j. c. m. d. prnffi tavern; - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7kwh2d8n5p/data/1487.pdfj. c. t$ m. d....

J. C. t$ M. D. Richardson, Ilave just received from New-Yor- k and Philadel- phia, a large and well chosen assortment of MERCHANDISE, Purchaaed principally for Cash,' Which they are now opening in the white house( corner of Main and Mill Streets, which they will sell on as good terms as any other house in the Western country. They have oil hand and will keep a constant supply of Satinets, Cassinels, and Cctftons Writing, Printing Is Wrafiiing Pafier, Manufactured by the Lexington' Manufacturing company. Alsoaoasspnment ot i i a jjuiiuii NAILS, winch-the)- wilLjell Jit wholesale; orby retail at the w hdlesalcprice. They, likewise 'wish to sell for Produce, .ata.fair price, or areduced price in Cajh,...' , "J. A Valuable Frni, Consistins of 2 or 300 acres, situated: between the lower Bourbon and Cynthiana roads, vithin nine miles from Lexingtpn,with about 100 acwsinclosed, wiui a Kope Walk,' and other uuproements too tedious to mention. 10-- tf Lexington, March 1, 181G. ' LATEST . -- IMPORTED GOODS. 100 Crates well assorted QUEENS WARE 20 ditto and boxes elegant LUSTRE WAKE 20 Tierces, - "J SKSE? stGreenCOPPERAS 100 Kegs, J SO Bags very Green COFFEE 20 Barrels ditto ditto 18 Boxes Tin, sit for manufacturers, 100 Boxes fresh Muscatel UAISlNSsuperior quality Bundles of Steel, and a sew tons Campeachy Logwood will be sold on accommodating terms by the package, at Philadelphia, New York & Baltimore prices carriage, which is extreme- ly low addedby application to J. P. SCHAT2ELL, & Co. December 25th, 1815 52 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, On Philadelphia, New-York- , Baltimore, Savan- na, Charleston and Pittsburgh, For sale apply as above James Garrison, , . WHOLESALE & RETAIL Apothecary and Druggist, ,MAIN STREET, LEXINGTON, RESPECTFULLY informs merchants and phy- sicians and all dealers in bis line, that he has, and will constantly keep, a large and extensive supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines; Also, a large supplr of PAINTS AND DYE "STUFFS, Which he will sell for cash at the New-Yor- Phi- ladelphia and Baltimore prices, with the addition ot Carriage expences excepted, or on the usual cid dit, viz. Aloes Sact Gum Tragacanth, Antimony Myrrh Anniseed. Guaic Borax refined Copal Brimstone Shal Lac Burgundy pitch - Pow'd. Peruvian Barks Cantharides Rheubarb Cochineal Jallap Cream Tartar Ipecacnanha, see. Cloves Sal Ammoniac Cinnamon Fol Senna Mace Manna Flake Nutmegs Camomile Flowers 12 dozen Caster Oil Orange Peel Gum Camphor Gentian Root, &c. Arabic PATENT MEDICINES, By the gross or dozen Anderson's Pills Harlem Oil Lee's N. L. B. Pills Ess. Peppermint Hooper's Pills Godfrey's Cordial Bateman's Drops Dnrable Ink British Oil Steer's Opadeldoc Turlington's Balsom Worm Tea Itch Ointment W irmseed Oil DYE STUFFS. Annatto Aquafortis by the car- - Allum boy or pound Red Wood Oil of Vitriol by the Log Wood carboy or pound Fustic Madder, &c. Aquafortis j , , PAINTS Sec. Spanish Brown ' Red Lead Whiteing Prussian Blue, No. 1 White Lead Do do 2 Drop Lake Rose Pink Cromic Yellow Pat Green Dutch Pink Copal Varnish, by the .Pat Yellow gallon Linseed Oil Turpentine Varnish, Spts Turpentine do. - Also. 12 dozen Sweet Oil. suitable forma, ebinery, which will be sold low with a gene- - ral assortment of Perfumes. i Lexington, Dec. 15th. 1815. m. Downing & Grant, Have just received from Philadelphia and Balti- - more, ana are now opening at their store on Short-stree- t, (between Mill and Main Cross- - streets; L,e.xington, A' GENERAL ASSOIiTMENT OF GROCERIES, AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING Sugar, Raisins, Coffee, . , Prunes", Teas, Almonds, Chocolate, . Figs, Ginger, uoid airucK, Mace, Sweet St ?OW, Cloves, Castor- - J Allspice, Scots 8c ?cjr Black Pepper, Moccoba j Cayenne do d Cheese, Nutmegs, Salt, Cinnamon, Shad, Mustard, Herrings, Allum, WashlMlly Indigo, SbaVhjg Sdtipj-Pipes- , Madder, Copperas, AyoTwen Cbaksf, Brimstone, Overalls, WINE, JAMAICA SPIRITS BRANDY, WHISKEY. Brushes pfievery kind, Spanish WhltSng, Putty, Flax Seed Oil, Window Glass, 'Paper for rooms," Sic. ice. All of "which they will sell very low for Cash. House and sign Painting, Papering and Glazing done as usual. They wish to sell or rent their Oil Mill in Lex ington. Nov. 25, 1815. 48 tf' Jessamine County, to wit Taken up by William M'Connel, living near the court nouse, a iay xviare, noui hind teet white, half to the pastern joint, and star in her face. sour years oldlast spring, and about fourteen hands JOHNMETCALF.jp. December 16, 1815 A copj attest, : .TOHNC. WALKER. d. e. j c. c Sheriff s? Blanks, For Sale at this Office. Thomas Devc Owings, Has removed his IRON AND CASTINGS STORE To the bouse formerly occupied by Mr. Bartholo- mew Blount, on Upper and Short streets, oppo-rit- colonel Morrison's wheiehe has on hand A FULL ASSOnTMEKT OF IRONS Sj CASTINGS, viz. Pots, Kettles, Skillets, Ovens, And Irons, he. 8 Lexington, 8th Feb. Just Received, ' AND ItEADY TO BE DISrOSED OF DI "Wholesale, By the subscribers, at their Store Room in Mr. John Postlethwait's Tkvern, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Elegant Fancy Goods, Selected from the latest importations in Philadel- phia, and which they will sell upon iery fiuouiable terms for Cash, or approved endorsed Notes, LANE ft TAYLOR. Lexington, Dth January, 1810. N. B. Vm.N. Lane presents his Hanks" tojiis. former friends and customers, and hopes they will gitelli.ni a call. Robert A. Gatewoodl lias opened a very general and w ell selected assort-- i mentof In bis new brick bouse, opposite Mr. James Wier's Store, which he offers for sale at w bolesale or retail on a very small advance for Cash. .Tanuarv IS, 1816 - Nails and Brads. The subscribers inform the public the have just received a fresh supply of Cut and Wrought Nails and Brads, of all sites, which may be had by the cask at their store, or by retail of Messrs. Farmer UeweeskCo. who will hereafter be constantly supplied with a general assortment for retailing, at uieir usual prices 'wnere aisoina) uenau warrant- ed Axes, of a superior quality. Tfc,subscribers will also receive orders for any kind of nniljj Which tliey will import anil sell at the Factory prices, at Pittsburgh, with addition of a commission of 2 per cent. On 3 months credit anil without any commission, when inoney is paid on delivery of the nailshere. J. 5c T.G.PRENTISS. Leti'nsrfnn, Dee. 2D. , -tf John Norton, TTBhESPECTFULLY informs the Public that JTL he has removed to his house immediate- ly opposite the Insurance Hank, main street, where lie will keep a constant supply of MED- ICINES, wholesale and retail. Having disposed of his Nail Factory, he re- quests all those in arrearages for Nails, to make payment immediately, as he intends go- ing to the eastward. 