issue 23 brooklyn/staten island

WHERE CONTENT IS KING STATEN ISLAND / BROOKLYN NEW YORK NUMBER 023 Cabo No Passport Required for a Taste of Mexico — See page 15 + Angelina’s Ristorante Luxury & Elegance on Staten Island — CENTERFOLD Winter Wonderland Let it Snow! Met-Living explores the many ways to have fun and feel great this season Met Living’s Coolest ski Resorts — See page 88 Aqua Blú Supper Club A taste of Italy in a Miami Style — See page 10 FREE! WWW.METLIVINGMAGAZINE.COM WINTER 2013

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Page 1: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

W h e r e C o n t e n t i s K i n g S t a t e n I S l a n d / B r o o k l y n n e w y o r k






CaboNo Passport Required for

a Taste of Mexico

— See page 15

+Angelina’s Ristorante Luxury & Elegance on Staten Island — CENTERFOLD

Winter Wonderland

Let it Snow!Met-Living explores the many ways to have fun and feel great this season

Met Living’sCoolest ski

Resorts — See page 88

Aqua Blú Supper Club

A taste of I taly in a Miami Style — See page 10

F R E E ! w w w . m e t l I v I n g m a g a z I n e . c o m W I N T E R 2 0 1 3

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Table of Contents

page 88

page 70

4 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

articles Sandy. . . No thanks fo r the memor ies 7Met-L i v i ng ’s 101 Fas t Fac ts 42Hea l th Bene f i t s o f Da rk Choco la te 50F i tness Ove r 40 70MetL i v i ng ’s Bes t U .S . Sk i S lopes 88


Broadway/Mov ies 116Stay a t Home & Watch a B lu -Ray C lass ic 118Spor ts /Mov ie Tr i v i a 120N.Y.C . Spor ts Teams 122Cas inos & Hote l Show Gu ide 124Books 126Horoscopes 128Bra in Tease rs 130NFL — The Superbow l 131Ente r ta ine rs and Legends we Los t i n 2012 132New Day t ime S ta rs 134Fash ion Tr i v i a 135Va len t i ne ’s Day Word Puzz le 136Tr i v i a answe rs 137

Page 5: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 5

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ill-be-seeing-you_full.indd 1 12/2/12 7:08 AM

Page 6: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

We want to take this time to thank our readers and advertisers for helping the acceleration of our magazine. In just 2 years, we have gone from a 36 page start up magazine to our next issue, which we are proud to announce is 160 pages! Because of this ascension, and an 85% renewal rate, this is where it pays to advertise in our magazine. We welcome our new readers and advertisers to this new and exciting New York City read. We are well on our way to becoming the magazine of choice in New York City. For promotional rates Please Call: 347-492-6039 • 347-492-6040 • 347-733-7849 or Email: [email protected].

ISSUE 023 • Jan./FEB. 2013


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tEL. 347-733-7849

arianna Belmonte EDItoR

John krisel cHIEF oPERatInG oFFIcER

John al leva SEnIoR contRIBUtoR

andre chambers oFFIcE ManaGER

wayne McLean aRt DIREctoR

Eduardo cerchiaraiSEnIoR SaLES DIREctoR

Paul ina Zaikowki SEnIoR aSSIStant DIREctoR

Fran Roth SEnIoR EXEcUtIVE aSSIStant

connie Spitat i l i EXEcUtIVE aSSIStant

Debra creo wRItER

Jeremy Bennett wRItER

Gianna DeMarco wRItER

Staten is land/Brooklyn

pu z z l e

(Answers on Page 125)

6 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Met-living Magazine celebrates our

2nd anniversary issue W H E R E C O N T E N T I S K I N G & I T S a l l a b O u T yO u

w w w . m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

The Premier New York Magazine For Men & Women

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Standard Sudoku Puzzles by,Book 1

Sudoku #4

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6 5 3 8 9



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3 4


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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 7

Sandy, wh i ch b rough t a reco rd s to rm su rge t o c o a s t a l a r e a s , k i l l e d a t l e a s t 120 peop le a f te r s l amming in to t he U.S. Nor t heas t on Oc t . 29 2012. A t l ea s t 50 d ied in New York C i t y, abou t ha l f of t hem in S t a ten I s land, wh ich was over run by a wa l l of water.

Long l ines of cars snaked around gasoline stat ions in scenes reminiscent of the energy shor t age of the 1970’s. Sandy s t a r ted as a la te-season hur r icane in the Car ibbean, where i t k i l led 69 people, before smashing ashore in the Uni ted States w i th 80-mi le-per-hour (130-kph) winds. I t st retched f rom the Caro l inas to Connect icu t and was the largest storm by area to hi t the United States in decades. There were power plant explosion, mass b lackout s, and in ternet ou tages. As sk ies darkened, Sandy pushed against the vulnerable East Coast and wi thin a mat ter of hours, hundreds of thousands in NYC were without power and faced treacherous f looding and f ires. The horror stories began early in the evening, as the weather worsened. In lower

Manhat tan, a contr ibut ing factor to the mass blackout was an explosion at a Con-Edison elect r ica l substat ion, located on the is land’s East River shore at 14th st reet .F loodwaters also devastated some of Manhat tan’s subway s t a t ions, c reat ing chaos for New Yorkers hoping to commute into the ci t y

Approx imate l y 8.7 mi l l i on peop le were inconven ienced by t he mass shu tdown of t he f l ooded MTA. Buses met a t t he New Ba rc lays cen te r in Brook l yn to he lp t ake peop l e unab l e t o ge t t o manha t t a n v i a subways in to t he c i t y.

Staten is land homes and restaurants near the water were met wi th devastat ion. F loods took a few ou t to t he midd le of t he ocean. There have a lso been repor t s of loot ing in a reas of Brook lyn and S t a ten I s land.

Wi t h t he s torm now months beh ind us, New York C i t y and t he sur round ing a reas are t r y ing to return to the gr ind of da i ly l i fe.

To t he peop le t ha t los t loved ones, s t ay s t rong, No one can imagine what you a re go ing t h rough. Fo r t he peop le t ha t l o s t mater ia l possess ions, you w i l l r i se b igger and bet te r.

A special thanks needs to go out to Staten Is land Borough Pres ident, James Mol inaro, and to Janet Napol i t ano, Homeland secur i t y Secre t a r y. As soon as t hey s tepped up to he lp, recover y work commenced and f rom then on, acce le ra ted. As t he say ing goes “ T he s que a k y w hee l ge t s t h e g re a s e.” Thanks fo r speak ing up and show ing up re spec t i ve l y. S t i l l mo re t h ank s t o ,Gov. Cuomo, NYPD, FDNY, EMS, RED CROSS, FEMA, t he san i t a t ion depar tment and t he c i t i zens of NYC for he lp ing the i r ne ighbors.

Thank you fo r noth ing Sandy. You’re not we lcome here ever aga in.

— Gar y A lbaneseMet ropo l i t an L i v ing Maga z ine

Sandy... No thanks for the memories

Great Kills, Staten Island NY

Cedar Grove Avenue on the south side of Staten Island.



Page 8: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island


— George Bernard Shaw

Translat ion: There is no love sincerer than the love of food.

Where do you go when y ou wan t great food, a great a tmosphe r e and

an exper ience you won’t for-get. Heres another one. It ’s a place that is time tested, classy and a foodies paradise. is right in the heart of Brooklyn, waiting for you to come and dig your fork in.

The Pear l Room r ight now i s t he mos t awa rd-w inn ing re s t au ran t i n t he bo rough. That ’s why i t has such a loyal pat ronage that keeps grow ing and grow ing. Not only does i t br ing in the neighborhood regula rs, bu t ou ter borough res ident s f lock to the eater y in droves. What ’s not to l ike?

This year 2012 highly decorated Chef Anthony Rinaldi was given the prestigious Michel in Guide Award, considered the Oscar of Cuis ine. “I am so proud of my k i tchen and am so proud of the Pear l Room and our wonder ful guests,” said an animated Anthony, “Seeing people eat ing my food w i th a smi le jus t pu t s a gr in on my face but I a lso swear I’m hear ing opera.”

And when you see t he menu you w i l l know why bus iness i s booming. Succulent seafood, poultry with surprises, de l ic ious s teaks and more pasta than you can count. In addi t ion, there is a wa l le t watching Pr ix F ixe lunch and a ver y popular Sunday brunch.

Renowned food cr i t ics pont i f icate that a restaurant is only as good as the chef and owner...good thing Anthony is both. “ I have been here for over 10 years,” says a jub i lant Anthony, “ I look af te r every thing so my guests are comfor table and gastronomically content... it is a great feel ing.”

The establishment can accommodate large par t ies and has four dist inct dining rooms for your enjoyment. From a cozy space with a roaring f ire to a lively garden room... whatever your mood, The Pear l Room is ready. On weekends a late-night par ty with a very popular DJ comes into town. This place does not stop... rock on...

Regulars just can’t say enough about t he jo in t . “ I love coming here fo r t he b runch,” sa id Mat t f rom Sheepshead Bay, “ I love t he eggs bened ic t and my wi fe thinks the pancakes are to die for.” Another coup le was jus t a s eager to fo rk over acco lades. “ I t i s jus t such a fun place with a great atmosphere,” said

Den i se f rom Brook l yn He igh t s, “The Pear l Room has t he bes t food in t he bo rough... hands down. I w i sh t he re were more p laces l ike t h i s, because I a lways leave feel ing replete af ter having such a good t ime.”

The Pear l Room has the most award winning wine list in all of Brooklyn, along with 22 dif ferent t ypes of seafood dishes a nd 5 d i f f e ren t t y pe s o f s a l i v a t i ng s t e a k s . A l s o a hopp i ng b a r/ l o unge scene that keeps t he ac t ion go ing in to t he wee hour s. Bu t , t he ea te r y i s a t hea r t , abou t t he cook ing and d is t inc t savor y f l avors. “ I t r y to br ing as much essence in to each d ish as poss ib le,” Chef Anthony exuberant ly s tates, “That i s t he secret to me, t he food is what i s mos t impor t an t .”

Well... a l l of us in the f ive boroughs are ver y grateful. By the way Anthony, you’re name on the st reet is “The Zen of Zest fulness”... Your mother would be proud... keep i t up...

The Pearl Room

8 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Page 9: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner - brunch on Sunday

Make your Valentine’s Day & holiday reservations now.

Experience Executive Chef Anthony Rinaldi’s Creative Gourmet Entrees

Private Party Rooms with accomodations for up to 150 guests

• Extensive Wine List • Oyster Bar

• Garden Dining • Valet Parking

Friday: Disco/Kareoke nightSaturday: Live D.J.

7 1 8 - 8 3 3 - 6 6 6 6 • 8 2 0 1 T h i r d Ave . B r o o k l y n , N Y 1 1 2 0 9

w w w . t h e p e a r l r o o m . c o m

The Most award winning restaurant in the borough of brooklyn

The Pearl Room

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R I S T O R A N T E I T A L I A N OS U P P E R C L U B & B R I C K O V E N P I Z Z A

C a l l U s : ( 7 1 8 ) 8 7 2 - 5 0 0 01 5 2 H i g h l a w n A v e n u e , B r o o k l y n , N Y 1 1 2 2 3

A q u a B l ú i s a n u p s c a l e s u p p e r c l u b l o c a t e d i n t h e h e a r t o f B e n s o n h u r s t i n B r o o k l y n , N Y. D e s i g n e d i n a c o n t e m p o r a r y a t m o s p h e r e

t o d e l i g h t o u r c l i e n t s s e n s e s . E x p e r i e n c e w h a t w e g u a r a n t e e t o b e t h e f i n e s t i n d i n i n g & l i v e e n t e r t a i n m e n t t h a t B r o o k l y n h a s t o o f f e r .

w w w . a q u a - b l u . c o m

B r o o k l y n ’ s n e w e s t i t a l i a n r e s t a u r a n t & S u p p e r C l u b c a t e r s

t o t h e m a t u r e & s o p h i s t i c a t e d c r o w d

HOURS:Tue.–Thu. 11:30–11pmFri. & Sat. 11-30–4amSun. 12pm–Midnight

Piano Bar 8-10 Fri–Sun

aqua_blu_full.indd 1 12/8/12 6:39 AM

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 11

We are pleased to annouce we now exclusivley carry Watters Bridal Gowns and Jovani Bridal Gowns

Staten Island’s best kept secret for all your bridesmaid, Mother, flowergirl, prom, special occasion, communion and accessory needs. Alterations done on premises outside

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Please call or visit our websit for more information.

