iwmi4 o-operation means...

' . ••". M ' " V T , ~" ,"• ~ THE Lk%OM ^Q%l& SATURDAY IWMI4 O-OPERATION MEANS SUCCES These firms kave skown tke*tf attitude toward Labor in a practical way, by placing their advertisements in Onion Labor* only local paper. Co-operate with them hy trading with the home merchants that are fair. s ALWAYS RELIABLE Morterud-Koneczny Co. Dealers In Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings 1931 W. Superior Street Duluth, Minn. Melrose 1136 —PHONES— Lincoln 341 Swanstrom Bros. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance 21—21st Avenue West Before Buying see Our Homes on the Monthly Payment Plan. THE J-O-SHOE WORKS Best equipped Shoe Repair Shbp in the West End Is now located at No. 19 Twenty-first Avenue West We do first-class work in quick time at very moderate prices. Shoe Shining Parlor for Ladles and Gentlemen. F. P. Stevenson, President E. H. Br&nton, Sec'y and Treas. THE HOME LAUNDRY CO. Successors to MODEL LAUNDRY Both Phones 478 18 ^Twentieth Avenue West High grade Clothes Cleaning-^—low prices —Prompt Service! Just Pk one—Eitker Pkonie S. GARBER Melrose 412 CLOTHES CLEANER 1808 W. SUPERIOR STREET Lincoln 3 NOTICE When buying Clothing, Furnishings anC Shoes," do not forget the Best Place in the West End, is Lippmdn's Bargain Store, where you can buy such goods as the Florshein Shoes, Gordon Hats, Headlight Overalls, Coast Craft Clothing and many other well known Union-made goods at the lowest prices possible. LIPPMAN'S BARGAIN STORE 1005 w. SUPERIOR STREET OUR NAME STANDS FOR EVERYTHING WE CLAIM. \ Chas. A. Gustafson Hardware, Furniture, Paints, Oils, VarnisKes, Stoves and Tinware ALL KINDS OF FARM IMPLEMENTS Zenith Phone Lincoln 168-Y . 18 N 19th Avenue West. Melrose 462 Lincoln 81 G. M. Larson Prescription Druggist 1607 West Superior Street Dutath, Minn. E NGER & rkLSON the big west end FURNITUHe HOUSE HV L'rulr rscJI Them -W' 1 . h A i t ^<I Sui Buy Your Furniture From THE FACTORY DISTRIBUTERS We are the "Chaps" that save the people the big end of the retail >s profits. Credit terms to please evei OUR DULUTH SALESROOMS 2110-2112 Wist Superior Street ALFRED BOMAN, Pres. ANNON HEGLAND, Vice Pres. A. B. WIDTH, Sec.-Treas. DEALERS IN For Men arid Boys, ZENITH PHONE, LINCOLN 314-X. BELL PHONE, MELROSE 2944 FEDERATED TRADE ASSEMBLY-—Meets .feeond. and fourth , Friday, of .each. ironth a.t Kalamazoo Hall, -18 West Superior street. President, rR. J: Coole. " 719 N. 54= *i'® n Ve , W«st; vice -president, O. H.- Tfl.r<pn, 1,1 ".venue ' West; corres- pdriHing- 'secretary,. John'- E. Jensen, 2029'. t * C a t l l n i n ¥ J 6 i a W s V r T h r ? d a t B r l e k l . y e r . ' H « V » i a . - We?t- : si r 1h dl . n / c, ®- rk - 5* A. '^lcKara. 3811 West Sixthstreet:: sertfehnt- 'at arAis, Kick Olson; trustees, Joseph; Miller. 413% East First street; J. H. Powers, 904 East Fourth street. Wm. J". Dutcher;' 827 E. -Second Went, NickOlseji,' re'gta<iice' T.S0S "West MUSICIANS' tlCION; is. A. Jf ofA. i, Fourth street, office, 11J W«st-First street. —Meets first Tue^ay of each menth at 2e«iTh*- y dOt'?»a ii?^ P ^ v ^*® * ;P * m ' Eho ™' ^sadduarters,,;Moos* Hall. 334 West Zenith, ««•>« MT-T. - , f/eafant. U T., Bercer; ..vice . i . . . •?•'*•* f preiraeat.' OttO'J. Wmit; treaiurer, I-. X. r.VOIHWM' mnojr. X*. l»»-r - r*corflln*ree<;reUry, w. J. Dutcher, •Meets the first and third Thur»day of 8*7 Bast Second -iffset ' each nfcnth at Brieklaysrs' Kan,' Nine- iUDTO. PBINXIXG TRADES- COTOfCII.