issworld europe intelligence support systems for lawful interception,

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  • 7/22/2019 ISSWorld Europe Intelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception,


    Associate Lead Sponsors

    Where Law Enforcement,

    Public Safety, Telecoms and

    the Intelligence Community turn for

    Technical Training and Product Selection

    Where Law Enforcement,

    Public Safety, Telecoms and

    the Intelligence Community turn for

    Technical Training and Product Selection

    105 LEA/Interior Security/Intel Training Sessions and Courses to Choose From

    Exhibitors and SponsorsLead Sponsor


    EuropeIntelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception,

    Criminal Investigations and Intelligence Gathering




  • 7/22/2019 ISSWorld Europe Intelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception,

    2/7For Complete ISS World Conference Session Descriptions, Go To

    SS World Europe is the world's largestathering of European Law Enforcement,

    ntelligence and Homeland Security Analysts aswell as Telecom Operators responsible for Lawfulnterception, Hi-Tech Electronic Investigationsnd Network Intelligence Gathering.

    SS World Programs present the methodologiesnd tools for Law Enforcement, Public Safetynd Government Intelligence Communities inhe fight against drug trafficking, cyber money

    aundering, human trafficking, terrorism andther criminal activities conducted over today'selecommunications network, the Internet andocial Networks.

    Track 1

    SS for Lawful Interception and Criminalnvestigations

    Track 2

    SS for Big Data Analytics and SocialNetwork Monitoring

    Track 3

    SS for Mobile Location, Surveillancend Signal Intercept

    Track 4

    Encrypted Traffic Monitoring and ITntrusion Product Training

    Track 5

    EA and Intelligence Analyst Trainingnd Product Demonstrations

    Track 6

    Social Network Monitoring and BigData Analytics Product Demonstration

    Track 7

    Mobile Location, Surveillance and Signalntercept Product Training

    Pre-Conference Training Seminars

    Tuesday, 4 June 2013

    Seminar #18:30-4:30

    Online Social Media and InternetInvestigationsPresented by Charles Cohen, Cohen Training

    and Consulting, LLCCharles Cohen also holds the position ofCommander, Special Investigations andCriminal Intelligence, Indiana State Police,USA


    Session 1 of 6: What Investigators &Analysts Need to Know about OnlineSocial Media.


    Session 2 of 6: OSINT and CriminalInvestigations


    Session 3 of 6: Successful Use of OnlineSocial Media in Criminal Investigations


    Session 4 of 6: Counterintelligence &Liabilities Involving Online Social Media


    Session 5 of 6: Facebook: Tools, Tricks, &Techniques Investigators Need to Know


    Session 6 of 6: What Investigators Needto Know about Hiding on the Internet

    Seminar #28:30-4:30

    Understanding ISS Technologies

    and Products Deployed inTelecommunications Networksand Monitoring Centers for LawEnforcement and Intelligence AnalysisPresented by: Dr. Jerry Lucas, President,

    TeleStrategiesThis one day pre-conference seminar coversthe spectrum of ISS Technologies andProducts deployed in today's fixed wire,mobile wireless and Internet ServiceProvider networks and LEA Monitoring andIntelligence Gathering Centers. This all dayseminar is ideal for those law enforcement,

    public safety and intelligence analysts wneed an understanding of the ISStechnologies to be discussed in theconference sessions and the ISS producdisplayed at the exhibit hall as well as anunderstanding of the buzz words and jarused by telecom operator engineers andtheir vendors.


    Understanding Wireline Telecom

    Infrastructure, Interception and RelaISS ProductsWhat do LEAs need to know about thepublic switched telecommunicationsnetworks, circuit switching, fiber optics,SONET/SDH, Broadband Access (DSL,ADSL, Cable Modems, etc.), billing systeand call detail records, standards for lawintercept, basic LI elements (access, deland collection function), LEA MonitoringCenter Functions (call information and cacontent data collection) and where are ISproducts deployed for monitoring andintercept.

