italy project24

Design Brief: To design a product which celebrates the food of another country/culture.

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Design Brief: To design a product which celebrates the food of

another country/culture.

Design brief – To design and make a product which celebrates the food from another country/culture.

I am going to look at how different aspects of my country affects the cuisine, for example I am going to be researching into the history and culture of the country to learn more about how the cuisine has been affected over time.

Key Words:

Cuisine Style or method of cooking.

Culture Traditional ways of spicing up life that are shared by a group.

Celebration A celebratory event or series of events.

Immigration The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.

Migration the movement of persons from one country or locality to another.

What I am going to find out:

How I am going to do it:

Information about Italy I will research into Italy's history, culture and cuisine to find out if certain aspects of Italy's history or culture affects their current cuisine.

Market research To research the target audience I will produce a questionnaire to find out which are the most popular dishes, what people prefer and the sort of variety people in Italy have.

Letter to chef with response I will find a chef or a restaurant relating to Italy and will ask questions about Italy and which sort of dishes are their favourite.

Nutrition and dietary needs I am going to research for information on nutritional needs such as why we need carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Also about dietary needs such as diabetes and nut allergies.

Packaging and cost of products

I will look at different types of packaging that are on the market such as MAP packing, and then to look at the different costing of products that are on the market.

Flavours: include a lot of herby flavours and also tend to use a lot of tomato in their dishes to make them more unique. The flavours also include fresh fruit and vegetables.

Age groups: originally I could look at a specific age group such as ages 5-14 years old, however I am not going to focus on only one age group, I am going to focus on all ages as Italy has a wide popularity for Italian cuisine.

Celebrations: Each celebration and holiday effects what type of food they eat that day as the celebrations are widely celebrated with feasts. The Christmas holiday is seen as the biggest holiday in the Italian calendar.

Packaging: You can use many different methods and styles of packaging to keep your food fresh such as plastic, cardboard and vacuum packed.

Ingredients: Italian food is greatly known for its simplicity in recipes. Chefs rely on the quality of the ingredients they work with rather than the quantity and preparation time. Ingredients range widely through the different areas and regions of Italy.

There are many regional variations of cooking throughout Italy, but in general grain foods such as pasta, bread and rice are mixed in a variety of interesting ways with vegetables, beans, fish, poultry, nuts, cheeses and meat and are used to create the many famous dishes still used in Italy today.

Wine has been the most popular alcoholic drink in Italy for a very long time and is usually consumed with meals in homes and in restaurants. In the last century coffee has become the most popular non-alcoholic drink which is enjoyed in a lot of cafes and in family homes.

Wheat is a widely used ingredient in most of Italy’s most famous dishes such as;

Pasta, Pizza and a variety of breads like ciabatta and focaccia. Cheese, is also a

very popular traditional ingredient which Italy is famous for, for example Mozzarella

and Parmesan cheese.

Italy’s culture is reflected through the variety of famous dishes which have come out of the

country’s cuisine. Many of the dishes have been bought to the country through the travellers who

have either visited or migrated to Italy and bought a large part of their own culture with

them to create the different cultures the country holds. Italy’s culture is very traditional and each

holiday (such as Easter and Christmas) is celebrated in a fashionable and traditional way.

Italy’s love and time for cooking and food began way before the most famous pizza and pastas

were created, it dates back to more than 2,000 years ago during the Roman era when cooking

became a display to show the country’s uniqueness. It involved experimenting with

different ingredients and developing new tastes such as Mozzarella cheese and meat balls which

we eat all over the world today and very traditionally in Italy.

800-600 B.C.

Greeks, Etruscans and others settle in


Italian Timeline:

753 B.C.

Rome is founded. This marks the beginning of the Roman Kingdom.

509 B.C.

The monarchy is overthrown, and Rome

becomes a republic. From 46 to 44 B.C., Julius Caesar

rules as dictator.

1200-1600 A.D.

Rome, Florence and Venice prosper during the

Renaissance, a period of renewed interest in culture.


Italy becomes a unified nation under

King Victor Emmanuel II.


Italy enters World War I on the side of

the Allies.


Catholicism is no longer

Italy's formal state religion.


Billionaire Silvio Berlusconi returns to

power as prime minister. He begins a

third term.

Minerals:Minerals are necessary for three reasons:• To build strong bones and teeth

• Controlling body fluids• Turning the food you eat into energy

Minerals are found in foods such as cereal, meat, fish, milk and dairy

products, vegetables, fruit and nuts. The essential minerals which your body

definitely needs are calcium and iron as well as many other types of minerals

which are part of a healthy diet.

Vitamins:There are two different types of

vitamins; fat-soluble and water soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins are found in fatty

foods such as animal fats, including butter and lard, vegetable oils, dairy

foods, liver and oily fish. Water-soluble vitamins are found in fruit, vegetables and grains. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins,

they can be destroyed by heat or by being exposed to the air.

Carbohydrates:Carbohydrates are an ideal

source of energy for the body. Your digestive system changes

carbohydrates into glucose, there are two types of

carbohydrates; simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates include sugars found naturally

in foods such as fruits, vegetables, milk, and milk

products. Complex carbohydrates include whole grain breads and cereals, and

starchy vegetables.

Protein:Protein builds,

maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body.

Many foods contain protein however the

best sources are; beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and legumes like black beans and lentils. Your muscles, organs and your immune system

are made up mostly of protein.

The eat well plate shows the different types of food we need to eat – and in what proportions – to have a

well balanced and healthy diet.

Fibre: Eating a sufficient amount of

fibre keeps your digestive system healthy and can lower the

chance of getting colon cancer or heart disease. Food which are

high in fibre include wholegrain cereal, nuts, seeds and potato


Fats:This is another source of energy but

fats give you quick release energy so it gives you short bursts of energy. Fats are foods like chocolate and crisps.

Water:Your body is made up of 70% water so

keeping hydrated is very important as you cant live with a few days with out water.

Drinking water rids the body of waste and keeps it healthy, it also is a way of

controlling the temperature of your body. 8 cups of water is recommended every


Specialist diets:

Celiac:People who have celiac disease have a disorder that makes their bodies

react to gluten. When they eat gluten, an immune system reaction to the

protein gradually damages the villi in the small

intestine. When the villi are damaged, the body is unable to absorb the

vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it needs to stay healthy. People with

celiac disease are therefore at risk of malnutrition and

can develop anemia (a decreased number of red blood cells due to lack of

iron) or osteoporosis (brittle bones from lack of

calcium). People with celiac cannot have gluten or

wheat and so they have to cut it out of their diet or try to avoid most of them such as; crisps, cakes, pizzas etc.

Diabetics:There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. In type one diabetes the pancreas can't make insulin. That's because the body's immune system attacked the pancreas and destroyed the cells that make insulin. When a person has type 1 diabetes, the body is still able to get glucose from food, but the lack of insulin means that glucose can't get into the cells where it's needed. So the glucose stays in the blood. This makes the blood sugar level very high and causes health problems. To help treat this type of diabetes they will need to take insulin through regular shots or an insulin pump. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas still makes insulin, but the insulin doesn't work in the body like it should and blood sugar levels get too high. To help treat type 2 diabetes you have to control your diet and make sure you have a healthy balanced diet and do regular exercise.

Nut Allergies:Nut and peanut allergies are the most common food allergy and usually the people who are allergic to peanuts can also be allergic to tree nuts, such as almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, pistachios, pecans, and cashews. The body's immune system normally fights infection however when someone is allergic to nuts or peanuts, the immune system overreacts to proteins in these foods. Every time the person eats or handles a peanut or a nut, the body thinks the proteins are harmful and reacts in the body causing symptoms such as: wheezingtrouble breathing, coughing, hoarseness, throat tightness, stomachache, vomiting, diarrhea, itchy, watery, or swollen eyes, swelling or a drop in blood pressure.

Lactose intolerant:Lactose intolerance is the inability to

digest a sugar called lactose that is found in milk and dairy products. People with

lactose intolerance may have a variety of symptoms. It all depends on how much

dairy or how many milk-containing foods the person eats and how little lactase the

body produces. Usually within 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating,

someone with lactose intolerance will experience nausea, stomach cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. To help

control and treat somebody with lactose intolerant specialist diet they will have to

control their diet and not retain any dairy produce.

