issue 9 the bobcat times -...

Dual Immersion Academy | 552 W. Main Street | Grand Juncon, CO 81501 | Tel (970) 254-6070 | FAX (970) 245-7739 | Dual Immersion Academy Escuela DIA Volume 11, Issue 9 May 2018 The Bobcat Times Upcoming Events 5/1-5/18 Teacher Appreciation Week 5/2 & 3/18 P/T Conferences & Book Fair. No School. 5/17/18 Art in the park & Family Night 5/22/18 Kinder- garten graduation and music program at 9:00am 5/24/18 Soccer day and last day of school Dear Families, Dear DIA Families, We hope your child(ren)’s school year has been successful and you are looking for- ward to the summer break. With each New Year D51 presents a new school calendar (see aached). When the new D51 calendar is approved in March, I go over the amount of seat me and contact days students at DIA will have, since our schedule differs from the rest of the elementary schools. This year when I calculated the hours and days of the new D51 calendar for DIA students several challenges occurred. One being, the amount of contact days for students, and the other being, the impact on addi- onal Monday workdays. This leer will explain the changes we are implemenng to our DIA 2018-2019 Calendar. Topics: *Shiſt DIA Calendar to Monday No-Contact Days (not on Fridays) *Daily Release Time Tuesday-Friday at 3:40 pm Monday No-Contact Day for Students: D51 has approved the 2018-2019 calendar and made a few changes to the teacher workdays. All teacher workdays and holidays fall on Mondays, which impacts the amount of days DIA students aend school. With the new D51 calendar, DIA students would be short 8 school days, which is two weeks of instrucon for us. In addion, if DIA would connue with our original Friday calendar, there would be 16 weeks of school with three days or less. Aſter analyzing the impact, we have decided to modify our calendar, moving our no-contact days with students to Mondays. This means students will aend school from Tuesday-Friday each week. Here are the advantages to shiſting to Monday: *Few three day weeks, and less impact for families and students *Align with teacher workdays and holidays already located on Mondays *Be on a similar schedule with other schools Daily Release Time Tuesday-Friday: With the shiſt to Mondays as no-contact days, students will have 6 extra days in the calendar. To make the me equitable to the other elementary schools across the district, we will release students at 3:40pm Tuesday-Friday. This will give students the same amount of seat me as the rest of the district. Start me is the same @ 7:55 am. Schools will be Tuesday-Friday from 7:55am - 3:40 pm. We will send out new bus mes, once the bus company has them established. We know that change is always challenging and if you would like to have more informaon, answer quesons or have concerns, on May 8 th at 4:15 in the cafeteria we will hold our last Accountability Meeng. Please aend this meeng or call me to address your quesons. Changes to the DIA Calendar for 2018-2019 School days Tuesday-Friday 7:55am -3:40pm Students do not have school on Mondays. Students will go to school on Fridays. Monica Heptner, Principal Principal’s News Office Staff Principal- Monica Heptner Secretary- Katia Otañez Health Assistant- Rosa Perez Parent Liaison- Maria Betancourt

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Dual Immersion Academy | 552 W. Main Street | Grand Junction, CO 81501 |

Tel (970) 254-6070 | FAX (970) 245-7739 |

Dual Immersion Academy Escuela DIA Volume 11,

Issue 9

May 2018

The Bobcat Times

Upcoming Events

5/1-5/18 Teacher



5/2 & 3/18 P/T

Conferences &

Book Fair. No


5/17/18 Art in the

park & Family


5/22/18 Kinder-

garten graduation

and music program

at 9:00am

5/24/18 Soccer

day and last day

of school

Dear Families,

Dear DIA Families, We hope your child(ren)’s school year has been successful and you are looking for-

ward to the summer break. With each New Year D51 presents a new school calendar (see attached).

When the new D51 calendar is approved in March, I go over the amount of seat time and contact days

students at DIA will have, since our schedule differs from the rest of the elementary schools. This year

when I calculated the hours and days of the new D51 calendar for DIA students several challenges

occurred. One being, the amount of contact days for students, and the other being, the impact on addi-

tional Monday workdays. This letter will explain the changes we are implementing to our DIA 2018-2019

Calendar. Topics:

*Shift DIA Calendar to Monday No-Contact Days (not on Fridays)

*Daily Release Time Tuesday-Friday at 3:40 pm

Monday No-Contact Day for Students: D51 has approved the 2018-2019 calendar and made a few

changes to the teacher workdays. All teacher workdays and holidays fall on Mondays, which impacts the

amount of days DIA students attend school. With the new D51 calendar, DIA students would be short 8

school days, which is two weeks of instruction for us. In addition, if DIA would continue with our original

Friday calendar, there would be 16 weeks of school with three days or less. After analyzing the impact, we

have decided to modify our calendar, moving our no-contact days with students to Mondays. This means

students will attend school from Tuesday-Friday each week.

