issues management slideshow

Issues Management B.Conway, Oct 8,2011

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Page 1: Issues management slideshow

Issues Management

B.Conway, Oct 8,2011

Page 2: Issues management slideshow

What are issues? How do you manage


What is an issue?

Fac t :

4 4 p e r c e n t o f a l l c o m p a n i e s w i t h a n i n t e r n a l l y r e c o g n i z e d p u b l i c a f f a i r s f u n c t i o n h a v e s t a f f m e m b e r s w o r k i n g o n i s s u e s m a n a g e m e n t f u l l - t i m e

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“…the idea of “managing” contentious issues–taming them, bringing them to heel and making them do our bidding–is illusory, but utterly compelling.”

By Elizabeth Dougall, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill December 12, 2008

Can issues be managed?

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In fact, the USC Annenberg 2007 GAP V survey

 of senior public relations practitioners revealed

that those with direct budgetary responsibility

for issues management (42 percent) were

more likely to report higher levels of C-suite

support, effective working relationships with

other departments, larger budgets, and more

access to resources for research, evaluation

and strategic implementation. So emphatic was

the relationship between issues management

and key indicators of effective practice, the

authors added establishing an issues

management strategy to the list of 13 

best practices for public relations.

The C-Suite

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A Definition Issues management is an anticipatory, strategic management process

that helps organizations detect and respond

appropriately to emerging trends or changes in

the socio-political environment. These trends or changes may then crystallize

into an “issue,” which is a situation that

evokes the attention and concern of

influential organizational publics and stakeholders. At its best, issues management is

stewardship for building, maintaining and

repairing relationships with stakeholders and 

stakeseekers (Heath, 2002).

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“The identification, monitoring, and analysis of trends in key publics’ opinions that can mature into public policy and regulative or legislative constraint” (Heath, 1997,p.6)

Heath, R.L.(1997).Strategic issues management: Organizations and public policy challenges.Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage.

Another definition

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Issues management argues that organizations should adopt an external focus and enact their environment by attending to relevant issues

(Crable & Vibbert,1985;Gaunt & Ollenburger,1995;Heath & Nelson,1986;Jones

& Chase,1979).

The “you” approach Identifying and communicating

about an incubating set of organizationally relevant public perceptions and attitudes

The “You” approach

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Monitoring the environment for threats

Preventing issues from becoming crises

Issues management is a proactive

approach to organizational crises

Crises can also create issues

Issue management is a postcrisis

communication imperative

Issue(s) management and crisis

communication are closely related

activities at the pre and post crisis stage

What is I.M. in real life?

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Proactive planning

1. P red ic t p rob lems2. Ant i c ipate th reats3. M in imize surpr i ses4. Reso lve i ssues5. P revent c r i ses

The process

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Two-way communications Formal environmental

scanning Active sense-making


Effective Issues Management requires:

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“Issues Management is the organized activity of identifying emerging trends, concerns or issues likely to affect an organization in the next few years and developing a wider and more positive range of organizational responses toward the future.”

Another definition

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1. Issue identification2. Issue analysis3. Strategy options4. Action plan5. Evaluation of results1

Another look at process

1. Wilcox,D. & Cameron,G.(2009).Public Relations Strategies & Tactics, 9th ed.Boston,MA:Pearson

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Crisis management is reactive Issues management is

proactive Active planning and prevention

can mean the difference between crisis and noncrisis

The majority of organizational crises are self-inflicted because management ignored the warning signs

Try to avoid crises

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Alternative press Mainstream media Online chat groups,

blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Google+Business, Google News

Activist groups

Listen and monitor

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The End