it’s the experience that makes the product, not the features

It’s the Experience That Makes the Product, Not the Features. Putting experience first from the MVP on up. #experiencefirst @smack416 at @yousayyeah

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It’s the Experience That Makes the Product, Not the Features.

Putting experience first from the MVP on up.

#experiencefirst @smack416 at @yousayyeah

Let’s talk product.

Features, therefore product.

Engineering only products consistently fail.

Just because something functions doesn’t mean it serves a purpose.

“When we started talking to our customers and seeing how they used our service, it was the defining moment of success that turned the company around.”

Joe Gebbia, AirBnB @jgebbia

User-centred design leads to better products.

An MVP is anything you can get to market quickly and easily to prove your product’s viability.

MVP doesn’t necessarily mean code.

MVP does mean high-touch customer engagement.

You need to: Find your market. Find your advocates.


Concierge MVP.

Landing page.Newsletter.Prototype.Above all, experiment.

Wash’n’fold concierge MVP.

Kipu beta signup.

Kipu price test.

Kipu video.

Kipu features page.

Buffer product MVP.

Buffer price MVP.

An MVP is a tool for turning questions into answers.

You can’t improve without user insight.

Get to market early and often to gain insight.

“Shipping is a feature.” John Gruber


Features are a distraction.

Features are a distraction for you.

Features are a distraction for your users.

So how do you decide which features to add?

Let’s look at 6 considerations.

Does the feature add clarity to the core purpose of the product?

Will the feature delight your users, adding unexpected value?

Will the feature be used often?

Will the feature be difficult to ship?

Will users understand the feature?

Will users talk about the feature?

“Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.”

Marc Andreessen@pmarca

Construction app Bridgit, conducted 500 interviews at construction sites.

Zappos began with no inventory.

“In a startup no facts exist inside the building, only opinions.”

Steve Blank@sgblank

Dropbox lessons learned.From CEO Drew Houston’s slide deck.

Deliver an experience.

Photo by Everett Mar

Define the core user need.Make a product that meets just that need in a delightful way.

“I wanted to take the scheduling feature of many Twitter clients and apps and make that single feature awesome.”

Joel Gascoigne, Buffer CEO@joelgascoigne

Think in terms of benefits, not features.

4 clicks to auto schedule a message to a single account.

1 click to auto schedule a message to four accounts.

Features are a distraction from defining and measuring experience.

Do less better.

Photo by Mr.TinDCCupcake vs Dry Cake model from Brandon Schauer, Adaptive Path

Photo by Don Buciak II

Think big.

Start small.

Photo by Gurjot Bhuller

Photo by Ree Roebeck

And definitely not this.

Experience every step of the way.

From Henrik Kniberg

The simplicity of Hyperlapse.

No user accounts. No video editing. No file manager. iOS only.

Simple, but magical.

But how do we get there?

Experience is holistic.

Experience goes well beyond the product.

Customer expectations.

Marketing.Support.And so much more.

But even focusing just on the product, experience is the sum of so many parts.

Your product’s purpose.

The value to your users.Ease of use.Interactivity.Consistency.Personality.


Fake Grimlock@fakegrimlock

Keep the overall experience in mind.

“Sometimes you don’t need to change the way a product works, you need to change the story.”

Ilona Posner @ilonaposner

Don’t be so quick to code.

“Success is not delivering a feature; success is learning how to solve a customer’s problem.”

Scott Cook, Intuit

Remember, MVP.

Benefits, not features.

Your product should serve just one need delightfully.

Make your MVP an exceptional experience.

Photo by DixieBelleCupcakeCafe

Every effort that follows needs to extend, not diminish that experience.

Every feature you add is a distraction.

Don’t add a feature unless it serves the core user need.

Or you’ll end up with this.

Being disrupted by this.

Say Yeah!@yousayyeah

Lee Dale@smack416

Thank you.