j bl il-the bridge whist table it hit llen all iii llage during tit dim nrrd of onartt math ihe...

V I 1iI1 SUA SUNiAY SIiJeILb J 1900 t I 4 0 I yr 4 4 4h I I 1 4t toT I I 4 Ia- at r I a idI 1 4 14w I a I tr 11 lea Inml I IIC lv the TiC he- ii 0 ltl- rul 0 4 flit ht The mr the red opn- nwcf COP rtv nt- iher nbC b v Ifs hIl rlp- 41t the nq ftrt- onel wrn- q th- I It 0 tot I ba THE BRIDGE WHIST TABLE It Hit llen All III llage During tit dim Nrrd of onartt Math Ihe La- nd rlementt of rlayVrtltnt CnctrUi- Alinnt ltailiKIn Point of tiai- Th M who thought that the game of btd- WM n pn in fad which would not outti the winter Imvfl by thU time discovered gimn has torno to tay Bridget pnrt- rnv been all tho rnlW at the fashionable u reports e fhr having been In demo evirywliere and It U now practically tho 01- Btnc In the leading chilm at t- on wliloh ivory msn ought to khqnv T commit wlntur will f rubably we iticli a bo In bride ns no other game has uvcr had ni ail th indication Situ that even pok r w- hiiv to yleli palm to the new candldc fir UK public favor which bids fair to I becoi- I national game of America Th In and thn olomnnln of play are a somewhat chaotlo state In thU count iri t arsons havlntf learned thn amo frc hereby In order to remndy this there truii talk of havlnu n brldga congress tie yjr somewhat on the order of tIle whist co- T t and coveral moo who aro promlno In whist matter and have had expcrlen In th organization building tip of t l naintu hiivu promised to give the brtd payers the benolH of thtt ettporlenrolngettlit- ho pror l bridge congress started It moro than probable that before ono tuo wellknown cluba will got together nnd Iw- InTltatiorxt to othors to Join them and w- nk for an eipreMlon of opinion as to tIle bo time and placs for a meeting of dnleffnte Suoh a contacts If tho time were wise cliown and Us Affairs were properly would renult In great benefits to the gar and woiiM do much toward smoothing o the differences which now exlit nmcng playe- m different putu of the country The mo Important thing of course would o to fo- ijiutAte a oodj of Iar and the next thlr would b to meo upon thu conventions whU- miitkt properly b used nt the table withoi- eiposltuj partners to the charge of taklr in unfair advantage The tntk of drawlr up a mltable code of should be entrust to committee of men who have had exre l nre In suoh matters and who know how di tlnulh between the laws of a game thn descriptions of how It Is plnyod Almoi ill the codes now In print would be the betti for a rood deal of pruning down and a dril of rearrangement Some codes contradict others In tome thing tuoh as revokn penalty and the penalty leading out of tho wrong hand and allow Inc the dealer tho prlvileco of amending h thaT from dummys hand after he has touche- s card There is no law on the subject of th conventional lead at no trump when the playe- en right of the dealer goes over olthoug there should b It would also be ndvUablet lIz a limit to the doubling proceas berauc- at the gam U now played It is open to same objection as thos which were o strong ureed agalntt bluff or unlimited poker I muM b dlfllcult at first to get some clubs t change from their preient habits In the matte cf e i ecally with regard to the lead cf the wrong hand end tho revoke penalty hut If a thoroughly good code were drawn up and adopted by a congress of live clubs opinion would noon force Its adoption on th In the country Juct as Whist A bridge would alto player or very much am that li the opportunity to compare notw with M to tenu of This would eventually lead t- tte of of loath hlch Is a tiilflg wa T much need at prwen- ta U It rather unusual to fInd two partuorx meeting for the tint Uute who have any con ttdnice lo etch others fultA echoing returning or discarding Tin Irada it are unlvertaJly ant u ed and oc partner no In thti of who Is an enttn uclevo cue or both are unable to without the use of a lot of private conventions Atblldg there U a treat of oplulot u to the or to select from certain ccsiblnatlcm especially at no trump Bom- If which are copied trout whist without any for In which the condition Ire eitlrely U no book to give the beginner any 1dm- of the philosophy loath and reason why CAT should be selected in certain ii eh but not In others would add greutly to thd of li such maltora were Bottled by discussion and ot annual thi liiVLkve of the game then assume ibuirUrd and we should bo able U ua- ddntand one anothnr on tint h Uad of to mater a different dlalec1- la each of the In all intellectual tamos of cards and e- poclilly in tlie tn mb r of the whlit o which bridge beJongs one of the pleas- ure lien in tae partners hand MIS Tlione luferemos ore the dellgh ot tho expei t aud proper reading of lundJ U the unrest mark a floe With- out soul understanding between the partners to tfte Hy t m of loath which adopt thu w whlcJi NJ frequently see losing tricks un- rutibes t tli are almost all trace tbto clUiar to a wuut of k of the p knows and U following H U use for one to adopt certain leads M partner dow not them an- It l futile fur to understand lead which hit d is not make ThU I rclAlly true in playing nn the third determine whether of nit to unblock a suit on the flrst round M an example of such a oaflo take the lead tli are but not tho kIng the ace should Iw led with elthor nco nr king of n suit should be prMf r ltivii that they d not hold th ace without nt seven cards of the suit but with that niinU it should be led whether M players l o hold the king or not Modern rf r mako two excxptlnns to tide rule When K J the aco regard to give up the queen If ho Md It Q lead Jf reentry in another mil oth rwi o thiy uwn n to king out way em the fljst round TInt other Hill front J J 9 and others KV 5 lllen lHl front A llol king In tho partners hard It with the are wr to Rlrs up the king In unblock If hp has W onn left If the nee It led 9 i miwt b levt seven In suit ni wiih tIp king and only one other the suit raw l on first unlive Wiwn I left in dummys hand because If- I H r thin stilt original hklng U given tip on the first nr not w nir sary t U that the part noiili not only undent M knonlnif with u partner who will on- Sr v I or leads thw ace r whether ho any reentry I1 a Ir flinrli winter The score wee 8 to 0 de VX on the second rilbir nml they were a game I- nPr of the hand was a follows iA A 2 4 A3- 3 K J 70 40 20 O 0 2 Q 4 3 10 4 A 4j G 8- J 5 K 4 J 4 7- 8 4 BO i 80- i 7 6 4 3 O2- a 100 J 0 04 10 8 KO 06 1 O 0 I A Oj O H 0J t O 7 K iJgA 010 O 8- t urn hy card B me nd iubbr- r How many brlcVo vi ill pim tho make with hearu lu tintt7 IUWJ 1V III aALt El- i1ci 1 2uIrxrI U 1 the thr- Ill tiler itt elf- In I end whIt I long ti managed law 1 ant great the for the the laws out all the CIa lilY ecne fol- lowing ar fl or the far undoubtedly unit e the hi methods from tALC and ad4ptixlg- WAl SI to the cofltjjUoflS which one Ilifeig the the ge wa flO ledge proper or to a want of confidence that the pnxt one a of th 5C4 a declared tr4rnr it Ii an eitablIhod rule with good play- er that if ti y PCU With a cult and the mere fact thit do not open tt tOfly At no trump 0 lii lutnd the ace 14h0U1d never be least haiti t 30 uUtnhr and If the ouoen La not dum- nre hand they follow wIth the kliig so flA tt Iflytto the When they It when have hope the qIMO 10 or Q 1 the the tnvitn int oard and thIrd hand knowa It La not from t 1 the the ha the Iiitn a to make It iIr these frail Iet leitttte coiifltcnc In tha bail foil Of what U I it lIIliiO e with out I from 1 has rake the a whIch1 tbt walt of a kuowl- Ce of the oeflIttg leitite main iitlffnrentn of- 1tt 14 i ft at the Shist Club of lan the t the emIt ant IMMd the to hIs wh it Thi actual B I u U- i 4 r C It t I 00 I zt wilt < > < > > ° <> ± ± <> ° their hind like n big titer U probably a large honor moore o- fmaliwt It In heart count fIlial value of the rubber Y n t kn shots which orlglnm heart make would be U a wIth one wpccluily on a make end li ffTen to butwron a luul er h both the rcl plopped It to trust his partner for a ctopp hand aa worth llvo niovi iritkn certainly heart fair gai If anythIng nt all mik by the dealer he will Ibid Mint the o trick Uijxmcis on whether or riot V tl trumps hn t 7 Into thw lead to the other truintm together if 1 preventing him getting another rour- iif trumiw The third round clmiiouds A giving AI1 six one cltibo two In diamond In trump If dummy pa e thu second before Two club trIcks and two In dIamond moral of tItle would eem to be that you dhoiil not a rerlalu trick iinlo nroisur of getting It buck but al o of getting nr other oni with It When the you In to cot It hack later why wit Hfii the flrot Triclt t ThU owning U If teen ni orIgInal A king of might have been counted on n- n card but with tho xtrnugt M they nlmiHt bo through Hnetsed For thin which Rood roontrlm whet on rlebt are not good whon iialo Is on left Having no A mu fiilf and having lit least sow t begin with the HP 11 rhould h v given on thin trick tint only on chance of lu unblocking suit but becauo there U no nay to rave the gam- unlM A liohls the queen of j glance nt show that mv other reentry In As hand N on It is that II cajiuct mako thor than threo diamond If A h w not ih All th other tricks go to VX no niftIer who il l ad What done II krov of hand front thin nre lid Iho po a good x of tho newulty tot careful In the Ont cannot havo A bncnu he would not the ie from combination without a roentri and he J when the make is o the left Without a the lend from A I A 0 J so hn muthold at least seven o Otto only the three and one of thos suit eo that Dt holding up the king dose no anything If It 7 fron winning th of dub with the jack t civ VZ all the rest of the trlrkt but Ihrii In iibly Trick 3 The nlim being a 1 that A holds both and in Hut for the fourth following the ncn 7 might have tho the or bo false cardIng with tho ton In hand Trick s It to run off th diamond without establishing tall of suit In to think of leading either hearts or spades II U reduce to of taking u to make ii ITiU is ft t the noyrn although It would p the of perjorm If B runs tot It ho muat Inevitable f rubber If A has llu uucen of diamond will run off ala more club tricks then baa another diamond to return Ali make i slam against a a fine ei ample of K of one card In th of bridge- Z on the nueen stcond hand on tlo principle that a rM n must do his best however the effort soar be to keep the layer Urn established sultf rom getting le would feel very cheap A In with the jack run club Trick o It front that A holds this of hearto that II haa two hearts play U to put U Into th head so n him t- Hy tiit line of play AH lo o two card ame and rubber look at tho dlfli ronf- li unblocks on first trick as he should do K A3 44 J 3 a 7 6 84 J 104 93 C 2 CMO V 4 V J 95- K 0 60 QO JO 9 a 97 20 V 8 A and U mate a grand slim Trick S It Is now obvious to V tha there D five moro discards to provide for rU puts them In a It compels them lth j J confessing enkn KS and the necessity for protection limit suit or to throw away the to put a ou the matter by pretending ho nan the n own hand If V the diamonds at Jt he must keep four of them which will hUn to guess as to which ace to keep with Fven would not save game It would the slant Trick 9 It IH useless for I to flnefsn aaalnot llnmust and It 1 not oft n that a little unblocking play wIll make a difference of 24 It Is that rhould not understand the leads but also have the aniMenoa to play accordingly A O Suites Throaeb the Fight for A A U Handltapper There was considerable talk yoaterday over happenings at tin Metropolitan Association meeting on Monday The most adverse com- ment was caused by the tact that for the socond In succession tho Pastime A came out f the shufflo for members of the Hoard of Managers without a rcprcwintatlvo This action regarded ns particularly unfair by tIn of the Indians as the dub has sun the Metropolitan Association In all Its venture as well if not better than any other In the organization In addition the Pastime A C Is next to the New York A C oldest athletic club In the city mind sliarrd the latter In the movement for tie fonm of the A A U That the club la as potent i athletic affairs as over was proved In hamploiwhlp meeting on last Saturday when members scorod moro points than any other lull In days contents Tln for handicapper trhle- hi the only position that n re t a tho primary auio for I resident of the club was tim nomtneo for the and also for f had been elected the board t would have meant another for him r He was however defeated his F Ollrl n i ecur Ills board won tbs oontst for the itild portion br ore vote Tho ImproMlon that U Is