Alvina Valenta • Bari Jay • Bill Levkoff • Dessy • Haute Bride • Jim Hjelm • Saison Blanche • Watters & Watters • And Many More

245-247 Main st. Staten Island NY 10307 | 718-227-8647 |

Always_a_bridesmaid_full.indd 1 11/27/12 12:57 AM

Page 12: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Hey... I have a big interview and I need a real ly nice suit! I just landed a job on Wall Street and I have to look confident and cool!

Where can I go where I can find top of the l ine men’s apparel that wil l really get me noticed? Well... look no further than one chic boutique that is a no muss... no fuss outf i t ... that has been serving fashion conscious men for over the past 35 years... It is located in the borough of kings and wil l make you look and feel l ike royalty.

Clothesmake theman

That s t y l i sh s logan is the mot to of Bensonhu r s t ’s Ga rage C lo t h i ng B i z loca ted a t 1909 S t i l lwe l l Avenue in the hear t of Brooklyn. With a gigant ic select ion of men’s designer sui t s and habadasher y t here is no other p lace you need to check out. The venerable fashion institution prides itself on of fering a vast range of men’s c loth ing for a l l shapes and sizes. Whatever you need...they wil l f ind, a l ter, and del iver so there

wil l be no fashion emergency. Just ask professional buyer Anthony DiGirolamo “We pr ide ourselves on being able to he lp you f ind whatever t ype of su i te you need so you don’t have to wor r y about any thing.” The family owned and operated business has a mot to: I f you don’t want our merchandise...we don’t want your money.

Whether i t is s ingle breasted, double breasted, custom designed or a tuxedo, they have a warehouse like fashion facility that has what you, the customer, needs. “We guarantee you wi l l f ind what you need,” cont inued Anthony, “Our sa les merchants are seasoned, t ra ined, and fashion conscious and able to recognize your needs...but most of a l l they exist to help you wi th the latest t rends and even wi th o ld s tandbys that never go out of st y le

i fyouarenot satisfiedyouwil l getafullrefund.”

That may sound l ike a bold statement

but i t is one that has the runways abuzz and loca ls c lamor ing for top of the l ine cou t u re. Jus t a sk V incen t f rom Bay R idge, “A l l my l i fe I have needed an hones t p lace t ha t he lped me ou t, and bes t of a l l when I leave t he s tore... I leave fee l ing comfor t ab le t ha t I made t he r igh t cho ice,” he qu ipped, “Th i s p lace i s what ever y town needs... no wonde r t hey have been so t r u s t ed fo r a l l t he se yea r s.” Tha t s t a temen t seems to resonate wi th Monica another s a t i s f i ed cus tomer, “ I have a f a t he r, fou r b rot he r s, t wo unc les, a f a sh ion cha l lenged husband and t h ree f in ick y son’s” she boas ted, “ I dec ided to g ive t hem a l l su i t s and sent t hem down to Garage C lot h ing where A l f redo spent a p leasant a f te rnoon w i t h t hem, and they al l came out look ing l ike they were mode ls in Mi lan. Th is p lace i s te r r i f i c. I am so g lad I knew abou t i t .”

So w he t he r you a re a s t y l e maven o r j u s t a gu y who needs some duds, g o d o w n t o G a r a g e C l o t h i n g . T h e s t a f f t h e r e w i l l h e l p , a n d l e a v e y o u f e e l i n g c o m f o r t a b l e i n y o u r o w n s k i n ... I m e a n s u i t .

Garage Clothing

1 2 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Alfredo spent a pleasant afternoon with them, and they all came out looking like they

were models in Milan

Page 13: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

EvErything for mEn & morE The highest quality designer brands

Always the lowest pricesSuits • Sports Jackets • Pants • Jeans • Shoes ties • Leather Jackets • Coats • Sportswear

1903-1909 Stillwell Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11223 718-449-6872 718-996-2342 Visit us on

Open Mon.–Fri.: 12 p.m.–5 p.m. 6:30 p.m.–10:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 12 p.m.–5 p.m. ACCEPTING ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS

garage_clothing.indd 1 11/14/12 6:28 PMM e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 13

Page 14: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island


What are you crav-ing...authentic ta-cos for a change a n d h o m e m a d e

thick serious guacamole? Did you just get back from the West coast to find that New York has every type of food...except, quality Mexican cuisine!

We l l , l o o k n o f u r t h e r, t here i s a hopp ing p lace in Staten Is land that ser ves up del ight ful food while keeping t he c l ien t s on c loud 9 w i t h cho ice cock t a i l s. And t r us t me...this place del ivers on al l cy l inders...I mean fa j i tas!!!

Cabo Bist ro, located at 96 Page Avenue, i s one of t he hot test restaurants around. The Sonoran/Oaxacan as well as some of the coastel hamlet based types of specialt ies are both l ip smacking delic ious and eye-popping gorgeous. A l l cooking is done on site from preperat ion to complet ion by seasoned chefs with Mexican and South West cul inar y backgrounds.

“We have t raveled ex tensively through Mexico, from Baja to Cozumel and we have tr ied to bring those exquisite f lavors back east to New York,” said owner’s Vincent, Anthony and Patr ick (The Three Amigos). “We hope people come and sample the spices and the bona f ide Mexican taste.”

The meal plan is sensational with a huge select ion of old t ime favor i tes and new wave fusion dishes for your enjoyment. The menu is packed with ever y thing you could want or dream of while staying true to Mexican cul tura l roots.

When I looked at the comida del dia (food of the day) I was amazed by the

sheer ex tent of the of fer ings. “We have a l i t t le of ever y th ing for any pa la te,” excla imed Vinny, “A l l you need is one of our Empanadas and a cool Margarita and you wil l be a happy camper.”


Yes...he did? Ahhhh...a taste of summer dur ing these cold winter months....and i t ’s a must to compliment the cuis ine.

I have to f i l l you i n t he mag ic a l mixo log is t s t ha t tend to t he popu la r bar: Frozen Margaritas, Sangria, Mojitos, whi te/red wine and an ar ray of domest ic and impor ted brews...

Cabo also has a great brunch menu and due to demand is star t ing up a cater ing business in the near future. How far do they plan to go? Li tera l ly, they want to bring the par ty to your location, anywhere.

Jus t ask some loya l pat rons...“Th is

p l ace i s awesome,” s a i d Ph i l f rom Bensonhurst, “I had a par t y there and we all fel t l ike we were in Cancun again...i t was ter r i f ic.”

Peggy Anne f rom New Dorp could not stop rav ing about the place ei ther. “I so love t rave l ing to Mex ico, I have been mult iple t imes, i t is so hard to f ind good Mexican on the East Coast and f ina l ly Cabo Bist ro br ings i t to us. Gracias”

It seems that the place truly is a taste of Mexico, and a hit. judging by the bust ling crowd that spi l ls out of the Guadala jara ga rage of t angy tex t u res and fami l y favor i tes. Take a bi te...and take yoursel f to the Yucatan Peninsula.

So should you ever get the Mexica l i blues or mis Cancun...don’t worry yourself f r iend...there is a joint that is wai t ing for you. The food is hot...t he dr inks a re cold and al l you have to do is br ing your appet i te and game face.

Ustedes son amigos ... no cl ientes!

Cabo Bar and Restaurant

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9 6 P a g e A v e n u eS t a t e n I s l a n d , N Y 1 0 3 0 9

7 1 8 . 9 6 6 . 6 7 0 0 w w w . c a b o s i . c o m

C A B O B A R A N D R E S TA U R A N Tpromises to b r ing the ve ry bes t i n Mex ican d in ing and n igh t l i f e t o

S ta t en I s l and . Wi th a l i ve DJ sp inn ing Thursday, F r iday and Sa tu rday n igh t s and a c i r cu la r ba r t ha t boas t s a ro l l i ng wa te r f a l l , i t w i l l be


cabo_full.indd 1 12/3/12 6:41 PMM e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 15

Page 16: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

1 6 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

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Dr_Gadi_Avsh.indd 1 2/8/12 6:25 PM

Page 17: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 17







Fine Corporate & Private Catering

A Good Thing From Brooklyn

[email protected]

eventfull_half.indd 1 10/15/12 9:49 PM

I want to throw the b iggest company-wide bash ever, but I want it to be in my friend’s funky lo f t in Tr ibeca. Is that a problem?

Where can I f ind a high-end caterer that can br ing the food to a di f f icu l t venue... My f iancee wants top quali t y food but she want ’s to get mar r ied at th is o ld v ic tor ian house in Cape May? Can I get sophis t icated cuis ine and par t y help shipped down to the shore?

I a m h a v i n g m y i n - l a w s o v e r a n d I wan t t he d inne r to be so ignee. W i l l some company cook a gou rmet suppe r fo r on l y t en peop le?

I f you are a one of the rest less and wear y who has encoun te red t hese bus ines s and soc ia l p rob lems... don’ t wo r r y, t he re i s a he lp ing hand, and ju s t m inu tes away.

W h e n y o u a r e p l a n n i n g a p a r t y, o f wha teve r s i ze, you a lways need someone t o p i t c h i n a n d h e l p . B e i n g a h o s t i n whatever capac i t y i s qu i te a respons ib i l i t y. So you need pa r t y p ro fe s s iona l s who a re knowdgeab le, and can t h ink on t he i r fee t .

Even t f u l l l Ca te r i ng i s a f u l l -se r v i ce, o f f p remise New Yor k C i t y bus ines s wor k ing

w i t h we l l-to-do c l i en t s t h roughou t t he Tr i-S t a te a rea. A r i s toc racy i s t he f i r s t wo rd t ha t comes to m ind when desc r ib ing one o f t he i r u l t r a-posh a f f a i r ’s .

Co-owner Melody boast ’s about Event fu l l Cater ing’s var ious menues. “We of fer ever y t ype o f food imag inab le. F rom Tex-Mex to Pac i f ic R im, f rom Non-Da i r y to Kosher, we a re ready fo r any cha l lenge you can t h row a t us. We a re ready to s a t i s f y. No so i ree i s too b ig o r too sma l l .”

The cu l i na r i um on whee l s, pe r sé, i s so met icu lous ly profess iona l when i t comes to f unc t ions, t hey can even fo l low any rec ipe you supp ly, so you can have meatba l l s jus t l i ke mom use to make.

“ I t i s impor t ant t hat our c l ien t s a re made awa re o f wha t l eng t hs to wh ich we w i l l go to ge t i t r i gh t ,” s a id co-owner N ige l, “We on l y pa t ou r se l ves on t he back when ou r c l i en t s a re s a t i s f i ed.”

The idea of b r ing ing except iona l cu i s ine t o v a r i o u s f é t e ’s a r o und t h e c i t y i s a n impor t an t a spec t to an a l ready top-notch o rgan i z a t i on. No loc a t i on i s an obs t ac le

when i t comes to a hos ted Even t f u l l ga l a. “ M y c o m p a n y w a n t e d t o t h r o w o u r

Chr is tmas par t y on a yacht, sa id A lan f rom Soho, “Thanks to Event fu l l, we were eat ing Sou t h A f r ic an Lobs te r t a i l s wh i le watch ing t he sunse t i n Mon t auk. Wha t an even ing, wha t a pa r t y.”

O n e p a r t i c u l a r l y h a p p y c l i e n t w a s Be t h A nne f r om DUMBO, “My d re am o f a wedd ing was to have i t t a ke p l ace on a roo f ove r look ing t he c i t y and I found t he se t t i ng! Bu t my nex t p rob lem was f i nd ing a c a te re r t ha t cou ld manage an o rgan i c veget a r i an based menu and get t he re w i t h i t ... Event f u l l swooped in and made such a gou rmet vegan fea s t , my c ra z y aun t f rom Ber ke ley wan t s t hem to move to t he Bay A rea ju s t fo r he r.”

P l e a se con t ac t Even t f u l l l C a t e r i ng v i a p hone o r t h rough ou r web s i t e a t w w w.Event fu l l We s t r i ve to make each and eve r y even t a ce leb ra t ion. One t ha t i s un ique and t r ue to fo rm. We a re exc i t ed fo r any and a l l recept ions, and a re t he re to l end a he lp ing hand., Exceptional CuisineEnjoy life without the fear of allergies

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Brooklyn, NYTel: 718-444-8014

Dr_Gadi_Avsh.indd 1 2/8/12 6:25 PM

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“How was the wed-ding?” Said one nosey man on the phone to his

colleague. The reply was “OK, but it was

so hard to f ind.”“What do you mean?”“Well, there were four other

weddings and a Bar-Mi t z vah go ing on a t t he same t ime, so i t was l ike Grand Cent ra l Stat ion. Boy, I hope there is a nice wedding hal l when i t ’s my turn,” I repl ied, “that was just that — a wedding hall — not a commercial mini-mall of hopeful future love.”

