it's your choice! what will you choose to do next?


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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Cathy Deaton – Fan The Flame Ministries #whogodisblog ©2014

Seth Godin has a way of cutting to the core of the matter and only writing what is “meat” that will change your life if you allow it.

This was not written from a Christian perspective, but it totally applies to the Christian life.

Habits are a choice

Giving is a choice

Reactions are a choice

Ideas are a choice

Connections are a choice

Reputation is a choice

The work is a choice

Words are a choice

Leading is a choice

No one can be responsible for where or how we each begin.

No one has the freedom to do anything or everything, and all choices bring consequences.

What we choose to do next, though, how to spend our

resources or attention or effort, this is what defines us.

-Seth Godin-

You have developed daily habits based on information you believed to be true, either about yourself or

information you obtained from books, studies, teachers, leaders,


but some of our belief systems are built on lies that someone else has told us.

We have taken their lies and have made it our belief system.

Because of this, it affects us daily in everything we do.

It’s not easy to change a wrong belief system that has been ingrained for years, but it is totally possible with God’s help.

He will send the right people into your life, bring encouragement when you need it, and bring you to the place where you can “receive His very best” when He gives it.

If you ask for help but don’t RECEIVE the help God gives, you will continue to struggle day after day.

God desires to change your life, BUT YOU must allow it.

You must be open to RECEIVE what He desires to do.

from your ways, so He may choose to act in a way that you never imagined.

Just because you haven’t thought of it doesn’t mean God’s Way isn’t the best for your life.

In my experience, God’s Way has always been much better than mine.

what you choose to do next, though, how to spend your resources or attention or effort, THIS IS WHAT DEFINES YOU! -Seth Godin-

Will you be open to RECEIVE God’s Very Best for your life?

To read this post on my blog click on the link below:

Cathy Deaton – Fan the Flame Ministries

