it j pmderine castor ia r - university of...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORID SEPTEMBER 2 1909 6 J IT = = OLD PMDERINE They Wire Once Important Im ptements of Warfare TREASURED AS HEIRLOOMS Handed Dews From Father Son and From Friend to Frtenrf Engraved OrnamentMli They Were Used at Gifts Instead ef Jeweled Swords Modern lareaUom UTe robbed war- fare of mvcb of Ita romance and the soldier of ef bla old time plctur qWBCM Although tko powderboro A as implement of war disappeared long before the BMzaxloe gun of today was dreamed of It wasnt so very tong ago aa a hatter of fact tbat men were carrying powdcrborna Some of the soldiers la the Mexican war for j example used them Tile powderborna carried by the fighters la tbe early days of this coun- try were often of comparatively sim- ple workmanship but they were cher irked and handed down from father to son and from friend to friend Strange to say though cherished In this manner collectors bare bad hard time In locating any great number of the powdcrborns used In this country nnd this In spite of the large numbers used In tbe seventeenth and eighteenth centuries In the French and Indian war the English and Americans carried 10000 powderborns It has been estimated to say nothing of the number carried by those on the French side In the Revolution there were according to tbe best estimates about 10000 pow derboras In use In tho American army without counting those on the British side The European troops hnd long discarded them of course but their colonial allies naturally were equipped with them A few years ago Inane J Greenwood presented to the yew York Ulstorlcal society a collection of water color pic tares of powderborns ho had found In JVlthouxh the Roan h was prosecuted wltbgreat diligence the number pow dcrborns actually located and sketched was not much more than 400 showing how quickly the horns have been appenring Powderborns are supposed to have come Into UM almost simultaneously with the Invention of gunMiwoVr A- way bad to bo found to curry the der and keep It dry and men quickly found that there wasnt anything bet ter or cheaper In mediaeval times for this purpose than the horns of an nnl mat They were In general uw In the six- teenth century and were brought to this country by the first settlers The oldest hunt whoso picture np cnra In tbe collection was found near Schenec- tady N Y anti bears the date of 1GS3 It was generally the horns of thtrlr own cattle that the farther tighter of America used The lose of n born In nowise iiniuilrfd UHofuhiisu of tin atilniil hull frequently w n called upon to thetuicrltlce Smli horns vfftv iHlly ohtnlnril and wouldnt rust told could N rnrrlinl In tho rain nod through t minis without the powder In them wei They always worn under the left Drill by a strap I hit went over tin right shoulder the nirve In the conformliiK i the HIIIK of tilt Innly nud nerving in keep II out of the way of the wearer There am a Kii ie in the small rut mid without N HI tin hint Mivuler imiiil NHiietl the rlshl luoM lli Hte Into lUv uun- Uollisl riiMil rhtiHtil HIM ond with NII or yt l iw Uvt which VVM HM MWisi ul i uVrhoriH HHV r rv l lent mm liy I tlMN IM any wtfcvr M Hn M t k te IfcN- f tt wMfh IUM i Mil l Hew rit Hl ri- Mlifv lli 40 U i rfcitl Mlrs Atlntl- ri inn In H Uj miMtt tmwilvrI- K M wrw MI BiHNM1 i i- p sm with Id him Hu UI fi ill nuts Meiif t f tlwer- Tlt l i UK end SIM MI i i t find aft tsbt luc dl Ill ke I I I lilt I In MINI I 1 I atM Wit I I I j 1 I till to U It tuft I h t Ie Uh I hit I r I fat I nW 1 oM f- t a i r a- very stilt Iwo the and getting err bur sled et hlllaldl s tlMde Iadly Ii WsHaient Lees purl set sail ii on Nab klrl ell NIIN A Ia ewgval- rh Nr t a l ikl rhWnl- aM 111 hwlle ttlte ttlMk I- wtir rslfl tb Nryt lr d Nr I Mih r1- Ii gllhlllt Ik4i IIII 1 pNIr- hmd brlas A 01 IIN- Iw4srlerl lb Nntel rN1eNrbr ceeu- It IM rilertiNe rr INr I- I sir IIltrl rrpkktt tlnrtlo tttarlr- r 1 p 41 111 a r i 111 1 1Irr rlririht A II IIts 4a s piss0 rd pros b r N IS 1k rnI- ktuvM sA A d I wtlwt5 snare We IN S 1e IVs brit 18x1 N1mu H WMM Mi I MH tie is 15w 4h I L- 111arw w11r1eNt raNyNrb Nat tlw IIW WSMS MrWN Ile tl- IM iwl trt Mw ties Il Iir- hIs srl ttM Mrf Mt 1 e K- llartllltf II 4 N11 i e l- G sMl NI 4 Ali r I1w- 4rt1 u Nlr Ayr- NiM ails to t t r s N rr r u rr f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > < > > > + + + + > nbetbtown nail Plttshurc each little settlement bring carefully noted The horns thus tilled a double supplying the traveler with a map and carrying his powder for him One of the test specimens In the col- lection shows Havana as well as the trail from Albany to Oswego It Is believed to have been owned by a sol- dier In the English army which cap tured tbe Cuban city and who later served in tbe colonies Washington Post He Dodged Celd Mutton Green tbe English historian one fitly asked a friend which of all tbe Inventions of their dry bad done the most for the people ns n whole Ills friend guessed this soil tbat but the answer was Beyond doubt sixpenny photo- graphs A reply involving quite as great an absurdity as tbat was made by Cecil Rhodes in answer to a lady who seeking to draw him out suggested tbat be owed his phenomenal rise to tbe Impetus of noble sentiments Madam returned Mr Rhodes I owe my fortune simply and solely to cold mutton Cold mutton gasped tbe lady Oh Mr Rhodes what do you Wben I was young continued the South African millionaire 1 was so dosed with cold mutton und 1 cordially that I resolved to grow rich In order to put It on one side for the rest of my life Yes mndnm cold mutton was at the root of my success Noble sentiments bad nothing to do with IL Preparing For Dewel One of tbe most remarkable docu- ments that have ever come Holler our observation says a law Journal Is to bo found lu the case of ex pane Scog gin 0 Tex App WG Mr Scoggin was under Indictment for tbo murder of one William Gerrard and an extract from n memorandum book In defend- ants handwriting and found scar tbe lady ran as follows Johnson Co Tx Jan 24 1S75 As It may boo the last penciling that I may ever do on earth May heron illcM me and the man that 1 am going to Ate for we have been travllns to gcathor some time sail hero full outs ought the um of fS and have greed to fight a dewel this Dutiful night of our lord and as one of us has to die May heven bleu us as this Is the last half hour on earth with one of us heven Preserve m now and forever Written by Jesse Bcog Bornd and raned In Tx Slncd by William Jlrod Bored In Illinois Mr Fcojrgins piety apparently brought victory to him In the dewel for bis adversary when found appear- ed to have been struck behind tbe ear by a thirteen Inch shill A Substitute The young lawyer having been nom- inated for the otllre of county attor- ney thought to surprise an eccentric genius of tin name of SI who was working as n hired man on the young lawyers fathers tarns Well SI whut do you think the youtiK man epin Sometimes our thing Lonny nn somelines not her lint SI iliey have tin for county xliurtiey They mklit a ilone worse IiiinI- IowKotuever lioli r till out of the w mdrt The yuiiiK iillnniey WHS lull It i oil ill i l et ill to the fin nnnonncisl the ri t ni iHiHny Si wns ul lite uMtl ll HMW In liu i Well SI I am efeelnl by M lirsi- niNjorlly Ulirtl tiu y ui think nf Mini Well Ijiiiiy ilnwii In our iris where I HUH ril 4 d Hben we wtinted n nto n r an liadii I niiy iirk we yen ernlly tf k M nnm b iclMiiicf CASTORIA J a Vli t i that i f Its ii Mt4 U ui- MiU lMHMMlt lf U I 4BM i M 4- t lH M I MM Mr IkM f V- W 1 umlaut I wit I fen I fhs t r9 I JYS 6Mbf r II H S- r t I II- I t II r 114 I 1 1 i We M aAIHIMaat tI ua I- If 11 t Mti I to n d I I pur- pose means utld I- so a dolt soon cell ill t ftr1 1 k MtI Ivy I- Nr I reltnl- yal lull ihr IkrtWtlt l- Ile HI ML r I tM M 1I 1 1w 1- ee0 rlFGblHa- t b Ih t rut C de ttat I kNtatu Ir w1 trludtN reel 1 tile i r If tN S ibeieelsltso w I ls 111441511 te h 11N1 tirllhy 14v a 1 kll1 1 l 1118 lal A hd II r- N 1 t 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < < > < + + + + + CASTOR IA The m d You Have Always Bought which bas U for over 30 years has borne tile signature ef- i and has under bla gooal supervision since Allow BO one to deceive yon la tale All Counterfeits Imitations but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ef- lafluita Children Expcrieace against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoiia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare- goric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant 16- coatalas neither Opium Morphine nor other Xnrcotio- aahstance Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms aA allays Feverishness It cures Dlarrhwa and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation sad Flatulency It assimilates tho Food regulates the Stomach and Bonels giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS t Seat the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 3O Years ecMTMiH eettMirf n man new van eirv I sad pe- rt Its InfBac1p and Justasgood are sad I beat vase been eon wrrrar You may find what you are looking- for through a want ad In The Sun RILL DIVORCE In the Circuit Court KUbth Judicial Circuit Alachu Countr Klorlds In Chancery Sn le Brown VH WlUUm Hrown Order Iabllcatl IUII for Divorce It it arlnjr br affldavlt afiHraded to tbe bl 1 tIed In tbe shore Mated cruse that Ulilam lirown tbe defendant therein named a rest Jrnt of tbe State of Mo Ida ami that be ban more tban rest ntvcedlmr lhl aiipllcatlon for an order of and th4l he N conceailmt blimelf to sr- vle of eanool K made ui n him and that there U no Vernon In tbe State of Florida the service of a uopoena on whom would hind ald defendant and Is over the arc or tweotrone yearn It I therefore ordered tbat Mid defendant be urn be N hereby to Bt l ear to tbe IIU1 of Con plaint sled In ald cause on or before Monday the 4th des of October A I 1900 otherwise tbe allegation of said bill wit be taken confevkfj br defendant It Is further ordered tbat thU order pub iSbed one a week for tour consecutive weeks In The i lncIlle sun a r pun pi1 Mtul COJMV and State TbI Au lib inn A true cu S ii IKSiiKs ricrk trcJtouri fly M S r KM II It I MASON fur oujt ufrA t CHiCHESTER S PILLS OD IKAM i MERE T F THMAS UNDERTAKING CO PULL LINE OF NEW QOUD5- r OM M I iTS Tt IWTOS r H- tl iii t la i lt li- Oalneavllle PlorlUa ore pub Icalon th n dent required said be ol itr W I II U- I a R r f IJ A C- IIP 1 A Kriue SOlD BY DRUGGISTS UIRi1 sIt aa- a hl 0 I T Is been abent UO dale Prix ar news Vat t Ill I Uf L4f AYrUrp tttr L iW 1trJ- rt antI V TIe MIIrr Irr r trr 16 ra e utt ytuwI lk tlnt r I LXrs tint tW II Est tv ar owl i r- tevlw till Its Ma al- tNNAVtr11IJrJ M > < > > + > + HILI FOR DIVOKCK- to tbe Circuit Court Eighth Judicial Circuit Alactiua Iountr FloridaIn Minnie Maine v V i MaineOrder IMb llcatlon for Divorce It at earlnir br affldavlt appendeil to the bit tiled in the above ntatetl cause that W IS Mime the defendant therein named non- resident nt the State of Florida but I a ie l dent of Westerly Rhode Island that there I this tit th service of a iHcna upon whom would bind said defend nni tbat he In over the of years It U therefore or dered tbat rata Uent defendant be and be IB hrrebv required to appear to the Kill of Iornplulnt flied In said aue on or before Uomlar tbe 4th dar of October A U lew otherwise the of said bUt will be taken as confessed by said defendant further ordered tbat thin order be pub lished once a week for four consecutive week In The Gainesville Sun a newnpaper puilUhed In said countr and State This Aucust lIb IMI- A true copy of orUlna S II XVIEX IKS Clerk Circuit Court S CdKVtS u C J A WILLIAMS Solicitor for Complainant 11111 FOH UIVORCK In the circuit Court Klhth Jwllclil Circuit Aiurbua Iuuntv Kiorlduln Cbnneerv Sule Weir vs Miler VelrHl for Divorce Order Iuntlcaiion It appearmr i y aRldavli api endi il to thr UJeit In till above stitcd OUUKC that Miller d Vir lh ileonditu therein tttiturd a of or Fonda but was 4 rrslilci t if AtlKTiMl lit Via Wlirti lit ist KIIW hi i M h reuiH ut he is oxer the kf of twrntvone year it i thrr r rr Mirtd ttiat said dcreudunt iitd lie lierein re mr il to an ur to u r Hi i l In suul cause on or irftm MtiMU tLo itiiiuv unit t r A li flU r wisvthr MilJ bin win IH s rut fesMtl lit sitkl dolvittluHl It N uru re i that tUstirJer i t 11 isli l Hi e 4 week four it i iiuiiifstiUt SUB u w imi r lab s ii 1 iutlv Gull Tate II AUI iu i w- s II kVUXKN rink Cirfut Court t in t4- s i rk Cireui court ur i i nix H i r NT t Sums artkIi that Is simply lu tht- ay at our houv might It alter MMtl tn ft I tj Mmeoue who lUll BEP W DAVENPORT PIANO and ORGAN Tuner and Rebuilder I a no Ilfron In a not It Is elJ tic I II nlI DUI Un Mate Malt il rrlltlnl I IIII hUnt fill a ut j It cunw Hit f lie tr II t Iii lokulIC fut i I rI- II 1 U i I I I I Ill 1 rub alt non M e l non r 1 non t 111 I adurs take a tnrr fur 4t r > 1 ar lr I tall Iuua NIloh I I I I 1 I I e a r I < > < > ¬ > > < > > > < < > + + That Which Is Worth Having Is Worth Advertising For mg ter M still Uu laws miru tt brVftfM i tltmif yw want wtotiw It u A 4 wHkr U M 4 r 4yNM l IMMIIMM r A ktt wUt MaiH I tkr fk mtumg u4 wiik r ow rtlltls tk t4 Wonktik trail tMUN a Qt krtk 1 gt att fMGp too s wa 111w old lt wkat is wIttus itlK It rittls Phil used wi knits r bait w alit dilllraltt ii at iII dtkfl a1fAIt + BUSINESS GEO S WALDO DENTIST Graham Building Last McJn ttr t N 51 AB DletaiiM- iJB DaVEBE B MORBIb DENTIST OfteB over QAhtesTllle Nattosai laa- Paoae B J H ALDEAMAN DENTIST Ofiee over Duttoa ft Coa Paoae 280 Galae Ule FJa W E BAKER ATTORKEYATLAW SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY GAINESVILLE Alaobut Co PUb Offloe in HaytuRUi Bloat PERDINAND BAYER ATTORNEY AT LAW OAIKKSVILLB FLORIDA Can tell jour property and phosphate tracking and farming lands a lilt of what you offer for tale tliSm J A CARLISLE ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Equity Rea Estate and eral Practice All business attended to Office next offlae GAINBSTILLB FLOBIBA FRANK CLAm TUOS W nrLDINQ CLARK FIELDING LAWYERS Practice IB all Courts 8Uto tat Federal Ofilces Over Gainesville NatloBa Hank tlalnesvtllH Florida Dr A Dolan Mild Medicine Treatment for Horses and Mules Eyes Gainesville Florida n i n Taki II ul I sori to luv an ub or lot awl art con i i rliig pure hfUiu brforv JIMI sleet You Hill tinit to the tftualU t Utail JUM the ttl tury the f IKJ h ve ti drum m A M U I arcurat work and COUNTY ABSTRACT CO VOY1E VOYLE REAL ESTATE Farms Dwellings Lots For Sale 1 Abstracts of Title I I 41 I I 4 IU4 CARDS r flR Phone r CODIOC door au J j J V it r II J 1 II j- I 1 kIlO i hat c oMr I I I Ill rart I I I I l t t I I t I 1 M IR tau I Fir MGI- W I H a fell Lens r lke- iO 4 city IM- proved Item to I y I arm nuil r H t t t ik 1 tt ill 1alM Mile k 11 1 < > > > + μ + +

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Page 1: IT J PMDERINE CASTOR IA r - University of · English and Americans carried 10000 powderborns It has been estimated to




OLD PMDERINEThey Wire Once Important Im

ptements of Warfare


Handed Dews From Father Son andFrom Friend to Frtenrf Engraved

OrnamentMli They Were Used atGifts Instead ef Jeweled Swords

Modern lareaUom UTe robbed war-fare of mvcb of Ita romance and thesoldier of ef bla old time plcturqWBCM Although tko powderboroA as implement of war disappearedlong before the BMzaxloe gun of todaywas dreamed of It wasnt so very tongago aa a hatter of fact tbat menwere carrying powdcrborna Some ofthe soldiers la the Mexican war forj example used them

Tile powderborna carried by thefighters la tbe early days of this coun-try were often of comparatively sim-ple workmanship but they were cherirked and handed down from fatherto son and from friend to friendStrange to say though cherished Inthis manner collectors bare bad

hard time In locating any greatnumber of the powdcrborns used Inthis country nnd this In spite of thelarge numbers used In tbe seventeenthand eighteenth centuries

In the French and Indian war theEnglish and Americans carried 10000powderborns It has been estimatedto say nothing of the number carriedby those on the French side In theRevolution there were according totbe best estimates about 10000 powderboras In use In tho Americanarmy without counting those on theBritish side The European troops hndlong discarded them of course buttheir colonial allies naturally wereequipped with them

A few years ago Inane J Greenwoodpresented to the yew York Ulstorlcalsociety a collection of water color pictares of powderborns ho had found

InJVlthouxh the Roan h was prosecuted

wltbgreat diligence the number powdcrborns actually located and sketchedwas not much more than 400 showinghow quickly the horns have beenappenring

Powderborns are supposed to havecome Into UM almost simultaneouslywith the Invention of gunMiwoVr A-

way bad to bo found to curry theder and keep It dry and men quicklyfound that there wasnt anything better or cheaper In mediaeval times forthis purpose than the horns of an nnlmat

They were In general uw In the six-teenth century and were brought tothis country by the first settlers Theoldest hunt whoso picture np cnra Intbe collection was found near Schenec-tady N Y anti bears the date of 1GS3

It was generally the horns of thtrlrown cattle that the farther tighter ofAmerica used The lose of n born Innowise iiniuilrfd UHofuhiisu of tinatilniil hull frequently w ncalled upon to thetuicrltlce Smlihorns vfftv iHlly ohtnlnril andwouldnt rust told could N rnrrlinl Intho rain nod through t minis withoutthe powder In them wei

They always worn under theleft Drill by a strap I hit went over tinright shoulder the nirve In theconformliiK i the HIIIK of tilt Innlynud nerving in keep II out of the wayof the wearer There am a Kii ie inthe small rut mid without N HI tin

hint Mivuler imiiil NHiietlthe rlshl luoM lli Hte Into lUv uun-

Uollisl riiMil rhtiHtil HIM

ond with NII or yt l iw Uvtwhich VVM HM MWisi ul i

uVrhoriH HHV r rv l lent

mm liy I tlMN IM any wtfcvrM Hn M t k te IfcN-

f tt wMfh IUM i Mil l Hew rit Hl ri-

Mlifv lli 40 U i rfcitl Mlrs Atlntl-ri inn In H Uj miMtt tmwilvrI-K M wrw MI BiHNM1 i i-

p sm withId him Hu UI

fi ill nuts Meiif t f tlwer-

Tlt l i UK



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tsbt luc


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Wit I




1 I




tuft I


t Ie Uh I

hit I


fat I


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sled et

hlllaldl s tlMde Iadly Ii WsHaientLees

purl set sail


on Nab klrl ellNIIN A Ia ewgval-

rh Nr t a l

ikl rhWnl-

aM 111 hwlle ttlte ttlMk I-

wtir rslfl tb Nryt lr d Nr I

Mih r1-

Ii gllhlllt Ik4i IIII 1 pNIr-hmd brlas A 01 IIN-

Iw4srlerl lb Nntel rN1eNrbr ceeu-It IM rilertiNe rr INr I-

I sir IIltrl rrpkktt tlnrtlo tttarlr-r 1 p 41 111 a r i

111 1 1Irr rlririht A II IIts 4a s

piss0 rd pros br N IS 1k rnI-ktuvM sA A d

Iwtlwt5 snare We IN S 1e IVs

brit 18x1 N1muHWMM Mi I MH tie is 15w 4h I L-

111arw w11r1eNt raNyNrb Nattlw IIW WSMS MrWN Ile tl-

IM iwl trt Mw ties Il Iir-hIs srl ttM Mrf Mt 1 e K-

llartllltf II 4 N11 i e l-G sMl NI 4 Ali r

I1w-4rt1 u Nlr Ayr-

NiM ails to t t r















< >










nbetbtown nail Plttshurc each littlesettlement bring carefully noted

The horns thus tilled a doublesupplying the traveler with a

map and carrying his powder for himOne of the test specimens In the col-lection shows Havana as well as thetrail from Albany to Oswego It Isbelieved to have been owned by a sol-dier In the English army which captured tbe Cuban city and who laterserved in tbe colonies WashingtonPost

He Dodged Celd MuttonGreen tbe English historian one

fitly asked a friend which of all tbeInventions of their dry bad done themost for the people ns n whole Illsfriend guessed this soil tbat but theanswer was

Beyond doubt sixpenny photo-graphs

A reply involving quite as great anabsurdity as tbat was made by CecilRhodes in answer to a lady whoseeking to draw him out suggestedtbat be owed his phenomenal rise totbe Impetus of noble sentiments

Madam returned Mr Rhodes Iowe my fortune simply and solely tocold mutton

Cold mutton gasped tbe ladyOh Mr Rhodes what do you

Wben I was young continued theSouth African millionaire 1 was sodosed with cold mutton und 1

cordially that I resolved to growrich In order to put It on one side forthe rest of my life Yes mndnm coldmutton was at the root of my successNoble sentiments bad nothing to dowith IL

Preparing For DewelOne of tbe most remarkable docu-

ments that have ever come Holler ourobservation says a law Journal Is tobo found lu the case of ex pane Scoggin 0 Tex App WG Mr Scoggin wasunder Indictment for tbo murder ofone William Gerrard and an extractfrom n memorandum book In defend-ants handwriting and found scar tbelady ran as follows

Johnson Co Tx Jan 24 1S75As It may boo the last penciling that I

may ever do on earth May heron illcMme and the man that 1 am going to Atefor we have been travllns to gcathorsome time sail hero full outs ought theum of fS and have greed to fight a

dewel this Dutiful night of our lord andas one of us has to die May heven bleuus as this Is the last half hour on earthwith one of us heven Preserve m nowand forever Written by Jesse BcogBornd and raned In Tx Slncd by WilliamJlrod Bored In Illinois

Mr Fcojrgins piety apparentlybrought victory to him In the dewelfor bis adversary when found appear-ed to have been struck behind tbe earby a thirteen Inch shill

A SubstituteThe young lawyer having been nom-

inated for the otllre of county attor-ney thought to surprise an eccentricgenius of tin name of SI who wasworking as n hired man on the younglawyers fathers tarns

Well SI whut do you think theyoutiK man epin

Sometimes our thing Lonny nnsomelines not her

lint SI iliey have tinfor county xliurtiey

They mklit a ilone worse IiiinI-IowKotuever lioli r tillout of the w mdrt

The yuiiiK iillnniey WHS lull It i

oil ill i l et ill to the finnnnonncisl the ri t ni iHiHny Si

wns ul lite uMtl ll HMW In liu i

Well SI I am efeelnl by M lirsi-niNjorlly Ulirtl tiu y ui think nf Mini

Well Ijiiiiy ilnwii In our iriswhere I HUH ril 4 d Hben we wtintedn nto n r an liadii I niiy iirk we yenernlly tf k M nnm b iclMiiicf


Vli t i

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Its ii Mt4 U ui-

MiU lMHMMlt lf U I

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t lH M I MM Mr

IkM f V-

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MtI Ivy I-


reltnl-yal lull ihr IkrtWtlt l-

Ile HI ML r I

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ibeieelsltsow I ls

111441511 te h 11N1 tirllhy 14v a 1

kll1 1 l 1118 lal A hd II


N 1 t 1
















+ +



CASTOR IAThe m d You Have Always Bought which bas

U for over 30 years has borne tile signature ef-

i and has under blagooal supervision sinceAllow BO one to deceive yon la tale

All Counterfeits Imitations butExperiments that trifle with and endanger the health ef-lafluita Children Expcrieace against Experiment

What is CASTORIACastoiia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare-goric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant 16-

coatalas neither Opium Morphine nor other Xnrcotio-aahstance Its age is its guarantee It destroys WormsaA allays Feverishness It cures Dlarrhwa and WindColic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipationsad Flatulency It assimilates tho Food regulates theStomach and Bonels giving healthy and natural sleepThe Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend


t Seat the Signature of

The Kind You Have Always BoughtIn Use For Over 3O Years

ecMTMiH eettMirf n man new van eirvI


pe-rt Its InfBac1p

and Justasgood are





eon wrrrar

You may find what you are looking-for through a want ad In The Sun

RILL DIVORCEIn the Circuit Court KUbth Judicial Circuit

Alachu Countr Klorlds In ChancerySn le Brown VH WlUUm Hrown OrderIabllcatl IUII for Divorce

It it arlnjr br affldavlt afiHraded to tbe bl 1

tIed In tbe shore Mated cruse that Ulilamlirown tbe defendant therein named a restJrnt of tbe State of Mo Ida ami that be ban

more tban rest ntvcedlmrlhl aiipllcatlon for an order ofand th4l he N conceailmt blimelf to sr-vle of eanool K made ui n him andthat there U no Vernon In tbe State of Floridathe service of a uopoena on whom wouldhind ald defendant and Is over the arc ortweotrone yearn It I therefore orderedtbat Mid defendant be urn be Nhereby to Bt l ear to tbe IIU1 of Conplaint sled In ald cause on or before Mondaythe 4th des of October A I 1900 otherwisetbe allegation of said bill wit be takenconfevkfj br defendant

It Is further ordered tbat thU order pubiSbed one a week for tour consecutiveweeks In The i lncIlle sun a

r pun pi1 Mtul COJMV and StateTbI Au lib innA true cu

S ii IKSiiKs ricrk trcJtourifly M S r KM IIIt I MASON fur oujt ufrA t







r OM M I iTS Tt IWTOS r H-

tl iii t la i lt li-

Oalneavllle PlorlUa


pub Icalonth n



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rf IJ A C-





hl 0




been abent UO dale

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to tbe Circuit Court Eighth Judicial CircuitAlactiua Iountr FloridaInMinnie Maine v V i MaineOrder IMbllcatlon for Divorce

It at earlnir br affldavlt appendeil to the bittiled in the above ntatetl cause that W ISMime the defendant therein named non-resident nt the State of Florida but I a ie ldent of Westerly Rhode Island that there I

this tit th service of aiHcna upon whom would bind said defendnni tbat he In over theof years It U therefore ordered tbat rata Uent defendant be andbe IB hrrebv required to appear to the Kill ofIornplulnt flied In said aue on or beforeUomlar tbe 4th dar of October A U lewotherwise the of said bUt will betaken as confessed by said defendant

further ordered tbat thin order be published once a week for four consecutiveweek In The Gainesville Sun a newnpaperpuilUhed In said countr and StateThis Aucust lIb IMI-

A true copy of orUlnaS II XVIEX IKS Clerk Circuit Court

S CdKVtS u CJ A WILLIAMS Solicitor for Complainant

11111 FOH UIVORCKIn the circuit Court Klhth Jwllclil Circuit

Aiurbua Iuuntv Kiorlduln CbnneervSule Weir vs Miler VelrHlfor Divorce Order IuntlcaiionIt appearmr i y aRldavli api endi il to thrUJeit In till above stitcd OUUKC that Millerd Vir lh ileonditu therein tttiturd a

of or Fonda but was4 rrslilci t if AtlKTiMl lit Via Wlirti litist KIIW hi i M h reuiH ut he is oxerthe kf of twrntvone year it i thrr r rrMirtd ttiat said dcreuduntiitd lie lierein re mr il to an ur to u r Hii l In suul cause on or irftmMtiMU tLo itiiiuv unit t r A li flU rwisvthr MilJ bin win IHs rut fesMtl lit sitkl dolvittluHlIt N uru re i that tUstirJer i t 11

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That Which Is Worth Having Is

Worth Advertising For

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wHkr U M 4 r 4yNM l IMMIIMM r A ktt wUtMaiH I tkr fk mtumg u4 wiik



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Graham Building Last McJn ttr t N51 AB DletaiiM-



OfteB over QAhtesTllle Nattosai laa-Paoae


DENTISTOfiee over Duttoa ft Coa

Paoae 280 Galae Ule FJa



GAINESVILLE Alaobut Co PUbOffloe in HaytuRUi Bloat




Can tell jour propertyand phosphate

tracking and farming landsa lilt of what you offer for tale tliSm


ATTORNEY AT LAWAnd Solicitor in Equity

Rea Estate anderal Practice All businessattended to Office nextofflae GAINBSTILLB FLOBIBA




Practice IB all Courts 8Uto tatFederal

Ofilces Over Gainesville NatloBaHank tlalnesvtllH Florida

Dr A DolanMild Medicine Treatment for

Horses and Mules Eyes

Gainesville Florida

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Taki II ul I sori to luv an ubor lot awl art con

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Utail JUM the ttl tury thef IKJ h ve ti drum m

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Farms Dwellings Lots

For Sale1

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