Are you t ired of having your spec ia l day t a rn ished by the mult i tudes, and sick of having you r even t ma rg ina l i zed by inter lopers? Do you just want a place that wil l honor you and dedicate a l l i t ’s fes t ive powers to ensur ing you have a memorable and wonder ful day? Ask, and ye shal l receive.

The Riviera Cater ing Hall is Brooklyn’s answer to th is problem. The exclus ive reception palace is exactly that. A Palace, r ight in the hear t of the Borough of Kings. The empor ium has been pa instak ingly des igned to emu la te a rena i s s ance v i l la whi ls t emi t t ing a rega l v ibe. The father and son team (Zack & Andrew) of par t y-p lanners w i l l see your event through from star t to f inish. The ultra-chic establishment was buil t to accommodate one group at a t ime. “We want everybody to know that we are only concerned with one par t y, “ said co-owner Pat, “In fact our mot to is “One Wedding At a T ime.”

Just listen to what they have in store for the next husband and wife to be. They have renowned Diamond Fork Award service

(white-glove food preparat ion) for their hear ty enjoyment. This is provided by the Cavitolo Family which has been per fecting this service for four generations. With a ratio of one staf f to every three guests you will never be wait ing for a drink-or afloat without any guidance.

A f te r an ex t rao rd ina r y d inner, t he wedd ing wh i r lw ind cont inues as The Riv iera t ransforms i tsel f into a smoking-hot Dance Club. There is a laser l ight ex t ravaganza, with l ights lower ing out of the cei l ing for high v is ibi l i t y dur ing the pulsat ing dance set; there are mult iple f lat screens and plasma TV’s that a l low the evening to be enjoyed f rom ever y angle. I t reminds some of us of Disco 2000... Where’s Tony Menero?

A former br ide to be had this to say. “The place is unbel ievable,” an e lated Diane from Sheepshead Bay says, “When I found this place I was so re l ieved...I knew my day wou ld be per fec t , and

boy, did they (Riv iera) del iver. They lef t no s tone unturned and rea l l y made i t awesome.”


I f t ha t i s not enough of a r ing ing endorsement for you, listen, to Alexandra from Clinton Hill. “My f iance and I looked ever ywhere but we were always running into other couples wanting the same date and ha l l,” sa id A lex, “The Riv iera was the per fect set t ing for our family, and our f r iends. I t was exclusive and pr ivate and made us both feel l ike a t rue pr ince and a pr incess. What a day! Thank you so much.”

I f you want a specia l event in a no-nonsense Memory Mansion, pay a v is i t to the Riv iera Cater ing Ha l l. They are dedicated to mak ing your specia l day come of f w i thout a hi tch. Bravo to a l l involved!

The Riviera Catering Hall

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Now thru Feb. 28, 2013

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Suzanne ad half 1 10/23/12 10:09 PM

Qual i ty fash ion for thewhole fami ly

Hey... I have to go to a ch r i s t en ing and I need t o ge t a d re s s fo r my daugh te r so she l ook s t he pa r t . Do you k now whe re t o go? My son ha s t o t a ke commun ion nex t week a nd I h ave t o f i nd a su i t f o r h im... whe re do I go?

Don’ t wo r r y a t a l l ... t he re i s a p l ac e r i gh t i n t he hub o f S t a t en I s l a nd t h a t c a n hand l e i t ...

Suzanne’s Fa sh ion Co r ne r i s a c rowd p lea s ing b o u t i q u e , t h a t s p e c i a l i z e s i n c l o t h i n g a n d ac ce s so r i e s f o r women, ch i l d ren a nd bab i e s . I f you need A ny t h i ng Su z anne a nd he r l o ya l s t a f f c a n f i nd i t f o r you.

Suzanne Bere lson (a long w i t h her t wo ce lebr i t y dogs Leo & T ik i ) has ser ved t he a rea s ince 1951. T he l a ndma r k ba z a a r t a ke s f a sh i on s t a t emen t s f rom concep t i on t h rough t he go lden yea r s . “We h a v e b e e n h e r e f o r o v e r h a l f a c e n t u r y a n d t h i s s t o re i s s t i l l a n u t t e r l a bo r o f l o ve,” s a i d a chee r f u l Su z anne, “We a re s o b l e s sed t h a t we h ave been emb r aced by a l l t h e peop l e i n t h e

c ommun i t y... i t t r u l y i s a d re am. Wha t e ve r t he even t , wha t e ve r t he ou t f i t , p r im o r ou t l a nd i s h we c an ge t i t . No ma t te r wha t t he occ a s ion you w i l l wa l k away w i t h wha t you need.”

Moreselections. Moreoptions

Another great aspect is that Suzanne’s Showroom has a lay-away policy. In addi t ion she has expanded lately and augmented the large select ion of clothing , hos ie r y, pocketbooks, spec ia l occas ion wea r, b r i dge j ewe l r y, h a i r a c c e so r i e s , l i n ge r i e a nd ou te r wear. Have I mised any th ing?

“ I have to say t ha t t h i s cou ld not have happend w i t hou t my four musketeers... I mean s t a f f. Thank y o u B o b b i e , C a r l o t t a , B o n n i e a n d R o b e r t a . W i t hou t you none o f t h i s c ou l d be.”

So come down to Suzanne’s Fa sh ion Cor ne r... T he me rchand i s e i s unbe l i e v ab l e a nd t he t wo f u r r y f i do s a re wa i t i ng t o be pe t t ed and l oved... A l s o don’ t f o rge t t o v i s i t ou r webs i t e a t w w zannes f a sh ionco r ne We sh ip ove r sea s!

Suzanne’s Fashion Corner

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Are you someone who can’t wait t i l l dessert even though you are sti l l eating your appetizer? Was picking out your wedding cake

more exci t ing than choosing the band or the photographer? Are you s ick of conventional sugary snacks? Yes? Then there is the perfect place for you. There is a new tasty toothsome business that is right in your neighborhood and serving up homemade cakes and cookies that are not only delicious but deeply satisfying.

Camz Creat ions is the bra inchi ld of Jeana Marie Camerlengo. This sultana of sweets is ser v ing up delectable candy-coated cakes for the most d iscern ing Staten Islanders. “I have always loved to bake ever since I was a kid with my mom and grandmother,” said the af fable pastry chef, “I decided to s tar t th is business so New Yorkers would get a t as te of authent ic bak ing.” Her f r iends cal l her Jeana Camz, but you wi l l ca l l her the pr incess of pr iceless panet tones af ter just one l ip smacking bi te. Af ter honing her c ra f t a t t he pres t ig ious Ins t i t u te o f Cu l i na r y Educa t i on i n down town Manhat tan and graduat ing with a degree in Past r y ar ts, this candy confect ioner was of f and running — I mean bak ing. “What I rea l ly want to of fer loca ls are sweet treats that are personalized. I have a passion for cakes and I am so excited to of fer up whatever a customer needs, and design i t to their sweet speci f icat ions.”

theonlyl imitisYoUrimagination

And Jeana Camz can bake pret ty much whatever you the customer wants. Cakes, cupcakes, candy, and any type of cookie imaginable. Just ask some local desser t-lov ing cl ients.

“I was throwing my daughter a bir thday par t y and I wanted something specia l to

commemorate the moment,” said Frank f rom New Dorp, “I ca l led Jeana Camz and boy did she deliver... I think the k ids are st i l l running around the house wi th knowing gr ins on their faces.”

That sent iment is echoed by D iane f rom Todt Hil l, “Camz Creat ions was the bes t move I made for my k id’s sweet s ix teen: not only did Jeana fol low al l of my specif ics but she was prompt as well as very creative. It ’s nice that our borough has a home grown baker y that is only a phone call away. I wish I had known about

this place before I toi led in the k i tchen al l day for my other daughter ’s bir thday and had bad resul t s. Nobody l iked my cake and I ended up having to take the whole par t y to Car vel. Yuck!

Camz Creat ions is ready to accept any and all tall orders — I mean sweet — so you don’t have to sweat, jus t s i t back and indulge. Only weight-watchers and the mayor seem to be adverse. But hey, ever ybody needs mouth-water ing cakes somet imes: so l ive a l i t t le and give her a cal l. Can an ent ire borough be wrong?

Camz Creations

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Looking for an easy way to satisfy your dessert or pastry cravings?

Whether its a snack for yourself or a whole party, we’ve got what you need. Choose from a wide variety of designs, flavors, icings, and more.

Everything custom madeFrom classic chocolate cookies to birthday and wedding cakes made to order.

You’ll find it all here.



Have a party or event

coming up? Call us to put

in your custom order today.

camz_creations_full.indd 1 10/16/12 5:35 PM

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St. AdAlbert School

Serving the Staten Island Community for Over 100 Years

355 Morningstar Road • 718-442-2020Mrs. Diane Hesterhagen, Principal

Father Eugene Carrella, Pastor

A Wonderful Place to Learn

Staten Island’s Most Patriotic School

Pre-K through Grade 8 Course Offerings Include:

• Computers • Art • Spanish • And More!

Breakfast, Lunch, Early Drop Off and Afterschool Programs Offered.

Sports, Chorus, Scrapbooking and Scouting Available.

2013 Summer CampToilet Trained 3-13 • Sessions: Mon-Fri • 8am-4pm Extended Hours Available

A safe adventure filled atmosphere with arts and crafts, movies, sports, computers and theme days.

Weekly rates available.

SAINT_ADALBERT_full_ad.indd 1 9/18/12 7:34 PM

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We Can help! Our mission is to help patients realize the dream of parenthood.

GENESIS Fertility & Reproductive Medicine is a nationally recognized center of excellence for the treatment of infertility, long-recognized for our comprehensive fertility services, culturally-sensitive approach to patient care and excellent success rates. The countless notes from patients that decorate our halls are testimony to the quality of the GENESIS program.

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Communion Collection 2013

TRUNK SHOWSFriday, Dec. 28th 10–6

Saturday, Dec. 29th 10–6

Sunday, Dec. 30th 10–5

Friday, Jan. 11th 10–6

Saturday, Jan. 12th 10–6

Sunday, Jan. 13th 10-5


Suits for B

oysCustomize Your Dress

1 of a kind!

570 Forest Ave.Staten Island(718) 273-1842 For all your communion needs:

Shoes • Bouquets • Rosarys • Prayer Books • Ties • 3pc Suits (includes

vest, pants & jacket)

country mouse 1 12/6/12 2:10 AM

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When the t ime comes and a f am i l y mus t make plans for the final journey of a beloved

member...You need assurance and kindness from experienced profes-sionals. Hanley Funeral Home is your safety station, so that you may grieve in peace.

We bel ieve l i fe has not ended but merely changed. We are a third generat iona l fami ly bus iness that prides itself on discretion, honesty and most of a l l compass ion. We understand your gr ie f , and want

to assist you in your t ime of need. We don’ t want you to bear th is burden wi thout our he lp. Hanley Funera l Home has over 80 years in the bus iness: Our miss ion i s to he lp a l lev ia te your sorrow and pa in . We hand le a l l aspec ts o f th is d i f f icu l t process, so that the u l t imate expedi t ion is completed w i th d ign i t y and respec t . Each g e n e r a t i o n o f H a n l e y s h a s extensively involved themselves in the business so we are seasoned, commit ted and prepared around t h e c l o c k t o h e l p w i t h y o u r

personal ceremony. Our home has a chape l and

a prayer room. We welcome al l fa i ths and are proud to help our community members in their t ime of mourning.

“Today we are fortunate enough to fo l l ow i n t he foo t s teps o f generat ions past and pr iv i leged to l ive and enjoy their dreams, we cherish l iving their dreams...”

— Francis and David HanleyOwners

Hanley Funeral Home

3 0 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

“L et not your hearts be troubled. Bel ieve in God; bel ieve a lso in me. In my Father’s house

are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I wi l l come again and wi l l take you to myself, that where I am you may be a lso. And you know the way to where I am going.”

John 14:1-4

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Hanley Funeral Home Inc.

Family Owned and Operated For 80 Years

60 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island, NY 10306 Tel: (718) 351-1800

Frank E. Hanley, Founder

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Dun-Rite RenovationsWhere the job is always DUNRITE!



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Dunrite.indd 1 2/22/12 8:58 AM

Page 33: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

• We care about our customers. For your convenience, we are open 7 days a week.

• We are a full-service retailer that of fers the highest quali t y and best-valued products available.

• The list includes inground and above ground pools, por table spas, a complete chemical l ine, and var ious accessor ies including games and toys.

• We service all brands of pools and spas including commercial accounts such as hotels, schools, and health clubs.

Mill Bergen Pools’ Cer t i f ied Service Professionals provide a wide range of services from weekly valet service, to seasonal opening

and closing services, and repairs.