— Meets the second M*>ftday of each month ia.K»tamasoo Hall. .President, W. it. Reed, y? East . First .street; secretary, B. . F. Busk, SIC East First street. BtlLDINQ TRADES COUNCIL—Meets the second. and fourth Monday at Kalamazoo Hall, No. IS West Superior street. Presl- dent?' Fred Vannler; Vice president, Nick OIsen; financial secretary-treasurer. . S. Q. Kelson, 125 West second street; recording secretary,' J.-"H. " Powers, 904 East Fourth street;,-warden, Fred. Paulson;: trustees,- C. L. Peterson, R. S, Postal, t. A. Johnson. BARTENDERS' UNION, N»: 574—Meets the second and. fourth Sundays of each month at 2:tt>' p. ih., 'at 25 'East '^Michigan street. President, Donald McKenzle; vice president, Albert Collins; reoordlnr secretary, Henry Johnson; financial secretary-treasurer, Fred Bernard, 1st East Michigan street. CIGAKMAKEBS' "CNION, No. *t4—Meets first and third Wednesdays of each montn atrrKalamazoo Bldg., IS West Superior street. . President. Peter Sc'naeffer; vice president, W. Cossl; financial secretary- treasurer. F. Heidemann, 731 Third avenue East; sergeant-at-arms, Nat hen Horwltz. CARPENTERS' liniON—Meets every Tues- day evening at vRowieiy's Hail. 1.13 West First street. President. Chas. McKlnnon; vice president. Hector McL<ean; recording secretary, Q. H. Tarun. 422 19% Ave. West; treasurer. Edw. Erlckson, $25 Ninth avenue East; financial'secretary, Abe Jappe. IS East Second -Melrose 31S8; business ^ aent, John Sch&efer; 'vie# pfeaMent. John Buseh; .recording 'secretary. Si;* Clar6n; financial secretary, S, B. Johnstone, 12% SVi. ®* c ®nd: St.; treasurer,' Qhas:- -Zehnter, Sixth avenue East. v LATHERS' UNION, No. It. Hf.. W. M. L. . —Meets on the seconjd< and,-fourth :Fri* days of each month at KAiamaioo Block. President, .'Mat Mjihsori; .-^ke president, Walter Mathewson; secretary, Pred Paulson. 6723 HiKftlan^l;^ treasurer, Geor*e Waiters, 924 "West Fifth street. LONGSHORE SHUTS' UNION, No. 12.— Meets the flrst an'd third "Wednesday of each month at Glley's hsili; 820 North Fifty-flfth a venire West. >"W«st Duluth. President'J. G, O'Kell; vice president, Geo. Boyhwell; recording secretary. C. A, Ammermann, 6805. Cody s.treet; fln- aneial secretary-treasurer,' Chas. Top- liff, 2607 TO est Eleventh street. LICENSED TUOMEN'S PROtBClivE As- sociation, No. 1—Meets the seoend and fourth Mondays, of each month at Rowley's hall, 112 W. First street. President. James Bishop; vice president, Henry Oestrich; second vice president. Jas. - Bryant; cor- responding and recording secretary, Gapt. Fred Benson; financial secretary, R. F. Barrows, address: 31 Fifty-eighth avenue East; treasurer,. Chas. H. Oreen. llil East Fourth street. pa: amaxooHall^ 18 West Superior street. Pre si-. ..dent,' J*s. H. Powers; vice president. Ed- s'*.# ,. ,fipanci*l secretary, ..W. J. w nn . : Zi cor "Secretary. S. E. Jensen. 3304 West First streets treasurer.- W. H. Brooks. East Superior street. ; Room *206. PLASTERERS' UNION, No. 58. O. T. L. A. Meets on second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at Kalamasoo Block. Presi- dent. Thomas Barks; vice president,-Waiter iu nl , n ,'iJ*L, secretary-treasurer. Chas. .M. .