issue #61 - may 2021€¦ · turkish foreign debt worries investors: international investors are...

1 [email protected] Issue #61 May 2020 Monthly NEWSLETTER Our selection this month: Recent Report Highlights the Deep See Mining Danger to Ecosystem ECB Highlights the Positive Changes in Greece Turkish Foreign Debt Worries Investors ECB Launches Public Consultation on Climate-Related Risks More Foreign Investments in Uzbek Banking Would Improve Competitiveness Recent Report Highlights the Deep See Mining Danger to Ecosystem: A new report commissioned by MiningWatch Canada, and the Deep Sea Mining Campaign finds that the impact of mining deep sea polymetallic nodules would be extensive, severe, and last for generations, causing essentially irreversible species loss. According to Dr. Andrew Chin, Lead Researcher of the report “Not only will the nodule mining result in the loss of these species and damage deep sea beds for thousands of years, it will potentially result in negative consequences for the rest of the ocean and the people who depend on its health”. Exploration of mineral rich polymetallic nodules attracted interests of major mining companies and their investors, a major Canadian mining company recently partnered with three Pacific island governments for exploration licenses for the Clarion Clipperton Zone, stretching 4,500km between Kiribati and Mexico. ECB Highlights the Positive Changes in Greece: The European Central Bank said in a recent statement it very much welcomes the positive economic and financial developments” observed in Greece in 2019. The ECB said there had been positive developments in the Greek real economy and financial markets for some time. Related to the eligibility of Greek bonds, the ECB said “Although Greek public sector securities have so far not been purchased under the public sector purchase programme (PSPP), the ECB’s accommodative monetary policy has contributed substantially to easing financial conditions in Greece, as shown by the low bank lending rates to Greek households and non-financial corporations”. Turkish Foreign Debt Worries Investors: International investors are worried that Turkish banks won’t have enough foreign currencies to meet the demand and would struggle to raise funds overseas as the level of debt is becoming a serious concern. The funding vulnerability has been raised over the recent weeks as the Turkish Central Bank borrowed EUR and USD from local lenders and sold them abroad to sustain the Lira against the US Dollar. This leaves local banks in a precarious position should they need USD or EUR to repay loans. According to Mr. Jason Tuvey, Senior Emerging Market Economist at Capital Economics “If I was to pick one area of the economy that could cause a fairly bad economic situation to get even worse, it would be the banking sector”. ECB Launches Public Consultation on Climate- Related Risks: ECB recently published a guide for consultation that explains how it expects banks to safely and prudently manage climate-related environmental risks and disclose such risks transparently under the current prudential framework. The ECB expects banks to account for these risks given they drive existing prudential risk categories and can substantially impact the real economy and banks. According to the Central Bank, if the immediate attention is on the pandemic, it remains committed to further advancing the management and disclosure of climate-related environmental risks in the banking sectors. More Foreign Investments in Uzbek Banking Would Improve Competitiveness: According to the Uzbek Central Bank, the share of private banks in Uzbekistan is only 15%, the sale of state-owned banks to foreign strategic investors should improve corporate governance and risk management systems in these banks. According to the Central Bank Preservation of high share of the state in the banking system of Uzbekistan has a negative impact on the overall development of the sphere and its efficiency. At the same time, the increase in number of private banks contributes to improving competitive environment in the sphere”. The Government is planning the sale of stakes of major banks in the forthcoming months.

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Page 1: Issue #61 - May 2021€¦ · Turkish Foreign Debt Worries Investors: International investors are worried that Turkish banks won’t have enough foreign currencies to meet the demand⎟[email protected]



NEWSLETTEROurselectionthismonth:RecentReportHighlightstheDeepSeeMiningDangertoEcosystem ⎟ ECBHighlightsthePositiveChangesinGreece ⎟ TurkishForeignDebtWorriesInvestors ⎟ ECBLaunchesPublicConsultationonClimate-RelatedRisks ⎟ MoreForeignInvestmentsinUzbekBankingWouldImproveCompetitivenessRecentReportHighlightstheDeepSeeMiningDangerto Ecosystem: A new report commissioned byMiningWatch Canada, and the Deep Sea MiningCampaign finds that the impact ofminingdeep seapolymetallicnoduleswouldbeextensive,severe,andlast for generations, causingessentially irreversiblespecies loss. According to Dr. Andrew Chin, LeadResearcher of the report “Not only will the noduleminingresult inthelossofthesespeciesanddamagedeepseabedsforthousandsofyears,itwillpotentiallyresult in negative consequences for the rest of theocean and the people who depend on its health”.Exploration of mineral rich polymetallic nodulesattracted interests of majormining companies andtheir investors, a major Canadian mining companyrecently partnered with three Pacific islandgovernmentsforexplorationlicensesfortheClarionClipperton Zone, stretching 4,500km betweenKiribatiandMexico.

ECBHighlights thePositiveChanges inGreece:TheEuropeanCentralBanksaidinarecentstatementit“very much welcomes the positive economic andfinancialdevelopments”observedinGreecein2019.TheECBsaidtherehadbeenpositivedevelopmentsintheGreekrealeconomyandfinancialmarketsforsometime.RelatedtotheeligibilityofGreekbonds,theECBsaid“AlthoughGreekpublicsectorsecuritieshavesofarnotbeenpurchasedunderthepublicsectorpurchase programme (PSPP), the ECB’saccommodative monetary policy has contributedsubstantiallytoeasingfinancialconditions inGreece,as shown by the low bank lending rates to Greekhouseholdsandnon-financialcorporations”.

Turkish Foreign Debt Worries Investors:International investors are worried that Turkishbankswon’thaveenoughforeigncurrenciestomeetthe demand and would struggle to raise fundsoverseas as the level of debt is becoming a seriousconcern. The funding vulnerability has been raisedover the recentweeks as theTurkish Central BankborrowedEURandUSDfromlocallendersandsoldthemabroadtosustaintheLiraagainsttheUSDollar.This leaves local banks in a precarious positionshould they need USD or EUR to repay loans.According to Mr. Jason Tuvey, Senior EmergingMarketEconomist atCapitalEconomics “If Iwas topickoneareaoftheeconomythatcouldcauseafairlybadeconomicsituationtogetevenworse,itwouldbethebankingsector”.ECB Launches Public Consultation on Climate-Related Risks: ECB recently published a guide forconsultation that explains how it expects banks tosafely and prudently manage climate-relatedenvironmental risks and disclose such riskstransparently under the current prudentialframework. The ECB expects banks to account fortheserisksgiventheydriveexistingprudentialriskcategories and can substantially impact the realeconomyandbanks.AccordingtotheCentralBank,ifthe immediate attention is on the pandemic, itremains committed to further advancing themanagement and disclosure of climate-relatedenvironmentalrisksinthebankingsectors.MoreForeignInvestments inUzbekBankingWouldImprove Competitiveness: According to the UzbekCentral Bank, the share of private banks inUzbekistan is only 15%, the sale of state-ownedbanksto foreignstrategic investorsshould improvecorporategovernanceandriskmanagementsystemsin these banks. According to the Central Bank“Preservationofhighshareofthestateinthebankingsystem of Uzbekistan has a negative impact on theoveralldevelopmentofthesphereanditsefficiency.Atthesametime,theincreaseinnumberofprivatebankscontributes to improving competitive environment inthesphere”.TheGovernment isplanningthesaleofstakesofmajorbanksintheforthcomingmonths.