2 tf To the Public. MY Miop is next door to the Kentucky Gazette priuting-ofiic- w here I carry on my business in its several branches of SADDLING h MILITARY ACCOUTREMENT MAKING. I tender my grateful acknowledgments to my customers for the distinguished patronage I have received from them. My friends aud the public are assured oFnroinntac- - cunjinuuiuwn&. i leei cuuilijcui mat Willi me aid OI some ofifie best workmen and a constant supply of uie luu&iciiuice materials, i snaii ue aoie to renuer ample satisfaction to those w ho may please to faiour me with their applications by order or otherw lse. JOHN BRYAN. January 22. 0J Patent Elastic Saddles. A word to those mho are fond of easy riding. The complaint against hard and uneasy saddles, which is for the most part a just and general one, and is really a great grievance to those w ho have much riding to do, has caused me to turn my mind parti- cularly to that subject, with a view is possible to re medy the evil I can with confidence assure the Jt..l.a .!.. T I i:l..i :. T I puuue tuai i nave accuiiipn&ucu n. l nave project- ed a plan which isjiy meaus of strong and well tem- pered steel springs, so constructed as to support-th- c saddle seat kigive much greater ease to both rider f horse, than saddles made in the common way or any other that I have ever seen, cart possibly do. The plan is entirely different from the English elastic saddlesVith spring bars of steel, whalebone, ic.and also from those w ith wire springs, and I conceive ' much superior to cither, as the elasticity is greater, and tne tree not ueing put out ol its original locm, wilKnot be subject to hurting horses on journe5S, wliTcH is complained of In thesaddles with sprine bars? A number of gimllemen in this town and its; vicilut-- , have those saddles nutvsin use, and but one tehtiment I believe exists among them in sat our o. j tlieic seperiority Tht invention is equally as appli- cable to ladies saddles as to gentlemens'. Any per- - son desirous of purcbaling those easy saddles, is at liberty first to malte trial ot one and liidjre ot their ease for themselves. In point of durability I will' warrant them equal to any other saddles, and supe-- j nor to most (fr" I have obtained a Patent from the United States for this indention, and am ready to dispose of patent rights to haddlers, lor other counties or . ..... ., .. .., :. T.. i t ..,tc. - - ' l dZ EE, hX' " , , ' ,. , . ., ,..,.,' .. .. . ions. J. MRYAN FO R' SALE, THE PLANTATION Whereon the subscriber noia resides, CONTAINING Two hundred & Itveniu Acres, SITUATE on the Henri's Mill road, six miles' anu jje.iingion, a part ot Map survey. The land is not to bo equal- led inFayeOle in point of soil, situation, water and timber. There is a superb young orchard of GOO bearing apple trees, of various kind of fruit, calcu- lated for keeping and, making Cider. About eighty acres of land for cultivation, ten acres of meadow, and fitly "acres of sod for pastures', with the prime timber staniling.. The water is conveniently situa- ted in the lots, and is equal in quantity to any in Ken- tucky the fencing is a great part set on locust logs and well laid off. The Henry's Mill road runs nearly through the centre of the tract, which timber, water, &c. There is also a well on the tract, with sufficient water to jrork until July ; also a Blacksmith's shop on the road. The building? are only tolerable, though a handsome situation is prepared for' building. For terms apply to Daniel Bradford, Lexington, or to the subscriber, . THOMAS PEEBLES, Nov. 8 45-- tt Fayette County, set. Taken Up by James Faulkner, living on Jessa- mine creek, a Sorrel Horse, with a star and snip in his tace, both hind teet white, one of them up to the pastern joint, the right sore soot mixt with white hairs, aoont tour years old, and about fourteen and an half hands high, appraisal to S25- - January 22, I01U- - 13-- JI .IUIH llltlUjlUl', Taken Up by Geoie Hamilton, living in Fayette county on North Elkhorn, one Brown Mare, three years old last spring, 13 hands higbj-- star and snip, bolliJiuid feet while, appraised to 18 before me tins ytii uay ot uccemoer, 1815. 11 HOJERT S. RUSSELL, I. r. I OLD mOJV.SIDES SSSmSr-- i tavern; Elijah Noble lias opened a Tavern in those extensive and commodious buildings on Short-Stree- t, Lexington, Kentucky, Connelly occupied by Ml. Wiij.iam T. Baj.tin" and Mr.PnEJ.Tiss, as Boarding Houses, which he has connected together, ami where he proposes To Entertain Travellers, Aim! bis Fellow-Citize- gcnerallV. i bo call on him in a style equal to any which can be obtained in the Western Country. Travellers mav be accommo dated, without being disturbed ly the hoise and bustle, usually incident to a 1 avern ; and , Private Parties, Will meet with no interruption from strahgers. His Liquors will be excellent, and bis Table always spread with the choicest Viands ot each successive season. His Stable will contain about sixty Horses It will be under the direction and. care of Mr. F. UaleVoxii, w hose attention w ill be entirely confined to the Stable. Lexington, Jaiiu.vv3i2. lslb H. Beard cj A. Campbell Have opened in the bouse next ildbr to Mr. Will iamson's corner, on Main and Poplar-street- s, a well selected assortment of Merchandize Consisting of DRY .GOODS, CROCCRTS, ' QUEENS CHINA, GLASS AND HARD WAULS. Which they wlllcll low for cash, country linen, or whisky. Lexington, January 30." 6 Bartlet & Cox, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, THANKFUL for past savours, beg lcat e to in- form their Wes'lerri friunds, that they Mill continue to transact business on compiissiou as !oi merry. 48- -' s, 8th Nov 1815. ' To Rent, The Upper Story and Kitchen of a House near the Public Square Inquire of THE PRINTER. January 22. " 4- - For Sale, Any Quantity of SALT, Of a viperior quality, at our Lick, three and miles south castoi Mounsterling. WM. ELLIS St llitOTHERS. Spencer Lick, December 14, 1815. 