6338 Avenue N Brooklyn, NY 11234

(718) 763-5500

w w w.m i l l b e r g e npoo l s .c om

bobs_pools.indd 1 3/3/12 10:08 PM

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They say d i amonds a re a g i r l s best f r iend, but i f you want her t o say “ yes ” you need a p ro-fess iona l t o ass i s t you . V i k ’s

F ine Jewe l r y in S ta ten Is land has over twen t y y e a r s i n t h e bu s i n e s s. T he y car r y the la rges t se lec t ion o f engage-men t r i ng s and wedd i ng bands. V i k and h i s t eam o f expe r t s a l so hand le a l l jewe l r y and watch repa i rs in house. “We are dedicated to New Yorkers who want qual i ty above al l e lse,” sa id owner V i k , “Ou r s to re be l i e ves i n pe r sona l se r v i ce. . .because a f t e r a l l , t h i s i s a huge dec i s i on and you wan t t o ge t i t r i gh t .”

The prec ious s tone empor ium is r un l ike a fami l y, w i t h our seasoned s t a f f who a re ded ica ted to f ind ing you t he r ight bauble for your buck. “Pr ices may va r y f rom s to re to s to re,” p roc l a ims V ik, “However, we gua ran tee we w i l l

b e a t e ve r y bod y e l s e ’s p r i c e.” T he s tore boas t s a gamut of gems t hat a re spa rk l ing and f law less... jus t l i ke your f u t u re b r i de. The l oc a l re ac t i on ha s been ou t s t and ing, w i t h f u tu re grooms l in ing up fo r some sound adv ice.

Havenofear“I was so ner vous when I wa lked into

t he s tore... I jus t d id not know what to choose”, sa id Anthony f rom New Dorp, “V ik broke i t down for me and I wa lked ou t w i t h a beau t i f u l r ing. She sa id yes and we have been happ i l y mar r ied fo r f i f teen yea rs... I owe you one V ik.”

T ha t i s wha t a f u t u re hu sband had t o s a y, b u t w h a t a b ou t a b r i d e? “ I have to be hones t i t i s ve r y impor t an t f o r a man t o choose t he co r re c t s i ze a nd c u t , i t i s a s ymbo l o f o u r l o ve a n d c o m m i t m e n t ,” g u s h e s Lo u i s e

f rom Bu l l s Head, “When my Tony go t dow n on one k nee a nd p ropo sed... I a lmos t p a s sed ou t . I t wa s exac t l y wha t I wan t ed a nd I s a i d ye s . I c a n ’ t t h a nk you enough V i k .”

topdol lar foryourjewelry

The showroom a lso boas t s a top of t he l i ne and we l l re spec ted cash fo r go ld, s i l ve r, d i amonds and wa t che s div is ion. “We unders tand th is has been a tough yea r fo r ever ybody,” sa id V ik, “We wan t to he lp, and a re p repa red to o f fe r f a i r va lue fo r you r pe r sona l t reasures.”

So, i f you wan t to ge t engaged o r j u s t ba r t e r, come ove r to V i k ’s F i ne Jewelr y...t hey a re schooled and sav v y. Rumor ha s i t t he i r n i c k name i s t he “F iancee Fac tor y”.

Vik’s Fine Jewelry

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Diamondsareforever,theyareall ineedtopleaseme,theycanstimulateandteaseme,theywon’tleaveinthenight,i’venofearthattheymightdesertme.

Diamondsareforever,Holdoneupandthencaressit,touchit,strokeitandundressit,icanseeeverypart,nothinghidesintheheart tohurtme.


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“thearchitectshouldstrivecontinuallytosimplify;theensembleoftheroomsshouldthenbecarefullycon-sideredthatcomfortanduti l itymygohandinhandwithbeauty.”


Architec tu re i s no t jus t a t rade; A rch i t ec t ’s a re as v i t a l to ou r soc ie ty as a doc to r o r s ta tes -man. S t ruc tu res rema in i n tac t

for centur ies whi le we move forward l iv-ing among them. Developing a v is ionary concept, put t ing i t to a draf t , formulat ing a bu i ld ing p lan and tak ing to f ru i t ion is a tremendous undertaking. Where the dream becomes the rea l i ty.

To the layman this process is daunt ing.

Professional and knowledgable personnel are the most precious of assets to achieve t he u l t imate goa l.

Ma rcus Ma r ino A rch i tec t s i s a sma l l bout ique design f i rm located in New York C i t y. W i t h over 30 yea rs of exper ience, M r. M a r i n o c a s t s b r o ad s t r o ke s o f a rch i t e c t u r a l gen iu s t ha t c an on l y be composed w i t h a wa t ch f u l e ye and a cons t an t a t ten t ion to det a i l.

Mar ino, a former set designer, has been cons t r uc t i ng t h i ngs fo r a s l ong a s he can remember. H is v i s ion i s t he en t i re des ign concept, not jus t t he foundat ion and walls. The inter ior is just as impor tant as t he ex te r io r.

“ I want to work w i th the c l ient, prov ide informat ion and make sure each st ructure b lends in w i t h t he communi t y.” Mar ino says and cont inues to add t ha t we have a l imi t les s compass to ass is t our c l ien t . “ T h i s i s New Yo r k C i t y a nd t he re a re a lways go ing to be h i c cups a long t he way. I t i s impera t i ve to have someone who unders tands zoning, bui ld ing codes, a i r r igh t s and des ign schemes, as we l l

as propor t ion and l ine.”Af ter the devastat ion of Sandy, Mar ino

na tu ra l l y got invo l ved in t he rebu i ld ing of both S t a ten I s land and Brook lyn. He i s generous l y open ing t he door ’s of h i s prac t ice to t he pub l ic in hopes t ha t he can he lp and answer and a l l ques t ions c omp lex o r s imp l e. A s a n a t i ve New Yo r ke r rebu i l d i ng h i s home town i s a ma jor concern.

Mar ino has rema ined deep ly invo l ved i n t h e i n t e r i o r de s i gn bu s i n e s s , a nd t h e c o m m u n i t y b o t h d o m e s t i c a l l y a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y. T h e B ro n x-bo r n eng inee r ’s ma in focus i s Go t ham and rebu i ld ing pro jec t s a t ever y leve l. As fa r a s repu t a t ion, a s one c r i t i c pu t i t “He has sk i l l and dex te r i t y and w i l l t ha t i s unsurpassed.”

M a r c u s M a r i n o A r c h i t e c t s l o o k a t s t r uc tures w i t h a g loba l perspec t i ve and v is ion coupled wi th their unique ingenui t y and t as te.


Marcus Marino Architects

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Marcus MarinoA R C H I T E C T S

Our Mission To provide our clients, whether cooporations, governments, intitutions, or individuales, with expert design and real estate services

Our Services • Architectural design • Urban Design • Interior Design • Graphic Design • Site Analysis • Location Analysis • And much more

58 Duchess Avenue, Suite 333, Staten Island, NY [email protected] 718.351.9800

Awards Our firm has recieved recognition for our Interior, Exterior & Natural Beauty Design, along with the prestigious “Chairman’s Award” for overall design and the National ADA award.

Client ListWe are proud to have worked with clients such as: ADP, AT&T, Citibank/Citicorp, Estee Lauder Companies, Merck Pharamceuticals, NYU

Medical Center, Orion Pictures and many towns, townships, villages, coop, condo boards and many home owners.

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Vicolo Ristoranteis a new Italian Restaurant located in Bay Ridge Brooklyn

specializing in wood fired brick oven pizza, modern Italian cuisine and sophisticated wine.

8530 3rd Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209Telephone: (718) 833-0043

email: [email protected]

Follow us on Facebook

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We are the source for all your general contracting needs.

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Your satisfaction is job no. 1

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Bilotti Brothers Contracting Corp.

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R e n o v a t i o n s

D R a p e R y

U p H o L s t e R y

B e D D i n g

F U R n i s H i n g s

IA m s t e r d A m I n t e r I o r s

F A B r I C A t o r s & C o n s U L t A n t s

i n t e R i o R

D e s i g nA

Amsterdam Interiors is:

L a U R i eEducated at Parsons School of Design.

t a R aA New York School of Interior Design graduate.

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af fordable opt ions without sacri f ic ing good taste.

one element, one room, or an ent ire home, amsterdam inter iors has your custom solut ion.

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1. From a l l the vegetables, beets conta in the most sugar 2. Ants do not s leep 3. The highest point in France is Mont Blanc, located in the Alps. 4. There a re over 500 di f ferent t ypes of bananas 5. In 75% of Amer ican households, women manage the money and pay the bi l ls 6. The f irst owner of the Mar lboro Company died of lung cancer 7. Michael Jordan makes more money f rom Nike annua l l y t han a l l of t he Nike fac tor y workers in Malaysia combined 8. Nex t to man, the porpoise is the most inte l l igent creature on ear th 9. The Hawai ian a lphabet only has 12 let ters 10. Polar bears are lef t handed 11. The Universi t y of Plymouth was the f irs t universi t y to of fer a degree in sur f ing 12. In the Uni ted States, about 33% of land is covered by forests 13. Food can only be tasted i f i t is mixed wi th sal iva 14. Lemons contain more sugar than st rawberr ies 15. The koala is not a bear, i t is an arboreal marsupial that l ives in Aust ra l ia.16. New York City is now the most populated ci t y in the USA wi th more than 8.2 mil l ion people.17. The conjunc t i va is a membrane that covers the human eye 18. Each year in Amer ica there are about 300,000 deaths that can be at t r ibu ted to obesi t y19. Humphrey Bogar t was related to Princess Diana 20. A lexandre Gustave Ei f fel, the man who designed the Ei f fel Tower, a lso designed the inner s t ruc ture of the Statue of L iber t y in New York Harbour 21. Mar i lyn Monroe had six toes 22. Another way to say “ever y 9 years” is Novennia l 23. Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day

24. Close to fif ty percent of Internet shoppers spend over f ive hours a week onl ine 25. Los Angeles is the most pol luted ci t y in the USA 26. There are are roughly 100 mill ion single adul ts l iv ing in the USA 27. For people that are lactose intolerant, chocolate a ids in helping milk digest easier28. 4% of an apples is made up of minerals and v i tamins, and over 80% is made up of water 29. Althaiophobia is the fear of marshmallows 30. F rom a l l t he ox ygen t ha t a human breathes, twent y percent goes to the brain

31. Peaches were once known as Persian apples 32. I f a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both f ront legs in the a i r, the person died in bat t le; i f the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in bat t le; i f the horse has a l l four legs on the ground, the person died of natura l causes 33. Ninet y-f ive percent of t ropical f ish sold in Nor th Amer ica or iginate f rom Flor ida34. The sun shr inks f ive feet ever y hour 35. Rubbe r b a nds l a s t l o nge r when ref r igerated36. Bill Gates began programming computers at age 13 37. Tobacco conta ins over 50 chemica ls that can cause cancer 38. Sailors once thought that wearing a gold

earr ing would improve their eyesight 39. The smallest bird in the world is the bee hummingbird. The bird is 2.24 inches long 40. The fu l l name of t he T i t an ic sh ip is R.M.S. T i tanic, which stands for Royal Mail Steamship41. Ever yday approximately 35 meters of hair f ibre is produced on the scalp of an adult 42. A U.S. company came out wi th a toi let n ight-l ight that sends out a green warning beacon when the seat is up 43. A l i t t le under one quar ter of the people in the wor ld are vegetar ians 44. There are approximately 1300 species of scorpion but only 25 of them are deadly 45. An egg shell can have up to 17,000 t iny pores on i t s sur face 46. 66% of home based bus inesses are owned by women 47. There are approx imate ly 60 muscles in the face48. I f a l l t he s t rawber r ies produced in Ca l i forn ia annua l l y were pu t s ide by s ide, they would wrap around the Ear th f if teen times 49. “Bookkeeper” is the only word in English language with three consecutive double let ters 50. Four out of f ive br ides in the U.S. have a job 51. 75-90% of pr imar y physician v is i t s are due to st ress52. The reason why the Canadian Arct ic is cal led the “Land of the Midnight Sun” is because during the summer many communities have l ight 24 hours of the day. Many people have to cover their windows with t in foi l to keep the l ight out when they sleep 53. The C inc innat i Reds a re t he o ldes t professional baseball team 54. The word, tat too or iginated f rom the Tahitain word “tat tau” which means “to mark.” 55. There was no punctuat ion unt il the 15th centur y 56. A l l babies are colour bl ind when they are born 57. There are approx imate ly 9,000 tas te buds on the tongue 58. A fetus star ts to develop f ingerpr ints at the age of eight weeks 59. The reason why your nose gets runny when you are crying is because the tears from the eyes drain into the nose

Met-Living’s 101 Fast Facts

23. Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day

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60. In one day, the Toots ie Rol l Indust r y makes over 16 mil l ion lol l ipops 61. Bask in Robbins once made ketchup ice c ream. Th i s was t he on l y veget ab le f lavoured ice cream produced. However, they discont inued i t s ince they thought i t would not sel l wel l 62. In an year, an average person makes 1,140 phone cal ls 63. Major i t y of br ides plan their wedding for approximately 7 to 12 months64. The word assassinat ion was invented by Wil l iam Shakespeare 65. A study indicates that smokers are likely to die on average six and a hal f years ear l ier than non-smokers 66. TYPEWRITER, is one of the longest words that can be made using the let ters only one row of the keyboard 67. The t u r key was once nominated to be t he of f ic ia l bird of the Uni ted States 68. The f i r s t Uni ted States pres ident to v is i t Ch ina was Richard Nixon 69. In a day, an elephant can dr ink 80 gal lons of water 70. I t cos t t he sof t d r ink indus t r y $100 mi l l ion a year for thef ts commit ted involv ing vending machines 71. The on l y t wo days of t he yea r in wh ich t here a re no professional spor ts games (MLB, NBA, NHL, or NFL) are the day before and the day af ter the Major League All-Star Game72. The planet Venus spins opposi te to the other planets in the solar system73. Dur ing a t ypical human l i fe span, the human hear t will beat approximately 2.5 billion t imes74. Frog-eat ing bats ident i f y edible f rogs from poisonous ones by listening to the mating ca l ls of ma le f rogs. Frogs counter th is by hiding and using shor t, dif f icult to locate calls 75. Diet ing can cause bad breath since less sal iva is produced which leads to dr y mouth 76. Chameleon is der ived f rom the Greek, meaning “l i t t le l ion.”