    11:00-2:00Understanding Mobile WirelessInfrastructure, Interception and RelaISS ProductsInfrastructure basics (GSM, GPRS, EDGEUMTS, HSPA and LTE), Wi-Fi, WiMax anFemtocells, How a cellular call is procesback office infrastructure, HLR, VLR,Backhaul and PSTN interconnection, datservices, SMS, MMS, IM, data services,fixed mobile convergence, Smartphonechallenges for LEA, intrusion techniquesgathering Geolocation data, locationtechnologies (A-GPS and RF finger printiand where are ISS products deployed fo

    monitoring and intercept.


    Understanding the Internet,Interception and Related ISS ProducWhat Investigators Have To Know about call Identifying Information, Radius, DHCDNS, etc., Tracking an Internet Address tSource, Investigations Involving E-Mail,Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Instant MessaChat Rooms and Message Boards, IMS,Networks and Deep Packet Inspection, BData Analytics, defeating encryption,



    EuropeIntelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception,

    Criminal Investigations and Intelligence Gathering

    Exhibits5 June 2013, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    6 June 2013, 9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.

  • 7/22/2019 ISSWorld Europe Intelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception,


    merging IPv6 Challenges and what can beone to address Internet intercept deploying

    SS infrastructure and where are ISSroducts deployed for monitoring and



    Practitioners Guide to Internetnvestigations

    Presented by: Mark Bentley, Data CommsManager, Child Exploitation and OnlineProtection Centre (CEOP), United Kingdomhis is exclusively Law Enforcement only, asractical examples, covert and investigative

    methods will be given throughout theeminar. The aim of this 1 day seminar is toake the attendees from the basics ofnderstanding the internet, through to a fullnderstanding of best practice of an internet

    nvestigator, and having awareness of all theools available to achieve this.


    ntroductionA 15 min introduction to the work of theChild Exploitation and online ProtectionCentre


    The World Wide Web and the Internet


    Recognizing Traffic Data


    WIFI and GPRS


    Emerging Technologies, Masking Technd Tools

    4:15-15:15Advanced Techniques in TracingSuspects


    Open Source Intelligence TrainingOSINT)

    Seminar #4:30-4:30

    Advanced IP Intercept TrainingPresented by: Hendrik Schulze, President & CTO

    and Jens Geier, Product Manager, ipoque


    Understanding TCP/IP for PacketSniffing and Traffic AnalysisA brief introduction into network technologyand the basics of TCP/IP needed forinterception and the impact on propernetwork analysis. Based on this, theworkshop reflects the technical options forLEA's to investigate in networks.


    Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) Basics for

    LEA's, Intelligence Analysts and TelecomOperatorsAn overview on deep packet inspectiontechnology (DPI) and its basic operationsdown to the application level. Skype is usedas example to show the implications ofcomplex network behavior on DPI.


    Basics of IP Application DecodingFrom Packets to Structured Data

    The workshop is a high-level introduction onbuilding decoder software starting fromrequirements on an example of softwarearchitecture. After an overview of all parts ofthe introduction the building blocks areelaborated.

    Seminar #513:00-14:00

    The Dark Side of the Internet - TheHidden TOR and I2P and How theyFunctionPresented by: Ross Bowerman, Detective

    Sergeant, Scottish Police College, UK

    Seminar #614:15-15:15

    Smartphone Application ChallengesEncountered and OpportunitiesPresented to Law EnforcementPresented by: Michael Williamson, Detective

    Inspector, Force Intelligence Bureau, Crimeand Safer Communities, UK

    A users overview of Smartphoneapplications, what they can do, implications,challenges and opportunities for lawenforcement in obtaining results andcoordinating our response to theoverwhelming new apps appearing daily.

    Seminar #78:30-12:00

    Sharing in Real-Time Cyber Threat aAttack Informaiton AmongGovernments, Telecoms and PrivateIndustryPresented By Matthew Lucas (Ph.D. Comp

    Science), Vice President, TeleStrategiesAnd Invited FacultyCollaborative cybersecurity systems -- wgovernments, enterprises and telcom

    operators share threat and attack informin real-time -- are gaining significant inteand momentum in the industry. Theapproach not only improves respectivecyberdefense capabilities and criticalinfrastructure protection as compared totraditional stove-pipe implementations, balso enables operators to improve the quof their service offerings and complemethem with enhanced cybersecurity featu

    As with any distributed system,implementing collaborative cybersecurityplatforms is incredibly complicated. In orto be successful, the approach will requi

    robust standards that are efficient,comprehensive and vendor-independenthalf day tutorial will look at the overallchallenges, the emerging architectures astandards surrounding distributedcollaborative cybersecurity systems. Thetutorial will be broke into three sessions

    Session 1: Overview of the TechnicalChallenges in Real-Time Sharing of Thand Attack Information AmongGovernments, Telecoms and PrivateIndustry.