-Ahl, .42? Sixteenthr. avenue East; corresponding secretary, Victor Hilstrom; trustees, Peter Thorson. Edw. Patterson k snd Robt. Carson. MARINE ENGINEERS' BENEFICIAL A§- soelatien. NO. JS—Meets every Friday evening during the winter months at Room 610 Manhattan Bldg. President, Henry Oeptrlch; . first vice president, Joe. Majo; second vice president, J. c. ••Mund»" secretary-treasurer. Armour Harvey;- cor- responding and recording secretary, J. ;q. Adams, 130 Nortl^ Twenty-fifth . avenue PU7WBERSV.AXD. GASFITTERS* UNION, A •, A.—-Meets the first and third oj; month_at Rowley's Hsll, "f West First street. Presideht. Berger rBer«er, ; vice - president. Rube Meyerhoff; Secretary-treasurer, J. E. Rlbbie, , 1412 Jef- ferson street; corresponding seeretary, John Bennett, a02 Second avenue East. SHEET METAL WORKERS' UNION, No. 8*—Meets first and third Wednesdays of each monta at Kalamazoo hall. No 18 West Superior street. 'President, John fcten- man, 305, E. Fifth . street; vice president, George I. Walz, .2008 Minnesota avenue; financial secretary. C. A. Johnson, 817 Twenty-first avenue West; recording sec- retary. C. J. Qauss. 120 E. Fourth street: treasurer. John Peterson; 715 E. Seventh street; conductor. Harry Andersoh. 413 E. w<rden, H. Jeronimus. IIJ'4 E. Eighth street. No. 136—Meets , V, r8t Sunday in each month at Rowley hal, ;J. President, Edward M. Grace; vice i. r r! u nt, n W ' B. Zuehlke; recording secre- H. Dworehak, Jr.; sccretftry-trc&sur^r E. T. Hughes. 213 West First street. MINNESOTA TEA PETERSON BROS., Props. Teas, Coffees, New Phone, Lin. 452. Old Phone, MeL 3918. 1906 W. SUPERIOR ST. REALTY CO. '• * • • al Estatc v Loans, Insurance and Rcntfalse 1922 W.SUPERtOR ST. A. F. Lundholm Teach w of Ptario, Pipe and Reed Organ Dealer in Hoddorff & Claren- ion Pianos, Musical 'Merchandise, Sheet 'Music, : Music Books, Bbo*k>-; Etc.'. Talking Machines and Ke- :ords. ^ NEW LOCATION . 17 NORTH 21st AVENUE WEST. Zenith 'Phone, Lincoln 80-D. Duluth's Best Bread For IBkle by flj) Leading ^ Oroeers 922-24 £&>t Second {Street Grand 1S88-D See the "Trey of Hearti" Every Wednesday Vauderille Every Ttinraday, FrldiRgry : ClaftaMay eutd . 'Kit Ed Rudberg's Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlor 32 N. Twenty i Avknw . MORK y CO. Clotking, Skoes and Gent s Furnishings k We Carry Union Made Ck>ods. 1930 W. Superior Strtet. ; PURE FOOD GROCERS. . . Buy in Quantities. Get the Best Goods. SAVE, MONEY. Both Phones. ; 1801 West Superior Street.- DON'T FORGET THE AT Shoe 2Q13 W. Superior Street. O. F. Wennerlund •Jeweler— DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND FINE JEWELRY MODERN OPTICAL DEPARTMENT 192& W. SUPERIOR STREET. We carry everything in labeled goods of all kinds that Union Men wear. - Dress and Work Shoes with the label $2.50 to $5.00. Hats, Shirts, Suspenders, Caps, Shoes, Trousers, Suits, Overalls, Gloves and Mittens carried by s. w. HILL . 1926 W. SUPERIOR STREET New Phone, Lincoln 856 and 259-D Bell Phone, Melrose 421 Pred W. Erickson Grocer Steamship Agent e.id foreign Exchonyc. 2029- 2031 W. Third Street r. Anderson Furniture Company "The Big House With the Little Rent" Everything for the Home for Lew Money. Twenty-first Aye. W. and Superior St, Saye Money by Buying f<>r Cash , And Then,. No Bills to Worry Abont the First of the M«nft T We solict yoor patronage on the basis of high qioality and low prices. ; . PWiXJTffS ONLI .ALL-GASH DEPARTMENT STORE. M.k££L' ESTABLISHED V ESTABLISHED wi , •, ' ^ ia»i JIPAvt.MJ Duumti Old Phoney Melrose 8802 New PlKtoie, 7^8 . Night Phone, Melroee 8722 Dealer .In . v i FancyGrocems Staple and Fancy Ct6^ 2001 Weet Seoond Street>._ f _ 4* )»9 'J-l

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' . ••". M' " VT,~" ,"• ~


O-OPERATION MEANS SUCCES These firms kave skown tke*tf attitude toward Labor in a practical way, by placing their advertisements in Onion Labor*

only local paper. Co-operate with them hy trading with the home merchants that are fair.



Morterud-Koneczny Co. Dealers In

Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings

1931 W. Superior Street Duluth, Minn.

Melrose 1136 —PHONES— Lincoln 341

Swanstrom Bros. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance

21—21st Avenue West

Before Buying see Our Homes on the Monthly Payment Plan.

THE J-O-SHOE WORKS Best equipped Shoe Repair Shbp in the West End Is now located at

No. 19 Twenty-first Avenue West

We do first-class work in quick time at very moderate prices.

Shoe Shining Parlor for Ladles and Gentlemen.

F. P. Stevenson, President E. H. Br&nton, Sec'y and Treas.

THE HOME LAUNDRY CO. Successors to


Both Phones 478 18 ^Twentieth Avenue West

High grade Clothes Cleaning-^—low prices

—Prompt Service! Just Pk one—Eitker Pkonie

S. GARBER Melrose




NOTICE When buying Clothing, Furnishings anC Shoes," do not forget the

Best Place in the West End, is Lippmdn's Bargain Store, where you can buy such goods as the Florshein Shoes, Gordon Hats, Headlight Overalls, Coast Craft Clothing and many other well known Union-made goods at the lowest prices possible.



Chas. A. Gustafson Hardware, Furniture, Paints, Oils, VarnisKes,


Zenith Phone Lincoln 168-Y . 18 N 19th Avenue West.

Melrose 462 Lincoln 81

G. M. Larson Prescription Druggist

1607 West Superior Street Dutath, Minn.

E NGER & rkLSON t h e b i g w e s t e n d F U R N I T U H e H O U S E

HV L'rulr rscJI Them -W'

1 . h A i t ^ < I S u i

Buy Your Furniture From


We are the "Chaps" that save the people the big end of the retail

>s profits. Credit terms to please evei


2110-2112 Wist Superior Street ALFRED BOMAN, Pres. ANNON HEGLAND, Vice Pres. A. B. WIDTH, Sec.-Treas.



FEDERATED TRADE ASSEMBLY-—Meets .feeond. and fourth , Friday, of .each. ironth

a.t Kalamazoo Hall, -18 West Superior street. President, rR. J: Coole. " 719 N. 54= *i'®nVe , W«st; vice -president, O. H.- Tfl.r<pn,

1,1 • • • ".venue ' West; corres-pdriHing- 'secretary,. John'- E. Jensen, 2029'.

t * C a t l l n i n ¥ J 6 i a W s V r T h r ? d a t B r l e k l . y e r . ' H « V » i a . -We?t- :sir1hdl.n/ c,®-rk- 5* A. '^lcKara. 3811 West Sixthstreet:: sertfehnt- 'at arAis, Kick Olson; trustees, Joseph; Miller. 413% East First street; J. H. Powers, 904 East Fourth street. Wm. J". Dutcher;' 827 E. -Second

Went, NickOlseji,' re'gta<iice' T.S0S "West MUSICIANS' tlCION; is. A. Jf ofA. i, Fourth street, • office, 11J W«st-First street. —Meets first Tue^ay of each menth at 2e«iTh*-ydOt'?»a ii?^P^v^*® *;P* m' Eho™' ^sadduarters,,;Moos* Hall. 334 West Zenith, ««•>« MT-T. - , f/eafant. U T., Bercer; ..vice . • i . • . . •?•'*•* f preiraeat.' OttO'J. Wmit; treaiurer, • I-. X.

r.VOIHWM' mnojr. X*. l»»-r - r*corflln*ree<;reUry, w. J. Dutcher, •Meets the first and third Thur»day of 8*7 Bast Second -iffset • '

each nfcnth at Brieklaysrs' Kan,' Nine-

iUDTO. PBINXIXG TRADES- COTOfCII.— Meets the second M*>ftday of each month

ia.K»tamasoo Hall. .President, W. it. Reed, y? East . First .street; secretary, B. . F. Busk, SIC East First street.

BtlLDINQ TRADES COUNCIL—Meets the second. and fourth Monday at Kalamazoo

Hall, No. IS West Superior street. Presl-dent?' Fred Vannler; Vice president, Nick OIsen; financial secretary-treasurer. . S. Q. Kelson, 125 West second street; recording secretary,' J.-"H. " Powers, 904 East Fourth street;,-warden, Fred. Paulson;: trustees,- • C. L. Peterson, R. S, Postal, t. A. Johnson.

BARTENDERS' UNION, N»: 574—Meets the second and. fourth Sundays of each month

at 2:tt>' p. ih., 'at 25 'East '^Michigan street. President, Donald McKenzle; vice president, Albert Collins; reoordlnr secretary, Henry Johnson; financial secretary-treasurer, Fred Bernard, 1st East Michigan street.

CIGAKMAKEBS' "CNION, No. *t4—Meets first and third Wednesdays of each montn

atrrKalamazoo Bldg., IS West Superior street. . President. Peter Sc'naeffer; vice president, W. Cossl; financial secretary-treasurer. F. Heidemann, 731 Third avenue East; sergeant-at-arms, Nat hen Horwltz.

CARPENTERS' liniON—Meets every Tues­day evening at vRowieiy's Hail. 1.13 West

First street. President. Chas. McKlnnon; vice president. Hector McL<ean; recording secretary, Q. H. Tarun. 422 19% Ave. West; treasurer. Edw. Erlckson, $25 Ninth avenue East; financial'secretary, Abe Jappe. IS East Second -Melrose 31S8; business

^ aent, John Sch&efer; 'vie# pfeaMent. John Buseh; .recording 'secretary. Si;* Clar6n; financial secretary, S, B. Johnstone, 12% SVi. ®*c®nd: St.; treasurer,' Qhas:- -Zehnter, !« Sixth avenue East. v

LATHERS' UNION, No. It. Hf.. W. • M. L. . —Meets on the seconjd< and,-fourth :Fri* days of each month at KAiamaioo Block. President, .'Mat Mjihsori; .-^ke president, Walter Mathewson; secretary, • Pred Paulson. 6723 HiKftlan^l;^ treasurer, Geor*e Waiters, 924 "West Fifth street.

LONGSHORE SHUTS' UNION, No. 12.— Meets the flrst an'd third "Wednesday

of each month at Glley's hsili; 820 North Fifty-flfth a venire West. >"W«st Duluth. President'J. G, O'Kell; vice president, Geo. Boyhwell; recording secretary. C. A, Ammermann, 6805. Cody s.treet; fln-aneial secretary-treasurer,' Chas. Top-liff, 2607 TO est Eleventh street.

LICENSED TUOMEN'S PROtBClivE As­sociation, No. 1—Meets the seoend and

fourth Mondays, of each month at Rowley's hall, 112 W. First street. President. James Bishop; vice president, Henry Oestrich; second vice president. Jas. - Bryant; cor­responding and recording secretary, Gapt. Fred Benson; financial secretary, R. F. Barrows, address: 31 Fifty-eighth avenue East; treasurer,. Chas. H. Oreen. llil East Fourth street.


amaxooHall^ 18 West Superior street. Pre si-. ..dent,' J*s. H. Powers; vice president. Ed­s'*.# ,. ,fipanci*l secretary, ..W. J. wnn.: Zicor"Secretary. S. E. Jensen. 3304 West First streets treasurer.- W. H. Brooks. 2» East Superior street. ; Room *206.

PLASTERERS' UNION, No. 58. O. T. L. A. Meets on second and fourth Wednesdays

of each month at Kalamasoo Block. Presi­dent. Thomas Barks; vice president,-Waiter

iunl,n,'iJ*L, secretary-treasurer. Chas. .M. .-Ahl, .42? Sixteenthr. avenue East; corresponding secretary, Victor Hilstrom; trustees, Peter Thorson. Edw. Pattersonksnd Robt. Carson.

MARINE ENGINEERS' BENEFICIAL A§-soelatien. NO. JS—Meets every Friday

evening during the winter months at Room 610 Manhattan Bldg. President, Henry Oeptrlch; . first vice president, Joe. Majo; second vice president, J. c. ••Mund»" secretary-treasurer. Armour Harvey;- cor­responding and recording secretary, J. ;q. Adams, 130 Nortl^ Twenty-fifth . avenue

PU7WBERSV.AXD. GASFITTERS* UNION, A •, A.—-Meets the first and third

oj; month_at Rowley's Hsll, "f West First street. Presideht. Berger rBer«er, • ; vice - president. Rube Meyerhoff; Secretary-treasurer, J. E. Rlbbie, , 1412 Jef­ferson street; corresponding seeretary, John Bennett, a02 Second avenue East.

SHEET METAL WORKERS' UNION, No. 8*—Meets first and third Wednesdays of

each monta at Kalamazoo hall. No 18 West Superior street. 'President, John fcten-man, 305, E. Fifth . street; vice president, George I. Walz, .2008 Minnesota avenue; financial secretary. C. A. Johnson, 817 Twenty-first avenue West; recording sec­retary. C. J. Qauss. 120 E. Fourth street: treasurer. John Peterson; 715 E. Seventh street; conductor. Harry • Andersoh. 413 E. ™ w<rden, H. Jeronimus. IIJ'4 E. Eighth street.

No. 136—Meets , V,r8t Sunday in each month at Rowley hal,;J. President, Edward M. Grace; vice i.rr! unt,nW' B. Zuehlke; recording secre-

H. Dworehak, Jr.; sccretftry-trc&sur^r E. T. Hughes. 213 West First street.



Teas, Coffees,

New Phone, Lin. 452.

Old Phone, MeL 3918.


REALTY CO. '• • • * • •

al EstatcvLoans,

Insurance and



A. F. Lundholm Teach w of

Ptario, Pipe and Reed Organ

Dealer in Hoddorff & Claren-ion Pianos, Musical 'Merchandise, Sheet 'Music,: Music Books, Bbo*k>-; Etc.'. Talking Machines and Ke-:ords. ^



Zenith 'Phone, Lincoln 80-D.

Duluth's Best Bread

For IBkle by flj) Leading ̂ Oroeers

922-24 £&>t Second {Street

Grand 1S88-D

See the "Trey of Hearti" Every Wednesday

Vauderille Every Ttinraday, FrldiRgry: ClaftaMay eutd .


Ed Rudberg's Confectionery and

Ice Cream •


32 N. Twenty i Avknw

. MORK y CO. Clotking, Skoes and Gent s

Furnishings k

We Carry Union Made Ck>ods. 1930 W. Superior Strtet.


Buy in Quantities. Get the Best Goods.


Both Phones. ; 1801 West Superior Street.-



Shoe 2Q13 W. Superior Street.

O. F. Wennerlund •Jeweler—



We carry everything in labeled goods of all kinds that Union Men wear. -

Dress and Work Shoes with the label $2.50 to $5.00. Hats, Shirts, Suspenders, Caps, Shoes, Trousers, Suits, Overalls,

Gloves and Mittens carried by


New Phone, Lincoln 856 and 259-D Bell Phone, Melrose 421

Pred W. Erickson Grocer

Steamship Agent e.id foreign Exchonyc.

2029- 2031 W. Third Street


Anderson Furniture Company "The Big House With the Little Rent"

Everything for the Home for Lew Money.

Twenty-first Aye. W. and Superior St,

Saye Money by Buying f<>r Cash , And Then,. No Bills to Worry Abont the First of the M«nftT

We solict yoor patronage on the basis of high qioality and low prices.



JIPAvt.MJ Duumti

Old Phoney Melrose 8802 New PlKtoie, 7^8 . Night Phone, Melroee 8722

Dealer .In . v i


Staple and Fancy Ct6^

2001 Weet Seoond Street>._f_ 4*

