items. .]h epek, local ace,€¦ · localitems. beaufort, 8.. dec. 6, 1877. dblinqubht land salbs....

LOCAL ITEMS. Beaufort, 8. . Dec. 6, 1877. DBLINQUBHT LAND SALBS. List of Lands in Beaufort County on which, Taxes, Penalties and Assessments remain unpaid for the fiscal year 1876, as returned by W. J. Goodmgy £sq.y Ircasurcr of the said County. \ BEAUFORT TOWNSHIP. Apple ton, D. F. 1081 seres, 22 buildings. Apple to n, D. F. 886 acres 11 buildings. Anderson, Cupid 20 acres arable. Atkins, L.rnius 10 acres arable. Brown, J. W. 1 lot, Beaufort, 7 acres arablo Brian Richard 9 acres arable. Bee Harry Jr., 1 lot Bea'i fort. Bellinger. Eli 1 lot l^building. Wm i a^rvs. arable. 1MI UV « V, »» « ., Baruett, Jack 10 acres arable. Hay nard, Chas. 7% acres, arable. Barnwell. Renty 10 acres, arable. Bowman, Joe 10 acres, arable. Babcox, 4 Wilcox 21 lots Port Royal. Cohen, Samuel 1 lot and 1 building Beaufort. Cohen, Bobbin 4 acres arable. Curtis, George 49 acres, arable. Church, Horse Pond 8 acres arable. Church, Rose Hift^acres arable. Campbell, Rer. J. B. 18 arable Banner, Sarah 10 arable Donegal Abram 10 arable Edwards, Cuffec 19% arable Ellis, S.G. 160 arable. Eberle, Mrs, Jane 1 lot> A buildings Port Royal. El>erle, Mary F. 4 L. 1 lot. Ely, II. G. 1 lot. Fripp, Prince Jr., 20 arable. Fields, Renty 10 arable. Frasier, Mrs Rinah 1 lot A 1 building. Green, Clara A Husband 16 arable. Green, Wally (B wuforty 1 lot 4 2 buildings. Grant, ( has. 20 arable. Grant, Siiuon C. 20 arable, 1 lot 4 2 buildings. Grant, London 20 arable. Green, Ellen 20 arable. Gadsden, Tom 3-10 arable. Garrett, Baphnie 10 arable. Gardner, Sara 1 building, Beaufort. liavncs^Est. Nancy 10 arable. 1 building. Holmes, Minta 10 arable. lleyward, Joseph (Habershams) 10 arable marsh tnd wood. Hey ward, Brinton 10 arable. Hey ward CupidjlO arable and wood. lleyward Middleton 10 arable, and wood. lleyward, N. W. 15 aeres wood. Hamilton, Sarah 3 arable. Hamilton, Joo 10 arable. 1 Hamilton, Sam 10 arable. Hall, Shelton L. 1 lot. (Port Royal.) Hamilton. Uoir Thus. 2 lot 3 buildings. Jrukens, Billy 13 arable. (Campbell's Farm. Jenkf-ns, Est. Kitt 26 arable. Jones, Edward 30 arable, A wood. Jones, A, 0.1,209 arable, 2 buildings. ^>nes, Mrs. Estell 1 lot 4 3 buildings, Jackson, Robin 10 arable. Judge, John 40 arable, and wood. Jackson March 7 1-2 arable. Krvsael. Win. 1 lot and 2 buildings. Lawton, Mrs. Celia 1 lot & 1 building. Lloyd, Richard 10 arable. la»w:s. Pomp :jr 20 arablo. Middlr'.on (iordon 10 arable. Mitchell Flora 5 arable. M iddleton, Scipio 5 arable. 31 iddleton, Est. Ueiiry 20:'.rablc. >k-Knight, Joy 2 buildings Murray. Andrew TO arable, wood. Mi^iltftva Dinah 10 arable. 3tiddl<-ton. Jacob 10 arahlo. Myers Plana IT arable. Mattis, Wu. 30arable MuaigaitH Ro lin 1 1-t. MaVvrick Stephen 20arable, wood. Nolau A Winner, 1 lot in Reaufbrt. ChrutolKKiltn 1 lot, 1 building (Port Rnyal.] t'hlandt. J no. K. 2 lot, 2 bui.dinga R an fort l*crt Royal a D-aufort Turnpike Co., \ mile shel Road 1 building. ti T. 1 1 f\ J vrrT, lunu iv Arai'n. l'ort Koyal l.vmbtr CoPon Co., 884 araWa * building. I'olit** James 1C arable. Kmnro Pringle lft arable I'arker. Toney (Stuait Point, 10 arable, l'erry 8-ipio 4©acr»* wooJ. Pnttlgrtt, Jacob, 10 arable P. I. Knbinson Peter, 1 lot 1 building, .Mint., Robinsnu 2ft arable. Hirers, J. C. 1 l»t Beauf'T'.. Kuil«l<«, Hulph 19-arable. 11aIV, Dixua 5 arable. Slniroius, Tom Koae (swamp) 20 acres. Sim n wis, Win. 2 lots, 1 building an J 2 lots. Small, l>avkl 20 jrable and Wvod. Scott, Mauri- e 20 arable. Scott, Martha 10 arable. SUrvcns, est. Ben 20 arable. Thomas, Joe 10 arable. Taylor, Tobv 20 arable. Washington; Rose 5 arable. Washington,Smart 8 arable. ^ Wright, J. J. 10 ara -1c and 2 building. W ri<ht, Monday 10 arable. Williams, All red 1 lots buildings. Williams, Wm. (P. I.) 10 arable. Williams Monday 50 arable, 3 buildings and 8 lots VillitUM.A Mitcht-1 1 arable. Walker, Kev. E. T. 600 acres and 1 building. ST HELENA TOWNSHIP. Appleton, D. F. 216 acres 1 building. Browu, Columbus 1 lot. orowu, jus. iu acres araiue. Brown, est Dan. Hopes 10 acres arable. Brown, Philip 16 acres arable. Bryan, Robin Sr. 10 acres arable. Baily, Toney McTurous, 4 acres arable. Bam well, Thos. 10 acres wood & meadow. Biadly, Patsey 6 acres arable. Bogert, Eimliue M. 170 ac res Barnwell, Xil 10 acres araRle. i'hisoni, Emma 12 acres. Chisolm, Ned 14 acres arable. Currie, David 250 acres 1 building Chisolm, Larry 10 acresCapers, F. T. 1 lot. Davis, Edwd. or Edmoud 160 acres. Davis, W. 11. agent 608 acres buildings. Dale J. J. ngeut 15 acres. Edwards, 5 acres wood or marsh. Fripp, W. WT. 1001 acres A 1 building. c raster, Muses35 acres. (wassaw) Fields, Doily 50 acres trable A wood. Fr^pp Bidy 10 acres. Fripp, July 5 acres. Green, Tarnar 10 acres Glorer, Harry 10 acres. Green, Denn.s 4 acres. Gordau, James 8 acri-S arable. ^ Heywood, Hercules 20 acres arable A wood. Delates, Cornelia 2% acres Hazel, John 10 acres. llavnPH Wakhinirfiui 111 ni'rp«» Johnson, Amanda 10 acres. Jenkins, Isaac 1st -J lots 1 building. Jenkins, Jas. Coffin Pt. 21 acres arable. Jenkin", Orchard 2 acres arable. Johnson, Sampson 1 lot » Jones, Diana 10 acres. Jackson, Blllv 10 acres. Jenkins, Adam 10acres. Kressel, Win. J^acre 1 building Lewis, est July 13 acres arabl? A wood* Mkid'eton. July 18 acres arable Middleton, Jauuary 10 acres arable. Maxwell, Peter 10 acres. Mitchel, Tlios. 5 acres arable. Moultrie, Winter 2 1-2 acres arable McCloud, Jas .2 lots. Maxwell, Bcnj. 4 acres; Robinson, Harvey G. 210 acres, llivers, George 2* acres arable A wood. Roberson, Peter and Margaret 20 acres wood A marsh. Reynolds, Jane 8 acres. Singleton, Towey est 10 arabie. Seubrook, Thos. 20 arable. Smashum, Sam est. 30 arable A wood. Smith, Sam 5 arable. Sherman. Harry 11 arable. Taggart, Howard, 5 arable 1 building. Washington, Harry \i% arable A wood. Washington, March 12 arable. Williams, est Cap! Fred 101 arable 3 building. * a.a.Mf...«a.a...... Williams, Monday W. 49 arablo. Woods. Geo. p. 10 arable 1 building. Wright, Betsy '20 wood' Wallace, Geo. 10 arable. Wallace, Win. 10 arrble. Washington, Emanuel 10 arable. LADIES ISLAND TOWNSHIP. Brown, Maria 10 acres, 1 building. Brooks, Dick 10 acres wood. Brown, Jacob 12 acres. Black, Caroline 10 acres. Brow if, James 20 acres. Cohen, Venus 10 acres arable, Deveaax, Simon Jr. (Pleasant Point) 10 arable. Deveaux, Peter 20 arable. Dudley, Miss Sasau J. (adrn'x.) 40 acres wood or marsh. Fields, Joe 10 arable. Goodwine, Porapey est. 10 acres.. Green, Peter Sr. 10 acres wood. Grayson, Sally 10 arable. Getters, Larry 10 acres wood or marsh. Gillison, Tom 20 arable. Green, Peter Jr. f>0 wood, 30 arable. Green, Lynius 10 acres. Johnson, Jacob 20arable and wood. Middleton, June 10 arable. Rivers B. S. 14 wood. Rivers, Ned 5 arable. Simmons, Ned 16 arable. Singleton, Joe 20 arable. Scott, Nelly 14% arable. BLUFFTON TOWNSHIP. Bcccher, A Miles 200 acres. Edwards est Geo. 3000 acres 3 buildings. Same 500 acres. p. " t in B o-e . .,i r uniwu .u. u &i