77. There is a town in Norway cal led “Hell” 78. The three wealthiest families in the world have more assets than the combined weal th of the for t y-eight poorest nat ions79. May babies are on average 200 grams heavier than babies born in other months 80. Hippos can live up to 40 years in the wild

JustFornewYorkers1. 100 m i l l i o n Ch inese f ood cartons are used annually in New York City The musicians who per form in the NYC Subway sys tem go t h rough a compet i t i ve aud i t i o n p roc e s s . Some o f t h e s ubway

m u s i c i a n s h a v e a l s o p layed a t Ca rneg ie Ha l l2. New York C i t y has 4000 street food vendors including hot dogs, p re t ze ls, f a la fe l, kebobs, and more. 3. New York City was the U.S. capital f rom 1789 to 17904. The Federal Reserve Bank on New York ’s Wa l l S t reet conta ins vaul t s that are located 80 feet beneath the bank and hold about 25 percent of the world’s gold bul l ion5. In most recent years, t h e a v e r a g e d a i l y room rate in New York hotels was $267

6 . T h e   M a n h a t t a n   g r i d pat tern p roduces an e f fec t known as “Manhat tanhenge” ( l ike Stonehenge) on two days — around May 28th and a round Ju l y 12 th — sunset i s d i rec t l y a l igned w i t h t he s t reet gr id pat tern. This means the sun can be seen set t ing exac t l y over t he center l ine of ever y Manhat t an s t reet . A s imi la r e f fec t occurs dur ing sunr i se on t wo w in te r days.7. When the Dutch st il l controlled the region, Wall Street was the ci t y l imit and there was actual ly a wall there.8. Brooklyn Bridge opened to public:

May 24, 1883 at 2:00 PM. A total of 150,300 people crossed opening day. People charged 1 cent to cross.9. The Subway  opened f rom Cit y Hall to Har lem on Oct. 27, 1904.10. Federal Hall at 26 Wal l St reet was the the si te of the f irs t Capi tol Bui lding of the Uni ted States.11. Statue of Liberty: Total weight of Statue: 450,000 pounds (225 tons). Length of sandal: 25’-0” US Women’s Shoe Size based on standard fomula: 87912. Empire State Bui lding: The tot a l he ight of t he bui ld ing, inc luding the l ightning rod, is 1,454 feet. There are 1,860 steps f rom st reet level to 102nd f loor. 13. Ellis Island: was enlarged f rom i ts or iginal 3.3 acres to 27.5 acres most ly by landfill obtained from ship ballast and possibly excess ear th from the construction of the New York Ci t y subway system. . 14, Central Park was the f irst large landscaped park in an American city. 843 acres15. Broadway, or iginat ing f rom Lower Manhat tan at Bowling Green and ending in A lbany, is one of the wor ld’s longest st reets at approximately 150 miles16. Macy’s, the wor ld’s largest store, covers 2.1 mil l ion square feet of space and stocks over 500,000 di f ferent i tems.17. T he Ver razano -Nar rows Bridge   i s so long – 4,260 feet – that the towers are a few inches out of para l le l to accommodate the cur vature of the ear th.18. As of the 2010 Census, 8,175,133 people l ive in New York Ci t y.19. New York Cabs are yellow because John Her t z, the company’s founder, read a study that concluded yel low was the easiest color for the eye to spot.20. New York Ci t y ’s nickname, The Big Apple, can be t raced back to horse racing in the 1920s. Stable hands of ten refer red to New York as the Big Apple, meaning that any thoroughbred that raced in New York had reached the pinnacle of racing.21. With an estimated 2011 population of 8,244,910 dist r ibuted over a land area of just 305 square miles, New York is the most densely populated major ci t y in the Uni ted States

“Manhattanhenge” Sunset on 34th st.

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“ t he r e a r e many t h i n gs i n t h ewo r l d , a nd you

a r e one o f t h em . Manyt h i n gs k eep happen i ng and

You a r e one o f t h em , and t hehappen i ng t h a t

i s y ou keeps f a l l i n g l i k e s now

on t he l a ndscape o f no t - y ou ,h i d i n g h i deousness , un t i l

t he s t r e e t s and t he wo r l d o fw r a t h a r e choked w i t h s now.

How many t h i n gs ha ve be -come s i l e n t ? tr a f f i c

i s t h r o t t l e d . the mayo r

Has been , c l e a r l y, r em i s sand t he c i t y

Was t o t a l l y u np r epa r ed f o rs uch a c r i s i s . no r

Was i — yes , why wou l d t h i sh appen t o me?

i h a ve a lwa ys been a l aw -ab i d i ng c i t i z e n .

Bu t y ou , l i k e s now, l i k e l o v e ,k eep f a l l i n g ,

and i t i s no t ce r t a i n t h a t t h ewo r l d w i l l n o t be

Cove r ed i n a g l i t t e r o f c r y s -t a l l i n e wh i t e ness .

S i l e nce . ”


Your special day is almost upon you; he got down on one began to weep...he uttered the words you have been wait ing for

your whole said yes with adora-tion...the two of you embraced; It was a moment both of you will you never forget.

The nex t step on this magical journey is to f ind a palace inside a ci t y: A place that wi l l immor ta l ize your commitment

and devot ion to one another. Where can you turn to f ind such a

utopia within a metropolis...Well, i t ’s r ight in your neck of the woods, and i t is a t rue shr ine to the ce lebrat ion of love and dedicat ion.

Gennaro’s Cater ing Hal l is genera l ly r ega rded a s T he banque t h a l l f o r weddings. The Gennaro family or iginal ly bui l t the bui lding as a garment factor y in 1950. In 1999, t he s t ruc ture was t ransformed into a cater ing hal l. I t has even been hai led as a dest inat ion spot by borough president Mar t y Markowit z.

They have since been per fect ing their hos t ing sk i l l s fo r many happy yea rs. Seasoned? That is an understatement. The owners and staf f per form their due di l igence so your event wil l be spoken about for years and years to come.

The family run enchantment emporium features other kinds of events as well...not just their splendid weddings. They have a ver y large corporate cl ientele and i t is the place to be for any “Sweet Six teen”. You can expect any type of cuisine served and any spec ia l reques t s honored by Gennaro’s highly competent s taf f, and wi th professional zeal and exci tement.

“We wan t t o make you r day a s un fo rge t t ab le a s poss ib le,” s a id t he father/son co-owners, “When your big moment comes we will be here to handle every aspect of the event so that you can relax and be yoursel f...while leaving al l the labor and host ing to us.”

Jus t l i s t en t o t h i s happy b r i dez i l l a : “My f i a ncee and I l ooked eve r y whe re f o r a good spo t bu t t hey a l l s eemed k inda l i ke a f ac to r ie s, “s a id Ma r y Ann f rom Massapequa, “Gennaro’s was l ike a f a i r y t a l e c a s t l e i n s i d e B rook l y n . I t wa s pe r f e c t ; a nd i n s uch a g re a t l o c a t i on; T he n i gh t wa s wonde r f u l . I loved mak ing my br idesmaids jea lous,” s he sm i r ked.

And here is Frank f rom Crown Heights who could not say enough abou t t he popular Dyker Heights dest inat ion. “My wedding was held there and to this day I a lways dr ive by the place wi th a big gr in on my face.”

No mat ter what your event, Gennaro’s Cater ing Ha l l is there and ready for a chal lenge. You won’t be disappointed...You may even pre-book your own 50th anniversary there....they will be wait ing...Bravo...Bravo...

Gennaro’s Catering Hall

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Gennaro’s Catering Hall 6602 13th Ave., Bklyn., NY 11219




Available Services Include:

Complete Photography & Videography Packages • Disc Jockey with CD Sound System • Stretch Limousine • Valet Parking • Special Bonus Personalized Ice Sculpture

Full Service Catering For:

Birthdays • Anniversaries • Engagements • Showers • Rehearsal Dinners • Weddings • Memorial Services • Corporate Meetings • Open Houses • Client Appreciation Events • Seasonal Events

We can bring the finest in Italian home cooking from Gennaro’s Catering to your affair. Delivery and Pick-Up Services Available

Tel: 718.236.7252 Fax: 718.236.7253 email: [email protected]

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Where can I get my car f ixed? one l oca l man qu ipped , “ that ’s not gonna cost me an arm and a leg”? “I have

to go see my in laws”, one woman mut-tered, “where can I get the car washed”? “I wish there was a place that was close by and hassle free!” If you are l ike many New Yorkers (who when not f ighting for a parking spot) are t irelessly looking for a reputable auto shop that can take care of your most prized possession, outside of your family and home of course. Well look no further than the borough of mon-archs. There is one place that tunes up your vehicle with medical precision-while giving it extra special spa treatment.

Tommy ’ s Au to Repa i r l oca ted on McDona ld Avenue in Brook lyn has a motto “Where the customer is King”! The bus iness cons is ts not on ly of workers w i th ex tens i ve “au to know ledge” bu t a l so a genu ine pass ion fo r any th ing on wheels. The shop has been around s ince 1979 and has d i l igent ly served the Big Apple motor ists with hard work, dedicat ion and most of al l honesty. “We want all drivers to know that we are there for them”, exc la imed Paul the owner,

“we understand the per i ls of potholes and east coast weather so we decided to prov ide the publ ic wi th a one stop shop for a l l your auto needs”. And boy do they de l iver when i t comes down to the nuts and bol ts, I mean shocks and spark p lugs.

The bust l ing bus iness caters to any motorist regardless of the size or scope o f t he j ob . Tommy ’s o f f e r s mu l t i p l e s e r v i c e s i n c l ud i ng e ve r y t h i ng f r om complete auto repair and maintenance, to deta i l ing and computer d iagnost ics. “We see cars everyday coming out of Detro i t and Europe that are more and more computer dr iven, i f you pardon the pun” sa id Pau l , “a t Tommy’s we prov ide our employees wi th up to date tech t ra in ing that is unsurpassed”. One loca l customer drove a l l the way f rom New Jersey to have the guys at Tommy’s look at her dashboard because i t was bl inking and the numbers were f lashing. “ I a lways go to Tommy’s when my car ac ts up” sa id Donna “ i t i s wor th the dr iv ing t ime and gas because I know they wi l l handle i t” Sure enough the car just needed a l i t t le tweaking and Donna was back on the road in just an hour.

Tommy’s Auto Repair also boasts a 24 hour towing service that unmatched in the five boroughs. They understand that accidents happen and cars breakdown. “We want the public to know that we are there for them”, said one employee, “we are here to provide you with the best serv ice, anyt ime anywhere”. The fe l la also want you to know that Tommy’s is a member of the Better Business Bureau and stands behind there work providing a 12 month 12,000-mile warranty on all jobs.