thin hoard to run for Imidlcspiier of the trading of votos a deplorable of niana ors efforts of the candidate for to their without reward to oatiied by shutting ritch an club M limo out of r preen Uanbory Dog Show The nineteenth annual dog hhow of Agricultural Society will be held nt Its faIrgrounds Uanbury Oft 2 to The Judjtra Dudley 12 Waters Rrand Papldi Mlcb SU ntd OtotSf Jirrl New VorW polntfM Dr II lay Glow New York fox bounds A I fv IIfmr t l ll i anti flctp do i- org Pllefd Barton Vt Heart Jaitet- hmtnut Illll William CanwtII- ye N V Irish tenler Charles II Mdwn New all other btfrtv This show li held under Ainoricin Kn nub ruin Is indorsed by the recwitj or anlsod IHirlex Kennel of winch Ir Jam I and Ml 1 K Phd honorary Secretary bo St ller flub flrrat I n Bloodhound r Terrier Torrl r srd Dacli und offer an l IedsN for ronipelllnn In adliki III nne A Hocl llnn olTerti a volii HO for iho heat don hl itcd l w man o JlO l offered for IH I or In and n fo tin for tii rut rt rrjhlHeJ ly a Hte of nnnectkin cl w ept JO with Jsnien- orllnifr i Danburr- ank Uulldlng Danbury hand a tin aIsuigIo rate when It to settlIng ti Z aine Ii not a honor scent cults book In clubs if he ha to Oil onritier bias It lbs titfa Itand as a hear truntja round of clubs if he no1 runs 017 the spnIs thu rount end I as unntIur dub and Iis ten ltit ott let 7 A mntI would do so ta to AI- to suite It mere the odd trick Iccaili the wllb nlbotv A to oertrutnp 7- rnakhn thrco of AIls su iIvo odd and hionore flu paw not car for the r make harp OR left guarded kIng era not worth much reason are tile make lu thai tine the him the tim au hIs thai cannot ay reentry titi Icing of hearta not so 3 I the Itot the mien therefore A doca not It tins cult I he ha just aeem having fealer baa must he thu or Jack for cien ei dlatttod knows thu are now ttlhhiihsd and bet cult thi Ito the club stilt by trusting his partner for the queen of g arten ion slot at live tricks oven It ho drope thu uean wIU YZ to by cares and th the ante Into ths discard kin nod ercu oumno tl to the tenate In hoart at the end ow Talca I A I Y I Ii Z- I 42 tQ 30 4 0 5 t 8 0 C a t2 l 2 R 6 64 U 7 0 4 Q C 2 11 4 K S 12 9 A4 13 OK tA mci thin ho hand the them but how on Pastime the year C sup- porters ported club the with Lion but turn hue rot end I ii a Ic tan tat ion the Dan- bury e arm tIer sttleis and 1 1 hags li fox V It York net ban is President nerd PoInter lordon 4ntfrr oil Iteagt Ftxler tIthe syN I their vshinhl mir dent of Ii clip II 1 tI futs show tesident of he Coon- S < < < ¬ > < < < ° > ° ± ° ova cnesM CORNKI- Lnovuni NO Mi IT n w Amur BO- inp el llf roopoM jfor dedIcated to the sel- ol THE HUN BLACKWINK PIKOBI- K on O l 4 KU oa Q Kl 7 and Qi Pi on q nI Hll QJ KB K 112 ud Kill Ut i Hpn K n 5 Kt on Q 7 end K II I on Q 11 A U Kl 4 Q Kl- II 3 0 B K 3 K II 6 and K 3- wnwn rounTEE nucBs- Whlli to play and maw In three raous PROBLEM KO J2 nr W1LUAU tECKINDOB- NKW YORK Specially competed for and dedicated to the tolrr Tnr su- K nn 0 Kt on Q II t II on 1C 3 Ps 01 Q Kt K1 K 4 uni 1C n 4 K nn K D B PJ on Q Kt 1 Q Kt 4 K Kt 2 KR2 WHITBMVB PIRCIia White to pay nd mite In wren more BOLirnos TC rnontsw wa Mi- t II Q n 4 J Q D S eh P Q4 3 Q- itgDI Kt DJ t QD3chPQJ3 Q- lHQD4 Ktniil 0Ii chK 3lX H 0 tilt 1 IlO n i Kt P X R t QKt 8 eh KD 1 x 1 RQ 71 4 Kt P X K i QKt cb KK i I- It mste 1 n QU 4 Q P X n t QQ 1 any 3 QQ 4 male I R0 H 4 PQ 4 2 B 1 any V 0Q x Pi male 1 nQ U4 any otber i 0 0 eb PQ 4- I x P matt I nQ II 4 any other i QD 3 eh KQ I i- I m l soiunoN TO PIIOEUM NO sa 1 n K 13 B K x R 2 DU 3 mate t R KUB RxRt KI cate I It K II J IV H K A mat 1 H K ns H 1 t B O3 1 It K II B II It x It male 1 RK II 3 K elWhf t t It II 4 mIte 1 R BS Kt x H Q Kt 7 I H K H B Kl Q4 2 0 X Kl m 1 It K 114 meKtfls wlirrel QQ4 I R K n i Kl Kt e 2 Kl x Kt mate 1 nK UB PH 1 t Q K SOTCTIO5 TO TnOnZUlS IStDGAMR STOTT- I KIQ 3 eb x Kt 1 HK B fh KH tnseh x 11 stalemate 1 Kl Q 1 eh P x Kl 2 U K 8 eh KQ 8- I 4 RxP Any 4 11 xP and draws Other satiation r ay Correct solutions recflred i problem Va 949 ohn P Peterson New Britain Tbi- Illeen Pater wn N J Ororers UL Uanbur Can H W mrry Boston M J O W Huttrd- r Maiden iltai r E ReId Lake itoritr N V Chen Cornrr New York Dr A II lalriffln Conn Arthur 11 Newell Brook Main i Maxwell Bukotier Ptterson N J ieorjeJ Relnl New York Correct v utlon rrrelred to problem No 940 from eorre J Rln1 w York Buliofifr Paterson V 1 Dr A H Ilildwln Norwllr Coon K Held Csrt ell Ueorrc S V O W lulled Jr M ldn Us 11 W lUrrr Dnnlon taw Clovers Ul Conn Theodore lilt rrs Ptierton X J JuliO P Peterson New IlrlUlo loan Correct solutions replied to Troltikls endranl- udy from irntrrs 111 Uaubury Coon W- Inrrv llwton MIKI il XV lluitrd Jr nr A H lUIHwln Norwalk Conn Palerion N J Additional rorrel solution ree l d to o prnblemi- o Oru Url f Warwick at Paul Stephen J Lyon Collln tre Conn ananunr- eit n betten C S Ilowcll ot llrcoklyn In lbs hiring received any mite f ora J K TCIUtn another since Aug 2 The lalte- III this circumstance or resign m In question within tell week i Ilumell Intern Tim SVN tbtl he has won i Ame In tile same contest Iron 0 K Ilauuminn Jr Dr A 11 Uuldwln maintaIn tbat Hermanns smith toif stUdY CAII he nlvei1 by of 1 O n 2 cli Kll 2 K II a and wins two moves Uaxwell Dukofier Paterson N Jln forwarding Is noluUont lo lest week t at ol- BII I mutt express rar highest uturactlon li for the up to the ot Ihe papir TUB MUNICH lXTTHXATtOr AtTOUnSAWRNT l seltctlon of games from thi cWlv played tntanatlonal tournament al Munich Arne the Scblcditei- e iiiatch wbch wa crowded out week tm lar eleben Herter traits 1 I K4 PIJ4- I hi 14 1 I t4I- t P lli- j o- H UlxKlll IIS- ft Kll- PxP tc n- miit II K Kl- V II K1- P P il- P ot Ollrh- 5xi hunt OH KI2 II KI7- IJlP nxrileleben Dereer WMlt ntiirt 4 nBO RQD2 4IIU1J 4 n n RQKI- B2KD2 IIU K 114 34 Rlll 113 nKlS M QJ H J3rh- JOK 1W K K- l2HK1I3KS K KI4 Mil Illeh ICK13- MHUIU K 111 311 rtKU Kt4 6 K K Ktt 87 K IW K KI4 KKtS- BOHKlS II Hl 2 70 It OKI 71 p fun it 72 Hill 72 K Kit RiP FlIt 117 K tit 7A II K7 K Ill K ir K M 7711 K 1C lit 7 K 113 1C 111 78 I Kilt II llrh- MIC Kt7 It U7 si K KtS It OKI7 2 P H QII7 MAIl and A 1- dl PA A1 v 2 j L ia- bl J i iJ u- ft Al h- t dI- C on Q 8 2 en IC I C I- on B 6 bLACKsait PZEOKa a I 4s- 7j r E- A i- ri ni J i- i cti frJ- I I tre ali e4 tiI- onQa QonlCflt Ii onQ 041 iCiioi KB- nd P b Ii on Q Ps on Q 4 and K WIIIT1EOiT necKs White to play and mate to two movea- INDOAMI 5TOY4Y Af VNK0WI AUTuO- lumACKall piEcaa- K on K 84 PionQKI2 Q lft3ICaKfl1 and KIte i x r lf6 34 f Lj- r rr4i r9 r l 2 J- L jii k- j ct r 4 c- f r9 i4- pisi c4m J- 2fr it1 r- I L- t and aBa p mete I p mats B Q irate 2 i COT 3 lat mat 2 mat mate C mete nllb PQ1beait3 fix I I Q a iQt 6 lllU 7 ch 3 7 t- It lit any corn 1 lire F Late II Mass Maxwell torn eoanKsPoSIrcK bas List roDd Of hue creond lourre- tniong tIlt fur miure lie etso comptcins it not inn came I smarts IIt K SP of problem wbleb ire lea nUS a KtftB3 3 fl ItIS I 0113 4 Itlie I I I lI7 RR13- a l 4 Iat 4 ft Itt ItUt- C hi It JtQIIiI KtCi 7 Itaftt pxmim 49 lIZ IChis- a Ctie lit jt3 RI IC 13 IC RI- U ftt I3 It l1 St I 113 1 14- In 3 III CSIIPC It I t lt l mi3ftKrh 1 tJ I 91 lzIrh- I II l I tt taf j Its t tl Iti ICt In C it 1tllu 111- 3is II U l1l It b7i 112th IC ll4 Ill haiti 17 Itt it cut 1 l t J11t3 l I Is pQui II to p i38 K itt a I Q113 tu r i It hi Oil i Q111 HiS 65 Ii1t4 IIFtI sl flxiJ LIZ III ltxt alt it II I uQ It Ia ItO 14 ti l ltI t7 Ii It 0 J 7 it IJt talc It a Ott ls PlbWllxl Itt Il It Q3 3 U lJlt Restan- ltnl S < > < < ° Uaroety tfAlr- t7KIKU I PI1J 11114 10 UU IIQK2- IMIqi 16 Ill lo H Kt 17 Kt 114 iaii 2Ul 113 21 Kt 2211 Kll 21 Kl 1C 2111 II r in- 21KIXII 27 K II 21 rim IH l IU Caches rgiuI- OKU PUt Kn K U QJ- PxK SKIU- Kt IC2- Kt Ktl- KxKI 114 il- I I K4- S KIKUI 5 U Klb 40 1U- B Catties a v 04 7 IIKI- Jftpgiu U ID Ill u p ni 12 IJOxKl 1411 Ill 15 It Itt log Kts clottschatt- UIJC I IC4 p ciTis- P OKI- 4PO4 li qil4- KUKl iarot r WM- Ifitqg at ob- il III idfl8 0114 40 P KII4 41 PiKlP 42 It lift II II 41 DilIP OxP 41 it Ulll 0 K- l4JIIU cU RUII 44 IUH 4T 0 IlTch it Kt 41 ft 112 Ktfi- W It It Q 61 H KS U 07 It IUI IIS Q KH7- 4Kl Kt 6 hIlt Kurt Ktteh K It K K- lMlllfU K Utch K KlI- K I Hitch K IU- MO Kl 114 111 PKKI4 Q Itch QUSKK8 PAWNS OPENING 1Pg P q4 2 P KI P a p OH4 p q l- 4KIOU3 11 8PK4 llKtfl- oilOS 1C J111 7 P Ko 8 Pqiu IUKI Uerrrr- riiiii 10 nxP 11 I1KIKI MittS II rattles P 113 B4 KnK- It IHA Kt 11 18 PxP 17 HiPch ItetUn- tal RIb 411 114 ft Castle 8 IIlKlch 1 04 QKS- OKU Q II OI14- J 11 IllS 13KUI KIM UP KKI3 21 Kt 21 K KlI 22 Kt 13 23 It K 24OiP- U Kill 29 KKt I 27 2 kns 29 RK2 ai 0JM- 32PKIS JJQQ5 Waft 1PK4- IKIKD3 3 11 Kt- S4DH4 BPD4 10 OKI Q2 11 P15 12 11 H- KllKtIS IS Pin D- 317HK 18 nip 10 IxK- ttuUQi 21 It Kl 22 zs gnB I IV- 1Kt UPS p Kl IIS 15 TO Pal II KI2 Bin KtiKt- llxli II K2- II ill CastleS Kt Ktl Kit K 11 on KI- Sitq DxKtch- PxPch PKI- qn KS KuI- KKJI Kt P lit Kn KlIlI- UK3IK2 34 P Ktl 35 p ns- MK Ktl 37 P 01U- at q Ki K- 4i It 41 p flit 41 P Hi 44 k Its 4J11XP 40 1C KI2 47 rtxP 4 flip i 4 n04- MXD1 61 PII8 12 P IM- u n 54 KK 4 69 PH7- SUUB U H112- t K 14 60 KxP 11 K KtS 62 1102- J p 117 nUT LOPE Cohn Pdf- PK4 qua KIJI3- KlxP 0 U4- Caatles P D4- D KI3 KlxKl- IlxKl P 113 Kt KtS n m- PKKI4 P KKI3 24 13- Si K112 ititKi- 270q2 13 4 IVKKI 33 3 ItxOP 17 351102- it nK2 40 It KS 41 4 ilKIU 43 It Rl 117 P K7ch I- tPKt e- nRH7 It It- P Kt7 IlKS K K2 PKI14- PIW t P gilt B KtUS 7 Cutlet C PXIIP QUR1W PAW OPBXIHO Burn Drtfcr WIlts P04 1JUU4- P 004- PK1 Kl KD- SKlIll 42 H II Caches 145 lIZ IlxP SSllxq- PxP te n qs- K4 12 P K4 13 0K3 03- U IlxUt 15 21 22 002I- S KU 24 0K3KIS KI01I- JxD KlxK- tqit U 112 JlxK- tKnn luau 0KI4- qns K Kt2 28 P KtS- n trn 0 37 It 13 3 H02- 40KKI4 41 KRS 42 43 hKKI2 44 KxP 4 RiP 4 47 PUICI4- 45IID7 40 RiP Bon K7- Bt luRch e2PKtS- B3 Resigns Burn lIlacS RII3- Hlll H4- 1C 114 IllDP- UiU KQB- KxP K n PItS PK- PIUcJl Kxlt- P K5Q- QfltBXl PAWNS OPILIIMa- HaJpiln llttlrrardI- TAtt lilacS HaJprln Dtlleurd lilacS KtKtt- 0K2 Castles QR- OH K H I Pq4 P 04 22nxP PK3 23 31103 Kt KD 24 BIt POH4 2s onKKt KI iis nr7- PKKI3 P SKKt Kl K 1- Kt DJB 1 Z 112 Pns A- IC2 Kt KS 33 OHHI fluteS Kt K2 n ns r r Ittmlft- l Kt KIt P lit 37 1C K2 17 KID2 P KKI4 SJ WH l Kt 113 P KlS 3JHUB- l Kt t2 PKI14 4011 US 0KI- I1CKI2 P HJ 4IIIH8 y 21 PKHS PxKtP Drawn QURRNX d AM BIT DKrUMKD- Schlerhter Marociy Scblechter Memory irnlle lIlacS Whflt Hljtt pqi pOUt 28RIW 3Kto 2N 27 KtKtS 2 29 llRS- SIHKI2 32 QKt SKI KIKB3 27 41J1C11 II K2 2 KlK2 Taitlet 28KID4 K 8KIBS 02 JOP1JS nDi stPiP R KI- 28PK1 Pqict- C tles ill inflxP Ktq- il UxD haIti 13 U 1 6 hill 15 PxP PiP P KIt 32 Kt P KlxKl- SSRxKt IlxP 34 R RxP KK- tteunz ni nr- 37RKKI H K- TSJPK4 HKI4- 39PR4 RKP4 40 K U ROKI4 1 KHH- 2i 3 Kt K2- 4it q DUlecard wan 1 PK4 2 KIKHl 4 BIU 6 tA tlet 8 7 BKIS- PxP 8 pnsi- qict 02 2KIKIS- 3KKIq4 KtiKt- 6PKI13 7pgn4- i Ull II 4SK IW ictn 48 it IICHl 47PKI4- II 0 48KK13 RUT LOCK Janowskl Dlllerird- nlat P K4 28 nxltP- UqrW 2 n 11- 2CtBS 28 Pull 90PKIUq- iCI4 31QDS RB7lKi- P KICtS P K4 Drawn Catties PKH4- KIU KIKI2- POH4 OiKI im- potu lIsP icnn SVttII- Hnburf Schleehter- irnlle nine 1 p ui P O- l2POIM P KS 4 PaOP BPxP Kt KDS 111 Kti IlxP- 7P KS II IU- KKt 13 13 I Cashes II K2- n iu- ll Kl KM0 KtxK- lIPsUl OH II R rpoKis ii111- Kl KR a iixiu inn 1QHK P KKtt I U K3 II KI2 ii KKta 1 KK14- I P RItZ buRl k llxll 0 KU- r KKq It US- I HU4- rt irr tt n 3JOHJ 34 KK- tS31IKI S8 P KU S ICKU 41U0 42 nH2 43 HOH 44 0IU 43 KBS 40 ICKi 47KQ3- 4SItxn Resign Pllltbiiry- Ifflie so itxit- ai KU- 32H nj 33 ti 112 84 PxP- 3MI 03 171IK2- f8 II Kt4 30 q13 O 41 O q 42 K n 43 H 111 44 q K4- 4SII K2- 4A11 114 47 O OS 45 M 4 P lit Mil 114- MK K2 82 K M K 12 04 U K2 RIP KtI14ch Schlechfer- ljr fableS us- p qi7- qictch qlC4- 1IKI4 iQs PKU- UICI4eb 014- PKU iwy we flhiiKr IIIIINM4 lilacS III- 5IitI 2 IllRIta lCiQB1 1 US- a I P0fl4- a its 1RlClI II QRfl5 C 11 H 1 tIM Qi 1 113 I hli I 14 WI 1113 U Itt It KId Ri 11 it Its lIt ICKI Rl QI Itt 5 Ufi U 0 05 513 0 lIlt t3 Itt I 1til4 I Itt fit lIZ II lit bit 13 itS Il fIll ltelgn- ai i hiS sluT LOIKZ- ltardeleten lhar4r1bsru Uottleht1 unit UhlU 17 tall Italt Itt 15 ftQ III is Q5 U Km KIIlS z5 9ItIS Illib II 0His Hlt 2 III KI3 ItIt II Ii iCtS 0 U Itt 34 ICil Is1 ItPsl 25 iiP 1117 II itt It Oil It9 fl Clzf 02 35 PaIl KIaQl Castles 2 iliPeb 1 11 1 J Q II It M Iterger Jeob Jacob IVifi ldatk JiIick l 1tI3 B Oil 14 Itt 9 lil onlY 10CR- ott Jariowaki Wolf lanowatt1- 1IIUC BlocS lilacS I 1 I i t 113 2 1 1 113 1stItt Plit flU 1 03 It PaD 19 JIQt lItOh flit II flUt 1lit Iii lzI 43 iI3I P tiItO 14 ltilctt 1110- Ix 0 II 16 Itt RI ii- I iKi3 It KRI 11011 I fl KK 11 Qtt 11Il llhth PiP 11 133 1liP