w. oiu tivits a»u u uuuuiu^s. Fiulcy, Mrs. M. E, 87 acres Greaves: Charles A Philip 119 acres. Hodge, Wn». H. 500 acres. Kirk, Mrs. Ella 2 lots. " Est James 8000 1 lot 1 building. Law, Geo. V. Jr. 159 acres. . Robert 159 acres. Lawrence, Mrs, A. M. 200 acres 1 lot. u " ".70® acres 1 building. McKenzie, Hamilton 1 lot. Post, Albert 1G00 acres and buildings. Stooey, Mrs. M. M. 1650 acres 3 buildings 1 lot. « « < 35Q acres J Verdier, F. H. Trustee SO acres 1 lot* Wiggins. B. W. 159 acres. COOSAWIIATCHIE TOWNSHIP. Anderson, Lawrence 30 acres. Barnet, Joe 1st, 30 3-4 acres. Bell,est Mrs. C E. 1 lot 5 buildings, Brinton, G. R. 69 acres' Buckner, P. F. 700 acres. Cohen, Elias 50 acres Davant, est R. J. 439 acres 1 building. OaTant, Mrs. E J. 376 acres Fuulk, Wm 1104 acres 1 building. Fiulcy, Mary E. 400 acres. Gregorie, Mrs. M. H. 944acres 2 buildings 2 lots. Gillison Mrs. M.S 1 lot. * Gelston, est John 1 lot* , llarvev, Oscar L 65 acres. Jones, J. G. 139 acres. Johnson, Jas. M. 200 acres. sauie 100 acres, Kirk, Mrs. Ella R. Trust est 1 lot 2 buildings. Law, O. P. 1226 acres 5 buildings. Law, Mrs. Jane 19 acres. Langford, F. B. 55 acres. Labatut, Henry T 1 lot 3 buildings. Malphrus, Jane A. 90 acres. Meeker, John 100 acres 1 building. Murchisou, Rev. A 10 acres 1 building. Reynold*, John 75 acres Reeves, est Mrs K M. 277acres 1 building. Smith, Jane T 655acres " A brain 65 acres " Kimu y A 65 acres Pauls, Wtu* IjW acres. Sea borough, James 15 acres * Scott. Gabriel 1 lot, Tuten, W. I*. 19 acres. Tind al, Geo. 100 acres. Trowell, Jno. F. 220 acres. Woods, 31 rs. Klizal>eth 110 acres 1 building. Wilson, Kwlin 110*3 acres. Winn, E 31 340 acres. GOETHE TOWNSHIP. Anders- n, Win. J 42# acres. DoLouch, Mrs. K. 787 acie* Oul'rce, Peter 75 acres l>av.son, Margaret 11. lS9arroa Fitts,Jane't A 150 acr*s Goethe, Sarah C 60 acres (iriner, J. B. 205 acr.ia. Olnn, Susan A. 154 acre*. Gibson, Samuel F. 62 »er»s. Gordon, Elliott 11 1-8 acros llortou, Sarah 1000 Johnson, Ju-iah 1). 1500 arm I buildings IaiteLne, Dan 1' 203 acres Mixson, l.ydia 500 acres 1 building " Elizabeth 46 acres McTcer Wilson 33 acres l'ortrvsa. Itcbefca O 132 acres rope, Georgia C 50 acres Kobinson, Penny 5t) acres Parts, Lewis it. 10 acres Smith, Pomper Jr. 51 ai res Smart, Edmund 72 acres Speaks, Julia 350 ai rus HILTON HEAD TOWNSHIP. Barnwell, Job; W. Assignee 400 arable, lla.-dec, Juo. L. Trustee, 596 arable* LAWTON TOWNSHIP Alston, Amos 237 arable and wood. Healer, Allen .'JO arable anil wood. Brautly, Joe 40 arable and wood. Davis, E. F. 30 arable and wood. l'KLoach Wm. 1st 109 arable and wood. Daaon, James 34 arable and wood. Goethe, Ellen 300 arable and wood. Ginn, Mr. C. 100 acres 1 building. G, Agt. 310 aiable. and wood llaid, Jules. A. 478 acres. 2 building*. u Johnson, Gideon 100 arable. " Jaudon. Isaac 11% arable. *' Kittles, 11-t.A. 150 arable. ' Law; on, Catharine 16 arable. " Miller, 6 BLsel 26 aral le. " Orr, John J. 60 arable. '* Orr, Jauios30 arable. . * Orr, Isaiabju4 arable. ' Kuasell, Jane 100 arable. M Smith, Southwood 00-1 arable. w Stokes, J. W. 40arable. " Stone, B. M, 224 arable. ,4 Turner, Est. It, It. 214 arable. « *' Tuten, A. G. 279 arable. " * l'EEPLES TOWNSHIP, And'-rson, R. II. 335 arable. " Bennett, Miles A. 117 arable. " na.*s, r.uzaociu izn araoic. Crosby, Lewis 35 arable. " Davis, S. C. 10 arable. " Same 6 arable. Ellis, Samuel F. 700 acres, 1 building. Edwards, Harry lOSarabls. Harvey. Ann E. 408 aeres 1 building. Hadwin, Elcauor 100 arable. ' Hadwin, Wm. 1 lot. Loften, A. E. 6 arable. " i.olteu, A E 6 arable " Mauidiu,Mrs Leuora 100arable " Phillips, Sarah 66 arable " Pulaski, J E 04 arable " Rivers, W. W. 268 arable* " Rentz. W. A. 1 lot 1 building. Tuten, Mrs. M. A. 170 arable. ' Rivers, t'ato and Jos. 222 acres 1 buildiug. Sullivan, Elizabeth lo arable. " Terry, Ellen A. 55 arable. " Thames, est. James 500 acres, Tucker, Joseph 1 lot. Webb Martha A. 1 lot 1 building. Weekly, Elizabeth oOarable. M POCOTALIGO TOWNSHIP. Brown. Renty Sr., 1 lot. Barnwell, Jos. W. Referee 600 acres, 20 buildiag. Elliott, M. C. 400acres, 4 buildings. wcoi Gregorie, J. W. 3,200 arable. " Greg'jrie, Thi s. H Trustee 500arable. " Heap**, Mary S. 48 arable. " T r»vin a flironl artilil* 44 Mitchell, J. E. M. GOO arable. " Oakuian, R. 509 arable. " ROBERT TOWNSHIP Bnckner, Mrs. S. A. 537 aacres Bealer, George 10-5 acres Blakewo'xl, Russell 4-5 arable. " Bu?b, Simon 286 arable. n Bentley Esau 50 arable. " Bascomb, A. S. 100 arable. " Bascomb, Jno. H 200 arable. " Brown, 1'rinee 60 arable. " Cuylcr. James 100 arable. Choven, Rev. C. E. 1,292acres, 1 building. Crapse, Catharine J. 77 acres, 4 buildings. Ferreboe, Mrs. Adeline E. 810 arable. Ferrebee, est. John 584 arable. Same 891 arable. Same 420 arable. English, Vena 50 arable. Golding Toussant 42-5 arable. Jeakens, Hannah 50Jarable. Keonody Toney 60 arable aud wood. McJCeaaie, B. R. 367 arable " Malphrus, James 30 arable w 'Oresetreet, Nancy'110 arable" Prowaan Lewis, B. 20 arable. " Pr«*or, John 70 arable. " Pertar, A. G. est. 884 arable. " Same 177 arable. " Roberta, Jno. H. 2.891 arable " Richardsea 440 arable " Turner, Martha 40 arable " Williams, John 8000 acros " Williams, F, S. 340 arable " White, Emma 20 arable " Wright Francis 10 arable " Woods W, H, 97 arable " SHELDON TOWNSHIP. Colcock, C. J. Jr agent, 1700 acres 17 buildings. Cokely, Richmond 100 acres. Desaussure, est Dr L. 560 acres. Fraser, est F G 1000 acres 2 buildings Fields, Maria 7 1-2 acres. Jones, Clement G. 14 acres Wclsman, J. T. 997 acres, YEMASSEE TOWN6HIP. Bolin, ATI tain 50 acres Buton, Brass 10 acres Bright, Jacob 10 acres Blake, G M 515 acres 12 bhlldiugs. Chisolm, James 15 acres Dihly, Win. 5 acres T)eas. Rotw 10 acres . Evans, Mrs. Anna Mot 1 building Frascr, Sam 40 acres Grant, May «»t 25 acres Givens* Tom 52 1*2 acres Green,fMo.«es 10 acres Goldwln, Wb. 180 acres Garnett, Jaa. G. 810 acres. Uartridge, eat A. S. 2350 acres. Hardee, J. L. Trustee 1703 acrca. Jenkins, Ishmael 5 acres. J add, Lizzie^H. 200 acres. King, Wm. 10 acres. Lacr, Quash 20 acres. Le. Hardee J. C. 100 acres 3 buildings. Lad son, Pompey 5 acree. Miller, Jacob5 acres. Miller, Nouty 5acresOliver, George 10,acres. Pelot R. W. 612 acres. Pelot, Washinton est. 1100 acros. Rafe, Grace 10 acres. Reynolds, II, B. 1 lot 1 building. Small, Sandy 20 acres. Smith, Mrs. Rosena"A'C T Bland 450 acres. Scott, Ben Jr. 25 acres. Scott, Amanda 10 acres. Thoiupsou, Bill 25 acres. Uton, Klijali 25 acres. Walker, Wm. 50 acres. Walls, Klias 10 acres. Wilder. Dr. F. E. 1 lot 1 building. The sales.will be conducted as follows: Jlondav, lands in Beaufort Township. Tuesday, lands in Ladies Island Township. Wednesday, lands in St. Helena Township. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the remaining townships. OFFICE AUDITOR BEAUFORT COUNTY, Beaufort, S. C., Nor. 22. 