it university of copenhagen lecture 7: bdd construction and manipulation 1. bdd construction 2....

IT University of Copenhagen Lecture 7: BDD Construction and Manipulation 1. BDD construction 2. Boolean operations on BDDs 3. BDD-Based configuration

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IT University of Copenhagen

Lecture 7: BDD Construction and Manipulation1. BDD construction2. Boolean operations on BDDs3. BDD-Based configuration

IT University of Copenhagen

Today’s ProgramToday’s ProgramToday’s ProgramToday’s Program

• [12:00-13:15] – Unique table– Build(t)– Apply(op,u1,u2)– BDD-Based configuration (SJHAHM04)

• [13:20-14:00] Henrik Hulgaard, Configit A/S – A configuration technology company

2011 Rune Møller Jensen 2

IT University of Copenhagen

BDD ConstructionBDD ConstructionBDD ConstructionBDD Construction

32011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

Last week:

1.Make a Decision Tree of formula

2.Keep reducing it until no further reductions are possible

This week:• Reduce the decision tree to a BDD while building


BDD constructionBDD constructionBDD constructionBDD construction

42011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

• Represent BDD by a table of unique nodes (UT) • Build BDDs recursively,

i.e. to add a new node u:1. Compute high(u) and low(u) and store them in UT

2. Maintain BDD reductions when adding u to UT:

a) Only extend UT with u if high(u) low(u) (non-redundancy test)

b) Only extend UT with u if u UT (uniqueness)

Reduce decision tree to BDD during constructionReduce decision tree to BDD during constructionReduce decision tree to BDD during constructionReduce decision tree to BDD during construction

52011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

Unique Table RepresentationUnique Table RepresentationUnique Table RepresentationUnique Table RepresentationNode Attributes

Represent Unique Table by two tables T and HT : u (i,l,h) H: (i,l,h) u

62011 Rune Møller Jensen

H is the inverse of T:T(u) = (i,l,h) H(i,l,h) = u

u unique node identifier {0,1,2,3,…} i = var(u) variable index {1,2,…,n,n+1}l = low(u) node identifier of lowh = high(u) node identifier of high


low(u) high(u)


IT University of Copenhagen

Primitive Operations on T and HPrimitive Operations on T and HPrimitive Operations on T and HPrimitive Operations on T and H

72011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

Unique Table Interface: MakeNode (MK)Unique Table Interface: MakeNode (MK)Unique Table Interface: MakeNode (MK)Unique Table Interface: MakeNode (MK)

82011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

Idea: Construct the BDD recursively using theShannon Expansion t = x t[1/x], t[0/x]

• Terminal casesBuild(0) = 0Build(1) = 1

• Recursive case

Build(t(xi,xi+1,…,xn)) = Mk( )


92011 Rune Møller Jensen

Build(t(0,xi+1,…,xn)) Build(t(1,xi+1,…,xn))


IT University of Copenhagen


102011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

BDD ManipulationBDD ManipulationBDD ManipulationBDD Manipulation

112011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

Multi-Rooted BDDMulti-Rooted BDDMulti-Rooted BDDMulti-Rooted BDD

2011 Rune Møller Jensen 12

5 6x1


x3 2

3 4

1 0

Unique Table contains many BDDs

x1 x3 x1 x2


IT University of Copenhagen


• Apply(op,u1,u2): computes the BDD of u1 op u2

where op : any of the 16 Boolean operatorsu1, u2: root nodes of BDDs

• Relies on the Shannon expansion properties:

(x t1,t0) op (x t’1,t’0) x (t1 op t’1),(t0 op t’0)

(x t1,t0) op t x (t1 op t),(t0 op t)132011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

• Terminal case: u {0,1} u’ {0,1}

App(u u’) = u u’

• Recursive case: u = xv u1, u0 u’ = xw u’1, u’0 App(u u’) = Mk(xv, App(u0 u’0), App(u1 u’1) ) if v = w

Mk(xv, App(u0 u’), App(u1 u’) ) if v < w

Mk(xw, App(u u’0), App(u u’1) ) if w < v

Apply with Apply with opop = = Apply with Apply with opop = =

142011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

152011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

Construct BDDs from expression treeConstruct BDDs from expression treeConstruct BDDs from expression treeConstruct BDDs from expression tree

162011 Rune Møller Jensen

x1 x2 x3

u5 u4

u2 u3

x1 x2 x3

u2 u3u4



IT University of Copenhagen

Properties of ApplyProperties of ApplyProperties of ApplyProperties of Apply• Improvements?

– Early termination. E.g., no reason to keep recursing if the left side in a conjunction is 0

• Complexity : O(|u1||u2|) , due to dynamic programming

• So a BDD of any formula can be computed in poly time?

172011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

BDDsBDDsBDDsBDDs • Compact • Equality check easy • Easy to evaluate the truth-value of an assignment • Boolean operations efficient • SAT check efficient • Tautology check efficient • Easy to implement

182011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

BDD-Based ConfigurationBDD-Based ConfigurationBDD-Based ConfigurationBDD-Based Configuration

192011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

A configuration problem C is a triple (Y,D,F)– Y is a set of variables y1, y2, … ,yn

– D is the Cartesian product of their finite domainsD = D1 D2 … Dn

– F = {f1,f2,…,fm} is a set of propositional formulas over atomic propositions yi = v, where v Di, specifying the conditions that the variable assignments must satisfy. Each formula is inductively defined by

f yi = v | f g | f g | f

Configuration ProblemsConfiguration ProblemsConfiguration ProblemsConfiguration Problems

202011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

• y1 {black, white, red, blue} : Color y2 {small, medium, large} : Sizey3 {“Men in black” - MIB, “Save the whales” -STW} : Print

• f1 (y3 = MIB) (y1 = black)f2 (y3 = STW) (y2 small)

• y1 y2 y3black small MIBwhite medium STWred largeblue

T-Shirt ExampleT-Shirt Example11T-Shirt ExampleT-Shirt Example11

212011 Rune Møller Jensen 1: Due to Erik van der Meer, now at Microsoft

IT University of Copenhagen

• y1 {black, white, red, blue} : Color y2 {small, medium, large} : Sizey3 {“Men in black” - MIB, “Save the whales” -STW} : Print

• f1 (y3 = MIB) (y1 = black)f2 (y3 = STW) (y2 small)

• y1 y2 y3black small MIBwhite medium STWred largeblue

T-Shirt ExampleT-Shirt Example11T-Shirt ExampleT-Shirt Example11

222011 Rune Møller Jensen 1: Due to Erik van der Meer, now at Microsoft

IT University of Copenhagen

• y1 {black, white, red, blue} : Color y2 {small, medium, large} : Sizey3 {“Men in black” - MIB, “Save the whales” -STW} : Print

• f1 (y3 = MIB) (y1 = black)f2 (y3 = STW) (y2 small)

• y1 y2 y3black small MIBwhite medium STWred largeblue

T-Shirt ExampleT-Shirt Example11T-Shirt ExampleT-Shirt Example11

232011 Rune Møller Jensen 1: Due to Erik van der Meer, now at Microsoft

IT University of Copenhagen

• y1 {black, white, red, blue} : Color y2 {small, medium, large} : Sizey3 {“Men in black” - MIB, “Save the whales” -STW} : Print

• f1 (y3 = MIB) (y1 = black)f2 (y3 = STW) (y2 small)

• y1 y2 y3black small MIBwhite medium STWred largeblue

T-Shirt ExampleT-Shirt Example11T-Shirt ExampleT-Shirt Example11

242011 Rune Møller Jensen 1: Due to Erik van der Meer, now at Microsoft

IT University of Copenhagen

• y1 {black, white, red, blue} : Color y2 {small, medium, large} : Sizey3 {“Men in black” - MIB, “Save the whales” -STW} : Print

• f1 (y3 = MIB) (y1 = black)f2 (y3 = STW) (y2 small)

• y1 y2 y3black small MIBwhite medium STWred largeblue

T-Shirt ExampleT-Shirt Example11T-Shirt ExampleT-Shirt Example11

252011 Rune Møller Jensen 1: Due to Erik van der Meer, now at Microsoft

IT University of Copenhagen



2. while |R| > 1 do

3. choose (yi = v) VALIDASSIGNMENTS(R)

4. R R (yi = v)

Interactive Product ConfiguratorInteractive Product ConfiguratorInteractive Product ConfiguratorInteractive Product Configurator

262011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen


1.Use a BDD to represent R

2.Use a polynomial-time BDD algorithm to compute VALIDASSIGNMENTS(R)

BDD-based configurationBDD-based configurationBDD-based configurationBDD-based configuration

272011 Rune Møller Jensen

IT University of Copenhagen

1. Define domains in binary 00 : black, 01 : white, 10 : red, 11 : blue 00 : small, 01 : medium, 10 : large 0 : MIB, 1 : STW

2. Build a BDD of the rules

Represent Represent RR by a BDD by a BDDRepresent Represent RR by a BDD by a BDD



11 , xx


12 , xx03x

IT University of Copenhagen

• Trace paths for each variable layer in the BDD



IT University of Copenhagen

Henrik HulgaardHenrik Hulgaardconfigit configit

Henrik HulgaardHenrik Hulgaardconfigit configit

302011 Rune Møller Jensen