    This panel of technical experts will give tassessment of the challenges of sharing

    information among governments, telecooperators and the private sector from alawful interception and intelligence gathvendors perspective.

    Presented By Panel of ISS Vendors

    Session 2: Distributed CybersecurityRequirements and Architectures Cyberthreat data requirements for eachdomain (government, telcom wide-area,enterprise and CPE) will be identified, datypes/schemas will be explained and reatime requirements will be considered.

    Session 3: Exchange protocols / use c

    STIX and other protocols will be



    EuropeIntelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception,

    Criminal Investigations and Intelligence Gathering

  • 7/22/2019 ISSWorld Europe Intelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception,


    xamined in detail, looking at the specificvents captured, usage data formats, triggervents, transport protocols,ecurity/authentication, capabilitiesxchange, and protocols. The session will

    wrap up with reference architectures andse cases.

    Seminar #83:00-17:00

    ETSI/TC LI Update

    3:00-13:40ETSI/TC LI Standards OverviewGerald McQuaid, Chairman ETSI/TC LI


    E-Warrant InterfaceTony Rutkowski, Yaana Technologies

    -Warrant Interface: Details on the "eWarrantnterface" for Lawful Interception and DataRetention. The general use of this electronicnterface is highlighted. Future plans will bendicated.


    Dynamic TriggeringAlex Leadbeater, BT Group

    Dynamic Triggering: As communicationservices become more nomadic andnterception of basic access services (e.g.roadband) becomes more difficult due tohe ever increasing data volumes, serviceased interception becomes increasinglyttractive. In addition Virtual Serviceroviders and constant mobility of userccess methods to those services require aew approach to interception.


    I Cloud/Virtual ServicesTony Rutkowski, Yaana Technologies

    I Cloud/Virtual Services: Beside generalnformation on Cloud services also the TC LItudy on "LI Cloud/Virtual services" will beandled.


    ETSI TC LI Standards In RealityRudolf Winschuh, Utimaco Safeware

    TSI TC LI standards in reality: Thisresentation will describe in which parts ofhe world ETSI TC LI standards are used andow they are implemented in variousountries.


    Guru" Round for Questions for thepresenters

    Wednesday, June 5, 2013

    Welcoming Remarks


    Tatiana Lucas, ISS World Program Director,TeleStrategies


    Top Ten Internet Challenges Facing LawEnforcement and the IntelligenceCommunity and Who at ISS WorldEurope has SolutionsDr. Jerry Lucas, President, TeleStrategies

    Track 1

    ISS for Lawful Interception and CriminalInvestigationsThis track is for Telecom Operators and LawEnforcement/Intelligence/Defense Analystswho are responsible for specifying ordeveloping lawful intercept networkinfrastructure.

    Wednesday, 5 June 2013

    14:00-14:30Lawful Interception and Retention ofTelecom Services vs. Data ProtectionDirk Brgerding, Pre-Sales Manager, Utimaco



    New LI challenges. A CountrywideIntegrated Solution: Voice, Data,Positioning and EncryptionCristian DIncertopadre, Sales, IPS


    IPv6, Identities & DPIHendrik Schulze, President & CTO, Ipoque


    Communication Surveillance in theFight Against Child Exploitation - Re-balancing the Ethical DebateAREA presenter to be announced


    DPI Tactical ProbeTomas Dedek, INVEA-TECH

    Thursday, 6 June 2013


    Disappearing in the CrowdJens Geier, Product Manager, ipoque

    9:00-9:30Case study: 40G Lawful Interception &Data RetentionPetr Kastovsky, INVEA-TECH


    New Generation of Language andSpeaker Identification TechnologyRadim Kudla, Senior Business Developer,



    Going beyond Packets: object-basedreconstruction and analysis in the era ofSSLNetScoutPresenter to be Announced


    Assuring performance at 100 GbpsNapatechpresenter to be announced

    Note: Lawful Interception and CriminalInvestigation Product Training andDemonstrations Scheduled in Track 5

    Track 2

    ISS for Big Data Analytics and SocialNetwork MonitoringThis track is for Intelligence Analysts andLaw Enforcement agents who have to

    "connect the dots" between people, placand other entities by searching throughmassive amounts of data.

