j ij 1he 1a rf xtfw j rx r-v1t o t r l i j 1a rf i ofj i 11 1 tl j ij htir t q i tii d p h-li-ji j 1...

W J rx r- v1t o t r l i j 1A Rf I ofJ I 11 1 tl J Ij Htir t Q i tIi d li- p h- jI J 1 t1 J fV rf f I H Xtf CUt i u a d t 1HE j > < = < > < < < BATURDAY FEBRUARY 8 1902- a b trltleB r BalL PMtpaM DAILY per W atB- DAItV P r Yes BDKbAT P r Teat DAILY MiD SfNDAY p r Y r 0 DAILY AND SUNDAY P- rsJtsr to foretpt coualrlrs added sw N w York CUT PiwsKlesque No IZ near Grind Hotel KloxiiM No to Doultvard des Capuclnw- ff our frtmtt fator maimifrtitf t- MI inM catn mtt tlampi l sl nrp i Let Senate Stop and Think Duty requires us to tall the aentlo of ConjfreM to a oorUln mct orologici- phenomonon now obsonrable at nd of tho Capitol There hu that quarter a steady flow o Federal public building acts carryinr largo appropriations bearing the Attest of the Secretary Senate and lack- Ing naught save the concurrent action ot the to be ready for the Pros dents some of the bills of this cla passed the Senate slnoo middle of last month either In the regu lar order or out of order by xuianhnou consent Superior M0000 baUM Tsx enlariemeat 11000- NMhua N II IMw Portland Ore eoluiement 0- 0lluatlnttoa W Va 1MOO Hammond Ind- Muncle lad IWOO Anderson Ind ISOO- OIlluenrld W Va TOo- nVHetllnr W Va 00- JtrkMnvlIlt Ha addition sooorn- Cltreland Ohio Inertaie tMfa Atlanta Oa addition 10000- llulte von Incnuc 11000- Aberdrru 8 p lacrtus 4000 Sin IraotlMo Ortene1ll Term it niion Wyo loaOOO Hartford Conn MOO- OMrrdo Tex Nalchrr Mlu SprlnpBrlrt 111 ttaQtt- Tulal UfUOOOO All equally or nearly equally worthy measures perhaps but between five and hlr million dollars In that little initial Ixitchl The proportion which this batch to the entire volume of similar and meritorious measured pending will be seen as we proceed Do tho Senators who now are blithely iiskinfranri obtaining unanimous consent and thereupon passing with mutual bows and pleasing smiles these publio build Ing bills at the rate of two or three mil- lion dollcm a week and sending the name to the House fully understand the sig nlffcnnoe of the business Why behind this preliminary score or so of such measures already set arolling there are not lou than two hundred and fiftyeight oUter public building bills In troduced at this session und awaiting favorable action Those other bills carry appropriation ranging from 110000 up to 3000000 They possess equal claims to consideration as we may fairly assume those which the Senate has passed have catalogued above- A list of these waiting measures be too long Vo accordingly divide them into classes as follows II bills approprtitlor than Uoooo sod artrrratlnr tllUOm bUI from tsoooo to tiooooo artrt- fttlnc i tOUooo appropriating from Itooww to and 7u7too- i bills sppropiltuior from Illoou lu- Ku oaa aid acfrrcstlnr 4eiu- ss bill appronrltllnr Iron l uuo tu- tMOooo sad sicrcrsttoi rtuooo bills pfroprtnlnt from Unouuo to II bltli spproprlstlat tluououo sad ove- rt bills ilrridjr puiird by Sfnitf i- khown la the list ibof iWOOOO total 1W4MGOO dollars the Treas- ury stand the Can the Sunate afford to Ml the pac Yale Inlvenltj The catalogue of Yale University In Its twohundredth year make a volume of nearly 700 page a marked contrast to the thin yellowcoverod pamphlets of only twenty years ago when Non POHTRR was Frmblent It U to th great tit nalon of the aoo e of the university l aohlng that the en- largeineot la due la the many and varied cour x of Instruction and new ilepartmrnu of rMnaruh no M than lo InurraM of number of both iturlenta and instnictpm Yale Colle by this lime stand rmtUkl lo the elective ym ni all time snore irogrnMivi nollegm lu- Utalmeiit of tht ysU ru U lnt r lliig n4 will mM t with the nf- manjr trsoia who ara not with result uf uiirnslraliiiMi 4ora of ebolot on rt ut young iludefils TH ntudUai of fr hman- ywu all r iuired they include lAtin malltraiaUi tlllirr Kriinh r- IWHuui KoflWi sad Onrk fur Vulc- t let till put U otMiiip uf llnllui- on IMT ba 4 01of of In Jtoiiwi Iron a UwlUtJ nuuibcf niough to aUvw fur dlrTefMii of Uaio ud- p tud M hut U oufiua U u frfM- M Hl4 lo UK Ut Iww y is Mu Mt U Ufl rf tl An effort U rud tu grad lit r riuu m- A4 a V7 d si1nMttl wily u ij- riawUvM an ittttoii la ui 4o gra4usu- M fiaa U ur iMwJ r Maably ritliUi- IhrM yssirs ul DM wU oour All MffW work U don tu tU gr iu U- tv4to L lo atart a j u raitkly UM prfodpU uf l cUoa tut trint lo guard a aiiMt MU of UIDB or oflort- amettx lu youbjcrr and M iprriMt d- Tbflra U Uolr lo dtooM from In Hi of oonrvM fftrt J by wit of twrt ly four d t arUB iU if iactntcUAO V- eoU aa being out of U ontanMia rua 1 10 t I I t 0 the t- hen HOWe Her the leO IWO heal wit would- J j j I A2 I i 4100 i 20 a Ore an th k j t f the Mil t tuna the W t let I IJ t I I l t i THE and paWa1g3s sah i set I WI- t I a i t 1 f t I 3 r lea 71 blUe IrA agralInr a aggregatteg agtrtltQt pace approve the are ads 7lr Isie Is a clgiie im tudw4 Ire YeA ti4sctg the L > ° > ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < + > < > > > > > of college irtu ll couri In Wbll literature in nucalui In Nonregfo In Swedish and In modern Besides jta school of art and o now has a school of forestry A plan of the university ground shows distinctly Taloa great material extension in the lost few years The numbers in the catalogue donate pros- perity Under 340 professors instructors and ofllcera of Lion there are 3035 students Bonn of ore womttn aa women are ad freely to tho graduate schoo- as well as to Instruction in nit music though they ore rigorously from the other department of the university Of graduates there art 339 of undergraduates in Yale 120 of scientific students WJ In the other divisions o the department of philosophy and Uu- flrtu there are IM students in the school 100 In tho medical school 147 in the law school 347 Yale has always taken pride in wide field from which she draws Her students came from fortyone States from and Hawaii and a dozen twentyseven of th The numbers are not to odd a name list but are large enough to have moaning Connecticut naturally heads tho list with 932 and Now York as usual comes next with 667 but Pennsylvania sends 104 Massachusetts Hllnoli 107 and Xew Jersey 101 There are 5 American cities and one Japanese that send each five or more to Yale and New York and ol 273 is not so far behind New Havens 352 Yalo can justly call herself a national university She bids fair to advance- as rapidly under President JlADLEr oe she did under President DWIQUT Shying at the Word Ueclproclty Dont call it Senat HaLl is reported as saying of the pro posal to help Cuba sot up housekeeping Reciprocity in something which an Injury to protection in which I am i thorough believer In this definition of reciprocity ai something adverse hostile and Injurious to protection Mr HALE is directly conflict with the Republican platforms of 1800 and 1000 Protection and reciprocity are twin measures of Republi- can policy and go hand lu hand de- clared the platform upon which McKlK- uir and HOBART were elected The platform upon which McKisLKr and HOOSKVELT were elected renewed the partys faith in the policy of protection- and then went on to favor the asso dated policy of reciprocity A former Senator from Maine the lion JAUEH O ULAIVE onco vigorously pointed out the twlnshlp ULAINE did not regard reciprocity as something Implying an injury to protection Almost the last publio words of Wit UAM McKINLEy one of the most and consistent protectionists that ever lived were these spoken at Buffalo Reciprocity Is the natural outgrowth ol our wonderful industrial development under tho domestic policy now firmly established Senator HALE is a good protectionist- but no better titan were U LA INK and McKlNLKt no better than the Republi- can party in convention assembled There is no reason why in announcing Ills readiness to join the other Senators from New England in lending a helping hand to he should protest against lire reciprocity The Engaged Girl and Her Father When the world wants an authorita- tive opinion upon a matter of the pro- prieties elegancies and minor of life and conduct it turns expectantly- to West Hobo ken That Is the ad- mitted capital of decorum the final Court of Appeals for cases of etiquette- As Troy connotates collars and cuffs and East Aurora the Hubbard Squash si West Hobokcn connotates the social decencies the becoming Nobody knows why this is so Everybody Is or should bo glad that so It U These questions- are knotty and few persons have the tune to consider them impartially- West Hoboken settles them with the rapidity and Impeccable Instinct of gen- ius WitniMH Miss AKNIK HKVUTS proper rupture uf her engagement to Mr AHTIIUK HIKDNCK for his Insuffer- able rudennu to her father How ought an engaged to treat hi Intended fatherinlaw there U H mattwr It is notorious that folk in lovu with a girl he duvelojM a preposterous fondness for her relatives Ha at her fathers jokes and old What a delightfully interesting your father is Such spirit torn of aiie Jolc A month ngo I hut Infutuatu young man would have IMWI- IIwrwl If h hail lied lo ride downtown In the Mint cur with that glftttj- mm whom I now o aniclous to vats A hinini he nmy lh Mi nn M io Mjcinily- sxulnit list lilnllwlnic old idiot Hut now the N U on him Im usual inaku lilniMlf UK UJA lo the irlutivnn- of his lolovixl ho m uvt n 4iNil ln uf lil ling HII broflior u hums ul l i Ixtnow iiioin y of him ilimnh wills irulllH lie Hviw in u wwrW of row MIII furn4u4 unit liuriiii l hills Mi UK I UIIMI ftUIT Is not fur MfuiiK in liMiiki iiMlliitg linn un- U lltrlD Iff MlfHlr Hllw ful IIIHII family out uf uoi i ii ftoii sited head lf II MlltIM MllUl Uf If- Iw nttn o list Ih- li i MI U rV I UMI dauKliUir nut HM M uvil- lUlxlllid otlMJf UrUOM Will l t- l minds tit Hut million ac- C a4 and iniUiotk tivnt Who hop u lx It U iruo that Influent f faUier U Mid Ui U on ll 7 wan frH- UM girls tuud will and let lh old nun BO lLf U audi the nwxjem motto u o Dab Yale tutor theo Col- lege the Cub m- ar Jape tothe student In thor- ough Cub ery Jan ow han hearty fan cull lard lsuIuLaa his r1iut of f 1 IUI 11111 II ISUI- tI wllt W3I 1 too and music and excluded divin- ity M implies protec- tionist morals elevated lie mar situ tutu I liar Idiot a in isItuus Itst mug lbs of She duly lug the ass siitigs4 inuimu mum atsrd a Itoitu Saul tIm any Si tarIevii JtaIbP uend dlanp4P Aiesl sflht- 14t dtmftIIwt If lbs Imthsr a usual a guilt WhO 0 the time < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < < > > > > < > where there are elect femlnljWsplri- whloh hoI that the of man faoV and that fathers are a superfluity survival In tItle enlightened How- ever that may be and whatever final status of fathom may be the rather of a pretty girl will be an object of reverence to many susceptible young men and the proper treatment of BUG a father should be the subject of anxious thought It is our privilege to upon it the light that always shines West Hoboken Tho young woman aforesaid or that town was engaged to the young mIlD aforesaid described as sometime o Princeton University and now in the drug business The vase is shattered tho dream is ended Tho other day the young woman sent to a West Ho boken paper a letter announcing breaking of the engagement In con venation she gives the reason for fracture She avers that tho once beloved druggist was not respectful her papa a highly respectable man of business I frequently requester him to bo moro respectful she says but he took it na n big joke Evl dently u satan unworthy of a good father inlaw or Incapable of appreciating one A man who doesnt think enough of a girl to bo respectful to her papa deserves to wear tho willow Sad say the jilted one seems unrepentant and continues to jeer The final disrespect was committed at a club where father and swain met I was feeling good I suppose tho err- ing scoffer and told tho old man to Hados Tho invitation still stands good I will add Clearly no young woman can permit her sweetheartrto give her papa HO warm an invitation as that If ho talks in that way before marriage what lan guage will ho hold after marrlngt West Hoboken him decided wisely usual This decision teaches us that it is not safe to tell the father of the applo of your eyo to skip to Shoo at least not until after you are married Justice On the eve of President ROOSFVKLTS comment upon Rear Admiral SCHLKTH appeal the cry from tho latters par- tisans for Justice to SCULKY is hoard almost as loud as ever Now no news- paper is more anxious than TilE SuN that SCIILEY shall have justice but we demand justice not for him only That must bo rendered to all concerned Sell LEV first For his acts as com- mander of the Flying Squadrm for Ills management of the Brooklyn ut Santi- ago and for his claim of command there let him have the full praise or censure approval or repudiation that justice demands And SAMWOY If by moving out of the blockade line at Santiago he ever lost command of the fleet which he had arrayed in such memorable readiness to meet tho Spaniards let him pay the penalty of his misfortune But If he did not lose command justice demands that he have the full honor of victory and that rival clalmunUt suppressed- Last comes the Navy which through- out this controversy has been maligned- by the Schley pros OH dominated by- a ring of venomous and falsifying ad- venturers bent on the destruction of a blameless hero The Navy demands justice merciless justice Was SciiLKYa captaincy of the Fly- ing Squadron a model for naval con- duct Did his turning of the Brook lyns stern to the enemy his causing a sister ship to stop to avoid collision his risking a general mixup of the Ameri- can fleet at the critical moment and his never regaining the distance lost by the loop coiiHtituto good fighting DOM this fraud of publishing tho first Hodg son letter apart from time subsequent Injustice to a brother officer to quote the mild phraseology of the Court of Inquiry denote our Navy truly Should that body of uniformed Ameri- cans be identified with all these things before the eyes of the world If not justice cries louder than any shriek of Schleyism that the Navy receive the exoneration which tho rejection of Schleyism alono can give Fair play for one and all is the thing for whomsoever bo limo fate of exulta- tion or degradation The Itotloii Strike Hlfioe Jan 20 the city of Boston has boen the scene of outrages with which public familiarity Is so utica refreshed when time member of a labor union become diwuit- Uflnd with an employer Time Brine Traits K rtatlon Company has bwi attacked by lt former employe as though they hall the right to dim roy what or whom their venuuunce pointed to The Urine drivers have UH ault l their drays linvo been blocked or uw l und lime liani has Issn rut Hvon till itins were cut arid I ho taken out of I ha lion inouilw Iruvlng the public HI ixxud t limit urddotiU that naturally follow runaway Thu x mwiiy has dks lul lx r fus l to submit and yifld- viiHory lo luwluMiicMi nuklnu noili InK of Bonloii but till common tight lo UMI llm rily triwl fiiim viu fin Alul HIM Kiiiduct uf time Boston l ili liu IMHII uiiMl ttiiiinruMf lbS lh idher hiuid HH li d- IMIMIII I hull 1irwldillt of lu l n Imiulxr of inii ir i linmtM y- luniti ihui ulihoiivli n mud a rights lo lwlu 1 III ImklliiMi In III wn- y no IIIMII u lo H jiubllff mltnmy Tint loUiuily ilii- UHl Ui 4IIM U lluill fiulltfllttlll II lunhfct lirgrr li lllfl l IM lltlllliK uinjt d- r f tt n i iiii iix uri f ibll mjilK linttittr JUxx s- HfilUli n hi ad W8 1JeT ta and age the awful turn in the the to to act- or says to- go all N be hON a r IlIlhl or lIhrIIIIfY- by I I lit us IIIWIIIII- tr ull I till fUpI- II JIIII liglitliug 4 ruI- IIIICW rllct tu Sri tlrlul fwd tl uphold wltllItt- i WI tlt rhw ut d a hits rest Iii aim is 1lentiiiima lii- 11w alnlkis lime iiiueik ito lai I lit I lie lisa baa IH Dig giulbsimaiu sJiaaiaI U a Alt bough I lii uim a hsmfasr SU lii- a iswis wlms a fur a gviI tsiimtiljd a galaisihly a any dimsulosm asjiaS ila sstiais elms fai puii4- ssamtiiwnt hamu isu- rvat4tds oirv uhmmfimit ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < < > > < < < > < < > > > > > < < > gone to Boston XiliriH rejalce if I brings made wlUiolit McHfloe or abuse of Justice let It take care The report of tho Railroad Commissioners upon the Park avenue tunnel accident printed elsewhere pays that the removal of the tunnel roof l both desirable and im practicable that electricity 1s the best mo- tive power but that legislation Is needed for the chango to electricity from steam that the engineer of tho colliding train was Inexperienced and lacked reasonable presence of mind that the railroad was grossly negligent In Intrusting him with a passenger ttaln that the railroad has been negligent derelict and unprogresMrs In falling to take measures to Increase Ita terminal facllitleH at the Grand Central Station and yards dimensions an would reasonably with the yearly Increasing mafia necessities of the linen that the tunnel should be operated In three blocks and more room be obtained for the Grand Central yard Experts who testified before the board united In declaring that this tunnel la the most perfectly equipped as to Its sig- nals n the world but no other tunnel Is so difficult of operation because of the large amount of tramo going through It Mid Its unfortunate location HO near the terminal A wise railroad President will remedy the faults Indicated with all possible prompt- itude even If public clamor dies away If the third raIl on the Ninth avenue elevated railroad or on any other portion of the elevated system capable of admitting- It In unlawful It should be legalized by leg- islation Wo cannot have in this city too many tracks running north and south Mr CinNGOiRs epitaph as he called It In Hoboknn night before last namely liens lies a man who knew how lo get around him a great many men who were much cleverer titan he was himself re- peats gowlp which boon flowing out of PlttHburg for many years We have often heart that the of tho Carnegie Insti- tution was not ANDBKW of that ilk that the true homo cr machine was scion other fellow some concealed genius who when ho left for other bunlneM would leave Mr CAHNKIIIE esponed an a figurehead The latter had Rot around him cleverer men than bim elf and when they left him hU peculiar tame would collapse Well we have peon neveral gentlemen reputed lo Iw the mysterious force of Cur negleUm get out of the buahiOMi without chucking ItHgniwth until flnally Mr CAB KKOIK hirnNelf left In a blaze of mllllorm- Ptlll unexposed and undetected There U no objection however to hU blurting dernlo Ulwu loii UN to wh ticr time man who attaches a cleverer to hlinmli or tho clover mutt who attaches lilmself M another not no clover Is the cleverer Mr THOMAS SlUNK COOPBH of time Hoyal Academy has after all failed to equal TITIAN III living to IH a hundred years old mid painting uteadlly to the end Though cut- off at 89 ha will nevcrtheleHO head tho list of British artists for a lone time with his record of thowing plcturtH itt Academy exhibitions for sixlynoven consecutIve years TITIAK remains centenarian of art with FONTKNKLIK in letters and CllKvnKUL In science That energetic playwright CLTIJK Kncii whose average output in cool weather U a drama every two weeks lies signed a contract with CIIAIILKS FUOHMAX to keep tho Savoy Theatre fcupplled with new plays of hU own writing all next MOMUII to select ull the players for them conducl all reliearsulrt and tug all productions must always ready to furnish a nexv play on four weeks notice Thus what is generally considered genius IH tuRtle time subject of a plain buHlriftwlIko contract such an one might make for time future de- livery of M many bushels uf prime winter wheat or to many tons of steel rails at time market price What is Benin asked tho proprietor a successful comic seokly paper not long ago Why he unhwem it U jut bUsiness and lu has provisl it Dues ho allow tho and thu joke writers on Ills staff to loaf around waiting for lni lratlon to quicken them Xot much At the Ktroke of nine every work- day Ills writers begin to write and hU begin to draw When twelve oclock whUtlo Mow every pen nnd every pencil stops on time instant At I oclock work Is resumed and at 4 oclock It ends and these men who appreMato time serIous new of being humorous ronw out of their go home Their results neem to JustIfy limo tcheduld by which they work and the proprietors epigrammatlo that genius in just bUHtnrm- IerhajM genius U machinemade alter all The decline and falloff of time 1opullst party mire to bo regretted fur otin mia MIII they reduro time publio supply of wjiltohot language Fortunately a few Iopullxt trumpeU are Mill blowing Here for i ample Is our Texan contemporary the Cliburne Watchman It that every vole of Congressmen Indluntes that they are slaves to un effete and damnnble- arihtocrucy That In th good old Iopullct lingo a longuo of taUucu anti red jHppvr and hot Kplc Hi adjictlveii Major HAMPRON an Illuntrious Deino craSh ktatmman who now making heroic effort to break Into City Council of Chicago put foith two years ago u plat which all U iniix rallo randidal of IJUJ 1U03 lOOt will IM to imitate U- nt whet I u l to Ije but wlmt I am loilay- Aldernuin JAMKN J HKIIKJM of limit lorty i lli illtilirt will or should u in- IMIIH volume of worth and n M Ionii i lii MJ nnd uwnl liy him III I he- delMiliv on limit floor of lh IJ wnl of inxii In II will I H IncliiiUI hut N iil to ll null In which h iMwuiiKhl lit rhuek it n chacklc kin 4lknnMii itiiimitl Smith h 4i ll- a KlUiMMl In gratify hU d irn lo look Inter Ida hern mil wi wlat llwin- U litter il ii An apMndii will l i lip ul U dffpliwt of rout llJkl lrf KIVM IH wuil i ui Mr IIIIIIMJM IIWIi W Ulta- MM Im wMI ttui M iirfi wliUli do- mritlMMU i lilm Mr llhllxih III Hi AM its MW iiMsi thorn wM- MM Ur Ihu vwrli ilisi- H Hl W i WIK I- l Inil Ar Muun rt SH1U3 lltJ i rrttr U n ri j- i l In tour wt un i to f tire lui- MiUtakyvuiMif vf J It the D t by Iuch entering heat nit ucm I I I I ho I I bOXes and factory assertion N Iii lit AMt simmons immal I Its I c Ilia y I Iiy I I I III JIt t 1 II IIH a I rHl usi 14 I I li4 I oJ W- I 1111 ad rlt IIft It 1ft r fo I tS If 101 I I I u I IIJ u tim tatIon marl successively tim hit artists ant btt t lit swears lit tam a lao a ms II ram mmmmunmy nfl hIs a ten tutu I less ismssms SiPti limit sly witidm sdwg1i4 limit datlmI hH- semiim by JIm njl fluiimj4y 504 ealislmel S1msig 40 Iwktnji lJ4t lwl assiti Mist IHItI I uiwaN wlml iamb itt t5l a uik4 us tie Ilsimala iir4a- I a I441U5I I 5 4- ssaithksuii4vIit I se a 4 ii 4J a Sat w Ni Oak 0 HiSS I iteIt U aft i- 4ud 4gwit 4 thI au U14 M4- titi I m4a i 4 1a14 bt 41 ma t vs 4 rfliS a I sV- he ailiu4a l l hM it 5It P lap 4 a i I 4t 5ii t014 ikS mat 01 rCI T I1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < > > < > < > < < WHERK AKK T Hf ftiil t- KctnarksQle Qlupprirtneefn Florida To TD Entron or Tn BvxSir In summer of lass or throb y m lilt sum- mer a remarkable bloloxleal occurrence happened here and over an extensive ofcoUntn The opossum stiddtnlr dUap reared the disappearance being absolute sudden and complete area of I have not been able to determine and I sendthis cation hoping that by cMllnir attention the subject some may be thrown on I have lesrnrd that th mortality extended as tar s Plant City h count distance of about a hundred unties to the north and to Collier on the south a hundred mites and to Clearwater on the west about tho name distance The a Ii to mann Is the Irrepressible toe of poultry that or lbs hid du ll fact was noticed have hid described to mn One saw urns in the woods M he walked them Another man t- ot seen ono since except a dud on th not him this ktnd or evidence produced but the so easy to determine Your will better fact not what total of fijr the chipmunk or the squirrel from the be- Thinking that It was of sctentlfl0 Import- ance I wrote to tho Agricultural probably the negroes lied eaten the opossum up A settled country no over two Inhabitants to the square milo there are no negroes here at or none and eat the female opossum at all HI that that animal will never In tile way sclpntlflo correspondent haIl seen ai- opoMum for In throe years i ho titan who brought It to me raid ten It phenomena s- have described are worthy 1 1IVVIW nu Osprikr Feb i Jons 0 BBD Universal Shorthand To till UDITOII or Tar Svx SIn A hat sent mo a clipping of your editorial of Jan 27 on the MUbject nf Unlverv Shorthand It b gratifying to n and Influential journal rail attention to Intelligently discuss a iiuestlon so important In un educational and rtonomlo tense A you point out no system of reportorial abbre- viatloai and short can over come lute general me even among reporters as earl hH hi own peculiar kind of work his own notions ax how to do It and ti tree fIeld In which to exercise thorn Much lest can ny tcm of abbrevIations such as reporters uie however cleverly devised ever come into general for the ordinary purpose o writing for the reason that perfect legibility nf every word Independent of evury other word Ii an essential characteristic of such ytent of Improved writing The socalled nyntems of Benn and unto Pitman iraham Mumon lIsten smut Scott llrowne which mention welt a n eii others on really one the for If these lher ielf author would return te- Iltman what immune taken from him the would not have enough left to wrlte their own names ritinan tnee tnocim- cutlonK of hi tem have degenerated Into Nteiiogruphli and are too cum of those who attempt them to learn with any of time ucreptabllltt- hu simplest modlfloatiomi of time 1itiiuui- svHtem a addre used word My experience iw it teacher of the art ii- tlmt not one In ten can If h fa thoroughly mister tim Intricate and wonderful Jo lieoomea verbatim reporter thli i u with ambitious and Intelligent students lie grade who tko tip time study n a specialty what would Iw time re among In a vchool taken as come Evidently u system cannot b erlou ly considered us n In comi o of a mil vernal shorthand I venture to attention to n rystem of Improved writing which the of u unlverial The gives faflrnllo In shorthand horn und well known iieople time vocations nf life who ue the tem In correspondence and for other writing nurpoe tel v what they think It alter of u o flie writer thU receives and writes ilioiniiml of l tt r and K card writ- ten In way very year and bus yeiir the corre I with greater freedom ea e and despatch than If iloni In or with n rimcbliie und with the rertatnty that It will be us legible The Introduction and tin of n telit would mean the lecMMitng of time tlinentiil latter of more tliau two third loi of legibility live enable II reporter to monk n full riyort of an interview or with time l and turn hi over to ihfi linotype operator with tIme Mainly that there lia- bility to than with u tyitewrltleii and with this apparent ixiviiirf uf time and work It time court re to flie hi notebook at time end nf H an the tlnUhed record In tie rare rertalnty that the note would never rot This tetn I u ed I Ilrnnk lyn by lr Chnrlff II Iteoua oniclalfteiog for this Kunrime Court lo In Pam bridge N Y by Mr llobrrt It Iw nfllrlal reporter for Hupreme Court Fourth Ju lii in rorre could lx written In thl way the letterhead of the Strum In and as oon a It would be ready In l o tripled In Mon hook e stud This means a- Nsvlnr nf at e n six hour In the ordinary despatch nf lm lnp forre l One writer es lly don much as six do now In time letters tire written llh time further eewnnmy nf dl en lng with the clow- noUy and e r The rmiiluyinent IIf Hhnrthand and type- writing In rnrre p ilidenr effected the xmsll saving of one half In th nf work Till inelliod would Having of fnurflfth- 11i mmll nf ha virtually nplilanled time Intirhiind writer In the la t twenty year In the lnleret of eeiinnniy and tlepaeli fliniilil lint of writ IIIJF the In far le thus Tlienf letter and this nf thou silid demoli tral that this I entirely prac- ticable I hlMUAl1- CllUiilO Felt I Time Aelnr 11111 To KiiiTnn or Tim WIn A einblmsn Alirarn Intrnduced hit Mil fur e eeiiMordilp Tim Hi x nalurallr made tit of II liul it looks at If III aublliifli- lll though allli l a hid at irm other haMs IMCII prepared nndrr koine eiicoiiraciv- Ilienl II I lo d that Inlrlllcrnli- wnpln will rnill iroe i of t aM I IU ir lilialinuiitrl suriltal- m liwn M- fin in IM tulii I i and H i r li wii It wn 7 j ul M ff rMftj IIHf U tu MUI IH I rl flrt lia T4i V M Ilrt4r in lfl IMur u4fl Myrm uiixifl L IHM lt UM- UM I l IH II IIBfll f l f fMl7TlI- HI a f r l h i V1 H ago Tb light a O forced ttseif on rolnd and Inquired or nIbbotfl and I soon some raetA which tber observed fit lilt time o the reidence on the third day ot three years ago lie a by the a by In hOUIII le and IIlbed the nlro tr t at had s4 ut a tree t at limo had et t e te the strangeness or thts from tb mtfl bout It J ot Cor that to DIY er fI I fWd hope this secure It friend In Uo great amid its host use a OU imi II brou difficult and for the majority Ute time one tIme ltll II Ion our don mmhorttmaumd 1 t- It o ur 0 I cud Its porter ork 1 wa effect lit HIS Sir hOI f nOr 1In filA Ih n 11 111t1 111 fill II II hln In liii lIIor tmsti It 11 dsevuw rd Itr- I1rlOInll iiiii II II 1 f I sat II IIf Wibt I II rlul 010- II ft It I II 14 1 11 Ic III tlot lr I 1 f I II I fOr I I I l < H1j k III I lot fl Ir r r I c 1 1 I 44 Y r I lot IIIt I r AInl 11 If II 11 II HIy 1M fI o1all 1 lute 1 a II U IrIht4 C b i JMA- I the area ac en cuss b several disappearance through sat t mat e move his August said was ra opos- sums got up out and he e noun so at uzrardm rea sri relic ng t stilts iiTercnt man y suggest issue see the lmmdeed author of et tile suit the ft hits for mnammv to time Pf oil days itt easily a t ItS flit I imoil alas in mast is ltd flits mimi mf- lt smut I calf S ttI irInI if votrriulnsmI a fur iu I its I at- S tel 0 nm fM 111 of g fl me on ti- 41tra OIl mul 1154isIm sri ito a flue i or felieC Irdsm km wa iui hr iala I U ii I s iiuut S 1w ms I4k ii 11 IIuJaff rmiiumit mill luau s a IiwaIe I irrasIi lii himost iIiuif ii faa tHdi fu fiti I 5i5f ie a I 55 al S iNl 10 Is hit a ma fsIiIaa iHaoasis hsly aimsri eaiy- LkI4 is 4 fa ida sri it ma a S fit afti Is 4a iIS4I aims 5a- a sr a asaad seI hi C i ala ia 14044 iii p4a iJe sumild ty 5 I lbs tIles i I p iti d s p SItS ie Ui a Ii I I aft Im 1 l assvs sIt ai i1ss14 aauOui id hrjV pu4- I urn lii Iid wss S Wi iatt hqt ag hsliitstm- is4 I5 t v11 WiaItM all SItS of 51511 ii- Siwi 541014dm 14 kitutaa Sw 14Wihf I I I S i- gw a5 I > > ¬ ¬ > ¬ < > > > ¬ < > > ¬ < > > < < > > < < < < < < > XritonlitsrVi NeiV Ameer Frwentj Holi Front to the nmiih flu General Pollcr of Afghanistan Itablbul- Uh Khan appears to bo a spirit If he may be judged by bU roply to Mohammedan deputation sent by tho Vice- roy of India Lord Curzon to congratu- late him on hi accession to the Afghan throne It lacked nothing In directness or clearness of expression Ho a urei Lord Curaon that ho meant to follow In footsteps of father In all hU with the British Government and on account would he permit the extension o railways or telegraphs front India Into territories or admit a European Urltltl agent to hi capital Ho declared that would guard tho interests of the country against foreign aggression and permit violation of Its nettled boundaries MU not hw allowed to enter country nor would English education nor English trade be permitted but public schools would be opened In all parts of tin country for tho teaching of the Arable Persian languages and generally he to understood that ito far as It lay power he would follow a policy o- AfghanUtan for time Afghan Confident apparently In tho strength oi- hU position he has invited most of those who were exiled for various reasons dur- Ing his fathers lifetime to return to the country and numbers have availed them to attract to himself those tribes outside his boundaries which inhabit tho between them and the British which been a Jurisdiction by British Government With in view to tho most recent in- formation from India he Kent a hand namely elephant as a to celebrated trouble and invited him to como to Kabul Tho Chief Mullah of Tirah Said Akliar had boon sent by the head mon of time tribes with an escort o hundred men to visit the Ameer and time Maltaud territory is blockaded and was recently several British soot a deputation to Kabul In of last month was received at Kabul Khan one of the pretenders to tho Afghan throne who was out the country the late Ameer wax moving a to raIse a revolt his successor Hahlbullah The ItUBshn authorities howler to whoa he applied for anna and money refused hli Intimated would 110 obstacles in time way of his going hark to If wished to This damped Ishikn hopes but his son who It to bo more n warrior than hl father was to be obtaIn the cooperation of an old adherent of Slier All Haldur Vordalc who IN at present a refugee In Bokhara Jut now has no on the n tho Oxus is frozuri and tho mountain M are closed hut ho Is preparing for eventualities when tho snows That the Britlnh Government looks for complications in Fooner or from UM fact that u large number of Maxim gun have been to India for tho new of the British and native regiments tlieif and 10poundet for sixteen are being manufactured and sent to India ax rapidly an they cnn l turned oUt In some of th native rcKimentt have already received time new rife with It WOK decided last year afternomtt hesitation to arm them time opinion In India it that tho recent columns on time north went frontier and tho oreanlyitton of en- ejtenlvt field hospital ierviee has some timIng to do with III time huh rtwn try and in rhaM III or tilth Afghanistan I iiKlanil New African Army Till Brit Mi Government has decided to create a native army in Its vorfous protecto- rate on time caMern const of Africa Sotnul hand East Africa Uganda timid Central Africa Komallland was created a pro- tectorate In 184 Kast Africa In IftDS Uganda in 1694 and Central Africa In lIP In each of these district time ruling powers have erected and maintained forces composed of natives ofllccml by British and serving under the authority of time Kesideiit or Commissioner TIme new order combines these separate organization Into The Kings African lllflos under a BrigadIvr Geiieral whom headquarter will be British Foreign Ofllce a of each year in England advising time Foreign Secretary Tho Is a of n new native army for colonial defence hut U thu step in time direction of making col- onies out of lImo titular protectorates which caw have voma by way of chartered rom hauled It not b long probably time Hesldenti ar wicweiled by loverriorn and time pro tuctorateN colonies in nanm UK well as in fact Time natives have shown theniKclvrH to be excellent soldiers they have ln en put to severo tests III movement amid htve left little to be de- sired Detachment from two attnIiuMH of thai Central Africa Rifles visited a year ago and made n good linpnvuiion new force can oo filled mveral times over natives who apply for enlUtiiinnt Six In but name are lo bo created two Central Africa and two tnt Krut Africa find one Somali land battalion will be ernnlmnt by odlors detached their regular command III vii w of the kucwihful of time natlvn Indian which have d certain IKT of white ofllcvrn ohitfd pet nmnently It l MMU II U that u Minllur hvn tern lx lutre du sl In limo Afri- can ltlik II ha boen proposed that time Iroviilonal Porto Hlco itifuntiy arid I Hooutii Iw rat xl In tho- l nimiienv ivtaliUkhiiifiit of tho lnit d- hlatiw ucc of i tin Porto Hlio regiment coinx w l of nallviw ofll itrwl from Mainland U an argument Mjeli ami lime of the llritiih in India with thfir nativn- iiKliuetit and In ami itU in Mill argument IMM Ito rare Iliwil OHMnil111 al AllMtiy time htul In e i end fiOi i In miiMruflliiir a net- work nf liii r ie J mails hrnughuut ih One K III ulinvld IM bow etef lMfnr fulllir sumn sie i nliil iiiiiru shieSt uximv iU ml ii riM l r KI nMy M I mill d i inrai i e H 4ll I MM unit M IH it- Um r lit f i i ul UW- MllllV llMM rfuHul Hllr I llw l tW l l m llH WHIIoIr HHI- MJIH M uli- iwlult y i Mil IM Mill W- T lM IMl M IH HHUftt Ikr AM Hrt- Ulr 4 I i MM- M HW kiw nfcfilir IM Itrl- trlilr a UMulW t v AMMII N fr MoAS NJtiiii1 C The now Atneer the the his no his he no the and caused- It In his or the offer He also anxious country the in present on different given British Wazlrll b V a tIrut t nnxlft > lit thmmi ot Ilall lilt wo lon or t1hhllC Panda Ill rom t1l1la n may 1 Ann till Sal r1 1Jlltll1 St ilr iII url lit It I o- cu IIr I 1 A II Ilftl I lst IM toll tmes IIII I I I aIr 1111 sasit I ft 1 Lit II 111 I II l I II II I l rIII I I 11 fIIH I I hto 1 I It I 040 I- I411111r II 1 or I j l I a t sionanics would lm con- stituted occasions the whose informa- tion sent solely supervision the tout Rings ii- I hmmi hi iiuiute been lime fur limit a A tilts her jtlmnl imtr lilt r iii lime ftoi1 asks 511 r I I mit iimoeiy buss ssIsl I- niss 5msaunsiriiealuI 54 mmamuitiy smIaqistiy- la to milder stiUi I5N hiii It a fits aidi laslIasi- diusl lie uf l4khtfl PW5 rss4- us mesa tel S II 145 iiuisJ almt saai taksm st- a uiSia1 iuiis a- IN sa Ski taO HePe t asI 5 ha i bI4mm I iisi grusisv iSIS i Is 5 d5e lb ileIs i iJisteSale- ssnur tsisIu fi sa Is im iiasMjtl- Ii Situ Iaa iimi4Wi tI 15455 5 shall hsf p f i t e4 ha sals a4 ps mea- S at sad hi ma imse lit s5542ea4g kaNe eat a Say air Sa lalisim 11Cc- timilsaaasklIs 1 flesia N fats sea i l t4ism 1151 lMdC a tim qi 44 e4etc 5 auaid a sap ci seat mit o t I lasts > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > < < < ¬ > > > < < > < < > > > < > < + irALKEn OX PANAMA noVTK the riolilo Patti Would Slate to re 155 Iret I H- WxBiiiKaroN Feb 7 Ilenr Admlrnl Walker chairman of time iMhmlan Canal CommIssion was before tho Bcnate Com mlttee on Interoceanlc Canal thi mo mine and won examined at somo length by Son ator Morgan chairman of tho committee regarding the engineering features of Nicaragua and Panama routes Admiral Walker said that the propof v- Bohlo dam on time Panama route would have to go 125 toot below wa level in order to reach a firma foundation Thl was n greater titan ever before attempted feasibility of time work was a matter upon wn difference of opinion In Tho Admiral exprewd time opinion that thoro would bo no great the Chagres River He sold that the greater time estimated for completing time time Panama was to the work necessary on time Bohlo dam and the emit at An lo advantages of tho Paclfio terminus of the Nicaragua mute he acknowledged that ooutd take tint trade winds at tho mouth of time canal white at Panama it would be necewwy to tow them out to AT OSAKA 7V 7M7 TIme lapanne Uoernment Inlien Foreign lUnuraeliircri to Send Simple From Japan itait Hitherto all the Industrial eihlbltlnns h lj In Japan have of a purely domestic character hut It line been wisely decided that a new departure shall l e made In con- nection with time Osaka Exhibition of next year Time nature of the change in clearly let forth In the following paragraph from a prospectus just issued by the Department of Agriculture and Commerce TIme great notIonal Industrial Exhibition which the Imperial Government of Japan will hold at Osaka In 1903 will present some novel and Iriterestlni features never wit neMed on similar occasions In past to one of which In particular the Imperial GOT ernment wishes to call attention of foreign In general That U time establishment of a for limo of such articles produced or manufactured in foreign as may tw of value for of comparlion or reference in the way of manufacturers an opportunity of studying latest with it view to the Improvement of Japanenn industries Hut at annie trill bs that thn establishment of time build lnir in offers to manufart- urerrt a rare opportunity for exploiting th rapidly of Fur time Exhibition If sure to attract bealdes millions of Japanese large of Asia There will be no chnrire for the privilege of exhibiting in but murt and application will have to be mode according to a net Exhibits for the will be free from customs duty that they are re two months date of closing time exhibition mind efforts are being ma do to rates freight front the steamship companies Wed lien Mothers Former Ilrubancl Front fAe Chicago Inter Ocean MOUVT OILKAD Ohio Feb 4 A strange romance lu the lives of James H Nichols and lilt wile Amanda hat jutt been made known Thirtyfive years ago the two were nmrrled After living together three yearn his wife left Nichols because of Ida alleged mistreatment of her Being discouraged and feeling that reconciliation with her was Impossible Xlchols went West and located In time mining regions of Callf iln to begin life anew Several his wife saw hit name In- n llht of killed nn muting accident In Call Kellevlng Nichols dead and having met another with whom Bhe fell In love Rim Vas again mnrrled Her second hus- band wan Vancouver u wealthy away and thli daughter hand grown to Mr Vancouver had living In A- ngrk C und having eome Important bust ness to attend to there he went to Ios AlL irvic hi dau htr htm Alter looking Into hli business Interests Vancouver leaving his daughter Sarah to visit with her Just before Christmas Sarah became ae- aualnted with Jnnuwll tier mothers former bond who become a wealthy married neither knowing of the clrcuirutanifw attached to time wedding until parents wrn1 to vIsit at their daughters girls mothor and her each othtr- nt Teeth Slur Vii Ain0on Iail The moliir teeth of time extinct mastodon renemblo In time matter of form tho o of hu- man brings and It happens quite frequently whenever Mioli teeth nre mind by limos who sr ignorant of paiieontoloiry xHplp Jump to time conclusion that they am time molar of a rate of prehistoric Country people who tire will grounded In time Scripture are ever prone to reasoning of this character for no matter how far- fetched and absurd their oomlu inn may In buch iiiatlrr they would rather i their ioncluxlonn In a case of 4hl sort on limo book of li the sober and ul ftantli l flndlnvnuf modern seismic Tlmx It liuppens that evry now mind Or luca curlIer of of the Mii unt from one to sev- eral mastodon mntMa accompanied by a letter from sonic frc ilpclarine that are the teeth of a mcmlier of nn eitlnct race of mound bulld r nr what not that formerly held seamy on Illue Him or Fork Ir Iucas U very patient and very obliging never ails to answer nil letters correcting time error uf the writers and gluing correct Information n to the In nup tlon Strange to however the of time dortorf kind of b thankful fur tlw ma w nf reliable Information that he ha furnlKhml In all willlngnw b nnieli nlteiuled over time hint that hs has exploded their f thiorri- it nt Alt Incited from tliHllrmant Magatini Out In 1riirie dim Clil VU lives an old nf card pUylng and pitch i till favorite n line one day a coupie of years sac a party wan silting a table n the card luau beon dealt and norted and It up to the old nllainiin to bid fur trump a rtiJied Into thus otllro and In ejelte MH siltS bent wn nn fIr Without dewing tn fat tlv old grnllfinan turned tn and till follnwlnir KIIVI took riUeti ynu r1 out the horse Vi s- Mjlrt you tile tuggy get oult Well turning tt UNI iiyr bore When He Hiiutil in If Sir lied VOHI SAC Ilillm lAY f- In Hl rU ititin bof Last on t ltne tiUIld Hllli In knew lliM future nf an IMIII iHleivlemml Miu follow lu aniMth kii w wlwller I iln nr mist IVfll wheii ff mtivnl- f sits H U M l he Hlt iw u sod I r k ii SemiS IH 4 f ImrMr iff if- ul HHU X M- lV fllH1 1 vfal k W l Mr M llii4l IM IW Ws 4Mkr- S d K M M4l f M Ml M- MI H If rf l Ml HIM IOTTMM IM I l f menu Mishit CM Ilk Its ef M rtnVl tu r ll4 Ov Iff tow Sea the cJmml lon Rays touts this EXIIIIIITIUN the been time the and of the Iuuduetniai aimumed at Is tZiereb to afford thu csterum crowds of visitors from time coun- tries this umftmutmfMturer daughter was to them enra Jog wiruttr had mom two felt In love were as few year later timemm Mrs Ichoiss slant rout that catch is has f tiii emi the reek i fossil tile fleamigrm naw aimo hans for ears been in time hoti batmdness rime eats time i flu pert iirlii I till 5 I bid thurP I feed a ea lime faIam Sr lime Jib is Tom knew lime tmcIVrs of bum I tell II u Iesmlit tell i Ms 1t roe kiieT- a let auli ctkl gsu Cimai hatS m4 ria4r- It test laic I I ai1 tak 1w a s- Mit l imai S I tf It Ji4c Mp4S 4 1se41 Mdt- I 5M4L W- iker 4r 1 mes p eel 5 Ia iemgiiaa S l W- Idmw ama semei emp si maleS pseiw4 15 ei us a eta asmemMas ma m4e em 1k pu1- w5 i atsli I 1st a a a4 1 1 hits sp 54 r st bit 5 iml vimba 5 a asaRla 1554 iSiP JimcULJUi 1 Ni1rUula d emamw iwd 5551 e45 1 1445 1a 14514 f is- ii tiI 5 ed Ikimuk sat Saab fHoMsle a4lii Iad seisit i i < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < < > > < < < < > > °

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a b trltleB r BalL PMtpaM

DAILY per W atB-


rsJtsr to foretpt coualrlrs addedsw N w York CUT

PiwsKlesque No IZ near Grind Hotel

KloxiiM No to Doultvard des Capuclnw-

ff our frtmtt fator maimifrtitf t-

MI inM catn mtt tlampi l sl nrp i

Let Senate Stop and ThinkDuty requires us to tall the aentlo

of ConjfreM to a oorUln mct orologici-

phenomonon now obsonrable atnd of tho Capitol There hu

that quarter a steady flow oFederal public building acts carryinrlargo appropriations bearing the Attestof the Secretary Senate and lack-

Ing naught save the concurrent actionot the to be ready for the Prosdents

some of the bills of this clapassed the Senate slnoo

middle of last month either In the regular order or out of order by xuianhnouconsentSuperior M0000

baUM Tsx enlariemeat 11000-

NMhua N II IMwPortland Ore eoluiement 0-

0lluatlnttoa W Va 1MOO

Hammond Ind-

Muncle lad IWOO

Anderson Ind ISOO-

OIlluenrld W Va TOo-

nVHetllnr W Va 00-

JtrkMnvlIlt Ha addition sooorn-

Cltreland Ohio Inertaie tMfaAtlanta Oa addition 10000-

llulte von Incnuc 11000-

Aberdrru 8 p lacrtus 4000

Sin IraotlMoOrtene1ll Term

it niion Wyo loaOOO

Hartford Conn MOO-

OMrrdo TexNalchrr MluSprlnpBrlrt 111 ttaQtt-


All equally or nearly equally worthymeasures perhaps but between five andhlr million dollars In that little initialIxitchl The proportion which this batch

to the entire volume of similar andmeritorious measured pending

will be seen as we proceedDo tho Senators who now are blithely

iiskinfranri obtaining unanimous consentand thereupon passing with mutual bowsand pleasing smiles these publio buildIng bills at the rate of two or three mil-

lion dollcm a week and sending the nameto the House fully understand the signlffcnnoe of the business

Why behind this preliminary score orso of such measures already set arollingthere are not lou than two hundred andfiftyeight oUter public building bills Introduced at this session und awaitingfavorable action Those other bills carryappropriation ranging from 110000 upto 3000000 They possess equal claims toconsideration as we may fairly assume

those which the Senate has passedhave catalogued above-

A list of these waiting measuresbe too long Vo accordingly divide theminto classes as follows

II bills approprtitlor than Uoooosod artrrratlnr tllUOm

bUI from tsoooo to tiooooo artrt-fttlnc i tOUooo

appropriating from Itooww toand 7u7too-

i bills sppropiltuior from Illoou lu-

Ku oaa aid acfrrcstlnr 4eiu-ss bill appronrltllnr Iron l uuo tu-

tMOooo sad sicrcrsttoi rtuooobills pfroprtnlnt from Unouuo to

II bltli spproprlstlat tluououo sad ove-

rt bills ilrridjr puiird by Sfnitf i-

khown la the list ibof iWOOOO

total 1W4MGOO

dollars the Treas-ury stand the Can the Sunateafford to Ml the pac

Yale InlvenltjThe catalogue of Yale University In

Its twohundredth year make avolume of nearly 700 page a markedcontrast to the thin yellowcoverodpamphlets of only twenty years agowhen Non POHTRR was Frmblent ItU to th great tit nalon of the aoo eof the university laohlng that the en-

largeineot la due la the many andvaried cour x of Instruction and newilepartmrnu of rMnaruh no M thanlo InurraM of number of bothiturlenta and instnictpm

Yale Colle by this lime standrmtUkl lo the elective ym niall time snore irogrnMivi nollegm lu-Utalmeiit of tht ysU ru U lnt r lliig

n4 will mM t with the nf-

manjr trsoia who ara notwith result uf uiirnslraliiiMi4ora of ebolot on rt ut youngiludefils TH ntudUai of fr hman-ywu all r iuired they includelAtin malltraiaUi tlllirr Kriinh r-

IWHuui KoflWi sad Onrk fur Vulc-t let till put U otMiiip uf llnllui-

on IMT ba 4 01of of In Jtoiiwi

Iron a UwlUtJ nuuibcf nioughto aUvw fur dlrTefMii of Uaio ud-

p tud M hut U oufiua U u frfM-

M Hl4 lo UK Ut Iww y isMu Mt U Ufl rf tl An effortU rud tu grad lit r riuu m-

A4 a V7 d si1nMttl wily u ij-

riawUvM an ittttoii la ui 4o gra4usu-M fiaa U ur iMwJ rMaably ritliUi-IhrM yssirs ul DM wU oour AllMffW work U don tu tU gr iu U-

tv4to L lo atart a j u raitklyUM prfodpU uf l cUoa tut trint loguard a aiiMt MU of UIDB or oflort-

amettx lu youbjcrr and M iprriMt d-

Tbflra U Uolr lo dtooM from InHi of oonrvM fftrt J by wit of twrt lyfour d t arUB iU if iactntcUAO V-

eoU aa being out of U ontanMia rua


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of college irtu ll couri In Wbllliterature in nucalui In Nonregfo

In Swedish and In modernBesides jta school of art and o

now has a school of forestryA plan of the university ground

shows distinctly Taloa great materialextension in the lost few years Thenumbers in the catalogue donate pros-perity Under 340 professorsinstructors and ofllcera ofLion there are 3035 students Bonnof ore womttn aa women are ad

freely to tho graduate schoo-as well as to Instruction in nitmusic though they ore rigorously

from the other departmentof the university Of graduates thereart 339 of undergraduates in Yale

120 of scientificstudents WJ In the other divisions o

the department of philosophy and Uu-

flrtu there are IM students in theschool 100 In tho medical school 147

in the law school 347Yale has always taken pride in

wide field from which she draws Herstudents came from fortyone Statesfrom and Hawaii and a dozen

twentyseven of thThe numbers are not

to odd a name list

but are large enough to have moaningConnecticut naturally heads tho listwith 932 and Now York as usual comesnext with 667 but Pennsylvania sends104 Massachusetts Hllnoli107 and Xew Jersey 101 There are 5

American cities and one Japanese thatsend each five or more to Yaleand New York and ol273 is not so far behind New Havens 352

Yalo can justly call herself a nationaluniversity She bids fair to advance-as rapidly under President JlADLEr oeshe did under President DWIQUT

Shying at the Word UeclprocltyDont call it Senat

HaLl is reported as saying of the proposal to help Cuba sot up housekeeping

Reciprocity in something whichan Injury to protection in which I am i

thorough believerIn this definition of reciprocity ai

something adverse hostile and Injuriousto protection Mr HALE is directlyconflict with the Republican platformsof 1800 and 1000 Protection andreciprocity are twin measures of Republi-can policy and go hand lu hand de-

clared the platform upon which McKlK-

uir and HOBART were elected Theplatform upon which McKisLKr andHOOSKVELT were elected renewed thepartys faith in the policy of protection-and then went on to favor the assodated policy of reciprocity

A former Senator from Maine thelion JAUEH O ULAIVE onco vigorouslypointed out the twlnshlp ULAINE didnot regard reciprocity as somethingImplying an injury to protection

Almost the last publio words of WitUAM McKINLEy one of the most

and consistent protectionists thatever lived were these spoken at Buffalo

Reciprocity Is the natural outgrowth olour wonderful industrial developmentunder tho domestic policy now firmlyestablished

Senator HALE is a good protectionist-but no better titan were U LA INK andMcKlNLKt no better than the Republi-can party in convention assembledThere is no reason why in announcingIlls readiness to join the other

Senators from New England inlending a helping hand to heshould protest againstlire reciprocity

The Engaged Girl and Her FatherWhen the world wants an authorita-

tive opinion upon a matter of the pro-prieties elegancies and minor oflife and conduct it turns expectantly-to West Hobo ken That Is the ad-

mitted capital of decorum the finalCourt of Appeals for cases of etiquette-As Troy connotates collars and cuffsand East Aurora the Hubbard Squashsi West Hobokcn connotates the socialdecencies the becoming Nobody knowswhy this is so Everybody Is or shouldbo glad that so It U These questions-are knotty and few persons have thetune to consider them impartially-West Hoboken settles them with therapidity and Impeccable Instinct of gen-

ius WitniMH Miss AKNIK HKVUTSproper rupture uf her engagement toMr AHTIIUK HIKDNCK for his Insuffer-able rudennu to her father

How ought an engaged to treathi Intended fatherinlaw thereU H mattwr It is notorious that

folk in lovu with a girl heduvelojM a preposterous fondness forher relatives Ha at herfathers jokes and old

What a delightfully interestingyour father is Such spirit

torn of aiie Jolc A month ngo I hutInfutuatu young man would have IMWI-

IIwrwl If h hail lied lo ride downtownIn the Mint cur with that glftttj-mm whom I now o aniclous tovats A hinini he nmylh Mi nn M io Mjcinily-sxulnit list lilnllwlnic old idiotHut now the N U on him Im usualinaku lilniMlf UK UJA lo the irlutivnn-of his lolovixl ho m uvt n 4iNil ln uf lilling HII broflior u hums ul l i

Ixtnow iiioin y of him ilimnhwills irulllH lie Hviw in u wwrW

of row MIII furn4u4 unit liuriiii l

hills Mi UK I UIIMI ftUIT Is notfur MfuiiK in liMiiki iiMlliitg linn un-

U lltrlD Iff MlfHlr Hllw ful IIIHII

family out uf uoi i ii ftoii sitedhead lf II MlltIM MllUl Uf If-

Iw nttn o list Ih-

li i MI U rV I

UMI dauKliUir nut HM M uvil-

lUlxlllid otlMJf UrUOM Will l t-

l minds tit Hut million ac-C a4 and iniUiotk tivnt Who hopu lx It U iruo that Influent f

faUier U Mid Ui U on ll 7 wan frH-UM girls tuud will and let lh old nunBO lLf U audi the nwxjem motto

u o







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in isItuus Itst mug lbs of She

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usual aguilt

WhO 0the


















< > >





where there are elect femlnljWsplri-whloh hoI that the of man faoVand that fathers are a superfluitysurvival In tItle enlightened How-

ever that may be and whateverfinal status of fathom may be the ratherof a pretty girl will be an object ofreverence to many susceptible youngmen and the proper treatment of BUG

a father should be the subject of anxiousthought It is our privilege toupon it the light that always shinesWest Hoboken

Tho young woman aforesaid or thattown was engaged to the young mIlD

aforesaid described as sometime oPrinceton University and now in thedrug business The vase is shatteredtho dream is ended Tho other daythe young woman sent to a West Hoboken paper a letter announcingbreaking of the engagement In convenation she gives the reason forfracture She avers that tho oncebeloved druggist was not respectfulher papa a highly respectable manof business I frequently requesterhim to bo moro respectful she says

but he took it na n big joke Evldently u satan unworthy of a good fatherinlaw or Incapable of appreciatingone A man who doesnt think enoughof a girl to bo respectful to her papadeserves to wear tho willow Sadsay the jilted one seems unrepentantand continues to jeer The final

disrespect was committed at a clubwhere father and swain met I wasfeeling good I suppose tho err-ing scoffer and told tho old man

to Hados Tho invitation still standsgood I will add

Clearly no young woman can permither sweetheartrto give her papa HO warman invitation as that If ho talks inthat way before marriage what language will ho hold after marrlngtWest Hoboken him decided wiselyusual This decision teaches us thatit is not safe to tell the father of theapplo of your eyo to skip to Shoo atleast not until after you are married

JusticeOn the eve of President ROOSFVKLTS

comment upon Rear Admiral SCHLKTHappeal the cry from tho latters par-tisans for Justice to SCULKY is hoardalmost as loud as ever Now no news-paper is more anxious than TilE SuNthat SCIILEY shall have justice but wedemand justice not for him only Thatmust bo rendered to all concerned

Sell LEV first For his acts as com-mander of the Flying Squadrm for Illsmanagement of the Brooklyn ut Santi-ago and for his claim of commandthere let him have the full praise orcensure approval or repudiation thatjustice demands

And SAMWOY If by moving out ofthe blockade line at Santiago he everlost command of the fleet whichhe had arrayed in such memorablereadiness to meet tho Spaniards lethim pay the penalty of his misfortuneBut If he did not lose command justicedemands that he have the full honor ofvictory and that rival clalmunUtsuppressed-

Last comes the Navy which through-out this controversy has been maligned-by the Schley pros OH dominated by-

a ring of venomous and falsifying ad-venturers bent on the destruction ofa blameless hero The Navy demandsjustice merciless justice

Was SciiLKYa captaincy of the Fly-ing Squadron a model for naval con-

duct Did his turning of the Brooklyns stern to the enemy his causing asister ship to stop to avoid collision hisrisking a general mixup of the Ameri-can fleet at the critical moment andhis never regaining the distance lost bythe loop coiiHtituto good fighting DOMthis fraud of publishing tho first Hodgson letter apart from time subsequent

Injustice to a brother officer toquote the mild phraseology of the Courtof Inquiry denote our Navy trulyShould that body of uniformed Ameri-cans be identified with all these thingsbefore the eyes of the world If notjustice cries louder than any shriek ofSchleyism that the Navy receive theexoneration which tho rejection ofSchleyism alono can give

Fair play for one and all is the thingfor whomsoever bo limo fate of exulta-tion or degradation

The Itotloii StrikeHlfioe Jan 20 the city of Boston has boen

the scene of outrages with which publicfamiliarity Is so utica refreshed when time

member of a labor union become diwuit-Uflnd with an employer Time Brine Traits

K rtatlon Company has bwi attackedby lt former employe as though theyhall the right to dim roy what or whomtheir venuuunce pointed to The Urinedrivers have UH ault l their drayslinvo been blocked or uw l und lime

liani has Issn rut Hvon till itinswere cut arid I ho taken out of I halion inouilw Iruvlng the public HIixxud t limit urddotiU that naturallyfollow runaway Thu x mwiiy hasdks lul lx r fus l to submit and yifld-

viiHory lo luwluMiicMi nuklnu noiliInK of Bonloii but till common tightlo UMI llm rily triwl fiiim viufin Alul HIM Kiiiduct uf time Boston

l ili liu IMHII uiiMl ttiiiinruMf lbSlh idher hiuid HH li d-

IMIMIII I hull 1irwldillt of lu l n

Imiulxr of inii i r i linmtM y-

luniti ihui ulihoiivli n mud arights lo lwlu 1 III ImklliiMi In III wn-

y no IIIMII u loH jiubllff mltnmy Tint loUiuily ilii-

UHl Ui 4IIM U lluill fiulltfllttlll II

lunhfct lirgrr li lllfl l

IM lltlllliK uinjt d-

r f tt n i iiii iixuri f ibll mjilK

linttittr JUxx s-

HfilUli n hi

ad W8 1JeT taand
















rIlIlhl or lIhrIIIIfY-

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gone to Boston XiliriH rejalce if I

brings made wlUiolit McHfloe orabuse of Justice let It take care

The report of tho Railroad Commissionersupon the Park avenue tunnel accidentprinted elsewhere pays that the removal ofthe tunnel roof l both desirable and impracticable that electricity 1s the best mo-

tive power but that legislation Is neededfor the chango to electricity from steamthat the engineer of tho colliding trainwas Inexperienced and lacked reasonablepresence of mind that the railroad wasgrossly negligent In Intrusting him with apassenger ttaln that the railroad has been

negligent derelict and unprogresMrs Infalling to take measures to Increase Itaterminal facllitleH at the Grand CentralStation and yards dimensions anwould reasonably with the yearlyIncreasing mafia necessities of the linen

that the tunnel shouldbe operated In three blocks and moreroom be obtained for the Grand Centralyard Experts who testified before theboard united In declaring that this tunnella the most perfectly equipped as to Its sig-

nals n the world but no other tunnel Is sodifficult of operation because of the largeamount of tramo going through It Mid Itsunfortunate location HO near the terminal

A wise railroad President will remedythe faults Indicated with all possible prompt-itude even If public clamor dies away

If the third raIl on the Ninth avenueelevated railroad or on any other portionof the elevated system capable of admitting-It In unlawful It should be legalized by leg-

islation Wo cannot have in this city toomany tracks running north and south

Mr CinNGOiRs epitaph as he called ItIn Hoboknn night before last namely

liens lies a man who knew how lo getaround him a great many men who weremuch cleverer titan he was himself re-

peats gowlp which boon flowing out ofPlttHburg for many years We have oftenheart that the of tho Carnegie Insti-tution was not ANDBKW of that ilk thatthe true homo cr machine was scion otherfellow some concealed genius who whenho left for other bunlneM would leave MrCAHNKIIIE esponed an a figurehead Thelatter had Rot around him cleverer menthan bim elf and when they left him hUpeculiar tame would collapse Well wehave peon neveral gentlemenreputed lo Iw the mysterious force of CurnegleUm get out of the buahiOMi withoutchucking ItHgniwth until flnally Mr CAB

KKOIK hirnNelf left In a blaze of mllllorm-Ptlll unexposed and undetected There U noobjection however to hU blurtingdernlo Ulwu loii UN to wh ticr time man whoattaches a cleverer to hlinmli or tho clovermutt who attaches lilmself M another notno clover Is the cleverer

Mr THOMAS SlUNK COOPBH of time HoyalAcademy has after all failed to equal TITIANIII living to IH a hundred years old midpainting uteadlly to the end Though cut-off at 89 ha will nevcrtheleHO head tho listof British artists for a lone time with hisrecord of thowing plcturtH itt Academyexhibitions for sixlynoven consecutIveyears TITIAK remains centenarianof art with FONTKNKLIK in letters andCllKvnKUL In science

That energetic playwright CLTIJK Knciiwhose average output in cool weather Ua drama every two weeks lies signed acontract with CIIAIILKS FUOHMAX to keeptho Savoy Theatre fcupplled with new playsof hU own writing all next MOMUII toselect ull the players for them conduclall reliearsulrt and tug all productions

must always ready to furnish a nexvplay on four weeks notice Thus what isgenerally considered genius IH tuRtle time

subject of a plain buHlriftwlIko contractsuch an one might make for time future de-

livery of M many bushels uf prime winterwheat or to many tons of steel rails at time

market price What is Benin askedtho proprietor a successful comic seoklypaper not long ago Why he unhwem

it U jut bUsiness and lu has provisl itDues ho allow tho and thu jokewriters on Ills staff to loaf around waitingfor lni lratlon to quicken them Xotmuch At the Ktroke of nine every work-day Ills writers begin to write and hU

begin to draw When twelveoclock whUtlo Mow every pen nnd everypencil stops on time instant At I oclockwork Is resumed and at 4 oclock It endsand these men who appreMato time serIousnew of being humorous ronw out of their

go home Their results neem toJustIfy limo tcheduld by which theywork and the proprietors epigrammatlo

that genius in just bUHtnrm-IerhajM genius U machinemade alter all

The decline and falloff of time 1opullstparty mire to bo regretted fur otin miaMIII they reduro time publio supply ofwjiltohot language Fortunately a fewIopullxt trumpeU are Mill blowing Herefor i ample Is our Texan contemporarythe Cliburne Watchman It thatevery vole of Congressmen Indluntes thatthey are slaves to un effete and damnnble-arihtocrucy That In th good old Iopullctlingo a longuo of taUucu anti red jHppvrand hot Kplc Hi adjictlveii

Major HAMPRON an Illuntrious DeinocraSh ktatmman who now making heroiceffort to break Into City Council ofChicago put foith two years ago u plat

which all U iniix rallo randidal ofIJUJ 1U03 lOOt will IM to imitate U-

nt whet I u l to Ije but wlmt I amloilay-

Aldernuin JAMKN J HKIIKJM of limit

lorty i lli illtilirt will or should u in-

IMIIH volume of worth andn M Ionii i lii MJ nnd uwnl liy him III I he-

delMiliv on limit floor of lh IJ wnl ofinxii In II will I H IncliiiUI hutN iil to ll null In which hiMwuiiKhl lit rhuek it n chacklckin 4lknnMii itiiimitl Smith h 4i ll-

a KlUiMMl In gratify hU d irn lo lookInter Ida hern mil wi wlat llwin-U litter il ii An apMndii will l i

lip ul U dffpliwt of routllJkl lrf KIVM IH wuil i ui Mr


MM Im wMI ttui M iirfi wliUli do-

mritlMMU i lilm Mr llhllxih III


its MW iiMsi thorn wM-

MM Ur Ihu vwrli ilisi-


Hl W i WIK I-

l Inil Ar Muunrt

SH1U3 lltJ i rrttr U n ri j-

i l In tour wt un ito f tire lui-MiUtakyvuiMif vf J It

theD t

by Iuch



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WHERK AKK T Hf ftiil t-

KctnarksQle Qlupprirtneefn FloridaTo TD Entron or Tn BvxSir In

summer of lass or throb y m lilt sum-mer a remarkable bloloxleal occurrencehappened here and over an extensiveofcoUntn The opossum stiddtnlr dUapreared the disappearance being absolutesudden and complete

area of I have not beenable to determine and I sendthiscation hoping that by cMllnir attentionthe subject some may be thrown onI have lesrnrd that th mortality extendedas tar s Plant City h countdistance of about a hundred unties to thenorth and to Collier on the south a hundredmites and to Clearwater on the west abouttho name distance The a Ii

to mann Is the Irrepressible toeof poultry that orlbs hid du ll

fact was noticedhave hid described to mn

One sawurns in the woods M he walkedthem Another man t-

ot seen ono since except a dud on thnot him

this ktnd or evidenceproduced but the

so easy to determine Yourwill betterfact notwhat total offijr the chipmunk or the squirrel from the

be-Thinking that It was of sctentlfl0 Import-

ance I wrote to tho Agricultural

probably the negroes lied eaten the opossumup A settled country no

over two Inhabitants to the square milothere are no negroes here at ornone and eat the femaleopossum at all HI that that animal will never

In tile waysclpntlflo correspondent

haIl seen ai-

opoMum for In throe yearsi ho titan who brought It to me raid tenIt phenomena s-

have described are worthy1 1IVVIW nu

Osprikr Feb i Jons 0 BBD

Universal ShorthandTo till UDITOII or Tar Svx SIn A

hat sent mo a clipping of your editorialof Jan 27 on the MUbject nf Unlverv

Shorthand It b gratifying to nand Influential journal rail attention toIntelligently discuss a iiuestlon so importantIn un educational and rtonomlo tense A

you point out no system of reportorial abbre-viatloai and short can over come lutegeneral me even among reporters as earlhH hi own peculiar kind of work his ownnotions ax how to do It and ti tree fIeldIn which to exercise thorn Much lest cannytcm of abbrevIations such as reportersuie however cleverly devised ever come intogeneral for the ordinary purpose owriting for the reason that perfect legibilitynf every word Independent of evury otherword Ii an essential characteristic of suchytent of Improved writing

The socalled nyntems of Benn and untoPitman iraham Mumon lIsten smut Scottllrowne which mention welt a n eiiothers on really one the for If theselher ielf author would return te-

Iltman what immune taken from him thewould not have enough left to wrlte theirown names ritinan tnee tnocim-cutlonK of hi tem have degeneratedInto Nteiiogruphli and are too cum

of those who attempt them to learnwith any of



simplest modlfloatiomi of time 1itiiuui-svHtem a addre used word

My experience iw it teacher of the art ii-

tlmt not one In ten can If hfa thoroughly mister tim Intricate

and wonderful Jo lieoomea verbatimreporter thli i u

with ambitious and Intelligentstudents lie grade who

tko tip time study n a specialty whatwould Iw time re among In avchool taken as come Evidentlyu system cannot b erlou ly considered usn In comi o of a milvernal shorthand

I venture to attention to n rystemof Improved writing which the

of u unlverialThe gives faflrnllo

In shorthand horn und wellknown iieople time vocations nflife who u e the tem In correspondenceand for other writing nurpoetel v what they think It alter ofu o flie writer thU receives and writesilioiniiml of l tt r and K card writ-

ten In way very year and busyeiir the corre I

with greater freedom ea e and despatch thanIf iloni In or with n rimcbliie undwith the rertatnty that It will be us legible

The Introduction and tin ofn telit would mean the lecMMitng of time

tlinentiil latter of more tliau twothird loi of legibility live

enable II reporter to monkn full riyort of an interview or withtime l and turn hi

over to ihfi linotype operator with tIme

Mainly that there lia-

bility to than with u tyitewrltleiiand with this apparent ixiviiirf uf time

and work It time court reto flie hi notebook at time end nf H

an the tlnUhed record In tie rarerertalnty that the note would never

rot This tetn I u ed I Ilrnnklyn by lr Chnrlff II Iteoua oniclalfteiog

for this Kunrime Court lo In Pambridge N Y by Mr llobrrt It Iw nfllrlalreporter for Hupreme Court Fourth Ju

lii in rorre could lx writtenIn thl way the letterhead of the Strum In

and as oon a It wouldbe ready In l o tripled In Monhook e stud This means a-

Nsvlnr nf at e n six hour In the ordinarydespatch nf lm lnp forre l Onewriter es lly don much as six do nowIn time letters tire written llh timefurther eewnnmy nf dl en lng with the clow-noUy and e r

The rmiiluyinent IIf Hhnrthand and type-writing In rnrre p ilidenreffected the xmsll saving of onehalf In th nf work Till inelliodwould Having of fnurflfth-

11i mmll nf ha virtuallynplilanled time Intirhiind writer In the la t

twenty year In the lnleret of eeiinnniyand tlepaeli fliniilil lint of writIIIJF the In far le thus

Tlienf letter and this nf thousilid demoli tral that this I entirely prac-ticable I hlMUAl1-

CllUiilO Felt I

Time Aelnr 11111

To KiiiTnn or Tim WInA einblmsn Alirarn Intrnduced hit Mil fur

e eeiiMordilp Tim Hi x nalurallr madetit of II liul it looks at If III aublliifli-

lll though allli l a hid at irm otherhaMs IMCII prepared nndrr koine eiicoiiraciv-Ilienl II I lo d that Inlrlllcrnli-wnpln will rnill iroe i of

t aM I IUir lilialinuiitrl suriltal-

m liwn M-fin in

IM tulii I

i and H i rli wii It wn

7 j ulM ff rMftj IIHf U tu MUIIH I rl flrt lia T4i

V MIlrt4r in lfl IMur u4fl Myrm uiixiflL IHM lt UM-

UM I l IH IIIIBfll f l f fMl7TlI-

HI a f r l h i

V1 H






forced ttseif on rolnd and Inquired ornIbbotfl and I soon

some raetA which tberobserved fit lilt time o the

reidence on the third day otthree years ago lie

a by the a byIn hOUIII le and

IIlbed the nlro tr t at had

s4 ut a treet at limo had et

t e

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mtfl bout It J ot Cor that



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sat t mat e movehisAugust said was

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tile suit



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< >









XritonlitsrVi NeiV Ameer Frwentj Holi

Front to the nmiih flu General Pollcrof Afghanistan Itablbul-

Uh Khan appears to bo a spiritIf he may be judged by bU roply toMohammedan deputation sent by tho Vice-

roy of India Lord Curzon to congratu-late him on hi accession to the Afghanthrone It lacked nothing In directnessor clearness of expression Ho a ureiLord Curaon that ho meant to follow In

footsteps of father In all hUwith the British Government and onaccount would he permit the extension o

railways or telegraphs front India Intoterritories or admit a European Urltltlagent to hi capital Ho declared thatwould guard tho interests of the countryagainst foreign aggression and permitviolation of Its nettled boundaries MU

not hw allowed to entercountry nor would English education norEnglish trade be permitted but publicschools would be opened In all parts of tincountry for tho teaching of the ArablePersian languages and generally he

to understood that ito far as It laypower he would follow a policy o-

AfghanUtan for time AfghanConfident apparently In tho strength oi-

hU position he has invited most of thosewho were exiled for various reasons dur-Ing his fathers lifetime to return to thecountry and numbers have availed them

to attract to himself those tribes outsidehis boundaries which inhabit thobetween them and the British

which beena Jurisdiction by

British Government Within view to tho most recent in-

formation from India he Kent a handnamely elephant as ato celebrated

trouble and invited him to como to KabulTho Chief Mullah of Tirah Said Akliar

had boon sent by the head mon of time tribeswith an escort o hundred men to visitthe Ameer and time Maltaudterritory is blockaded and was recently

several Britishsoot a deputation to Kabul

In of last monthwas received at Kabul Khan

one of the pretenders to tho Afghan thronewho was out the country thelate Ameer wax moving a to raIsea revolt his successor HahlbullahThe ItUBshn authorities howler to whoahe applied for anna and money refused hli

Intimated would110 obstacles in time way of his going harkto If wished to Thisdamped Ishikn hopes but his son who It

to bo more n warrior than hlfather was to be obtaInthe cooperation of an old adherent of SlierAll Haldur Vordalc who IN atpresent a refugee In Bokhara Jut now

has no on then tho Oxus is frozuri and tho mountain

M are closed hut ho Is preparing foreventualities when tho snows

That the Britlnh Government looks forcomplications in Fooner or

from UM fact that u largenumber of Maxim gun have been toIndia for tho new of the Britishand native regiments tlieif and 10poundet

for sixteen arebeing manufactured and sent to India axrapidly an they cnn l turned oUt In

some of th native rcKimentthave already received time newrife with It WOK decided last yearafternomtt hesitation to arm them

time opinion In India it that tho recentcolumns on time north

went frontier and tho oreanlyitton of en-ejtenlvt field hospital ierviee has sometimIng to do with III time huh rtwntry and in rhaM III or tilth Afghanistan

I iiKlanil New African ArmyTill Brit Mi Government has decided to

create a native army in Its vorfous protecto-rate on time caMern const of Africa Sotnulhand East Africa Uganda timid CentralAfrica Komallland was created a pro-tectorate In 184 Kast Africa In IftDS Ugandain 1694 and Central Africa In lIP In eachof these district time ruling powers haveerected and maintained forces composedof natives ofllccml by British and serving

under the authority of time Kesideiitor Commissioner

TIme new order combines these separateorganization Into The Kings Africanlllflos under a BrigadIvr Geiieral whomheadquarter will be

British Foreign Ofllce aof each year in England advising time

Foreign Secretary Tho Isa of n new native

army for colonial defence hut U thustep in time direction of making col-

onies out of lImo titular protectorateswhich caw have voma

by way of chartered romhauled It not b long probably

time Hesldenti arwicweiled by loverriorn and time protuctorateN colonies in nanm UK

well as in factTime natives have shown theniKclvrH to

be excellent soldiers they have ln en putto severo tests IIImovement amid htve left little to be de-sired Detachment from two attnIiuMHof thai Central Africa Rifles visiteda year ago and made n good linpnvuiion

new force can oo filledmveral times over natives who applyfor enlUtiiinnt SixIn but name are lo bo createdtwo Central Africa and two tnt

Krut Africa find one Somaliland battalion will be ernnlmnt

by odlors detachedtheir regular command III vii w

of the kucwihful of time natlvnIndian which have d certain IKT

of white ofllcvrn ohitfd petnmnently It l MMU II U that u Minllur hvntern lx lutre du sl In limo Afri-can ltlik

II ha boen proposed that time IroviilonalPorto Hlco itifuntiy arid I

Hooutii Iw rat xl In tho-l nimiienv ivtaliUkhiiifiit of tho lnit d-

hlatiw ucc of i tin PortoHlio regiment coinx w l of nallviw ofllitrwl from Mainland U an argument

Mjeli ami lime

of the llritiih in India with thfir nativn-iiKliuetit and In ami itU inMill argument

IMM Ito rare

Iliwil OHMnil111 al AllMtiy time htulIn e i end fiOi i In miiMruflliiir a net-

work nf liii r ie J mails hrnughuut ihOne K III ulinvld IM bow

etef lMfnr fulllir sumn sie i nliiliiiiiru shieSt uximv iU ml ii

riM l r KI nMy M I

mill d i inrai i

e H 4ll


unit M IH it-

Um r lit f i i ul UW-

MllllV llMM rfuHul HllrI llw l tW l l m llHWHIIoIr HHI-

MJIH M uli-

iwlult y i Mil IM Mill W-

T lM IMl M IHHHUftt Ikr AM Hrt-Ulr 4 I i MM-

M HW kiw nfcfilir IM Itrl-trlilr a UMulW t v


MoAS NJtiiii1 C

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the riolilo Patti Would Slate to re155 Iret I H-

WxBiiiKaroN Feb 7 Ilenr AdmlrnlWalker chairman of time iMhmlan CanalCommIssion was before tho Bcnate Commlttee on Interoceanlc Canal thi mo mineand won examined at somo length by Sonator Morgan chairman of tho committeeregarding the engineering features ofNicaragua and Panama routes

Admiral Walker said that the propof v-

Bohlo dam on time Panama route wouldhave to go 125 toot below wa level in orderto reach a firma foundation Thl was ngreater titan ever before attempted

feasibility of time work was a matterupon wn difference of opinionIn Tho Admiral exprewdtime opinion that thoro would bo no great

the Chagres RiverHe sold that the greater time estimated forcompleting time time Panamawas to the work necessary on time Bohlodam and the emit at An loadvantages of tho Paclfio terminus of theNicaragua mute he acknowledged that

ooutd take tint trade windsat tho mouth of time canal white at Panamait would be necewwy to tow them out to


TIme lapanne Uoernment Inlien ForeignlUnuraeliircri to Send Simple

From Japan itaitHitherto all the Industrial eihlbltlnns h lj

In Japan have of a purely domesticcharacter hut It line been wisely decidedthat a new departure shall l e made In con-nection with time Osaka Exhibition of nextyear Time nature of the change in clearly letforth In the following paragraph from aprospectus just issued by the Departmentof Agriculture and Commerce

TIme great notIonal Industrial Exhibitionwhich the Imperial Government of Japanwill hold at Osaka In 1903 will present somenovel and Iriterestlni features never witneMed on similar occasions In past toone of which In particular the Imperial GOTernment wishes to call attention of foreign

In general That U time establishment of afor limo of such

articles produced or manufactured in foreignas may tw of value for

of comparlion or reference in the way of

manufacturers an opportunity of studyinglatest

with it view to the Improvement of Japanennindustries Hut at annie trill bs

that thn establishment of time buildlnir in offers to manufart-urerrt a rare opportunity for exploiting thrapidly of Fur

time Exhibition If sure toattract bealdes millions of Japanese large

of AsiaThere will be no chnrire for the privilege of

exhibiting in butmurt and application will haveto be mode according to a net Exhibitsfor the will be free fromcustoms duty that they are re

two months dateof closing time exhibition mind efforts are beingma do to rates freight frontthe steamship companies

Wed lien Mothers Former IlrubanclFront fAe Chicago Inter Ocean

MOUVT OILKAD Ohio Feb 4 A strangeromance lu the lives of James H Nichols andlilt wile Amanda hat jutt been made knownThirtyfive years ago the two were nmrrledAfter living together three yearn his wife leftNichols because of Ida alleged mistreatmentof her Being discouraged and feeling thatreconciliation with her was ImpossibleXlchols went West and located In time miningregions of Callf iln to begin life anewSeveral his wife saw hit name In-

n llht of killed n n muting accident In Call

Kellevlng Nichols dead and having metanother with whom Bhe fell In loveRim Vas again mnrrled Her second hus-band wan Vancouver u wealthy

away and thlidaughter hand grown to MrVancouver had living In A-ngrk C und having eome Important bustness to attend to there he went to Ios AlLirvic hi dau htr htmAlter looking Into hli business InterestsVancouver leaving his daughterSarah to visit with her

Just before Christmas Sarah became ae-aualnted with Jnnuwll tier mothersformer bond who become a wealthy

married neither knowing of theclrcuirutanifw attached to time wedding until

parents wrn1 to vIsit at their daughtersgirls mothor and hereach othtr-

nt TeethSlur Vii Ain0on Iail

The moliir teeth of time extinct mastodonrenemblo In time matter of form tho o of hu-

man brings and It happens quite frequentlywhenever Mioli teeth nre mind by limoswho sr ignorant of paiieontoloiryxHplp Jump to time conclusion that they amtime molar of a rate of prehistoricCountry people who tire will grounded In

time Scripture are ever prone to reasoningof this character for no matter how far-

fetched and absurd their oomlu inn mayIn buch iiiatlrr they would rather i

their ioncluxlonn In a case of 4hl sort onlimo book of li the soberand ul ftantli l flndlnvnuf modern seismic

Tlmx It liuppens that evry now mindOr luca curlIer of of the

Mii unt from one to sev-eral mastodon mntMa accompanied by a

letter from sonic frcilpclarine that are the teeth of a

mcmlier of nn eitlnct race of moundbulld r nr what not that formerly heldseamy on Illue Him or ForkIr Iucas U very patient and very obliging

never ails to answer nil letterscorrecting time error uf the writers and gluingcorrect Information n to the In nup tlon

Strange to however theof time dortorf kind of bthankful fur tlw ma w nf reliable Informationthat he ha furnlKhml In all willlngnw b

nnieli nlteiuled over time hint that hshas exploded their f thiorri-

it nt Alt Incitedfrom tliHllrmant Magatini

Out In 1riirie dim Clil VU lives an old

nf card pUylng and pitch i tillfavorite n line

one day a coupie of years sac a partywan silting a tablen the card luau beon dealt and norted andIt up to the old nllainiin to bid furtrump a rtiJied Into thus otllro and In

ejelte MH siltS bent wn nn fIrWithout dewing tn fat

tlv old grnllfinan turned tn and tillfollnwlnir KIIVI took riUeti

ynu r1 out the horseVi s-

Mjlrt you tile tuggy get oultWell turning tt UNI iiyr

bore When He Hiiutil in If Sir liedVOHI SAC Ilillm lAY f-

In Hl rU ititin bofLast on t ltne tiUIld Hllli In

knew lliM future nf an IMIIIiHleivlemml Miu follow

lu aniMthkii w wlwller I iln nr mist

IVfll wheii ff mtivnl-f sits H U M l he Hlt

iw u sod I r k iiSemiS

IH 4 f ImrMr iff if-

ul HHU X M-

lV fllH1 1 vfal k W l Mr Mllii4l IM IW Ws 4Mkr-

S d K M M4l f M Ml M-

MI H If rf l Ml HIMIOTTMM IM I l f menu

Mishit CM

Ilk Its ef M rtnVl tu r ll4 Ov

Ifftow Sea


cJmml lon








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crowds of visitors from time coun-tries


umftmutmfMturer daughter was to themenra



hadmom two felt In love were

as few year later timemm Mrs Ichoiss


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bum Itell II u Iesmlit tell i Ms 1t roe kiieT-

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