it is important that your grant is used effectively and ... · live coaching/teaching. support for...


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Page 1: It is important that your grant is used effectively and ... · Live coaching/teaching. Support for review and reflection - considering the 5 key indicators from DfE, what development


Page 2: It is important that your grant is used effectively and ... · Live coaching/teaching. Support for review and reflection - considering the 5 key indicators from DfE, what development

It is important that your grant is used effectively and based on school need. The Education Inspection Framework (Ofsted 2019 p64) makes clear there will be a focus on ‘whether leaders and those responsible for governors all understand their respective roles and perform these in a way that enhances the effectiveness of the school’.

Under the Quality of Education criteria (p41) inspectors consider the extent to which schools can articulate

their curriculum (INTENT), construct their curriculum (IMPLEMENTATION) and demonstrate the outcomes which result (IMPACT).

To assist schools with common transferable language this template has been developed to utilise the same three headings which should make your plans easily transferable between working documents.

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) they offer. This means that you should

use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to:

• Develop or add to the PESSPA activities that your school already offer • Build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will

benefit pupils joining the school in future years

Please visit for the revised DfE guidance including the 5 key indicators across which schools should demonstrate an improvement. This document will help you to review your provision and to report your spend. DfE encourages schools to use this template as an effective way of meeting the reporting requirements of the Primary PE and Sport Premium.

We recommend you start by reflecting on the impact of current provision and reviewing the

previous spend.

Schools are required to publish details of how they spend this funding as well as on the impact it has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment by the end of the summer term or by 31st July 2020 at the latest.

We recommend regularly updating the table and publishing it on your website throughout the year. This evidences your ongoing self-evaluation of how you are using the funding to secure maximum, sustainable impact. Final copy must be posted on your website by the end of the academic year and no later than the 31st July 2020. To see an example of how to complete the table please click HERE.

Page 3: It is important that your grant is used effectively and ... · Live coaching/teaching. Support for review and reflection - considering the 5 key indicators from DfE, what development

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Key achievements to date until July 2019: Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

*Improved participation and success at events and competitions. Competitions entered for the first time including Tag Rugby and Dodgeball. *Girls Engage Tag Rugby City Winners 2019 – First City wide win. *Boys Engage Tag Rugby Pool Winners 2020 *Girls football semi-finalists. *Dodgeball – Entered for the first time (A, B and C teams.) A team second place out of 16. *Improved scores in KS1 Gym. *100% of pupils (KS2) engaged in personal challenge activities led in colleges. *CPD imoves whole school teaching platform and plans. * PE used as a vehicle for whole school improvement (engagement and focus in lessons and a decrease in behavioural incidents at break and dinner times) *Provide lunchtimes that are more active and have sports leaders and peers running activities and clubs. (Increased numbers participating/log of behaviour incidents and hopefully a reduction of reported incidents). *32 children disengaged from PE and/or sedentary took part in a specific intervention. 75% of whom understood the importance of PE after intervention (16% before). 97% of whom stated they enjoyed PE after the intervention compared to (31% before). *110 children attended extra-curricular clubs. 32% of whom had previously not attended a club before. (Clubs only ran until before Spring half term so a comparison with last year cannot be drawn).

*Only 32.3% of children could swim 25m confidently and proficiently (Year 5’s 2018/2019) – Need to get this up to 50%. Use funding to provide top up lessons. *Look into a skills based assessment tool to monitor and track progression and to use as evidence for impact of spending. *Use PE as a vehicle for whole school improvement (attendance, behaviour, and attainment) Provide lunchtimes that are more active and have sports leaders and peers running activities and clubs. (Increased numbers participating/log of behaviour incidents and hopefully a reduction of reported incidents). *Look into “Active Schools Planner.” Apply and implement. *Improvement in moving and handling scores for EYFS. *Complete an audit of staff confidence with a view to CPD and develop class teacher’s skills in the delivery of PE. Live coaching/teaching.

Support for review and reflection - considering the 5 key indicators from DfE, what development needs are a priority for your setting and your pupils now and why? Use the space below to reflect on previous spend and key achievements and areas for development.

Page 4: It is important that your grant is used effectively and ... · Live coaching/teaching. Support for review and reflection - considering the 5 key indicators from DfE, what development

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Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? N.B. Even though your pupils may swim in another year please report on their attainment on leaving primary school at the end of the summer term 2020.


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? 36%

Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?

Yes/No £2214

Y4 Children now to go swimming, early identification of non-swimmers. Top up lessons in summer term for y5 and y6 children not up to national curriculum requirements. (No final Y6 data available as final assessments not completed due to Covid 19, data based on assessments from Y5).

Year 4 Swimming data

37.5% of children when initially tested were non swimmers (aided with body belt and discs).

47% of children when initially tested were aided swimmers (aided with a body belt).