Last, but not least is Tommy’s car wash capabil i t ies. The company extols a perennial power wash that will knock every speck of grim off your ride. You have a hot date? Do you want to impress your boss? Or do you just want it clean? Look no further that this sedan salon. They have been scrubbing down cars for years and treat a cars appearance quite obsessively. The prices are low and the outcome is serene. You may have to sit down when they say “it ’s ready” and you see it.

So come on down to Tommy’s Auto Repair and experience first class service with a natural personal touch. Located in the county of kings, this place treats it ’s customers l ike royalty.

Tommys Auto Repair: What your car needs

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12 January 2012 |


Christian Adam


960 Bloomingdale Rd • 10309


Host a Home Party to sell your gold and

Earn up to 10% of your Party sales!

Plus $100 towards food and beverages for your party!

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Protecting your best interests since 1959.5919 20th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11204-2408tel: 718.395.7067 • fax: 718.331.240017 Nottingham Dr. Howell, NJ 07731tel: 732.730.2390


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Chocolate is made from plants, which means it contains many of the health benef its of dark vegetables. These benefits are from flavonoids, wh ich ac t a s an t i ox idan t s. An t iox idan t s p ro tec t t he body f rom ag ing caused by f ree rad ic a l s, wh ich c an cause damage that leads to hear t disease. Dark chocolate contains a large number of an t iox idant s (nea r l y 8 t ime s t h e numbe r found in s t rawber r ies). F l a vono i d s a l s o he l p re l a x b l ood p re s su re through the production of nit r ic oxide, and balance cer ta in hormones in the body.

Dark chocolate is good for your hear t. A smal l ba r of i t ever yday can help keep your hear t and ca rd iovascu la r sys tem running well. Two hear t hea l th benef i t s of dark chocolate are:* Lower Blood Pressure: S t u d i e s h a v e s h o w n t hat consuming a sma l l ba r o f da r k choco l a te e ve r yd ay c a n r e duc e b l o o d p r e s s u r e i n i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h h i g h b lood pressure.• Lower Cholesterol: Dark chocolate has also been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol ) by up to 10 percent.


Chocolate a lso holds benef i t s apar t f rom protect ing your hear t:• I t tastes good.• I t s t imulates endorphin product ion, which gives a feel ing of pleasure.• I t conta ins seroton in, which ac t s as an ant i-depressant.• I t contains theobromine, caf feine and other substances which are st imulants.


Here is some more good news — some of the fats in chocolate do not impact your cholesterol. The fats in chocolate are 1/3 oleic acid, 1/3 stear ic acid and 1/3 palmit ic acid:• Oleic Acid is a heal thy monounsaturated fat that is a lso found in ol ive oi l.• S tear ic Ac id is a saturated fa t bu t one

which research shows has a neut ra l ef fect on cholesterol.* Palmit ic Acid is a lso a saturated fat, one which ra ises cholesterol and hear t disease r isk.

That means on ly 1/3 of t he fa t in dark chocolate is bad for you.

ChocolatetipsChocolate Tip 1 - Balance the Calories:

This in format ion doesn’ t mean that you shou ld ea t a pound of choco la te a day. Chocolate is st il l a high-calor ie, high-fat food. Most of the studies done used no more than 100 grams, or about 3.5 ounces, of dark chocolate a day to get the benef i t s.

One bar of dark chocolate has around 400 calor ies. I f you eat hal f a bar of chocolate a day, you must balance those 200 calor ies by eat ing less of someth ing e lse. Cut ou t other sweets or snacks and replace them with chocolate to keep your total calories the same.

Chocolate Tip 2 - Taste the Chocolate:Chocola te i s a complex food w i t h over

3 0 0 c o m p o u n d s a nd c hem i c a l s i n each bi te. To rea l ly enjoy and appreciate c h o c o l a t e , t a k e t he t ime t o t a s t e i t . P r o f e s s i o n a l c hoc o l a t e t a s t e r s have deve loped a sys tem fo r t a s t i ng c h o c o l a t e t h a t i n c l ude a s s e s s i ng t h e a p p e a r a n c e , smell, feel and taste of each piece.

Chocolate Tip 3— Go for Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate has far more antioxidants t han mi lk o r wh i te c h o c o l a t e . T h e s e other two chocolates c a nno t make a ny

health claims. Dark chocolate has 65 percent or higher cocoa content.

Chocolate Tip 4 - Skip the Nougat:You shou ld look fo r pure da rk choco la te

or da rk choco la te w i t h nu t s, o range pee l o r o t he r f l a vo r i ngs. Avo id any t h i ng w i t h c a r ame l, nouga t o r o t he r f i l l i ngs. These f i l l i ngs a re jus t add ing sugar and fa t wh ich e rase many of t he benef i t s you ge t f rom eat ing t he choco la te.

Chocolate Tip 5 - Avoid Milk:I t may taste good but some research shows

that washing your chocolate down with a glass of milk could prevent the ant ioxidants being absorbed or used by your body.

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 51

On-Time Service GuaranteeClean Professional PlumbersWritten Estimate – No Surprises

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At A&S Black Tie Limousines we are committed to providing excellence to each and every client. We are proud to offer our clients more than just luxury

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AandS-limos_half.indd 1 10/23/12 10:56 PM

Page 52: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island


A l t hough t he re seems to be an inf ini te number of Italian restaurants scat tered throughout greater New York Cit y... many just don’t seem to hold up.

New Yorkers a re sav v y when i t comes down to cu i s i n e a nd a re a lway s look ing for the nex t hidden gas t ronomic gem: I f you have not been to this dining des t inat ion you may want to pu t i t on you r food ie check l i s t , t he cus i ne i s turn ing S taten Is land in to a make-sh i f t S i c i l y w i t h piquant pastas, scrumptious sauces, heavenly pizza and nectarous ent rees.

La Bella, located on Hylan Boulevard in Great K i l ls, is a quintessent ia l, bona f ide gourmand de l igh t . I f you seek genuine I t a l ian grub, t h is i s t he p lace for you. Ever y thing is f resh that day and burs t ing w i t h f l avor: From the Buf falo Mozzarella to the Veal Marsala to the Zabaglione...all are ambrosial and sat isfying. Each dish is prepared wi th met iculous and grat i f y ing at tent ion to old world details and specif ic t radi t ions.


The seasoned staf f at La Bella spare no expense when ser v ing you, in their minds you are an old friend, and someone ver y close to their hear ts.

“We we lcome our cus tomers w i t h

open arms”, sa id owner Joseph, “This is a place that never forgets a face or a f r iend and just wants you to feast, and enjoy yoursel f.”

vivai lcuocochecideliziaconleccornieeallegria!

The chef at the eater y uses the r ight ingred ient s to make pat rons fee l l ike they are din ing in Napol i. The recipes for ever y one of the delectable dishes is t r ied and t rue and have been passed

down through generations. The place establishes itself as more of a home away from home and Mama’s hol iday cooking than a restaurant.

lacucinaèi lcuoredellacasa

The eate r y has a s lew of fans who can’ t wa i t to s ink their teeth into this del ight ful cooking. “I love this place more than you could imagine,” said A l legra f rom South Jersey, “I drive an hour and a half for their meatbal ls a lone, the gas gets expensive but the food is wor th i t. You can never go wrong at La Bella.”

Wa i t ! W ha t a bou t t h e i r famous pizza pies?

“You a lway s hea r abou t these famous Piz za jo in t s in Manhat tan and Brooklyn, wi th names l ike Pat sy, John and Ar turro” lamented Joseph from Totenv i l le, “But La Bel la has the best br ick oven pies in the whole darn c i t y. I f you want great Pizza that dwar fs other places go down and order their Pizza may have

to order a second one so you can freeze i t and eat i t later”, he chuck les.

The eater y a lso boas t s a beau t i f u l heated outdoor pat io where guests can be seated even in chil ly weather and has a burgeoning cater ing business to of I ta pun intended.

So wha teve r you r pa l a te wan t s...especia l ly I ta l ian that you crave...come on down to La Bella where t rue f lavors remind you of the Roman Coliseum, and the leaning tower of Pisa...I mean Pizza...

Buon Gusto!!!

La Bella Restaurant

5 2 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Page 53: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

When it comes to Pizza, La Bella’s is the place on Staten Island.

The carefully prepared complex ingredients that go into every La Bella Pizza

will have your taste buds dancing with delight, because La Bella’s is

very New York and Very Italian.

4 1 2 6 H y l a n B o u l e v a r d , S t a t e n I s l a n d , N Y7 1 8 . 5 6 9 . 3 1 8 0

labella.indd 1 12/2/12 5:28 AM

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Skin Beauty Laser Center

5 4 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

apHroDite: olympiangoddess ofbeauty, love, pleasureand procreat ion.

She was depicted as a beaut i fu l woman usual ly accompanied by the winged godl ing Eros (Love). Her at t r ibutes inc luded a dove,

an apple, a sca l lop shel l and mir ror. We c a n ’ t a s k o u r m o t h e r s , o u r

s i s t e r s a n d a u n t s t o b e A p h r o d i t e s a l l t h e t i m e , h o w e v e r, i f y o u a r e l o o k i n g f o r a l i t t l e b oo s t i n y o u r l i f e o r w a n t t o m a ke s o m e p o s i t i v e a n d s a f e p h y s i c a l c h a n g e s o n a l i t t l e g r a n d e r s c a l e , t h e r e i s a p l a c e j u s t a r o u n d t h e c o r n e r t h a t i s e a g e r t o a s s i s t y o u .

theSkinBeauty laserCenter

Loca ted i n t he hea r t o f B rook l y n, t he promise of t h i s aes thet ic abode of beau t y i s sa fe t y comes f i r s t — a long w i t h t he gua ran teed resu l t s t ha t you a re l ook ing fo r t ha t l a s t . T he l a t e s t t e c hno l o g i e s a r e u s ed t o b e au t i f y and a lso d iscover t he t he fount a in of you t h fo r e ach cus tomer. The re a re common prob lems that t hey can eas i l y f ix: unwanted and excess hair, unwanted leg ve ins, undes i rab le fac ia l vascu la r, unwanted wr ink les, loose sk in, rosacea and unsought pigmented lesions through t he mos t recen t advanced ep iderma l science. From the sublime to the simple.


A pioneer in the f ie ld, DiGiuseppi has been p rac t i c i ng i n t he bo rough w i t h grea t success and has es t ab l i shed a loya l fo l low ing t ha t a re gra te fu l fo r h i s he lp and a r t i s t r y.

“Peop l e a re l i v i ng l o nge r he a l t h i e r l i v e s ”, s a i d D r. D i G i u s e p p i , “ M a n y p e o p l e w a n t t h e o u t s i d e t o l o o k a s g o o d a s t h e y f e e l i n s i d e . P e o p l e f e e l t h e p r e s s u r e o f a n e v e r l o v i n g you t h f u l soc ie t y and wan t to s low t he a g i n g p r o c e s s d o w n . We f a c i l i t a t e t ha t a t ou r l oc a t i on w i t h non-su rg i c a l and non- inva s i ve p rocedu res t ha t a re s a f e , s e c u r e a n d e f f e c t i v e .”

notsurgeryT he re i s mo re, t h e C o smo C l i n i c

s e r v e s a l l o f N e w Yo r k C i t y a n d p r o v i d e s a n a l l - e n c omp a s s i n g D i e t P rog r am t ha t ge t s re su l t s . “We c an d e s i g n a h e a l t h r e g ime t o f i t y o u r n e e d s a n d y o u r p e r s o n a l i t y,” s a i d a p r o u d D r. D i G i u s e p p i , “ We a r e l i t e r a l l y p e r f o r m i n g m i n o r m i r a c l e s he re t h a t a re l e av i ng pa t i e n t s h appy a nd s a t i s f i e d. Mos t o f wha t we do i s n a t u r a l a n d r e q u i r e s n o s t imu l a n t s a nd doe s no t b re a k a ny s k i n.”

“ I was f l i r t i ng w i t h fo r t y and I jus t fe l t l i ke I was not l ook ing my bes t ,” sa id Heather f rom Bay R idge, “ I was ner vous to go under t he kn i fe so t h i s seemed l ike t he nex t bes t t h ing. A f te r

some pa in less procedure that was ver y l ight on my pocket, I wa lked out feel ing re juvenated and w i th a pep in my s tep. My husband to ld me I looked younger t han ever, t ha t rea l l y fe l t good.”

Fortheguystoo“ I a lway s wo r k ou t a nd e a t p re t t y

we l l w i t hou t ea t i ng any j unk food l i ke t he gu y s . Howeve r, I j u s t c ou l d no t ge t r i d o f my l ove hand l e s . I a lway s f e l t awk wa rd on t he beach,” moaned A l e x a nde r f r om C a r r o l l G a r den s , “ I wen t t o s ee D r. D fo r a f ew mon t h s a nd my wa i s t wen t f r om a 40 i nch t o a 34 inch. I was so psyched fo r beach season I cou ld no t wa i t so I booked a t r i p t o F l o r i d a i n Janua r y t o p r ac t i c e wa l k i ng a round l ook i ng good. Love hand l e s begone!”

The Skin Beauty Laser Center wants to help locals get ready for summer ahead of t ime. All procedures are per formed by Dr. DiGiuseppi himsel f, wi th an equal ly exper ienced team in tow.

We a re t r y ing to b r ing Beau t y to Brook lyn and want to thank a l l of our clients who have come through our doors. We are ready to help you any day.

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 55

Dr. James A. DiGiuseppi Skin Beauty Laser Center7123 10th AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11228718-833-0704We offer the top of the line healthy ways to lose inches-fat

Lipo LaserNon-surgical Painless(9 treatments recommended)

Special Weight Loss ProgramDoctor SupportedDesigned for your individual body

Mention this ad and receive $100 off your first treatment of laser services

Free consultation with Dr. DiGiuseppi

Fall SpecialLaser Hair Removal — Underarm, Brazil Bikini, Full Leg$400 per Treatment

Procedures (per session)

Laser ServicesFull Face Titan.................$650IPL-Full Face...................$250Laser Genesis Full Face....$200Vein Removal..................$200Full Neck Skin Titan.........$400

Laser Hair RemovalUpper Lip.........................$50Chin................................$60Under Arm.......................$95Brazilian Bikini...............$175Full Back........................$250Full Legs.........................$250Full Face.........................$160

skin-beauty-laser_ad-B.indd 1 10/8/12 7:35 PM

Page 56: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

When you desire exquisite jewelry and excellent customer service, find everything you need whether it’s for yourself or someone you love. Since 1951, Howard Jewelers custom designs, remodels, buys, and sells only finest pieces of jewelry and watches that you could want.

• Jewelry, Watches & Clocks•Precious and semi-precious metals • Engraving • Repairs• Engagement and Wedding Rings • Classic and contemporary rings • Bridal gifts• Anniversary jewelry

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*Select Merchandise Marked with Higher Disounts

217-02 Jamaica Ave., Queens Village, NY 11428Email: [email protected] • Phone: 718-465-3335


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Page 57: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 57

WE ARE YOUR INGROUND POOL SPECIALISTSService • Installation • Accessories • Supplies • Licensed • Insured

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newwave_full 1 6/20/12 12:17 PM

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 57

When you desire exquisite jewelry and excellent customer service, find everything you need whether it’s for yourself or someone you love. Since 1951, Howard Jewelers custom designs, remodels, buys, and sells only finest pieces of jewelry and watches that you could want.

• Jewelry, Watches & Clocks•Precious and semi-precious metals • Engraving • Repairs• Engagement and Wedding Rings • Classic and contemporary rings • Bridal gifts• Anniversary jewelry

• Ear piercing• *20% - 70% OFF Original Prices * ON IN STOCK MERCHANDISE ONLY Including: All Baby Gifts, All Silver Jewelry, All Watches, All Gold Chains & Bracelets

*Select Merchandise Marked with Higher Disounts

217-02 Jamaica Ave., Queens Village, NY 11428Email: [email protected] • Phone: 718-465-3335


Howard-Jewelers.indd 1 12/6/12 1:46 AM

Page 58: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island


Let Our Family Feed Your FamilyFine Food Caterers

where catering is an art

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Ask about our wide veriety of home cooked holiday specialities.All parties are prepared on premises using the finest quality meats and

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w w w . a s p o r k s t o r e a v e x . c o m

361 Avenue X, Brooklyn, NY


a_and_s_pork_full.indd 1 10/25/12 5:01 AM

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 59

...with cabinetry from Kitchens N’ Things.We offer the creative choices, flexible options and real

world value that can take your dreams to reality.

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Creating and Crafting Better Kitchens & Baths

kitchensnthings.indd 1 11/28/12 4:28 PM

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 59


Let Our Family Feed Your FamilyFine Food Caterers

where catering is an art

Tel: (718) 336-3373(718) 998-9676

Fax (718) 998-9676

Hot and Cold Buffets for All OccasionsHome of Brooklyn’s Best Prosciutto Bread!

Ask about our wide veriety of home cooked holiday specialities.All parties are prepared on premises using the finest quality meats and

vegetables as if it was our own.

Bartenders and waitresses available

w w w . a s p o r k s t o r e a v e x . c o m

361 Avenue X, Brooklyn, NY


a_and_s_pork_full.indd 1 10/25/12 5:01 AM

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Take a lesson... Have a party... Send some cookies... Or treat yourself.Whatever you need – you’ll find at Aunt Viv’s Kitchen

Cookies and Goodies • Catering • Cooking Parties for Adults

Cooking Parties & Catering

Cookie Trays & Baskets

Aunt Viv’s Kitchen • Staten Island, NY • Phone: 718.967.0523 •

Aunt Vivs_half.indd 1 11/29/12 6:53 PM

Meet Viv ian Perr ino, a chef l ike no other. Known as Aunt V iv to her f r iends and loya l c l ien te le, Aunt V iv fee ls your hunger pangs, and

has been sooth ing them for over a decade. Ba sed i n t he bo rough o f S t a t en I s l a nd,

t h i s na t i ve New Yo r ke r wan t s you to k now she is ready to whip up some fabulous food fo r a ny o f you r c a t e r i ng needs i n c l ud i ng back ya rd ga t he r i ng s, d i nne r p a r t i e s a nd l a rge c e l eb r a t i on s .

“ M y c a t e r i n g b u s i n e s s i s b a s e d i n Pr incess Bay, bu t we can de l i ve r anywhere i n t h e f i v e b o r o u g h s a n d N e w J e r s e y ” s a y s A u n t V i v. “A n d i f y o u ’ r e l o o k i n g fo r s ome t h i ng f un a nd d i f f e ren t , book a cook i ng pa r t y f o r a g i r l ’s n i gh t ou t o r t o c e l eb r a t e a n occ a s i on i n a ve r y d i f f e ren t w ay. Choo s e a menu, b r i n g s ome w i n e a n d l e t ’ s h a v e a g r e a t t im e. E v e r y o n e w i l l p a r t i c i p a t e i n t he p repe r a t i on o f t he f ood u s i ng my own re c i pe s, a nd t hen s i t

back and en joy t he f r u i t s o f your l a bo r.”

Aun t V i v ’s K i t c hen c an c re a t e j u s t a b o u t a n y t y p e o f c u i s i n e y o u d e s i r e . S p e c i a l i z i n g i n I t a l i a n , o f c o u r s e , s h e i s a l s o g e t t i n g r a v e s f o r h e r o w n u n i q u e c o n t e m p o r a r y c rea t i ons. One o f he r spec i a l t e s i s Sea food C iga r s: sp i c y sh r imp a n d s c a l l o p s e n c r u s t e d i n p h y l l o d o u g h . O r h e r C u p c a k e S h o o t e r s - m i n i c u p c a k e s i n a m a z i n g f l a v o r s i n c l u d i n g A m a r e t t o , P u m p k i n S p i c e a n d C h o c o l a t e M i n t .

Fromoneloyalcl ient:“ I ’ ve had Aun t V i v c a t e r bo t h bu s i ne s s

a nd s o c i a l f u n c t i o n s f o r me a s we l l a s s e n d i n g h e r i n c r e d i b l e d e l e c t a b l e s a s g i f t s ,” s ay s Adam, a NYC a t t o r ney. “ I ’ ve

a l s o bough t h e r G i f t C e r t i f i c a t e s , good fo r d inne r fo r t wo de l i ve red to you r home, which is per fec t for new parent s or my own pa ren t s , who don’ t ge t ou t a s much bu t s t i l l e n j oy g re a t r e s t au r a n t qua l i t y f ood.”

S o i f y o u w a n t c r e a t i v e c h o i c e s a n d

g re a t f ood a t r e a sonab l e p r i c e s , c on t ac t Aun t V i v. The food t a s tes a s good as wha t Mom, I mean Aun t i e, u s ed t o make.

Aunt Viv’s Kitchen

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6 2 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Do you remember the famous, icon ic l ine in the f i lm Casa-blanca “Here’s looking at you k id.”

I am sure you do. Wel l, t here i s an opt ica l l abora tor y r igh t in your neck of t he woods t hat pu t s t he same love and ca re in to your eyes.

I ’ l l Be See i ng You Op t i c a l i s a n eyewa re s to re r igh t i n t he hea r t o f S t a ten I s land. The fami l y owned and opera ted bus iness has been he lp ing loca ls w i t h t he i r s ight and s t y le s ince 1988. O w ne r Je a n i e C ame r l e ngo ex p l a i n s , “M y f am i l y i s a l l a bou t e n t r ep re neu r s h i p a nd he l p i n g t h e communi t y.

BiggerandbetterMy father s tar ted the business, and

even t hough he has passed we have joyous l y cont inued h is legacy. I on l y w ish he was here to see how fa r we have grown.”

And boy has i t blossomed! The store has expanded in a va r ie t y of ways. I t has an ex tensive collect ion of designer spec t ac le s fo r you to mode l and a sk i l l ed op t i c i a n on s i t e to examine and adv ise. The opt ica l operat ion has branched ou t in to ever y th ing occu la r related, f rom chic sunglasses to spor ts gogg les fo r t he ac t i ve New Yor ke r. However what they a re most proud of is t he i r capac ious cache of ch i ldren’s b i-foc a l s. “Youngs te r s c an be ve r y p i ck y and rough when i t comes to eyeg las ses,” s a id Camer lengo, “We use a hands on approach, so they walk ou t fee l ing comfor t ab le and ready to head to t he p layground w i t h pr ide.” The shade shack a lso of fers a f ree on premises cont ac t lens exam.

So wha t eve r age you a re, re l a x a nd he ad dow n t o I ’ l l B e See i ng you op t i c a l , whe re t he cu s t ome r s comes f i r s t and i s t rea ted l ike one of t he fami l y.

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cristhomas.indd 1 7/12/12 5:06 PM

Page 63: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Francis X. Martingano, MDObstetrician & Gynecologist

25 years experienceB O A R D C E R T I F I E D9000 Shore Road, Brooklyn, NY (718) 630-8870

97 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island, NY 10306 (718) 987-9888

Francis X Martingano, MD is a Fellow of the Amerian Board of Obstetrics and Gymecology

His areas of expertise are Advanced Minimally Invasive Laproscopic Surgeries , Laparoscopic Hysterectomies , Outpatient Sameday procedures, Inoffice Colposcopy and LEEP procedures for abnormal Pap Tests , Inoffice Cosmetic Facial procedures as well as full Obstetrical care.

Most Major Medical Insurance

Plans Accepted

Martingano_full.indd 1 3/1/12 5:44 PM

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Want to get noticed in the competitive world of business? You CANNOT rely on the old fashioned way of “spreading the word” about who you are and what you do. As an AWARD-WINNING VISUAL DESIGNER

with a comprehensive background in


let me help your business discover the lucrative benefits of a COHESIVE and COMPREHENSIVE MARKETING STRATEGY.

For a free consultation, please call mcleanworks at:

516-885-5449 ; or email: [email protected] can we do for your business today?

mcleanworks_half ad.indd 1 12/4/12 3:10 PM

5923 20 Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11204 • Tel: 1 (718) 837-8088, Toll Free:1 (888)

Fantasy Blinds are proud to present you with most complete selection of Window Treatments & Quality Affordable Blinds in the New York & New Jersey area. We offer Blinds, Shades, Shutters, Drapery, Motorization, Professional Installation & Repair.

M&R Fantasy BlindsW I N D O W T R E A T M E N T S


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Montage Decor

4864 A r t h u r K i l l Ro ad, S t a t e n I s l a nd, N Y 10309 • 718-605-0021w w c en t s ex p r e s s .c om

Home Décor Showroom


Home • Restaurant • Retail •Corporate • Nightclub •

New Construction

Come visit our showroom

Mon., Tue., Wed., Sat. 9am–6pmThu. & Fri. 9am–9pm


Montage_full.indd 1 10/16/12 10:36 AM

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• Fine Art; Save 40% • Custom Jewelry; Save 40% • New & Used; Save 30% •Jewelry Ex is both a pawn shop and a jewelry shop so our prices are

a lot more competitive. Jewelry Ex is dedicated to providing our customers with the best service possible!

