it happened.docx

It happened(Do not show this document to anyone else, it is just for you :) Conclusion: You only say "Just please dont hate us" when you are guilty.

Upload: raymond-ray

Post on 12-Nov-2015




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It happened(Do not show this document to anyone else, it is just for you :)

Conclusion: You only say "Just please dont hate us" when you are guilty.

Conclusion: As you can see he says "if something did happen why did she say anything" that is damning evidence that it took place. Also he says she is "Unpredictable" that agains proves he thinks she cant be trusted to keep her mouth closed. More evidence it happened.

Conclusion: As you can see there is no indication that what she is saying is a joke. It definitely happened.

Conclusion: As you see, the moment she realised I told you(Brandon). She started to back track , she realised she was fucked. So the only excuse she could come up with was it was a joke.

Conclusion: They have realised they are fucked. The only thing they can say is it was a joke. They are clawing for dear life. But as you can see there are inconsistencies. They definitely had a threesome. So they are all saying it was a joke in order to shut it down.