Here are the advantages to shifting to Monday:

*Few three day weeks, and less impact for families and students

*Align with teacher workdays and holidays already located on Mondays

*Be on a similar schedule with other schools

Daily Release Time Tuesday-Friday: With the shift to Mondays as no-contact days, students will

have 6 extra days in the calendar. To make the time equitable to the other elementary schools across the

district, we will release students at 3:40pm Tuesday-Friday. This will give students the same amount of

seat time as the rest of the district. Start time is the same @ 7:55 am. Schools will be Tuesday-Friday from

7:55am - 3:40 pm. We will send out new bus times, once the bus company has them established. We

know that change is always challenging and if you would like to have more information, answer questions

or have concerns, on May 8th at 4:15 in the cafeteria we will hold our last Accountability Meeting. Please

attend this meeting or call me to address your questions.

Changes to the DIA Calendar for 2018-2019

School days Tuesday-Friday 7:55am -3:40pm

Students do not have school on Mondays.

Students will go to school on Fridays. Monica Heptner, Principal

Principal’s News Off ice Staf f

Pr incipa l -

Monica Heptner

Secretary -

Kat ia Otañez

Health Ass is tant -

Rosa Perez

Parent L ia ison -

Mar ia Betancourt

2Page 2 The Bobcat Times

“You cannot open a book without learning something.”


Please check the

lost and found box.

All items left after

May 24th will be

donated. Kindergarten graduation and music

program Tuesday May 22 at 9:00 am


from the


Please make

sure that

you have paid for your child's

lunch charges. If you do not

know if your child owes mon-

ey call nutrition service at 254

-5181. All charges must be

paid before the last day of

school. Thank you.

May 24th

World Cup

Soccer day

& last day of


Health Office:

If your student has medications (including inhalers) in the health

assistant’s office, please remember to pick them up by the last

day of school, May 24th. We will discard any medicine not

picked up by then. We’d like to remind those who have students

going into sixth grade next year that they need to have their

Tdap vaccination, proof is required by the first day of 6th grade.

Please make every effort to get this taken care of .

Our first day back for the 2018-2019 school

year is Wednesday, August 15th at 8 a.m. Please use student pick up and drop off areas.

DIA Specials Team will

be hosting a Chipotle

Night on May 9th, from 4-

8 pm. We will appreciate

your support. Thank you!

PTA NEWS: This year, Art in the Park, will be following the specials sched-ule. We would love to have 7-9 volunteers per hour as we are going to be tie-dying and making paper bead necklaces. There will also be other fun activities to participate in! If you are available, please reply with the time frame you can attend. Thank you so much!

The details: Date: Thursday, May 17th Time: 7:30 am to 3:15 pm

*45 minutes set-up and break-down

*30 minute lunch for volunteers, 11:15 am

Grades will attend during their scheduled Specials time:

*8:15 am 3rd grade *9:15 am 4th grade

*10:15 5th grade *11:45 am 1st grade

*12:45 pm Kindergarten *1:45 pm 2nd grade

There will be two activities requiring volunteers - Paper Bead Necklaces/Bracelets and Tie Dyed Handkerchief/T-shirt.

The kids are welcome to bring a t-shirt to Tie Dye or a handkerchief will be provided on the day of the event.

Volumen 11

Publicación 9

Dual Immersion Academy Escuela DIA Mayo 2018

The Bobcat Times

Personal de la

of ic ina

Directora -

Monica Heptner

Secretar ia -

Kat ia Otañez

As istente de

sa lud-

Rosa Perez


de Padres -Mar ia


Noticias de la Directora

Próximos Eventos

5/1-5/17 Semana

de apreciación al


5/2 y 3/18 P/M

Conferencias y

Feria de Libros.

No hay clases.

5/17/18 Arte en

el parque y Noche

de Familia

5/22/18 Gradua-

ción y programa

de música de

Kínder 9:00am

5/24/18 Día de

fútbol y ultimo

día de clases

Estimadas familias de DIA:

Esperamos que su estudiante haya tenido un año éxitoso y estén emocionados para las vacaciones de

verano. Cada año el D51 presenta un calendario nuevo para el ciclo escolar (ver anexo). Cuando se

aprueba el calendario nuevo en marzo, calculo el total de tiempo de instrucción y los días de contacto que

tendrán los estudiantes de DIA, ya que nuestro horario es diferente al resto de las escuelas primarias. Este

año, cuando calculé las horas y días del calendario nuevo hubo varios cambios. El primero, es la cantidad

de días de contacto para los estudiantes, y el otro, es el impacto de días de trabajo adicionales. Esta carta

explica los cambios que estaremos agregando a nuestro calendario DIA 2018-2019. Temas:

*Cambio del calendario DIA a lunes de no-contacto (en vez de Viernes)