1877. Notice is hereby given that the whole of the several parcels, lots and parts of Real Estate described in the precording list or so much thereof as will be neccwssary to pay the Taxes, Penalties and Assessments charged thereon, will be sold by the Treasurer of Beau fort County, South Carolina, at his Office in said C-ouaty on the first Monday of December A. I>. 1877, unless said Taxes, Assessments and Penalties he paid before that time;-and sucli [ sale will be continued troin (lav lousy uniu an 01 *aid parcels, lota and paits of lots of Ileal Estate t 4hI1 be mtld or offered for sale. Nor. 22nd, IS77. P. B.SAMS, Auditor of Beaufort C-ounty. OFFICE oOUNTY AUDITOR, Beaufort ^ounty, Beaufort SC Dec, 1, 1877 I In accordance with Instructions from the Jodie of the Comptroller General the above sale la post poued. 11. B. SAMS, Auditor Beaufort Co. ELECTION NOTICE. OFFICE COMMISSIONERS ELECTION. BEACFORT COUNTY, Beaufort, S. Nov. 29,1877. In accordance with Instruction* contained in a writ <»f election issued by the Hon. \V. D. Simpson. President of tint Senate bearing date Nov. 2°i, 1877. and directed to the nndersigmd; Notice Is hereby siv-n that an election for a member of the "wnata f»r the ci'dlon dlstriet aforesaid, to jserve for the remainder of the term for which Hon.Sam'l. Green wasehsted wlU lie held on Monday the t«*nth (10tl») d; y of Dfcrinher. 1877. at the several polling prrrinets in said Conntr. The Managers of Election will designated hereafter. W. J. CAUSEY, B. Ji. SAMS. CORNELIUS J. COLCOCK, Comiur's. Election for Beaufort Co. PR0BATS_ NOTICE. STATE-OF SOUTH CAROLINA,) Beaufort County. > By A. B. ADDISON Esqr., Judge o, Probate Wjikrkas Shepanl D. Gilbert has made suit to in to grant him Letters of Administration of the l''«(ntr> mil olf.'i't < of \f mp« Weil. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said Moses Weil d«ceaa*d, thai they l»e and appeal before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Beaufort C. H on the 8th of Dec. next after publ cation hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to >hew cause, if any they have, why the said Ad- ministration should not be granted. jiven under ray hand, this 23rd.-lay of November A.D, 1877. A. B. ADDISON, Judge ot I'ruhsle. to;taxhpayers. Persons who paid their taxes in 1876, and who on applying to the Treasurer daring the collection of taxes the present year have been informed that their names are not on the tax duplicates, are requested to send th<P number, date and amount of their tax receipts immediately to H. G. Judd, at Beaufort. W. C. BELLOWS, Nov. 24,1877. Foreman Grand Jury. Administrator's Final Discharge. The undersigned will apply to Judge of Probate for Beaufort County, at his office in Beaufort on the 10th day of December next for a final discharge as administrator of the estate of Daniel llortou deceased. >th. Nov. 1877. HOWELL G. WALL. Notice. At the expiration of sixty days from this date I will apply to the Clerk of Court for Beaufort County for a Charter for the Preacher's Aid Society of the South Carolina Conference M. E. Church. J. B. MIDDLETON, Beaufort S. C. Nov. 15. 1877. Application for Charter. Thirty days after date'application will be made to the Clerk of the Court for Beaufort County for a charter for the Union Star Light Society on Port ltoval Island. MARK JONES, Trest. ADAM SCOTT, V. Prcst. STEPHEN S. GADSDEN, Secy. JA'OB CRAWLEY, Chairman. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will begin business as a Free Trader on Preference Plantation on the first day of December, 1877, where I will keep such an assortment of goods as is generally kept in a country store. DIANA WHITE. Nov. 29, 1877. TENNESSEE BEEF and MUTTON, SAUSAGE MEAT, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, HOG'S HEAD CHEESE, CLEANED TRIPE, PIG'S FEET, Always on hand in the market Opposite the Post-office. For Wast of STALL FED BEEF and MUTTON, two days notice is required. Ntau^ir.Mi xjataa.TA.niiTi nmwiwt ii,animr'!»c». /or &ilc or tlcut. yor Sale. Four Black Walnut COUNTERS and STANDS, 10 ft. long^jy 3 ft, wide each. Apply at this office. To Rent. A Bakbry and Shop Advantageously situated on Bay Street, with many conveniences and neoessary utensils &c. None but reliable .persons need apply to John Franz. TO R. fiKTT, Two desirable stores in the basement of the STEVENS HOUSE, Price $10 and $15 respectively. Applv to W. J.VEBDIER, Agent. ~POR SALE. AN EIGHT HORSE POWER STATIONARY steam FNOTNE. Grist Mill. Saw Gin with 40 Raws and one Ulley's Lever power Cotton Press with shafting, pulleys and bands complete in runningorder. This machinery will be sold ei.tire or separate* at a reasonable price. For particulars apply to Capt. J. O. Sipplc at Gruhamville or at this office. Notice. Mr. J. M. Rhctt, is hereby authorized to receive all papers pertaining to the office of Probate. A. B. ADDISON, Judge of Probate Bit, Co. Horses and Cows. Tho Ordinances relative to horses and cows running at large on and after the 20th ult. will bo rigidly enforced. JOS. COIIEN, Town Marshal. JOHN BRODIE, Builder, Contractor .AND. UNDERTAKER. Estimates and plans furnished at short notice. Opposite Express Office. Beaufort, S. C. P. M, WHITMAN Bay street Beaufort, S, C. jPeaier in NEW CLOCKS. 0 SCIICLTZ'S HATCH-WEN'S CLOCK. For the detection of Watchmen. F.rery one employing n watchman should have one of the«e I'locks.-Send forciicuSar. New Rotary Clocks. Something new. Runs noiselessly. Requires no key. BLACK WALNUT VISIBLE PENDULUM ('LOCKS. Also Mabixb, cucrrn, and olln-i Clock*. Price, from $2to§M. Due West Female College. Next college year opens Octol»cr 1st. Faculty, same as' last year-full. First-class teachers of iuu-<ic. drawing, and painting. Location retired and healthy. Tuition and hoard, including fuel ane washing, for college year, §177. Extras at reasonabl rates. For circular, sand to J. I. BONKKR, President, Due West, 8. C AfOfOT 1st, 1S77. £ort Itopl. R. P. RUNDLE, SHIPP'G & COMMISSION MERCHANT PORT ROYAL, S. C. fotton, Naval Stores, Lumber &c. AGENT FOR THE New York & Port Royal STEAMSHIP LINE. Mississippi and Dominion, West India and Pacific, and Liveroool and Galveston STEAMSHIP CO'S. OF LIVERPOOL. D II Hntchinson, Wholesale & Retail Grocer port royal, s. c. Has addedgreatly to his stock ot GROCERIES, with an addition of a Meat Market, where will be found on hand at all times c full and select supply of fresh Beef, Mutton & Pork, together with all kinds ot vegetables to suit the demands of the public. SHEPARDD.GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to Marine Protests. Of ficc in the oea Island Hotel. Found Adrift. On Friday tbc 9th Inst at Coffin Point, was picked up three flats. The oWner can recorer the property hy paying expenses on application to TONY A. BAILY, Coffin Point. .If. f. ELLIOTT, Beaufort 8. C. '* BJt I*RJ\"EL, tt CO., 4'harleaton 8, C THE BEAUFORT STBAM MILL COMPANY, Having pitt tip a grist mill at their old stand, Are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, B iy quantity, an 1 at reasonable rates. M. S. EHLIOTT: ©list autl £tt&. S. WAIL ACE, COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER, lVholcaale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed ETC., ETC., SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought Ginned and prepared for market, AIDVANOHB Made on consignments. Having the best machinery fot ginning cotton and giinding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible no 4 « f. /\ tltu The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay St*. Beaufort, IS. O LIQUORS, WINES, <tr. NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. Grlass, Paints ancl Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. 6 W. II. CAL.VBRT. PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IN Taaanned and Stanii*>d Tin Wares. Constantljon J hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. . W. H. CALVERT Bay St. between 8tb A 9tb sts. Beaufort. S. C BANKING HOUSE, Win. 31. Lock wood. BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ON New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any poiut in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap.27.6ui. POUT ROYAL Saw is Planing Mill BKAUFORT. >g C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTCKKRS OF AND DH.ALKBS IN TELLOW PIKE TIMBER AKD LMfcB AND Oyprosis Sliln(le«, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER LATH-ES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on land Orders for Lumber and Timber by the carg«' promptly filled. Terms Casli. D. C. WILSOff A CO. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in whitcand over one hundred different colors, made of strictly pure WHITE LEAD, Zinc, and Linseed Oil. Chemically combined, w anted to last twice as long as other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. ICE! ICE! mm & Batons, Are now prepared to fur nisii Ice in any quantity Customer? may desire, from their Ice House, Seventh Stfoot. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS P. DESSEStJRE. BOOT And SHOE MAKER. All work entrusted to His care will receive Prompt attentien. Shop Next the ICE HOUSE, BEALEORT, S. C. H.~M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Ilay & Eighth Streets, » C* *-+. M. *W» A »| a V DKALKR IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with manyither 'articles too numerous to mention. All of which will be sold at the lowe> price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully ooiponned. F. \Y . SC m mum From the best Dairies. CANNED FRUITS, VEGE And A Full Variety of other things Goods Promptly Deliv SEA 1SLAP HAS BEEN R THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAV M. M. K I N G M AN, Beaufort Ma .«.o Having opened a shop in Beaufort, I am p Build & Repair all 1 BotlFof WOOI Particular attention given to designing and pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Nor Personal attebtion giveo to setting and c< Steam Boiler Furna< 9GF Shop next to Post Officth AT APPLE'S!! AT AP: ?.i AT TEN £ INOW IS THK TIN I I Closing out Sale ot SUMMEI ^ifall and wii : o ^ I Extra Inducei ^ i .o FRUIT OF THE LOOM, 44 B1 SPLENDID, 4-4 Bl ' I FINE CAMBRICS 4-4 j EXTRA CAMBRICS, 4 4 CQ [ ^ j And a discount of 25 per cent on a j been heretofore sold at regular pa!c< ^ j COME ONE, ^3 i ' | To the Cheapest Si j ^ j Mi iiS^TddV iLY JiS.U'Md I JOHN f PEALE Ship Chandlery, Oils, Paints, Varnish Ploughs aad Plantation Supplie Matei B E A U F 0 1 l©-If j ou want to purchase fine and clie FLOUR! FLOt1 JD^Ifyou want a good Loaf of Bread, JOHN FRANZ. ^"HAMS and BREAKFAST BACOJ JOHN FRANZ. Special attention is give MANSION! HOUSE. PORT ^OYAL, S. C. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR. Enclosed with ample yard under live oak tree the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnished and the tabic is well supplied ami kept. Guests from the North will tind this a nios h'althlul and pleasant winter resort. I'nited States vessels are located in sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boating cat! be enjoyed. Contracts for board will be made for the season at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN BURR, PttOMttKTOh. KUVOSF ORB'S Oswego Starch, la the heat and .moat economical la the world. Is perfectly PURE.-free from acids and other foreign substances that injure Linen. Is STRONGER than any other.requiring much less quantity io usiDg. In UNIFORAI.stillens and finishes work always the same. KIJKJSFORD'S OSW EGO 8TARCB, Is the most delicious of all preparations for Puddings, Blanc-Mange, Cake, Etc. INSURANCE. THE MASSACHUSETTS LIPS INSURANCE COMPANY OF SPRINGFIELD MASS. Capital and Surplus S6.500.0II0. THE HOME FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Cash Assets over $6.000.(XX). This, one of the strongest Fire Insur ance Companies in the world, is now prepared to take good risks in the town ot Beaufort and vicinity. For full particulars, rates, etc., enquire of J. H. Clancy, Agent .] H EPEK, :TABLES~ MEATS, Ac. ^ usually kept in a first-class Start* ered free of charge. ;d hotel, i B0 *6 E-OPE NE D. « KJJilNci PUBLIC IS SOLIC1TFD, * * - * MAWAG*Bv chine Shop, re pared with the latest improved tool* to kinds of Machinery, 1 AND IRON. pattern uiakiug for new Work. Steam tnern prices, mstructiug ;es for Saving Fuel. / i A. WHITMAN. Mechanical Engineer. _ PLE'Sir AT APPLE'S! TION! L Iter BARGAINS!!; £ I GOODS, to make room Sir i [5 T E R GOOD Snl h . I fcg aents Offered. ; ga oach, @ 12c. 1 teach, 41 l(fc. " 10c. i ' " i2c i k II SUMMER GOODS, that hare j ^ a duriog the seasoo. j CO ME!ALL, ^ ih Store in Town s ; q 152 s. M. APPLE. | * ;. MO tHMO ooeeeeMMo M«I^A4|« U**mm « 'Jlw '-J- .mi _ ^ [V XV iiS,aTddT ! RAN Z, R IN Groceries. Oils, * t es, Putty and Glass, s, WheeWght & SUeMM . C. idp Groceries, go to JOHN FRANfet fR!! FLOUR!!! or nice Biscuits, bay yoar FLOtIR ! I BUTTER and LARD, the ehoieest at n in patting up Cabin Stores. ttrom nwtnurrin va u uoi v/rxinxii/u FILL MD WHITER STKI AT . E. A. Sckcper's The Leader in Low Priees ..o I HAVE the pleasure of noouncifc# to my tricudsand the public generally, that 1 am now reoemog my Fall aod Winter stock of general merchandise, embracing the choicest and cheapest selection of DRESS GOODS. Notions, Embroiforibs, BOOTS AND SHOES Laces, Hosiery, GloVee, Hnfcdkerchiefr, bawl meres, Jeana, Tweeds, Flannels, Homes pans, Hhlrtitogs, 8heetir»gs, Prints, Cambrics, Linens, Towels, Table Datoaeks, Napkins, White Goods, Gents' FurnL«bing Goods, Ac.: ever exhibited In Beaufort, My assortment of goods has only to h seen to be appreciated. I hare selected them » the greatest care. ALL AfcE F&E8H AND II and defy competition. Those reeding FALL and WINTER supplies for S^A their families would SAVE MONEY by (ookinf at my stock and purchasing what they regnlre. A well lighted store, wirh polite and agreesble salesmen, to attend to customers. E. A. S C H E PER. VESSELS -INBull and Coosaw Rivers -OR ATPORT ROYAL. Will be sbpplied with FRESH WATER, From the celebrated Club House Springs, By Steam nr sailing vessel*. «R-Orders sctot to our offlce is Beaufort %))] ceive immediate attention. DICK A SMALL.'rroprietoil.

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Page 1: ITEMS. .]H EPEK, LOCAL ACE,€¦ · LOCALITEMS. Beaufort, 8.. Dec. 6, 1877. DBLINQUBHT LAND SALBS. List ofLands in Beaufort County on which, Taxes, PenaltiesandAssessments remain


Beaufort, 8. . Dec. 6, 1877.


List of Lands in Beaufort County on

which, Taxes, Penalties and Assessmentsremain unpaidfor thefiscal year 1876,as returned by W. J. Goodmgy £sq.yIrcasurcr of the said County.\

BEAUFORT TOWNSHIP.Appleton, D. F. 1081 seres, 22 buildings.Appleton, D. F. 886 acres 11 buildings.Anderson, Cupid 20 acres arable.Atkins, L.rnius 10 acres arable.Brown, J. W. 1 lot, Beaufort, 7 acres arabloBrian Richard 9 acres arable.Bee Harry Jr., 1 lot Bea'i fort.

Bellinger. Eli 1 lot l^building.Wm i a^rvs. arable.

1MI UV « V, »» « .,

Baruett, Jack 10 acres arable.Hay nard, Chas. 7% acres, arable.Barnwell. Renty 10 acres, arable.Bowman, Joe 10 acres, arable.

Babcox, 4 Wilcox 21 lots Port Royal.Cohen, Samuel 1 lot and 1 building Beaufort.Cohen, Bobbin 4 acres arable.Curtis, George 49 acres, arable.

Church, Horse Pond 8 acres arable.Church, Rose Hift^acres arable.

Campbell, Rer. J. B. 18 arableBanner, Sarah 10 arableDonegal Abram 10 arableEdwards, Cuffec 19% arableEllis, S.G. 160 arable.Eberle, Mrs, Jane 1 lot>A buildings Port Royal.El>erle, Mary F. 4 L. 1 lot.

Ely, II. G. 1 lot.

Fripp, Prince Jr., 20 arable.Fields, Renty 10 arable.Frasier, Mrs Rinah 1 lot A 1 building.Green, Clara A Husband 16 arable.Green, Wally (B wuforty 1 lot 4 2 buildings.Grant, ( has. 20 arable.Grant, Siiuon C. 20 arable, 1 lot 4 2 buildings.Grant, London 20 arable.Green, Ellen 20 arable.Gadsden, Tom 3-10 arable.Garrett, Baphnie 10 arable.Gardner, Sara 1 building, Beaufort.

liavncs^Est. Nancy 10 arable. 1 building.Holmes, Minta 10 arable.lleyward, Joseph (Habershams) 10 arable

marsh tnd wood.Heyward, Brinton 10 arable.Hey ward CupidjlO arable and wood.lleyward Middleton 10 arable, and wood.

lleyward, N. W. 15 aeres wood.Hamilton, Sarah 3 arable.Hamilton, Joo 10 arable. 1

Hamilton, Sam 10 arable.Hall, Shelton L. 1 lot. (Port Royal.)Hamilton. Uoir Thus. 2 lot 3 buildings.Jrukens, Billy 13 arable. (Campbell's Farm.Jenkf-ns, Est. Kitt 26 arable.Jones, Edward 30 arable, A wood.Jones, A, 0.1,209 arable, 2 buildings.^>nes, Mrs. Estell 1 lot 4 3 buildings,Jackson, Robin 10 arable.

Judge, John 40 arable, and wood.Jackson March 7 1-2 arable.Krvsael. Win. 1 lot and 2 buildings.Lawton, Mrs. Celia 1 lot & 1 building.Lloyd, Richard 10»w:s. Pomp :jr 20 arablo.Middlr'.on (iordon 10 arable.Mitchell Flora 5 arable.M iddleton, Scipio 5 arable.31 iddleton, Est. Ueiiry 20:'.rablc.>k-Knight, Joy 2 buildingsMurray. Andrew TO arable, wood.Mi^iltftva Dinah 10 arable.3tiddl<-ton. Jacob 10 arahlo.Myers Plana IT arable.Mattis, Wu. 30arableMuaigaitH Ro lin 1 1-t.MaVvrick Stephen 20arable, wood.Nolau A Winner, 1 lot in Reaufbrt.ChrutolKKiltn 1 lot, 1 building (Port Rnyal.]t'hlandt. J no. K. 2 lot, 2 bui.dinga R an fortl*crt Royal a D-aufort Turnpike Co., \ mile shel

Road 1 building.ti T. 1 1 f\J vrrT, lunu iv Arai'n.

l'ort Koyal l.vmbtr CoPon Co., 884 araWa *

building.I'olit** James 1C arable.Kmnro Pringle lft arableI'arker. Toney (Stuait Point, 10 arable,l'erry 8-ipio 4©acr»* wooJ.Pnttlgrtt, Jacob, 10 arable P. I.Knbinson Peter, 1 lot 1 building,.Mint., Robinsnu 2ft arable.Hirers, J. C. 1 l»t Beauf'T'..Kuil«l<«, Hulph 19-arable.11aIV, Dixua 5 arable.Slniroius, Tom Koae (swamp) 20 acres.

Sim n wis, Win. 2 lots, 1 building an J 2 lots.Small, l>avkl 20 jrable and Wvod.Scott, Mauri- e 20 arable.Scott, Martha 10 arable.SUrvcns, est. Ben 20 arable.Thomas, Joe 10 arable.Taylor, Tobv 20 arable.Washington; Rose 5 arable.Washington,Smart 8 arable.Wright, J. J. 10 ara -1c and 2 building.W ri<ht, Monday 10 arable.Williams, All red 1 lots buildings.Williams, Wm. (P. I.) 10 arable.Williams Monday 50 arable, 3 buildings and 8 lotsVillitUM.A Mitcht-1 1 arable.Walker, Kev. E. T. 600 acres and 1 building.

ST HELENA TOWNSHIP.Appleton, D. F. 216 acres 1 building.Browu, Columbus 1 lot.orowu, jus. iu acres araiue.

Brown, est Dan. Hopes 10 acres arable.Brown, Philip 16 acres arable.Bryan, Robin Sr. 10 acres arable.Baily, Toney McTurous, 4 acres arable.Bam well, Thos. 10 acres wood & meadow.Biadly, Patsey 6 acres arable.Bogert, Eimliue M. 170 ac res

Barnwell, Xil 10 acres araRle.i'hisoni, Emma 12 acres.Chisolm, Ned 14 acres arable.Currie, David 250 acres 1 buildingChisolm, Larry 10 acresCapers,F. T. 1 lot.Davis, Edwd. or Edmoud 160 acres.

Davis, W. 11. agent 608 acres buildings.Dale J. J. ngeut 15 acres.

Edwards, 5 acres wood or marsh.Fripp, W. WT. 1001 acres A 1 building.c raster, Muses35 acres. (wassaw)Fields, Doily 50 acres trable A wood.Fr^pp Bidy 10 acres.

Fripp, July 5 acres.

Green, Tarnar 10 acres

Glorer, Harry 10 acres.

Green, Denn.s 4 acres.

Gordau, James 8 acri-S arable. ^Heywood, Hercules 20 acres arable A wood.Delates, Cornelia 2% acres

Hazel, John 10 acres.

llavnPH Wakhinirfiui 111 ni'rp«»

Johnson, Amanda 10 acres.

Jenkins, Isaac 1st -J lots 1 building.Jenkins, Jas. Coffin Pt. 21 acres arable.Jenkin", Orchard 2 acres arable.Johnson, Sampson 1 lot

» Jones, Diana 10 acres.

Jackson, Blllv 10 acres.

Jenkins, Adam 10acres.Kressel, Win. J^acre 1 buildingLewis, est July 13 acres arabl? A wood*Mkid'eton. July 18 acres arableMiddleton, Jauuary 10 acres arable.Maxwell, Peter 10 acres.

Mitchel, Tlios. 5 acres arable.Moultrie, Winter 2 1-2 acres arableMcCloud, Jas .2 lots.Maxwell, Bcnj. 4 acres;Robinson, Harvey G. 210 acres,

llivers, George 2* acres arable A wood.Roberson, Peter and Margaret 20 acres wood A

marsh.Reynolds, Jane 8 acres.

Singleton, Towey est 10 arabie.Seubrook, Thos. 20 arable.Smashum, Sam est. 30 arable A wood.Smith, Sam 5 arable.Sherman. Harry 11 arable.Taggart, Howard, 5 arable 1 building.Washington, Harry \i% arable A wood.Washington, March 12 arable.

Williams, est Cap! Fred 101 arable 3 building.


a.a.Mf...«a.a......Williams, Monday W. 49 arablo.Woods. Geo. p. 10 arable 1 building.Wright, Betsy '20 wood'Wallace, Geo. 10 arable.Wallace, Win. 10 arrble.Washington, Emanuel 10 arable.


Brown, Maria 10 acres, 1 building.Brooks, Dick 10 acres wood.Brown, Jacob 12 acres.

Black, Caroline 10 acres.

Brow if, James 20 acres.

Cohen, Venus 10 acres arable,Deveaax, Simon Jr. (Pleasant Point) 10 arable.Deveaux, Peter 20 arable.Dudley, Miss Sasau J. (adrn'x.) 40 acres wood or

marsh.Fields, Joe 10 arable.Goodwine, Porapey est. 10 acres..

Green, Peter Sr. 10 acres wood.Grayson, Sally 10 arable.Getters, Larry 10 acres wood or marsh.Gillison, Tom 20 arable.Green, Peter Jr. f>0 wood, 30 arable.Green, Lynius 10 acres.

Johnson, Jacob 20arable and wood.Middleton, June 10 arable.Rivers B. S. 14 wood.Rivers, Ned 5 arable.Simmons, Ned 16 arable.Singleton, Joe 20 arable.Scott, Nelly 14% arable.

BLUFFTON TOWNSHIP.Bcccher, A Miles 200 acres.

Edwards est Geo. 3000 acres 3 buildings.Same 500 acres.

p. " t in B o-e . .,i runiwu .u. u &i w. oiu tivits a»u u uuuuiu^s.

Fiulcy, Mrs. M. E, 87 acres

Greaves: Charles A Philip 119 acres.

Hodge, Wn». H. 500 acres.

Kirk, Mrs. Ella 2 lots." Est James 8000 1 lot 1 building.

Law, Geo. V. Jr. 159 acres.

. Robert 159 acres.

Lawrence, Mrs, A. M. 200 acres 1 lot.u" ".70® acres 1 building.

McKenzie, Hamilton 1 lot.Post, Albert 1G00 acres and buildings.Stooey, Mrs. M. M. 1650 acres 3 buildings 1 lot.« « < 35Q acres J

Verdier, F. H. Trustee SO acres 1 lot*Wiggins. B. W. 159 acres.

COOSAWIIATCHIE TOWNSHIP.Anderson, Lawrence 30 acres.Barnet, Joe 1st, 30 3-4 acres.

Bell,est Mrs. C E. 1 lot 5 buildings,Brinton, G. R. 69 acres'

Buckner, P. F. 700 acres.

Cohen, Elias 50 acres

Davant, est R. J. 439 acres 1 building.OaTant, Mrs. E J. 376 acres

Fuulk, Wm 1104 acres 1 building.Fiulcy, Mary E. 400 acres.

Gregorie, Mrs. M. H. 944acres 2 buildings 2 lots.Gillison Mrs. M.S 1 lot. *

Gelston, est John 1 lot* ,

llarvev, Oscar L 65 acres.

Jones, J. G. 139 acres.

Johnson, Jas. M. 200 acres.sauie 100 acres,

Kirk, Mrs. Ella R. Trust est 1 lot 2 buildings.Law, O. P. 1226 acres 5 buildings.Law, Mrs. Jane 19 acres.

Langford, F. B. 55 acres.

Labatut, Henry T 1 lot 3 buildings.Malphrus, Jane A. 90 acres.

Meeker, John 100 acres 1 building.Murchisou, Rev. A 10 acres 1 building.Reynold*, John 75 acres

Reeves, est Mrs K M. 277acres 1 building.Smith, Jane T 655acres" A brain 65 acres" Kimu y A 65 acres

Pauls, Wtu* IjW acres.

Seaborough, James 15 acres *

Scott. Gabriel 1 lot,Tuten, W. I*. 19 acres.Tind al, Geo. 100 acres.

Trowell, Jno. F. 220 acres.

Woods, 31 rs. Klizal>eth 110 acres 1 building.Wilson, Kwlin 110*3 acres.Winn, E 31 340 acres.

GOETHE TOWNSHIP.Anders- n, Win. J 42# acres.

DoLouch, Mrs. K. 787 acie*

Oul'rce, Peter 75 acres

l>av.son, Margaret 11. lS9arroaFitts,Jane't A 150 acr*s

Goethe, Sarah C 60 acres

(iriner, J. B. 205 acr.ia.

Olnn, Susan A. 154 acre*.

Gibson, Samuel F. 62 »er»s.

Gordon, Elliott 11 1-8 acros

llortou, Sarah 1000Johnson, Ju-iah 1). 1500 arm I buildingsIaiteLne, Dan 1' 203 acres

Mixson, l.ydia 500 acres 1 building" Elizabeth 46 acres

McTcer Wilson 33 acresl'ortrvsa. Itcbefca O 132 acres

rope, Georgia C 50 acres

Kobinson, Penny 5t) acres

Parts, Lewis it. 10 acres

Smith, Pomper Jr. 51 ai res

Smart, Edmund 72 acres

Speaks, Julia 350 ai rus

HILTON HEAD TOWNSHIP.Barnwell, Job; W. Assignee 400 arable,lla.-dec, Juo. L. Trustee, 596 arable*

LAWTON TOWNSHIPAlston, Amos 237 arable and wood.Healer, Allen .'JO arable anil wood.Brautly, Joe 40 arable and wood.Davis, E. F. 30 arable and wood.l'KLoach Wm. 1st 109 arable and wood.Daaon, James 34 arable and wood.Goethe, Ellen 300 arable and wood.Ginn, Mr. C. 100 acres 1 G, Agt. 310 aiable. and woodllaid, Jules. A. 478 acres. 2 building*. u

Johnson, Gideon 100 arable. "

Jaudon. Isaac 11% arable. *'

Kittles, 11-t.A. 150 arable. '

Law;on, Catharine 16 arable. "

Miller, 6 BLsel 2 6 aral le. "

Orr, John J. 60 arable. '*

Orr, Jauios30 arable. .*

Orr, Isaiabju4 arable. '

Kuasell, Jane 100 arable. M

Smith, Southwood 00-1 arable. w

Stokes, J. W. 40arable. "

Stone, B. M, 224 arable. ,4

Turner, Est. It, It. 214 arable. «*'

Tuten, A. G. 279 arable. "

* l'EEPLES TOWNSHIP,And'-rson, R. II. 335 arable. "

Bennett, Miles A. 117 arable. "

na.*s, r.uzaociu izn araoic.

Crosby, Lewis 35 arable. "

Davis, S. C. 10 arable. "

Same 6 arable.Ellis, Samuel F. 700 acres, 1 building.Edwards, Harry lOSarabls.Harvey. Ann E. 408 aeres 1 building.Hadwin, Elcauor 100 arable. '

Hadwin, Wm. 1 lot.Loften, A. E. 6 arable. "

i.olteu, A E 6 arable "

Mauidiu,Mrs Leuora 100arable "

Phillips, Sarah 66 arable "

Pulaski, J E 04 arable "

Rivers, W. W. 268 arable* "

Rentz. W. A. 1 lot 1 building.Tuten, Mrs. M. A. 170 arable. '

Rivers, t'ato and Jos. 222 acres 1 buildiug.Sullivan, Elizabeth lo arable. "

Terry, Ellen A. 55 arable. "

Thames, est. James 500 acres,Tucker, Joseph 1 lot.Webb Martha A. 1 lot 1 building.Weekly, Elizabeth oOarable. M

POCOTALIGO TOWNSHIP.Brown. Renty Sr., 1 lot.Barnwell, Jos. W. Referee 600 acres, 20 buildiag.Elliott, M. C. 400acres, 4 buildings. wcoiGregorie, J. W. 3,200 arable. "

Greg'jrie, Thi s. H Trustee 500arable. "

Heap**, Mary S. 48 arable. "

T r»vin a flironl artilil*44

Mitchell, J. E. M. GOO arable. "

Oakuian, R. 509 arable. "

ROBERT TOWNSHIPBnckner, Mrs. S. A. 537 aacres

Bealer, George 10-5 acres

Blakewo'xl, Russell 4-5 arable. "

Bu?b, Simon 286 arable. n

Bentley Esau 50 arable. "

Bascomb, A. S. 100 arable. "

Bascomb, Jno. H 200 arable. "

Brown, 1'rinee 60 arable. "

Cuylcr. James 100 arable.

Choven, Rev. C. E. 1,292acres, 1 building.Crapse, Catharine J. 77 acres, 4 buildings.Ferreboe, Mrs. Adeline E. 810 arable.Ferrebee, est. John 584 arable.Same 891 arable.Same 420 arable.English, Vena 50 arable.Golding Toussant 42-5 arable.Jeakens, Hannah 50Jarable.Keonody Toney 60 arable aud wood.McJCeaaie, B. R. 367 arable "

Malphrus, James 30 arable w

'Oresetreet, Nancy'110 arable"Prowaan Lewis, B. 20 arable. "

Pr«*or, John 70 arable. "

Pertar, A. G. est. 884 arable. "

Same 177 arable. "

Roberta, Jno. H. 2.891 arable "

Richardsea 440 arable "

Turner, Martha 40 arable "

Williams, John 8000 acros "

Williams, F, S. 340 arable "

White, Emma 20 arable "

Wright Francis 10 arable "

Woods W, H, 97 arable "

SHELDON TOWNSHIP.Colcock, C. J. Jr agent, 1700 acres 17 buildings.Cokely, Richmond 100 acres.

Desaussure, est Dr L. 560 acres.

Fraser, est F G 1000 acres 2 buildingsFields, Maria 7 1-2 acres.

Jones, Clement G. 14 acres

Wclsman, J. T. 997 acres,YEMASSEE TOWN6HIP.

Bolin, ATItain 50 acres

Buton, Brass 10 acres

Bright, Jacob 10 acres

Blake, G M 515 acres 12 bhlldiugs.Chisolm, James 15 acres

Dihly, Win. 5 acresT)eas. Rotw 10 acres

. Evans, Mrs. Anna Mot 1 buildingFrascr, Sam 40 acres

Grant, May «»t 25 acres

Givens* Tom 52 1*2 acres

Green,fMo.«es 10 acres

Goldwln, Wb. 180 acres

Garnett, Jaa. G. 810 acres.Uartridge, eat A. S. 2350 acres.Hardee, J. L. Trustee 1703 acrca.Jenkins, Ishmael 5 acres.J add, Lizzie^H. 200 acres.King, Wm. 10 acres.Lacr, Quash 20 acres.Le. Hardee J. C. 100 acres 3 buildings.Ladson, Pompey 5 acree.

Miller, Jacob5 acres.

Miller, Nouty 5acresOliver,George 10,acres.Pelot R. W. 612 acres.

Pelot, Washinton est. 1100 acros.Rafe, Grace 10 acres.

Reynolds, II, B. 1 lot 1 building.Small, Sandy 20 acres.Smith, Mrs. Rosena"A'C T Bland 450 acres.

Scott, Ben Jr. 25 acres.

Scott, Amanda 10 acres.Thoiupsou, Bill 25 acres.

Uton, Klijali 25 acres.Walker, Wm. 50 acres.

Walls, Klias 10 acres.Wilder. Dr. F. E. 1 lot 1 building.The sales.will be conducted as follows:

Jlondav, lands in Beaufort Township.Tuesday, lands in Ladies Island Township.Wednesday, lands in St. Helena Township.Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the remainingtownships.

OFFICE AUDITOR BEAUFORT COUNTY,Beaufort, S. C., Nor. 22. 1877.

Notice is hereby given that the whole of theseveral parcels, lots and parts of Real Estate described

in the precording list or so much thereof as

will be neccwssary to pay the Taxes, Penalties andAssessments charged thereon, will be sold by theTreasurer of Beau fort County, South Carolina, at

his Office in said C-ouaty on the first Monday ofDecember A. I>. 1877, unless said Taxes, Assessmentsand Penalties he paid before that time;-and sucli

[ sale will be continued troin (lav lousy uniu an 01

*aid parcels, lota and paits of lots of Ileal Estatet 4hI1 be mtld or offered for sale.

Nor. 22nd, IS77. P. B.SAMS,Auditor of Beaufort C-ounty.

OFFICE oOUNTY AUDITOR,Beaufort ^ounty, Beaufort SC Dec, 1, 1877

I In accordance with Instructions from the Jodieof the Comptroller General the above sale la postpoued. 11. B. SAMS,

Auditor Beaufort Co.


BEACFORT COUNTY,Beaufort, S. Nov. 29,1877.

In accordance with Instruction* contained in a

writ <»f election issued by the Hon. \V. D. Simpson.President of tint Senate bearing date Nov. 2°i, 1877.and directed to the nndersigmd; Notice Is herebysiv-n that an election for a member of the "wnataf»r the ci'dlon dlstriet aforesaid, to jserve for theremainder of the term for which Hon.Sam'l. Greenwasehsted wlU lie held on Monday the t«*nth (10tl»)d; y of Dfcrinher. 1877. at the several polling prrrinetsin said Conntr.The Managers of Election will h» designated hereafter.


CORNELIUS J. COLCOCK,Comiur's. Election for Beaufort Co.


By A. B. ADDISON Esqr., Judge o,ProbateWjikrkas Shepanl D. Gilbert has made suit to in

to grant him Letters of Administration of thel''«(ntr> mil olf.'i't < of \f mp« Weil.These arc therefore to cite and admonish all

and singular the kindred and Creditors of the saidMoses Weil d«ceaa*d, thai they l»e and appealbefore me, in the Court of Probate, to be held atBeaufort C. H on the 8th of Dec. next after publ

cationhereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to>hew cause, if any they have, why the said Ad-ministration should not be granted.

jiven under ray hand, this 23rd.-lay ofNovemberA.D, 1877.

A. B. ADDISON,Judge ot I'ruhsle.

to;taxhpayers.Persons who paid their taxes in 1876, and who on

applying to the Treasurer daring the collection oftaxes the present year have been informed thattheir names are not on the tax duplicates, are requestedto send th<P number, date and amount oftheir tax receipts immediately to H. G. Judd, atBeaufort. W. C. BELLOWS,Nov. 24,1877. Foreman Grand Jury.

Administrator's Final Discharge.The undersigned will apply to Judge of Probate

for Beaufort County, at his office in Beaufort on

the 10th day of December next for a final dischargeas administrator of the estate of Daniel llortoudeceased.>th. Nov. 1877. HOWELL G. WALL.

Notice.At the expiration of sixty days from this date I

will apply to the Clerk of Court for Beaufort Countyfor a Charter for the Preacher's Aid Society ofthe South Carolina Conference M. E. Church.

J. B. MIDDLETON,Beaufort S. C. Nov. 15. 1877.

Application for Charter.Thirty days after date'application will be made

to the Clerk of the Court for Beaufort County for a

charter for the Union Star Light Society on Portltoval Island.



Notice.Notice is hereby given that I will begin business

as a Free Trader on Preference Plantation on thefirst day of December, 1877, where I will keep suchan assortment of goods as is generally kept in acountry store.

DIANA WHITE.Nov. 29, 1877.



Always on hand in the market Oppositethe Post-office. For Wast ofSTALL FED BEEF and MUTTON,

two days notice is required.

Ntau^ir.Mi xjataa.TA.niiTi nmwiwt ii,animr'!»c».

/or &ilc or tlcut.

yor Sale.Four Black Walnut COUNTERS andSTANDS, 10 ft. long^jy 3 ft, wide each.Apply at this office.

To Rent.

A Bakbry and ShopAdvantageously situated on Bay Street,

with many conveniences and neoessaryutensils &c. None but reliable .personsneed apply to

John Franz.TO R. fiKTT,

Two desirable stores in the basement of theSTEVENS HOUSE,

Price $10 and $15 respectively.Applv to W. J.VEBDIER,



steam FNOTNE. Grist Mill. Saw Gin with 40

Raws and one Ulley's Lever power Cotton Presswith shafting, pulleys and bands complete inrunningorder. This machinery will be sold ei.tireor separate* at a reasonable price.For particulars apply to Capt. J. O. Sipplc at

Gruhamville or at this office.

Notice.Mr. J. M. Rhctt, is hereby authorized to receive

all papers pertaining to the office of Probate.

A. B. ADDISON,Judge of Probate Bit, Co.

Horses and Cows.Tho Ordinances relative to horses and cows

running at large on and after the 20th ult. will borigidly enforced.

JOS. COIIEN,Town Marshal.

JOHN BRODIE,Builder, Contractor


UNDERTAKER.Estimates and plans furnished at shortnotice. Opposite Express Office. Beaufort,S. C.

P. M,WHITMANBay street Beaufort, S, C.

jPeaier in


SCIICLTZ'S HATCH-WEN'S CLOCK.For the detection of Watchmen. F.rery one

employing n watchman should have one of the«eI'locks.-Send forciicuSar.

New Rotary Clocks.Something new. Runs noiselessly. Requires no

key.BLACK WALNUT VISIBLE PENDULUM('LOCKS. Also Mabixb, cucrrn, and olln-iClock*.

Price, from $2to§M.

Due West FemaleCollege.

Next college year opens Octol»cr 1st. Faculty,same as' last year-full. First-class teachers ofiuu-<ic. drawing, and painting. Location retired andhealthy. Tuition and hoard, including fuel ane

washing, for college year, §177. Extras at reasonablrates. For circular, sand to

J. I. BONKKR, President, Due West, 8. CAfOfOT 1st, 1S77.

£ort Itopl.



fotton, Naval Stores, Lumber &c.


New York & Port RoyalSTEAMSHIP LINE.

Mississippi and Dominion, WestIndia and Pacific, and Liveroooland Galveston


D II Hntchinson,Wholesale& Retail Grocer

port royal, s. c.

Has addedgreatly to his stockot GROCERIES, with an addition of a

Meat Market,where will be found on hand at all timesc full and select supply of fresh

Beef, Mutton & Pork,together with all kinds ot vegetables to

suit the demands of the public.


Attention given to Marine Protests. Officc in the oea Island Hotel.

Found Adrift.On Friday tbc 9th Inst at Coffin Point, was

picked up three flats. The oWner can recorer theproperty hy paying expenses on application to

TONY A. BAILY,Coffin Point.

.If. f. ELLIOTT, Beaufort 8. C.'*

BJt I*RJ\"EL, tt CO., 4'harleaton 8, CTHE BEAUFORT

STBAM MILL COMPANY,Having pitt tip a grist mill at their

old stand, Are prepared to furnishGrist, Feed and Meal,

B iy quantity, an 1 at reasonable rates.M. S. EHLIOTT:

©list autl £tt&.


GRIST MILLER,lVholcaale Dealer in

Grain, Hominy Meal, FeedETC., ETC.,

SEA ISLAND COTTONBought Ginned and prepared for market,


Made on consignments. Having the bestmachinery fot ginning cotton and giinding

corn and meal, he is prepared to executeall orders on the shortest possible no4 « f. /\tltu

The highest cash price paid for

COTTON &CORNCotton ginned on toll.

S. MAYO,Bay St*. Beaufort, IS. O



WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE.Special attention given to mixing paints

and Glass cut to order of any size.Dec. 6



Tin Sheet Iron. Copper WorkerDEALER IN

Taaanned and Stanii*>d Tin Wares. ConstantljonJ hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves.


Agent for the Celebrated

Charter Oak Cooking Stoves.. W. H. CALVERT

Bay St. between 8tb A 9tb sts. Beaufort. S. C

BANKING HOUSE,Win. 31. Lockwood.



New, York Charleston & SavannahBought and Sold,Collections made on any poiut in theUnited States. Accounts received subjectto check at sight.

ap.27.6ui.POUT ROYAL

Saw is Planing MillBKAUFORT. >g C.



Oyprosis Sliln(le«,ALSO

Builders & ContractorsPLASTER LATH-ES,

All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done.

Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on landOrders for Lumber and Timber by the carg«'

promptly filled. Terms Casli.D. C. WILSOff A CO.


Mixed ready for use in whitcand over one hundreddifferent colors, made of strictly pure

WHITE LEAD,Zinc, and Linseed Oil. Chemically combined, wanted to last twice as long as other paint.

F. W. SCHEPER,Wholesale and Retail Grocer.

ICE! ICE!mm & Batons,

Are now prepared to furnisii Ice in any quantity Customer?

may desire, from their Ice House,Seventh Stfoot.



All work entrusted to His care will receivePrompt attentien.


H.~M. STUART, M. D.,Cor. Ilay & Eighth Streets,

» C* *-+. M. *W» A »| a V




BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac.,Together with manyither 'articles too numerous

to mention. All of which will be sold at the lowe>

price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefullyooiponned.

F. \Y . SC


From the best Dairies.

CANNED FRUITS, VEGEAnd A Full Variety of other things

Goods Promptly Deliv



Beaufort Ma.«.o

Having opened a shop in Beaufort, I am p

Build & Repair all 1BotlFofWOOI

Particular attention given to designing andpipe and fittings constantly on hand at NorPersonal attebtion giveo to setting and c<

Steam Boiler Furna<9GF Shop next to Post Officth



I Closing out Sale ot SUMMEI

^ifall and wii: o

^ I Extra Inducei^ i .o



CQ [^ j And a discount of 25 per cent on a

j been heretofore sold at regular pa!c<

^ j COME ONE,^3 i

' | To the CheapestSi j^ j Mi

iiS^TddV iLY JiS.U'MdI JOHN f


Ship Chandlery,Oils, Paints, Varnish

Ploughs aad Plantation SupplieMateiB E A U F 0 1

l©-If j ou want to purchase fine and clieFLOUR! FLOt1

JD^Ifyou want a good Loaf of Bread,JOHN FRANZ.^"HAMS and BREAKFAST BACOJ

JOHN FRANZ. Special attention is give


PORT ^OYAL, S. C.Is beautifully situated, facing

PORT ROYAL HARBOR.Enclosed with ample yard under live oak treethe rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnishedand the tabic is well supplied ami kept.Guests from the North will tind this a nios

h'althlul and pleasant winter resort. I'nitedStates vessels are located in sight, and fishing,,hunting, and boating cat! be enjoyed.Contracts for board will be made for the season

at reasonable rates.BENJAMIN BURR,


KUVOSFORB'SOswego Starch,la the heat and .moat economical la the

world.Is perfectly PURE.-free from acids and other

foreign substances that injure Linen.Is STRONGER than any other.requiring much

less quantity io usiDg.In UNIFORAI.stillens and finishes work always

the same.

KIJKJSFORD'S OSW EGO 8TARCB,Is the most delicious of all preparations for

Puddings, Blanc-Mange, Cake, Etc.



Capital and Surplus S6.500.0II0.


OF NEW YORK.Cash Assets over $6.000.(XX).This, one of the strongest Fire Insur

ance Companies in the world, is now

prepared to take good risks in the town otBeaufort and vicinity. For full particulars,rates, etc., enquire of

J. H. Clancy, Agent


:TABLES~ MEATS, Ac. ^usually kept in a first-class Start*

ered free of charge.;d hotel, i





- * MAWAG*Bv

chine Shop,repared with the latest improved tool* to

kinds of Machinery,1 AND IRON.pattern uiakiug for new Work. Steam

tnern prices,mstructiug;es for Saving Fuel.

/ i

A. WHITMAN. Mechanical Engineer. _


TION! LIter BARGAINS!!; £I GOODS, to make room Sir i [5T E R GOOD Snl h

. I fcgaents Offered. ; gaoach, @ 12c. 1teach, 41 l(fc.

" 10c. i'

" i2c i kII SUMMER GOODS, that hare j ^a duriog the seasoo. j

COME!ALL, ^ihStore in Town s ; q

152s. M. APPLE. | *

;. MO tHMO ooeeeeMMo M«I^A4|« U**mm «

'Jlw '-J- .mi _ ^

[V XV iiS,aTddT !RAN Z,


Groceries. Oils,* t

es, Putty and Glass,s, WheeWght & SUeMM

. C.idp Groceries, go to JOHN FRANfetfR!! FLOUR!!!or nice Biscuits, bay yoar FLOtIR !

I BUTTER and LARD, the ehoieest atn in patting up Cabin Stores.

ttrom nwtnurrin vau uoi v/rxinxii/u


E. A. Sckcper'sThe Leader in Low Priees


I HAVE the pleasure of noouncifc# tomy tricudsand the public generally,

that 1 am now reoemog my Fall aodWinter stock ofgeneral merchandise,

embracing the choicest and cheapest selection of

DRESS GOODS.Notions, Embroiforibs,

BOOTS AND SHOESLaces, Hosiery, GloVee, Hnfcdkerchiefr, bawlmeres, Jeana, Tweeds, Flannels, Homespans,Hhlrtitogs, 8heetir»gs, Prints, Cambrics, Linens,Towels, Table Datoaeks, Napkins, White Goods,Gents' FurnL«bing Goods, Ac.: ever exhibited InBeaufort, My assortment of goods has only to hseen to be appreciated. I hare selected them »the greatest care. ALL AfcE F&E8H AND IIand defy competition.Those reeding FALL and WINTER supplies for S^Atheir families would SAVE MONEY by (ookinf atmy stock and purchasing what they regnlre.A well lighted store, wirh polite and agreesblesalesmen, to attend to customers.

E. A. S C H E PER.


-INBull and Coosaw Rivers-OR ATPORTROYAL.

Will be sbpplied with

FRESH WATER,From the celebrated

Club House Springs,By Steam nr sailing vessel*.«R-Orders sctot to our offlce is Beaufort %))]

ceive immediate attention.

DICK A SMALL.'rroprietoil.