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69% of children after the final assessment were aided swimmers (aided with a body belt).

19% of children after the final assessment were unaided swimmers and able tom swim 10 metres.

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Academic Year: 2019/2020 Total fund allocated £25,015(including £4275 carried forward).

Date Updated: July 2020 £20,996 spent (£4019 to be carried forward).

Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

Percentage of total allocation:


Intent Implementation Impact (intende


Your school focus should be clear what you want the pupils to know and be able to do and about

what they need to learn and to

consolidate through practice:

Make sure your actions to achieve are linked to your intentions:

Funding allocated:


Evidence of impact: what do pupils now know and what can they now do? What has changed?

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

*Staff to have access to imoves active

schools package in order to ensure “Movement breaks,” during the day and to ensure that children are getting the opportunity to be active outside of allocated PE Lessons. *Hopefully this will impact positively on behaviour and focus in the classroom.

*Purchase of the imoves package.

*Teachers to set up their own profiles/log ons specific to their class. *Run out with two class teachers to trial. CPD Delivered.


1. Monitor how often class teachers are accessing and using the platform. Get the class teachers to feedback on benefits/positives of the package. Pupil/teacher questionnaire. *The two class teachers used imoves at least 3 times every week. 60 children took part in at least 3 active opportunities a week (over and above the 2 PE lessons). * Feedback from teachers was that after a “Movement break,” the children were more focused and on task during lessons. There were fewer incidents of children being off task and becoming distracted. *When questioned 82% of children said they felt they were able to concentrate better after a movement break. *Achieved Most Active School Bronze Award for Dec 2019 from imoves

*Roll out over whole school. Further CPD on imoves. Share with staff the feedback from children and staff who’ve been using imoves. Continue to subscribe to the package next year. *Look at using imoves to utilise active maths and literacy lessons. Again pilot in one class. With a view to rolling out over a whole year group in the Spring term. Then review and analyse outcomes. *Provide cover so PE specialist can monitor, observe and work with class teachers. *Ensure all staff have their own personal log ons set up.

Action Plan and Budget Tracking Capture your intended annual spend against the 5 key indicators. Clarify the success criteria and evidence of impact that you intend to measure to evaluate for pupils today and for the future.

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demonstrating that it is being used as a platform. *55% of staff had their own log ons (others were using the platform but using the generic school log on/password.

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Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement Percentage of total allocation:


Intent Implementation Impact(intended)

School focus with clarity on intended impact Actions to achieve Funding allocated:


Evidence Sustainability and suggested next steps:

*More activities and opportunities for children to be active at dinner times. Leading to; improved behaviour, improved attendance, improved attainment. Specific children targeted. *Interventions for specific children who have been identified as disengaged from PE or are deemed as sedentary.

*PE Specialist to identify and train “Play Leaders,” to help run and organise activities. PE Assistant to support curriculum lessons to allow Specialist to carry out the above tasks and implement the changes. *Interventions carried out for targeted disengaged pupils, PE Assistant and Specialist to liaise with class teachers in identifying children and working with them on PE Specific interventions in order to build confidence and reengage them in PE.

£1992 Part Salary of PE Assistant. £3984 Part Salary of PE Assistant.

Less behavioural incidents at dinner time. CPOM’s log. Improved attainment/attendance of specific targeted children. Record of children who are “Playleaders,” *16 year 6 children identified and trained as “Lunchtime crew,” *4 more manned active zones on the playground. Children to understand the importance of PE, become more engaged and enjoy it more. *32 children were identified across Y’s 3 and 4. Interventions took place in small groups. They were questioned before and after the intervention. Results below: Q1 – Do you enjoy PE? Before intervention 16% yes. After intervention 75% yes. Q2 – Do you know what PE is? Before intervention 40%. After intervention 65%. Q3 – Do you know why PE is important? Before intervention 9%. After intervention 75%. Q4 – Do you think you are good at PE? Before intervention 35%. After intervention 90%. Q5 – Do you enjoy PE? Before

*Select and train another group of children to be “Lunchtime crew,” next year. Purchase uniform. *Run this intervention out with other year groups. Try to encourage children who’ve participated in the intervention to take up a sport/join a club. (Keep a record of this!)

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intervention 31%. After intervention 97%.

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Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport Percentage of total allocation:


Intent Implementation Impact(intended)

School focus with clarity on intended impact Actions to achieve Funding Evidence Sustainability and suggested



next steps:

*Develop teaching practice within Year 4 to ensure high quality PE for pupils. *To improve differentiated practice *To improve concurrent feedback within teaching

*Employment of a Specialist PE Assistant Teacher. *PE Specialist Teacher released to work with year groups and teachers and to plan/live coach. Assistant to work alongside Specialist Teacher and to cover lessons when working with class teachers. Using 2018/19 July staff CPD survey confirm intentions with Year 4 and 6 class teachers Agree 6 week CPD plan to support teacher Week 1 – PE lead led lesson Week 2 – PE lead led lesson Week 3 – team teach lesson Week 4 – team teach lesson Week 5 – Teacher led lesson Week 6 - Teacher led lesson Feedback meeting after each lesson, Staff CPD survey undertaken at Week 1, 4 and 6

Part Salary of PE Specialist Teacher £3984

Lesson observations and live coaching carried out. Pupil and staff questionnaires This was planned for the Spring term but wasn’t carried out due to Covid 19.

Carry this out in the Autumn Term. Staff members will continue to work with PE lead once per half/year to support High Quality PE, agreed by SLT. Additional members of staff to be supported through same model. Year 4 and 6 staff to support NQT’s working in their class with HQPE delivery.

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Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils Percentage of total allocation:


Intent Implementation Impact(intended)

School focus with clarity on intended impact Actions to achieve Funding Evidence Sustainability and suggested



next steps:

*Orienteering introduced as a unit of work in

KS2. Enter a team into SSG Orienteering


*Wider variety of supported and lead

activities and sports on offer at Break and

Dinner times. Leading to greater engagement

and less behavioural incidents.

*Purchase of OLC Learning cards and attendance at OEAP certificated course. *Invite S. Atkins Deputy Head Outdoor Education (Education Visits Advice & DofE Manager) into school to set up orienteering course, provide resources necessary. *Purchase of Orienteering resources Octavian Droobers to set up a permanent course in School *PE Specialist to work alongside and train DRA’s and TA’s in order to set up “Active Zones,” at dinner time. PE Assistant to support curriculum lessons to allow Specialist to carry out the above tasks and implement the changes.

£100 £113 £204 £1992

SSG Orienteering event entered. Orienteering G & T group intervention/special lessons. KS2 Lessons taught. (Record of lessons taught, D.Taylor to observe and feedback, pupil feedback). *The resources have been purchased, courses set up. S.Atkins was booked in for May so this was postponed until next academic year and the Unit of work will be taught then.

Based on July DRA/TA survey; *Confidence to deliver/ lead “Active Zones,” 90% March 2020 (40% September 2019). *More variety of activities on offer. 3 zones – 2018-2019 7 zones – 2019-2020 Extra activities include; *Basketball *Dodgeball *Shelter Building *Tri Golf

Can we run it out across the school? Class teachers to deliver? Link to other curriculum areas? CPD? Continue to monitor, see if there is opportunity to increase the variety of activities on offer. *Trim Trail *Archery *Orienteering Train Staff in order to provide the confidence in delivery.

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Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport Percentage of total allocation:


Intent Implementation Impact

School focus with clarity on intended impact Actions to achieve Funding Evidence Sustainability and suggested



next steps:

*More children to represent the school in more competitions and events. A, B and C Teams. *More Success at events. *Enter events and competitions never entered before. *More children attending clubs out of school *All children in KS2 to participate in personal challenges.

*Enter into all SSG Events. *PE Assistant to support with events and curriculum lessons in order for children to attend and train specifically for events and competitions.

£400 annual Subscription to SSG. £1000 Transport costs to and from events. £120 Subscription to Coventry Schools Sports Association £3984-part salary of PE Assistant. £39 Resources to support interventions.

Record of events attended and names of children. More success at events. (Record folder compare scores over last couple of years and see improvement and progression). Pupil questionnaire to determine how many children have joined a club following information and contacts provided by school. *110 children attended extra-curricular clubs. 32% of whom had previously not attended a club before. *3 children were identified as G n T and following conversations with parents, the children then attended clubs/activities outside of school. *The School attended 7 out of 8 events. 22 children had never represented school before. *C team entered for the first time. *B Team entered in KS1 Gym for the first time. *Entered girls football for the first time – Semi-finalists. *Entered dodgeball for the first time including A, B and C teams. A Team finished 2nd out of 16 schools. *Entered Girls Tag rugby competition for the first time. Pool Winners and City Final Champions – 1st Place! *Entered Boys Tag rugby for the first time. Pool Winners. (Didn’t compete in

Can we get a C team entered and hit all of the criteria in order to achieve a gold kitemark? *Due to Covid 19 we keep the Silver Kitemark earned last year for another year.

*Achieve Gold kite mark.

*Target specific children to attend “SSG Festival,” *100% of children in KS1 to participate in a personal challenge next year– KS1 Agility

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the City finals due to cancellation (Covid 19). *KS1 Gym A and B teams entered for the first time. A team scores improved on last year; 2018 – 108.1 2019 – 109.1 *100% of children in KS2 took part in personal challenges Y3/4 – Magnificent 7’s. Y5/6 – Sportshall Athletics.

Signed off by

Head Teacher:


Subject Leader:


