j miuttn. - university of hawaii...ortental lace flouncing,.skill length, ptm 7.") els ti vnul....

KWIIWmaiM.MVM.JJlLtll.M.'JMlllJJLLl)U. 'J JUJWl IUL' VI '. j " JUI yJIH'H(mHIHH IHH III Jl IM IJ' U 'J J I lJ J .1 .JllJJ.'J,,---- ' LJ ' ft ' )5rl 'it . ' miUttn. c. Vol. XIV. No. 2:wr. HONOLULU, IT. J., MONDAY BYE NINO, NOVEMBER d, 1889. EO OENT8 ounnoniPTlOM' PER MONTH ' IV St J, It' f t THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at the oflloc, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., ovcry afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, BO cents por Month. Address all Communications Daiia Bulletin. Advertisements, to ensure insortlon, rhould bo handed iu before one o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Stoam Printing Oflico. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorable terms. Ucll Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 33 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu nnd Island News. It is the best paper Dubllshcd in the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. (Subscription: iBland : : : H 00 year Foreign : : : 0 00 " Commission Merchants. IXjiVCICirJUJL.D Ss Co., R. General Commission Agents. Honolulu Q. W. MACj?AEIiANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, - Honolulu. H. I. 1648 GONSALVJES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. BREWER St COMPANY, c, (Limited) GltNKItAL MeuOANTILB AND Commission Agents. list of officers: P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manage: J. O. Cauteu..... Treasurer & Secretary directors: Hon. 0. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen, H. Wateriiouse. 338 ly T. WATBRHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle & OOOKB, CASTLB Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Doalersin General Merchandise, No. 80 King at., Honolulu. 1 Clau apreckcla. Wm. Q. Irwin. Irwin && Company, WG. Sugar Factors and Commission onts, Honolulu. 1 Si CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Material!) of every kind, cor. Tort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 . Lowors, F. J. Lowrey . O. M. Uooko. ewers & Cooke, L (successors to Luwers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealeis in Lumber and all Kinds ol Building Materials, Fort street, Honoluln 1 H. G. CRABBE, DEALER INMY and GRAIN, 81 Kiug Street, opposite the Old Station House. Mutual Xoleplxouo No. 4. 87tf VETERINARY. ROWAT, Veterluary Surgeon, AR. and pharmacy ut Hnwailan Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Ulchaid streets. Scientific treatment in all dls. caaos of domestic animals. Orders for plantation and ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Tclcphono 354, P.O. Box 320. mh.18 8!) "LADIES' NURSE. M RS. MONROE, ladies' nurso, has removed to n, u, ivukui lane. . Feb-14-8- 9 FOR SALE FIRST - GLASS A Phaeton in per. feet order. Apply at thin oillcc. 341 tf It. !i ... 1 " IHfc. WthKLY bUUl-tlll- N J--- - ProfosaionalB. JM, MONBARRAT, at Law & Notary Pubjic 140 Mrrchnnt Street, Honolulu. tf J Alfred Maqoon, Attorney at Law & Notary Public 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly David Dayton " VVill practico In the lower courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to-- collect ing In all its branches, renting of houses mid any other business entrusted to him Office 91 King Street Upstairs. Feb 9 PIONEEK STEAM CANDY FACTOR1! a.eo HAaciaiiY. 1?. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. U Hotel St. -- a- Telephone 74. HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, : William's Block, 21G Honolulu, H. I. 11. M. BENSON. a. w. smith. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Bocrickc & Scechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y WEMER & CO. Jlniiufiicturini: JoiveHcrH, NO. 2 IPOXVX! fcSTAVEJET. Constantly on hand a large assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 953 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jewelry a Spoclally. King Street, Honolulu, If. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Office. 05?" Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. jan-19-8- 9 Hustace & Robertson, DKAYMEN. orders for Cartage promptly at- tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, next door to Jas. F. Morgan's auction room. 982 ly Mutual Tclcphono No. 19. .P. View and Iiiindflcnpo Photographer. Makes a specialty of photographing residences, interiors, groups, decora, tions and nil kinds of out and indoor views. Also, docs printing and develop, ing for amateurs and others at the lowest rates. Satisfaction gicn and all orders recelvo prompt attention. Views mounted iu books to order. Officii: Corner of King and Alakca street. P.O. Box 02. Mutual Tele. 259. 122 tf A. H. RASEMANN, Book-blndo- r, Papor-rule- r & Blank' book Manufacturer, No. Mcrchaut street. Up stairs. ocU.88-l- y New Zealand Jams ! JUST received a consignment of New Jams, assorted cases. For snlo at low prlrcs by J. K. BROWN' tc CO., 227 tf i8 MoiL'liaut street. DAVID KAAIIIUE LTAS the best und cheapest Black jiock, uorai, band ami now lor w jl aa columns, purely locui niuuci muo in any iiiiuniuy, Appiy at uie taw f . Jlallod to foreign countries. $fi per olllco of William 0. Achl, No. !!0 Mor. i ttiimim. uhiiiit ttii'ct, Honolulu, II. I. U0I am amfov,' i ' wmmm 'gM""""" BS- - MAMMOTH POPULAR - 104 N. S. SACHS, o Commence - TATS 10 Positively THE 2SOXICT0 Ms & & M S WILL BE at COST PRICE 5SI in' orih:r to jiaici: room for ax immensp new stock. K -- THE Hetlncod i'roiu Hh Former lric All 4ioi(lN rtHai-ltei- l in I'lnin Figures ! JPOJE V'V. YU.J, MKNTIOX BUT A FEW OF THE MAW WE OFFER VALENCIEXNK LACE FLOUNCING, Skirt Length, 7."i els a vanl. ORIENTAL LACE FI.OI'NCINCJ, Skill 50 cla n Mini. ORTENTAL LACE FLOUNCING, .Skill Length, Ptm 7.") els ti vnul. COLORED UOKDIMJ ANDKKKPII JKFS, CO c(m doon. Ladies extra fine, 25 a pair. FANCY STRIPED ynrdn for SATINS (F.n Fjiicv Work), 25 cenlq u MEN'S BALUUIG'OAN SllfRTS, W cents oaeli. MIA's liUlTlSH t'J.U) pel di.rcii. BEAVER SALOON Tho Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at ill Hours Tho Finest Brand of CiiarsfcTotaco Always on Hnnil. 11. J. NOTMS, l'roprictor. the SotT Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 IT Choicest Mutton ! Beef, Kft?iy Pork, TTiNli, Vt're tuMos, Sec, Aso. Always on hand at tho HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCnudless), No. a ncen Ht., : : FlHli MarUet, Honolulu, If. I. tSf'Family nnd Shipping Oidcrs care- fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at bhort notice. my 17-8- 3 JOS. TINKER, ilUTOIIKIt. City Market, Nuuanu Btrcct. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork. AI.HO Sausages 1 Fresh Every Day. tSPllis noted Sausages are mado by the every best machinery, and all orders entrusted to his cure will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices aio as low as imynlioro In tho city. DBTTry his Bologna Sausage. net fi 81 AR3NUAL- - HI Hi ffi m n EF at u iBSi H m m A.T : - MILLINERY Fort Street, - - - on mono ay, dHLC HOUSE, Honolulu, PROPRIETOR. Nov. 4, 1889 I TAICIO IS' OTTO 10 '&i for Two Weeks Only ! Dry GoOuS, Fancy Ladies Fimslig Goods, OFFERED ! 11NTIKK TOCK OF e ! enuine Bargains ! F.vcrj tliiiif ! -- SOLD OSJEi WILL Lontli, (ti:ilitv, 11 m English Baibriggan Hose, cts FLANNELETTES, 8 1. v.ud SOCKS, Metropolitan "m Cambridge Pork SBXTH GRAND ONLV- - -- OFFER AT RE1) Calif'oriiiii llay, Oats, Bran, Oil Cake Meal, lilnseod Meal, Barley, Rolled Barley, Middling: Ground Barley, Wheat and Corn Flour. FLOUR larAHn, Golden Oule & Salinas-- a FLOTJR TelophoneB, No. 175. Boll rXoli5ilone, GO - Baf N Strict, IMl'OUTEP Our " is .snii'i.Y tT Which wiU bo hoKI AT i -:- - I'.AUOAIXS THAT ROOK PRTCES- - Cor. Edinburgh & Qucon Sts. Tiilnal Toloplionu, iVT1 1 GO THIS KIN'OOOM. JIMENEZ M suni.i.Mi:, I.OWHHr ItA'rES by FRANK BROWN, MAIiuyei. No. 24 Merchant Near Fort Street. HAVE THE BEST QUALITY EACH AND EVERY K'INl' OF INTO PEDRO WINE rNTERPRIS r l'LANINQ MILL I Alttkim, ncur (JiM-o- n 81. MH Telephone ft.. WALKER & REDWARD, Conlniflloi'f. : ltnllt1:i'H. Uik-k- , Slone and Wood on ltuilding'; es- timates gitcn. .Tnbliiu piomptK ul to. 7(1 King strut. IteirKde-phon- u Nt. 2. P. t. Un, 42U. aprly G KOUC1K Ll'CAS, siiMLJ& Culillal im A and ltullilcr, HiMioliiln Stoam l'lanliig Mills, Kipln undo, Honolulu. Manufaelure ull klmU of Moulding., lirnrket, Window Frauicn, lllindi, Doorn, mid all kinds of Wood- work iluish. Turning, Kcioll and lltiid Sawlii". All Kinds of Sawing and l'lin-ing- , Morticing and Ti minting. Orders pioinptlyattuudrd to and woik guaranteed. Orders from the other In- lands solicited ? HONOLULU 1HON WOItltB, Kltmm lin irlll.tj bll e luitl er, coolers; lion, biapn and lead cast Ings; niachinerj' of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to sklp'a black smithing. Job work uiv cuted at short unttcc. I J. E. BROWN & CO.. 2S tloi-cliun- t Ht., liiiiioliilii. II.I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS a:coiltants. Conveyancers & General Agents REAL ESTATE FACTORS OL COLLECTORS. Sob Agents for the Itiiilinglon UoiiIl Aciohs Aintrieii, and lo the A?orfs. Solo A items lor Pitt A SioltM Foicin I'uiccIh Ejness A Shipping Agency. SoloAgentH for Atlantic ItutibcrStamp Company Sole Agents for Mnselleld llrofi.' New Zenlaml Mullet and Canned Goodt. Special Agents for Lending New Zea land nuil Australian Mercantile FirinH. Special Agents fortheCilifomla t.md Afso:iatlon. Speclnl Agunti Tor the Honolulu Uubi iios Directory. AIho. Oilier Niiciul Aaciicion. Sr CiiBtoms' Entries 1'afinert. Irrj peitlbH Managed. Asigutt-- s un.l Audi iuib Dure uuuf jirouiniM. Moli-it'- i l.uiiti it nnd I Itcnts (ullicttil. New Business Solicited Bell Tele. No 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360. I)u-.r.- J POil Ollicc Box 4GU. 8.ly I. O. !li .'151. -- (, llrll Tele. 7J. Ilawaiiin Bisines Agency Corner Fort A Muclmnt Sliicts, Hniioliilu, II I. GENERAL AGENTS, AfPOtlltlHIltn A 4'oII'cIoi-- KolI'lUi. Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co. Muuuor of Advertising Department rou "iiir. "Mupepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of HUSINCSS: Colleitioni will ircilve hiu-- i u mien lion and teturiu piomptly iniid.-- . Iloal Eitato bought, eoIU and luisul Tnxev Paid ami propuly cnfi ly injured Houses, Collages, Itoonii anil Ollicei. U.ned and reiiUil, and n'uis collrdlul, I'lre and Life Insurance ctlcclid inflict rjiim Insurniicc (V,mpiilc, Conveyancing a Specialty lEti'md Hciiieb d and coind AbntiiutH ol 'riSBi lurniihi'd, & Legal Documents and Papers of m i ditieiiptinu iiuefully dinwii nnd hum Miinely ( HrosrH'il Copying nnd Translating in nil Iiuihiihcs Iu i!'M0i;il iiMt in Ibi-- l hiurdom Custom House Business tinnii(tid Willi nit iii!i nnd ili.'imli li. Loanw unpolluted m favoiuble inles Cold, Silver and Certificates bniicbt und rold. Advertisements and Subscriptions toll cited for piihllhlierr Skilled and Unskilled Labor liiiublud. ftiy Article piuehatcil oi sold. Inter-Islan- d Orders will rriclvc ptrtl culur tilleuliou. To Let, Furnished nnd Unfurnished Col-tig- lu dcdr:ililt! locnlllhul rrasrm.iblu iinlulu. Several Valuable Properllet iu and around the city uow for nnle and l.'ivi' on c.ny tcrius. tfif.Vll business cutrunlod to out rare will reeulve prompt nnd faithful ultcu tlou ut moderate charge Ktb-t6- NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $95,000,000.00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At, tiwry nge, on ovory prcniiuui, tnliln, nnd in ett-r- yeur, the AO TI' L IIKSUI.TS tf Tonluif PolieiVs of the New York Life IiirUimneo Co. Im- - been LAlltlUH limn Ihnsc OF ANY uniKU COMPANY iwuii.tj )olicii's. 0 For imrlicul.ird .ipply to '. O. l(F.IU.!Klt. Gcn'l Agent Hawitiinn Lbiuds. LSK tf FIRE, LIFE, MAIUNE INSURANCE. Hartford Piro Insurance Co. Assets, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (FJre ami Jlurlnr) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 Hsuth British Fiio and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,001 Now York Lifo Itunraucc Cu Assets, $05,000,000 C.O.BEKG1CR HONOLULU. Otneral Agem, Ha'a Nlainls. 1CK1 ly CASTLE & COOKE, l.lfo, fire & Murino lnaur'oo Afjonrt. Aumi Tno. nw ttjsiiutii MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y of llovitou. Tho Uia Fhe Inaurance Co., of Hartford, Conu. Tli L'ulou t'ltv nud Marine Insurance Co., of Ban Friuiclt-eo- , Cula. 1UI ly Prussian National Insurance ComD'y BHI'AIILIUUBD IrrJG, OsplUI 0,000.000 HelchMMria rpUK luulcrsiuncd, having been ap. J pointud uieiHot tlac-it.,t-n Company for the IlRH'tillan lidaudn, Is 4!ept liril.rf, Mguinst Fire, on Hutldlnce, Fiirultun'.MiivluuidlHe, Pi..luce,(.i 31 Ills etc., nn Hut moot Knvnruhlerfruii Lolirt Promptly Adjuiled and PayljtrV. Honolulu. II. HlICMKN.SCll.NKIDKII, Jlyfi7 1y at Wilder & I Vn. FILTER RESSB ! I'AU 1I.U Pl ANTA1ION, J IUwah, March b, 13&H. ) IIImUuii I i on A Liii'uiuallto Uurbii Nan 'i niifiNeo Oi.mi.i.mi.n: -- We hue tisul two i oiii 30.Ctiambred Filter Presses 'ihej me eouvcuiellt, eull humllcd nud me toi king-finitel- tn out s.uifcfuutlon. lean icciiiuiiicint ini on thcui. Veil npec fully ynutt, (Milled) A. ilOOUK, MtiiKiir Pniiuhmt Plnutmluu. Ill.ru, Sept. 2r), IS80.' Mil Jiiii.s l)i.n. AltchI HiMton lion Workf, Honolulu Dr.Ai: Slit. PleiiKckblpuKOncAf jour oOCoinpurtiuriit FiltorPreitts,'.'lOtquuni tcit hin line, Miuiii n r Jim one mpplled us hiM ecrtsou, which I din ple.'iHid'tn i:i li i pi veil iih I'llllld rtutlafui lion ou in truly, Oio. It. i:VAKT, Mniuiijfi IlieU Aitriiiilturiil lo. 'I Iipko PiC'icn nut undo extra heavy fol hl;li piciinci, oi(iif. a lloor it fi i'V b I iii't, and jucii'iit .i llllcHn siiifdfc of ?4l) iquaib tcet. A limited uuuibfr Iu htock In Hono- lulu uud are uld at very low prices. ' llisdon Irou &. Loco. 'Works, San Fruucl'Co. IW I'oi particulars euqutrc of JOHN DYF.ll, Honolulu, ltoom No. a SpieckeU' lilocfc. 22tn tf w Q. Irwin A Co,, Ar!A fl"M

