issue 27, volume 86 - the lance

lance MAR202014 VOL#86 • ISSUE #27 UWINDSORLANCE.CA the the lance Championships 03g the uwsa election most positions left vacant, but student health care and welcome week will continue 08g arts check out these beautiful photos from Calendars For Care 05g news CJAM wants your help to save their news department 13g sports Lancer men’s hockey wins Queen’s cup UNIVERSITY SPORTS SEASON IS WRAPPING UP JUST WIN BABY LANCER WOMEN WIN FOURTH B-BALL NATIONAL IN A ROW MIKESPECHT sports editor __________________________ In early November 45 teams began the chase to supplant the University of Windsor Lancers as women’s national basketball champions. ose efforts were unsuccessful as the blue and gold commanded their way to a fourth straight Bronze Baby Trophy at the CIS Final Eight over the weekend. e victory was made all the sweeter having taken place on home court. With Lancer faith- ful showing up in full force to the St. Denis Centre for each contest of the champion- ship. Led by the Party Army, Windsor-Essex created a super- charged environment for the hometown team. e team, spearheaded by win- ning culture created by coach Chantal Vallee joined elite ranks. Becoming the first pro- gram since the Laurentian Lady V’s of the 1970’s to win four consecutive titles. During their (22-1) regular sea- son, the Lancers set a historic pace in terms of turnovers, re- bounds, assists, and average margin of victory. With their dominating play continuing into the national tournament, where Windsor won each of its three contests by 20 points or more. In the quarter-finals the Lancers made easy work of OUA rivals, Laurier. With an 81-53 state- ment to open the tournament. ey then exploded in the sec- ond half of their semi-final to drop No. 4 Fraser Valley 65-45. Before moving on to face the undefeated St. Mary’s Huskies in the championship final. It was in front of 2000 rabid fans that the Lancers saved their most dominant performance, dismissing the Huskies 71-45 in to take the gold medal. ough the game tipped off at 8:25 p.m. last Sunday coach Vallee claims there was an heir of greatness about these women in the early hours of the day. “Aſter we rehearsed our game plan at the hotel and I saw the focus in the girls eyes, it calmed me, I thought ‘we’re gonna go get this.’ To appreciate the crowd and the work that we’ve done to prepare the girls mentally and emotionally and to show up and perform under pressure; I re- ally am fortunate. I am coaching great champions,” said Vallee af- ter the game. Facing their toughest challenge of the season, the Lancers were tasked with shutting down the CIS all-time leading point scorer Justine Colley. e guard who was fresh off of a 38 point performance in St. Mary’s semi- final victory over Saskatchewan, had given defences fits all tour- nament. Windsor was able to contain the Canadian national team member who entered the game shooting 52 per cent from the floor, to 20 points on 7-18 shooting. “Justine Colley is an outstand- ing player, and we needed to take her away. We knew we had the arsenal to do it. We had Kristine Lalonde and Korissa [Williams] face guard her and take her out of the game,” not- ed Vallee on the two-time CIS player of the year. e Lancers now say goodbye to fiſth year leaders Jessica Clem- oncon and Miah-Marie Lan- glois who have been vital con- tributors to each of Windsor’s BRONZE BABY PAGE 15 w • photo by Ian Shalapata

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Campus and community news, arts, sports and features from The Lance, the official student newspaper of the University of Windsor.


Page 1: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance





artsLocal Irish dancers will go to World Championships


the uwsa electionmost positions left vacant, but student health care and welcome week will continue


artscheck out these beautiful photos from Calendars For Care


newsCJAM wants your help to save their news department


sportsLancer men’s hockey wins Queen’s cup



LANCER WOMEN WIN FOURTH B-BALL NATIONAL IN A ROWMIKESPECHT sports editor__________________________

In early November 45 teams began the chase to supplant the University of Windsor Lancers as women’s national basketball champions. Those efforts were unsuccessful as the blue and gold commanded their way to a fourth straight Bronze Baby Trophy at the CIS Final Eight over the weekend.

The victory was made all the sweeter having taken place on home court. With Lancer faith-ful showing up in full force to the St. Denis Centre for each contest of the champion-ship. Led by the Party Army,

Windsor-Essex created a super-charged environment for the hometown team. The team, spearheaded by win-ning culture created by coach Chantal Vallee joined elite ranks. Becoming the first pro-gram since the Laurentian Lady V’s of the 1970’s to win four consecutive titles.During their (22-1) regular sea-son, the Lancers set a historic pace in terms of turnovers, re-bounds, assists, and average margin of victory. With their dominating play continuing into the national tournament, where Windsor won each of its three contests by 20 points or more.In the quarter-finals the Lancers

made easy work of OUA rivals, Laurier. With an 81-53 state-ment to open the tournament. They then exploded in the sec-ond half of their semi-final to drop No. 4 Fraser Valley 65-45. Before moving on to face the undefeated St. Mary’s Huskies in the championship final.

It was in front of 2000 rabid fans that the Lancers saved their most dominant performance, dismissing the Huskies 71-45 in to take the gold medal. Though the game tipped off at 8:25 p.m. last Sunday coach Vallee claims there was an heir of greatness about these women in the early hours of the day.

“After we rehearsed our game plan at the hotel and I saw the

focus in the girls eyes, it calmed me, I thought ‘we’re gonna go get this.’ To appreciate the crowd and the work that we’ve done to prepare the girls mentally and emotionally and to show up and perform under pressure; I re-ally am fortunate. I am coaching great champions,” said Vallee af-ter the game.

Facing their toughest challenge of the season, the Lancers were tasked with shutting down the CIS all-time leading point scorer Justine Colley. The guard who was fresh off of a 38 point performance in St. Mary’s semi-final victory over Saskatchewan, had given defences fits all tour-nament.

Windsor was able to contain

the Canadian national team member who entered the game shooting 52 per cent from the floor, to 20 points on 7-18 shooting.

“Justine Colley is an outstand-ing player, and we needed to take her away. We knew we had the arsenal to do it. We had Kristine Lalonde and Korissa [Williams] face guard her and take her out of the game,” not-ed Vallee on the two-time CIS player of the year.

The Lancers now say goodbye to fifth year leaders Jessica Clem-oncon and Miah-Marie Lan-glois who have been vital con-tributors to each of Windsor’s


• photo by Ian Shalapata

Page 2: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance


mission statementThe goal of the Lance is to produce a weekly newspaper that provides informative and accurate accounts of events and issues relevant to the University of Windsor, its students and the surrounding community.

The Lance acknowledges its privileged position in being free from commercial and administrative controls. We strive to protect that position by vigorously defending our editorial autonomy.

Our mandate is to cover issues that affect students. However, we believe that no subject need fall outside the grasp of the student press, and that we best serve our purpose when we help widen the boundaries of debate on educational, social economic, environmental and political issues.

The Lance and its staff shall, at all times, strive to adhere to the Code of Ethics of the Canadian University Press. Any material containing a racist, sexist or otherwise prejudicial substance or tone will not be printed.

The Lance is published by the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance and prints every Thursday of the fall and winter semesters. Its offices are located in the basement of the CAW Student Centre.

Unsigned editorials are produced by the Lance editorial board, or printed with their permission, and may not reflect the beliefs of all its members. Opinions expressed in the Lance are not necessarily those of the University of Windsor or the Students’ Alliance. Submissions are welcome and become the property of the newspaper. Submissions must be e-mailed. The editor reserves the right to edit for space and clarity.

Letters will be accepted until the Thursday before publication and must include the writer’s name, major of study and phone number. Contents ©2013. Reproduction in any way is forbidden without the written permission of the Editor-in-Chief. The Lance is a member of the Canadian University Press.