    Wednesday, 5 June 2013


    Utilising Big Data to Best MaximiseLawful Intercept ActivityBAE Systems Deticapresenter to be



    Keeping up with new Security TrendSurveillance TechnologiesPresented by CEO, trovicor


    Automating the "Memory Game":Collect and Connect Social MediaOSINT DataKapow Technologiespresenter to be



    IP Monitoring trovicors end-to-endsolutionPresented by CTO, trovicor


    Making Sense of the Web and SociaNetworksYoni Heilbronn, Director of Marketing and

    Business Development, NICE Systems


    A case study for Identity Resolutionidentification of bogus identities inSocial Network ServicesELTA SIGINTspeaker to be announced


    Investigating Big Data when sizematters after allAaron (Ronnie) Eilat, Director of Product

    Management and Marketing, Elbit Syste


    A Paradigm Shift - The New World oCOMINTOri Nurick, Director of Marketing, NICE


    Thursday, 6 June 2013


    IP -Decoding is a ghost of the pastDesomaspeaker to be announced


    Connecting Dots from MultisourceCommunication InterceptsTomas Vejlupek, President, TOVEK


    The Dark Side of the Internet - TheHidden TOR and I2P and How theyFunctionRoss Bowerman, Detective Sergeant, Sco

    Police College, UK

    Note: Big Data Analytics and SocialNetwork Monitoring Product Training Demonstrations Scheduled in Track 6

    Session A

    Session B

    Session A

    Session A

    Session B

    Session B

  • 7/22/2019 ISSWorld Europe Intelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception,


    Track 3

    SS for Mobile Location, Surveillancend Signal Intercepthis track is for Authorities who must work

    with cellular and mobile satellite operatorsegarding mobile location, surveillance andntercept.

    Wednesday, 5 June 2013

    :00- 9:30

    ntegration of location based servicess one more information source on topof traditional intercepted services.Dirk Brgerding, Pre-Sales Manager, Utimaco



    Breaking new grounds in Mobile Deviceorensics for law enforcement

    professionals.Yuval Ben Moshe, Forensics Technical Director,



    ntroducing Da Vinci: attack, control andather intelligence from personal

    devices.David Vincenzetti, Partner, Hacking Team


    nPoint SMS System. Mass EmergencyNotification. Vehicle based and Portableolutions.

    NeoSoft AGspeaker to be announced


    Tactical GSM & 3G interceptionElan Sharon, Septier Communication


    MSI Catching in GSM, UMTS and LTENetworks Challenges and SolutionsEXFOpresenter to be announced


    Mobile cellular: developing with theatest technologies

    Tim Phipps, Business Development WirelessDefence and Security, CambridgeConsultants

    Thursday, June 6, 2013


    Active, Passive and Hybrid GSM & 3GMonitoring systems. New challengesRandomization, A5.3 etc.). Practicalolutions.

    NeoSoft AGspeaker to be announced1:00-11:30

    Accurate Cellular Location trackingolutions

    Elan Sharon, Septier Communication


    Smartphone Application ChallengesEncountered and OpportunitiesPresented to Law EnforcementMichael Williamson, Detective Inspector, Force

    Intelligence Bureau, Crime and SaferCommunities, UK

    Note: Mobile Location, Surveillance andSignal Intercept Product Training andDemonstrations Scheduled in Track 7

    Track 4

    Encrypted Traffic Monitoring and ITIntrusion Product TrainingThis track is only open to Law Enforcement,Public Safety and Government IntelligenceCommunity Attendees

    Wednesday, 5 June 2013


    Using Open-Source tools to conductgovernmental investigations againstserious crimeMGM, Gamma Group


    VUPEN Sophisticated Exploits for ITintrusion and Offensive SecurityChaouki Bekrar, CEO & Director of Vulnerability

    Research, VUPEN


    FinFisher- Next Generationgovernmental surveillance. Focus:Mobile phone monitoringMGM, Gamma Group