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Page 1: J miUttn. - University of Hawaii...ORTENTAL LACE FLOUNCING,.Skill Length, Ptm 7.") els ti vnul. COLORED UOKDIMJ ANDKKKPII JKFS, CO c(m doon. Ladies extra fine, 25 a pair. FANCY STRIPED

KWIIWmaiM.MVM.JJlLtll.M.'JMlllJJLLl)U. 'J JUJWl IUL' VI '. j " JUI yJIH'H(mHIHH IHH III Jl IM IJ' U 'J J I lJ J .1 .JllJJ.'J,,---- ' LJ '

ft '

)5rl 'it. ' miUttn.c.









Is printed and published at the oflloc,

Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., ovcry

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, BO cents por Month.

Address all Communications DaiiaBulletin.

Advertisements, to ensure insortlon,rhould bo handed iu before one o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Stoam Printing Oflico.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most favorableterms.Ucll Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, contains 33 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and a

complete resume of Honolulu nnd IslandNews. It is the best paper Dubllshcdin the Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

(Subscription:iBland : : : H 00 yearForeign : : : 0 00 "

Commission Merchants.

IXjiVCICirJUJL.D Ss Co.,R.General Commission Agents.


Q. W. MACj?AEIiANE & Co.


Queen street, - Honolulu. H. I.1648


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.


Commission Agents.

list of officers:P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manage:J. O. Cauteu..... Treasurer & Secretary

directors:Hon. 0. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen,

H. Wateriiouse.338 ly

T. WATBRHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Atherton--G. P. Castle& OOOKB,CASTLB Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and DoalersinGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King at.,Honolulu. 1

Clau apreckcla. Wm. Q. Irwin.

Irwin && Company,WG.Sugar Factors and Commissiononts, Honolulu. 1

Si CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Material!)of every kind, cor. Tort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

. Lowors, F. J. Lowrey . O. M. Uooko.

ewers & Cooke,L (successors to Luwers & Dickson,)Importers and Dealeis in Lumber and allKinds ol Building Materials, Fort street,Honoluln 1



81 Kiug Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

Mutual Xoleplxouo No. 4.87tf

VETERINARY.ROWAT, Veterluary Surgeon,AR. and pharmacy ut Hnwailan

Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Ulchaidstreets. Scientific treatment in all dls.caaos of domestic animals. Orders forplantation and ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Tclcphono 354,

P.O. Box 320. mh.18 8!)


MRS. MONROE, ladies' nurso, hasremoved to n, u, ivukui lane.

. Feb-14-8- 9


FIRST - GLASSA Phaeton in per.feet order. Apply at

thin oillcc. 341 tfIt.!i ... 1

" IHfc. WthKLY bUUl-tlll- NJ--- -


JM, MONBARRAT,at Law & Notary Pubjic

140 Mrrchnnt Street, Honolulu. tf

J Alfred Maqoon,Attorney at Law & Notary Public

173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

David Dayton "

VVill practico In the lower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend to-- collecting In all its branches, renting of housesmid any other business entrusted to him

Office 91 King Street Upstairs.Feb 9


a.eo HAaciaiiY.1?. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.U Hotel St. -- a- Telephone 74.


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, : William's Block,21G Honolulu, H. I.

11. M. BENSON. a. w. smith.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Bocrickc & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y

WEMER & CO.Jlniiufiicturini: JoiveHcrH,

NO. 2 IPOXVX! fcSTAVEJET.Constantly on hand a large assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

953 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jewelry a Spoclally.

King Street, Honolulu, If. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Office.

05?" Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. jan-19-8- 9

Hustace & Robertson,

DKAYMEN.orders for Cartage promptly at-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, next door to Jas. F. Morgan'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Tclcphono No. 19.

.P.View and Iiiindflcnpo

Photographer.Makes a specialty of photographingresidences, interiors, groups, decora,tions and nil kinds of out and indoorviews. Also, docs printing and develop,ing for amateurs and others at thelowest rates. Satisfaction gicn andall orders recelvo prompt attention.Views mounted iu books to order.

Officii: Corner of King and Alakcastreet. P.O. Box 02. Mutual Tele. 259.

122 tf

A. H. RASEMANN,Book-blndo- r, Papor-rule- r & Blank'

book Manufacturer,

No. Mcrchaut street. Up stairs.ocU.88-l- y

New Zealand Jams !

JUST received a consignment of NewJams, assorted cases. For

snlo at low prlrcs byJ. K. BROWN' tc CO.,

227 tf i8 MoiL'liaut street.

DAVID KAAIIIUELTAS the best und cheapest Black

jiock, uorai, band ami now lorw jl aa columns, purely locui niuuci muo in any iiiiuniuy, Appiy at uie tawf . Jlallod to foreign countries. $fi per olllco of William 0. Achl, No. !!0 Mor.i ttiimim. uhiiiit ttii'ct, Honolulu, II. I. U0I am

amfov,' i '

wmmm 'gM"""""

BS- -




o Commence- TATS 10





in' orih:r to jiaici: room for ax immensp new stock.



Hetlncod i'roiu Hh Former lricAll 4ioi(lN rtHai-ltei- l in I'lnin Figures !



VALENCIEXNK LACE FLOUNCING, Skirt Length, 7."i els a vanl.ORIENTAL LACE FI.OI'NCINCJ, Skill 50 cla n Mini.


Ladies extra fine, 25 a pair.FANCY STRIPED ynrdn for

SATINS (F.n Fjiicv Work), 25 cenlq uMEN'S BALUUIG'OAN SllfRTS, W cents oaeli.

MIA's liUlTlSH t'J.U) pel di.rcii.


Tho Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill Hours

Tho Finest Brand of

CiiarsfcTotacoAlways on Hnnil.

11. J. NOTMS, l'roprictor.


Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Retail Butchers



Choicest Mutton !

Beef, Kft?iy Pork,TTiNli, Vt're tuMos, Sec, Aso.

Always on hand at tho

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCnudless),

No. a ncen Ht., : : FlHli MarUet,Honolulu, If. I.

tSf'Family nnd Shipping Oidcrs care-fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at bhort notice. my 17-8- 3


City Market,Nuuanu Btrcct.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


Sausages 1

Fresh Every Day.

tSPllis noted Sausages are mado bythe every best machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his cure will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices aio as low as imynlioro In thocity.

DBTTry his Bologna Sausage.net fi 81


HI Hi ffi m n EF at u iBSi H m m


Fort Street,- - -

on mono ay,




Nov. 4, 1889I TAICIO IS' OTTO 10 '&i

for Two Weeks Only !

Dry GoOuS, Fancy Ladies Fimslig Goods,



e ! enuine Bargains !

F.vcrj tliiiif !



11 m

English Baibriggan Hose, ctsFLANNELETTES, 8 1.




"mCambridge Pork




Calif'oriiiii llay, Oats, Bran,Oil Cake Meal, lilnseod Meal,

Barley, Rolled Barley,Middling: Ground Barley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.FLOUR larAHn, Golden Oule & Salinas-- a FLOTJR

TelophoneB, No. 175.

Boll rXoli5ilone, GO - Baf




Our "

is .snii'i.Y

tT Which wiU bo hoKI AT


-:- -



Cor. Edinburgh & Qucon Sts.

Tiilnal Toloplionu, iVT1 1





I.OWHHr ItA'rES by


No. 24 Merchant Near Fort Street.







I Alttkim, ncur (JiM-o- n 81.MH Telephone ft..


Conlniflloi'f. : ltnllt1:i'H.Uik-k-, Slone and Wood on ltuilding'; es-

timates gitcn. .Tnbliiu piomptK ul

to. 7(1 King strut. IteirKde-phon- u

Nt. 2. P. t. Un, 42U. aprly

G KOUC1K Ll'CAS, siiMLJ&Culillal im A

and ltullilcr,

HiMioliiln Stoam l'lanliig Mills, Kiplnundo, Honolulu.