51 Allen & Grant, Commission Merchants, Fillsburgh, Inform their friends in the Western Country, that they have removed to the Ware-hous- e lately occu- pied by G. & C. Anshulz Fi Dm the supei ior con- veniences of their Ware-hous- and its proximity to the river, the Merchants of Kentucky will find it to their advantage to consign to them. Pittsburgh, May 6. CASH WILL BE GIVEN FOR - 1 50 Ilh'ds of Tobacco. ' To be delivered early in the season. , LEWIS SANDERS. October 9, 1815. 41-- tf Doctor Joseph Boswell, HAS removed to the large Brick House occupied by Mr. James Prentiss, ne&r he factory of Morrison, lloswells and .Sutton. He will continue to practice Medicine k Sur- gery in Lexington and its vicinity. 39tf September' 53d, 1815. The Partnership of I. &K. Woodruff is this day dissolved by mutual consent, all persons having unsettled accounts With the late firmi are requested to call and settle them without delay, as the Subscribers are anxious to have their accounts all' settled up to this date. I. k. E WOODRUFF. Lexington, July 9. 28 tf Brass Foundry. The subscriber informs his friends and the Public in general that he continues to carry on the Brass Founding business in all its various Branches, at the old stand formerly occupied by I. U E Woodruff, on Main Street, and will always keep on hand an assortment of And Irons, Shovel and Tongs, Door Knockers, Candlesticks, &c. finished in the neatest man- ner ; he will likewise cast Bells, and work for Machinery on the shortest notice ; he has also a Cupelo for casting Iron, all orders in that line will be punctually attended to. Grateful for past savors he hopes to merit a contin-anc- e of the sum EZRA WOODRUFF . Lexington, July 9th, 1815. 28 tf Wool Carding. THOMAS ROYLE & SONS wish to inform their friends and thq public in general, that their machines are in complete operation at their facto- ry, on the FranH'ortroad, one mile from Lexington, at six pence per pound for common wool and hav ing the advantage of both water and horses, will ena- ble them to accommodate their friends on the short est notice and in the best manner. For sale at their factory, a quantity of Woollen Cloths, Linseys and Wool Rolls. Lexington, June 12th, 1815. 24tl ' Wool Carding. Mrrinrt nnrl Common Wnnl .,. Porllnc '.n ,,, o w,..u.. n Superier Style and on the usual terms at San- - ucrs, 4 lilies iruni jeiiiigion, Dy LEWIS SANDERS. Lexington, May 28, 1815. ; Notice. THERE will be wanted during the Winter and pring, at SANDERS, a thriving little Village, two and miles Jtf. W. of Lexington, a constant supply of Com Meal, Lard, Bacon, Butter &c. for which, COTTON YARN, of the best quality v. ill be given, at'as low a price as it can be had in the state. LEWIS SANDERS. Sanders, ICth Jatiuary, 181G." 3-- tf N. B. I will give One Dollar per gallon for Cow or Horse-soo- t OIL. L. S Neeroes Wanted. ANTED TO PURCHASE TEN PRnffi NEGRO MEN from 16 to 30 vears old None of bad character will answer. Enquire of J. 8c T. G. PRENTISS. March 10, 1816. 10 WHEAT. THE subscribers ill purchase WHEAT at the highest market price Application to be made at the store ot Lewis Sandersand at their new Steam Mill on the lower end of Water btreet. JOHN SCO'I T, Jn.-- CO. Cth November) 1815. 4- -tf J. P. SCHATZELL, has associrted himself with -- Mr. ALEXANDER CRANSTON of the City of New-Yoi- Mr. ANDREW ALEXANDER oil", liellast (Ireland; and Jlr.'JUHN WUOUWAlil), now of tbis place for the purpose of transacting business in the Meicantile& Commission line in 'his State, which from the first of this prcscni Month will be Conducted under the firm of J. P Schatzcll & Company. Lexington Sept. Oth 1815. 37-- J. Hatters, look here ! The subscribers hive a quantity oTBeaVcr Rile. coon & Muskrat Skins, Tor sale. 26.. P. &.W. BAIN. JVfl?7s, Brads & Iron Wares. 1 THE subscribers have undertaken the agen- cy of the Pittsburgh .Irpn ft Nail Factory in this place, and in a short time will have an ex tensive supply of every description of Cut and VVroucht Nails and Brails' of a minlitv vero m. perior to any heretofore used in.Jlhjs state which will be sold by wlvdesal'eorrelail, on liberal terms. Liberal credits and discglints will be gien to country merchants and others, who purchase to sell again. Persons desirous of importing anv articles manufactured by said company, may have their orders rcgulaily executed, is handed to the sub- scribers, who artfully authorised to receive orders and transact business generally for said company.Jn sale of their wares in this sec- tion '.of tlfe, country. Samples of Nails aqd Brads.of said Manufacturing Company, "nfay be seen lvljjhj the subscribers who solicit per- sons, whether desirous of obtaining supplies oi not, to examine the same and judge of theii quality. JAMES PRENTISS. ' THOS. G. PRENTISS. August 14. 33 SOAP 1ST CANDLES-FACTORY- . rpllE Subscriber has laffly enlarged his tablishment by additional buildings,and will now be enabled to supply; the public by wholesale and retail, with prime SOAP of eve ry kind, equal in quality to any manufactured in iiieuuiLcu auues ana wun me nest DIPPED is? MOULD CANDLES. Commissaries, Contractors, and Merchants who may "purchase those articles either for tli ; foreign or home markets, or those who want them for domestic use, will find it to theiu call on him, or to give him their or- ders, which will be promptly attended to, and faithfully .executed. JOHN BRIDGES. ' Corner of Water and Main Cross Streets; next door to Mr. Bradford's Steam MillandCot. ton Factory, Lexington. - The higliestcush pricesgiven far'J'ALLOjr" HOGS LARD, A'ITCHEJ GREASE. Ashes U Pit Ashes, at the above factory. UctoberlO, 1814 Bank Notes. Of all descriptions, f not counterfeit! will he. talcm. by M'G'aixa, GaIwes & Co. for alldeitsdue them? They earnestly request all those who arc fn arrear- ages, to avail themselves ol this offer'before the'firs' day of April next, or they will be compelledvlo adopt other measures, which are peculiarly disa- greeable both to debtor and creditor. Lexington, Jan. lfith,1815. 25 tf. ENGRAVING. Cop-pe- r Plates, Seals, Brands, Steel Dies.