    Monitoring Communications InsideEncrypted TrafficPacket ForensicsSpeaker to be Announced


    Da Vinci: a spy story about busting aterrorist organization by using the mostadvanced offensive technology.Marco Valleri, Head of R&D, Alberto Ornaghi,

    Senior Software Developer and AlbertoPelliccione, Senior Software Developer,

    Hacking Team


    WiTTM PSS an End-2-End LawfulHacking/IT intrusion Solution demoDoron Truk, VP Sales, Elbit Systems

    Thursday, 6 June 2013


    Smart Intrusion on Social Networks andWebmails: the Https Monitoring &AnalysisUgo Santillo, Sales Director, IPS


    Dark Eagle: The ultimate solution forDSL voice and Data Interception andRemote System IntrusionGR SISTEMI SRLpresenter to be announced


    Encryption Anywhere and Everywhere.Now What? An Analysis of PossibleWorkaroundsAREA presenter to be announced


    Da Vinci: a live demonstration ofunrivaled attack capabilities and toresistance to detection, quarantine aremoval by any endpoint securitytechnology.Marco Valleri, Head of R&D, Alberto Ornagh

    Senior Software Developer and AlbertoPelliccione, Senior Software Developer,Hacking Team


    Man in the Middle - yes we can

    Desomapresenter to be announced

    Track 5

    LEA, Intelligence and Defense AnalyTraining and Product DemonstrationTrackThis training is only open to LawEnforcement, Public Safety and GovernmIntelligence Community Attendees.

    Wednesday, 5 June 2013


    Modern Monitoring Center Approacfor Lawful InterceptionAmos Eliav, Sr. Director, Product Managem

    Verint Systems


    A framework for meeting the LIregulatory and technological challenin Cloud based ServicesELTA SIGINTspeaker to be announced


    Flexible IP Communication SurveillaSolutions - Adapting to YourInvestigative Needs and ObjectivesAREA presenter to be announced


    Replay NetAnalyst 3.0 - The NextGeneration in Advanced IPReconstructionBob Brandt, Product Manager Replay,



    A Countrywide Monitoring Centressolution: Voice, Data and PositioningCristian DIncertopadre, Sales, IPS


    Speech Intelligence Platform How

    Mine Data from Speech RecordsPetr Schwarz, CEO, Phonexia

    Thursday, 6 June 2013


    NiceTrack Target 360 Achievecomprehension by IP SimplificationNir Yanovsky, Product Manager, NICE Syst


    From Mass Interception to ActionabIntelligenceAmos Eliav, Sr. Director, Product Managem

    Verint Systems

    Session A

    Session B

    Session B

    Session A

    Session B

    Session A

    Session B

    Session A

    Session A

    Session B

  • 7/22/2019 ISSWorld Europe Intelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception,


    Registration InformationSave $300 by registering before 29 April, 2013

    Telecommunications Service Provider or Government Registration

    SS World Conference (Tracks 13),

    re-Conference Seminars and Exhibits ........................................$995

    Registration after 29 April 2013..................................................$1,295

    aw Enforcement/DHS/IC/DoD Registration*

    SS World Conference (Tracks 13), Training Tracks 47,

    re-Conference Seminars plus Exhibits........................................$995

    Registration after 29 April 2013..................................................$1,295

    Vendor Registration

    SS World Conference (Tracks 13),

    re-Conference Seminars and Exhibits .....................................$1,995

    Registration after 29 April 2013..................................................$2,295

    Note: To Attend the LEA/DHS/IC/DoD Training Tracks 4-7 you must be

    sworn law enforcement officer or military/intelligence/government

    mployee. Also you must register by 30 May 2013 in order to verify

    ligibility. Government photo ID required for classroom access.

    Free Colleague Registration: Register as paid and you can invite

    colleague to join you at ISS World Europe with a full, free confere

    pass. If you have not identified your guest at this time, just enter

    guest of followed by your name and complete with your contac

    formation. You can register your guest at no charge at a later time

    Conference and Exhibitions: Clarion Congress Hotel Prague.