Manufaelure ull klmU of Moulding.,lirnrket, Window Frauicn, lllindi,

Doorn, mid all kinds of Wood-work iluish. Turning, Kcioll and lltiidSawlii". All Kinds of Sawing and l'lin-ing- ,

Morticing and Ti minting.Orders pioinptlyattuudrd to and woik

guaranteed. Orders from the other In-

lands solicited

? HONOLULU 1HON WOItltB,Kltmm lin irlll.tj bll e luitl

er, coolers; lion, biapn and lead castIngs; niachinerj' of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto sklp'a black smithing. Job work uivcuted at short unttcc. I

J. E. BROWN & CO..

2S tloi-cliun- t Ht., liiiiioliilii. II.I.


a:coiltants.Conveyancers & General Agents



Sob Agents for the Itiiilinglon UoiiIlAciohs Aintrieii, and lo the A?orfs.

Solo A items lor Pitt A SioltM FoicinI'uiccIh Ejness A ShippingAgency.

SoloAgentH for Atlantic ItutibcrStampCompany

Sole Agents for Mnselleld llrofi.' NewZenlaml Mullet and Canned Goodt.

Special Agents for Lending New Zealand nuil Australian Mercantile FirinH.

Special Agents fortheCilifomla t.mdAfso:iatlon.

Speclnl Agunti Tor the Honolulu Uubiiios Directory.

AIho. Oilier Niiciul Aaciicion.

Sr CiiBtoms' Entries 1'afinert. IrrjpeitlbH Managed. Asigutt-- s un.l Audiiuib Dure uuuf jirouiniM. Moli-it'- il.uiiti it nndI Itcnts (ullicttil.

New Business SolicitedBell Tele. No 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360.I)u-.r.- J POil Ollicc Box 4GU. 8.ly

I. O. !li .'151. -- (, llrll Tele. 7J.

Ilawaiiin Bisines Agency

Corner Fort A Muclmnt Sliicts,Hniioliilu, II I.

GENERAL AGENTS,AfPOtlltlHIltn A 4'oII'cIoi--


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

Muuuor of Advertising Department

rou "iiir.


Colleitioni will ircilve hiu-- i u mienlion and teturiu piomptly iniid.-- .

Iloal Eitato bought, eoIU and luisulTnxev Paid ami propuly cnfi ly injuredHouses, Collages, Itoonii anil Ollicei.

U.ned and reiiUil, and n'uis collrdlul,I'lre and Life Insurance ctlcclid inflict

rjiim Insurniicc (V,mpiilc,Conveyancing a Specialty lEti'md

Hciiieb d and coind AbntiiutH ol 'riSBilurniihi'd, &

Legal Documents and Papers of m i

ditieiiptinu iiuefully dinwii nnd humMiinely ( HrosrH'il

Copying nnd Translating in nil IiuihiihcsIu i!'M0i;il iiMt in Ibi-- l hiurdom

Custom House Business tinnii(tid Willinit iii!i nnd ili.'imli li.

Loanw unpolluted m favoiuble inlesCold, Silver and Certificates bniicbt und

rold.Advertisements and Subscriptions toll

cited for piihllhlierrSkilled and Unskilled Labor liiiublud.ftiy Article piuehatcil oi sold.

Inter-Islan- d Orders will rriclvc ptrtlculur tilleuliou.

To Let, Furnished nnd Unfurnished Col-tig-

lu dcdr:ililt! locnlllhul rrasrm.ibluiinlulu.

Several Valuable Properllet iu andaround the city uow for nnle and l.'ivi'on c.ny tcrius.

tfif.Vll business cutrunlod to out rarewill reeulve prompt nnd faithful ultcutlou ut moderate charge Ktb-t6-


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $95,000,000.00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At, tiwry nge, on ovory prcniiuui,tnliln, nnd in ett-r- yeur, the AOTI' L IIKSUI.TS tf Tonluif PolieiVsof the New York Life IiirUimneo Co.Im- - been LAlltlUH limn Ihnsc OFANY uniKU COMPANY iwuii.tj


0 For imrlicul.ird .ipply to

'. O. l(F.IU.!Klt.Gcn'l Agent Hawitiinn Lbiuds.

LSK tf



Hartford Piro Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,288,000Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(FJre ami Jlurlnr)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000Hsuth British Fiio and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,001Now York Lifo Itunraucc Cu

Assets, $05,000,000


Otneral Agem, Ha'a Nlainls.

1CK1 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,l.lfo, fire & Murino lnaur'oo Afjonrt.

AumiTno. nw ttjsiiutii


of llovitou.

Tho Uia Fhe Inaurance Co.,of Hartford, Conu.

Tli L'ulou t'ltv nud

Marine Insurance Co.,of Ban Friuiclt-eo- , Cula.

1UI ly

Prussian NationalInsurance ComD'y


OsplUI 0,000.000 HelchMMria

rpUK luulcrsiuncd, having been ap.J pointud uieiHot tlac-it.,t-n Companyfor the IlRH'tillan lidaudn, Is

4!ept liril.rf, Mguinst Fire, on Hutldlnce,Fiirultun'.MiivluuidlHe, Pi..luce,(.i31 Ills etc., nn Hut moot Knvnruhlerfruii

Lolirt Promptly Adjuiled and PayljtrV.Honolulu.

II. HlICMKN.SCll.NKIDKII,Jlyfi7 1y at Wilder & I Vn.


I'AU 1I.U Pl ANTA1ION, JIUwah, March b, 13&H. )

IIImUuii I i on A Liii'uiuallto UurbiiNan 'i niifiNeoOi.mi.i.mi.n: -- We hue tisul two i

oiii 30.Ctiambred Filter Presses'ihej me eouvcuiellt, eull

humllcd nud me toi king-finitel- tn outs.uifcfuutlon. lean icciiiuiiicint ini

on thcui.Veil npec fully ynutt,

(Milled) A. ilOOUK,MtiiKiir Pniiuhmt Plnutmluu.

Ill.ru, Sept. 2r), IS80.'Mil Jiiii.s l)i.n. AltchI HiMton lion

Workf, HonoluluDr.Ai: Slit. PleiiKckblpuKOncAf jour

oOCoinpurtiuriit FiltorPreitts,'.'lOtquunitcit hin line, Miuiii n r Jim one mpplledus hiM ecrtsou, which I din ple.'iHid'tni:i li i pi veil iih I'llllld rtutlafui lion

ou in truly,Oio. It. i:VAKT,

Mniuiijfi IlieU Aitriiiilturiil lo.'I Iipko PiC'icn nut undo extra heavy

fol hl;li piciinci, oi(iif. a lloorit fi i'V b I iii't, and jucii'iit .i

llllcHn siiifdfc of ?4l) iquaib tcet.A limited uuuibfr Iu htock In Hono-

lulu uud are uld at very low prices. 'llisdon Irou &. Loco. 'Works,

San Fruucl'Co.

IW I'oi particulars euqutrc ofJOHN DYF.ll, Honolulu,

ltoom No. a SpieckeU' lilocfc.

22tn tf w Q. Irwin A Co,, Ar!A


Page 2: J miUttn. - University of Hawaii...ORTENTAL LACE FLOUNCING,.Skill Length, Ptm 7.") els ti vnul. COLORED UOKDIMJ ANDKKKPII JKFS, CO c(m doon. Ladies extra fine, 25 a pair. FANCY STRIPED




Department oi' Finance.

AppHoatlotia (oi the sale of

on Son Franebwo In banket':dcatt will be icceived nt the lln'OAiinn

Treasury Up to the 12tli lust., to the

iiuioimt of t0,000, payable hen- - in

silver coin.S. M. DAMON.

Ministot of FinanceHonolulu, Nov. 2, 1889. : 1 2t

TENDERS.KeaU-- lendeiH will bo received at

ttw" Interior Office until WEDNES-DAY, Nov. SO, 18S9, at 12 o'clocknoon, for the construction of a mailfrom the landing to the upper (.lov-fintuc- ut

toad at Holtmlon, XoithKoniv, Hawaii.

Bpncifieutionh for the woik can ho

seen fid the office of the Stipciintoii-dento- f

Public. Wot kc, Honolulu, anduImi ui the store of .1. Kuelonmkule,Kailua, North Komi.

All bids must be endowd "Tomleitfur lload, Noitb Kiuin, Hawaii."

ThoMinifti-- r ol the Intciinr doesnot'bnul himself to accept the loweM

oi ftnv bidL. A. THURSTON,

Miuister of Interior.Interior Office, Oct. 31, 18SP.

893 ft

School House at Milolli, S. Kona.

Tenders will be received at theo'.licv of, the Hoard of Educationuntil 12"oVlock noon, on WEDNES-DAY, the 20th of November next,ioi tlie construction and completion.f a School HotiPe, 20x30x12 feet

with one locm, on tho Governmentfchool lot at Milolii, South Kona,Hawaii.

Plans and specifications can be

teen at the office of the Board ofEducation, Honolulu, and at Mr.II. N. Greenwell'p, Kona, Hawaii.

By order of the Board of Educa-

tion. W. J AS. SMITH,Sccretaiy.

Education Office, Oct. 31, 1889.

392 fit-11-2 It

PieJvl to neither Sect nor Patty,Rit established far th itviefit of all.

MONDAY, NOV. 1, 1839.


That a pcrsou should be acquittedof a crime, in the face of evidencetho stnmaest of which came out ofbin own mouth, and in spite of onlya mere feint hamg been made to

put a defense on the stand, must belegarded as a miscarriage of justice.There are circumstanoeB addueible,however, which should nurvo as a

loll to the cxttciue pessimistic viewsthat are heard, iw to the result1),

both upon the public peace and theadministration of justice, from theacquittal of. Hobert W. Wilcox of

"eonspiiacy to commit treason."Ditforent things contribute in thisciihe to the extenuation, we cannotwiy to tho justification, of the actionof the jury.' It could even be justi-

fied if the principle were accepted,that two or more wrongs make aright. While. not. adopting such u

principle, we must be charitableenough to givo weight to its opera-

tion, in such a case as that of AV i I --

ktx, upon "tliis windy of his simple-thinkin- g'

country men, when they sawhim pushed in a corner, while be-

lieving that bio conduct, wise orotherwise, in conception or execution,was guided by considerations oftheir supposed welfare.

These twelve of 11b peers hadseen the Government abandon thecharge against Wilcox of the, highera line of treason Itself, althoughhaving evidente rqunlly con-

clusive on that K'Oro as ontho charge of conspiracy, andeven having secured the convictionof u mere accessory on tho sameevidence for the capital offense. Asthe Jury were told by nble counselfor the piosccution, they wore aamuch u part of the tribunal as theJudge himself ; therefore they might,have been pnuloncd in consideringthemselves equally privileged withthe prosecution In the matter of re-

mitting offenses. Whatever the let-

ter of the law is on this potut, itmust be remembered that the Gov-

ernment is oath-boun- d to administerthe laws without fear or favor, ubwell us the jury to assist it iu se do-jo- g

whenever their services arerequired,

1889.1 ii Mill ll MWI ,, m II "I !! I iiiininmp1lWiHgfciM iA, X 3&h "! r ihw lft1Mftt.-r- miMtMCM

. Agalu, this wrongful .verdict, i. measures should have been chosen,not any more reason for the whole In Iho fact that the Government wassnlo of native jutios, not without blame in permitting thethan the conduct and action? of armed band to organise nud assoin-man- y

foreign juries In thlo country , ble after teccivinu; timely warning,

are ground for abolishing our whole j Instead of conciliation even such asJury svatoui. Some verdicts of for ' might have gonu hand in hand with

e'igu juries have boeu sharply criti-

cised In the piess, without any attempt having been made to justifyor defend thnu uid it is unneces-sary to relate here the moie tlagranloccasions for sueh criticism at Mugwithin the pnM few years. Therehave been Instances of individualmisconduct oi foreis;n jurors,oxpo-.ei- l. to the public hut othersconcealed by persons who did notwish to be talebearer', to the autho-

rities, which should an est the hand

about to throw a stone at nativeA foreign juryman has been

lieaul in the purlieus of the court-

room in Honolulu, while the injunction of the Judge to preserve silenceoutside about the pending .as.c was

ringing in 111s eais, 10 ucoiarr iiihi u

certain party to the cic had "noshow with that jury."