*Salida diaria de martes-viernes a las 3:40 pm

Lunes de no-contacto para los estudiantes: El D51 ha aprobado el calendario 2018-2019 trayendo

consigo varios cambios los días de trabajo (lunes). Todos los días de trabajo para el maestro y los días

festivos caen en lunes, lo cual impacta la cantidad de días que los estudiantes asisten a DIA. Con el nuevo

calendario D51, los estudiantes de DIA quedaría cortos 8 días, lo cual equivale a dos semanas de clases

para nosotros. Además si DIA continúa con el calendario original de los viernes, tendríamos 16 semanas

con 3 días de clases o menos. Después de analizar el impacto, hemos decidido modificar nuestro

calendario, intercambiando los días de no-contacto para los estudiantes a los días lunes. Esto significa que

los estudiantes asistirán a la escuela de martes-viernes cada semana. Aquí están las ventajas de

intercambiar a los lunes:

*Menos semanas con tres días de clases, menos impacto para las familias y los estudiantes

*Alineación con días de trabajo para el maestro y días festivos ya colocados en lunes

*Estar en un mismo horario con otras escuelas

Horario de salida diaria de martes-viernes: Con el cambio de los lunes a días de no-contacto, los

estudiantes tendrán 6 días adicionales en el calendario. Para hacer nuestro tiempo equitativo a las otras

escuelas a través del distrito, nuestros estudiantes saldrán a las 3:40pm de martes-viernes. Esto les dará a

nuestros estudiantes la misma cantidad de tiempo de instrucción que el resto del distrito. La hora de

inicio es a las 7:55am. Las clases serán de martes-viernes de 7:55am-3:40pm.

Enviaremos los horarios nuevos para los autobuses en cuanto la compañía de autobuses los tenga

establecidos. Sabemos que el cambio siempre implica un reto, si le gustaría tener más información,

tiene preguntas o preocupaciones, el 8 de mayo a las 4:15pm en la cafetería tendremos la última reunión

de contabilidad. Favor de asistir o llamarme con sus preguntas.

Cambios al calendario de DIA 2018-2019

Días de escuela de martes-viernes 7:55am -3:40pm

Los estudiantes no tendrán clases los lunes.

Los estudiantes vendrán a la escuela los viernes.

Monica Heptner, directora

Dual Immersion Academy | 552 A W. Main Street | Grand Junction, CO 81501 |

Tel (970) 254-6070 | FAX (970) 245-7739 |

4Page 2 The Bobcat Times

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin

Por favor revise la caja

de objetos perdidos.

Todo lo que quede des-

pués del 24 de Mayo

será donado.

Graduación y programa musical

de Kínder Martes 22 de Mayo a

las 9:00 am

Mensaje de la cafetería:

Por favor

asegúrese de

pagar por los

cargos de

almuerzo de

su hijo. Si usted no sabe si su hijo

debe dinero puede llamar al ser-

vicio de nutrición al 254-5181.

Todos los cargos deben ser paga-

dos antes del último día de cla-

ses. Gracias.

24 de Mayo

día de Fútbol

Copa Mundial

& último día de


Oficina de salud:

Si su estudiante tiene medicinas en la oficina de salud,

(incluyendo inhaladores) recuerde recogerlas el último día de

clases miércoles 24 de Mayo. Las medicinas que no se recojan

serán descartadas a la basura. Nos gustaría recordarle a los pa-

dres que tienen estudiantes que van a entrar a sexto grado el

próximo año, que necesitan tener su vacuna de Tdap. Se requie-

re comprobante de esta vacuna para el primer día de clase de

6to grado. Favor de vacunarlos lo más pronto posible.

Nuestro primer día de clases para el año escolar

2018-2019 será el Miércoles 15 de Agosto a las 8am. Favor de usar las áreas designadas para dejar y recoger a sus estudiantes.

El PTA de DIA está orga-

nizando una recaudación

de fondos en Chipotle el 9

de mayo de 4-8 pm.

Apreciamos su ayuda.

¡Gracias por su apoyo!

NOTICIAS DE PTA: Este año, Arte en el parque, seguirá un horario espe-cial. Nos encantaría tener de 7 a 9 voluntarios por hora, ya que vamos a estar haciendo collares con papel. ¡También habrá otras actividades divertidas para participar! Si está disponible, seleccione el espacio de tiempo al que puede asis-tir. ¡Muchas gracias! Los detalles: Fecha: jueves, 17 de mayo Hora: 7:30 a.m. a 3:15 p.m. * 45 minutos de configuración y elaboración * Almuerzo de 30 minutos para voluntarios, 11:15 a.m. Los grados asistirán durante su horario especial programado: * 8: 15 a.m. 3er grado * 9: 15 a.m. 4to grado * 10: 15 5to grado * 11: 45 a.m. 1er grado * 12: 45 p.m. Kindergarten * 1: 45 p.m. 2do grado Habrá dos actividades que requieren voluntarios: collares/brazaletes de papel y pañuelo/ camisetas teñidas. Los niños pueden traer una camiseta para ser teñida o un pañuelo el día del evento.