    To reserve a room at the early bird rate of 95 EUR ($125 US) go to and select ISS World Europe 2013 or c

    420 211 131 119 and reference ISS World 2013. Early bird rate exp

    4 April 2013.

    International Attendees: If you need Visa assistance to attend IS

    World, please contact Tatiana Lucas at [email protected]

    Conference by Invitation Only: To attend ISS World you must be

    Telecommunications Service Provider, government employee, LE

    vendor with LI, surveillance or network products or services. If yo

    have questions e-mail Tatiana Lucas at [email protected]


    Phone: 1-703-734-7050Fax: 1-703-734-9371



    Advanced Case Communicationnvestigation ManagementSalviolpresenter to be announced


    Application & User Data InterceptionDemoens Geier, Product Manager, ipoque

    Track 6

    SS for IP Intercept, Big Data Analytics

    nd Social Network MonitoringEA and IC Attendees Only

    Wednesday, 5 June 2013


    Data Discovery tracking criminals in aea of communications

    SS8Speaker to be announced


    Klarios Analytics: Finding the TruthATISsystems to be announced


    Cell Based Monitoring - a new approacho handle mass recordingsSolution Architect, trovicor


    Advanced Methods for Intercepting andAnalyzing Social NetworksAmos Eliav, Sr. Director, Product Management,

    Verint Systems


    Troy Ultimate Software AgentsDeployment System Demonstrationwith Live DeploymentAGTspeaker to be announced


    OSINT in confusing and high fluxeventsMark Pfeiffer, CVO, SAIL LABS Technology


    Social Networks and Webmails: BigData Architecture for MassiveInterceptionFabio Romani, Market & Investment Strategy,



    Monitoring Center Next Generation -

    demoPresented by Solution Architect, trovicor


    OSINT tools in crisis - unearthinghidden agendas using OSINTMark Pfeiffer, CVO, SAIL LABS Technology


    Big Data Analytics ProductDemonstrationBAE Systems Deticapresenter to be


    Thursday, 6 June 2013


    Intelligence Platform Target profilingSolution Architect, trovicor


    Cell Based Monitoring Solution- a newapproach to handle mass recordingsSolution Architect, trovicor


    Social Media Real Time Monitoring andReportingAGT Troy Softwarepresenter to be



    The Power of Open Source WebIntelligence

    Natan Bandler, Director, Product ManagemVerint Systems


    Mass metadata Analysis reveal theunknownSolution Architect, trovicor

    Track 7

    ISS for Mobile Location, Surveillancand Signal InterceptLEA and IC Attendees Only

    Wednesday, 5 June 2013


    IMSI/IMEI Catcher with Public NumDetectionNeoSoft AGspeaker to be announced


    A Passive Radio System and AnalytiPlatform for Gaining Deep Insight frPublic Wireless SignalsPacket Forensicsspeaker to be announce


    PHOENIX: undetectable GPS & AUDdeviceGR SistemiSRL speaker to be announced


    Accurate Mobile Locations in theMonitoring Center Technologies anUsabilityAmos Eliav, Sr. Director, Product Managem

    Verint Systems

    Session A

    Session A

    Session A

    Session A

    Session B

    Session B

    Session B

    Session B

    Session B

    Session C

    Session B

    Session C

    Session A

    Session A

    Session A

    Exhibits5 June 2013, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p

    6 June 2013, 9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.

  • 7/22/2019 ISSWorld Europe Intelligence Support Systems for Lawful Interception,




    Lead Sponsors

    Lead Sponsor

    trovicor is an established leading supplier of intelligence solutions for Law Enforcement and Government Agencies,

    worldwide.The company represents almost two decades of industry experience in customer-centric development of statthe-art monitoring centers and intelligence platforms. Headquartered in Munich, Germany and with affiliate offices in EurMiddle East, Asia-Pacific, trovicor services Law Enforcement and Government Agencies in the security sector withdeployments in more than 100 countries. The trovicor systems capture interactions, transactions and surveillance frommultiple sources, including fixed line as well as mobile telephone, radio communication, email, web, chat, social media, amore. Thus, they provide the framework for merging data into a single operational view delivering meaningful informationdecision makers about threats and targets.

    Associate Lead Sponsors

    AREA is a market-leading independent provider of turn-key, fully integrated end-to-end communication surveillance solutifor law enforcement organizations worldwide. The MCR solution portfolio ranges from interception/mediation tocollection/retention as well as data analysis. Leveraging our extensive track-record and field experience, we aim to providesolutions which simplify complexity.