Low-fat:Some people have to be guided by their doctors to have a low fat diet for many different reasons, the main ones being that they may be boarderlining obesity

and they may be heading towards a heart diesease later on in life which can be

diagnosed from their blood pressure – the higher it is the more they need to remove

the fatty produces from their diet and replace them with healthy food eg fruit,

vegetables etc.



Fajitas ChocolateEnchiladasPizzaPastaPuddingPeanut butter


Ham and pineapple




Favourite food:

Male or Female:

Do you like pizza?

Favourite pizza topping:

Favourite Italian food:


How much wouldyou spend on a meal out with your family?



How much wouldyou spend on a meal at the supermarket?

My questionnaire was created to see what foods are preferred and what Italian ingredients were most liked by my target audience, this would help me to create 12 design ideas and will also help me further in my work when working on developments to a dish. It also allowed me to figure out a preferred price range for meals and how much a family would pay; this allows me to create a price which would be suitable and that people would agree with. The questionnaire results showed me that; more people than not like pizza which is helpful in the fact that one of my design ideas will be pizza, 3 out of 7 things from peoples favourite foods were Italian products, the most popular Italian food is Pizza, on average a family would spend around £50-£100 on a meal and desserts, and at the supermarket a family would spend on one meal around £15-£20. All of the data that I have collected will help me to take my designs further and will also help me to create dishes that are suitable to my chosen target audience, I will use it as initial research into my products and my audience.This pie chart shows the range of prices which a family would be

willing to spend on a meal at a restaurant, the most popular price range is from £50-75.

This pie chart shows what peoples favourite Italian foods are and which is the most popular; it shows that pizza is the most popular within this age range.

This pie chart shows the audiences’ favourite pizza toppings and the most popular toppings, overall the toppings are all equally well balanced.

This pie chart shows how much money somebody would spend on a meal at a supermarket; the average is £15-20. This helps me to decide on a selling price of my product.

Here is a pie chart to show a variety of peoples different favourite foods the most popular choice was chocolate – this will help me when thinking of design ideas and development ideas.

The majority of the people who I asked the questions to were females; this allows me to narrow down my target audience.

The country I am basing my dishes around is Italy and the most famous dish that originated from Italy is pizza, this question is relevant to help me on my design ideas.

Metal Packaging:Metal packaging is used for food cans and ends and for beverage cans, it is used in big companies such as Coca-cola and Heinz. The advantages of using metal packaging are: • They are strong and can withstand internal pressure and heat.• The metal can be moulded into different shapes eg big tins, cans,

small tins, and they can also come in different thicknesses eg tin foil or tin cans.

• They are impermeable to contamination and preserves food.• Metal can be recycled which saves money.The disadvantages of using metal would be:• The metal can react with some of the foods and so it might need a

metallic liner which would keep the packaging sealed and stop it from being contaminated.

Plastic packaging:Plastic packaging is the most widely used packaging used in most products

packaging for example milk bottles and drinks bottles, it is used in large companies such as Nestle and Birds eye. The advantages of using plastic

packaging are:• It can be moulded into different shapes and can be rigid or flexible.• It is resistant to moisture and water.• The plastic is lightweight and can be printed on.• It is also cheap.The disadvantages of using plastic packaging are:• It takes a very long time to biodegrade.

Glass packaging:Glass packaging is mainly used for alcoholic beverages and other drinks

bottles used widely for wine companies such as Jacobs creek and Hardys. The advantages of using glass packaging are:

• It can be moulded and shaped into a variety of different shapes• The glass can be coloured and still be transparent so that you can see

the product.• Impermeable to contamination and resistant to high temperatures.• Glass can be recycled and is available at a low costThe disadvantages of using glass packaging are:• It is very fragile and can be easily broken.• Heavy to carry• Disposing of the glass could harm the environment.

Card and paper packaging:Cardboard and paper packaging is mostly used for the advertising around products, packaging, sandwiches and frozen foods. Big companies such as

Mccains and large supermarket products. The advantages of using card and paper packaging are:

• They can be printed on• They can be madein various thicknesses and moulded into different

shapes• Can be made from renewable sources and also can be recycled and are

biodegradable • Easy to handle as it is lightweight• Can be laminated orcoatedto carry a liquid• Cheap

The disadvantages of using card and paper packaging are:• They can be easily squashed meaning that the contents are damaged.• Not water resistant unless it is laminated.

Specialist packaging – Vacuum packing:Vacuum packaging is a way of preserving

food, this method has been used for many years. For this method the food is placed in

a plastic bag and then the air around the food is all sucked out and the plastic bag is

then sealed. After this the food is now impervious to bacteria as an anaerobic

condition is created.

Specialist packaging – Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP):This method of packaging is a recent technique which has a main purpose to prolong the shelf life of all types of fresh food. This includes placing the food into a plastic container with a lid – or in plastic food bags which are impermeable to the air. The food is then flushed with a mixture of gases

(nitrogen and carbon dioxide) which is designed to delay the onset of mould and bacteria. The content is then heat sealed and stored in chilled

conditions. Some advantages of using MAP packaging are that:• The colour of the food stays the same.• Food keeps for longer- the shelf life is increased for up to 10 days longer.

Gino D'AcampoJeremy Hicks Associates3 Richmond BuildingsLondonW1D 3HE

12 Bodycote CloseBroughton Astley

LeicesterLE9 6WT

[email protected]

Dear Gino,

My name is Naomi Dann and I am currently a year 10 student from Leicestershire at Countesthorpe College and I have chosen Food technology as one of my GCSE options and am currently at the beginning of my coursework. We have been set a task to base all of our coursework around a country of our choice – I have chosen Italy as my counrty and as you are the most well known Italian chef I have chosen you to email. There are a few questions and facts which I would like to know about you and your recipes to help me with my coursework and to give me ideas for food products to make as part of Food Technology GCSE which I would really appreciate if you could help me with as part of my research:• What is your most favoured ingredient to use in your dishes?• What is your favourite Italian dish?• What is your most popular dish?• How much on average would you charge for a meal?• What is it that inspires you to make the dishes which you do?• How do you come up with the ideas of many of your desserts? For example the triple

chocolate mousse with hazelnuts and fresh berries?• What kind of age ranges of people do you get in your restaurants? • What inspired you to become a chef?

Thank you very much for your help the information in your response will be very helpful towards my coursework and research.Yours faithfully, Naomi Dann

Naomi Dann12 Bodycote Close Broughton AstleyLeicesterLE9 6WT

Jeremy Hicks Assosciates3 Richmond Buildings

LondonW1D 3HE


Thank you very much for your letter I will be happy to answer any of your questions for your school project. Here I will answer a selection of them in a list for you;• One of my favourite ingredients that I use in my dishes is extra virgin olive oil as it

can be blended with many different flavours. I tend to use a lot of herbs and spices in my dishes but it depends on what is being cooked and also on the time of year; I like my herbs and spices to be picked fresh and grown locally, I am particularly fond of rosemary though.

• It is very difficult to decide on a favourite dish but personally I would say that my favourite dish to make is La Bella Caprese (almond and chocolate cake) as it brings back lots of memories from when I was a little boy.

• The dish that I eat and enjoy most however would be lasagne – that I eat every week – and Affogato Al Caffe which I eat at least twice a week.

• My grandfather was a head chef and so he became my inspiration, and by the time I was 15 I knew what I wanted to do and that I wanted to follow in my fathers footsteps and so I pursued in doing so.

• An average dish for a vegetarian is £4.95 and for a meat eater an average price is £5.95.

• I have a pasta bar in London in the city and so a lot of city workers come in so they would probably be my main customers, however as word spreads we are getting a wide variety of age groups in – despite the fact that we only open on weekdays.

• My most popular dish at my pasta bar is Polepette Fetuccine.

I hope that these answers will be useful for your project.Best wishes,Gino

My letter to Gino D’acampo: Gino D’acampo’s reply to my letter:

lThe classic `Slipper` loaf made how it should be; light and thin crusted with an open irregular crumb and shape. Tear into chunks for dipping in extra virgin olive oil or soup. Or, slice lengthways to make the perfect sandwich.

Strawberry Cheesecake Parfaits: These are a delicious summer dessert which are very popular and a traditional dish in Italy – they are a layered dessert with breadcrumbs, cheesecake top layer, sugar coated strawberries and then the same layers again on top. If the dessert is sold in a shop then it would be in a plastic packaging with a paper layer with all the nutritional information and cost and name etc.

Roast pork baguette: This is a lunchtime dish which would be perfect for picnic meals with the family – in this is a chunk of roast pork in the middle of a hearty italian bread baguette. Usually made at home, however can be sold in shops and local supermarkets for around £1.70-£2.50.Tagliatelle pasta served with honey

roast ham, peas and parmesan cheese: a light meal perfect for a summer evening dish, can be made at home or sold in a packaging in a local supermarket for around £2.50 per pack/portion.

Classical homemade stuff crust, margaretta onion, pepper and

chicken pizza. Can be homemade, or shop bought from frozen,

enjoyable on a Friday night in with friends or family. Many takeaway

restaraunts make pizzas but almost every supermarket is

guaranteed to sell frozen pizzas which are made beforehand and

are then packaged and on the back of the packaging will include

cooking guidelines, nutritional information, allergy information

and best before dates– all of which are compulsory on a food


Traditional Italian Tiramisu, a delightful dessert, easy to make and will be sure to make your taste buds happy. Make the traditional dessert at home ready for a dinner party of enjoy as a romantic dessert for two.

Here is a lasagne dish which is a traditional italian dish and also an existing product – usually they would be homemade however if you got them from a local shop or supermarket then it would be in a plastic container which is microwavable and oven safe – it would then be in another package of cardboard with the nutritional information and price, name etc. This would be around £2-3 in a supermarket.

Meat Feast Pasta Melt – Here is a packagaed dish which is generally sold in well known supermarkets such as Morrisons, Asda, Sainsburys and Marks and Spencers. This is a pasta dish and a traditional Italian dish too – it includes meats such as pepperoni slices and meatball pieces, it also includes a rich spicy tomato and basil sauce made with a pinch of chilli powder to give it a spicy meat feast flavour. The dish is then sprinkled over with cheese and then frozen and put into packaging to be shipped to the supermarkets where the cooking instructions are given as guidelines on the back of the packaging along with nutritional information and allergy information.

What did you find out when doing your analysis of design brief page?

I found out different key words such as culture, celebrations etc. And also some of the main

ingredients used in Italian dishes and the flavours.

What country did you choose to do and why?I chose to do Italy as my country, I chose this

country because there is a wide variety of dishes of which I could choose from and elaborate and


What types of recipes would you like to explore?I would like to explore different recipes from the Italian culture, from the starters, main courses and from the desserts. The types of recupes I

would like to explore are ones with different herbs (pastas and carbonaras) and also with layered

desserts (trifle and gateux).

What types of packaging would you like to use?The type of packaging I would like to use is either plastic or cardboard because they are recycable

therefore environmentally friendly.

Will you be producing a takeaway meal or a meal kit?

Yes we will be producing a meal kit – ready meal.

What types of special diets would you like to explore?

I would like to explore a dairy free specialist diet in one of my food products.

How will you make your design healthy?I will make my design healthy by attempting to including fruit or vegetables in each design, and

by making them nutritional.

Will your design be for males or females?I will be designing my dishes for both males and


How old will your customers be? How would you adapt your design to appeal to them?

The majority of my customers will be from ages 14+, I will adapt my design to appeal to these

ages by inviting new flavours and changing traditional dishes to be more eye catching.

Which starter, main course or dessert recipes will you focus on?

Starter – BruschettaMain course – Different topping pizzas

Dessert – Chocolate based pudding.

What types of ingredients did the person you interviewed menntion that you would like to use

when designing your dishes?From the questionnaire which I gave out for

people to fill in i found out that the ingredients which most people mentioned was cheese and

tomato (for pizzas) I would like to use these ingredients to make a traditional italian pizza.

What types of dishes did the people you interview explain as their favourites?

The most popular dish which was mentioned from the people who took part in my questionnaire was

pizza and pasta dishes. I would produce both of these for some of my ideas.

What is your suggested budget?From the questionnaire results I have come up with a suggested budget of around £9.50-£12.

How will you make your design healthy?To make my designs healthy and nutritious I will include fruit or vegetables in each dish if suitable

and also try low fat recipes.

What types of ingredients come from your

country?There are many well known ingredients that are used in Italian dishes and originate from Italy, these are ingredients such as; olives,

cheese, pastas, peaches, figs, grapes and many different wines.

How will you use these ingredients in your design?

To include some of these ingredients into my designs will be easy as ingredients which

originate from Italy are famous dishes which will be a new task and experience to try out.

What types of recipes come from your country? What parts of these recipes or

cooking methods will you use in your design?There are many famous dishes which originate

from Italy, for example; risotto, carbonara, spaghetti bolognaise, pizza and lasagne. I may

use some parts of these recipes in my own design to create a new Italian base dish with

the many flavours from the ingredients such as figs and different cheeses to give it an Italian


I am going to be designing my dish for people around the ages of 14 and above and they will be both male and female, the type of customer that would buy my dish

could be anybody, however they would have to have a wide range of meals which they enjoy as to like the different flavours I will use in my dish. When designing a

product to appeal to my customer I will have to consider any specialist diets which they may have for example; what they are allergic to, whether they are vegetarian, vegan etc., if they are on a low fat diet for nutritional needs or any other specialist

diets. When I make the products I will have to have a budget for the ingredients per portion, the average cost would be around £1-£2 per portion maybe even less

depending on what course/meal i make, however then I would sell the products at a higher price at around £5-7.50 so that I would be able to make a profit.

As I am producing meals for teenagers and older the portion sizes may be slightly larger than what you would usually make for a child or an adult as their appetites are

larger because they are growing, also because of the age that my target clients are the meals will have to be easy to prepare, so from frozen they could either

microwave or use an oven to heat it up. In my meals the specialist diet which I have to focus on will be a low fat diet for someone with obesity or an unbalanced diet, to cater for this specialist diet I can use things which are low fat; such as low fat cream, 0%fat yogurt, lots of vegetables, protein and fibre from low fat ingredients. The shelf life of the meal can be extended if they cook it from frozen, however some meals will have to be eaten within 24-48 hours if I use fruit as the main ingredients, in order to keep the shelf life at its maximum it can be packaged in M.A.P packaging and could either be kept in the fridge or the freezer. The packaging will be eye catching with colour and look tasty so that teenagers will notice it on a supermarket shelf and want their parents to buy it, the sort of supermarket I would sell my product to

would be somewhere like ASDA, Morrisons, Sainsburys, The Co-operative and any other large supermarket brand. The packaging will be kind to the environment by

being recycable which will also be another reason why parents will like the product.

Name: Samantha RhodesAge: 15

Gender: FemaleFamily: She lives in a family of four, with her mum, dad and elder brother in a family home in whetstone where she has

lived all of her life.

Samantha is my chosen client because she has to have a specialist diet as she suffers from diabetes, her specialist diet can vary from high sugar content meals to low fat

content meals - this will be easily applicable for me to do as I have made low

fat meals and desserts in the past.

Hobbies and Interests: Samantha plays for Oadby and Wigston football club and plays twice a week – one training session and a

match, she also goes to the gym around two times a week and plays tennis, she uses the gym and the swimming pool also. Samantha

plays the guitar and sings in her own time as a hobby and an interest, out of school Samantha spends time with her friends,

family and boyfriend doing various activities. Favourite restaraunts: Samantha is a fan of trying new foods, this

makes her favourite restraunts a wide range of cuisine restaraunts, including; Nandos, Zizzis, Handmade burger company, Wingwah’s

and many others.

Job: In education currently doing her second year of GCSEs, works on Wednesday afternoon at a primary school helping

to run the after school gymnastics club.Exams/Options: Samantha takes GCSE Food Tech, P.E, Triple

Science, French and all of the core subjects too, her examinations are upcoming this school year.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

MAIN: Tagliatelle pasta with a homemade tomato and herb thick creamy sauce with chicken meatballs with a tomato herb

coating.- To fit my prduct specification I will use low fat ingredients to

make the dish suitable for the clients needs.- Possible developments that I coud make to this dish would

be to make a creamy white sauce instead of the creamy tomato sauce.

- This dish is suitable for most specialist diets as there are no nuts, and it is low fat however it may go against the

moral rules as it is not vegetarian because I am using chicken.

- I have suited the ingedients to my country by using herbs originated from Italy and also it is a pasta dish – pasta

originates from Italy also.

STARTER: Homemade tear and share garlic bread with parmesan cheese, dried herbs and caramelised onions on top, served with

a side dip of tomato, herbs and corriander.- To fit my product specification I will use low fat butter, and

low fat parmesan cheese.- Possible developments that I could make to this dish are;

make a sage and onion bread instead of using garlic and also to make a different dip – sour cream and chive.

- This dish is suitable for all specialist diets; it is low fat, nut free, you can also use gluten free flour to make it gluten

free and it is also suitable for vegetarians/vegans as there are no meat or meat based products used.

- This dish is suitable for my country because it is a traditional Italian invention, I have used particular herbs –

e.g. coriander – and garlic to fit my country's specifications.

DESSERT: Zabaglione inspired dessert – red berries, a large biscuit layer – a thick line of red berry coulis then a white

chocolate and raspberry and strawberry blended cream on the top layer with white chocolate drizzled on the top, served with

whipped cream and a strawberry and raspberry.- To fit the product specification all of the ingredients I use will

be low fat and the dish is also a fruit based dessert.- Possible developments that I could make to this dish could

be to change the fruits that I use, for example; orange and lemon in replacement for the raspberry and strawberries.

Also to develop the dish even further I could also change the white chocolate and red berry cream into an orange zest

cream.- This dish is suitable for my country because I have taken an

Italian style dish – zabaglione dessert – and incorporated my own ideas into the design using other Italian ingredients.

DESSERT: Homemade amarettini cookies served with homemade coffee and vanilla ice cream topped with a milk

chocolate drizzle.- Although this is a very high fat based dish originally I will

recreate the dish using low fat ingredients such as 1.5% fat cream to make the ice cream and replacing sugars with

artificial sugar e.g.; sweeteners in the amarettini cookies.- Possible further developments which I could make to this

dish is changing the flavour of the cookies, for example making ginger cookies and vanilla and chocolate fudge ice

cream instead of vanilla and coffee.- My version of this dish is suitable for most specialist diets as

it does not include any meat, the ingredients used are low fat and there are also no nuts or nut based products used.

- I have taken traditional Italian ingredients and mingled them together to create a new Italian based dish which will suit

my country.

MAIN: Chicken chorizo pasta with a homemade tomato and herb thick creamy sauce with chicken and chorizo meats with

parmesan cheese and basil. - To fit my product specification the ingredients I am going to

use are generally all low fat anyway and so the only different ingredient I will need to change is the cheese, use a low

saturated fat cheese.- Possible developments which could be used in this dish

would be to change the meat to beef chorizo pasta, or making a creamy mushroom sauce instead of herby tomato

and basil.- This dish is suitable for a nut free and low fat specialist diet,

however it includes meat, pasta and cheese and so would not be suitable for a vegetarian or someone who is lactose

intolerant.- This dish is suitable for my country because I have taken

Italian ingredients and an Italian inspired dish to create my own dish.

MAIN: Fish Italian cottage pie – parmesan cheesy mash, smoked salmon, creamy milky butter and garlic sauce.

- This dishcan be made to fit a low fat specialist diet as the ingredients which are used aren’t high in fat/saturated fat. The only thing I would have to use is low fat cheese

for the cheesy mash potato on top.- Possible further developments which I could make would

be to change salmon fish to haddock or cod fish and use different vegetable inside eg; carrots instead of peas.

- This dish is suitable for most specialist diets; low fat, nut free, no meat – however there is fish included and so

would not be suitable for pescatarians, also not suitable for lactose intolerant as butter, milk and cheese are used

for the garlic sauce. - This dish is suitable for my country because I have used

Italian dishes andcreated an Italian style dish with the ingredients from other Italian dishes.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

MAIN: Chicken with a cream sauce - with tomatoes, basil, and garlic, herb mash potato, green beans.

- This dish consists of lot’s of vegetables and low fat ingredients which will be suitable for a low fat specialist diet, however it also will be suitable for the age range which I am designing for as it has chicken for protein,

potato for carbohydrates and vegetables for nutrition. - Possible developments which I could make to this dish is

changing the sauce that I use to coat the chicken from a creamy white sauce to a tomato and basil based sauce.

- This dish is suitable for somebody with a nut allergy, for a gluten free diet and for anyone on a low fat diet. To make

the dish more culturally suitable I could change the chicken into quorn chicken or a replacement of a pie etc.

- To suit this dish to my country I have used basil and garlic (which are traditionally Italian ingredients) and

incorporated them into my dish.

MAIN: Handmade tuna balls, tomato pasta sauce and homemade spaghetti.

-To suit this dish to my product specification I have changed some of the ingredients from the traditional Italian tuna balls dish to create a tastier and low fat dish, I am going to change

the pasta sauce from a creamy full fat sauce into a tomato low fat sauce.

- To develop this dish even further I could make a different sauce to cover the tuna balls in for example a garlic and

tomato herb sauce.- Because of the developments which I have made this dish

will be suitable for somebody with nut allergy or if they are on a low fat diet then it will also be suitable for them.

- I have taken a traditional Italian dish and added different ingredients to change it into my own dish, for example I am using Italian ingredients – garlic and parsley – in the tomato


DESSERT: Italian Meringue Hazelnut Macarons with homemade chocolate hazelnut spread- This is a dessert dish and to suit it to my product

specification I have altered the ingredients used for the chocolate hazelnut filling by making it homemade and using reduced fat crème fresh to mix with dark chocolate and hazelnuts.

- To change or develop this dish further I could change the ingredients again by using for example strawberry and vanilla crème filling.

- This dish is not suitable for somebody with a nut allergy or who is lactose intolerant however it is suitable for vegetarians and anybody on a low fat diet.

- I am using a traditional Italian method of making macaroons by making meringue looking macaroons piped with a piping bag onto a baking tray.

DESSERT: Chocolate, pistachio and nougat semi-freddo served with white chocolate coulet

- Although this dish is a sweet dessert which could potentially make it unhealthy and high in fat, I have adapted the recipe and changed the ingredients to all low fat and changed the white chocolate coulet to a raspberry coulet made without

sugar and with sweeteners as an alternative. - More developments which I could make to this dish is to

change the fillings in the semi-freddo; change chocolate and use vanilla essence and almonds as an alternative.

- This dessert is suitable for vegetarians however it has a drawback as it includes nuts and dairy products making it unsuitable for lactose intolerants and people with a nut

allergy.- This dish is an original Italian style dish which I have changed

and altered the fillings to create a more unique and interesting dish – I have added the pistachio’s and created

the white chocolate coulet into the design.

STARTER: Bruschetta with tomato and basil - This dish includes peppers, onions, basil and tomato and is

therefore suitable to fit my product specification as it is low in fat and the only carbohydrates is in the homemade bread.

- To develop the dish into another could be using different flours in the making of the bread or using different

vegetables on top of the bread. I could also change basil into thyme or another herb.

- This dish is suitable for anybody with a nut allergy, a vegetarian, lactose intolerant and somebody on a low fat diet

as it doesn’t include any meat, dairy or nuts and it is a low calorie dish. This creates a very healthy and tasty starter

which will not spoil a main course afterwards.- This is a traditional dish – bruschetta – and I have added my

own ideas to it; tomato and basil, to add more flavour and using more Italian ingredients.

STARTER: Bread & tomato soup (Pappa al pomodoro):- This starter is very healthy and low in fat and sugar content

so is perfectly suitable for anybody on a low fat diet or calorie control. The dish includes bread which is counted as

carbohyrdates however the quantity is not massive and therefore not effective in a bad way.

- To develop this dish further I could add spices and different herbs or i could change the flavouring of the dish and make it

a bread and chicken soup for example.- This dish is suitable for everybody apart from celiacs as it

includes wheat for the bread, however alternatives are available – different flours could be incorportated into the

bread to make it wheat free. - Bread and tomato soup is a very italian style dish and is very

popular in Italy – the more herbs and spices I add to the dish the more Italian styled I can make it.

The first of my design ideas that I made was homemade tear and share garlic bread with parmesan cheese, dried herbs and caramelised onions on top, served with a side dip of tomato, herbs and corriander, this dish was used with low fat ingredients – eg low fat butter – to fit the

dietary needs of a low fat specialist diet. I was very pleased with the outcome of the dish as it was exactly

how i wanted the product to turn out like – the texture of the bread was not dry but not too wet either; I had to be careful with the amount of garlic butter that I used inside the bread so not to make the bread too wet – however in the actual process of making it I could have gotten away

with adding more garlic butter to give it more flavour. The aroma of the garlic bread was strong but not too

strong the garlic butter and herb mixed in with the parmesan cheese made the aroma stronger. To develop

this dish further, I could use a different flour – whole wheat, or gluten free, I could also use different flavours

for the butter – onion, vegetables, and finally I could also make a different flavour dip – for example a sour cream

and onion.

My second design idea which I made was zabaglione dessert – a layered dessert with the first layer of red berries

(strawberries and raspberrys), a thin layer of red berry coulis, a large biscuit layer – a thick line of red berry coulis

then a white chocolate and raspberry and strawberry blended cream set on the top layer with white chocolate

drizzled on the top, served with whipped cream and a strawberry and raspberry. I made the dish with low fat white chocolate and used low saturated fat digestive

biscuits for the biscuit layer, also for serving the whipped cream was light, low fat dairy cream – to fit the dietary

needs of a low fat specialist diet. When I made the dish I was expecting a different outcome with the white chocolate

and red berry cream, I wasn’t expecting it to be as thick however I think it was better than it would have been if it

was a runny sauce – it gave the dish more texture and made it creamier. The strawberry and raspberry coulis aroma was very strong and the pink colour made the dish overall more

appealing. To develop this dish further I could use a different base instead of biscuit for example a shortbread

instead of digestive biscuits, I could also use different fruit – blackberry and banana – this would add different flavours.








T1 T2 T3 T4Texture 4 4 4 5Presentation 4 5 5 4Flavour 3 5 4 4Aroma 5 5 5 5Herb 3 4 5 3

Social, moral, cultural and sustainability issues;

The social issues of this dish is that it includes cheese and also butter for the

garlic butter and so it would not be suitable for somebody who is lactose

intolerant, it would also not be suitable for a celiac as it includes flour – which is wheat based, however the dish does not include any nuts and so

would be suitable for somebody with a nut allergy. The moral issues with this

dish is that it does not include any meat and so is suitable for vegetarians however is not suitable for vegans as I have used butter. The flour and herbs that I used in this dish were organic and so were morally suitable as it

would reduce air miles.








T1 T2 T3 T4

Texture 4 4 3 3

Sweetness 5 4 5 5

Aroma 4 4 5 5

Colour 5 5 4 5

Presentation 4 5 4 4

Ingredients Function S. C?

Flour To make the dough N

Garlic To add flavour and create the garlic butter


Butter To create the garlic butter Y

Parmesan Cheese

To add flavour Y

Onions To add flavour and texture N

Dried Herbs For extra flavour Y

Tomatoes To make the tomato dip N

Basil To add flavour to the dip NIngredients Function S. C?

Digestive Biscuits Biscuit base Y

Strawberries To add flavour and make the coulis


Raspberrys To add flavour and make the coulis


Sugar To make it sweeter N

White Chocolate To make the white chocolate and red berry coulis


Whipped Cream For the topping Y

Social, moral, cultural and sustainability issues; The only social issues this dish includes is the issue of

somebody who is lactose intolerant as the dish includes which chocolate which is a source of dairy it would also

not be suitable for celiacs as it includes digestive biscuits which are wheat based products. There are no moral

issues with this dish as no meat nor butter is used and so it is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. I used organic

strawberries and raspberries to make the dish more sustainably suitable because it would reduce air miles.

This product does fit my design specification as it is not high in fat and

includes vegetables which make the dish healthy. Also the dish has carbohydrates

which is suitable for my clients age; teenagers need more carbohydrates for


This product fits my design specification on some ways but

not in others, this is because this dish is a very sweet dessert

which is high in sugar and fat despite the fact that I used low fat products to make it, which

goes against my original idea of creating a dish suitable for

someone on a low fat content diet. The dish would appeal to my clients age as it is colourful

and appealing to the eye; especially with whipped cream and white chocolate toppings.

Column1 T1 T2 T3 T4Presentation 4 4 4 4Flavour 4 4 5 4Aroma 3 4 3 4Colour 4 4 4 5Texture 4 3 4 4

The next of my design ideas which I decided to make was a main meal; Pizza with a thin italian

base, homemade BBQ puree, cheese and tomato sprinkled on top, then the topping – sprinkle of

parmesan cheese, chunks of fried chicken, potato croutons, cherry tomatoes, rocket leaf and

caramelised onions, served with a small side salad of rocket leaf, lettuce and cherry tomatoes.

Although pizza is generally a high fat dish, I have changed many of the ingredients from an original

BBQ Chicken and bacon pizza into a healthier topping based pizza. This enables the dish to be

suitable for a diabetic because I have swapped and added in ingredients such as substituting bacon for potato croutons, and adding onions and tomatoes for contribution towards one of your five a day. I was pleased with the final outcome of the dish,

although the presentation wasn’t what I had hoped for to begin with, however the flavours and texture of the pizza made up for the failure in presentation.

The aroma of the pizza was strong and smoky because of the BBQ puree and chicken blended

together with the aromatic smell of the caramelised onions. To develop this dish further I have many different toppings which I could experiment with;

for example changing the BBQ puree to tomato, or using different flour for a different base.

My fourth design idea that I chose to make was chicken chorizo pasta with a homemade tomato and herb thick

creamy sauce with chicken and chorizo meats with parmesan cheese and basil. I chose this dish because the technicality of making the sauce and experimenting with

different meat and herbs made me eager to try a new dish. Not only this but the dish is suitable for my client as

it is neither high in sugar or fat content but includes carbohydrates and proteins which are important in a teenage diet. The use of parmesan cheese could have

increased the fat content of the dish however I only used a small amount to add a stronger and different flavour to

the herbs and vegetables. As we can see from the sensory graph and table the overall best feature of the dish was the aroma and the flavours which the tasters

scored me a scale of 4’s and 5’s on, although these were positive scores the presentation and the lack of thick

sauce let me down on this dish. I would have liked the pasta sauce to be of a thick consistency however the

ratio of pasta to sauce meant that I did not have enough to cover the pasta in enough depth. To develop this dish further I could change the flavour of the sauce to a thick cream and white wine sauce and change the meat to just chicken, still keeping the ingredient of parmesan cheese

to add a stronger flavour.

T1 T2 T3 T4Presentation 4 4 4 4Flavour 4 4 5 4Aroma 3 4 3 4Colour 4 4 4 5Texture 4 3 4 4








Ingredients Function S. C?

Flour To make the pizza dough N

Dried Yeast To make the dough rise N

BBQ puree A sauce for the pizza base N

Parmesan Cheese

To add flavour Y

Onions To add flavour and texture N

Chicken Protein – and add flavour Y

Tomatoes & rocket leaf

For the side salad N

Potato croutons To add texture to the dish Y

Ingredients Function S. C?

Pasta Carbohydrate – texture Y

Chicken Protein – for texture N

Chorizo A meat which adds flavour N

Parmesan Cheese To add flavour Y

Basil To add flavour N

Tomatoes To make the sauce N

Dried Herbs To make the sauce N

Onion To add texture and flavour N

T1 T2 T3 T4Presentation 3 4 3 4Flavour 4 4 5 5Aroma 4 5 4 5Spice 4 4 4 3Texture 4 3 4 3








Social, moral, cultural and sustainability issues;

This dish would cause some social issues as it includes wheat in the dough and

cheese for the topping and so somebody who is lactose intolerant would not be

suitable for the dish and neither would it be for a celiac. However this dish doesn’t contain any traces of nuts and so would

be suitable for someone with a nut allergy. Morally this dish is unsuitable

because it includes meat – chicken and so a vegetarian nor a vegan would eat

this dish. To make the dish more sustainable I have used a lot of salad and vegetable products which were organic

and I also made my own BBQ puree which is a standard component

therefore making it more sustainable and morally suitable as air miles are also

being reduced and the amount of packaging is also reduced.

Social, moral, cultural and sustainability issues;

Socially the issues which would be caused are with lactose

intolerants as the dish includes cheese which is dairy and also there is pasta which contains

wheat and so a celiac would also not be suitable for this dish. This dish contains two meats which

would morally cause some issues; a vegetarian would not be suited and so therefore Sikh's would not

be suited for this dish. I have used many organic products in

this dish therefore making it more sustainable – basil,

tomatoes, herbs and onion are all not standard components which makes the dish more sustainable

as they are easy to grow.

This dish overall isn’t as high in fat or sugar as first made out because it is a pizza; by using organic ingredients and making everything from scratch I have managed to avoid the

added preservatives and artificial colours and flavourings which are usually added in to make a dish have more flavour, this then meant that the dish is suitable for my design specification as it would provide a good source of energy

for a teenager and is also overall not too high in fat nor sugars.

This design idea is very suitable for my client specification; it is generally low in fat and sugars therefore meeting the criteria needed by the client. It

includes meat including chicken which is a good source of protein for a

growing teenager, also including pasta it is a good source of energy without including a lot of calories and fat. The

dish also includes basil, tomatoes, herbs and onions which are all healthy

and count towards the clients five a day. This means that the dish is overall a healthy meal with a good source or

energy and protein.

From my 12 design ideas I chose to make bruschetta with tomato and basil; I chose to make this dish because it originates from Italy and it also fits my design specification very well; it provides two of your five a day and includes carbohydrates which suits my clients needs as she is a teenager and so

needs energy. This dish would also be suitable for vegetarians and somebody with lactose intolerant . The fat and sugar content is at a suitable and healthy amount , however to make the dish suitable for a celiac I would make gluten free bread . The ingredients that I used – vegetables – were organic and so make the dish more sustainable. The final outcome of the dish was exactly what I had hoped for as a

final product, the bread wasn’t too wet nor too dry and had a golden crust so was crusty on the outside and soft on the inside, the aroma of the topping was very strong and the flavour from the

topping was significant in the dish. To develop the dish even further I could adapt it and change the flavour of the bread such as making it cheese and garlic bread, not only this but I could also change

the topping by changing the vegetables to mushrooms, sweetcorn and caramelised onions. This would create a strong aroma and add a variety of flavours with the caramelised onions on top.

Social, moral, cultural and sustainability issues; There aren’t many social issues with this dish other than

the use of flour to make the homemade bread which would make the dish unsuitable for a celiac as there is

wheat in the flour and also the use of butter in the making of the bread to create the structure and make the

bread soft. However the dish is socially suitable for any other allergies such as nut allergies etc, to make it

suitable for a lactose intolerant I could replace the butter in the bread with oil instead however this would change the flavour of the bread making it less tasty. Morally and

culturally this dish would be suitable for all religion restrictions as it doesn’t include any meat or meat traces. There are no sustainability issues caused by this dish as all

of the ingredients are not standard components which reduces the cost of packaging and of transport as the

vegetables are all sourced locally.

T1 T2 T3 T4Presentation 4 5 4 5Flavour 4 4 4 4Colour 4 4 4 4Aroma 3 4 4 5Texture 4 3 4 4








T1 T2 T3 T4Presentation 4 4 3 4Flavour 5 4 5 4Colour 3 3 3 4Aroma 3 4 3 4Texture 4 4 5 4








Ingredients Function S. C?

Flour To make the bread dough N

Dried Yeast To make the dough rise N

Cherry tomatoes

For the topping N

Red Onions For flavour N

Basil For the topping and flavour


Corriander For the topping and flavour


Pepper For flavour N

Ingredients Function S. C?

Coffee granules To make coffee flavoured ice cream Y

Double cream To make the ice cream N

Ground almonds For flavour and texture in the biscuits Y

Egg whites To make the structure of the biscuit N

Amaretto liquor For flavour in the biscuits N

Caster sugar To make the biscuit N

Condensed milk For flavour and texture in the ice cream Y

My final design that I chose to make was amaretti (vanilla)

biscuits and coffee ice cream – I made this dish because it is an

Italian favourite and is also a very tasty dessert. Although the fat and

sugar content is very high in this dish it is possible to be reduced by using an alternative to cream and by changing the ingredients in the

biscuits to make them less unhealthy. This dish doesn’t

include any nuts or meat and so it suitable for vegetarians and

vegans, however it is not suitable for celiacs (flour) or a lactose

intolerant (Cream and condensed milk) – the coffee granules that I used were FairTrade and so were

more sustainable. I was very surprised yet pleased with the outcome of this dish, the ice

cream flavour wasn’t over powering however it was not too subtle either, this applies to the

flavour of the biscuits too – however the vanilla flavouring in

the biscuits could have been more obvious as the ground almond

flavour was also very strong. The ice cream was sweet and had a good smooth texture to it, the

biscuits had a golden top which gave them a crunch and then a sweet surprise when the inside

was oft and chewy (because of the ground almonds). To develop the

dish further I could change the flavour of the ice cream from

coffee to chocolate fudge, and I could use flour instead of ground

almonds in the biscuits.

Social, moral, cultural and sustainability issues; Unfortunately with this dish there are many social issues –

mainly all linking to allergies; there are dairy ingredients such as double cream and condensed milk therefore making the dish unsuitable for someone who is lactose intolerant.

Also the dish includes ground almonds which contain traces of nuts; which makes the dish also unsuitable for someone with a nut allergy making it socially problematic. The moral and cultural issues with this dish aren’t very severe as there

is no meat and so is suitable for a vegetarian however it includes eggs which are sourced from an animal and so are not suitable for a vegan. This dish is not overly sustainable as the ingredients are not easily locally grown or sourced; other than the eggs which were organic – other than that

the dish uses many standard components in the ingredients and so is not very sustainable.

As a dessert this dish is very sweet which means it contains a lot of sugars which is not suitable for my client – it includes a

high content of fat and sugar as a result of the ingredients used in the ice cream as well as the sweet amaretti biscuits -

therefore making it not very suitable for my client specification.

This dish is a very good dish for my design specification as it is overall

very low in fat – the only fat sourced from the bred which is a

low count anyway. It is also very low in sugars; as a starter it has energy from the bread which is good for

my client as they need carbohydrates; the dish also

includes many vegetables which help to increase the suitability of

the starter for my client.

Homemade coffee ice cream;• Coffee granules• Double cream• Caster sugar• Condensed milk

Amaretti (vanilla) biscuits;• 340g/12oz ground almonds• 340g/12oz caster sugar• 4 eggs, whites only• Vanilla essence

Developments to the ice cream:• Change the flavour of the ice cream:- Chocolate fudge- Oreo and vanilla- Vanilla- Vanilla and jelly beans

Developments to the ice cream:• Make it lower in fat;- Single cream- Yogurt- Less sugar- Fruit

Developments to the ice cream:• Fruit instead of fattening fillings:- Strawberry and raspberry- Banana- Cherry- Coconut

Developments to the biscuits; • Alternatives to ground

almonds;- Plain flour- Wholemeal flour- Self-raising flour- Cake flour

Developments to the biscuits; • Change the method of

making;- Rubbing in method- Creaming method- Whisking method- Angel food method

Developments to the biscuits;• Change the flavours and filling of the

biscuit;- Chocolate and fudge- Raspberry and white chocolate- Coconut and chocolate chip- Vanilla and raisin

I have chosen one of my design ideas which went well in the actual production to adapt and develop; Amaretti (vanilla) biscuits with

homemade coffee ice cream. In the developments I will make 6 overall, three developments to the biscuits and three developments to the ice cream. In the developments to the ice cream I will; change the flavours

and make four different flavours – chocolate fudge, oreo and vanilla, vanilla and vanilla and jelly beans. My second development is changing the ingredients to make it lower in fat; single cream, yogurt, less sugar

and fruit. The third development I will make to the ice cream is to change the fattening fillings to fruit instead; strawberry and raspberry, banana, cherry and coconut. The three developments to the biscuits I will make are; alternatives to ground almonds – plain flour, wholemeal

flour, self-raising flour and cake flour. The next development is to change the flavours and fillings of the biscuits; chocolate and fudge, raspberry and white chocolate, coconut and chocolate chip and vanilla and raisin.

The final development I am going to make is the method of baking; rubbing in method, creaming method, whisking method and the angel

food method. In these developments I am using my own ideas and changing original recipes to fit my design specification and to also suit

my clients needs.

Control One Two Three Four

Coffee Ice cream

Oreo Ice cream

Chocolate fudge ice cream

Vanilla, jelly bean and popping candy ice cream

Vanilla ice cream

For my first development to the coffee ice cream I am going to change the fillings of the ice cream, I am changing the filling

four times making; Oreo ice cream, chocolate fudge ice cream, vanilla jelly bean and popping candy ice cream and just plain vanilla ice cream. I am changing the fillings to make the ice

cream more appealing to teenagers who are my target audience. By changing the fillings it allowed me to experiment and try different fillings to see which would be most suitable

and tasty for my final production.

My second development is to the amaretti biscuits, I am also going to change the filling of the biscuits replacing

the vanilla flavour with four different fillings/flavours. The four I am going to make are; chocolate fudge, cranberry and white chocolate chip, vanilla and chocolate chip and

vanilla and raisin. These fillings are also to appeal my target audience and make the biscuits more interesting.

Ingredients: Oreo Ice Cream

Condensed milk

Caster sugar

Double cream


Ingredients: Chocolate fudge Ice Cream

Condensed milk

Caster sugar

Double cream

Cocoa powder

Fudge pieces

Ingredients: Vanilla, jelly bean and popping candy Ice Cream

Condensed milk

Caster sugar

Double cream

Vanilla essence

Jelly beans

Popping candy pieces

Ingredients: Vanilla Ice Cream

Condensed milk

Caster sugar

Double cream

Vanilla essence

T1 -Control

T2 – Choc Fudge

T3 - Oreo

T4 - Vanilla

T5 – Jelly bean, popping candy

Texture 4 3 4 3 4

Sweetness 3 5 4 5 4

Flavour 5 5 5 4 4

Consistency 4 4 4 3 4

T1 -Control

T2 – Choc Fudge

T3 - OreoT4 - Vanilla

T5 – Jelly bean, popping candy



Control One Two Three Four

Amaretti/Vanilla biscuits

Chocolate fudge biscuits

Coconut and chocolate chip biscuits

Cranberry and white chocolate chip biscuits

Vanilla and raisin biscuits

Ingredients: Vanilla and raisin

Egg whites

Caster sugar

Ground almonds

Vanilla essence


Ingredients: Cranberry and white chocolate chip

Egg whites

Caster sugar

Ground almonds

Dried cranberry pieces

White chocolate chip

Ingredients: Coconut and chocolate chip

Egg whites

Caster sugar

Ground almonds

Desiccated coconut

Chocolate chips

Ingredients: Chocolate fudge

Egg whites

Caster sugar

Ground almonds

Cocoa powder

Fudge pieces

T1 -Control

T2 – Choc Fudge

T3 – Cranberry and white chocolate chip

T4 – Vanilla and raisin

T5 – Coconut and chocolate chip

Texture 4 4 4 4 4

Sweetness 3 3 4 3 4

Flavour 4 4 5 4 5

Crunch 4 4 5 4 4

T1 -Control

T2 – Choc Fudge

T3 – Cranberry and white chocolate chipT4 – Vanilla and raisin

T5 – Coconut and chocolate chip



The ice cream that worked the best was the oreo ice cream; the vanilla flavour and the

oreo biscuit was apparent and made a good sweet ice cream – the texture and consistency of the ice cream stayed constant and made it a very good ice cream. The ice cream that didn’t

work as well was the plain vanilla ice cream; the flavour was good however the dish was

very plain and the texture and consistency of the ice cream was not smooth and therefore

affected the taste. In my final dish I will incorporate the different fillings/flavours of the ice cream into the dish, e.g oreo or choc fudge.

The biscuit that I believed worked best was the cranberry and white chocolate chip flavour, the

cranberry pieces added a fruitiness to the biscuit and mixed with the white chocolate pieces it

made the biscuit sweet. The biscuit was crispy and golden on the outside and soft and spongy on the inside; the white chocolate chips spread through the biscuit to make it moist and melt in your mouth but didn’t make the biscuits soggy

which was a good thing. The biscuit that worked the least in my opinion was the chocolate fudge; the chocolate flavour wasn’t as apparent as the

other flavours in other biscuits and there needed to be more fudge pieces as well as more cocoa


Control One Two

Coffee Ice cream

Strawberry and raspberry ice cream

Banana and mango ice cream

The next development of the coffee ice cream that I made was to change the flavours and replace the fattening fillings with fruit

fillings so that my dish fits my product specification and suits my target audience. I was originally going to make four developments

to the flavours; strawberry, raspberry, mango and banana. However when it came to the actual production of the ice cream I had to combine strawberries and raspberries and combine mango and

banana as there were only two available ice cream makers. Despite this it did not stop me from making one or more of the desired

flavoured ice creams – the developments still worked and it did not affect the way I made the ice creams either.

The next development I am making to the amaretti biscuits is changing the methods I use to make them and as a combined development I am also going to

change the filling of the biscuits replacing the vanilla flavour with four different fillings/flavours. The four different methods which I am using are; the rubbing in method, creaming method, whisking method and

the angel food method. These four developments were to experiment and try different ways of making

biscuits to see how they cooked and how different ones were structured. By doing this I will be able to see the best method of making the biscuits for my

final development when I make my final dish.Ingredients: Strawberry and raspberry ice cream

Condensed milk

Reduced fat single cream



0% fat raspberry and strawberry yogurt

Ingredients: Banana and mango ice cream

Condensed milk

Reduced fat single cream

2 Bananas

Dried mango chunks

T1 -Control

T2 – Strawberry and raspberry

T3 – Banana and mango

Texture 4 5 4

Sweetness 3 5 5

Flavour 5 5 4

Consistency 4 4 4

Fruitiness - 5 4







T1 -Control

T2 – Strawberry and raspberry

T3 – Banana and mango

T1 –Control

T2 – Rubbing in method (Cranberry and white chocolate)

T3 – Creaming method (Chocolate chip and fudge)

T4 – Whisking method (Vanilla and raisin)

T5 – Angel food method (Vanilla)

Texture 4 4 4 5 4

Crunch 4 3 4 3 5

Flavour 4 5 4 4 3

Sweetness 3 4 4 4 3

Structure 4 4 5 4 5

T1 –Control

T2 – Rubbing in method (Cranberry and white chocolate)

T3 – Creaming method (Chocolate chip and fudge)T4 – Whisking method (Vanilla and raisin)

T5 – Angel food method (Vanilla)







These two developments both worked very well and the outcome was better than I had first anticipated. As the sensory graph shows

that the two new flavours in comparison to the control dish (Coffee ice cream) were better in

sweetness, fruitiness and texture. Not only did I replace the fatty fillings with fruit fillings to make the dessert less fattening and high in

sugar but I also altered the ingredients to make a lower fat ice cream; double cream to single

cream and no caster sugar just using condensed milk for the sweetness of the dish. By changing these ingredients and altering the dish I have made this dessert suitable for my client as it is lower in fat and lower in sugars than the original dish. Further developments which I could make would be to change the ingredients even further to make a frozen yogurt instead of using ice cream mixture.

A –Rubbing in method

B – Creaming method

C – Whisking method

D – Angel food




The only social issues that occurred with this dish is the use of dairy products – cream, condensed milk and yogurt – this makes the dish therefore unsuitable for a lactose intolerant, however the dish is then socially suitable for anyone else as it doesn’t contain traces of nuts of flour. The only moral and cultural

issues that occur with this dish is with the Buddhist religion; they are vegans and so don’t eat any animal products and I have used milk based ingredients which therefore makes it unsuitable for that religion.

All of the methods were successful in creating a well structured biscuit

however some worked more successfully than others as we can see

in the sensory graph and table; the two methods which held the biscuit together the best was the creaming method and the angel food method. With these two developments I also

made two different flavours – Chocolate chip and fudge and plain vanilla, and as you can see from the sensory graph the creaming method

with chocolate chip and fudge had the overall best evaluation of the biscuit with the highest ratings of 4’s and 5’s on a sensory rating of texture, crunch, flavour, sweetness and structure. The other methods were also successful

however the fillings altered the ratings on the sensory graph as some were

more obvious than others.

With these biscuits there are a lot of social issues as the biscuits include a lot of ingredients including flour which makes the dish unsuitable for a celiac and egg which makes it socially unsuitable for somebody with

an egg allergy. However there aren’t any traces of nuts or any dairy products included and so it would be

suitable for a lactose intolerant and somebody with a nut allergy. Morally and culturally this dish is unsuitable

for vegans as it includes eggs which are an animal based product – this therefore makes it unsuitable for

Buddhist religion as they are also vegan.

In this development of the ice cream I have changed the ingredients to change the nutritional information such as the fat content, sugar content and salt content. In changing the ingredients I have made the ice cream into a frozen yogurt type of dessert instead of a full fat ice cream, in the ice cream

dish before I used full fat double cream, condensed milk and caster sugar – in this development I made a small amount of ice cream mixture using single cream and condensed milk and no caster

sugar, I also used yogurt and fruit to make the frozen yogurt and added a small amount of ice cream mixture to make the ice cream/yogurt thicker. By changing the ingredients to make it healthier it

changes the structure of the ice cream and so I had to add more ingredients to make the ice cream/frozen yogurt thicker.

This is the final development of what began as the amaretti biscuits, in this development I have changed the shape of each biscuit; cookie shape, finger biscuit, small circle and a square biscuit. And also changed the flours I have used for the biscuit; plain flour, self raising flour, wholemeal flour and

cake flour. By changing the flours of the biscuits I was aiming to change the texture and the structure of the biscuits; which I think I was successful in, however it was interesting to see the outcome of some of

the different flours and how the biscuit was structured with each different flour.

A - Cake flour, Cranberry and white chocolate chip

fillingB – Plain flour,

Marshmallow fillingC – Wholemeal flour, Chocolate chip filling

D – Self-raising flour, Raisin and vanilla filling

A – Vanilla and Chocolate sprinkleB – Strawberry and raspberry


T1 - Control

T2 – Vanilla and chocolate sprinkles

T3 – Strawberry and Raspberry

Texture 4 4 4

Flavour 5 4 5

Consistency 4 4 4

Sweetness 3 4 5




Sweetness 0

5 T1 - Control

T2 – Vanilla and chocolate sprinkles

T3 – Strawberry and Rasp-berry

T1 - Control

T2 – Cake flour

T3 – Plain flour

T4 – Wholemeal flour

T5 – Self-raising flour

Texture 4 4 3 3 4

Crunch 4 4 4 4 4

Flavour 4 5 3 4 5

Sweetness 3 4 4 4 5

Structure 4 4 3 3 5

T1 - Control

T2 – Cake flour

T3 – Plain flourT4 – Wholemeal flour

T5 – Self-raising flour



As there were only two available ice cream makers I was unable to make four

developments and as I only really needed two different dishes to make a judgement on how

the ingredients alters the structure and texture of the ice cream I decided just to

combine ingredients; Vanilla and chocolate sprinkles, strawberry and raspberry – to make two frozen yogurt ice creams. Overall I think

that this development was very successful, by changing ingredients I have managed to make

the dessert healthier as it is now low in fat and low in sugars (containing natural sugars

mainly) this means that the dish is now more suitable for my client as they are specified to

have a low fat content diet.

The social issues that occurred with this dish in particular is again with allergies – the use of cream, condensed milk and yogurt all make it

unsuitable for somebody who is lactose intolerant, however there are no traces of meat, nuts or wheat in the dish and so is

suitable for most other allergens. Types of moral and cultural issues which may occur

with this dish is that vegans cannot have it as the dairy products are animal based

ingredients and this also means that the dish would also not be suitable for a Buddhist as

they are vegans. The sustainability issue with this dish is that it is sustainable in some ways as it includes fruit for the frozen yogurt and

also there aren’t many standard components.

As the sensory graph and table shows the most successful flour that I used was the self raising

flour as it had the highest rating for flavour sweetness and

structure; this means that the biscuit was soft on the inside

but not wet – and crunchy and golden on the outside which

was the desired taste and structure. I think that using self

raising flour meant that the biscuit had more build to it and so kept it well structured, which

automatically improves the taste of it . As we can see from the table where control T1 is

the initial dish that I made before developments had a

sweetness of 3 and a structure of 4 where as using self raising

flour and other flours instead of dried almonds gives it more

substance and a better structure which also improves the texture. This development was a good success because it

allowed me to experiment with different flours to see what the

best suited to give the best results would be.

There are a few social issues in accordance with allergies in this dish as it includes quite a lot of ingredients. Somebody with an egg allergy wouldn’t be suited, a celiac would not be suited as I

have used flours which contain wheat, a lactose intolerant wouldn’t be suited as I have included butter as well – the only allergy area not affected is nut allergens. Moral and cultural

issues that occur are with the use of dairy products which are unsuitable for vegans and therefore unsuitable for the religion

of Buddhism.

What does the picture show? What are the steps that you have to take? Health and safety issues? Ask suitable questions, are they cooked? Golden brown? Is it mixed enough? In the final evaluation – social, moral, cultural and sustainability issues – who can / cannot – developments to suit them ? Replacements/alternatives.

Ingredients :Here is an image of all of the ingredients that I used in my dish; Self raising flour, butter, eggs, caster sugar, brown sugar, vanilla essence, dried berries, raspberries, strawberry yogurt, white chocolate chips.

Step One: This is the first step of the production of my final product, I used a mini blender to blend the raspberries in preparation to mix in with the yogurt. Ensure the lid is placed firmly on and there is no water near the plug of the blender – caution of electrocution. Are all of the raspberries completely blended?

Step Two: The next stage was to add the strawberry yogurt into the blender in order to create a strawberry and raspberry yogurt mixture. Be cautious not to spill any on the electrical wires.

Step Three: I then blended the mixture of raspberries and strawberry yogurt together. Ensure that the lid is placed firmly on before blending. Is it of the right consistency? Has all of the mixture blended together?

Step Four: The final step to making the mixture of the red berry yogurt is to add the dried berries. I sprinkled the right amount of berries into the mixture and then mixed them in.

Step Five: The next stage into creating the frozen yogurt is to use an ice cream maker and pour the mixture in as you can see from the image. Be careful not to hold the ice cream maker for too long is it will be frozen, use it as soon as it is taken from the freezer. Is the ice cream maker cold enough? Is the ice cream maker clean?

Step Six: The final stage of the production of the frozen yogurt was to leave the mixture in the ice cream maker for 20-30 minutes, until the frozen yogurt was of a thick consistency but not completely frozen. I then transferred the frozen yogurt from the ice cream maker to the freezer during the baking of the biscuits to keep it frozen.

Step Seven: Whilst the yogurt mixture was churning in the ice cream maker I then went on to the production of my other development – white chocolate chip and red berry cookies. I weighed out each of the ingredients; 160g of butter, 175g caster sugar and 150g of brown sugar. Place an empty bowl onto the weighing scales and press the zero button to weigh the ingredients accurately.

Step Eight: In the next step I creamed together the butter and the sugars in a large mixing bowl until all of the mixture had combined and I had a consistent mixture – the mixture will still be lumpy because of the sugar.

Step Two: The next stage was to add the strawberry yogurt into the blender in order to create a strawberry and raspberry yogurt mixture. Be cautious not to spill any on the electrical wires.