Ilitsa- n fll Itcb 6 H nt IClIZ CS h4elgit Jae b Jarub Cohen trait lilacS Scull fJ4 6 PQ4 P 0K14 hO 11112 ItItS 7 UIRS IQI 8 RK QzOP a PIP Ii KS SI PS 38U lix leaP 11 fit PRe Kn- It I 0113 IhtI Oil RiP 44 8KtiiP Iii lIb 15 Bin It II 1 Bergs fluOa lilacS PUI I 3 0 31 0 P114 P ItS 5 1Os lIZ 715 110 P a o 11 20 PiP P IC 11- 3ii 180 Q 13 SAX KI 2 It KIS It OS It fliRt 15 Itt 17 ORB to Hill lK7 flKS 15 U 01 13 2t 11011 P 1115 37 K Ii 114 raft PiP- S 4 Itt 02 a 01t3 a 0113 Itt 0 142 U Ithi 9 Q1t13 80 U Its RI hIS II 11 liZ II 0 It 2 13 MIles 31 11111 23 0 ICR 0 It 1511111 P113 5tHlit 11U Q 114 I4 1 04 IS 11 OIl 7 8 011 35 fliP 12 KuRt 14 OlD 15 1 It 0 1 1 153 17 OIl It 1 11 0 Ii It 1 t4 It 011 II 42 K HIS fiPtun Un 1914115 11 Ill 4311IC K B- B fl II 0 03 44 U It itt Jannwskt irna lilacS flzR 27 BuLl Hlit- a lull IIttS His 0US 32 IC 11 Plit- a ItItS 013 11Il IClCI lipiD 37 PIP II itch IltaIft 3 Iii QQ2 31 laP IttQ Itt 1 Q3 1ltl lIIlt OPQXI4 Si lIP 22 1113 fill 23 li 114 lb7 14 113 ZShRQ flU QtIrEea OAUB1r EECIJIaED Ill It ill- S HI 1 JIll h It hit his pitnt I tIm 1st Sf Daft U Ii 03 I 113 10 hifit tstIea I I ii 40 Ill it lIt It lit I II OIl 00 I p 7113 1 r ni I 17 13 1 1P 11 K it P ba Dzawa 5 > > > > > > < > > > < < < < < < < < < < < < < Ollleeard Ootltobali nilleeard OotUeb Ivan llltet T IP04 P04 ITKIQ2 PIll f Kl I SKtfllS I lilt OR nKi6- KI11S I 7 I xP Kt 23 Kt KtS PII9 14 lK RKli lit II 14 Pm PKKI4 I 10 q ISO 112 P KIS Drawn leiliKl PxU t hAll ROAD TO TltAVKI Complaint of Toons Man That the Way rroipertlr Should lie Slide Hmuother- TOTIIK EDITOII OK Tin 8fx9ir In a r cent edition of Ton KIN I read A letter from young man who fInds happiness In working f- n t UHt and who tries to ehow that youi men who work for trusti arc well plow Now I am not exactly H tntithater but think I win truth omn pretty Rood agaInst trust In that article In the lint place n shadow of doubt Is plan upon the MrloumpM of tin vrltT when he sa that the hearts of trusts He awake rights drlng where they will find men for Importa places Yo guile And with fourteen rag- men to every vacancy Then tot we aro to about a young man whoso hours of labor If I am not niltaken from 3 A M to 11 M and who was discovered by a director nnd tw ter placed Ilathcr long hours were they fm a lawabiding And how about all tt young men employed by the that were not discovered Ao they still work big eleven or fourteen hours rer day at III week and at the same time out to keep their wlv s dren fed and housed until they too are dl covered Now Mr If our friend thInks he will win nr hearts In such Ie li os m- tak n an Mr when hn Haunts Imnerla In the fuciM of Intelligent voters In tl- irjnctnilon of their vote or I ai as Mr when ho eJ that labor found Vo therw we upon th paramount of Nliei IolliHirao me you of u friend of lie ton It a youn mnn an capable and I know for a foe that he always been held In esteem ty all of hi h letter of reonmni ndatlo of the order thatlit does not kno taste of that he ho never been from a olson tin In- heldand that in rise he hold nt trust him M thev would a son c a yet in the cf all facts after eight year of fill In the ret rnnn he In lo rut port hit family of three on the magnificent sal- ary tli may auk why he does not peek n belle plioc lie has answered adr rtUi and sought here and with n better than of time shoe ItntM sod And that young man I only one of thousands who feel fur Into stone when they think of their own den ones living rh three or d rlvfd of all of the luiiirlM and mans of the necessities of life their tITorts to better their omdlrlo while the coupons living I elegance end grandeur n I from tn to twenty aroun- an or store the proprietor of which h- advertlted forHi as they d time will come some h n the gr i political partU will find It expedient to run a a of whit slaves whose Intelllgenrn an toll m tslarl s innks tr proOfs for thnte who fled th work of beln boss to very on rnus that they II w k- nights trying to think up some on to them t xpnm The party that question will b futur arid rn Mill tarUm TriiU and whatnot will oblivion when emplnrm nt can readily b found an honest awaiting the honest efforts of honest men lNnitrKXDKNT REPtTJMCJW BROOKLYN Sept II OVR ninns AD fene ot Eailes Utem nw About Kin fisher Plipruved To TIIP BniTon OF ThE Stm5O In our ttt- o protect our Urcer bitS It i fair to Use lily mean furnlibed by our oppocrnti lodltcredlltbelratMi lions Mr HandflU rle themoit palpable proofs of dl qualification toleaej KlrstHe appears lo be to Illlle of s nMiirillst at t be one of very few period unable to dlidotulh a close laipectlo- nflerondlliaiumea that eafltt hare made al beau Iwenlyftre Tlatu to bis towli without ai be ran f et bating once been teen In the act by him or hi people though rafles are itrlctly diurnal and very roniplcuout while haahould know that one weatel or one Coopers bawk or a abarpahln If Ib poultry wet young could easily perform thin alturh- ler hi report and do tt without being seen admits a Bosalblllly of Ibis kind hut fills to that he ban DiAds DO cue tl all agaInst the supposed eaglet Third He asserts Vlnrtbert destroy birds nuts an tJMrtlon contrary to tbt testimony of ih retire body of Aruertcan nalurallttt who hart jbtervlDg and ilfilng testimony about birds e enlf flfe yenta Let m the tact ai yet little reoognlted thaI Tbireai thl nib world li mie wbotf Inmil4 hunt each othtr no depredation from without can In more than change among the The nr small bird hawks are bellrrrd b aluraiutt lo kill tacit al l atl SUB umall birds Now If In shooting B small Urd ore shoots I the end nt that year Joel where It would have been he iibnt nlther Wnrtliher got only be could cat all Ifie or o rout which thin nne dar would have In presumably much smaller number o- onni dare would catch end still Imlnlth the tilllmal trout I the trout probably catch heetuie th United State lon belIeves test la many eases dare ic devout tlroo t nil the In taut bed and the e blrdt tall m often that they hire to up with far l t Irnut nuance than they entitled lo and re riawn In believe that they and n bb w s are actual ot arae This matter It too deep far the moat tluclloui met quite out of vmndlnn for others A It TltAYEIt- MONADNOrK N H Sept 13- Tf flair Al j Steen Exptmlonhtt To TtrK FntTon or TnR fiux Sir In the Choir Invisible James Lone Allen has giver iis a vivid bit of hlttnry how our forefathers conquered subdued and flnallr civilized Jtate of Kentucky Hod this pansace The mere prnceulon of figures acrovi his Odd ol vIsIon rymbollted the mimeS of deitlny the onward iweepof the race lbs winning of the continent No barbaric paint and plumes of tome proud Indian letceably come to trade In petit but really lh taken pines In hit great hunllni grounds loved and ranged ot old beyond all others this flfurt was the P jttbe old old Put Next the ilcturesiue rutted outlines of some backwoods iSo with al fellows bed dislodged aod pushed Indian westward Ibis figure was the Pieient- bt thortllrcd Prtsrnt Lnttly dislodging Ibttflgur- en turn and already ruhlrg him westward as be hid driven the Indian a ttd type ot historic man the fixed saltier the landloving housebuilding ringing cbttdirtllng itceUbir dlnc yeoman of he new Held and pasture Mi tgunef the endless fulurt Tht retreatlnr of IndIan life be thin re tle a wave o frontier life the oncomtng- 11burrlng wttte ot clvlllud lifehe teeued tofiel lox to him the mgbty roovemrnls at the tbree The expansion that took place In old Ken throughout the West differed In no rise from the expansion and development of England Our IHlgrlm forefathers went to hiirch over the snow with their guns atnmg- croB theIr ouldera to protect their wives nd children These men were nil true expan lonlste In the land of tho Indian CK orce Wash igton was n soldIer and fought the savARe- nicht for thq reign of dvlllud law even In IP lund beloignrf In thn tavitgo yet Mr- hnrlen Eliot Norton knecrlagly asked the olher ay Inn public speech What would our ances think of our policy of expansion Ix ok upon the great West the fHuth the old of Sew Broand these are the fruits of xpanslon and when men tellui that our fore itheri would be ashamed cf us tday on ao- siint of our policy of expansion tell what nr fathers did fur cxpanson Tell them how iiranc slnrsstooii manfully for reign of iw anti order with fun in their hands h the h9Hiv4ge Te l them to look upon our n r the symbol of expanMi n of liberty and of LIT and toll them to rind the answer to their oll h queotloM In tari l- IIKUIACN J Sept u CD Kncjuti epeacs GAunt DECLIKIID cain KIt SO 1 II 111414 ItK I DiP Oil 32 RI Ii P3tI 4 a 0 113 1 Qua 11 11 III 0lit 10 P 13 lIt ZR 011115 II Ii ii sd 111 113 37 PIll I aShes 28 JK2 it IS P K 25 I 0113 Ii Kit 3 K III I Ii argument won won not rust other same true i trying to Ilgun haw they are and chit lam a has tam list are the present face vine Ioa those are I to epe a crowd of men that but one oftttsmoan obtain the take those and help thIs > sink into with about bird a a- suliuse from held ragiecitfl on a mInk ot Its see that been for htre I an InItmntIr In a parallel fleld a year also one be has left the 0t small bIrds hid a one dare the egg nttiius the the rot fewer dies PInS a i have ahown fir are bass lie herons Iii the fish and the the to note changes that hid rifle- man the wife was She wave lucky and Hew Iota Rates them the stud c C Its lorlous > > < > > > < < ° nvjiAff NATVnf iir xatr YORK Ueaniett the Hare Ervrptlnn sad Kind CIt- ieroilty Cbaracttrlitlc To ran EDITOII or THH Bpx Sfr1 A day ago walking on lower Broadway I wj witness to ascene that was new to tnoalthoug a sojourner In the dty for the past sever te n yeirn A bluecont was making hU tomary onslaught on a Greek fruiterer ard latter hurriedly obeying the command to on pllld a quantity of fine Oenrgl peaches which the gamma gathered I promptly- In the taco of the threatening advance of policeman the pushcarter made no delay t recover hit lost property but maintained pcrItlon at the helm of his craft What my surprise whIle the urchins wet irathrrirg up the fallen fruit to sot ft tiumbc of wrllclothrd men as they towed olther way help themselves liberally of the fruit Hill uno this retreating cart Xow I have been n witness to hundreds typical New York street socneo but I run glad to state that I never saw the like of this In th greet city I have seen many street crowd that very sympathetic and helpful to a sorts and conditions of people In distress and arabs snatch fruit Iron a pcdlcrV cart but never bcforo did I grownup men welldressed men dellberatel raid a wretch who falls Into trouble by wayside The amazement and Indignation which I felt aims mingled with the hope hut these meanspirited creature were notoltlMn of thin metropolU but strangers from nowhen where thsT grow things without souls Hut I ha ten to assure you hot did not convert me lo th j theory that originated In mud and ooze and that he lurk back pretext I have cern too much of human Iii not to believe that Inrffabls meanness Is exc p- tlonnl and that thn dl t osltlon of rnai- U to be generous and helpful to that overtUiM- iby misfortune rr Bow else are wi uprIsIng of our real lv s such cr e as that of the Chicago tire the amino In India and the Galveston cy clone Qua not nf d lo to the animal kingdom to show Mint fraternity good will are normal mid hint It de- ueneracy 1 will give a fow whit to bo characteristics of thin typical Nv Yorker Once I saw a policeman make a ru h for a lIne of Mewilk unfortunate for r with a tray of d collar buttons li lila haste toeurup stumbled and cutting I stork of buttons over a area in Mreet oor fellow despite palo of wound teemed to of rret In the lo of hl entire stock began radically to for them declaring In that he had paid pm shlng the tin derelicts and although purloined ofilce hoys District Tel and citizens of are drought their rind to trayand street mordant limped away oon That Is what a long residence among Xe- titudn their fellow In dlstreM On another occasion ab orbed In n brown study I s fl edollar window of th City Hall staMon and with my ticket without welting for change After t Harlem I camo enf through th of HfNand realized the nmlMoa Taking there turn train to City I to st t mr flea out came a envelope mark and minute left That Is typical nf infgrlt- of rharart r methods and It I at becaiv It Now t Its klndnes ot heart On when tie snow was K de that the early lriv H r hurried along In the ear the cold so sever the rows bed by tbounanit a clUEen picked ui- i benumbed rtutt rlrg nn lay tall and carried It to theTremo lvat i station Before entering hl train h kd of em h would warm 8tre ntld he in a and last gllmrsn