,was tabled, subject to call,a. B. to amend the act to make the Statexieaaurerex-oniei- o Treasurer of the Stateschools and institutions, was indefinitelypostponed.

S. B. to change the time of holding Chan-cery Courts in Simpson, Covingto'jasper,Jones , bmlth, and Scott counties, of thesth Judicial District. Committee's substi-tute adopted and the bill passed.o. u. to release the Meihodiat v.an.,n.nChurch South, of jSoufh Union, Sumnercounty, from paying taxes on certain landsPassed.

S. U. to change the Gth and 7th JudicialDistricts, was taken up.Mr. MeCaskill moved to adjourn. Lost.Mr. Barry moved to indefin.tely postpone.Mr. Fewell moved to table the motion.

l".5 Vl,ici1' the Senate t00k a recessuntil 72 o'clock.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.Fkiday, February 15. 1878.

House met pursuant to adjournment.Sp aker Pekcy in the Chair. Ifoil call :

Pkesknt Messrs. Aldrich, Applewhite,Augustus, Bailev, Baker, Ballard, Ba.et,Lenti, Bird, Bizzell, Bunch, Cameron, Car-ter, Catchings, Causey, C amberlain. Cook,Cooper, Cunningham of Mar-hal- l, Cunning-ham of Monroe, Dabney, Davidson, Day,Dean. Denham, Dockery, D.-zir- , Eaton,Lrvin, Farmer, Fairley. Field.Ford, Galla-gher, Gholson, Gibson, Gilmer,Glass, Good-ru- m,

Gordon, Gwin, Hall, Hatch, Henry,IieKsof Yazoo.Uill, lloyle. Hurt, Johnson,Key, Love, Luk, Magee of Franklin, Mar-shal! of Carroll, Marshall of Warren, Mar-tin, McCollum, McG.diee of Wilkinson, Mc-Kei.z- ie,

McSwiue, MoWhorter, Metts, Mil-ler ot Copiah, Moody, Montgomery or Mar-shall Montgomery ot Oktibbdia,Moore.Xeil-sou- .

Niles, Nunn. Parker. IN'ar.ini. Ppi Linsix inraru, Kainey, Ramsey, Reed of Choctaw,Rei.l ol Coahoma, Redhead, Richardson,Rome, Roberts, Robinson, Saott, Seabrook,

Slu:nds, Smith, Spight, Spmks Stamp, r,Stowers,btreet, Tarvt-r,Tison,- 'l rest, Tucker.Wall. Warren. ashinsrton. Whitaker. Wilson. Wood, loung f Calhoun and Youn'of Panola 105.

Absent Messrs. Allen, Brown, Clay,Edwards, Hampton, Heathman, Hicks ofHinds, IIorin, Lewi. Libbv, Liddell. Mar-shall ot Holmes, McLean, Miller of Panolaand Seal 15.

Leave of absence was granted Messrs.Brown, Lewis Tucker and Hicks of Hinds.

The piiyilegesof the House were extend-ed in Hon. A. C. McNair of Lincoln, ex-memb- er,

and Hon. A. F. Bond of Warrencounty.

special order.H. J. R to provide for an amendment to

the Constitution to he submitted to the peo-ple to provide for biennial elections. Mr.Street moved that the resolution bi recom-mitted with in tructions to provide for ex-

tending the lirst terms of all officers elect-ed in 1879. and whose terms of office is twoyears to three years. Carried.

Mr. Bird, chairman, reported II. B. toamend section 2330, Code of 1S71, in rela-tion to public roads, properly engrossed, andthe bill passed.


The Governor, through Mr. D. W. Rice,Assistant Private Secretary, informed theHouse that he has approved:

II. B. for the relief of 3Irs. II. E. Mooreand her five minor children.

II. B. to authorize the Supervisors ofWayne and Gieen counties to levy a specialtax to pay outstanding indebtedness ot saidcounty.

H. B. to incorporate the Meridian Rifles.11. B. to provide for a duplicate copy of

record book P. P. of the record of deeds ofAdams county.

II. B. to authorize the Deacons of CollegeHill Church, Lafayette county, to sell orexchange real estate.

II. B. to authorize the Supervisors of Law-rence county to settls and compromise acertain judgment rendered in the CircuitCourt against M. M. Fortenberry etal.

H. B. for the relief of Sani'l C. Trest ofJones county.

II. B. to change the time of holding theC'neuit Court in the countj' ol Monroe.

II. B. to authorize the Supervisors of Jas-per county to have certain parts of theirprocceedings published.

H. B. to amend the charter of Nesbitt,DeSoto countj'.

H. B. to incorporate the Grange Agricul-tural College of Coahoma county.

STECIAL ORDER.II. B. and S. B to divide Panola county

into two Court Districts. Mr. Field movedto indefinitely postpone the Senate bill.Mr. Spight moved to table the motion.Carried. Mr. Field moved to reconsider thevote tabling the motion. Lost. Mr. Shandsoliered an amendment submitting the question of division of the county to the peopleof Panolaon the first Tuesday after the firstMonday of April, 1S78. Adopted, and thebill passed. The House bill was then indefinitely postponed.


Mr. Street called ud Hie Senate Jo int Res-olution to adjourn sine die on March 1, andthe resolution was concurred in.


By Mr. Henry. To require Tax Assessorsto call upon eacn taxable inhabitant for a listof his taxes. Referred.

By Mr. Gordon. To establish high schoolsin each Congressional District. Referred.

By Mr. Hall. To facilitate the redemp-tion of lands hereafter sold to the State fortaxes Referred.

By Mr. Lusk. To incorporate the CapitolLijrht Guards, of Jackson.- - Referred.

Bv Mr. Carter. To incorporate the townof Goodman, in Holmes county.. Referred.

By Mr. Roane. To amend section 13S3,Code of 1S71, in regard to appeals fromjudgment on decisions of Supervisors.Referred,

Rv Mr. Roane. To change the time ofholding Circuit Court in Calhoun county.Referred.

By Mr. Seabrook. To incorporate theChickasaha Navigation Company. Refer-red.

By Mr. Johnson. To change the bounda-ry lines of Monroe and Itawamba counties.Referred.

By Mr. Gholson. For relief of J. M.Trice of Monroe county. Referred.

By Mr. Cook. A resolution providingfor a night session every alternate night.Lies over. -

By Mr. Marshall of Warren. In relationto service of process form Justices of thPeace by Constables. Referred.

By Mr. Neilson. To incorporate the Plan-ters and Merchants Wharehouse and Com-

press Company, of Columbus. Referred.By Mr. Dozier. To incorporate the Leaf

River Navigation Company.By Mr. Eaton. To secure the costs in

Justices' Courts In State cases. Referred.


(.Veit Door to Person! CottonWarehouse.)

WAGONS, all Sizes, LIGHT and HEAVY,or made to order. Wagons,

Bcggies, Carriages, anc Farming Imple-ments of all kinds, repaired promptly.

tW .Slacksmithing: of every De-

scription.All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable.Jackson, Oct. 31, 1877-G- m.


Rio Java and Cordova Coffee.Green and Black Teas.Sugar Rice Hominy and Grits, by


For Rent.PLANTATION about 2 miles West of theA City of Jackson SO acres of open Jland

in cultivation. A Dwelling House, Stables,and two good Cabins, with cistern, and all un-

der plank fence. Terms reasonable.JOHN W. ROBINSON.



I offer anUnnsual Lane anl Beautiful Assortment

or the aboTe CHOICE fOOIS,At prices just covering Cost and Expenses.

dFTliese Good are of tlie Eatcstand moit II:tndome Styles,And have been BOUGHT THIS FALL atfrom 10 to 25 per cent, less than the same arti-cles cost in Nevr York last winter.

Pricing and examination of my ex-

amination of my extensive assortment ofFINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS,SILVER WARE, etc., will at once reveal thethe above facts! !

E. v. SEUTTER.Jackson, Dec. 19, iS67-5-w.



pfr One Square from the Court House.

Terras Moderate.dec-5,'77-3-

For Sale.DWELLING and 5 acre lot, in NorthTHE formerly owned by E. F. Parham,

and now occupied by Mr. M. A. Van Hook.

Apply to II. MUSGROVE & CO.Uec.l9,'77-- tf.