Then, foreigners cannot refer with-

out blushing to the records of juriesiu the lands of their nativity. liveniu England, lately, we have seenthe jury in the .Maybiick case con-

demned by public opinion for obey-

ing the instiui'tions of the Judge to

render a verdict of guilty, when theevidence was such as to create a

reasonable doubt in their minds,which doubt was btrongly "confirmed

by public information subsequent tothe conviction. How many peopleare there in the California peniten-tiary for engaging in the business ofjury-bribin- Would such a busi-

ness ever have been started withoutthe raw material to work upon?These wrongs abroad do not justifya wrong in Hawaii, but hcy shouldmake people of foreign origin mod-

est in their censorship of nativeHawaiian jurors.

The foregoing extenuating con-

siderations are such as will occur toany thoughtful observer from theoutside. A knowledge of the pre-

vailing sentiments among Hawai-ian- s,

in regard to the state prosecu-tions and their cause, will tend stillfurther to mitigate censure of thenative jury. The natives reasonthus: "When the foreigners paraded with arms to secure what theydeemed their lights in 18.87, we

did not interfere with them ;

but when a band of our people didthe same thing in 1889 they wereremorselessly shot at and six orseven of them were killed. We con-

sider the lives ot these our country-men more than balance the accountagainst us. One way to make accounts even would be the raising ofanother disturbance, but for this we

have no inclination. This, however,we are determined upon, Hint, so faras wo have opportunity, we will ex-

ert all the powers we have as peace-

able citizens to prevent any more of

our countrymen from being punish-ed." It is no answer In this direct-actin- g

logic of nature, to say thatthe account of bloodshed in the

should be against theThe Hawaiians ut-

terly lefuse to look at the matter inthis light, as the editor of tho homemission department of the "1'iiend"makes very clear. "Blood is thickerthan water," and human jurisdic-tion cannot overrule the first law ofnatuie. Spailan justice does notgrow on lite lauhala trees. Letforeigners put themselves in thesame position as their Hawaiianfellow cilixens and answer this ques-

tion: Suppoii' the revolutionists ofIfiST, instead of cmciging iu ex-

panded political prhilegus, hadlanded in a similar "bad scrape" to

that of Wilcox and his followers,could thcic have been a panel of

foieign jurors obtained to consignthem to the scaffold, to penal servi-

tude, or to exile?

While we have called the verdicta miscarriage of justice, and con-

sider it besides a matter of bad po-

licy onffiie part of tiio Hawaiians,wo cannot regard it as tending toencourage another itiauirccMou assome people do. It is rather to beconsidered as the chosen form of re-

prisal by the natives for tho disas-

ters visited on their misguided coun-

trymen on tho aoth of July. We re-

gret that the polio of conciliationadvised by the IJui.lktin has notbeen adopted. It would have hada mollifying effect on tho nativemind to have dealt with the con-

quered band of insurgents ns a

mass, accepting the casualties theysustained, and which made thewhole Hawaiian heart sore, as

for tho collective crime ofthe active participators. There is

all the more reason why conciliatory



straightforward prosecution, seveialirritating elements have been allow-

ed admittance to the trials. Onesuch was the uncontradicted re-

port of efforts to got a Jury forconviction. Another was the shuf-tlin- g

nl cases on the calendar out ofthe usual order. The Ciovcrnineiitftccmed to look more to the triumphof securing convictions than to thencquitting itsslf of its' own responsi-bility in the matter. It U a com-

mon saying that a man cannot beexpected to do more than his duty,and the same principle of judgingiuu"t be applied to a Ooveinnient.In addition to the foregoing in-

stances of irritation, nothing couldhave been more galling to the nativepeople, as a whole, than coitaiu edi-

torial articles and communicationsin the journal usually regarded ns

the olllcial medium of the Govern-

ment. These were designed to bemore inllammatory in effect thananything published in some nativepapers for which writers in the Ad-

vertiser advocated their suppiessiou.Aftci having got off an excited de-

mand for judicial vengeance on themorning after the insurrection, theAdveitiser during the trials tacitlysuggested the abolition of nativejuries and the disfranchisement ofHawaiians. These things undoubt-

edly made the natives feel in theposition of rats in a pit, and, ifjustification for their traversingof solemn obligations in the jurybox cannot be found in the circum-

stances, it docs not require a greatdegree of gcncious perception to

see therein much ground of extenu-



Editoh Bulletin: Some monthsago I came to Kealla and obtainedemployment from the Makee SugarCo. at Kapaa. I, as well as the restof the employees, boarded at thecompany's store, the hash depart-ment of which was presided over byas uninviting a specimen of the fol-

lowers of Confucius as it lias everbeen my fortune to see, and entirelyincapable of running even such akitchen as the Kapaa store afforded.That the food was, in some in-

stances, both insufficient and of aninferior quality, can be testified toby every employee there, and thatit was improved later was owing en-

tirely to a general complaint fromall the employees. One Sundaymorning I came in for breakfast andwas served with a small piece ofcold meat and some cold potatoes.I remonstrated, was answered in anoffensive tone by the gentleman withthe pigtail, and I slapped Ins face.On the following Monday I was vis-

ited by Mr. Fairchild, the financialmanager of the company, who ed

very much on the brutalityof the act. I explained my piovo-catio-

and it endod in me beingtold to pay $f or be prosecuted forassault and battery. My financialcircumstances at the time not justi-fying me in leaving mv position Ipaid it, but in paying lliem 6.", Idon't know to whom, it set me think-ing ot Russia and the Nihilists, andverily 1 found there arc more strangetilings in heaven and eaith than 1

had dreamed of in my philosophy.I found, for instance, that Mr. Fair-chil- d

charged $1 wharfage, fromany of the employees on the planta-tion, for tho landing of a keg ofwine or a caso of any kind of liquor.No doubt Mr. Fairchild will claimthat his object in charging that, isto prevent liquor from landing orcoming here at all, but by what rightdoes lie charge it? If, on the otherhand, his object is to that effect,h'Iiv mil clnn its Inmllnnr nltode.lhorVI think he has sib much right to dothe one ns the other. I have heardagain, that these contributions soto speak arc intended for a fundto extend the wharf, and the stop-ping of liquors coming here wouldmaterially diminish the swelling ofthat fund. I have also heard ofpeople quite independent of Fair-chil- d

or the company having liquorlanded, refused to pay the dolltu,and not been made to do it. The$5 that lie got from me withoutjudge or jury I don't know what be-

came off, "but perhaps like thewhisky tariff it went to swell thewharf construction fund, which bythis time ought to be stretched (thewharf I mean) ns far as air. Fair-child- 's

conscience. I am a sailorand have travelled some, but T neverheard of such very liberal wharfagelates till I came to this exceedinglysmall but very autocratic "kingdomof Kealia."



Jones (don't say which ono), fordisturbing the quiet of the night,was reprimanded and dischaiged.

Ah Che, charged with havingopium unlawfully in possession, wasfined 650 and sentenced to onehour's haul labor.

Kaulahea, for deserting contractservice with Allen & Robinson, wasordered to return.

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan,

Auction du.u ol Leases of

a ilc Biuldine Lois!



At m Mili..riiitn, Qutcn street, by ordert.f II. It. II. Lillunkulnui, 1 will

sell nl 1'iilillc Auction,

Tim Lease for 80 Years !

Of the following Desirable Buildingl.trts, tillable Inr'ieshk'iiccs, situated atWnlKiki, on the main road, and belugaportion of the Wailriki property ofll.It. II. Lllluokslnnl:

LOT A siz 1"5 feet front and ISC feetdeep; this Lot adjoins thebridge unit is on the mainio!ul lendhii; to the Park.'I lie Lot is fenced.

LOT B -- Adjoining Lot A, has a front-ag- e

of 120 feet oa main road,and is 180 feel deep.

LOT C Adjoining Lot B, lronlneo ofvm icei on mam road, 1SUled deep.

LOT D Adjoining Lot O on mainKind Has ISO feet frontageand a depth of 180 feet.

LOT E 5i?c 1 10 feel by HGO feet, atreai ol Lots A, B, C, D; 1ms aI rentage tin a. new road !55

feet wide, connecting withmain road to Park.

LOT F M""ilng Lot K; size HO by300 feet.

LOT G Adjoining Lot Pj size 140 by:t(iO tuut.

LOT H dj'ilnlii!i Lot 0; size HO by:1C0 feet.

LOT I Adjoining LoUI; bums HO by;)UJ ttel.

All thcio Lots are level and wellidanled with gi.iss. The Wrdkiki Carsrun past lliu Iront of the Lots.

'I he Lots me situated about 00 feetfrom tho tiuarli.

Portico purchasing any of these Lotswill leceivu gratis a 20 year lease of CO

Icet of laud on the beach, for erection ofOntli iioiii-u-s nud bulbing facilities.

lients payable semi-annuall- in ad.rancc.

A Chart of the Property can be seenat my Mileareom.

t2yFor tiiriln r particulars apply to

JAS. F. MOitGAN,331 221 Auctioneer.

NOTICE.r HAVE this iiny sold all my right,JL title and hiteicbt in the CarriageManufactory liusinets as carried ou byincou Furlslieut, to Mr. Gideon West.Thanking the public for their manyoast favors I w ouhl bespeak the samefor my succe.-so-r and having knownMr. West for a m.mber of years as apraciicul cnuiugo builder I am satisfiedthat he will give geacral satisfaction,

(signed): W. II. PAGE.Honolulu, Qjt. 58, 18S1). 391 2w


HAVING bought out Mr. W. II.in the "Honolulu Carriage

Minufaub)ry,".it 128 Fort street, I amprepared to continue the above businessunder the o'd namu of Honolulu Car.ti'ige Mnnufnctoiy, and being an oldexperienced ciuriagc builder I solicitthe patronage of my old friends and thepublic in general, and with my thoroughknowledge of the business and with ex.pcrienced workmen and using only thebest material 1 guarantee general satis-tactio-

I'kac call and see mo beforegoing elsewhere.


Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1880. t,91 tf


NOTICE is hcieby civen to nil per.having claims against the

Estate of Thomas II. Hobron, late ofHonolulu, dicsasid, to present the sameto the utidei&igncd within six monthsftotn the date uf ihe publication of thisnotice, or they will be forever baricd.Ami those indebted to said Estate arclcqucsted 10 make immediate payment.Claims mty be pics-tutc- at the officeof V O. Smith. Eto- -

Mus.F.E. HOBRON,Kvcculrix Will of T. 11. Hobron,

Honolulu, Nov. 1, 189. 391 H


MK. II ARKY .1. AGNEW, ou accountof leaving the Kingdom to locato

In California, otters for sale the Pro-perty owned by him. Said Propeityeon-iist- s of hi-- , ptctent resldeneu atKaplolani P.uk known as "Greenfield,"thin Propeity must be uxamlucd to boappreciated The House Is nearly newand well built and of the best material.The Stables are commodious, very handyand ample loom for the storage of car-riages, feed, etc., in addition to that Ithas been the home of such horses aH"Angle A.," "Johnny Goldsmith,""Queen Kniilolani," "Mink," andothers that will long be remembered bythe public of Honolulu. Also, theHousehold Furniture iu said house.The Laud 1ms a frontage on the mainavenue of thu Pail; of 250 feet and adepth of t00 feet. Alto,

About 10 Acres of Land, formcilyapart of the Liumlllo Estate, and lyingbetween the piopcrty of W. H. Ilalloyand Jas. Campbell, l'.htp Also,

A Heautiful Ibilldlng Lot of about 3tjAcres joining thu fine lesldcnco of CecilHrown, Esq. AIpo,

About 20 Lots In Kaplolani Paik,Abo,

All that Piece of Laud with Improve-ments, coiner Peitssicola and KlnatiMicets now occupied by Chas, A.Hi own, I ""I. Also,

Shaics hi Walinaiialo Sugar Co..Mutual Telephone Co. and KaplolunlPark Association.

1 Fine Top IJuggV, 1 Road Cart, 1

Phneton, 1 Sulky, Doubln anil SingleHarness, Hoots, Jllttx, Hi Idles, Saddles,and a complete outfit for breaking andtiahiiug horsefc.

K2T For p.uticulars and prices apnlyto Il.J.AUM

Or, Pun. 301 2meotl

rpHE DAILY BULLETIN-T- hoJ moat popular paper published.


Is issuing ft now form of insurance which provides, in the event of death, for a return of all premiums pnid in ad-

dition to the amount of the policy, or. should the insured survive a given number of years, the Company willreturn all the premiums paid with inteiesi; or, Instead of accepting the polii-- 'ind ptolits iu cash the leual holdermay, WITHOUT MEDICAL and 1'lllOUl MTlTilhH 1'AYMENl 01- - take b.lieu thereof the nmuunt of policy uttd piollts in FULLY 1W1D UP hiMiiuiu , annually in dividends.

Ilcmcmber. this contract is issued by the oldest Life Insurance Compnny iu the United States, and the Largest Financial Institution in the World,

tiST For full particulars call on or

3C0 lm






f ftM









Havana CigarsJust Received a New Lot of


For Sale in Quantities to Suit


ftfl. 8. CRUMB AURA & Co,391 Queen Street. lw


PROPERTY on the Plainsfrontage of 100

feet 011 Uenetania and Kiuaustreets and 300 feet deep; cottage on theplace, also grape vines andfruit trees; excellent soil. Apply atMrs. Klngslry's, 110 King street.

H90 lm

Valuable Property For Salo

mtuanu Avenue, anewly furnished

House containing 6 rooms,kitchen, bathroom, closets, carriagphouse, stable, henery, etc. GrounTlscontain 2 2.10 acres, well laid out inlawns, shade and fruit trees, flowers,etc. Will be sold low, with or withoutfurniture, horses, carriages, live stock,and all the appointments needed in afirst-clas- s residence, as the owner in.tends leaving these Islands.


Cottage To Lot.

A NEAT Cottage, in pc,feet older, containing 4

rooms, mosquito pi oof, partially furnished, with largo kitchen,bliaife tiees, etc. Conveniently located.Real 420 ner month to txood tenant.


CONTAINING 1 largovcrnntla


with bath-room- , dininc-roo-

and kitchen detached, on Kekaullkestreet, opposlto Hotel street. Rent $10per month. Apply at



rpilE best lemedy forX wounds, tilccis,jwr galls, proud Mesh and

sores of everv descrin- -frfek-i-Uo- u to pui sons or ani

mals. Adopted by leading horso lall-roa- d,

club and livery stables, etc., hitho United States and olhowherc. Woare prepared to ptovc this statement bytestimonials aud lefereiices to plauteisand liverymen lu this Kingdom.Apply to


Island Views.LARGE assortment of PhotographsA and Stereoscopic Views of the

mobt attractive Bcenery, buildings, etc ,lu these Islands, for Bale at icabouabloprices.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.Corner Fort atiiLAIerchant streets.

2308 tf

THE BEST PAPER to subscribeX for is tho "Dully Bullotiu." 0cnU per month.




its assets exceeding One Hundred and







wM'wm Jlflfei3C2 lm


J. Fish-el'-s


NOTICE oi REMOVAL.Baggage Express Offico

has removed 10 the old stand, No.81 King street, directly opposite tho onorecently occupied. 378 lm

Horse & Carriage For Sale.

TTORSE .is .,..vouni?.0,JLJL sound and gentle.

ft- - broken to saddle andharnc-b- . Double Carriage in goodorder. Low price. Apply at this office.

393 lw

TO LET.Rooms to let.FURNISHED corner of

i Punchbowl ami Berctaniastreets, would bo very convenient for a,small lamiiy. aos em

European Billiard Parlors.Handsomest Billiard Parlors inTHE city, and fitted up In the most

approved ttyle. Four tables with all tholatest improvements.

J. P. BOWEN & CO.,270 tf Propiiutors.

Mice! Notice!

undersigned Deputy Assessor &Collector of Taxes for tho District

of Lahaina, Island of Maui, herebygives notice to the tax payers of thosaid district that he will meet them attho time and places below specified fortho purpose of receiving their taxesA. D. 1889:

WEDNESDAY", Nov. Oth, 1889, at Ka.hnkuloa.

THURSDAY, Nov. 7th, 18S9, at Hono- -

kohati.FRIDAY, Nov. 8lh, 1889, at Kaana- -

pall.WEDNESDAY, Nov. 13lh, 16S9, nt


And all other dayH during tho month ofNovember and of December, to the llithday, at his otllco in the Court Houte utLahaina, Maui.

D. TAYLOR,Deputy Assessor & Collector ot Taxes,

Dibtrlct of Lahaina, Maul.Lahaina, Maui, Oct. 22, 18S9. 385 3w


ALL pcrsous are hcieby forbiddenfrom trespassing and shooting

upon the land known ns Keahtta inWaiawa, Ewa, said land having beenleased to me by Mrs. Loihulu Morris,All trespassers will be prosecuted.

KELIIKIPI.October 80, 188l. 303 lw


Chas. New

Twenty-Si- x Millions of 1Hollms.

3UJ. KOSK,Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.










SAILMAKERS.Colburn & Co.'s Buildinc; 3rd floor.(formerly occupied by J. M. Oat & Co.),corner iiicon ie JNuuanu streets, Workdone with neatness aud dispatch

802 lm


5 Second-han- Kroog's Patent FilterPresses, as good as new, having

been used but a few months; 2, 42Chambers, 3, 30 Chambers, 8 Second-hand CI ar ill erg, 800 gallons capacityeach. This machinery has been thrownout of uso by the Diffusion Processbeing introduced; and is offered forsale at very low prices. For particularsapply to

J. N. S. WILLIAMS,Fort St., Honolulu. P.O. Box 380.

353 lm

Painting Lessons.

MR. BARNFIELD will give instruction in Painting and Drawing at

his studio, Spreckels Block, on Tues.days, Thursdays and Saturdays after- -noon, commencing uciouer sum. Thocourse includes Freehand and Mecha.nical Drawing, Perspective, Etc. Draw.ing aud Shading from tho objedt.Monochrome Painting and Paintingfrom Nature, Btill Lile, Etc., In oil andwatcrcolors Letters may bo addressedto P. O. Box No. 150. 380 lw




Imported Direct from Havana,

803 lm


Will return on tho Australia due Nov-ember 16th and resume practice at hisformer office, V8 Hotel street. 383 td

M- -

gg uiamHm iiii tfSM4Tfc -- L&-:'4 ... , ,A . C L-- . A- -






Page 3: J miUttn. - University of Hawaii...ORTENTAL LACE FLOUNCING,.Skill Length, Ptm 7.") els ti vnul. COLORED UOKDIMJ ANDKKKPII JKFS, CO c(m doon. Ladies extra fine, 25 a pair. FANCY STRIPED






- f

" 7

T tt IS

"a BnfiMONDAY, NOV. 4, 1P89.

ARRIVALS.Nov fl- -St

mi I. nu.i from HawaiiSehr HaleaKaU Ironi I'opi'ckcoSchr Knalokulfrom Kmultituir Viva ftom milStun iMlkiilmln from KnunlAm brijt W O liwln, i!l days fioin San

Kr.iuolseoNov4-S- chi

Waloliu from IfatialSehr luiulilua from Kauai


Stmr Llkellko for Slaul at r. p mllr t)k Velocity, Martini, for HongkongStmr Wniiiianalo for Walaiiac ami Wal- -

aluuStmr. I A Cummins for Koolau ntO a inStmr Walalcalc for Kllaiiea and Hnna- -


Sulir Luka for KolialaSchr Ka Mol for llnmakimStmr Kliitut for JIllo and way poits at

2 p inHtmr MiUahula for Kauat at 5 p mStmr Iwnlanl for Lahalna and Huma- -

ktia at 10 a mStmr Lehua for Ilamakiia and Hilo ports

at u p mSulir llaluakala for PcpeckcoStmr .las Mnkce for Kapaa at u p mStmr Mokolll for Molokal at 5 p m

PASSENGERS.From Pepcekco per schr llalcakala,

Xov 311 T Walker.From Kanai per stmr Mikaluda, Nov

H Hon W II Uieo, Mrs 51 S Rice, Mrs11 Ibeubcrg, P It lsenbcrg, jr, Dr A WRowat, 1 1'eek, II 11 Wilcox and 22deck.

From San Francisco per brgt W G Ir-win, Nov 3 K A Phillips, Chas Mai tin,J lllekel, J Mitchell.

SHIPPING NOTES.The steamer Lehua brought a broken

roller from Wnlmiku for lepalrs at theHonolulu Iron Works.

The schooner Waiehu and the yachtllelene went on the Marine Railwaythis afternoon.

The barks Foiest Queen and LadyLampson arc tluough unloading theircargoes.

'Iho British bark Velocity, Captain KMai tin, sailed this afternoon with 1C5

Chiuese stccrago passengers for Hong-kong. Among the number were 2 wo-men and ; children.

The American brigantine W G Irwin,Cuptaiu J 12 McCnlloch, arrived yester-day, 21 days from San Francisco, withgeneial merchandise. On deck werethree horses and a massive steam-shov- el



The Eoyal Hawaiian Band willgive a public concert this eveningat Emma Square, commencing at7:30 o'clock. Following is theprogramme :

PART I.March Birthday BergerOverture Festival UonradlFinale Tannhauser WagnerSelection Traviata VerdiLike no a Like,Moaula, Nua o ka Palai.

FAllT II.Selection The Mikado SullivanWaltz The Mikado SullivanQuadrille The Mikado Sullivan

Japanese Anthem.Hawaii Pouoi.


The annual meeting of the Ha-waiian Rille Association was heldSaturday evening at the Hotel. Theoillcers were elected for the ensuingyear as follows :

President Jolm II. SoperVice-Preside- nt John II. Fisher

Board of directors John II.Soper, Dr. J. Brodie, C. B. Wilson,F, Hustace, Geo. E. Howe, J. II.Fisher, J. W. Pratt, C. Hustace, G.C. Potter and John Good, Jr.

The election of secretary andtreasurer was deferred to the nextmeeting of the Board of Directors.Mr. J. Rothwell will act in thatcapacity until the meeting. Mr. C.B. "Wilson was appointed a commit-tee of one to arrange for a shootingmatch on the 16th weather permit-ting.



Saturday, Nov. 2d.Aikakc Jona vs. Belce. Divorce.

Granted on the ground of adultery.Louis Rodrigo vs. Ellen M. Rod-rig- o.

Divorce. Continued for theterm.

Mr. Rosa argued his motion fora new trial in tiic case of the Kingvs. Albert Loomens. The motionjvas overruled.' At 2 p. in. the Court adjournedsine dio.


There was a fair, sized audiencein attendance at Felix Ollerl's con-

cert at the Hawaiian Opera House,Saturda' evening. The programmewas not a long one, containing onlyeight numbers. The piano used onthis occasion was a Vose cabinetgrand lent by the Hawaiian NewsCompany. The Misses Dora Dow-se- tt

and Mabel Rhodes rendered avocal duet with much taste andwere encored. Miss Kate McGrew'aviolin solo was exquisitely played,and she was compelled to respondto an encoro, again playing in themost enjoyable manner. It was apleasure to hear Mrs. Paty's sweetvoice, and on this occasion it sopleased the audience that an encorowas deuiunded. Mr. W. II. Iloogs,dressed up as a negro, (rather apeculiar costume for a classical con-

cert), gave a comic song and wascalled hack. Mr. Ollcrt renderedfour piuno pieces during the even-ing, but Ids playing did not arouseany enthusiasm, The concert lasteda little over an hour,

LOCAL & GENERAL HEWS.A tarrot cage is wanted.


A sunn of furnished looms nro tolet.

A aooi) si.cd draft hor.o i.s ndvet-.ic- d


Cinnr Jutieo J mid sits at chain- -

vis this week.

A cAMT.s'TEit nud a machinist arevunlvd. Apply to C. Bruwci & Co.

The Hawaiian band gives a con-tlii- s

cert nl Emma Squat c evening,weather permitting.

A special meeting of ExcelsiorLodge will be held this evening, atTiltO o'clock, for initiation.

Tin: Tahiti Lemonade- Works havebeen sold to the Tahiti LemonadeWoiks Company. Soo notice else-


Tin: W. G. Irwin brought a steamshovel weighing twenty-tw- o tons forthe Oaliu Railway and Land Com-pany.

Mil F. M. Swiinzy, temporary ad-

ministrator of the estate of K. Goto,deceased, of llonokaa, lias a noticeelsewheic.

At Mr. J. K. Wildcr's lesidence onthe plains, 1.25 inches of rain fellbetween (5 u. in. Sunday and G o'clockthis morning.

There weie several heavy showersof rain during the past twenty-fou- r

hours, and the weather is cooler.Mud is plentiful.

Tin: Government, diplomatic andconsular Hags were Hying to-da- y inhonor of the birthday anniversary ofthe Emperor of Japan.

. m

One gentleman who witnessed theballoon ascension from the outsideof the Park, has called on Mr. Leveyand paid bis fifty cents. Next!

The band will play at ThomasSquare evening, and atthe lioman Catholic Cathedral at thememorial service Wednesday morn-ing.

Capt. JIcCullocli of the W. G.Irwin, which anived Sunday fromSan Francisco, reports losing a Ger-

man sailor, J. Hendricks, ovciboardon October 19.

Tun baseball match on Saturdaybetween the Iolanis and Punahouslesulted in lavor of the former by ascore of 13 to 8. The Valley boysand Punahous playjiext Saturday.

In commemoration of the death ofHis Majesty Dom Luiz, King ofPortugal, a memorial service will beheld at tho Roman Catholic Cathe-dral on Wednesday, the sixth ofNovember, at 10 o'clock a. m.

Among the passengers on the W.G. Irwin are, Mr. E. A. Phillips, re-

presenting the San Francisco Post,and Mr. Chas. H. Martin, son of thePort Warden at San Francisco, Bothgentlemen will return to the Coaston tho Irwin.

Me. C. W. Sherman leaves on theKin an in tho interests ofthe Paradise of the Pacific, to writeup thoroughly, Hilo and its sur-roundings, and tho new road to theVolcano. His account will appearin the November number.

PnoF. G. Sauvlct announces else-where that lie will give a grand con-cert at the Opera House Monday even-ing, November 18th, assisted by localtalent and tho Hawaiian band. Onefeature will be ibe performance of agrand march by the band, recentlycomposed by Prof. Sauvlet. Full parti-culars will be given later.


On Saturday Mr. J. F, Morganheld a very important sale of bondsand shares at his salesroom. Theroom was crowded in every part withthe moneyed men of the town andothers.

The sale opened with Governmentbonds and other stocks being put upby order of the executors of the willof Simon lis rdcastle. The resultwas as follows:

Three Hawaiian Governmentbonds of 1,000 each bearing G percent per annum freo of taxes weresold to A. Dreicr at 81,130; elevenHawaiian Government bonds of$500 each bearing G per cent perannum free of taxes to A. Dreier at$5G5; sixteen shares of the capitalstock of l'aiu plantation, par value8100, to J. B. Atherton at $2G0,ten to J. Lazarus at S2G0, ten toMrs. M. V. Purvis at $257.50;twenty shares of the capital stockof the Union Feed Co. par value$50, to J. F. Ilackfeld at SCO. Thetotal amount of this executor's salewas $20, M0.

Mr. Morgan also sold the follow-ing shares of Ookala Plantation parvalue $100; ten to Mrs. M. D. Hallat S10G, ten to F. W. Macfsrlane at$105, ten to J. F. Ilackfeld at $105and twenty to Jona. Austin at $105.Total realized, $5,2G0.

The following shares of the Ha-

waiian Agricultural Company parvalue $100, were sold: fifteen toMrs. F. 13. Hobron, trustee, atS1G7.50, ten to T. Y. Hebron at$107.50, ten to J. F. Ilackfeld at$107.50, ten to W. O. Smith ntS1G7.50, and twenty to Jona. Austinat $107.50. Ten shares of OokalaPlantation, par value $100, weresold to order at $105.

After the above side Mr. Morgandisposed of a number of Hawaiianbred mules, horses and mares. Theyrealized $723.50.

Tho grand total of tho whole salewas $38,001.

DAfrr m.TXKTTN"- - "nnvhf.rr'i: tt. t.. 4; ipso:H- --,


Interesting Account or the Trip ofII. U, .11. H. Cormorant, fiom Ho-nolulu to Coqiittnlio.

Having promised to write an ac-

count of our cruise and of the dintribution of tho toys and books whichtho warm-heart- ed people of Hono-lulu placed at my disposal I will en-

deavor to redeem my promise.Our depnrture on the 22nd May

last, will Iodji remain in our minds.It was almost like leaving home sopleasant had been our stay, and weall felt much pleased that such aparting wns accorded us. We havephotographs of the group on theEleti, which accompanied us. Thebeautiful song Aloha Oe sung bythe Hawaiian band, gave us quitea lump in the throat, and so with allgood wishes to the people of theseislands we left.

Arrived at Palmyra I sland on the28th, found no people.

Arrived at Washington Island onthe 29th, found sixty-liv- e peoplehere, one white man. Found thatthe manufacture of copra is sus-

pended and that Hie whole nuts arcto be shipped to 'Frisco. Next dayarrived at Fanning. Saw a largethree-maste- d American schooner in-

side the lagoon. Were told thatthere arc lifty thousand tons ofguano on this island which is shortly10 be worked. Did not distributeanything on either of these islandsas they have frequent communica-tion with Honolulu, and their ownerresides on them.

Arrived at Christmas Island onthe 1st of June. Found a brigan-tine, the Saucy Jack, belonging toAuckland. There is a very inter-esting account of this island inFindlay's North Pacific Directory.Among other items there is giventhe experience of an American,Capt. Hooper, who was here in1858. He says that in the largelagoon he noticed that the fish wereall lying dead at tho bottom. Alsoon the lee shore of the lagoon thefish were piled up in a state of pre-servation. On being broken in twothey were as sweei and wholesomeas possible. He adds that the wa-

ter of this lake is extremely salt,and stronger than any pickle everused in curing fish or meat. We en-

quired about this and found thatthe pickling action was no longernoticed, but that pieces of coralthrown into the water would floatfor an hour. We found that 8 men,5 women and 3 children were the inhabitants, but that in a few daysthey would be reduced to 2 men, 2women and 1 small boy, one Eng-lishman, the others Polynesians.There would then be no communi-cation with the outer world for fouror five months. Planting nuts andcotton is the occupation of thosewho stay. I gave Mr. Dean sundrynewspapers, magazines and illustra-tions, and a variety of toys for hissmall son, including a pig puzzle(must spread civilization). 1 ex-

plained how thcyl were contributed-Maste- r

Tommy W. of Honolulu hasthus given pleasure to this islandwaif.

When we were at Maiden Islandin 1887, the manager there told meof a very curious trait among theworkmen on that island. They arenatives of Savage Island, and hesaid that whenever two parties met,after a long separation, they invari-ably had a most vigorous free fight,afterwards becoming very amicable.The name was given by Cook be-

cause the natives greeted his com-

ing by hideous yells and brandish-ing spears. But this is only theirmode of showing joy, as I was as-

sured by Mr. B., a passenger in theSaucy Jack, some time resident onSavage Island. He told me thatthree years ago a native arrivedback to the island after an absenceof twenty years. He was one ofone hundred who were kidnappedand taken to Peru. But five ar-rived in Peru, ninety-fiv- e dying ofillness and grief on the voyngc.The man remained in Peru aboutsixteen years and then was smug-gled away in a ship having Raro-tong- a

men as her crew. He remain-ed working on Maiden Island forover three years fearful of facinghis family, for his younger brotherBenjamin, kidnapped with him, diedon the voyage to Peru. At last hosummoned up courage and went toSavage Island. The women scratch-ed and bit him, tore his clothes,pinched out the hair on his face andhead, and at the end of this half- -hour's welcome he was covered withblood, and a piteous object. Mr.B. tried to explain that there wasno malice in these operations, it wasmerely nn expression of tho emo-tions such as would have given Dar-win food for another chapter in hisbook on that subject.

I have never heard of a similartrait among other natives. I canonly liken it to what may be observ-ed in lats. Iu our dockyards thereis an oiucmi ratcatcher. He receiv-ed n fixed wage and a farthing forevery tail he produces. He setshis traps about a ship, and has aniron box to hold the spoil. Hocatches the first rat and prods himinto tho box. When the second ratenters the box ho is met by theteeth of tho first, and so on, till to-

wards the last you will observe therats arranged on cither sldo of thebox and a new coiner has to run thegauntlet of their toothsome welcomeand bear the brunt of their combin-ed joy, or grief, thus expressed, hisbleeding ears and body testifying tothe strength of their emotions,

(2'o le continued,)

t..ii-.f- ci

Th'L :i V": hi uVan Taftucll Uoch u Ilcnntlfiilly..

MMCccnnful Descent with thoI'nruchnte.

The attendance at Kapiolaul Parkon Saturday afternoon to witnessVan Tassell's balloon ascent andparachute descent was not so largeas it ought to have been. Aboutlive hundred persons were in the en-

closure, but there was a much largernumber outside. Many people wit-

nessed the ascension from the topof Punchbowl and other commanding positions. The Hawaiian bandwas in attendance at the Paik andplayed during the afternoon. A highwind bieak had been erected but itwas not required, as there wasscarcely any wind at all ; in fact,part of the wind break was takendow Ti before the balloon was inflated.

The inflation of the largo ballooncommenced shurtly after half-pa- st

three o'clock, a compound of hotair and gas being used. The infla-

tion was well worth seeing. It pro-

gressed so rapidly and in such athorough manner that at four o'clock"let go" was heard and the ba'loonascended gracefully into the air.The parachute was attached to theballoon and Van Tasscll sat beneathit in a trapeze, looking exceedinglycomfot tabic. Upward the balloonwent until it readied a height ofabout a mile and Van Tas-sel looked no larger than a lly.He was noticed to be moving roundBonsidcrably in his trapeze, and thiswas owing to the ropes of the para-chute becoming entangled. He triedto free them but could not. It washis intention, when the balloonreached its highest point, to free theparachute and descend in the Parkenclosure. While struggling to shakeout the lines the balloon began todescend and when it had come downa little distance the aeronaut paitlyopened the parachute and a fewseconds later parted from the balloon, coming down in a very grace-ful mauner, alighting about twohundred yards from where he start-ed. He dropped between the trees.A Bulletin reporter was soon onthe spot and found that Van Tasscllbad not received a scratch. He felta little put out because the para-chute ropes had got twisted, for hisintention, as staled before, was todescend right in the Park close towhere he started from. "While upin the air he says he heaul the bandplaying, could see the driyes laidout iu the park, and had a fine viewof the island all around with the ex-ception of one small portion, theclouds being in the way. DiamondHead looked like a small saucer.The balloon came down a fewtinin-ute- s

after the aeronaut, ab'but ahundred yards outside of the parknear to Diamond Head. Everyonewho was in the Park was porfectlysatisfied with the exhibition. HisMajesty the King was present andlooked on witli much pleasure.

It is probable that the Van Tas-sel- ls

will give another exhibition be-

fore they leave for the Colonies ; ifso, it is to bo hoped they will havea crowded "house." They certainlydeserve it after Saturday's fine ex-hibition.

MEETING NOTICE.will be a special meeting of

Excelsior Lodrje No. 1, 1. O. O. P.,THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 8 o'clockr. m. Business Initiation.

Per order.L. L. LaPIKKRK,

Secretary.Honolulu, Nov. 1, 1S89. S9D It


PARROT Cage. Apply at thisolllcc. 895 It


A CARPENTER and Machinist, 1m.mediately. Anolv to

BREWER & CO.,S05 3t Queen street.

ANNUAL MEETING.regular annual meeting of the

stockholders of E. O. Hall & Sonwill bo held In the oQleo of the corpora,tion on THURSDAY, Nov. 7th. at 2o'clock i'. si., for tho election of oillcersand transaction of business.

E. O. WHITE,Secretary.

Honolulu, Not. 4, 1880. 3 15 Ut


Furii'hcd HooniK run.bistinirof nailor.

una room adjoining; aho single rooms.Apply "Nuuanu Avenuu," opposite Ame-rican Legation, two doors below Scln ostreet. H95 if


I7MJRNI8HED. for a tmallforelgi with

pluin board. A separate Col.tago with tho usual conveniences wouldbo preferred, and near a lino of streetcars. Stato inclusive terms to "Maul,"Bulletin Ofllce, R912


I HAVE this day sold the TahitiLemonade Woikt to 'he Tahiti

Lemonudu Works Onmpntiy, and requestan immediate! settlemuiit with mo of alloutstanding accounts. All hills due bytho lato business will he paid by

J. E. BROWN.Honolulu, Oct. Ul, 18SU. :m lm

Appointment of Adminis-trator.

"VTOTIOE Is hereby gien that thoX undersigned Iiih ilils ilnv hi imappointed by the Supreme Conn, tern,porary administrator of this estaie of KGoto, of llonokaa, deccuccd All por.sons holding property belonging to thesaid estate uro requested o promptlyaccount for same,

F. M. SWANZT.Honolulu, Nov. 4, 18S9. 395 lw


Hawailan Opera House,

310XDAV, Xov. lSlli,

PROFESSOR SAUVLETiTssiMcd by Lending Local Amateurs

nud the Royal HawMlau Hand.

J5Thc box phui for ike sale of scatslllopen at Mr. L. J. Levey's office,

Monday. Nov. 11th, nt 9 o'clock a. m.395 tt

WANTEDOOOI) sized Draft Horse for abaccairc wnuou, Island stool; pre.

ferred. Apply at this ofllce. aw UN- -

Tax Collector's Notice I

WILL be at Hie Ewa Court HouseI from November 4th to NovemberSOth, 18S9, for the purpose of collectingluxes for the District of Rwa; and atthe Wuhitinc Court Houso from Novem-ber 23rd to December lBt, 1880. Alltaxes over Five Dollars must be paid InU. S. Gold Coin. All taxes unpaid afterDecember 10th, will be subject to auadditional charge of 10 per cent.

S. HOOICANO,Deputy Assessor & Collector for the

District of Ewa & Walaiiac, Is.land of Oahu.

Honolulu, Oct. 28, 18S9. 390 3t

Assignee's Notice to Creditors.

npiIE undersigned, assignee in bank.X ruptcy of the estate of MenzlcsDickson, of Honolulu, Oaliu, herebyilvei notice to all tho creditors whohave proved Iheir claims u gainst thesaid bankrupt estate, that he has sub.mined to the Hon. Justico Preston hisllunl account with said estato, and hasllled the account in the ofUce of theClerk of the Supremo Court, prepara.tory to the payment to creditors of atint and final dividend. And that onTHURSDAY, November ID, 1889. at 10

o'clock a. m., he will apply to saiu jus.ticc for a settlcrncut of his accounts assuch assignee, and for a discharge fromkls liability under said trust.

JOHN II. PATY,Assignee of the Bankrupt Estate of

Menzies DicksonHonolulu, Nov 1, 18-- 9. 393 Bwtaw


ALL persons arc hereby notified thatdebts contracted on behalf of

the cttato of Jose Esptndu, without mywritten order, will not be paid. And allicrsons are also cautioned not to pur.

chase any of the personal property be.oijgiui: to the said estate except from

'ho underii'nrd.ME3. MARIA ESPINDA,

Executrix uuUur the Will i.f .loselato of Lahaina, Maui, de--


Labuinn,Iaui, Oct. 28, 1889. 391 1w

Hawaiian Sugar Company,(Limited.)

NOTICE is hereby given that at aof the stockholders of the

above named Company held In Hono-lulu, Hawaiian Islands, on November2nd, 1889, It was voted to accept theCharter of Incorporation granted by theHawaiian Government. Notice Is fur-ther given that the limit of said charteriB fifty yeais and the liability of thestockholders limited to tho amount dueand unpaid on the shares. The following officers were elected for tho ensuingyear:

11. P. Baldwin President.Q. W. Maofarlone... t.

J. A. Hopper Secretary.E. M. Walsh Treasurer.P. C. Jones Auditor.And the following were elected as

Directors:II. P. Baldwin, O. R. Bishop.

W. Macfarlane. G. N. Wilcox,A. Hopper, R. Uatton.M. Walsh,

L. HOPPER,Secretary pro tern.

Honolulu, Nov. 4, 1889. 1)95 lm.112 4t


AT the adjourned annual meeting ofthe stockholders of the Hanokaa

Sugar Co. held this day, the followinggentlemen weru elected ofllcors for theensuing year:

F. A. Schaefcr President.J. Hoting t.

J. Hotlng Trcusurer.II. Renjes Secretary.M. Mclncrny Auditor.

11. RENJES,Secretary.

Honolulu, Nov. 1, 1889. 39.! 31


AT the adjourned annual meeting oftho stockholders of tho Pacific

Sugar Mill held this day, the followingwere elected officers for the ensuingyear:

P. A. Schaefcr President.C. It. BishopJ. Holing Treasurer.II. Heiijcr. Secretary.J. 11. P.ity Auditor.

H. RENJES,Secretary.

Honolulu, Oct. Ul, 1889. 392 !it


ATlhoaunuul meeting of tho stock,Paia I'liintation held

this day, the following named oillcerswere elected to serve for the comingyear:

President II. P. Baldwin .it W. O. Atwator.

Trcasuicr J. B. Atheiton,Secretary T. II. Hobron.Auditor. T. May.

T. W. IIOBKON,Secretary.

Honolulu, Oct. 29, 1889. UlO lw


AT tho annual meeting of tho stock,holilert) of tho Haiku Sugar Co.

held nt the office of tho asrrnls, the 2Ulhday ol Octuber, the following officerswere chosen for the enBulug year, towit:

President. Hon, II. P. Baldwin.S. M. Damon.

Treasurer Hon. S. N. Castle.Secretary Hon. J. I). Atherton.Auditor K. W. Peternon.

J B. ATHERTON,noorelury U. S, Co.

Honolulu, Oci. 39, 18S9, 390 lw



New Free Tontine Policy

Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOF THE UNITED STATES


TFrom tho New Youk Times, Juuo 22, 1SS9.

The Equitable Life Assurance Society has adopted a new form ofpolicy which, like a bank draft, is a simple promiso to pay without condi-tions on the back.

From the Chicago Invkstioator.1Always on the alert, and ever anxious to give the public the most

advantageous contract iu life insurance, the Equitable Life Assurance So-

ciety of New York has, in the past, made many advances on old methodsand has been the means to liberalize life assurance in a greater degreeperhaps, than any other organization. It is not at all surprising, there-fore, that this great company now comes before the people with a nevcontract, the like of which has not before been known iu life insurance.

From the Kentucky Ueoisteii, ltlohmoud, Ky., Juuo 29, 18S9.1

The Equitable Life Assurance Society ha9, in the past, done more tocreate and maintain confidence iu life assurance than auy other company.Consequently its business is larger than that of any of its competitors.Furthermore, it has now taken a step which practically sweeps every ob-

jection of the character referred to out of the way. The result, undoubt-edly, will be that thousands of men who have heretofore lacked confidencein life assurance, will examine tho new policy offered by the Equitable,'and assure their lives forthwith.

fFroin tho



Boston Post.1This company has done more than any other to simplify the aisuranca

contract, and to maintain public confidence in life assurance.

From the Pacific Underwriter, San Francisco, July 1, 18S9.J

The Equitable has already established a world-wid- e reputation forliberal dealings with its policy-holde- rs and for its prompt settlement of alllegitimate claims against it, and this new policy cannot fail to enhance itsreputation for enterprise and progressiveness in dealing with the subjectof lite assurance.

I For full partioulars call on

380 lniALEX. J. CARTWmCHT,

General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

Notice ! Notice ! Notice !







Ladies' & Gents' Goods,LADIES', MISSES' & CHILDREN'S

BOOTS, -:- - SHOES -:- - and -:-- SLIPPERS.


S.Oct-19-8- 9


Dressmaking Department



EHRLICH,Corner Hotel & Fort Streets.

Bluck Spanish Lace Flouncing, from $1 yard upward.Black Chantilly Laco Flouncing, from $2 yard upward.Ecru, Cream fe Whito Oriental Flouncing, from 60ct8 yard upward.Extra Heavy (new style) Oriental Flouncing, from if 1.25 yard upward.

Dress iMets in Pink, Blue, Red, Cream & Black.Full assortment of all shades of Oashmere, Moire, Satin &, Gros

Grain Ribbon. Velvet Rugs in nil sizes just received.Best variety in Cambric, Swias ii Nuiusook Embroideries at

b. in. :e3Euu:exr.s &c go.OLARK.

-- QV-

uuder tho of MIBB

100 l'OHT








Colgate & (Jo's Celebrated Perfumes & Toilet Soaps, '

Photographic Goods of All Kinds.


Fine Chemicals, Patent Medicines,Cigars, Cigarettes & Tobacoos. N

!.. -- . - n iitimii , &ki -- 3 KT

Page 4: J miUttn. - University of Hawaii...ORTENTAL LACE FLOUNCING,.Skill Length, Ptm 7.") els ti vnul. COLORED UOKDIMJ ANDKKKPII JKFS, CO c(m doon. Ladies extra fine, 25 a pair. FANCY STRIPED

Oceanic stmshti craftTIXTH TAKMKi

Arrive at Honolulu:AtiHtrnliA November 16

Loavo Honolulu:Zctilaiiiliii November 10AuMrnliu . .. November 22Alameda . December


ilraliaii "Hall" Men

FOK SAJi PltAXClKt'O,Tho now nnil lino Al steel htenmahip

"Zealandia."Of the Uccanlc Steamship Company, will

bu tluo at Honolulu trom Sydneyimil Auckland on or about

November 16. 1889.Aiul will leave for the ubovt mi withuiulh) and passengers on 01 about thaidale. ,

Pur freight or passage, having SU.PfiRIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, npplto J

WM. Q. IRWIN & CO.. Ageutf.

For Sydney and Auckland

The new and flno Al steel steamship

" Rfllariposa,"Of tlio Oceanic Steamship Company, will

he due nt Honolulu (rem HanFrancisco on or about

November 23, 1889.Attd will h:ve prompt wit)walLi and pagigeis for thukbove poiU

for Height n! parage, having SIPKRIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, iipphto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Acent



npilE "EIXLE" Is now being publlshetX In both Native and English 01

trial for a period of m months. Tiiihas greatly increased the expenses. Tmeet thii, friends have already nddeihugely to our subscription lists, and itpublication Jin English will he continned permanently, if n few hundreimorn subscribers can lip obtained. Th"ELELE" is a

ThoroDghly Independent Newspaper 1

Devoted to the interest of all the pt opliof Hawaii, without regard to Ciyucs,J?iicttoi or JWii'm J'aties, flu"ELELE" Is alwajs ltuht,and Sfiey ' Head it!

JtSTCall at the Elele Piihlhhing CoNo. titl King street, for a sample eopy.

tgrSubacriptions received at the ratioi iiSO lor the ei months. MutnnTelephone No. iIG4 t

J. N. S. WiLLfMS.Engineer & Contractor,

Is prepared to design and contract foiall classed of Sugar Extraction Machitiery. Irrigating Machiuciy, EvaporalIng Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Engineof all binds- and tor all purpose, WatcWheel-- , Water GWduiis, both pipeand tlumesj, Kteim Boilers of v.irioukinds, Hnilrond .Material and itollini


In all its bianeliLS a specialty.Plantations supplied u lih Chemiral nmAnalytical Apparatus ot the veiy besili'iwnptlon to onli-- r

JS3P Close httcutiua punt fi nil mdertmid to the pjn haer ,iiumnteed. 1'. O. Jtn .SMI I'oit. ttiootHonolulu. sept R 691;

The Crandall

Change or Type In 5 Seconds I

Writing ill Plain Sight!

Simple and Durable I

GET Cull .mil 8ei sample machine at

HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.,Ouirr.il Ak''IHh tur Ituwrtlfnii Minds.



Hesldenre dlt.Nn. 1, Huwttinnllulel, ni at the reoJaijcp of the punl).

.172 lm


imi rilVDN by Felix Ollcrt alrTWJJu! No. 27 Alakcii street, ornt the residence of tho puplis, accord,lug to agreement Charges moderate.

!HI7 ii


ANKW WlkeiT Vhlto FarlorWilli night Btops Bultablc

for school or chuiob.' A lloe Inatruloent. AptilfNot1 C7U'upchbowl btrcct,opposite Jf,Mj?son TflWltW 37B tf




losfece, ling Street1

Kiln Tmigurs A Sounds, Kill Hiilmof Bellies Mackeiel, Smoked Beef, BlockCodfish, Hams iv Uacmi, Olieor, Libby's Coini'iiK-i- rijj'u F et, SmokedHoi iiny;, (.Hm idii n Sitnifjesi, Luneli rongitt, Ikuied Chicken, Hinwn, FreshApides, Yelluw T.irnip" 1'ntalt.i's, Onions, 'lublu Ktuitfc, Kaibiiif, Driud Apri- -


eotsi, I'runc, .1)111 d FeaclieJ, Cal. it Jellies in glnss, French l'eas kMushrooms, ..iidiiie$, Top O'Can Unttei, Whiltiey's Rutter in 1 and 2 lb

neuMtc(l Coco.inut, O.ilc.,

A PULL LINE OF PETALUMA JARS TABLE FRUITS,Coiiili-iiM'i- l Mill., rium Puilthiie, Cu'lutiiie, Almonds, Walnut", .Tai Tablel'lum-t)- , tlnldoi) JAtia F.nnily I loin, .Input) Tea, Ciuuet Tru, MnpbS,Mii, Ciliiiii Pi el, lVailine, Stand tin Kitchen Ku.ip, Cni(, HumS)tis.)o., 'i(nnu Mnii-.i"c- i- N Mullet, t'uiiied Fowl, Chuns C'hni'olale.Ciion.ithei.i, liiiljji".' I'imiiI, linjiiii.il (ir.inum, Fuiina, Mitsliroimi Cutbiip,

lni.l'- - Oil. S tnces, Kuliul Diessing,

And a Complete Assortment of Choice Goods at Lowest Prices



Nuv Unoda rfeeived by every I'acktt fiom tlio Eastern States and EuropeFreah Calitoruia Fiodiict! by eteiy Steamer. All orders faithfully attended teind OocmIs tlclivecul to any pnrt ot lh city frcoof ehnigu. Island orders eoliJittd. Satisfaction RtiarantCLd. Ins,t O'Mei- - fto 115. Telenhnno No. U2 nov-1- 8r

telephone 210.- -- 'cJ0S"



w o rs' re jo "&ally aeh Htiaiiii-- i of the . K. 9. Co. California

Fresh Cala, Roil Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Cala, Fruits,

li.Mli, iin, VootaJJloM, 101 1., 131

A complete line ot Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T, Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of

(acriiuwi 1'uli's & l'alteil ileitis iSt ISollIcd d Fruits,(..e wis & Co.'s 3Ialtese Brand Sugar Cutcd Ram') Ja Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes,Sicily Lemons & Cala. Riverside Orangca,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-l- G Satisfaction Guaranteed. 87

JOHN" Dlmoiitl Uloclr," 1Stok.






xsxenasrBssfsiisxa'Maeesea'stiw -

b ein

iroxvv tsi'x'lQlLrJL


Rcadinq Room

Cor. IloilT & AInltcu Hhrots.Open every Day and Evening.

Tlio T.lbiaiy eonsiRts at tlio preeivHint) of over Five Thousand Volume.

Tlio Reading Room M hii)illed witr.about fifty of tlio leading newspapersami pPiiodlcalA.

AJ'jiilm In provided for roiivcuntlonmil games.

'J'ciiin of iiienibeishlp, fifty ecntB njioiilh, payable (p.ailetly lit advance.No fijiinallty icqiilied In joining pxeoptsigning the i oil,

Htiungeirt fiopifprelgn coiinlilcs nt)(lvisitor fiom the other IslandB me wel-come to the looniHat nil times as guests.

This Association having no legulurmeans of mimioit excepu the ofmcinbers, it is expected that residentsof llpnohdti who tluslrc to avail tliein-selv- es

of its prMleges, and all who fuelan Interest in maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand beenmo legular contributors.

A. J. Rjm.,M. M. BCO'IT, Vleo-1'ieslde- nt,

II. A. Scototary,A. L. SMITH, Treasui orO. T. RODUKRS, M.D.,

Ohalrman Hall and Library Committee

HONOLULU, H. 'OTOMEER'd, 1069.--uui









-- P. O. Hox 207

Ill Fort Street,

OS & OT" TCixipr Street.


0 0B.1




Tnrpontino. Etc, Etc.


Revere Rubber Co.,


Mil1 & fire Boiil Hose,

gfS Call and examine oiu Now(ioiidf. Aug-:i-S- 8

Continental and Colonial

3G Ruo de Dunkorquo, - - Paris.iCxecutcs Indents for every description

of Fiemh, llelglan,Swiss, German, and English Goods, atthe best Manufacture! a' Lowest Prices,

Commission, Two nud-- a Half por cent.All Tjado and Cash Discounts allowedto Clienls. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orPaiiB Danker, payable on delivery oiShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, andBells, for llqinonnu Colonial Finns.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,rillks. Velveth, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannclp, Feathers, Pearls,Iioots and Shoes, Glass, andOhlna.waro, Clocks, Watches,Jowollry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Funs, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mlirors, Toys.Perfumqry, Wiucs, &c,Oilman's Stores, Hooks ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Uhroinos, Machinery, &c., &o.

. 100 ly 8,

Granite, Iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps Lanterns,

WATER PIPS and HOSE,SHiouse Keeping Goods,

TIN, COPPER ANDSheet Iron Work.


Honolulu LibraryAssociation.













frv 3'M'

i w ww s

C?'Sr'SC 5

ifr i

i $?? 3



3t fr J


5 JMfr 5


J;4 ;

SIoi w-m- 1









W4 3

w e




FOR -- SALE.I will sell at tho very pi ires,

all my


Clocks, -:- - W --itches,itaiim, nA.,rnw,

Violins, Curios, Etc.If I cannot sell them before December

1, 1S89, they will ho sold at auction.

3S7 1m A. KEIACT.

T 1 1 !:


41''ngtohTD' ill" LAP "


SeceiM liy Every Steamer.1180 lm

Anderson &Lundy,Xen.tists.

Artificial Teeth from one to an entireset inserted on gold, silver, alluminumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgiWork a specialty. To pctsons wearingrubber plates which arc a constantsource of irritation to the mouth andthroat, wo would recommend our

Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in nccotdancc with tho latestimprovements in dentnl science. TeethEnU acted without pain by the use ofNitrOus Oxide Gas.

"Office at Old Trcgloan ResidenceHotel street. Feb-20-8-

W.W. Wright & Son,79 & 8 1 P BeM Tele- -

King SltmMLHo. 381.

(The Rose Premises )

All orders for wheel vehicles of everydescription filled with promptness.

First class mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty


Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts,

Mtule to order, altered or repaired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under the management of H.

oct-15- J Cayford. 3m

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,


Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmilhing, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Building as specialty.

Every description of work in theabove lines performed in a first-clas- s

manner and executed at short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.E5?" Orders from the other islands

solicited. Will be pleased to sco allour old customers as well as new onesMutual Telephone No. G75.

apr.19-8- 9

Pioneer .Shirt Factory104 Fort St, Upstairs.

The undersigned begs to Inform thtpublic of these Islands that he Is making

SlilrtH toy Mcasurcmcui I

Directions forFelf-mensurcme- willbe given on application.

White Shirts, Overshlrts & Right Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a sampltShirt to every order.

Island order solicited Bell Tclcphono 410

BOly A. Bl. MKfiMH.


General Shipping AgencyAND

Parcels Eixjrcss.Chief Office tor Hawaiian islands: 20

Merchant Street, Honolulu.

miANCii omen;Wniluku, Maul W. II. Daniels.Pala, West Maul... Geo. Heinmann.Maliukona, Hawaii.. W. J. Brodic.IIllo. Hawaii,. .Holmes &Willfong.Kealia, Kauai G. E. Falichild.Kllauea, Kauai Kihiuea Store.Hanaloi, Kauai ..J. O. Long.Wuimea, Kauai,..,....

O. B. Hofgauid & Co.Koloa, Kauai E. Strehz,Goods purchased and shipped to and

from nny of above ports, and all partsof tho world.

Goods received from abroad, clearedat Custom House und forwarded to des-tination per island steamers.

JBgtTRatcs furnished on application to

J. E. BKOWN & Co.,370 tf SJ8 Merchant street.

Per "Eskdale"123 days from Liverpool.

BRY GOODS!Large, Varied & Selected Stock.

FANCY GOODS,Dressing Cases,

Mirrors,Wicker Waro, Etc.

GROCERIES,A full line.

nnnnTiF nun I nnnnTonQ

A largo assortment.




Cnx'i-iaer- c JLaiiips,

Sugar & ilBags, Rice.i



Other Varieties.


Latest Novelties.


American andPortuguese




Rock,Liverpool and

Higgin's Dairy.

Oils ! Oils !

Boiled & Raw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc I

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Etc., Etc.

Corrugated & Plain.


In nil varieties.

Fence Wire S

Annealed,Galvanized Barbed,

Patent Steel Barbed




billInli form Groceries

Of all varieties, always in stock.Also,

Hay, Feed & Flour


Tile Tlioroiifilibred Stallion


N T.KARIN"Will stand nt scivico nt


ItECOiiD 2:22, Sacramento, Sept. 10,1887.

Pediouee: Marin was sired byQulnn's Patchcn, ho by Geo. M. Pnt.chen, Jr.; Mnrln'sdam bv Emigrant, hoby Billy McCmckcu; Billy McOrackenby McCrnckcn's Black Hawk, 707, (thesire of Lady Dooley, and of the dam ofOvcrmnn, 2:1UU). McCrackcu's BlackHawk, 707, by Vermont Block Hawk, 5 ;2nd dnm by Marshall's Black Hawk, hoby Eastern's Black Hawk. The dam ofQulnn's Patchcn by Stockbridgo Chief,lte by Vermont Black Hawk, 0.

R. T. Carroll of Han Francisco, thoformer owner of Marin, vouches, thatout lot thirly-si- x mares served by thishorse during his last season in Call-forni-

thirty-fiv- e proved with foal.


74 King St. --yMJ 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Beddiii.

A Speciailty.

CHAIRS TO RENT.' apr.10.8S


Aeraieu Waters!



Depot, 28 Merchant Street.

JUST RECEIVEDEx "Eskdale" from Liverpool, a largo

assortment of

PATENT BOTTLES,Of Assorted Sizes.

PLAIN - SODA,40, GO & 7G cts. dozen.


40, QO & 75 cts. dozen.

LEMONADE,:40, CO & 70 cts. dczen.

Etc., Etc, Etc., Etc.



GINGER - POP,At CO cts. dozen.

J. E. Brown & Co.oot-- ll Agents. 1880


ALL persons who want to communlwith the Poitugucso, either

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will find itthe most profitable way to adverllso lutho Luso Iaivaitano, the new organ oftho PortuguoBo colony, wluou is pub-lishe- d

on Hotel street, and only chargosreasonable rates for advertisements.-- '

hSj pMffiW"





V &. .'3"i u XM&m&diMiit.- - sfcii t t t Mi

2j Si, ivsai-yyo-- i jarfos-t-" .i--. .f ,'J--U- -'