    ATIS systems with its integrated lawful interception and monitoring system Klarios 2.0 has been a technology leadethe industry for over 60 years. ATIS has a long history of success and experience 60 years in recording technology and years in the field of integrated lawful interception. Founded and headquartered in Bad Homburg, Germany, the ATIS Grouhas 200 employees in five countries across Europe, Asia and North America.

    ClearTrail is leading provider of communication monitoring solutions to LEAs, Intelligence Agencies and Telecom carriersworldwide. Our solutions are deployed across hundreds of communication links and empower agencies to Mass InterceGSM/CDMA, PSTN, GPRS, EDGE, 3G/3.5G, Wi-Max, VSAT, & IP links; Analyze vast amount of information; Monitor Wi-Fnetworks and replay HTTPS sessions; Deliver Trojans remotely & locate targets; Monitor GSM calls Off-The-Air.

    Gamma International has developed for Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies its own FinFisher IT Intrusion Portfowhich is a comprehensive range of professional offensive tools for information gathering, sniffing, manipulation andexploitation. FinFisher is proving to be instrumental in the fight against child pornography, cybercrime, pedophilia, humantrafficking, drug smuggling, terrorism, and other criminal activities. For more information contact: [email protected]

    Hacking Team provides the premier offensive technology solution: Remote Control System. Proven by more than 10 yearworldwide adoption and designed to fulfill LEAs and Security Agencies highest expectations, newly released version 8 "DVinci" gives you total control over endpoint devices, offering the widest selection of infection vectors, showing total invisto protection systems and implementing the most sophisticated data gathering techniques. Find out more

    NeoSoft AG is a world-wide known manufacturer of Monitoring security systems such as: Passive, Active (Semi-Active),Hybrid GSM Monitoring systems with A5.2/A5.1 deciphering; CDMA Passive Monitoring systems; IMSI/IMEI Catchers 2and 3G and InPoint SMS System .All our systems support the following bands: GSM, PCS, EGSM, 2100 and 850. Oursystems are widely used for victim detection and recovery during various acts of terrorism and natural disasters.

    NICE Cyber and Intelligence Solutions help Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), intelligence organizations and SIGINTagencies to reduce crime, prevent terrorism and identify other security threats by enhancing communication intelligenceproduction. NICE Intelligence Solutions provide end-to-end solutions for communication interception and analysis. NICEsolutions are deployed by dozens of experts around the world.

    Packet Forensics innovative solutions are used by governments and businesses world-wide to defend property and protepeople. As a proud partner and supplier to many of the worlds most admired technical organizations, Packet Forensics isrecognized market leader in complex network monitoring and active network defense.

    SS8 is a leading worldwide provider of end-to-end communications and cyber intelligence solutions. We enable LEAs andnational governments to collect and monitor current and evolving voice and IP data communicationsfrom IP data recorand call detail records, to content such as webmail, search results, social media and chatin accordance with local laws standards. Learn more at:

    Utimaco with more than 180 installations in about 70 countries is a leading global supplier in the lawful interception markSince 1994 Utimaco has been providing lawful interception systems for mobile and fixed network operators and Internetservice providers. In addition at the request of telecom customers for an integrated lawful interception and data retentionsolution, Utimaco introduced the Data Retention Suite corresponding to the EU directive 2006/24/EC. For more informativisit

    Verint Communications and Cyber Intelligence Solutions help law enforcement, national security, and other governmagencies neutralize terror and crime, facilitate communication service provider compliance with lawful interception mandand assist public sector organizations detect and thwart cyber attacks. Our solutions collect, monitor, and analyze informfrom virtually any network.

    VUPEN is the leading provider of IT intrusion and offensive cyber security capabilities. VUPEN provides private and highlysophisticated exploits (attack/infection vectors) specifically designed for the Intelligence community, LEAs, and nationalsecurity agencies to help them remotely and covertly install any monitoring software on target computers, laptops, andmobile devices during lawful intercept and criminal investigation missions. VUPEN's industry-recognized vulnerability reseand exclusive exploits target a wide range of software and operating systems, take advantage of undisclosed "zero-day"vulnerabilities, and bypass all modern security protections and exploit mitigation technologies such as DEP, ASLR, sandboand Antivirus products. For more information: