it happened when an lraq leader, sadden hussein, wanted to take over the kuwait’s oil fields. he...

Persian Gulf War

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Persian Gulf War

Why did the Gulf War happen?

It happened when an lraq leader, Sadden Hussein, wanted to take over the Kuwait’s oil fields. He did

this because Iraq was near bankruptcy so they needed the oil to make more money. U.S president

George Bush formed a coalition to stop Iraq. A coalition is when a group of allies work together to

achieve a goal.

Who Was in the Persian Gulf War?

Many countries were involved and they where, U.S. , Saudi Arabia, U.K. , & Egypt for the allies. Iraq was the only central power.

Important people in Persian gulf war


George Bush Norman Schwarzkopf Salah Mahmond Sadden Hussein

Important Allies

George Bush was the U.S. president during the Gulf War.

Norman Schwarzkopf was the commander of the coalition forces during the war.

Central Power Leaders

Sudden Hussein was the leader of Iraq during the war.

Salah Mahmond was an Iraq commander during the Persian Gulf War.

Important dates August 2,1990-Iraq invades Kuwait August 7,1990- U.S. forces arrive in Saudi

Arabia November 29,1990- Coalition forces give

Iraq a warning to leave Kuwait January 15,1991-Congress allows George

Bush to use force if necessary January 16,1991-Deadline for Iraq to leave

Kuwait January 21,1991- Coalition air campaign

begins in Kuwait February 24,1991- Coalition forces arrive in

Iraq March 3 ,1991-Iraq surrenders

Important dates

Aug. 2, 1990 Iraq attacked Kuwait on this

day. They did this because Iraq had been going bankrupt and needed more money. They used the excuse that Kuwait was the reason oil prices were so low. They also claimed that Kuwait had originally been an Iraqi territory. Finally, on Aug. 2, they decided to invade Kuwait by bombing and capturing one of their cities. Coalition forces were worried that Iraq might try to attack other countries as well.

Aug. 7,1990 This was when the

United States first entered Saudi Arabia. Known as Operation Desert Shield, George Bush and other coalition forces sent warplanes and infantry. They got ready to fight incase they needed to.

Important dates

Important dates

Nov. 29,1990 This was when

coalition forces give Iraq a warning to leave Kuwait. They gave a deadline for Iraq to leave and it was on Jan. 16, 1991. Iraq showed no sign of leaving.

The deadline will come on Jan. 16,1991

Important dates

Jan.15,1991 On this date, president

George Bush was given permission to use force if needed on the Iraqi. Congress gave him this permission because the deadline for Iraq to leave Kuwait was nearing and Iraq had not shown any sign of leaving.

Important Dates

Jan.16,1991 This was the Iraq

deadline to get out of Kuwait. Iraq did not leave so coalition leaders started to plan an attack. They decided to call the attack operation desert storm.

Important dates

Jan. 21,1991 This was when the

coalition air campaign began. This operation was the beginning operation desert storm. During this air campaign, thousands of explosives were fired at Iraq.

Important dates

Feb. 24,1991 This was the day coalition

ground forces entered Iraq. This was called operation desert saber. This very quickly drove Iraq out of Kuwait.

Important dates

March 3,1991This is when Iraq finally

surrendered. After the coalition entered Iraq territory, it was just 100 hours until Iraq agreed to cease fire. The coalition forces suffered only about 350 deaths, while about 12,000 Iraq soldiers died.

OVERALL…• The Persian Gulf War lasted

7 weeks. • The coalition won the war

quickly using advanced weapons and highly trained

soldiers.• Hussein remained in power,

which worried leaders in the United States in years to


Aftermath After the war, oil prices in the Middle East

rocketed up. This was because of the war destroying oil fields and partly because Iraq was mad at us. This caused U.S economy to go down. The U.S relied on getting most of its oil from imports in the Middle East .

What you need to know

You mainly need to know the involvement of the U.S. in the war. Mainly, all we did was come in and force Iraq out of Kuwait. Afterwards oil prices from the Middle East rocketed up. This hurt the economy in the U.S.