&d will be ncatlv executed bv the subscriber nn application at James Garrison's Druggist Stoic, next door to James Weir's, Main street, Lex- ington, ICy. JOHNC.NUTTMAN. December 4. - - 49 . TO MECHANICS tflJTD MJIA'U'. FACTUREUS. table also, several Paper Makers ; to whom liberal wages will be given in money as olten as wanted. Also, wanted 20 oung Men and Jloys from 14 to 21 years of age to learn the various' branches ot Manufacturing woolen goods and paper ; to whom liberal encoaraeeiaent will be civen. when well recommended. Also, wanted, Women, Girls, and Children, over 9 years old ; to whom good wages and constant cm-.- .t . ...:it i Also wanted, several House Carpenters. Apply at the Lexington Manufactory to JA&. c4 1. G. PRENTISS. Nov. 22.-18- 1 5. 4 8 tf. . IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE LADIES. THE Lexington ManufacturiiigCompany are tie-- '' iirous of obtaining a quantity of sine bleached I.Wn and Cotton RAGS, which are necessary to enable them to manufacture the important article of sine raper, ot winch so mucli is annually imported, and might be avoided is the patriotism or ujconomy ol the ladies of Kentucky, would induce them to adopt the customs of the ladies in the eastern states, viz. to keep a Rag Bag, which is usually hung up in a place convenient lor the purpose, and in which arp deposited the Rags that almost daily appear in ev- -' ery large lamuy. ji me end ot trie year your ra" bags thus attended: will produce vou a liberal sum for artdgreatly aid the important manu- - laciunes oi your stale. Six Cents in money will be paid for finmbleaclmrl Linen or Cotton Rags and a price in proportion for coarser quality, or ior tow maue trom Hax or hemp. "k'i'v ctv l,lc ii:muiaciory to J. & T. G. PRENTISS. Lexington, Nov. 22, 1815. 48-- tf Parker & Graves, Have just received from New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia, and are now opening at their store, opposite the Market House, Main Street, Lexington, an elegant and fashionable assortment of MERCHANDISE, Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard, Queen's, Glass c China Wares which, having been laid in for cash only, thev wi'l be enabled to sell as lbw as any in tile Western country. September ST ., Cellar to Rent. ' The large and commodiousCellar, under the new Episcopal Church. Apply to JOHN COLEMAN, 8 Juexinvton Poplar Trees. From 5 to 10,000 Lombardy and Athenian Vep lars, sit for immediate transplanting, lor sale at Captain Jehn Fowler's Forrest Gurdcn. on very moderate terms. Those who are disposed to or- - nament tncir pleasure or tancy grounds, or the town streets, may be supplied is thev make an ear- ly application. Fe, 14". 8 Doctor Briggs, From the City of Williamsburg, Virginia,' HAVING removed to Kentucky, and fixed his residence in the town of Lexington, Alain-stree- t, in the house lately in the occupancy of J. Wamack, (opposite Captain Fowler's) offers his services in the practice of Physic, Surgery aiul Midwifery, to t In. inhabitants o the town and its vicinity. 4'J-- tf Decembers, 1815 TOBACCO. The Subscribers will pay Cash for Tobacco. Persons desirous of contracting for their crops not yet ready for delivery, will find it advanta- geous to call on the subscribers, before of the same. J. l T. G. PRENTISS. Lexington, Nov. 48tf c -- "Wanted to Rent, A' SMALL FARM witjiin a sew miles of L..-- . Ington, with a house sufficient for a "mall fnrl possession would be required about Chri.llinn A, ly lo .1 0SEP1I T0WLF.R. Lexington, Dcccmbcr'lXi- - 49 Dissolution of Partnership. CORNELIUS &JOIIN COYI.E, Have this day dissolved partnership by mu- tual consent. 1 he business of the late concern will be conducted in suture by Cornelius Coyle, 'who is alone authorised to receive and pay al! debts due to JuidTrom thejsaid firm. - O. COYLE, - . ' F, COYLE. January 1", 1816T Cornelius iC.oyle, AVill still enntinue to keeptat'hisrstore at the coiner of Main and Upper Street, a choice and superior assortment of FRESH GOODS, very recently imp irted, and in point of qua- lity surpassed by none in the state, which will be sold by wholesale or retail, at the most reduced prices He has on hand, t.,- -' gether with others too tedious to mention, the following articles . CONSISTING OF Superfine and secdnd Cloth lo - , do" Cassimeres KerSey, Moleskin, and plain Coatings Plains and Uockings . Rose,,Pointand DumTBlankets Assorted Flannels Stockinets and Bedford Cords Cords and Velveteens Black and coloured Bumbazets Toilenets and Swansdown Cotton and worsted Hosiery Silk do do Colour'd and white Marseilles 6 4, 4 4 and 9-- light and dark Ginghams Colour'd Cambriclcs 6-- 4 and 4 4 Jaconet and Dimity Cambrick3 j-- 4 and 4 Leno and British Hook Muslin 6-- and 4-- 4 super Book Muslin 4-- Mull do do 6 4 and 4-- 4 super figurM and Japan do 4 4 and 7 8 Shirting Cambncfcs Irish Linen and Table Diaper Coarse and super Calico3 Furniture do Dimities Canton Crapes Levantines, Florences and Florentine Satins and Virginias Long and short Kid Gloves Heaver do Silk .Shawls and Bandanoe Handkerchiefs-Cotto- do and Madras do Merino Shawls ' 54 and,6-- 4 Levantine Silk Shawls Madeira Wine Liquors of tCogyacjBrand 1st quality, Holland Gin Jamaica.Spirits A general assonmentof Groceries China and Queens' Ware ' , Ironmongery, &c. &c. January 27, 1,816. . 5- - Vm. RobfhsW & Co. Have just reccive'd ajmall Consignment from a Pittsburgh Manufacturer, consisting of Sickles, Wheel-Iron- s, Augers, and ' Brads by the 1000, Which they offer for-sal- atjeduced prices. 5- -t January 29, 1816 , j .1Last Notice. THOSE persons that are indebted to the subscri- bers by note or account, are requested to discharge the same on br before the 15th November. Alt potes or accounts remaining unpaid aster that date, will be immediately put into thhands of officers for collection, without any dherimiriSiion of persons. TILFORD, SCOTT 3c TROTTER. October3d, I'SIS. , 41 DavM Todd, praetice of Law, and will attend punctually" tp business, in the Circuit and Countv Courts of Fayette' His" office is next door to C. Wilkins'sofiica, on Short street. ' 34 August 17 ffS7 "' " "' lMt t rffl'TI"? II III Stills for Sale. The Subscriber has on hand, Stills of differ est sizes and of the best quality, which lie will sell low for cash. He has lately received frira Philadelphia a quantity of Copper, which en ables him to furnish Stills and Bailers Of any size, at the shortest notice. He also continues to carry on the. TINNING BUSINESS, as usual. s. Two or three JOVRNETMEN TlNNFRS would be employed, to whom the bi chest wages will he given. M. FlSH-- Lexington, Feb. IStb, 1816.

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Page 1: J. C. M. D. PRnffi tavern; - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7kwh2d8n5p/data/1487.pdfJ. C. t$ M. D. Richardson, Ilave just received from New-Yor-k and Philadel-phia, a large and well

J. C. t$ M. D. Richardson,Ilave just received from New-Yor- k and Philadel-

phia, a large and well chosen assortment of

MERCHANDISE,Purchaaed principally for Cash,'

Which they are now opening in the white house(corner of Main and Mill Streets, which they willsell on as good terms as any other house in theWestern country. They have oil hand and willkeep a constant supply of

Satinets, Cassinels, and CctftonsWriting, Printing Is Wrafiiing Pafier,

Manufactured by the Lexington' Manufacturingcompany. Alsoaoasspnment ot i i a jjuiiuiiNAILS, winch-the)- wilLjell Jit wholesale; orbyretail at the w hdlesalcprice.

They, likewise 'wish to sell for Produce, .ata.fairprice, or areduced price in Cajh,...' , "J.

A Valuable Frni,Consistins of 2 or 300 acres, situated: between thelower Bourbon and Cynthiana roads, vithin ninemiles from Lexingtpn,with about 100 acwsinclosed,wiui a Kope Walk,' and other uuproements tootedious to mention.

10--tf Lexington, March 1, 181G.'


-- IMPORTED GOODS.100 Crates well assorted QUEENS WARE20 ditto and boxes elegant LUSTRE WAKE20 Tierces, - "J


100 Kegs, JSO Bags very Green COFFEE20 Barrels ditto ditto18 Boxes Tin, sit for manufacturers,

100 Boxes fresh Muscatel UAISlNSsuperiorquality

Bundles of Steel, and a sew tons CampeachyLogwood will be sold on accommodating termsby the package, at Philadelphia, New York &Baltimore prices carriage, which is extreme-ly low addedby application to

J. P. SCHAT2ELL, & Co.December 25th, 1815 52

BILLS OF EXCHANGE,On Philadelphia, New-York- , Baltimore, Savan-

na, Charleston and Pittsburgh,For sale apply as above

James Garrison,, . WHOLESALE & RETAIL

Apothecary and Druggist,,MAIN STREET, LEXINGTON,

RESPECTFULLY informs merchants and phy-sicians and all dealers in bis line, that he has, andwill constantly keep, a large and extensive supply of

Fresh Drugs and Medicines;Also, a large supplr of

PAINTS AND DYE "STUFFS,Which he will sell for cash at the New-Yor- Phi-ladelphia and Baltimore prices, with the addition otCarriage expences excepted, or on the usual ciddit, viz.Aloes Sact Gum Tragacanth,Antimony MyrrhAnniseed. GuaicBorax refined CopalBrimstone Shal LacBurgundy pitch - Pow'd. Peruvian BarksCantharides RheubarbCochineal JallapCream Tartar Ipecacnanha, see.Cloves Sal AmmoniacCinnamon Fol SennaMace Manna FlakeNutmegs Camomile Flowers12 dozen Caster Oil Orange PeelGum Camphor Gentian Root, &c.


By the gross or dozenAnderson's Pills Harlem OilLee's N. L. B. Pills Ess. PeppermintHooper's Pills Godfrey's CordialBateman's Drops Dnrable InkBritish Oil Steer's OpadeldocTurlington's Balsom Worm TeaItch Ointment W irmseed Oil

DYE STUFFS.Annatto Aquafortis by the car- -

Allum boy or poundRed Wood Oil of Vitriol by theLog Wood carboy or poundFustic Madder, &c.Aquafortis j , ,

PAINTS Sec.Spanish Brown ' Red LeadWhiteing Prussian Blue, No. 1

White Lead Do do 2Drop Lake Rose PinkCromic Yellow Pat GreenDutch Pink Copal Varnish, by the.Pat Yellow gallonLinseed Oil Turpentine Varnish,Spts Turpentine do. -

Also. 12 dozen Sweet Oil. suitable forma,ebinery, which will be sold low with a gene- -ral assortment of Perfumes. i

Lexington, Dec. 15th. 1815. m.

Downing & Grant,Have just received from Philadelphia and Balti- -

more, ana are now opening at their store onShort-stree- t, (between Mill and Main Cross- -

streets; L,e.xington,A' GENERAL ASSOIiTMENT OF


Sugar, Raisins,Coffee, . , Prunes",Teas, Almonds,Chocolate, . Figs,Ginger, uoid airucK,Mace, Sweet St ?OW,Cloves, Castor- - JAllspice, Scots 8c ?cjrBlack Pepper, Moccoba jCayenne do d Cheese,Nutmegs, Salt,Cinnamon, Shad,Mustard, Herrings,Allum, WashlMllyIndigo, SbaVhjg Sdtipj-Pipes- ,

Madder,Copperas, AyoTwen Cbaksf,Brimstone, Overalls,

WINE, JAMAICA SPIRITSBRANDY, WHISKEY.Brushes pfievery kind, Spanish WhltSng, Putty,

Flax Seed Oil, Window Glass, 'Paper for rooms,"Sic. ice. All of "which they will sell very low forCash.

House and sign Painting, Papering and Glazingdone as usual.

They wish to sell or rent their Oil Mill in Lexington. Nov. 25, 1815. 48 tf'

Jessamine County, to witTaken up by William M'Connel, living near the

court nouse, a iay xviare, noui hind teet white,half to the pastern joint, and star in her face.

sour years oldlast spring, and about fourteen hands

JOHNMETCALF.jp.December 16, 1815 A copj attest,

: .TOHNC. WALKER. d. e. j c. c

Sheriff s? Blanks,For Sale at this Office.

Thomas Devc Owings,Has removed his

IRON AND CASTINGS STORETo the bouse formerly occupied by Mr. Bartholo-

mew Blount, on Upper and Short streets, oppo-rit-

colonel Morrison's wheiehe has on handA FULL ASSOnTMEKT OF

IRONS Sj CASTINGS, viz.Pots, Kettles, Skillets, Ovens,

And Irons, he.8 Lexington, 8th Feb.


"Wholesale,By the subscribers, at their Store Room in

Mr. John Postlethwait's Tkvern,AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF

Elegant Fancy Goods,Selected from the latest importations in Philadel-phia, and which they will sell upon iery fiuouiableterms for Cash, or approved endorsed Notes,

LANE ft TAYLOR.Lexington, Dth January, 1810.N. B. Vm.N. Lane presents his Hanks" tojiis.

former friends and customers, and hopes they willgitelli.ni a call.

Robert A. Gatewoodllias opened a very general and w ell selected assort-- i


In bis new brick bouse, opposite Mr. James Wier'sStore, which he offers for sale at w bolesale or retailon a very small advance for Cash.