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A new human rights crisis has emerged at the Uni-versity of Windsor. Students are mobilizing, and separating into factions. If left to fester, this could escalate to become the most divisive... second most divisive issue in campus history.I am talking of course, about the separation barrier built at the CAW Tim Horton’s; which divides cof-fee and tea drinkers into a densely populated “ex-press lane,” while the donut eaters and icecap elites align to the right in the artificially constructed food lane. As a proud coffee man, I found myself glaring, judging and loathing the other line which was mov-ing twice as fast as my own. Forgetting that not long ago, we were comrades in the same struggle. In days past the Tim’s line was a harmonious union where men and women of all backgrounds stood in solidarity as students at the University of Windsor. I was blinded by fear, and misunderstanding and as I scowled across the barrier hateful words began to emerge. “Get out of here you God damn fritter-heads!” I shouted.My act of intimidation was met with a swift show of force. A rogue bagel flew from the other side of the line, striking an innocent bystander. I stood in disbelief. This girl, no older than second- year, was splattered with shards of an everything with herb and garlic. She had her whole day ahead of her, and it was cut short because of an issue that goes beyond her, or this institution.I started to realize that barrier or not, we are all still warriors in the same struggle. Fighting to attain the same level of efficient service achieved by the cam-pus leading coffee states to the east: Odette Tim’s, and The Green Bean Cafe. I look to a day when people will not be judged by the temperature of their beverage, but by the con-tent of their character.

— Mike Specht, sports reporter



on the #uwsatweet ‘em to @uwindsorlance





MAR15some people feel that the express line in the Tim Hortons actually makes the overall service time longer • photo by Jason Rankin





Page 3: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance



Outgoing executives for the University of Windsor Student Alliance (UWSA), representing over 10,000 full-time under-graduate students, are scram-bling to make decisions that will determine the fate of the union after the 2014 General Elec-tions resulted in a vacancy of all executive, board of directors, board of governors, and senate positions.

Just a week before voting began, a group of students concerned about the lack of involvement in the elections ‒ in addition to concerns about the election process itself ‒ began a crowd-sourced, out-of-pocket cam-paign to encourage students to vote “no” or “none of the above.”

By the time the polls opened, the group’s Facebook page had accumulated over 1,000 ‘likes.’

The question is...what now?

UWSA president Rob Crawford

said that there is work to do in the next month to ensure stu-dents are not dramatically af-fected in the fall, but all is not lost.

“I’ve met with our general man-ager and we’ve come to the con-clusion that a lot of the opera-tions that the UWSA does over the summer can be completed by our full-time staff,” said Crawford. “In terms of having Welcome Week and doing those events...we have our director of student life who can organize all those things.”

“It does mean that the work load is going to be a lot higher for them, but it doesn’t mean that we aren’t going to be able to put on a Welcome Week and continue to offer our health and dental plan, or the other ser-vices we offer out of our office,” said Crawford.

Holly Ward, chief communica-tions officer for the University of Windsor, has already stated that Welcome Week activities would still be provided by the University of Windsor, should the UWSA be unable to fulfill

those duties.Omar Shahid, outgoing vice-president of finance and opera-tions for the UWSA said that, financially, the UWSA will struggle to get traction during the summer without a board of directors.“My understanding is that we cannot do anything financially because there is no board [of directors],” said Shahid. “Let’s say a club wants to ask for club funding...they can’t because there is not a board to approve it. The same thing goes for the Homecoming Music Festival or the frosh week.”“We can’t really do anything [now] unless we have an emer-gency meeting everyday,” said Shahid.As for the students involved in the “None of the Above” group, work to reform the UWSA by-laws and elections policies may be on the horizon.Adam Bednarick, the fourth-year international relations stu-dent who founded the group, said that he is expecting more

work ahead, but he is proud of what has been accomplished.

“I’m sure there will be quite the appeal process and what-not to get through, so we have to get through all the paperwork first,” said Bednarick. “There are some we’re going to make sure students’ voices are heard.”

Bednarick said the elections re-sults were a surprise.

“We were in shock,” he said. “We thought we would do well, we thought we would have an impact across campus, we just were shocked at the level of im-pact that we had.”

Bednarick said his group will be digging into the by-laws looking for “weaknesses, irregularities, and any faults that may exist” to recommend changes.

“I think it’s a sign of the times, I think, clearly, students are voic-ing their dissatisfaction, and I think in the long run it could end up being a good thing for the University of Windsor by of-fering a chance for rebirth,” said Crawford.

Crawford encourages students to attend the Annual General Meeting when it is scheduled—according to UWSA by-laws, notice must be given at least ten days in advance.

“If we reach quorum [two per cent of members] students....If we hit that, students can actu-ally push forward constitutional amendments at that meeting that would become official,” said Crawford. “That’s the time of the year where drastic changes can happen.”

‘‘A lot of the operations that the UWSA does over the summer can be com-pleted by our full-time staff. — Rob Crawford

The fate of the union

Mar. 13, 2014 U

WSA council m

eeting — from

the left: Chief Returning O

fficer Shauhrat Gill, Vice

President, University Affairs Jake D

ejong and President Rob Craw

ford • photo by Jason Rankin

Page 4: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance


University rescinds audio recording policyLINDSAYSHEPPARD lance reporter__________________________

On Feb. 27, students received an e-mail from University of Wind-sor provost and vice-president academic, Leo Groarke, stating that administrative policy A4/A5 would be removed, allowing students with disabilities to re-cord lectures for study purposes without prior permission from the instructor.

This decision has been ten years in the making for Donevan, who only has one name, a UWindsor student who has been fight-ing the administration over the legality of these policies. In 2011, his case went to the Hu-man Rights Tribunal of Ontario, which is what prompted the re-moval of these policies.

“Part of the settlement of the Human Rights case was an agreement to have our special needs policies reviewed by Raj Anand… He asked us to remove this policy, so we have done so,” Groarke stated.

Raj Anand served as Chief Commissioner for the Ontario Human Rights Commission in 1988 to 1989. In his review of the special needs policy he points out, “The views of non-disabled students or employees, or the impact on such individu-als have to be approached with some care, because by defini-tion accommodation does not involve identical treatment.”

In other words, students who need accommodations should be accommodated, something that Donevan has been fighting to achieve for over ten years.

He has a disability that necessi-tates the recording of class lec-tures to be able to study, but was faced with opposition from the very beginning. Donevan trac-es the beginning of his struggles back to when he began studying social work at the University of Windsor.

Tensions with faculty and ad-ministration quickly mounted and exploded into academic appeals, criminal charges, and navigating the difficult court


“Mine is an approved disability accommodation, and that takes precedent. This was discussed in class on three occasions… and then [the professor] had me ar-rested, handcuffed, and dragged out of class,” said Donevan.

After ten years of fighting, Do-nevan has nearly completed his bachelor’s degree in social work, though he still feels the effects of the long struggle that has cost him over $100,000.

In comparison, Queen’s Univer-sity has a policy that places an “ethical and legal responsibility on all faculty and staff to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to access auditory material.”

York University’s policy states, “Types of accommodations may include, but are not limited to… permission for audio recording of lectures.”

On Mar. 14, Donevan attended a senate meeting where he made a written request distributed to each senator asking that his

name be cleared and that he be compensated for his loss of time and money.

“I ask senate for two things: one, the clearing of my academic re-cord and my name with a for-mal apology from the Universi-ty of Windsor and secondly, the referral to the Board of Gover-nors with a request to make me whole again in a timely manner without further delay,” reads the letter.

The letter concludes with, “I just want to get on with my life. I want my life back.”

A paper written by the Council of Ontario Universities about

learning disabilities states, “Al-though accommodation is re-quired by law… it should be viewed as a mechanism that allows students with [learning disabilities] to realize their goals and to maximize their contribu-tion to society.”

The removal of policies A4 and A5 has been a welcome change at UWindsor according to Groarke.

“There has been positive feed-back from students who are directly affected. Special needs students have been glad to have the policy removed,” added Groarke.

• photo by Jason Rankin

‘‘I just want to get on with my life. I want my life back. — Donevan


Page 5: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance


The CJAM referendum

DARKOMILENKOVIC lance reporter__________________________

For the first time in 26 years, CJAM has called for a referen-dum asking students to vote on a levy increase to help support the campus radio station.

The levy increase would raise the current levy of $10.00 by a dollar.

“[The] request for a referendum is in no way a matter of poor budgeting,” said Vernon Smith, station manager for CJAM, in his address to the University of Windsor Student Alliance

Council on Feb. 26.

“CJAM operates with one of the smallest staffs in the country, with two full-time employees and one part-time employee,” said Smith. “One of the main reasons we seek this referendum is to avoid laying-off our modest one-person news department.”

In 2012, CJAM hired news di-rector Zoran Kljajic with the help of a Community Radio Fund of Canada grant. Kljajic has worked with the BBC and has experience as a wartime correspondent in the former Yugoslavia.Since joining CJAM, Kljajic has passed on his knowledge to student broadcasters by in-corporating their work into his weekly news show, The Windsor Chronicle.“Unfortunately, CJAM was not able to get a second round of funding,” said Smith. “I have worked hard to keep [the news department] alive by scraping here and there so that we might still have it when the referen-dum comes around.”CJAM offers training and air-time to students for free and offers a concrete learning en-vironment by taking lessons on media and technology from the classrooms to the airwaves. CJAM also provides music and information programming not offered by mainstream com-mercial media in the Windsor/

Detroit area.

“CJAM … provides an alterna-tive to the mainstream,” said Mike Konstantino, guitarist/vocalist for the local rock band The Hypnotics. “The best thing about CJAM is that there are programs that can be enjoyed by everyone. Whether that’s coun-try, reggae, rap, punk, garage rock, indie, electronic or what-ever else kind of music you can think of… CJAM has a program for it. That variation itself makes CJAM an important station in the Windsor/Detroit area.”

Smith said asking for a levy in-crease was not an easy decision, but one that is necessary for maintaining the news depart-ment.

“I have always been hesitant to look at a levy increase,” said Smith. “I have cut whatever I can cut and that includes the water cooler.”

“At present, however, I am afraid that CJAM is out of options to keep its news department intact and in order to do so we must go to referendum,” said Smith.


UWINDSOR CELEBRATES CHAMPIONSHIP FOUR-PEATThe University of Windsor campus community is pleased to congratulate our women’s varsity basketball team for bringing the “Bronze Baby” trophy home once again.

On March 16, 2014, the Windsor Lancer Women’s Basketball team won this year’s Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) title— its fourth-straight national championship.

We salute these champions, together with all of our student athletes who display excellence and determination, and the coaches, staff and faculty who help them do their best.

You make us proud!


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Page 6: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance


cup opinion


I had my passport in hand, my money in my belt, and my luggage on the plane. What was I missing? I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was heading across the ocean and that I had forgotten something at home. All throughout hugging my parents and sis-ters goodbye, crossing through airport security, and while boarding my plane I just could not shake this feeling. As I took my seat my mind flashed back to the last day of grade school. I cried while hugging all of my friends, terrified of what was coming next. Would we all still be friends? Would the teachers spoon-feed us? I was comfortable in my classroom of ten years; I was safe. I then started to think about the end of high school: did I change all that much? I was still petrified at the thought of leaving familiar-ity. Did I just get older and none the wiser?

I looked back at this past week and saw how this fear crept up on me again, and how often I thought to myself “Wouldn’t it be nice to just sit on my fa-miliar couch, with the same food, and the typical book in hand? Why do I have to go?” I sat there as the plane was taking off thinking, always thinking, about how many times I have overheard the words: “I’m going to travel the world one day,” and how little people actually go through with it. Raise your hand if you have said this at least once in your life? Don’t lie, you know that you have. Now question number two: how many of you have actually left your hometown? Country? If you have, you’re one step closer to where you want to be; if you haven’t, go. So many of us lie to ourselves and say that when we grow up, and save enough money, we will hop on the next plane to Europe, Asia, Australia or all of the above. To be realistic, how will you do this with your future jobs or families approaching? I was not about to lie to myself, I knew that this is the time: my youth. This is the time to explore everything the world has to offer me, to shape who I will be.

It dawned on me that I have wanted to write for my entire life, but what about? I have lived in the same city for twenty years and that is all that I know: safe and sound Windsor, Ontario. Now don’t get me wrong, being tucked in at night and knowing that I’m safe is more than I can ask for, but where do I find the excitement? Where do I find my story about getting delayed in Iceland for 24 hours and getting to see the Northern Lights by mistake? Cre-ativity only goes so far, and then comes the experi-ence to back it up. This experience is the chance for re-invention and the opportunity to shed the per-son people have made me to be, and become who I am supposed to be on my own terms.

Along with the turbulence over Greenland, my thoughts shook as well. It was clear that what I had thought that I had forgotten at home, along with my favourite sweater, was the old version of me. Was I upset to leave her behind? Would I like the new me? Could I really disconnect myself with the past and open up to who I knew I wanted to be? I had so many questions shaking around and I did not know the answer to a single one. Wondering, a feel-ing that ordinarily made me feel uncomfortable was starting to fit me better. My future was unclear, and my mind was a mess, but for once I did not care. I knew one thing, the most important thing: that France better look out for this University of Wind-sor exchange student; she’s got a pen in her hand and a mind full of fresh thoughts.

“In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed” —Sid Caesar



At the UWSA council meeting on Mar. 13, I acted as a voting proxy for a councilor who could not attend. I contemplated leaving after council voted down hearing the CRO’s report on the BDS referendum, but I stuck around to hear the motion to reopen nominations for UWSA positions. I will openly state I voted no on the motion and here is why.

First, the motion involved implementation of a new elections timeline. If adopted, cam-paigning would take place during exams and voting would happen after exams ended. This disadvantages certain groups of students, such as education students who are in placement at that time.

It is also classist to assume that every single full time student has access to a computer off cam-pus and would be able to vote if they so choose.

Second, reopening the election would negate the hard work already done by current can-didates and would require them to undergo another exhausting campaign period at an in-convenient time.

Third, and most compelling, is that I don’t be-lieve the “I didn’t know about nominations” is a reasonable argument. Think about it this way: if you want to drop a class, you make sure you know the drop date whether or not it’s ad-vertised widely. It’s the individual’s responsibil-ity, if they are keen to participate, to know well ahead of time what they must do. The nomina-tion period wasn’t advertised? Then why not go to the UWSA office or pick up the phone and talk to someone? It’s that simple.

Finally, I’m much more interested in seeing candidates nominated pro-actively rather than re-actively. Essentially, people who care about the job and the university rather than someone who would run just to ensure competition and democracy. What if a re-active candidate won? Would they be nearly as dedicated as someone who planned ahead and put in all the neces-sary work?

I understand there are a wide range of opinions on the topic, but this is how I see the situation.

— Lindsay Sheppard, lance reporter



Vice President External Affairs Mohammad Akbar submits his vote • photo by Jason Rankin

(Photo by Jane Lytvynenko/Canadian University Press)REGINA (CUP) — The Liberals possess good fortune lately. According to the Toronto Star, a new poll from the conserva-tive think-tank Manning Centre found that 31 per cent of the 1,100 individuals surveyed identified with the Liberals, while only 26 per cent were with the Conservatives and 18 per cent with the official opposition, the NDP.What has further horrified Conservative pundits is that the Grits and Tories are statistically tied on the issue of economic stewardship — an issue the Harper government has tried to monopolize over the years. On other issues like healthcare and unemployment, the Liberals and New Democrats polled ahead of the Conservatives.That’s not all. The Liberal Party has been moving in support of several issues, which have been staples of the ‘culture wars:’ pot, prostitution and euthanasia. With support for legalizing pot at 57 per cent, an October 2013 survey of 1,002 Cana-dians found that 68 per cent of them favoured euthanasia. Prostitution still remains less clear, as one poll showed that 60 per cent of men favoured its legalization, while only 38 per cent of women approved of such actions. The Liberal Party convention recently approved a policy that would see a new debate on implementing right-to-die legislation, coming as the Supreme Court listens to a new case on assisted suicide.However, where do ‘culture war’ issues fit on Canadians per-ceived priorities? The top issue for 15 per cent of those who responded to a Harris Decima poll was the economy, fol-lowed by healthcare at 11 per cent, with the environment and employment issues following behind. Out of this list of 10 top issues for Canadians, pot, prostitution and euthanasia were not listed as priorities. Think the person working overtime on the oil rigs or the 9-to-5 professionals are going to lose sleep over euthanasia? The Liberals must focus on issues that trouble more Canadians than culture war issues if they want to unseat Stephen Harper in 2015.Yet Trudeau has given some indication of where he stands on the economy and healthcare. Going off a recent report sug-gesting the middle class is stagnating in Canada, he has indi-cated that he will not increase taxes on earners in this group, nor on anyone in general. He has indicated that he supports free trade and Keystone XL, two issues that the Tories can’t claim to be gatekeepers of.The point is that the Liberals don’t have to grasp for straws. They’re tied with the Tories on the economy and are seen as a better party to manage healthcare issues. What Trudeau should focus on is sharpening his economic positions and developing his healthcare policy. If they focus on issues like these over the next two years, they will be a redoubtable force for Harper and Thomas Mulcair. That said, commentators should be less gung-ho on declaring early winners, as poll-sters from Alberta and B.C. found recently.



Page 7: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance


STUDENTS NOT SO TEKSAVVYMAR13 TORONTO (CUP) — A recent court decision in the case in-volving corporations TekSavvy and Voltage Pictures is working towards shutting down copy-right trolling in Canada and protecting alleged infringers from exploitation.

In a decision released Feb. 20, a judge ordered TekSavvy, a popular Internet service pro-vider (ISP) among students, to disclose 2,000 IP addresses and corresponding customer names to Voltage Pictures — the com-pany responsible for films such as The Hurt Locker and Dallas Buyers Club. Voltage filed a law-suit in late 2012 alleging copy-right infringement by TekSavvy customers.

By law, the maximum amount Voltage could gain from any one individual for copyright in-fringement is $5,000.

“Five-thousand dollars for a first offence without any strikes or

warning is overkill,” said Martin Wennde, a first-year computer science student at Toronto’s Ry-erson University and TekSavvy customer. “Yes, it is illegal but it’s like jaywalking, a crime that nobody enforces.”While this decision might ap-pear to be a blow to TekSavvy, experts are saying it’s a big step in discouraging an extortion scheme, known as copyright trolling, in Canada.Copyright trolling occurs when a copyright holder uses the le-gal process to extract excessive amounts of money from alleged infringers, said David Fewer, di-rector of the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC), which intervened in the case. Fewer said that copy-right trolling is common in the United States. After a ruling has been made, a copyright holder is permitted to send letters out to the alleged offenders.“They’re really leveraging fear and anxiety in the cost of de-fending yourself in a court to build a business model on the basis of low-scale intellectual copyright infringement,” he


Fewer said the outcome of this particular highly publicized case was actually a positive one.

“I think this decision is a death blow to copyright trolls in Can-ada,” he said. “I think Voltage is extremely unhappy with this decision.”

Even though Voltage Pictures has been successful in getting the desired ruling in this case, students using TekSavvy have little to worry about, according to Avner Levin, director of the Privacy and Cyber Crime In-stitute at Ryerson’s Ted Rogers School of Management.

“There are a number of steps there that make it more expen-sive and costly for Voltage to go after people,” Levin said. “The more expensive it is to litigate and to pursue it, the less it’s worth it for them.”

Before TekSavvy hands custom-er information over to Voltage Pictures, they must also reim-burse any fees TekSavvy has ac-crued as a result of the lawsuit, Tina Furlan, TekSavvy’s director of marketing and press com-munication, said. This includes legal fees, which can amount to many hundreds of dollars an hour, Levin said. In the event that Voltage does decide to con-tinue pursuing alleged infring-ers, the courts will oversee every step of the process, Fewer said.

“All Voltage has is evidence that a particular subscriber’s IP ad-dress may have been involved in a download,” he said.

Because the letter confers no le-gal obligations, there’s no need to be intimidated, Levin said, adding that sending a quick re-sponse denying the allegations is the best way to respond.

“The more expensive it is for the other side to litigate it, the more likely that you are to be let off the hook,” he said. “Don’t pay until somebody actually proves that you’ve infringed upon somebody’s copyright.”


PROVINCIAL BUDGET SHOWS INCREASES FOR POST-SECONDARYMAR12EDMONTON (CUP) — Al-berta unveiled increased fund-ing for universities in last week’s provincial budget, though it wasn’t as much as some people would have liked.

Post-secondary institutions will see a number of increases in this year’s budget, including $32 million to create 2,000 more

targeted enrolment spaces and a promise to restart the Access to the Future Fund, a donation-matching program for operat-ing costs at universities.

The province also kept the $50 million added to base operating grants over the winter, money given back after massive cuts of nearly $143 million across all post-secondary institutions in the province last year.

“Since budget 2013, we have been working strongly with post-secondary education across the province and have been committed to making the right decisions to keep finances on track,” said Dave Hancock, the minister of Innovation and Advanced Education.

“We’ve known for some time there would be nothing in the way of surprises,” said MacE-wan University president David Atkinson.

There were some concerns for universities heading into the budget process. The prov-ince froze tuition last year but compensated universities for the lost increase in revenue. While Atkinson wasn’t sure if that money was going to come through again this year, it was in the budget.


national news briefs










Page 8: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance

arts&culture MAR202O14 • UWINDSORLANCE.CA/ARTS // 8

ALEXANDRASELLICK arts editor__________________________

Local artists are currently working on a project that will showcase Windsor, the arts community in the city, and raise money for the Windsor Essex County Cancer Centre Foundation.

David McCall, the project manager of Calendars For Care, has been in the an-tique and vintage business for about 18 years. For the last eight years, he has been organizing and running antique and vin-tage shows around Windsor. He uses each show to raise money for a different charity and now has decided to expand fundraising efforts by incorporating vin-tage fashions and finds into a calendar.

Each month in the calendar will show a

well-known location in Windsor and will feature items from a local store and be created by a local artist.

“Windsor and Essex County have a rich history, fantastic architecture and beauti-ful scenery. Very few communities offer the seasons, forest, fields, waterways and historical locations that Windsor and Es-sex County offers,” said McCall. “As for the Windsor Artists, through the Univer-sity of Windsor our community is lucky to have access to some very talented, cre-ative and inspired artists and perform-ers.”

Lanette Perry is a local photographer who is currently working with Snapd Windsor. She was photographing a vin-tage event when she met McCall and was asked to join the Calendars for Care proj-ect.

“Windsor has many charming histori-cal locations and a fantastic community,” said Perry. “The calendar will definitely bring these qualities to light in a fun way that not only benefits our community but also raises money for a great cause - the cancer society.”

Calendars For Care is a volunteer project and will use strictly local talent. Many of the models are from the University of Windsor’s Dramatic Arts Program. Local businesses are also participating such as; The Hair Lounge Salon & Spa, Brooke Elizabeth Makeup and Penny Jane’s Vin-tage.

The Calendars will be available starting Jun. 1, 2014 and will be sold throughout the year at the Windsor Essex Country Cancer Centre on Kildare Rd. You can visit their website at

Calendars For CareLOCAL ARTISTS WORK TO RAISE MONEY FOR WINDSOR ESSEX COUNTY CANCER CENTRE FOUNDATIONOuttakes of models from a Calendars For Care photo-shoot in Windsor • photos by Lanette Perry

Page 9: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance




Yet another trailer for the upcoming fourth season of Game of Thrones has been released. Be prepared to get all giggly and spurt out tons of corny “winter is com-ing” puns.Also, we’re all getting teased because we still have to wait until April 6 to see the season — smack dab in the middle of exam season.And remember, if you’ve read the book, please don’t spoil it for your friends. Some unfortunate souls cruised the Internet before seeing the Red Wedding episode and we all know how evil memes are for spoilers.


Emerald Seas

AMANDATURNER lance reporter__________________________

This weekend one of Windsor’s own alternative rock bands will be releas-ing their first EP at their release show on Mar. 22.

Emerald Seas formed in Jan. 2012. The band consists of five members; Sam Breault as the lead vocalist, Mike Petrino on guitar, Justin Dow also on guitar, Marko Rozic on bass and Eric Noble on drums. They have released two singles to date that will also be on the upcoming EP.

“We are very excited for this EP re-lease show,” said Justin Dow, on his way back from a show in Kitchener. “We’ve been a band for almost two years and we’ve spent a lot of time, money, and effort into working on writing, performing, and recording these songs.”

Emerald Seas will be playing with a few other bands this Saturday. Bleach will be performing alongside them and have played quite a few shows

with them in the past. The two bands share a common love for rock but they differ slightly in sound.

“I would say Emerald Seas is one of the very best and most talented, hard working bands in Windsor and they deserve a lot of attention and buzz,” said Kyle Cloutier, the lead singer and rhythm guitarist of Bleach. “I’ve had the pleasure of sitting in for a few practices and it’s astonishing how much blood, sweat and tears goes into their work and it sounds beautiful. I hope this release helps them get the attention they deserve because it’s going to be a crazy show. We will be bringing our crazy A-game I know that for sure.”

The CD release will be hosted at Vil-lains Beastro in downtown Windsor and the doors will open at 9:00 p.m. The cover is $5 and the show is for those ages 19 and above. Emerald Seas will also be playing after the Run for Rocky Marathon at the St. Clair Cen-tre for the Arts on Apr. 13. Their CDs are for sale through any of the band members, through iTunes and also through their Facebook page via CD Baby.

Emerald Seas (left to right): Marko Rozic, bass, Eric Noble, drums, Sam Breault, vocals, Justin Dow, guitar, Michael Petrino, guitar • photo by Ryan Bro



Page 10: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance


*To purchase Finding Killah contact Abshxr directly on Facebook or Twitter, and check out a review of his al-bum on page 12.

JOANASZEEN lance reporter__________________________

After binging on his tracks this week, I had the chance to rap with Abshxr, whose real name is Abshir Kahiye. We sat down to grab a coffee; I asked a few questions —some funny, some business—about his music. JOANA SZEEN: SO, WHAT’S YOUR STORY?

Abshir Kahiye: I’m a normal kid from Windsor that has always known he could sing but was pessimistic.  As I grew older and went through university, network-ing encouraged me to take advantage of my talent.JT: WHO PRODUCED YOUR TRACKS?

AK: Boy Urks composed the beats…he’s from Toronto; we met at the University of Windsor. I executively produced as well, wrote everything and was a big part of production. He’s [Omar is] my best friend and he wants me to be great, so we worked together in the studio to write and build concepts [together]. JT: HOW DO YOU WANT TO BE REMEMBERED?

AK: I want to be remembered as the kid from Windsor that ends up being the best from Windsor. I want to be remembered not just as a singer…I have a lot of goals that singing might help me reach…social justice type things I want to work on and business.  Singing can give me the means to do what I want to do.JT: PEOPLE SAY MUSIC IS A HARD BUSINESS TO SUCCEED IN. HOW DO YOU COPE WITH MAJOR OBSTACLES?

AK: I don’t think about the end goal, I think about things step by step. If there are a lot of short-term goals, before I know it I’m at the end. It is also easier to men-tally handle a short-term goal than a long one, because [with long-term goals] you can easily quit or give up.JT: WHEN HAVE YOU BEEN MOST SATISFIED IN YOUR LIFE?

AK: Finding Killah was really satisfying…the way everyone was dancing and cel-ebrating, the positive energy in the building, no confrontations or problems and everyone was singing my songs with me…people were buying my CDs.  It was a great moment and the proudest I’ve felt in a long time.JT: IF WE’RE SITTING HERE A YEAR FROM NOW CELEBRATING WHAT A GREAT YEAR IT’S BEEN, WHAT DID WE ACHIEVE TOGETHER?

AK: We got Windsor’s attention. I did not want to be a superstar or celebrity.  I just wanted Windsor’s attention.   The next project will go even further. That project, most of the songs were laid down six months ago. I have so many new projects on the go that I know are bigger and better.


a cup of joe with...


To promote research, education,

action on environmental and

social justice issues for a better world.


General Meeting

& Board elections


March 28 @ 12pm

372 California(beside the Campus Community Garden,

behind the Faculty of Education)

for more information call 253-3000 ext. 3872, email [email protected]

Activism is the rent I pay Activism is the rent I pay Activism is the rent I pay Activism is the rent I pay Activism is the rent I payfor living on this planet for living on this planet for living on this planet for living on this planet for living on this planet

- Alice Walker- Alice Walker- Alice Walker- Alice Walker- Alice Walker

The Annual General Meeting is open to the public but only members (full-time undergraduate

students and all graduate students) can vote. Your validated student card is required to

vote. At this meeting the board of directors is elected, the budget is set for the next year and

other decisions are taken about the future of OPIRG.

Of all volunteer opportunities being a board member is the most intensive & also the most

challenging. The board is responsible for the long- term viability of the organization.

Positions Include: Chairperson, Treasurer, Records Keeper, Staff Liaison, Campus

Liaison, Community Liaison, Provincial Representative, Volunteer Coordinator plus

Coordinators for the following portfolios: Environmental, Social Justice,

Anti-Oppression, Policy & Development, Communications, Events Planning.

Deadline for Nominations Thursday March 27

Nomination forms available at

or at our office at 252 Dillon Hall,

Monday through Friday 10am to 2pm

Abshxr • photo by Ryan Bro


Page 11: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance




March Madness Recycle Retro, Mud-puppy Gallery, 12:00 p.m.

Conversation: Works by Vaughn Beneteau, POP Hair Gallery


Keats Conlon plays at Taloola Café, 7:00 p.m.

Sarah Smith Concert, Carparelli’s, 7:00 p.m., $5

Level 3 Presents: Pampered, LEV3L Vodka Emporium, 8:00 p.m.


DIY T-Shirt Yarn & Braided Rug Work-shop, The Amber Bee Textile Arts Stu-dio, 1:00 p.m., $20

Childish Gambino, The Fillmore De-troit, 7:00 p.m.

Crawl wsg Heavy Early, Dominion House Tavern, 8:00 p.m.


March Madness Recycle Retro, Mud-puppy Gallery, 12:00 p.m.

Conversation: Works by Vaughn Beneteau, POP Hair Gallery


Conversation: Works by Vaughn Beneteau, POP Hair Gallery


Conversation: Works by Vaughn Beneteau, POP Hair Gallery


March Madness Recycle Retro, Mud-puppy Gallery, 12:00 p.m.

Conversation: Works by Vaughn Beneteau, POP Hair Gallery

ART.WORK Workshop – Capturing the Moment of Art: How To Docu-ment Time-Based Art Practices, Arts Council Windsor & Region, 6:00 p.m., $10 for members, $15 for non-mem-bers


ART.WORK Workshop – Capturing the Moment of Art: How To Docu-ment Time-Based Art Practices, Arts Council Windsor & Region, 8:30 p.m., $10 for members, $15 for non-mem-bers

March Madness Recycle Retro, Mud-puppy Gallery, 12:00 p.m.

Conversation: Works by Vaughn Beneteau, POP Hair Gallery




JOANASZEEN lance reporter__________________________

DUBS IN THE AIRICKY ERICThanks to Icky Eric we’ll be shouting “Dubs in the Air” like its Friday night with Rebecca Black. Whether you like it or not, “Dubs in the Air,” Icky’s Wind-sor song, is quickly becoming an Internet sensation. Since it was uploaded on Mar. 9, it has accumulated more than 45,000 views, almost 900 likes and is still counting. Wind-sorites are showing a lot of love for the video and its positive representation of the Rose City. Icky Eric, aka Eric Smyth, is a University of Windsor alum-nus with a degree in communications. Now based out of Toronto, he’s finally broken into the Windsor scene. Out of 22 video uploads to Icky’s YouTube page, “Dubs in the Air” is by far his most popular track. The video was filmed at Icky’s 28th birthday party and fea-tures shots of EC Row Expressway, Tecumseh Road, Wind-

sor Raceway and street art by Denial. The people featured in his video are not extras. Icky made sure his mother Janet Morris and stepfather Steven Alexsy got in on the action, as well as many of his closest friends.

The YouTube page reveals a lot of positive feedback with comments like, “Windsor representing,” “I love this city” and “This makes me feel kind of nostalgic.”

YouTube viewer mamiOftwo17 commented, “…this vid-eo brought me back to summer vacays and memories I couldn’t replace. Shout out to my grams… Man I have to get myself back soon.”

“Dubs in the air” is hitting Windsorites who have relocated across North America and reminding us all that Windsor is a beautiful place to live. Mrsb0sstiric commented, “[Well] your video made it to North Carolina, great job made me miss home a little bit.”

Many viewers have expressed dislike for the “corny” nature of the video, but overall there has been a lot of respect for the tribute “Icky Eric” has paid to the place where he grew up. We are reminded that this city, despite all of its ups and downs in the past decades have shaped who we as Wind-sorites are and reminded us of the events and spaces that have brought our community together.

screencap of Icky Eric from the YouTube video

SARAHHORWATH editor-in-chief__________________________

Dan McCafferty, a local Windsor art-ist received a $3,000 grant from The City of Windsor’s new Arts, Culture + Heritage Fund granting program ear-lier this month.

McCafferty, a new resident of Wind-sor, who relocated from Toronto is trained originally as a designer and has experience with communities, participation and a critical use of tech-nology. His artwork is not focused on commercial design, but fits into a so-cial practice area.

“I like to use design as a way to ask questions rather than provide solu-tions,” said McCafferty.

McCafferty is involved in Neighbour-hood Spaces, a Windsor and region artist in residence program, which is a partnership between “The Collabora-tive,” which includes the Arts Council - Windsor & Region, Broken City Lab and The City of Windsor. It is a com-munity engaged and socially engaged

residency program in Windsor where ten artists come and engage with dif-ferent communities.

“I don’t have a goal or any kind of mis-sion in terms of what I want to do in Windsor as an artist…I’m happy to be involved, I think there are lots of tal-ented people who were recognized by this award,” said McCafferty.

Nadja Pelkey, program coordinator for Neighbourhood Spaces works directly with the artists and the community sites.

“We really liked how Dan’s previous projects have engaged with the com-munity, and that he would make a great addition to the Neighbourhood Spaces program,” said Pelkey.

McCafferty applied to work with the Ford City community on Drouillard Road and said that this neighbour-hood is unlike anything else that he has ever seen.

“With the money I can get this main project off the ground [Neighbour-hood Spaces project]…There’s a re-ally nice art world in Windsor, not to

mention in Detroit as well. It was a bit of a surprise [in regards to the grant] because I know that there’s lots of in-terest and activity in Windsor.”

Pelkey hopes that there will be a sec-ond round of grants and even more after that because it’s so important to support the arts at every level be-cause that’s the only way to engender a strong collaborative arts practice in the community.

“We’re really proud of the fact that he has received this first round of city grants, they made a lot to the local arts community so it’s nice to see some real support coming from the city,” she said.

“There’s no doubt that funding the arts gives a great return, not only in terms of civic pride and building an identity, but also actual economic returns, the arts brings money in from other disci-plines in a way that other things aren’t able to do.”

Neighbourhood Spaces is supported through the Ontario Trillium Foun-dation. For more information on this program please visit

City grants help arts community

Page 12: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance


CJAM’STOP3Ocharts • MURADERZINCLIOGLUmusic director, CJAM 99.1 FM

more info? &

* indicates Canadian artist


1 KAYLA DUNN* – Fields (Self-Released)2 HABIBI – Habibi (Burger)3 DUM DUM GIRLS – Too True (Sub Pop)4 THE PACK A.D.* – Do Not Engage (Nettwerk)5 ANGEL OLSEN – Burn Your Fire for No Witness (Jagjaguwar)6 KANDLE* – In Flames (Dare To Care)7 TRUST* – Joyland (Arts & Crafts)8 BURIAL – Rival Dealer (Hyperdub)9 SHARON JONES AND THE DAP-KINGS – Give the People What They Want (Daptone)10 MIDDLE SISTER* – Middle Sister (Famous Last)11 CRISSI COCHRANE* – Little Sway (Self-Released)12 JODY GLENHAM* – Dreamer (Self-Released)13 BEND SINISTER* – Animals (File Under: Music (FU:M))14 LINDY VOPNFJORD* – Young Waverer (Self-Released)15 SALLY SELTMANN – Hey Daydreamers (Arts & Crafts)16 NUMBERSIX* – Telekinetic Lovers EP (East Van Digital)17 WARPAINT – Warpaint (Rough Trade)18 M.I.A. – Matangi (Interscope)19 YOKO ONO PLASTIC ONO BAND – Take Me To The Land Of Hell (Chimera)20 HOSPITALITY – Trouble (Merge)21 TACOCAT – NVM (Hardly Art)22 JESSICA HERNANDEZ AND THE DELTAS – Demons (Instant)23 THE GASLIGHT ANTHEM – B-Sides (SideOneDummy)24 TEMPLES – Sun Structures (Fat Possum)25 HEAVYWEIGHTS BRASS BAND* – Brasstronomical (lulaworlds)26 SOULS REST* – Better Weapon (Self-Released)27 RUTH MOODY* – These Wilder Things (True North)28 COEUR DE PIRATE* – Trauma (Dare To Care)29 AMANDA MARTINEZ* – Mañana (Self-Released)30 FORÊT* – Forêt (Simone)

SOPHIASAVVA lance reporter__________________________

AFTER THE DISCOBROKEN BELLSBroken Bells’ sophomore album, After the Disco, outdid their 2010 self-titled debut. As the album’s title suggests, the duo (composed of James Mercer, the frontman of The Shins, and producer/musician Brian Burton AKA Danger Mouse) channel the falsettos, synths and extravagant orchestral arrangements of late 70s disco, as well as the electronic hums and abundant keyboards of post-disco. Unlike their first album, Broken Bells no longer sounds like a side project be-tween two successful musical figures with nothing better to do; it has developed into a fully-formed, bona fide band with earnest lyrics, a consistent sound and hypnotic hooks. The band emerges from its indie rock comfort zone with “Holding On for Life”—a smooth, dark tribute to the Bee Gees. Mercer’s expressive voice is backed up by the indifferent mantras of a choir in “Leave it Alone.” The chugging, sultry “Medicine” features delicate keyboards and sinister guitar coos. A fanfare of trumpets introduces “No Matter What You’re Told,” a catchy song that will have you tapping your toes to its nihilistic lyrics. The choir supplies more haunting vocals on the sensual, quiet “The Angel and the Fool.” “The Re-mains of Rock & Roll” concludes the album with a combination of droning strings and sassy vocals. After the Disco reveals Broken Bells’ capability to create strong, original music. Very seldom does a sequel trump the original—but in this case, it most certainly does.


SOPHIASAVVA lance reporter__________________________

MIND OVER MATTERYOUNG THE GIANTIt took four years for Young the Gi-ant to release their sophomore al-bum Mind Over Matter. The Cali-fornia band did not return to the music scene with the kind of re-fined, confident sound one would expect—rather, they found them-selves in a bit of a slump.

The 13 songs featured on Mind Over Matter are so divergent that the album sounds messy and uninspired.

Young The Giant stray from their lively indie rock sound with “It’s About Time,” a song trying too hard to sound like it came from a 90s garage band. This is followed by the charming “Crystallized” and the powerful “Mind Over Matter.”

Frontman Sameer Gadhia showcases his impressive range in “Camera,” a ro-bust song that brings hope to the album’s murky middle. ”Eros,” a refreshing tune with bouncy guitar riffs, is sandwiched between two insipid songs, “In My Home” and “Teachers,” with equally vapid lyrics: “Well, I know I was born for this/Every night I dreamt of it/In my home” and “Teachers/They try to/Reach us/They said it’s who you know/But now you’re grown up,” respectively. “Pa-ralysis” wraps up the haphazard album with an ensemble of thrashing drums, catchy beats and more of Gadhia’s unique vocals.

The mixing of a variety of different songs weakened strong tunes like “Camera” and “Eros” and made those with a completely different atmosphere, such as “Firelight” and “Waves,” seem too out of place to be appreciated. The songs, although skillfully crafted, did not function well on the same album.

This is not a mature band experimenting with their sound, but a budding one that has not quite found it. Perhaps the third album will be the charm.

JOANASZEEN lance reporter__________________________

FINDING KILLAHABSHXRAbshir, or Abshxr, is a recent Uni-versity of Windsor graduate of human kinetics and emerging art-ist who released his debut-project Finding Killah, a blend of R&B/soul, hip hop, pop rap and bounce, on Feb. 21, 2014. This artist-to-watch is reminiscent of Miguel and The Weeknd, who Abshxr admits is one of his major influences. True to his music, Abshir is smooth and melodic, bouncy at times and genuine. His lyrics are very straightforward and his songs depend heavily on his powerful voice. Most of all he reminds you of all the positive things in life. His music gives your heart something to beat for. My favorite track is “Lets Ride,” which features a bouncy melodic tune about a beautiful girl and a catchy chorus, “Let’s ride, come fly with me, wanna see your pretty hair blowin’ in the breeze”…/ Lets ride, come fly with me, ride shotgun really where you wanna be…/ Lets ride, come fly with me, top down sunshine 35 degrees…”Other notable tracks to listen to are “On a Mission” and “Take You Home,” a smooth track with powerful vocals. “Take You Home” is a charming song about the end of the night at a club and reminds me most of Miguel’s “Adorn,” especially when Abshxr sings, “home girl with me, I got a warm bed to sleep.”Abshxr blew me away when I asked him how long he’d been in the game and he replied, “nine months.” He sold out of the hard copy of his album already, but has more on the way. In the meantime you can check out the tracks online, as he has generously released the eight tracks of his debut EP on and - search “Abshxr.”Check out a cup of joe with...Abshir Kahiye on page 10.

Page 13: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance


Lancers win Queen’s Cup

ANKURKUMARlance reporter__________________________

When the Lancers opened the 2013 to 2014 regular season with an 8-1 loss to the Carleton Ravens, the notion of a Queen’s Cup was far removed from the minds of Lancer Nation.

With the Queen’s Cup in Wind-sor for the first time after 16 years, that thought is no longer relevant. What the Lancers had endured and gone through has paid huge dividends.

The Lancers opened the scoring just 17 seconds into the contest against the McGill Redmen, as Evan Stibbard hopped off the bench during a line change on the fly and received the puck at centre ice, zooming into the empty Redmen defensive zone and completing the breakaway. An unprecedented start and a rare occurrence for the Red-men.

“It was a good break. One of our guys broke his stick so I had to come off the bench. I caught the defense off guard,” explained Stibbard after the game. “A hun-gry group of guys. Everyone wants to win. They will do what-ever it takes to win and step up at any time to get the job done.”

A historically renowned hockey program such as the McGill Redmen was never to be dis-counted. Winners of six of the previous eight Queen’s Cup titles, the Redmen have pro-duced an elite program. Along with Queen’s University and the University of Toronto, McGill is the primary founder of the Queen’s Cup. The award holds plenty of merit and has an un-deniable presence in the culture of hockey in Montréal.

Since the Ottawa Gee Gees in 2004, the Queen’s Cup had not gone to any other recipient be-sides UQTR or McGill. A fresh and rejuvenated Lancers squad led by team captain Drew Palm-er has every reason to be ecstat-ic for the next step.

“We knew how skilled this team was. Seventeen seconds is really big and it took the wind of out their sails,” said Palmer.

After two straight years of being gutted at the OUA West Finals, third time was certainly the charm for the Lancers.

“It’s just amazing,” said Spencer Pommells, third-year member of the Windsor Lancers. “We won’t get away from this system. We might see McGill at the Uni-versity Cup.”

The team does not have much

time to relish in the glory and is back to focus for Canada’s high-est honour in university hockey – the University Cup. The Lanc-ers have not been at the grand-est stage of Canadian collegiate puck since 1999.

“We’ve had something special in this locker room since day one,” said Matt Beaudoin. “There is all kinds of experience on this team. A sense of urgency this year and it is an unbelievable feeling now.”

Before meeting McGill in the regular season for a two-game series in Montréal, Matt Be-audoin was asked what sort of impression the Lancers hoped to make against the 2012 Uni-versity Cup champions as both teams encountered each other for the first time since October 2011. He had answered that it would be one that might have McGill think about visiting South Windsor Arena for the Queen’s Cup.

“We had that plan all week from practice. They were in our barn and we told ourselves let’s dic-tate the flow of the game. Now we’re the highest seed coming out of Ontario. This win shows we can play with anyone. We have goals after Nationals and we’re not done at the Queen’s Cup,” said Beaudoin.

For head coach Kevin Hamelin, the emotional high is unspeak-able. One of Windsor’s most re-spected hockey pundits, coach Hamelin was overcome with support from the citizens who attended the game. “I’m so proud of the guys who are a part of this program. They come from a long way. I was fortunate enough to work with a great team,” said Hamelin.Hamelin’s reputation and image with the city’s hockey culture is synonymous. Now with the addition of Queen’s Cup to his name, it reflects the commit-ment one leader had towards a group of young men on a team who were discounted before puck drop against the likes of Western and Lakehead. Hame-lin knows the journey is tough but far from over.“We’re on house money now. You know you won’t see any headlines in Saskatoon about the Lancers, but we plan to leave with a roar,” said Hamelin.Other teams in the CIS may not have paid attention to the Lanc-ers in the past, but the Queen’s Cup will definitely provoke conversation highlighted by a subject such as Parker Van Bus-kirk. With 50 saves on 52 shots in the Queen’s Cup, Van Buskirk completed his OUA playoff run

with a 7-1-0 record, posting a .959 save percentage and a 1.47 GAA. Van Buskirk is one of the top goaltenders entering this year’s tournament.

“I’m not done. A lot of peo-ple have doubted the guys in the room. I wanted to show I could win and not let my team down like the last two years,” said Van Buskirk.

After journeying through OHL and ECHL, Van Buskirk made Lancer Nation his new home and as one of the hardest work-ing goalies in the OUA.

“McGill has been there every year. We’ve played teams who have belonged there and beat them. We will enjoy the ride and get going,” he said.

Next stop is Saskatoon for the 2014 University Cup. The tour-ney will also host the McGill Redmen and Carleton Ravens of the OUA, as well as the Alberta Golden Bears, Saskatchewan Huskies of the Canada West and the Acadia Axemen of the AUS. As the UNB Varsity Reds were eliminated from AUS playoffs, there will be new champions to talk about this year and Lancer Nation looks forward to seeing more gold upon the blue and gold.


• photo by Ian Shalapata

Page 14: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance


Windsor Express playoffs in full progressKIMELLIOTTlance reporter__________________________

It’s March madness Windsor style, as the Lancer hockey team claimed OUA Gold as the 103rd Queen’s Cup winners this past Saturday, and the women’s basketball team completed their quest as the Four Peat CIS Champions in glorious fashion in the jam packed, St. Denis Centre this past Sunday. Across town however, their professional counterparts, albeit of the male persuasion, the Windsor Express are also knocking on the door of a National Basketball League of Canada championship.

However the Express’ momentum in that regard was stilted as they were

defeated 95-87 by their 401 rival the London Lightning, in the opening game of their seven game conference finals and league semi-final championship series on Monday. Before they could shake off the rust of their ten day lay-off since dismissing the Mississauga Power 3 games to none on Mar. 6, London jumped out to an early lead and never trailed in this one.

In stealing the first game of this five game series London was fresh off their quarter-finals battle over the upstart Brampton A’s 90-86 in game five on Saturday in Brampton, whom they place third as Windsor took first place in the regular season. Nonetheless the two-time defending champion Lightning shocked Windsor into a rude awakening

at WFCU in front of approx. 1025 members of their increasingly loyal fan base.

Although London only held a five-point edge over Windsor at the half, they secured a 13-point lead at the three quarter mark with the score being 75-62. Like in the first quarter the Lighting also best Windsor by five points in the final frame.

London guard Tony Bennett had the hot hand for his squad with 23 points and seven assists, along with three of his teammates who were also in double figures. For Windsor it was perennial scorer Chris Commons leading the way with 16 points and seven rebounds, pacing four other Expressmen with double digits. In particular power

forward Deandre Thomas who had 15 points and 10 rebounds.

The remainder of their series schedule is as follows:

Game 3 – Mar. 20 at the Budweiser Centre in LondonGame 4 – Mar. 23 at back at the Budweiser CentreAnd Game 5 if necessary on Mar. 26 at the WFCUWith a 5-3 regular season record against the Lightning in Windsor’s favour, there is little doubt, that the Express will definitely get back on track and down to the business at hand, when the two teams tangle again. Especially now the Lightning has struck an alarming blow.


MIKESPECHTsports editor__________________________

Following their exit from the OUA Wilson Cup three weeks ago, a rightfully disappointed Lien Phillip took some time to reflect on his five years as a Lancer, as well as share his thoughts on the future of this basketball program.

Phillip, a CIS all-Canadian and two-time OUA all-star has piled up the individual accolades throughout his career, which also includes his second straight OUA West player of the year selection in 2013 to 2014.

For all of the personal praise the St. Marks, Grenada native has received, Phillip’s greatest strength was the steady leadership presence he has brought to the Lancers for a half decade. His focus, like so many other great Lancer leaders of this generation is a total

commitment to the team first philosophy.

Not only was he a team catalyst on the court averaging a double-double a game throughout his Lancer career, but off the court as well, helping to mentor young players; most notably first-year guard and gym partner Mike Rocca.

Perhaps that is why the sting will linger Phillip who’s Lancers fell just shy of reaching the national finals for the second season in a row with a 93-89 overtime loss to McMaster.


Lien Phillip: We blew it man, we had a chance, we were up by ten or eleven in the third. And they came out excited we were trading buckets back and fourth and we couldn’t just pull away. We made a lot of defensive mistakes as well. As you saw

in the Carleton game, we lost that game because of defensive rotations. Every time we made a mistake they made us pay. That is what the top teams do, if you want to be successful in the CIS you have to limit your errors, limit your turnovers and you have got to rebound. Everyone can score you know? It all comes down to defence, and that is how Ottawa beat Carleton in the OUA Championship.


LP: It’s disappointing, but when you look at it and you say a

couple of years from now did you give it all you can? And I would say yes, everybody fought and everybody gave their best effort.


LP: It’s looking like I will be playing professionally. After school talking to agents, trying to get into some Euro leagues, or NBA camps. I want to play professional basketball and that is what I am looking forward to as far as the next step.


LP: The future, I think it’s bright man. I like that what the coach [Chris Oliver] does with players. When you leave, you’re not only a better basketball player, but a better man you’re a

better person. It’s good looking at the future for this team, there are some guys with experience. And they saw the experience from the three guys who are leaving this year. So the new guys got a chance to experience what an OUA Final Four is like, and now all they have is motivation because they want to get back there next year.


LP: He’s gonna be pumped because he wants to make it back to the Final Four next year. And Evan is a beast man, there is no one in the CIS that can stop him. You have to play like it, and he has to lead the guys, don’t be afraid to lead them. A leadership role is always tough, but he is in business and he understands the ups and downs.


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four titles. Langlois a second team all-Canadian earned her record set-ting third final eight tournament MVP. The local product averaged 19.8 points per game, 5.7 rebounds and 5.7 assists which was good for an assist-to-turnover ratio of 2.7.

“Kudos to Miah and Jessica in their fifth year there is a lot of pressure on them, they have to show up to win and they did. They are fantas-tic champions and it was an honour for me to coach them for five years,” said Vallee on her veterans.

Clemoncon, who was also named a tournament all-star knocked down 19 points against a Huskies defence that struggled to contain her in the post. The Saint Vallier, France na-tive also added seven rebounds, and five assists in her final performance as a Lancer.

“It has been great, there is no better way to finish. Just thinking about all of my coaches and teammates. Just everyone, I have played with from my first year on. I am so thankful, the last five years have been amaz-ing,” said Clemoncon.

With a minute to go and the Lanc-

ers leading by upwards of 30 points, Coach Vallee made her final substi-tution sending the reserves Andrea Kiss, Emily Prevost, and Anna Mul-lins who had not yet seen minutes into the game.

The classy gesture was not lost on Lancer Nation, who erupted after their emergence of the players who would be starters on most other teams in Canada.

“That always feels good, it makes everyone feel involved in the win. But we are regardless, we are a team and we know that,” said an over-joyed Kiss after the game.

The Lancer victory, the final of 27 game winning streak capped off a nearly flawless season. This team blew away the competition by an average of 33 points during the run; but as anyone close to the team will tell you, the only victory that mat-tered was the one at the end.

Coach Vallee and these outstand-ing women have certainly earned the right to enjoy this moment. But come next fall it will be back to business when the drive for five begins.

CONT’D FROM PAGE 01Bronze baby

‘‘They are fantastic cham-pions and it was an hon-our for me to coach them for five years. — Chantal Vallee

• photos by Ian Shalapata

Page 16: Issue 27, Volume 86 - The Lance

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