e wa slg- nf th artc railroader br 01 the bird In his oo d I away In hta bosom to warm It back to life That I th attltud of the typical JCi Yorker toward ev th answer which merciful railroader t to aid and rescii dying sparrow city hss o to the singularly smitten metropolis of the Len Ptsr Rtar Who oev r acts of a tr and his conduct disgraces the dty which sh him w Yorker reflect like Paul that hel a Htisn of no rnetn city lv our ideal hv scorning snob acts M raiding mesas store of fruit pedlor because i policeman has OeonciB W DmnttDon- Nirw YORK Sept 17 KKKTVCKT XKCTUfO Many Crack Ttaraett naeen Ratered for flIck Ktakn- IKXixnrox Sept 22 Entries to the Ftakea and purses to be decided at the meeting of the Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders Association here beginning on Ort 2 havi bon tabulated by Beoretarr Wilson chow that the Odd In all the will bet as good or bettor than at any previous meeting best race promises to b for the Pennsyl- vania Stok of 5000 entries to which havo litton published IB importance is the Kentucky IMturity for thrcioarolds worth In It entered the horses of that 8ffA of the year Including Dlrectura Roy Lady ThUbe Summer Morn Dingo Sonata lxxha The Medium Dreamer I ettle J I Roberta Frock Ilerdic Porto Rico Major Delmar Lady Katherine Herton Fereno Mobel and Ira Doe The twoyearold Futuri- ty worth MOOO has milan a fine Mold an follows Ireon Silk Erranve Marie Allnrton IMols- Loretfglo Wllllo llorr Kewnd Kditlon Jack Jay Mcflirgnr Ashbud and Walnut Tho futurity for twor rolrt has lx H follows Mis Ophlla Furl Alice Maples Ontrlflc ClaIre The 2 1 trot promises to Iw a fin ruor The Include 2tfl SOT Clayton arid Oraltan Boy JIM riicyt for 218 trotters worth jsrmn arid a cup by I V llarkneM Theroare starters Including Chain Shot SMI AnderKin 3llJ Prank ll Lady Geraldine 2isf AggM Medium Mt UiirtiH Irnclfl Onward lorr 2t 210 Xporvttn 2M iniiii Jlornlnm at 9 Edna Cook 2I2 Mamie- irinin 212 and Ellyrt 211- In tlie 20 there olrven of th country a follows Argeltn 2O V- lidney z Muscovite Colbert 20IW The Prl- Rt 2OTK Flirt 07V Jers v Mso 23XiW- Mcol 11 2C- ybum 21- tellle Oulnn 211M Silver Wilkes 210 York Tnro nre thirteen xtnke and sixteen purees the meeting will continue eleven days floiilp nt the lllnr- D M New York They met only once and Jeffries- L P I New YorkCbtrley White wa the referee j that mntett Tom Callahan offers to meet Oenrge Dixon befort dub In the country In a twentyround honk Dive Sullivan and Oscar nnrdner hire flgned twenty rounds at Ixmltvllle on Oct SOulS thlnki Ibtl hit ring dayi are rcl our nd o3ert Input on the cloves with Den ordan at the A C It l that Hob Fllulmmoiwi Inlrnrli In turn itnnrr and sill mn tie tug liob Aimrtrnnr nil Iblnki that rood andean bent i ordheftrywelMt Article ol tgreemsnl lists lrM tr- or Marias Mr a rrmrh belwen Its KU mart l rdner The mill will he rterfdfd fore the lluklnc Mens flriiint lumaereland 2 The coolest U for twenty roundi at 122- ounds lien Jnrdsn who returned to declares bat tllhouib bo tried n rd while flyer Sees UcOotetn tofitMhliobltellmU were uaiuo Jordan till Itlnka be can best McOovern It prepared to tackle the Atlantic be Sporting Club Supreme Court Justice Herrlrle In Brooklyn yes rd y lawyer John II Kuhn Hercules A ClnAn mellon bgun br John C- lief r that hit In lie concern have uereii- nde an armunilng dltlded Ibe profile Tnm Oltourke yt that Joe Walrolt h t received all the was coming ti tim In his rnnlett with Tommy Vett tl Madison Square LInden When tu- Iriout manner the matchmaker of lbs TwtnUthr- itury A C Ald be would not flu VfaJeoll a cut t this end of thi ten loser lid the acm a move the hilt ISIS were I hate often seen street see poor the title loodnt man wIlt to hI 1alazaio shine tin the slightest to Interpret ii fri dos and I gash knee and hl en- tire wIde the The the his out 10 for Itte good a ceore of were siding In hr search vaI cane swerved their colre o I watched I do not a huttOn was American all Ibis the Yorkers has taught m to he heir normal at toward note elevated walked off the began to the aelr but before I he4 bait finish 5405wlth the had been typIcal of the as unIts f th whelp ci I sear ins the unlt If ito liter In the when it bI It get hearty war the the arid the gave the appeal the foreign ever the n got after hIm J7RFlfllfl5 the big They daMes The the ext are beet Rust Grant lktinnt Mary hell a entrIes Jute 2it4 lust largest fetid will bet found In Valniit flail CUlt given reamer nn itue Stake for ao trottera has a good fleld among the entrts tclng Charley are beet The Toboggan 0S and VuIll 210 irot wiU a Pliatus flay 7OQ 2101 Onward Tudor Chime tkintri B 211 t- bNeeyetta Cleorgeanna 2ll1 801 lamp Girl and won any Illicit to box 5 Soil net cc a saId under 1its wing I malt a Itt f the ten and Oscar on Oct hiss in get Terry slid him ecrois tore rereit the ttllroi lii dIssolve IS Sir IViloni tact recent WiuirII wa P defeated iii a truest pars > < > ¬ < < > WONDERFUL VIOLIN VALUES Sale of Three Hundred Rare Old Violins by Lyon 8t Healy 7J V n run rtme from Iyon A Healy riiiidn n iTiiiilie 01 km n ne iiiMlllls a wmiilctfully Mollu li ert 7f from rrnd nrd In miter i i Puke ronu lor Ineomlnir- Ifl n emeni ibflr rntlre clock vlll h Th sayIng Flit Mn ti from lo tfionn ra He frmlet IrintfAl hundreds P- Ifi4 S I viiilmi If y u die at al Ti lnleir i Minlu Hneit tract tl CinllulKUM il tU t i h3Hl1 al avail themselrc cf this chalice Ittad lhl list of Knln Vlnllns- CaMos JIM Krsln- IvSn 140 luri iluadsentnlCrs- nins K I 11 0 trrr H e old ieruan 1790 ti C A Mi r IK1U J43 Good A I v tin ties hrl 117801 134 AntonliK HlrsdlTarlus Ciemona 12000 flu lisp hugged 17 A t ton Vienna 1790 175 auli err I1 Montsenana Venire fine solo In trumnl 170 let luarnirtua- IJ4i Kraerr Silt Klot Hue toils Vulllaumi mine perlin n 41 Pannrrn lionj John London llOij T C tr l JI1S lr ue 119- Ubecl venire B toil solo A Old French 119- Ja tiudtnrlus del Oesu il74i gr nrt l tf the eonllneiil 14000 Ito 1aola ilstctnt about loon i3 n d IrrniAn I78J 34j 4 and B at fl each 1B4U 6J 41 and 12 at 120 each ar 4 many others CorreipomlMfp Invltcil Write today for beautiful CAlaloc full pat tlcultra or for cMat ronUlnlnj Hkflrhei of the OH Matters Inclose 2cenl Scvsrsl flildl swill he sent nn srlectlon M responsible parties v rmenl may I rmngfd of as- corrranles each Instrument An ilrant g 1st prompt selection LYON HEALY Iarcnt Iltnlert n Violin n thi World 113 Adams St Chicago OP THE IIAItSSS- SJipei la the Stallion Race Th- Qneillon of Timing Record Ed Dovmo the relnsman and Wail SUet roan who campaigned Norvotta and Path seiaion has retired his horses to tha farm of n A Falrbairn near Westfl Id N J Lady Norvettawona flvoheat race at th Env- plrn track recently making a record ot PIll In the heat Stun Is a very fast oodcralUd trotter and Mr Down believes eb will bo right up In the front rank with the best one next seajion In the J18 trot nt the same rlaoe Lady NorvettA wan Sight at Elsie Ss saddle In the second heat In 211 Parts proved hlmaelf a good racehorse although be did not tower his record of JU5i made lat year lie won a great race at tho 3oshcn meeting and vn a dose third in the 212 trot last week In JOS and 209 Severn very promising green ones In the FnJrbalm string were left In the stables last spring some on account of been nick and others were saved for nextseaaon among them a very fast trotting mare by Stranger darn by Jay Gould which will be out Unit season Lady Norvetta will not b started urnln this year Fans will be la a race at Mlneola thU week and will probably ba teen tttomocf the late hnlfralle track meetings In speaklnc of his horses Mr Down said he wo very well satisfied the result of the tetons campaign Ho entered his horses it but few of the meeting and preferred to them for next year tuber than go to Terre Haute Lexington Vie have had ih highest class of racing this Beacon the oonteata having seen as a rule and the times made Records have been lowered the line and are lot the worlds trotting record to be lowered br for Mis snow flies What you think of Jores chance in at Keadvluef w I do not think he has a oJianc for third Mr Lawsona the stallion for the rare which un will be a hard and fast ono bant limited true the horse has been trained iurlrjg seafon br Mr his former habit of going fast there s a vart m and battling of greater or even equal I have heard rumors that been showing speed than his record he company he will nave to lace in tie Die take 1 am Inclined to think Abbot with good day and track will be able to trotting record 2CS- kcrordlng to several expert timers who City track meetIng ho the recorded the low time opinion that a horse going ralnst time should the banrflt of the doubt I received credit for the fastest when she made her record I rat on the ground numerous watches utter WInd cau H me to that Abbots time was announced a quarter of a ocond slower than It really woe Is fact the timers at the track appeared o give the slow time the n he time out was almost Invariably slower than that made by experts right under Urn wire price b- o I A fincH of New Bedford for the stallion upe It In true that Mr I imson wrote letter to the In h stated that the price was of interest to Sir Hnell and However that not public and horsemen till wondering price was K nay nevrr are win about tbs figure That sun al e la nwdp upon fact that last November when Mr was in New York attending the Madison Square Onrden trotting bores 10 said wits true that he lund been iffered for nut accept Jin was asked If he would consider an otTer I IMono- Ah he ejaculated I have not been offered hat sun yet manner Indicated that an offer of SOOOO might rhnncn mind nbotit selling horse ml N than likely the price was the hiifcentury one Shows at llnrrlstown crud WhIte Slabs All the onanecmcnts for the third openolr torso show at Morrlatorn urdfr the auspices f tho McirrUtown Iifld Club lot li 12 and I liars been roitipletnd they will Iw on a irge MAle nnd will Include snvrrnl Innovations he ring will be elliptical in with privnta- oxes and a prnniriindn on one sltio and d row f parking plvw for fourinhand and other rup on the other fide or infield will b uiirtlon lornorrow evening the Morriftown Field Cluo hi RSi here will be fnrtvtlvn clnsw divided into ponlodll nd local cnmrvtitions lot nnnteur- or nwnors onlr lln conlelc will bo for rotters roadster r rrluKf horns lardems- rucoris fourltilivids IOnIC inidillii horses omi tltlon Pomo of tho events stipulate offered In and nd in addition wtU bo awuded to the Mrstnrnnd- nd third In oarb EntrIes ori Sept with tho Aesl tant Secretarj V S U- kall str tt New York Th imtrles for the Westchester County lehth annuoJ horse show at Whltn s to N Incluslvn nre four hundred numbor rx eds any nf the association1- revlnus records few excy ptloM nil iTf rnlnpiit hire emow echilsltcriiherenbouta- nvo rni ilo iicmlPitior SMno of tho harnesn- la sei I vi over entries Tha- fetjtd for fourlrhard anti Inndtins have i flllcil well Aniilier feature Is the high of thn hln rlmn oitndditns Some f ilp filiibliors In linrni CTM S will A C II l kV llHATd Wlllrts Itniloa Farm J n 11ain IL C artnun MM ralll OeikendaU arm It It MerlIn J r ihi Dwn n W- Ti l II llulmi Mr rimvd It I dew s Mwir Cbl A Omild Slr u 4 IlexUr- J bOld R I a U It srd lr J 1 Wtnts ExhIbitor of fourlntiandi and tandems 11 lo- f J A TUrk Mrs Ldwnrd n Ladew Howard lllflr noilon rarer Il P r rnmn A- nn d ills Ilorenrr L Stoke ilalln Story X X- Otrlrfc ard J K Haucloume- Tor ih 1 and hunter claa e- i compel i rs will II II Jiiiie tire 11 II Octet Hl Matlao- itlnw v M Mlrhnril MISs Kllte l deir It tie K flniJIn W llnliUnd II harriman Ha y T liier tibia Klranor Jan illn VnrrK msjlT M sIts a I a lull C lieu hal t met tiled S sIt hue Ii a flIts r7Jtr ltoe 1letlei 57 I 1 a alit IFslmumen 1 can s I 74 3t i fIlth lieu Lack olIn cob lolin tiring ten Racy terme of Certificate aogci zonss Chant flu Lady this fifth havIng with rave said all th the been ILls ho owiier but that sort cit will he of in a taco Is doubtful It s hardly thi syeteinpf trainIng that tail In Ibe hO been in tho horses greater 2co ability to go below this mark and do not lh5ve can go so n a loiter their on him at the record lrieludina wn caught tier tIme but she received credit for a quarter of aeoconci that I rift In bore drelee ac to the Thomas IV lawson of Boston 207t a very nicet only are chances cmii hits the cia- o shape Private boxes sold t Itt 1OI drivitig that w omen shall tlrive Ihuret ire will clAss clean hO nearly flit t lie itialtel thin bI ii ii I Its ll7e4 in call lot lii Mrs I I limes I 1Its 1 Maclay Miii ItnocItout 5414 W < < < > < > > > >

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Post on 27-Apr-2020




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Page 1: j bl il-THE BRIDGE WHIST TABLE It Hit llen All III llage During tit dim Nrrd of onartt Math Ihe La-nd rlementt of rlayVrtltnt CnctrUi-Alinnt ltailiKIn Point of tiai-Th M who thought


I 1iI1 SUA SUNiAY SIiJeILb J 1900












































wrn-q th-

I It

0 totI ba


It Hit llen All III llage During tit dimNrrd of onartt Math Ihe La-

nd rlementt of rlayVrtltnt CnctrUi-Alinnt ltailiKIn Point of tiai-

Th M who thought that the game of btd-WM n pn in fad which would not outti

the winter Imvfl by thU time discoveredgimn has torno to tay Bridget pnrt-

rnv been all tho rnlW at the fashionable u

reports e fhr having been In demoevirywliere and It U now practically tho 01-

Btnc In the leading chilm at t-

on wliloh ivory msn ought to khqnv Tcommit wlntur will f rubably we iticli a bo

In bride ns no other game has uvcr had ni

ail th indication Situ that even pok r w-

hiiv to yleli palm to the new candldcfir UK public favor which bids fair toI

becoi-I national game of AmericaTh In and thn olomnnln of play area somewhat chaotlo state In thU count

iri t arsons havlntf learned thn amo frc

hereby In order to remndy this there

truii talk of havlnu n brldga congress tie

yjr somewhat on the order of tIle whist co-

T t and coveral moo who aro promlnoIn whist matter and have had expcrlenIn th organization building tip of t

l naintu hiivu promised to give the brtdpayers the benolH of thtt ettporlenrolngettlit-ho pror l bridge congress started Itmoro than probable that before onotuo wellknown cluba will got together nnd Iw-

InTltatiorxt to othors to Join them and w-

nk for an eipreMlon of opinion as to tIle bo

time and placs for a meeting of dnleffnteSuoh a contacts If tho time were wise

cliown and Us Affairs were properlywould renult In great benefits to the garand woiiM do much toward smoothing o

the differences which now exlit nmcng playe-

m different putu of the country The moImportant thing of course would o to fo-

ijiutAte a oodj of Iar and the next thlrwould b to meo upon thu conventions whU-

miitkt properly b used nt the table withoi-

eiposltuj partners to the charge of taklrin unfair advantage The tntk of drawlrup a mltable code of should be entrustto committee of men who have had exrel nre In suoh matters and who know how

di tlnulh between the laws of a gamethn descriptions of how It Is plnyod Almoi

ill the codes now In print would be the bettifor a rood deal of pruning down and adril of rearrangement

Some codes contradict others In tome thingtuoh as revokn penalty and the penalty

leading out of tho wrong hand and allowInc the dealer tho prlvileco of amending h

thaT from dummys hand after he has touche-s card There is no law on the subject of thconventional lead at no trump when the playe-

en right of the dealer goes over olthougthere should b It would also be ndvUabletlIz a limit to the doubling proceas berauc-

at the gam U now played It is open tosame objection as thos which were o strongureed agalntt bluff or unlimited poker I

muM b dlfllcult at first to get some clubs tchange from their preient habits In the mattecf e i ecally with regard to the leadcf the wrong hand end tho revoke penaltyhut If a thoroughly good code were drawnup and adopted by a congress oflive clubsopinion would noon force Its adoption onth In the country Juct as

WhistA bridge would alto player

or very much amthat li the opportunity to compare notw with

M totenu of This would eventually lead t-

tte of of loathhlch Is a tiilflg wa T much need at prwen-

ta U It rather unusual to fInd two partuorxmeeting for the tint Uute who have any conttdnice lo etch othersfultA echoing returning or discarding TinIrada it are unlvertaJly antu ed and oc partner no In

thti of who Is an enttnuclevo cue or both are unable to

without the use of a lot of private conventionsAtblldg there U a treat of oplulotu to the or to select from certainccsiblnatlcm especially at no trump Bom-

If which are copied trout whist withoutany for

In which the conditionIre eitlrely U no book to

give the beginner any 1dm-

of the philosophy loath and reasonwhy CAT should be selected in certainii eh but not In others wouldadd greutly to thd of lisuch maltora were Bottled by discussion and

ot annual thiliiVLkve of the game then assumeibuirUrd and we should bo able U ua-ddntand one anothnr on tinth Uad of to mater a different dlalec1-la each of the

In all intellectual tamos of cards and e-

poclilly in tlie tn mb r of the whlito which bridge beJongs one of the pleas-

ure lien in tae partners hand

MIS Tlione luferemos ore the dellghot tho expei t aud proper reading oflundJ U the unrest mark a floe With-out soul understanding between the partners

to tfte Hy t m of loath which adoptthu wwhlcJi NJ frequently see losing tricks un-rutibes t tli are almost all tracetbto clUiar to a wuut of k of the

p knows and U following H U usefor one to adopt certain leads

M partner dow not them an-It l futile fur to understand leadwhich hit d is not make ThU I

rclAlly true in playingnn the third determine whether

of nit to unblock a suit on the flrst roundM an example of such a oaflo take the lead

tli are but not tho kIng the ace should Iw led

with elthor nco nr king of n suit should beprMf r ltivii that they d not hold th ace

without nt seven cards of the suit butwith that niinU it should be led whetherM players l o hold the king or not Modern

rf r mako two excxptlnns to tide rule WhenK J the aco regard

to give up the queen If hoMd It Q lead

Jf reentry in another mil oth rwi o thiyuwn n to king out way

em the fljst round TInt otherHill front J J 9 and others

KV 5 lllen lHl front A llolking In tho partners

hard It with the arewr to Rlrs up the king In unblock If hp hasW onn left If the nee It led

9 i miwt b levt seven In suitni wiih tIp king and only one other the suitraw l on first unlive

Wiwn I left in dummys hand because If-

I Hr thin stilt original

hklng U given tip on the first nr notw nir sary t U that the partnoiili not only undent

M knonlnifwith u partner who will on-

Sr v I or leads thw acer whether ho any reentry

I1 a

Ir flinrli winter The score wee 8 to 0de VX on the second

rilbir nml they were a game I-

nPr of the hand was a follows

iA A 2 4 A3-3 K J

70 40 20 O 02 Q 4 3 104 A 4j G 8-

J 5 K 4 J 4 7-

8 4 BOi


i7 6 4 3 O2-a 100 J 0 0410 8 KO 06

1 O 0 I A Oj O H

0 J t O 7K iJgA 010 O 8-

t urn hy card B me nd iubbr-

r How many brlcVovi ill pim tho make with hearu lu

tintt7 IUWJ 1V III aALt El-i1ci 1 2uIrxrI

U 1










Ilong ti









laws out





arfl or





the hi methods from tALC and ad4ptixlg-WAl SI to the cofltjjUoflS which one Ilifeig

the the



flO ledge properor to a want of confidence that the pnxt


of th 5C4 a declaredtr4rnr it Ii an eitablIhod rule with good play-er that if ti y PCU With a cult

and the mere fact thit do notopen

tt tOfly At no trump0 lii lutnd the ace 14h0U1d never be


haiti t 30uUtnhr and If the ouoen La not dum-

nre hand they follow wIth the kliig so flA ttIflytto the

When theyIt when have hope

theqIMO 10 or Q

1 thethe


int oardand thIrd hand knowa It La not fromt 1

thetheha theIiitn a to make It

iIr these frailIet leitttte coiifltcnc In tha bail

foil Of what UI it lIIliiO

e with outI from 1 has

rake thea whIch1 tbt walt of a kuowl-Ce of the oeflIttg leitite main iitlffnrentn of-

1tt 14 i ft at the Shist Club oflanthe

t theemIt ant IMMd the to hIswh it Thi actual



u U-






00I zt








<> ±±



their hind like n bigtiter U probably a large honor moore o-

fmaliwt It In heart count

fIlial value of the rubber Y nt kn shots which

orlglnm heart make would beU a wIth one

wpccluily on a make end liffTen to butwron a luuler h both the rcl plopped It

to trust his partner for a ctopphand aa worth llvo niovi iritkn certainlyheart fair gaiIf anythIng nt all

mik by the dealer he will Ibid Mint the otrick Uijxmcis on whether or riot V tltrumps hn t 7 Into thw leadto the other truintm together if 1

preventing him getting another rour-iif trumiw The third round clmiioudsA giving AI1 six onecltibo two In diamond In trump

If dummy pa e thu second

before Two club trIcks and two In dIamond

moral of tItle would eem to be that you dhoiilnot a rerlalu trick iinlo nroisur

of getting It buck but al o of getting nrother oni with It When the you

In to cot It hack later why witHfii the flrot

Triclt t ThU owning U Ifteen ni orIgInal A

king of might have been counted on n-

n card but with tho xtrnugt

M they nlmiHt bo throughHnetsed For thin

which Rood roontrlm whet onrlebt are not good whon iialo Is onleft Having no A mufiilf and having lit least sow

t begin with the HP 11 rhould h vgiven on thin trick tint only onchance of lu unblocking suit but becauothere U no nay to rave the gam-unlM A liohls the queen of jglance nt show that mvother reentry In As hand N onIt is that II cajiuct mako thor thanthreo diamond If A h w not ihAll th other tricks go to VX no niftIer whoil l ad

What done II krov of handfront thin nre lid Iho po a good x

of tho newulty tot carefulIn the Ont cannot havo Abncnu he would not the ie fromcombination without a roentri and he

J when the make is othe left Without a the lend from A

I A 0 J so hn muthold at least seven o

Otto only the three and one of thos

suit eo that Dt holding up the king dose noanything If It 7 fron

winning th of dub with the jackt civ VZ all the rest of the trlrkt but Ihrii

In iiblyTrick 3 The nlim being a 1

that A holds both and in Hut for the fourthfollowing the ncn 7 might have tho

the or bo false cardIngwith tho ton In hand

Trick s It to run off thdiamond without establishing tall ofsuit In to thinkof leading either hearts or spades II U reduceto of taking u to make

ii ITiU is ft t the noyrnalthough It would p the ofperjorm If B runs tot It ho muat Inevitable


rubber If A has llu uucen of diamondwill run off ala more club tricks thenbaa another diamond to return Ali make i

slam against a a fine eiample of K of one card In th

of bridge-Z on the nueen stcond hand

on tlo principle that a rM n must do his besthowever the effort soar be to keep thelayer Urn established sultf rom getting

le would feel very cheap AIn with the jack run club

Trick o It frontthat A holds this of heartothat II haa two hearts playU to put U Into th head so n him t-

Hy tiit line of play AH lo o two cardame and rubber look at tho dlfli ronf-li unblocks on first trick as he should do

K A344 J

3 a 76 84J 104

93 C 2CMO V 4V J 95-

K 0 60QO

JO 9 a97

20 V 8

A and U mate a grand slimTrick S It Is now obvious to V tha

there D five moro discards to provide forrU puts them In a

It compels them lthj J confessingenkn KS and the necessity for protection

limit suit or to throw away theto put a ou the matter by

pretending ho nan then own hand If V the diamonds atJt he must keep four of them which will

hUn to guess as to which ace to keep withFven would not save game

It would the slantTrick 9 It IH useless for I to flnefsn aaalnot

llnmust andIt 1 not oft n that a little unblocking play

wIll make a difference of 24It Is that rhould not

understand the leads but also have theaniMenoa to play accordingly

A O Suites Throaeb the Fight forA A U Handltapper

There was considerable talk yoaterday overhappenings at tin Metropolitan Association

meeting on Monday The most adverse com-

ment was caused by the tact that for the socondIn succession tho Pastime A came out

f the shufflo for members of the Hoard ofManagers without a rcprcwintatlvo This action

regarded ns particularly unfair by tInof the Indians as the dub has sunthe Metropolitan Association In all Its

venture as well if not better than any otherIn the organization In addition the

Pastime A C Is next to the New York A C

oldest athletic club In the city mind sliarrdthe latter In the movement for tie fonm

of the A A U That the club la as potenti athletic affairs as over was proved In

hamploiwhlp meeting on last Saturday whenmembers scorod moro points than any other

lull In days contentsTln for handicapper trhle-

hi the only position that n ret a tho primary auio for


resident of the club was tim nomtneo forthe and also for

f had been elected the boardt would have meant another for him

r He was however defeatedhis F Ollrl n i ecur

Ills board won tbs oontst for theitild portion br ore vote Tho ImproMlon

that U Isthin hoard to run for Imidlcspiier

of the trading of votos adeplorable of niana ors

efforts of the candidate forto their without

reward to oatiied by shutting ritch anclub M limo out of r preen

Uanbory Dog ShowThe nineteenth annual dog hhow of

Agricultural Society will be held nt ItsfaIrgrounds Uanbury Oft 2 to The Judjtra

Dudley 12 Waters Rrand Papldi Mlcb SU

ntd OtotSf Jirrl New VorW polntfM Dr IIlay Glow New York fox bounds A I

fv IIfmr t l ll i anti flctp do i-

org Pllefd Barton Vt Heart Jaitet-hmtnut Illll William CanwtII-ye N V Irish tenler Charles II Mdwn New

all other btfrtvThis show li held under Ainoricin Kn

nub ruin Is indorsed by the recwitj oranlsod IHirlex Kennel of winchIr Jam I and Ml1 K Phd honorary Secretary bo St ller

flub flrrat I n Bloodhound

r Terrier Torrl r srd Dacliund offer an l

IedsN for ronipelllnn In adliki IIInne A Hocl llnn olTerti a

volii HO for iho heat don hl itcd l

w man o JlO l offered forIH I or In and n fo tin for tii

rut rt rrjhlHeJ l y a Hte ofnnnectkin cl w ept JO with Jsnien-

orllnifr i Danburr-ank Uulldlng Danbury


atin aIsuigIo rate when It to settlIng ti

Z aine Ii

not a


cults book

In clubs if he ha toOil

onritier biasIt lbs titfa Itand as a hear

truntjaround of clubs if he no1

runs 017 the spnIs thu rountend I as unntIur dub and Iis ten ltit ott


A mntI would do so ta to AI-to suite It mere the odd trick Iccailithe wllb nlbotv A to oertrutnp 7-

rnakhn thrco of AIls su

iIvo odd and hionore flupaw not


ther make

harpOR left guarded kIng era not worth much

reasonare tile make lu thai

tine thehim




thaicannotay reentry titi Icing of hearta

not so

3 I the Itot the mien therefore A doca notIttins cult I he ha just aeem having

fealer baamust he thu or Jack

for cienei

dlatttodknows thu are now ttlhhiihsd and

bet cult

thi Ito

theclub stilt by trusting his partner for the queenof g

arten ion

slot at live tricks oven It ho drope thu ueanwIU YZ to by cares and




ths discardkin nod

ercuoumno tl to the tenate In hoart at the end


Talca I A I Y I Ii Z-

I 42tQ

304 0

5 t 8 0 C

a t2l 2R 6 64U 7 0

4 Q C 211 4 K S12 9 A 413 OK tA

mcithinho hand





year C








end I



Ic tan

tat ion

the Dan-




sttleis and1 1

hagsli fox V



ban is President

nerdPoInter lordon 4ntfrr oil Iteagt Ftxler

tIthe syN I their vshinhl mir

dent of Ii

clipII 1

tI futs showtesident of he









< <






ova cnesM CORNKI-

Lnovuni NO Mi IT n w Amur BO-

inp el llf roopoM jfor dedIcated to the sel-ol THE HUN


K on O l 4 KU oa Q Kl 7 and Qi Pi on q n IHll QJ KB K 112 ud Kill

Ut i Hpn K n 5 Kt onQ 7 end K II I on Q 11 A U Kl 4 Q Kl-

II 3 0 B K 3 K II 6 and K 3-

wnwn rounTEE nucBs-Whlli to play and maw In three raous


Specially competed for and dedicated to the tolrrTnr su-

K nn 0 Kt on Q II t II on 1C 3 Ps 01 Q KtK 1 K 4 uni 1C n 4

K nn K D B PJ on Q Kt 1 Q Kt 4 K Kt 2


White to pay nd mite In wren moreBOLirnos TC rnontsw wa Mi-

t II Q n 4 J Q D S eh P Q 4 3 Q-

itgDI Kt DJ t QD3chPQJ3 Q-

lHQD4 Ktniil 0Ii chK 3lX H0 tilt1 IlO n i Kt P X R t QKt 8 eh KD 1

x1 RQ 71 4 Kt P X K i QKt cb KK i I-

It mste1 n Q U 4 Q P X n t QQ 1 any 3 QQ 4

maleI R0 H 4 PQ 4 2 B 1 any V 0Q

x Pi male1 nQ U 4 any otber i 0 0 eb PQ 4-

I x P mattI nQ II 4 any other i QD 3 eh KQ I i-

I m l

soiunoN TO PIIOEUM NO sa1 n K 13 B K x R 2 DU 3 matet R KUB RxRt KI cateI It K II J IV H K A mat1 H K n s H 1 t B O 31 It K II B II It x It male1 RK II 3 K elWhf t t It II 4 mIte1 R B S Kt x H Q Kt 7I H K H B Kl Q 4 2 0 X Kl m1 It K 114 meKtfls wlirrel QQ4I R K n i Kl Kt e 2 Kl x Kt mate1 nK U B PH 1 t Q K


I KIQ 3 eb x Kt 1 HK B fh KHtnseh

x 11 stalemate1 Kl Q 1 eh P x Kl 2 U K 8 eh KQ 8-

I 4 RxP Any 4 11 xP and drawsOther satiation r ay

Correct solutions recflred i problem Va 949ohn P Peterson New Britain Tbi-Illeen Pater wn N J Ororers UL Uanbur

Can H W mrry Boston M J O W Huttrd-r Maiden iltai r E ReId Lake

itoritr N V Chen Cornrr New York Dr A IIlalriffln Conn Arthur 11 Newell Brook

Main i Maxwell Bukotier Ptterson N JieorjeJ Relnl New YorkCorrect v utlon rrrelred to problem No 940 fromeorre J Rln1 w York Buliofifr

Paterson V 1 Dr A H Ilildwln Norwllr CoonK Held Csrt ell Ueorrc S V O W

lulled Jr M ldn Us 11 W lUrrr Dnnlontaw Clovers Ul Conn Theodore liltrrs Ptierton X J JuliO P Peterson New IlrlUlo

loanCorrect solutions replied to Troltikls endranl-udy from irntrrs 111 Uaubury Coon W-

Inrrv llwton MIKI il XV lluitrd Jrnr A H lUIHwln Norwalk Conn

Palerion N JAdditional rorrel solution ree l d too

prnblemi-o Oru Url f Warwick at Paul

Stephen J Lyon Collln tre Conn ananunr-eit n betten C S Ilowcll ot llrcoklyn In lbs

hiring received any mite f ora J K TCIUtnanother since Aug 2 The lalte-

III this circumstance or resign mIn question within tell week

i Ilumell Intern Tim SVN tbtl he has won i

Ame In tile same contest Iron 0 K Ilauuminn JrDr A 11 Uuldwln maintaIn tbat Hermanns smith

toif stUdY CAII he nlvei1 by of 1 O n 2 cli

Kll 2 K II a and wins two moves

Uaxwell Dukofier Paterson N Jln forwardingIs noluUont lo lest week t at ol-

BII I mutt express rar highest uturactlon lifor the

up to the ot Ihe papir

TUB MUNICH lXTTHXATtOr AtTOUnSAWRNTl seltctlon of games from thi

cWlv played tntanatlonal tournament al MunichArne the Scblcditei-

e iiiatch wbch wa crowded out weektm

lar eleben Hertertraits

1 I K4 PIJ4-

I hi 141 I t4I-

t P lli-j o-H UlxKlll


ft Kll-PxPtc n-

miitIIK Kl-


PP il-P

otOllrh-5xihuntOH KI2II KI7-IJlP

nxrileleben DereerWMlt ntiirt

4 nBO RQD24IIU1J4 n n RQKI-

B2KD2 IIUK 114

34 Rlll 113 nKlSM QJ H J3rh-JOK

1W K K-l2HK1I3KS K KI4

Mil Illeh ICK13-MHUIU K 111

311 rtKU Kt46 K K Ktt87 K IW K KI4

KKtS-BOHKlS II Hl 270 It OKI71 p fun it72 Hill72 K Kit RiPFlIt 117 K tit7A II K7 K Ill

K ir K M7711 K 1C lit7 K 113 1C 111

78 I Kilt II llrh-MIC Kt7 It U7si K KtS It OKI72 P H QII7


A 1-dl PA A1 v2 j L




ft Al h-

t dI-

C on Q 8 2 en IC I C I-

on B 6



7j rE-

A i-

rini J i-

icti frJ-


I trealie4 tiI-

onQa QonlCflt Ii onQ 041 iCiioi KB-nd P b Ii on Q Ps on Q 4 and K

WIIIT1EOiT necKsWhite to play and mate to two movea-


lumACKall piEcaa-K on K 84 PionQKI2 Q lft3ICaKfl1

and KItei x rlf6 34 f

Lj-r rr4i r9 r l


L jii k-j ct r


f r9 i4-pisi c4mJ-

2fr it1 r-




aBap meteI

p mats


Q irate2



lat mat

2 mat


C mete

nllb PQ1beait3 fixI I Q a iQt 6 lllU 7 ch 3 7 t-


lit any




F Late


Mass Maxwell



basList roDd Of hue creond lourre-tniong tIlt fur miure lie etso comptcinsit notinn



IIt K SP of problem wblebire


a KtftB33 fl ItIS I 01134 Itlie I I I lI7 RR13-a l 4 Iat 4 ft Itt ItUt-C hi It JtQIIiI KtCi7 Itaftt pxmim 49 lIZ IChis-a Ctie lit jt3 RI IC 13 IC RI-U ftt I3 It l1 St I 113 1 14-


It I t lt l mi3ftKrh1 tJ I 91 lzIrh-

I II l I tt taf j Itst tl Iti ICt In C it 1tllu 111-

3is II U l1l It b7i 112th IC ll4Ill haiti17 Itt it cut 1

l t J11t3 l I

Is pQui IIto p i38 K itt a

I Q113 tur i Ithi Oil i Q111


65 Ii1t4IIFtIsl flxiJ LIZ

III ltxt altit II IuQ ItIa ItO14 til ltI t7Ii It 0 J7 it IJttalc Ita Ottls PlbWllxl IttIl It Q3 3 U lJlt Restan-









1111410 UUIIQK2-IMIqi

16 Illlo H Kt17 Kt 114

iaii2Ul 11321 Kt2211 Kll21 Kl 1C

2111 IIr in-

21KIXII27 K II21rimIH l IU


Kt IC2-

Kt Ktl-KxKI


il-I I K4-S KIKUI5 U Klb40 1U-B Cattiesa v 047 IIKI-JftpgiuU

ID Illu p ni12IJOxKl1411 Ill15 It Ittlog Kts



p ciTis-


li qil4-KUKl

iarot rWM-

Ifitqgat ob-il

IIIidfl8 011440 P KII441 PiKlP42 It lift II II41 DilIP OxP41 it Ulll 0 K-l4JIIU cU RUII44 IUH4T 0 IlTch it Kt

41 ft 112 Ktfi-W It It Q61 H KS U 07


4Kl Kt6 hIlt Kurt

Ktteh K ItK K-

lMlllfU KUtch K KlI-

K I Hitch K IU-

MO Kl 114111 PKKI4 Q Itch


1Pg P q42 P KI Pa p OH4 p q l-

4KIOU3 11

8PK4 llKtfl-oilOS 1C J1117 P Ko8 Pqiu IUKI


10 nxP11

I1KIKI MittSII rattles P 113

B4 KnK-It IHA Kt 11

18 PxP17 HiPch ItetUn-

tal RIb411 114ft Castle8 IIlKlch

1 04QKS-


II OI14-J 11 IllS13KUI

KIMUP KKI321 Kt21 K KlI22 Kt 1323 It K24OiP-U Kill29 KKt I272 kns29 RK2ai 0JM-32PKISJJQQ5

Waft1PK4-IKIKD33 11 Kt-S4DH4

BPD410 OKI Q211 P151211 H-KllKtISIS Pin

D-317HK18 nip10 IxK-ttuUQi21 It Kl22zs gnB


15 TO

PalII KI2BinKtiKt-llxliII K2-II illCastleSKt KtlKit K11

on KI-SitqDxKtch-PxPchPKI-qn KS


34 P Ktl35 p ns-M K Ktl37 P 01U-at q K i


4i It41 p flit41 P Hi44 k Its4J11XP40 1C KI247 rtxP4 flip

i 4 n04-MXD161 PII812 P IM-u n54 KK 469 PH7-SUUBU H112-t K 1460 KxP11 K KtS62 1102-J p 117

nUT LOPECohnPdf-



0 U4-

CaatlesP D4-

D KI3KlxKl-IlxKlP 113Kt KtS


24 13-Si K112ititKi-270q2


333 ItxOP17351102-it nK240 It KS414 ilKIU43 It Rl

117P K7ch

I-tPKt e-nRH7It It-

P Kt7


t P giltB KtUS7 CutletC PXIIP


WIltsP04 1JUU4-P 004-PK1Kl KD-SKlIll 42 HIICaches 145 lIZIlxP SSllxq-PxP te n qs-


12 P K413 0K3

03-U IlxUt


2122 002I-S KU24 0K3KIS

KI01I-JxDKlxK-tqit U

112JlxK-tKnnluau0KI4-qnsK Kt2

28 P KtS-n trn


37 It13

3 H02-40KKI441 KRS4243 hKKI244 KxP4 RiP4

47 PUICI4-45IID740 RiPBon K7-Bt luRche2PKtS-B3 Resigns





Kxlt-P K5Q-

QfltBXl PAWNS OPILIIMa-HaJpiln llttlrrardI-TAtt lilacS

HaJprln DtlleurdlilacS

KtKtt-0K2Castles QR-OHK H

I Pq4 P 04 22nxPPK3 23

31103 Kt KD 24 BItPOH4 2s onKKtKI iisnr7-


Kl K 1-

Kt DJB 1 Z

112 Pns A-

IC2 Kt KS 33 OHHI fluteSKt K2 n ns

r r Ittmlft-

l Kt KIt P lit 37 1C K217 KID2 P KKI4 SJ WHl Kt 113 P KlS 3JHUB-l Kt t2 PKI14 4011 US 0KI-I1CKI2 P HJ 4IIIH8 y


Schlerhter Marociy Scblechter Memoryirnlle lIlacS Whflt Hljtt

pqipOUt 28RIW 3Kto


27 KtKtS2

29 llRS-SIHKI232 QKt

SKI KIKB3 2741J1C11 II K2 2 KlK2

Taitlet 28KID4 K8KIBS 02 JOP1JSnDi stPiP R KI-


C tles illinflxP Ktq-il UxD

haIti13 U 1 6 hill15 PxP PiP

P KIt32 Kt P KlxKl-SSRxKt IlxP34 R RxP

KK-tteunz ni nr-37RKKI H K-TSJPK4 HKI4-39PR4 RKP440 K U ROKI4

1 KHH-2i3 Kt K2-

4it q


1 PK42 KIKHl4 BIU6 tA tlet87 BKIS-

PxP8 pnsi-qict 02



Ull II 4SK IWictn 48 it

IICHl 47PKI4-II 0 48KK13

RUT LOCKJanowskl Dlllerird-

nlatP K4 28 nxltP-UqrW

2 n 11-2CtBS 28 Pull

90PKIUq-iCI4 31QDS

RB7lKi-P KICtSP K4Drawn



Hnburf Schleehter-irnlle nine

1 p ui P O-l2POIM P KS

4 PaOPBPxP Kt KDS111 Kti IlxP-7P KS II IU-KKt 13 13

I Cashes II K2-n iu-ll Kl KM0


RrpoKis ii111-

Kl KRa iixiu inn1QHK P KKttI U K3 II KI2

ii KKta1 KK14-

I P RItZ buRlk llxll 0 KU-r KKq It US-I HU4-rt irr tt n



41U042 nH243 HOH44 0IU43 KBS40 ICKi47KQ3-4SItxn



so itxit-ai KU-32H nj33 ti 112

84 PxP-3MI 03

171IK2-f8 II Kt430 q13

O41 O q42 K n43 H 111

44 q K4-4SII K2-4A11 11447 O OS45 M4 P litMil 114-

M K K282 KM K 1204 U K2






iwy weflhiiKr IIIIINM4

lilacS III-5IitI

2 IllRIta lCiQB1 1 US-

aI P0fl4-a its 1RlClI II QRfl5C 11 H 1 tIM Qi 1 113

I hli I

14 WI 1113

U Itt It KId Ri11 it Its lIt ICKI Rl

QI Itt 5Ufi U0 05 513 0 lIlt

t3 IttI 1til4

I Itt fit

lIZII lit bit13 itS

Il fIll ltelgn-a i i hiS


ltardeleten lhar4r1bsru Uottleht1unit UhlU

17 tall ItaltItt 15 ftQ III

is Q5 U Km

KIIlS z5 9ItISIllib II 0His Hlt

2 III KI3 ItItII Ii iCtS 0U Itt 34 ICil Is1ItPsl 25 iiP 1117II itt It Oil It9fl Clzf

02 35 PaIl KIaQlCastles 2 iliPeb1 11 1


Iterger Jeob JacobIVifi ldatk JiIick

l 1tI3B Oil

14 Itt

9 lilonlY 10CR-

ott Jariowaki Wolf lanowatt1-1IIUC BlocS lilacS

I 1 I i t 1132 1 1 113 1stIttPlitflU

1 03 ItPaD 19 JIQtlItOh flitII flUt1lit

Iii lzI 43 iI3IP

tiItO14 ltilctt 1110-

Ix 0 II16 Itt RI ii-

I iKi3It KRI11011

I flKK11 Qtt

11IlllhthPiP11 1331liPIlitsa-

n fll Itcb6 H nt IClIZCS h4elgit

Jae b Jarub Cohentrait lilacS

Scull fJ46 PQ4 P 0K14 hO 11112 ItItS7 UIRS IQI 8 RK QzOPa PIP Ii KS SI PS

38U lixleaP

11 fitPRe Kn-

It I0113IhtIOil RiP

44 8KtiiP IiilIb 15 Bin It

II 1

BergsfluOa lilacSPUII

3 031 0 P114

P ItS5 1Os lIZ 715


a o 11

20 PiP P IC 11-3ii 180 Q 13 SAX KI 2


It fliRt15 Itt17 ORB

to HilllK7flKS

15 U 01 13

2t 11011 P 111537 K Ii 114



4 Itt 02a 01t3a

0113 Itt 0142 U Ithi

9 Q1t13 80 U Its RI hIS

II 11 liZ

II 0 It2

13 MIles 31 1111123 0 ICR 0 It

1511111 P113 5tHlit 11UQ 114


1 04 IS

11 OIl


011 35 fliP12 KuRt14 OlD

15 1 It 0 1 1 15317 OIl It 1 11 0 Ii It 1 t4It 011 II 42 K HIS fiPtun Un1914115 11 Ill 4311IC K B-

B fl II 0 03 44 U It itt

Jannwsktirna lilacS

flzR27 BuLl Hlit-

a lullIIttSHis 0US

32 IC 11 Plit-a ItItS 01311Il


37 PIP II itchIltaIft 3 IiiQQ2 31 laP IttQ

Itt 1 Q3

1ltllIIltOPQXI4Si lIP22 1113 fill23 li 114 lb714 113ZShRQ flU


IllIt ill-

S HI 1 JIll h It hithis pitnt


tIm1st Sf Daft

U Ii 03 I 11310 hifit tstIeaII ii 40Illit lIt

It litIII OIl 00

Ip 7113

1 r ni I 1713 1 1P 11

K itP ba













< <







< <

< <

Ollleeard Ootltobali nilleeard OotUebIvan llltet T

IP04 P04 ITKIQ2 PIllf Kl I

SKtfllS I lilt ORnKi6-


7 I xPKt

23 Kt KtS PII914 lK RKli

lit II14 Pm PKKI4 I 10 qISO 112 P KIS DrawnleiliKl PxU


Complaint of Toons Man That the Wayrroipertlr Should lie Slide Hmuother-

TOTIIK EDITOII OK Tin 8fx9ir In a rcent edition of Ton KIN I read A letter fromyoung man who fInds happiness In working f-

n t UHt and who tries to ehow that youimen who work for trusti arc well plowNow I am not exactly H tntithater butthink I win truth omn pretty RoodagaInst trust In that article

In the lint place n shadow of doubt Is planupon the MrloumpM of tin vrltT when he sathat the hearts of trusts He awake rightsdrlng where they will find men for Importaplaces Yo guile And with fourteen rag-

men to every vacancy Then tot we aro to

about a young man whoso hours of laborIf I am not niltaken from 3 A M to 11 M

and who was discovered by a director nnd tw

ter placed Ilathcr long hours were theyfm a lawabiding And how about all tt

young men employed by thethat were not discovered Ao they still workbig eleven or fourteen hours rer day at IIIweek and at the same timeout to keep their wlv s

dren fed and housed until they too are dlcovered

Now Mr If our friend thInks he will win nrhearts In such Ie li os m-

tak n an Mr when hn Haunts ImnerlaIn the fuciM of Intelligent voters In tl-

irjnctnilon of their vote or I aias Mr when ho eJ

that labor found Votherw we upon th paramount

of Nliei IolliHirao meyou of u friend of lie ton It a younmnn an capable and

I know for a foe that healways been held In esteem ty all of hi

h letter of reonmni ndatloof the order thatlit does not knotaste of that he ho

never been from a olson tin In-

heldand that in rise he hold nttrust him M thev would a son c

a yet in the cf all factsafter eight year of fill In the ret

rnnn he In lo rutport hit family of three on the magnificent sal-

ary tlimay auk why he does not peek n belleplioc lie has answered adr rtUi

and sought here and with nbetter than of time shoe ItntMsod And that young man I

only one of thousands who feel furInto stone when they think of their own denones living rh three or

d rlvfd of all of the luiiirlM and mansof the necessities of life their

tITorts to better their omdlrlowhile the coupons living Ielegance end grandeur

n I

from t n to twenty aroun-an or store the proprietor of which h-

advertlted forHi as they d

time will come some h n the gr ipolitical partU will find It expedient torun a a

of whit slaves whose Intelllgenrn antoll m tslarl s innks tr

proOfs for thnte who fled th work of belnboss to very on rnus that they II w k-

nights trying to think up some on tothem t xpnm

The party that question will bfutur arid rn Mill

tarUm TriiU and whatnot willoblivion when emplnrm nt can readily bfound an honest awaiting the honestefforts of honest men


OVR ninnsA D fene ot Eailes Utem nw About Kin

fisher Plipruved

To TIIP BniTon OF ThE Stm5O In our ttt-

o protect our Urcer bitS It i fair to Use lily meanfurnlibed by our oppocrnti lodltcredlltbelratMilions

Mr HandflU rle themoit palpable proofs of dl

qualification toleaejKlrstHe appears lo be to Illlle of s nMiirillst at t

be one of very few period unable to dlidotulha close laipectlo-

nflerondlliaiumea that eafltt hare made al beau

Iwenlyftre Tlatu to bis towli without ai be ranf et bating once been teen In the act by him or hi

people though rafles are itrlctly diurnal and veryroniplcuout while haahould know that oneweatel or one Coopers bawk or a abarpahln If Ibpoultry wet young could easily perform thin alturh-ler hi report and do tt without being seenadmits a Bosalblllly of Ibis kind hut fills to thathe ban DiAds DO cue tl all agaInst the supposedeagletThird He asserts Vlnrtbert destroy birds

nuts an tJMrtlon contrary to tbt testimony of ihretire body of Aruertcan nalurallttt who hartjbtervlDg and ilfilng testimony about birds

e enlf flfe yentaLet m the tact ai yet little reoognlted

thaI Tbireai thl nib world li mie wbotf Inmil4hunt each othtr no depredation from without canIn more than change among the

The nr small bird hawks are bellrrrd baluraiutt lo kill tacit al l atl SUB umall birds

Now If In shooting B small Urd ore shoots

I the end nt that year Joel where It would have beenhe iibnt nlther Wnrtliher got onlybe could cat all Ifie or o

rout which thin nne dar would have Inpresumably much smaller number o-

onni dare would catch end stillImlnlth the tilllmal trout I the troutprobably catch heetuie th United State

lon belIeves test la many eases dareic devout tlroo t nil the In taut bed and

thee blrdt tall m often that theyhire to up with far l t Irnut

nuance than they entitled lo andre riawn In believe that they and

n bb w s are actual otaraeThis matter It too deep far the moat tluclloui met

quite out of vmndlnn for othersA It TltAYEIt-

MONADNOrK N H Sept 13-

Tf flair Al j Steen ExptmlonhttTo TtrK FntTon or TnR fiux Sir In theChoir Invisible James Lone Allen has giver

iis a vivid bit of hlttnry how our forefathersconquered subdued and flnallr civilizedJtate of Kentucky Hod this pansace

The mere prnceulon of figures acrovi his Odd olvIsIon rymbollted the mimeS of deitlny the onward

iweepof the race lbs winning of the continent No

barbaric paint and plumes of tome proud Indianletceably come to trade In petit but really lh

taken pines In hit great hunllnigrounds loved and ranged ot old beyond all othersthis flfurt was the P jttbe old old Put Next theilcturesiue rutted outlines of some backwoods

iSo with al fellows bed dislodged aod pushedIndian westward Ibis figure was the Pieient-

bt thortllrcd Prtsrnt Lnttly dislodging Ibttflgur-en turn and already ruhlrg him westward as be hiddriven the Indian a ttd type ot historic man thefixed saltier the landloving housebuildingringing cbttdirtllng itceUbir dlnc yeoman of

he new Held and pasture Mi tgunef theendless fulurt Tht retreatlnr of IndIan life

be thin re tle a wave o frontier life the oncomtng-11burrlng wttte ot clvlllud lifehe teeued tofiel

lox to him the mgbty roovemrnls at the tbree

The expansion that took place In old Kenthroughout the West differed In no

rise from the expansion and development ofEngland Our IHlgrlm forefathers went to

hiirch over the snow with their guns atnmg-

croB theIr ouldera to protect their wivesnd children These men were nil true expanlonlste In the land of tho Indian CK orce Washigton was n soldIer and fought the savARe-

nicht for thq reign of dvlllud law even In

IP lund beloignrf In thn tavitgo yet Mr-

hnrlen Eliot Norton knecrlagly asked the olheray Inn public speech What would our ances

think of our policy of expansionIx ok upon the great West the fHuth the old

of Sew Broand these are the fruits ofxpanslon and when men tellui that our foreitheri would be ashamed cf us tday on ao-

siint of our policy of expansion tell whatnr fathers did fur cxpanson Tell them howiiranc slnrsstooii manfully for reign ofiw anti order with fun in their hands h the

h9Hiv4ge Te l them to look upon ourn r the symbol of expanMi n of liberty and of

LIT and toll them to rind the answer to theiroll h queotloM In tari l-

IIKUIACN J Sept u C D Kncjuti

epeacs GAunt DECLIKIID


SO 1

II 111414 ItK IDiP Oil 32 RI Ii P3tI 4

a0 113 1 Qua 11 11 III 0lit

10 P 13 lIt ZR 011115 IIIi ii sd 111 113 37 PIllI aShes 28 JK2 itIS P K 25 I 0113 Ii Kit


I Ii





other same true

itrying to Ilgun

haw they are and chit









those are

I to epe a crowd ofmen

that but one oftttsmoan obtain the




thIs >sink into


about bird

a a-

suliuse from held ragiecitfl on a

mInk ot




htre I an InItmntIr In a parallel fleld

ayearalso one be has left the 0t small bIrds

hid a onedare

theegg nttiius the

the rot

fewer diesPInS

a i have ahownfir

arebass lie

herons Iii thefish



theto note

changes that hid




was She


lucky and






stud c C

Its lorlous










nvjiAff NATVnf iir xatr YORK

Ueaniett the Hare Ervrptlnn sad Kind CIt-ieroilty Cbaracttrlitlc

To ran EDITOII or THH Bpx Sfr1 A

day ago walking on lower Broadway I wj

witness to ascene that was new to tnoalthouga sojourner In the dty for the past severte n yeirn A bluecont was making hUtomary onslaught on a Greek fruiterer ardlatter hurriedly obeying the command to

on pllld a quantity of fine Oenrglpeaches which the gamma gathered I

promptly-In the taco of the threatening advance of

policeman the pushcarter made no delay t

recover hit lost property but maintainedpcrItlon at the helm of his craft

What my surprise whIle the urchins wetirathrrirg up the fallen fruit to sot ft tiumbcof wrllclothrd men as they towed olther wayhelp themselves liberally of the fruit Hill unothis retreating cart

Xow I have been n witness to hundredstypical New York street socneo but I run glad

to state that I never saw the like of this In thgreet city I have seen many street crowdthat very sympathetic and helpful to asorts and conditions of people In distress and

arabs snatch fruit Irona pcdlcrV cart but never bcforo did Igrownup men welldressed men dellberatelraid a wretch who falls Into trouble bywayside The amazement and Indignationwhich I felt aims mingled with the hope hutthese meanspirited creature were notoltlMnof thin metropolU but strangers from nowhenwhere thsT grow things without souls

Hut I ha ten to assure you hotdid not convert me lo th j theory thatoriginated In mud and ooze and that he

lurk backpretext I have cern too much of human Iiinot to believe that Inrffabls meanness Is exc p-

tlonnl and that thn dl t osltlon of rnai-U to be generous and helpful to that overtUiM-iby misfortune r r Bow else are wi

uprIsIng of our real lv ssuch cr e as that of the Chicago

tire the amino In India and the Galveston cyclone

Qua not nf d lo to the animalkingdom to show Mint fraternity good will

are normal mid hint It de-ueneracy 1 will give a fow whit

to bo characteristics of thin typical NvYorker

Once I saw a policeman make a ru h for a lIneof Mewilk unfortunate for

r with a tray of d collar buttons lilila haste toeurup stumbled and cutting I

stork of buttons over a area inMreet oor fellow despite palo ofwound teemed to ofrret In the lo of hl entire stock

began radically to for themdeclaring In that he had paid

pm shlng the tin derelicts and although

purloined ofilce hoys District Teland citizens of are

drought their rind to trayandstreet mordant limped away oon

That Is what a long residence among Xe-

titudn their fellow In dlstreMOn another occasion ab orbed In n brown

study I s fl edollarwindow of th City Hall staMon and

with my ticket without welting forchange After t Harlem I camo enf

through th ofHfNand realized the nmlMoa Taking thereturn train to City I to st t mr fleaout came a envelope mark

and minuteleft That Is typical nf infgrlt-of rharart r methods and It I

at becaiv ItNow t Its klndnes ot heartOn when tie snow was K de that

the early lriv H r hurried along In the earthe cold so sever the

rows bed by tbounanit a clUEen picked ui-

i benumbed rtutt rlrg nn lay talland carried It to theTremo lvat i stationBefore entering hl train h k d of

em h would warm

8tre ntld he in aand last gllmrsn e wa slg-nf th artc railroader br 01the bird In his oo d I

away In hta bosom to warm It back to life

That I th attltud of the typical JCiYorker toward ev

th answer which merciful railroadert to aid and rescii dying

sparrow city hss oto the singularly smitten

metropolis of the Len Ptsr RtarWho oev r acts of a

tr and his conduct disgraces thedty which sh him

w Yorker reflect like Paul thathel a Htisn of no rnetn city lvour ideal hv scorning snob acts M raidingmesas store of fruit pedlor because ipoliceman has

OeonciB W DmnttDon-Nirw YORK Sept 17


Many Crack Ttaraett naeen Ratered forflIck Ktakn-

IKXixnrox Sept 22 Entries to theFtakea and purses to be decided at the meetingof the Kentucky Trotting Horse BreedersAssociation here beginning on Ort 2 havibon tabulated by Beoretarr Wilsonchow that the Odd In all the will bet asgood or bettor than at any previous meeting

best race promises to b for the Pennsyl-vania Stok of 5000 entries to which havolitton published IB importance is theKentucky IMturity for thrcioarolds worth

In It entered the horses ofthat 8ffA of the year Including Dlrectura RoyLady ThUbe Summer Morn Dingo Sonatalxxha The Medium Dreamer I ettle JI Roberta Frock Ilerdic Porto Rico MajorDelmar Lady Katherine Herton FerenoMobel and Ira Doe The twoyearold Futuri-ty worth MOOO has milan a fine Mold an followsIreon Silk Erranve Marie Allnrton IMols-

Loretfglo Wllllo llorr Kewnd KditlonJack

Jay Mcflirgnr Ashbud and Walnut Thofuturity for twor rolrt has lx

H follows Mis Ophlla Furl Alice MaplesOntrlflc ClaIre

The 2 1 trot promises to Iw a fin ruor TheInclude 2tfl SOT

Clayton arid Oraltan Boy JIM

riicyt for 218 trotters worth jsrmn arid a cupby I V llarkneM Theroare

starters Including Chain Shot SMIAnderKin 3llJ Prank

ll Lady Geraldine 2isf AggM MediumMt UiirtiH Irnclfl Onward

lorr 2t 210 Xporvttn 2Miniiii Jlornlnm at 9 Edna Cook 2I2 Mamie-irinin 212 and Ellyrt 211-

In tlie 20 there olrven of thcountry a follows Argeltn 2O V-

lidney z MuscoviteColbert 20IW The Prl-

Rt 2OTK Flirt 07V Jers v Mso 23XiW-Mcol 11 2C-

ybum 21-

tellle Oulnn 211M Silver Wilkes 210 York

Tnro nre thirteen xtnke and sixteen pureesthe meeting will continue eleven days

floiilp nt the lllnr-D M New York They met only once and Jeffries-

L P I New YorkCbtrley White wa the refereej that mntettTom Callahan offers to meet Oenrge Dixon befort

dub In the country In a twentyround honkDive Sullivan and Oscar nnrdner hire flgned

twenty rounds at Ixmltvllle on OctSOulS thlnki Ibtl hit ring dayi are

rcl our nd o3ert Input on the cloves with Denordan at the A C

It l that Hob Fllulmmoiwi Inlrnrli In turnitnnrr and sill mn tie tug liob Aimrtrnnr

nil Iblnki that roodandean bent i ordheftrywelMt

Article ol tgreemsnl lists lrM tr-or Marias Mr a rrmrh belwen Its KUmart l rdner The mill will he rterfdfdfore the lluklnc Mens flriiint lumaereland

2 The coolest U for twenty roundi at 122-oundslien Jnrdsn who returned to declares

bat tllhouib bo tried n rd while flyer SeesUcOotetn tofitMhliobltellmU were uaiuo

Jordan till Itlnka be can best McOovernIt prepared to tackle the Atlantic be

Sporting ClubSupreme Court Justice Herrlrle In Brooklyn yesrd y lawyer John II Kuhn

Hercules A ClnAn mellon bgun br John C-

lief r that hit In lie concern have uereii-nde an armunilng dltlded Ibe profileTnm Oltourke yt that Joe Walrolt h t

received all the was coming ti tim In hisrnnlett with Tommy Vett tl Madison Square

LInden When tu-Iriout manner the matchmaker of lbs TwtnUthr-

itury A C Ald be would not flu VfaJeoll a cutt this end of thi



a move





hate often seen streetsee

poor the

title loodntmanwIlt

to hI 1alazaio shine tin the slightest

to Interpret ii fri

dos and


gash knee and hl en-

tire wIde theThe the his

out10 for Itte good a ceore of

were siding In hr search vaIcane swerved their colre o

Iwatched I do not a huttOn was


Ibis the

Yorkers has taught m to he heir normal attoward


walked off


beganto the aelr but before I he4 bait finish

5405wlth the had been

typIcal of theas unIts f th whelpci I


ins theunlt If ito

liter In the when it bI It gethearty war

the the


thegave the appeal the




got after hIm







are beet


Grantlktinnt Mary



entrIes Jute2it4 lust

largest fetid will bet found In Valniit flailCUltgiven


nnitue Stake for ao trottera has

a good fleld among the entrts tclng Charley

are beet

TheToboggan 0S and VuIll

210 irot wiU aPliatus

flay 7OQ 2101 OnwardTudor Chime tkintri B 211 t-

bNeeyetta Cleorgeanna 2ll1 801 lamp Girl




Illicit to box 5

Soil net cc

a saId

under 1its wing I

malt a Itt f theten

and Oscar

on Oct

hissin get


slid him ecroistore

rereitthettllroi lii dIssolve IS Sir IViloni


WiuirII wa P defeated iii a truest



< >






Sale of Three HundredRare Old Violins by

Lyon 8t Healy

7J V n run rtme from Iyon A Healyriiiidn n iTiiiilie 01km n ne iiiMlllls a wmiilctfully

Mollu li ert7f from rrnd nrd In

miter i i Puke ronu lor Ineomlnir-Ifl n emeni ibflr rntlre clock

vlll h Th sayIngFlit Mn ti from lo tfionnra He frmlet IrintfAl hundreds P-

Ifi4S I viiilmi If y u die at al

Ti lnleir iMinlu Hneit tract

tl CinllulKUM il tU ti h3Hl1 al avail themselrc cf thischalice

Ittad lhl list of Knln Vlnllns-CaMos JIM Krsln-

IvSn 140 luri iluadsentnlCrs-nins K

I 11 0 trrr H e old ieruan 1790

ti C A Mi r IK1U J43 GoodA I v tin ties

hrl 117801 134 AntonliK HlrsdlTarlus Ciemona12000 flu lisp hugged 17 A t ton Vienna1790 175 auli err I1 Montsenana

Venire fine solo In trumnl 170 let luarnirtua-IJ4i Kraerr Silt Klot Hue toils Vulllaumimine perlin n 41 Pannrrn lionj JohnLondon llOij T C tr l JI1S lr ue 119-Ubecl venire B toil solo A Old French 119-Ja tiudtnrlus del Oesu il74i gr nrt ltf the eonllneiil 14000 Ito 1aola ilstctnt aboutloon i3 n d IrrniAn I78J 34j 4 andB at fl each 1B4U 6J 41 and 12 at 120 each ar 4many others

CorreipomlMfp InvltcilWrite today for beautiful CAlaloc full pat

tlcultra or for cMat ronUlnlnjHkflrhei of the OH Matters Inclose 2cenl

Scvsrsl flildl swill he sent nn srlectlon Mresponsible parties v rmenl may Irmngfd of as-

corrranles each Instrument An ilrant g 1stprompt selection

LYON HEALYIarcnt Iltnlert n Violin n thi World

113 Adams St Chicago


SJipei la the Stallion Race Th-Qneillon of Timing Record

Ed Dovmo the relnsman and Wail SUetroan who campaigned Norvotta andPath seiaion has retired his horses to thafarm of n A Falrbairn near Westfl Id N JLady Norvettawona flvoheat race at th Env-plrn track recently making a record ot PIllIn the heat Stun Is a very fast oodcralUdtrotter and Mr Down believes eb will bo rightup In the front rank with the best one nextseajion In the J18 trot nt the same rlaoe LadyNorvettA wan Sight at Elsie Ss saddle In thesecond heat In 211 Parts proved hlmaelf agood racehorse although be did not towerhis record of JU5i made lat year lie wona great race at tho 3oshcn meeting and vn adose third in the 212 trot last week In JOSand 209 Severn very promising green onesIn the FnJrbalm string were left In the stableslast spring some on account of beennick and others were saved for nextseaaonamong them a very fast trotting mare byStranger darn by Jay Gould which will be outUnit season Lady Norvetta will not b startedurnln this year Fans will be la a race atMlneola thU week and will probably ba teentttomocf the late hnlfralle track meetingsIn speaklnc of his horses Mr Downsaid he wo very well satisfied the result ofthe tetons campaign Ho entered his horsesit but few of the meeting and preferred to

them for next year tuber than go to TerreHaute Lexington

Vie have had ih highest class of racingthis Beacon the oonteata havingseen as a rule and the times made

Records have been loweredthe line and are lot

the worlds trotting record to be lowered brfor Mis snow flies

What you think of Jores chance inat Keadvluef w

I do not think he has a oJianc for thirdMr Lawsona

the stallion for the rare which unwill be a hard and fast ono bant

limited true the horse has been trainediurlrjg seafon br Mr his former

habit of going fast theres a vart m and battling

of greater or even equal I haveheard rumors that been showing

speed than his record

he company he will nave to lace in tie Dietake

1 am Inclined to think Abbot withgood day and track will be able to

trotting record 2CS-

kcrordlng to several expert timers who

City track meetIng ho therecorded the

low time opinion that a horse goingralnst time should the banrflt of thedoubt I received credit for thefastest when she made her record Irat on the ground numerous watches

utter WInd cau H me to thatAbbots time was announced a quarter of aocond slower than It really woe Is fact

the timers at the track appearedo give the slow time the nhe time out was almost Invariably

slower than that made by expertsright under Urn wire

price b-

o I A fincH of New Bedford for the stallionupe It In true that Mr I imson wrote

letter to the In hstated that the price was of interest

to Sir Hnell and However thatnot public and horsemen

till wondering price was Knay nevrr are

win about tbs figure That sunal e la nwdp upon fact that last November

when Mr was in New York attending theMadison Square Onrden trotting bores10 said wits true that he lund beeniffered for nut accept

Jin was asked If he would consider an otTerI IMono-

Ah he ejaculated I have not been offeredhat sun yet

manner Indicated that an offer of SOOOOmight rhnncn mind nbotit selling horseml N than likely the price was

the hiifcentury

one Shows at llnrrlstown crud WhIte SlabsAll the onanecmcnts for the third openolr

torso show at Morrlatorn urdfr the auspicesf tho McirrUtown Iifld Club lot li 12 andI liars been roitipletnd they will Iw on airge MAle nnd will Include snvrrnl Innovationshe ring will be elliptical in with privnta-oxes and a prnniriindn on one sltio and d rowf parking plvw for fourinhand and otherrup on the other fide or infield

will b uiirtlon lornorrow eveningthe Morriftown Field Cluo hi RSi

here will be fnrtvtlvn clnsw divided intoponlodll nd local cnmrvtitions lot nnnteur-or nwnors onlr lln conlelc will bo for

rotters roadster r rrluKf horns lardems-rucoris fourltilivids IOnIC inidillii horses

omi tltlon Pomo of tho events stipulate

offered In and nd in additionwtU bo awuded to the Mrstnrnnd-

nd third In oarb EntrIes ori Septwith tho Aesl tant Secretarj V S U-

kall str tt New YorkTh imtrles for the Westchester County

lehth annuoJ horse show at Whltns to N Incluslvn nre four hundred

numbor rx eds any nf the association1-revlnus records few excy ptloM nil

iTf rnlnpiit hire emow echilsltcriiherenbouta-nvo rni ilo iicmlPitior SMno of tho harnesn-la sei I vi over entries Tha-fetjtd for fourlrhard anti Inndtins have

i flllcil well Aniilier feature Is the highof thn hln rlmn oitndditns Some

f ilp filiibliors In linrni CTM S willA C II l kV llHATd Wlllrts Itniloa Farm Jn 11ain IL C artnun MM ralll OeikendaU

arm It It MerlIn J r ihi Dwn n W-

Ti l II llulmi Mr rimvd It I dews Mwir Cbl A Omild Slr u 4 IlexUr-

J bOld R I a U It srd lr J 1 WtntsExhIbitor of fourlntiandi and tandems11 lo-

f J A TUrk Mrs Ldwnrd n Ladew Howardlllflr noilon rarer Il P r rnmn A-

nn d ills Ilorenrr L Stoke ilalln Story X X-

Otrlrfc ard J K Haucloume-

Tor ih 1 and hunter claa e-

i compel i rs will

II II Jiiiie tire 11 II Octet Hl Matlao-itlnw v M Mlrhnril MISs Kllte l deir

It tie K flniJIn W llnliUndII harriman Ha y T liier tibia Klranor Janilln VnrrK msjlT M

sIts aI a lull C lieu hal


met tiledS sIt

hueIi a flIts


1letlei 57

I 1a alit IFslmumen


can s I 74 3ti



cob lolin


Racy terme ofCertificate

aogci zonssChant flu









been ILlsho

owiier but that sort cit willhe of in a taco Is doubtful It shardly thi syeteinpf trainIng that tailIn Ibe hO been in tho

horsesgreater 2co

ability to go below thismark and do not lh5ve can go so na


their on him at the


lrieludina wn caught tier tImebut she received credit for a quarter of aeoconci


I rift In bore drelee ac to theThomas IV lawson of Boston

207ta very nicet




hits thecia-



Privateboxes sold tItt

1OI drivitig

that w omen shall tlrive Ihuretire

willclAss clean




itialtelthin bI



Its ll7e4 in calllot lii


I I limesI

1Its1 Maclay Miii ItnocItout 5414 W



< >