.Tanuarv IS, 1816

- Nails and Brads.The subscribers inform the public the have just

received a fresh supply of Cut and Wrought Nailsand Brads, of all sites, which may be had by thecask at their store, or by retail of Messrs. FarmerUeweeskCo. who will hereafter be constantlysupplied with a general assortment for retailing, atuieir usual prices 'wnere aisoina) uenau warrant-ed Axes, of a superior quality.

Tfc,subscribers will also receive orders for anykind of nniljj Which tliey will import anil sell at theFactory prices, at Pittsburgh, with addition of acommission of 2 per cent. On 3 months creditanil without any commission, when inoney is paid ondelivery of the nailshere.

J. 5c T.G.PRENTISS.Leti'nsrfnn, Dee. 2D. , -tf

John Norton,TTBhESPECTFULLY informs the Public thatJTL he has removed to his house immediate-ly opposite the Insurance Hank, main street,where lie will keep a constant supply of MED-ICINES, wholesale and retail.

Having disposed of his Nail Factory, he re-

quests all those in arrearages for Nails, tomake payment immediately, as he intends go-

ing to the eastward. 2 tf

To the Public.MY Miop is next door to the Kentucky Gazette

priuting-ofiic- w here I carry on my business in itsseveral branches of SADDLING h MILITARYACCOUTREMENT MAKING. I tender mygrateful acknowledgments to my customers for thedistinguished patronage I have received from them.My friends aud the public are assured oFnroinntac- -cunjinuuiuwn&. i leei cuuilijcui mat Willi me aid OIsome ofifie best workmen and a constant supply ofuie luu&iciiuice materials, i snaii ue aoie to renuerample satisfaction to those w ho may please to faiourme with their applications by order or otherw lse.

JOHN BRYAN.January 22.

0J Patent Elastic Saddles.A word to those mho are fond of easy riding.The complaint against hard and uneasy saddles,

which is for the most part a just and general one, andis really a great grievance to those w ho have muchriding to do, has caused me to turn my mind parti-cularly to that subject, with a view is possible to remedy the evil I can with confidence assure theJt..l.a .!.. T I i:l..i :. T Ipuuue tuai i nave accuiiipn&ucu n. l nave project-ed a plan which isjiy meaus ofstrong and well tem-pered steel springs, so constructed as to support-th- c

saddle seat kigive much greater ease to both rider fhorse, than saddles made in the common way or anyother that I have ever seen, cart possibly do. Theplan is entirely different from the English elasticsaddlesVith spring bars of steel, whalebone, ic.andalso from those w ith wire springs, and I conceive '

much superior to cither, as the elasticity is greater,and tne tree not ueing put out ol its original locm,wilKnot be subject to hurting horses on journe5S,wliTcH is complained of In thesaddles with sprinebars? A number of gimllemen in this town and its;vicilut--

, have those saddles nutvsin use, and but onetehtiment I believe exists among them in sat our o.

j tlieic seperiority Tht invention is equally as appli-cable to ladies saddles as to gentlemens'. Any per- -son desirous of purcbaling those easy saddles, is atliberty first to malte trial ot one and liidjre ot theirease for themselves. In point of durability I will'warrant them equal to any other saddles, and supe-- jnor to most

(fr" I have obtained a Patent from the UnitedStates for this indention, and am ready to dispose ofpatent rights to haddlers, lor other counties or. ..... ., .. ..,:. T.. i t ..,tc. - - '

l dZ EE, hX' "

, , ' ,. , . ., ,..,.,' .. .. .

ions. J. MRYAN


Whereon the subscriber noia resides,CONTAINING

Two hundred & Itveniu Acres,SITUATE on the Henri's Mill road, six miles'

anu jje.iingion, a part ot Mapsurvey. The land is not to bo equal-

led inFayeOle in point of soil, situation, water andtimber. There is a superb young orchard of GOObearing apple trees, of various kind of fruit, calcu-lated for keeping and, making Cider. About eightyacres of land for cultivation, ten acres of meadow,and fitly "acres of sod for pastures', with the primetimber staniling.. The water is conveniently situa-ted in the lots, and is equal in quantity to any in Ken-tucky the fencing is a great part set on locust logsand well laid off. The Henry's Mill road runsnearly through the centre of the tract, which

timber, water, &c. There is also a wellon the tract, with sufficient water to

jrork until July ; also a Blacksmith's shop on theroad. The building? are only tolerable, though ahandsome situation is prepared for' building. Forterms apply to Daniel Bradford, Lexington, orto the subscriber, .

THOMAS PEEBLES,Nov. 8 45-- tt

Fayette County, set.Taken Up by James Faulkner, living on Jessa-

mine creek, a Sorrel Horse, with a star and snip inhis tace, both hind teet white, one of them up to thepastern joint, the right sore soot mixt with whitehairs, aoont tour years old, and about fourteen andan half hands high, appraisal to S25- - January 22,I01U- - 13--JI .IUIH llltlUjlUl',

Taken Up by Geoie Hamilton, living in Fayettecounty on North Elkhorn, one Brown Mare, threeyears old last spring, 13 hands higbj-- star and snip,bolliJiuid feet while, appraised to 18 before metins ytii uay ot uccemoer, 1815.




tavern;Elijah Noble

lias opened a Tavern in those extensive andcommodious buildings on Short-Stree- t, Lexington,Kentucky, Connelly occupied by Ml. Wiij.iam T.Baj.tin" and Mr.PnEJ.Tiss, as Boarding Houses,which he has connected together, ami where heproposes

To Entertain Travellers,Aim! bis Fellow-Citize- gcnerallV. i bo call on himin a style equal to any which can be obtained in theWestern Country. Travellers mav be accommodated, without being disturbed ly the hoise andbustle, usually incident to a 1 avern ; and ,

Private Parties,Will meet with no interruption from strahgers.His Liquors will be excellent, and bis Table alwaysspread with the choicest Viands ot each successiveseason.

His Stable will contain about sixty Horses Itwill be under the direction and. care of Mr. F.UaleVoxii, w hose attention w ill be entirely confinedto the Stable. Lexington, Jaiiu.vv3i2. lslb

H. Beard cj A. CampbellHave opened in the bouse next ildbr to Mr. Will

iamson's corner, on Main and Poplar-street- s, a wellselected assortment of

MerchandizeConsisting of



Which they wlllcll low for cash, country linen, orwhisky.

Lexington, January 30." 6


THANKFUL for past savours, beg lcat e to in-

form their Wes'lerri friunds, that they Mill continueto transact business on compiissiou as !oi merry.

48- -' s, 8th Nov 1815.

' To Rent,The Upper Story and Kitchen of a House

near the Public Square Inquire ofTHE PRINTER.

January 22. "4- -

For Sale,Any Quantity of SALT,

Of a viperior quality, at our Lick, three andmiles south castoi Mounsterling.

WM. ELLIS St llitOTHERS.Spencer Lick, December 14, 1815. 51

Allen & Grant,Commission Merchants, Fillsburgh,

Inform their friends in the Western Country, thatthey have removed to the Ware-hous- e lately occu-pied by G. & C. Anshulz Fi Dm the supei ior con-veniences of their Ware-hous- and its proximity tothe river, the Merchants of Kentucky will find it totheir advantage to consign to them.

Pittsburgh, May 6.


1 50 Ilh'ds of Tobacco. '

To be delivered early in the season., LEWIS SANDERS.

October 9, 1815. 41-- tf

Doctor Joseph Boswell,HAS removed to the large Brick House

occupied by Mr. James Prentiss, ne&rhe factory of Morrison, lloswells and .Sutton.He will continue to practice Medicine k Sur-gery in Lexington and its vicinity.

39tf September' 53d, 1815.

The Partnership of I. &K. Woodruff is thisday dissolved by mutual consent, all personshaving unsettled accounts With the late firmiare requested to call and settle themwithout delay, as the Subscribers are anxiousto have their accounts all' settled up to thisdate. I. k. E WOODRUFF.Lexington, July 9. 28 tf

Brass Foundry.The subscriber informs his friends and the

Public in general that he continues to carryon the Brass Founding business in all itsvarious Branches, at the old stand formerlyoccupied by I. U E Woodruff, on Main Street,and will always keep on hand an assortment ofAnd Irons, Shovel and Tongs, Door Knockers,Candlesticks, &c. finished in the neatest man-ner ; he will likewise cast Bells, and work forMachinery on the shortest notice ; he has alsoa Cupelo for casting Iron, all orders in thatline will be punctually attended to. Gratefulfor past savors he hopes to merit a contin-anc- e

of the sumEZRA WOODRUFF .

Lexington, July 9th, 1815. 28 tf

Wool Carding.THOMAS ROYLE & SONS wish to inform

their friends and thq public in general, that theirmachines are in complete operation at their facto-ry, on the FranH'ortroad, one mile from Lexington,at six pence per pound for common wool and having the advantage of both water and horses, will ena-ble them to accommodate their friends on the shortest notice and in the best manner. For sale at theirfactory, a quantity of Woollen Cloths, Linseys andWool Rolls. Lexington, June 12th, 1815. 24tl


Wool Carding.Mrrinrt nnrl Common Wnnl.,. Porllnc '.n,,, ow,..u.. n

Superier Style and on the usual terms at San- -

ucrs, 4 lilies iruni jeiiiigion, DyLEWIS SANDERS.

Lexington, May 28, 1815.

; Notice.THERE will be wanted during the Winter and

pring, at SANDERS, a thriving little Village, twoand miles Jtf. W. of Lexington, a constantsupply ofCom Meal, Lard, Bacon, Butter &c.for which, COTTON YARN, of the best qualityv. ill be given, at'as low a price as it can be had in thestate. LEWIS SANDERS.

Sanders, ICth Jatiuary, 181G." 3--tfN. B. I will give One Dollar per gallon for Cow

or Horse-soo- t OIL. L. S


NEGRO MEN from 16 to 30 vears oldNone of bad character will answer. Enquireof J. 8c T. G. PRENTISS.

March 10, 1816. 10

WHEAT.THE subscribers ill purchase WHEAT at the

highest market price Application to be made atthe store ot Lewis Sandersand at their new SteamMill on the lower end of Water btreet.

JOHN SCO'I T, Jn.-- CO.Cth November) 1815. 4- -tf

J. P. SCHATZELL, has associrted himself with--Mr. ALEXANDER CRANSTON of the Cityof New-Yoi- Mr. ANDREW ALEXANDER oil",

liellast (Ireland; and Jlr.'JUHN WUOUWAlil),now of tbis place for the purpose of transactingbusiness in the Meicantile& Commission line in'his State, which from the first of this prcscniMonth will be Conducted under the firm of J. PSchatzcll & Company.

Lexington Sept. Oth 1815. 37-- J.

Hatters, look here !

The subscribers hive a quantity oTBeaVcr Rile.coon & Muskrat Skins, Tor sale.

26.. P. &.W. BAIN.

JVfl?7s, Brads & Iron Wares.1

THE subscribers have undertaken the agen-cy of the Pittsburgh .Irpn ft Nail Factory inthis place, and in a short time will have an extensive supply of every description of Cut andVVroucht Nails and Brails' of a minlitv vero m.perior to any heretofore used in.Jlhjs statewhich will be sold by wlvdesal'eorrelail, onliberal terms. Liberal credits and discglintswill be gien to country merchants and others,who purchase to sell again.

Persons desirous of importing anv articlesmanufactured by said company, may have theirorders rcgulaily executed, is handed to the sub-scribers, who artfully authorised to receiveorders and transact business generally for saidcompany.Jn sale of their wares in this sec-tion '.of tlfe, country. Samples of Nails aqdBrads.of said Manufacturing Company, "nfaybe seen lvljjhj the subscribers who solicit per-sons, whether desirous of obtaining supplies oinot, to examine the same and judge of theiiquality. JAMES PRENTISS. '

THOS. G. PRENTISS.August 14. 33


rpllE Subscriber has laffly enlarged histablishment by additional buildings,and

will now be enabled to supply; the public bywholesale and retail, with prime SOAP of every kind, equal in quality to any manufacturedin iiieuuiLcu auues ana wun me nestDIPPED is? MOULD CANDLES.

Commissaries, Contractors, and Merchantswho may "purchase those articles either for tli ;foreign or home markets, or those who wantthem for domestic use, will find it to theiu

call on him, or to give him their or-

ders, which will be promptly attended to, andfaithfully .executed.


Corner of Water and Main Cross Streets; nextdoor to Mr. Bradford's Steam MillandCot.ton Factory, Lexington. -

The higliestcush pricesgiven far'J'ALLOjr"HOGS LARD, A'ITCHEJ GREASE. AshesU Pit Ashes, at the above factory.

UctoberlO, 1814

Bank Notes.Of all descriptions, f not counterfeit! will he. talcm.

by M'G'aixa, GaIwes & Co. for alldeitsdue them?They earnestly request all those who arc fn arrear-ages, to avail themselves ol this offer'before the'firs'day of April next, or they will be compelledvloadopt other measures, which are peculiarly disa-greeable both to debtor and creditor.

Lexington, Jan. lfith,1815. 25 tf.

ENGRAVING.Cop-pe- r Plates, Seals, Brands, Steel Dies.&d

will be ncatlv executed bv the subscriber nnapplication at James Garrison's Druggist Stoic,next door to James Weir's, Main street, Lex-ington, ICy.

JOHNC.NUTTMAN.December 4. - - 49 .


tablealso, several Paper Makers ; to whom liberal wageswill be given in money as olten as wanted.

Also, wanted 20 oung Men and Jloys from 14 to21 years of age to learn the various' branches otManufacturing woolen goods and paper ; to whomliberal encoaraeeiaent will be civen. when wellrecommended.

Also, wanted, Women, Girls, and Children, over9 years old ; to whom good wages and constant cm-.- .t .

...:it i

Also wanted, several House Carpenters. Applyat the Lexington Manufactory to

JA&. c4 1. G. PRENTISS.Nov. 22.-18-1 5. 4 8 tf. .


THE Lexington ManufacturiiigCompany are tie-- ''iirous of obtaining a quantity of sine bleached I.Wnand Cotton RAGS, which are necessary to enablethem to manufacture the important article of sineraper, ot winch so mucli is annually imported, andmight be avoided is the patriotism or ujconomy olthe ladies of Kentucky, would induce them to adoptthe customs of the ladies in the eastern states, viz.to keep a Rag Bag, which is usually hung up in aplace convenient lor the purpose, and in which arpdeposited the Rags that almost daily appear in ev- -'

ery large lamuy. ji me end ot trie year your ra"bags thus attended: will produce vou a liberal sumfor artdgreatly aid the important manu- -laciunes oi your stale.

Six Cents in money will be paid for finmbleaclmrlLinen or Cotton Rags and a price in proportion forcoarser quality, or ior tow maue trom Hax or hemp.

"k'i'v ctv l,lc ii:muiaciory toJ. & T. G. PRENTISS.

Lexington, Nov. 22, 1815. 48-- tf

Parker & Graves,Have just received from New York, Baltimore

and Philadelphia, and are now opening at theirstore, opposite the Market House, Main Street,Lexington, an elegant and fashionable assortment of

MERCHANDISE,Consisting of

Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard, Queen's,Glass c China Wares

which, having been laid in for cash only, thev wi'lbe enabled to sell as lbw as any in tile Westerncountry.

September ST

., Cellar to Rent. '

The large and commodiousCellar, under the newEpiscopal Church. Apply to

JOHN COLEMAN,8 Juexinvton

Poplar Trees.From 5 to 10,000 Lombardy and Athenian Vep

lars, sit for immediate transplanting, lor sale atCaptain Jehn Fowler's Forrest Gurdcn. on verymoderate terms. Those who are disposed to or- -nament tncir pleasure or tancy grounds, or thetown streets, may be supplied is thev make an ear-ly application. Fe, 14". 8

Doctor Briggs,From the City of Williamsburg, Virginia,'

HAVING removed to Kentucky, and fixed hisresidence in the town of Lexington, Alain-stree- t, inthe house lately in the occupancy of J. Wamack,(opposite Captain Fowler's) offers his services in thepractice of Physic, Surgery aiul Midwifery, to t In.inhabitants o the town and its vicinity.

4'J-- tf Decembers, 1815

TOBACCO.The Subscribers will pay Cash for Tobacco.

Persons desirous of contracting for their cropsnot yet ready for delivery, will find it advanta-geous to call on the subscribers, before

of the same.J. l T. G. PRENTISS.

Lexington, Nov. 48tf

c --"Wanted to Rent,A' SMALL FARM witjiin a sew miles of L..-- .

Ington, with a house sufficient for a "mall fnrlpossession would be required about Chri.llinn A,

ly lo .1 0SEP1I T0WLF.R.Lexington, Dcccmbcr'lXi- - 49

Dissolution of Partnership.CORNELIUS &JOIIN COYI.E,

Have this day dissolved partnership by mu-tual consent. 1 he business of the late concernwill be conducted in suture by Cornelius Coyle,

'who is alone authorised to receive and pay al!debts due to JuidTrom thejsaid firm.

- O. COYLE,- . ' F, COYLE.

January 1", 1816T

Cornelius iC.oyle,AVill still enntinue to keeptat'hisrstore at the

coiner of Main and Upper Street, a choiceand superior assortment of

FRESH GOODS,very recently imp irted, and in point of qua-lity surpassed by none in the state, whichwill be sold by wholesale or retail, at themost reduced prices He has on hand, t.,- -'

gether with others too tedious to mention,the following articles

. CONSISTING OFSuperfine and secdnd Cloth

lo - , do" CassimeresKerSey, Moleskin, and plain CoatingsPlains and Uockings .

Rose,,Pointand DumTBlanketsAssorted FlannelsStockinets and Bedford CordsCords and VelveteensBlack and coloured BumbazetsToilenets and SwansdownCotton and worsted HosierySilk do doColour'd and white Marseilles6 4, 4 4 and 9-- light and dark GinghamsColour'd Cambriclcs6-- 4 and 4 4 Jaconet and Dimity Cambrick3j--

4 and 4 Leno and British Hook Muslin6-- and 4-- 4 super Book Muslin

4-- Mull do do6 4 and 4-- 4 super figurM and Japan do4 4 and 7 8 Shirting CambncfcsIrish Linen and Table DiaperCoarse and super Calico3Furniture doDimitiesCanton CrapesLevantines, Florences and FlorentineSatins and VirginiasLong and short Kid GlovesHeaver doSilk .Shawls and Bandanoe Handkerchiefs-Cotto-

do and Madras doMerino Shawls '

5 4 and,6-- 4 Levantine Silk ShawlsMadeira Wine

Liquors of tCogyacjBrand1st quality, Holland Gin

Jamaica.SpiritsA general assonmentof Groceries

China and Queens' Ware'

, Ironmongery, &c. &c.January 27, 1,816. . 5- -

Vm. RobfhsW & Co.Have just reccive'd ajmall Consignment from

a Pittsburgh Manufacturer, consisting ofSickles, Wheel-Iron- s, Augers, and

' Brads by the 1000,Which they offer for-sal- atjeduced prices.

5- -t January 29, 1816

, j .1Last Notice.THOSE persons that are indebted to the subscri-

bers by note or account, are requested to dischargethe same on br before the 15th November. Altpotes or accounts remaining unpaid aster that date,will be immediately put into thhands of officersfor collection, without any dherimiriSiion of persons.

TILFORD, SCOTT 3c TROTTER.October3d, I'SIS. , 41

DavM Todd,praetice of Law, and will

attend punctually" tp business, in the Circuit andCountv Courts of Fayette' His" office is next doorto C. Wilkins'sofiica, on Short street.

' 34 August 17

ffS7 "' " "' lMt trffl'TI"? II III

Stills for Sale.The Subscriber has on hand, Stills of differ

est sizes and of the best quality, which lie willsell low for cash. He has lately received friraPhiladelphia a quantity of Copper, which enables him to furnish

Stills and BailersOf any size, at the shortest notice. He alsocontinues to carry on the.


Two or three JOVRNETMEN TlNNFRSwould be employed, to whom the bichestwages will he given. M. FlSH--Lexington, Feb. IStb, 1816.