Diamonds, Gold, Platinum, Silver JewelryPlatinum & Silver Scrap Antiques & Wrist& Pocket Watches, Gold & Silver coins

We speak Russian & HebrewFind us on: Facebook • Ebay • PayPal

Jewelryex 2015 Coney Island avenue,

Brooklyn, ny 11223

Phone: (718) 627-1514emaIl: [email protected]

weBsIte: www.Jewelryex.Info

: www.faCeBook.Com/Jewelryex

we Buy, sell &loanl.n. #1416106 #1416020

jewelry_ex_full.indd 1 12/8/12 5:38 AM

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261 Avenue U, Bklyn, NY 11223 • (718) 449-3035

Bread • Rolls • Cookies • Pastry • Cakes

Nuccio’s Italian Bakery. Family owned for over 20 years

All baking done on premises, fresh daily!Visit us on

Nuccios_full.indd 1 12/8/12 7:21 AM

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Lamp WarehouseNew York’s LARGEST Showroom & Repairs Have a great lamp or fixture that has stopped working? Don’t throw it away! Come to Lamp Warehouse, the last great repair shop in New York. We can make it like new and make it work. We fix almost any kind of lamp or fixture. 1073 39th Street, Brooklyn NY 11219

Call: (718)436-2207 email:price@nationwidelighting

lampwarehouse_half.indd 1 12/3/12 8:44 PM


In a city that never sleeps you need to have a good l ight source. Lamp Warehouse - a discounted center is located at the corner of 39Th Street and For t Hamil ton Parkway

in Brooklyn.Open to the public, i t ’s a shopper ’s wor ld

of l amps,f i x t u res, ce i l i ng f ans,bu lbs and lamp shades. We have a fantast ic Repair and Restorat ion depar tment.

Pick ing out a lamp or l ight ing f ix ture is a ver y personal decis ion and we can help wi th that. We wil l match or beat any compet i tor ’s pr ice. We want to help you f ind the r ight lamp or f ix ture for your home - we understand- we l ive here too.

So i f you need he lp, you c an f i nd a re sp l enden t supp l y down a t t he Lamp Warehouse.


Lamp Warehouse

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These days, l i fe in Hol lywood doesn ’ t end a t 40. These super-f i t stars are giving the younger crowd a run for their

money with their s izz l ing, swimsuit-ready bodies.

Once a man or woman gets beyond their 30s, they’re in a si tuat ion where un l e s s t hey a re re a l l y p roac t i ve about what they do f rom an exercise standpoint as well as eat ing sensibly, they are going to lose muscle t issue.

We used to think getting flabbier and saggier was just a natural par t of the aging process. But now we know that more than half of these changes are preventable, and can be signif icant ly improved by lifestyle tweaks.

So,howdoistart?• Focus on good nutr i t ion. There is

no lifestyle modification more powerful. • Exercise daily. Just 15 to 20 minutes of br isk wa lk ing w i l l increase your hear t rate and e levate endorphins. Just get up and move, whether i t ’s gol f, dancing or tennis. Exercise may great ly reduce your blood pressure and wil l provide many more benef i t s t o you r h e a l t h a nd we l l -b e i ng. • Ta ke V i t a m i n D e v e r y d a y. Research is f inding how impor tant i t is for bone heal th and your immune system. Speak to your physician regarding dosage. • S u p p l e m e n t w i t h C o -E n z y m e Q10 (CoQ10). Ever y ce l l in your body needs i t to f unc t ion. As we age, t h i s co-enz yme dec reases, so g randpa ren t s t ake heed! • Get your magnesium by eat ing bananas, sp inach and sun f l owe r seeds, to name j u s t a few sou rce s. De f i c i enc y o f t h i s m ine ra l acce le r a te s t he ag ing p roces s. • G e t y o u r O m e g a -3 ’ s . A h a n d f u l o f w a l n u t s , a s e r v i n g o f s a lmo n o r s o m e f l a x s e e d o i l w i l l p r o v i d e i t .

• Recharge your body with 15 minutes of sunlight each day. You’ll be giving your body the Vitamin D i t needs. Wear sunscreen on exposed skin. • Get a massage. Massage has been practiced as a heal ing therapy for centur ies in near ly every culture around the world. It helps relieve musc le tens ion, reduce s t ress, and evoke a fee l ing of ca lmness. A l t hough massage af fects the body as a whole, i t par t icular ly inf luences the act ivit y of the musculoskeletal, circulator y, lymphat ic, and ner vous systems. • Ta k e p r o b i o t i c s . T h e y a r e g r e a t f o r d i g e s t i o n a nd h e l p m a i n t a i n t h e good bac t e r i a i n you r d i ge s t i ve t r ac t . • Eat plenty of garlic and onions. They help lower

cholesterol and improve circulat ion. • Dr ink p len t y of pur i f i ed wate r da i l y. Th i s c leanses o rgans and r ids your body of excess sodium. I t ’s g rea t fo r you r sk in a s we l l. • Have goa l s . T he p roce s s o f s t r i v i ng and accomp l i sh ing i s a wonder fu l way to enr ich your l i fe and i t provides even more reasons to l i ve hea l t hy and fee l happy. • Dr ink ginger tea. I t absorbs and neut ra l izes toxins in the stomach. I t decreases irritation to intestinal walls. I try to drink a cup of ginger tea daily. • Ta k e v i t a m i n s . V i t a m i n s in terac t bet ter w i t h food, so t ake t h em w i t h y o u r l a r g e s t me a l . • Look a f te r your emot iona l and sp i r i t ua l hea l t h. Your body reac t s to your thoughts. Posi t ive thoughts expand t he body and nega t i ve t hough t s cons t r i c t i t . The body needs expans ion in o rde r to be hea l t hy. T he re fo re, i f you wan t mo re pos i t i ve t h i ngs t o occu r, t h i n k mo re po s i t i v e t h ough t s . • Be good to yoursel f. Real ize that we al l do the best we can wi th the informat ion we have. Be forgiv ing,

k ind, and lov ing to ever yone, including you. • See each day as a gi f t to be al ive.

I t ’s never too late to star t exercis ing and become lean and get f i t over 40. Let go of preconceived not ions: don’t let age def ine what you th ink you a re capable of ! Make hea l th and f i t ness a pr ior i t y and begin to move and exercise with joy. Be conf ident that the steps you take wil l lead you to a f i t, lean and heal thy body.

Fitness over 40

Jenn i fe r Lopez ,

l ook ing g rea t a t o ve r 40

years o ld

For Acai Berry, anti-oxidents, vitamins, and other health related supplements, contact Wayne McLean at [email protected].

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101 New Dorp PlazaStaten Island New York 10306

P(718)979-6561 • F(718)979-2338email [email protected]

When you need acenter of attention

wildflowers_half.indd 1 11/9/12 4:22 PM


& RESIDENTIALSpecializing in All Types Of Interior Renovations

• Interior Demo • Garbage Removal • • Custom Kitchens • Bathrooms •

• Tile • Framing • Drywall • Taping • •Painting • Ceiling • Floors • Doors •

• Basements • Garages Attics • • Certified in Lead Paint Removal •

• Snow Removal •

Call: 347-723-5277 or

N Y C L i c e n c e # 1 2 8 8 4 9 8 I N S U R E D • F R E E E S T I M AT E S

clean_sweep_half page 1 10/23/12 6:20 PM

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Meeting the demand for Contemporary Kitchen designs at a competitive price. For customers with an eye for understated class.

Tel: 718.852.0343 Fax: 718.852.0358

360 Hamilton Ave.Brooklyn, New York 11231

Email: [email protected]


360_concepts_half.indd 1 11/21/12 2:30 PM


Did you know that the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built from the inside-out? Architectural feats l ike that have punctuate history books ever since the

dawn of time. We have come a long way since the wheel was invented, but as we build and remodel, we sti l l have to iron out those few unforeseen kinks...

Hold on: there is a solution to this ever present building problem.

How about a revolutionary new technology that will allow you to see your f inished Kitchen project before picking up a screwdriver.

360 Home Concept is the premium online information resource center for wholesale kitchen

cabinets. The company prides itself on creating and delivering just about any kitchen cabinet-no mat ter what the size or material. They carry a variety of posh cabinet lines: Honey Maple, Shaker, Mahogany and Cherry.

360 Concept has two warehouses so products are readily available and can be delivered to any location. They will also accommodate any job no matter what the size. “We are ready for your project, just give us a call,” said owner Ben, “You won’t be disappointed at our inventory,

or our price.”“I am an out of state developer looking to build

over a dozen units in the area...I did not know where I could get reasonable cabinets without breaking the bank. I found this place, and I am still get t ing compliments from my tenants.” Company LC and Wood Flooring INC. is voicing the raves, “360 Home Concept Cabinets are our best selling products by far.”

You wonder what the Greeks could have done with the Par thenon with 360 Home Concept?

360 Home Concepts Interiors

Before and after pictures of a recent kitchen remodel

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Tel: 718-227-2900 Fax: 718-227-33299

399 Ellis Street, Staten Island, NY 10307Staten Island’s Premier Boutique Caterer

Bar / Lounge





Staten Island AdvanceRates Angelina’s Ristorante



Executive ChefMarco Zuccala


From our humble beginings on Jefferson Blvd. (pictured

above), Angelina’s Ristorante has evolved into the finest, higest rated restaurant on

Staten Island. We thank all of our patrons for your many years of support and we wish you dining pleasure for many

years to come.

angelinas_spread.indd 1 5/30/12 3:50 PM

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Tel: 718-227-2900 Fax: 718-227-33299

399 Ellis Street, Staten Island, NY 10307Staten Island’s Premier Boutique Caterer

Bar / Lounge





Staten Island AdvanceRates Angelina’s Ristorante



Executive ChefMarco Zuccala


From our humble beginings on Jefferson Blvd. (pictured

above), Angelina’s Ristorante has evolved into the finest, higest rated restaurant on

Staten Island. We thank all of our patrons for your many years of support and we wish you dining pleasure for many

years to come.

angelinas_spread.indd 1 5/30/12 3:50 PM

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The Gown of Your Dreams

Bridesmaids Mothers of

the Bride & GroomFlower GirlsHeadpieces

& AccessoriesBridal ConsultantsExpert Alterations

Appointments Accepted

Walk Ins Welcome

5488 Amboy Rd. Staten Island, NY 10312

(corner Prall Ave. Huguenot)


Featured on “My Fair Wedding”

angels_bridal-full.indd 1 10/24/12 7:25 AM

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L U N C H | D I N N E R | B U S I N E S S M E E T I N G S | R E P A S S E SS H O W E R S | R E H E A R S A L D I N N E R S

“Consi stantly E xcel lent” — SI Advance *** ½

139 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island, NY 10306





Daily Lunch Specials Starting

At $9.95

Book Now For Your

Holiday Parties


INCLUDE: Occasion Cake,

Champagne Toast, Coffe,


Starting At $29.00Call For Details

lastrada_revised.indd 1 10/25/11 9:05 PM

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— Wolfgang Amadeus Mozar t

Lockwood Funera l Home pr ides i t sel f on i t ’s tap root in the communit y. A family owned and operated business since 1880... Lockwood Funeral Home is one of the most respected and t rusted establ ishments in New York City. Conveniently situated in the borough of Brooklyn, at 255 21st St reet, Lockwood Funeral Home is in the hear t of Park Slope.

“A woman who relocated to Cal i fornia over 40 years ago passed away a l i t t le

while ago; she had insisted that we handle the arrangements; so she was f lown back to the east coast and bur ied r ight nex t to her husband here in Brooklyn. It ’s that type of loyal t y and understanding that locals have grown to understand and admire. I was deeply moved,” said Lockwood.

“allthatisgold doesnotglitter,notallthosewhowander arelost.”

— J.R.R. To lk ien, The Fe l lowsh ip of t he R ing

When a close f r iend or family member p a s s e s , y o u n e e d a n ex pe r i e n c e d profess iona l to he lp gu ide you and to

handle al l the tasks that may ar ise.Lockwood Funeral Homes has been a

respected and t rusted family business for over a centur y in Park Slope, Brooklyn.

We have ea r ned a repu t a t i on o f compassion, sympathy and respect, and have serviced families for generat ion af ter generat ion.

Lockwood Funera l Home ser v ices a l l denominations and faiths. We are available to ser v ice a l l your needs in a l l local i t ies.

We can also carefully explain all methods of pre-planning in advance of the t rauma one faces dur ing an immediate loss, thus avoiding hurr ied decis ions dur ing one of the most st ressful t imes in your l i fe.

Lockwood Funeral Home — serving with digni t y, compassion and respect.

— The Lockwood Family/Owners

When a beloved and cherished soul passes, there are many obstacles you must overcome, so as you walk the winding road of retrospect and sorrow... you need a steady hand to guide you down your path.

During these times of bereavement and retrospect, friends and family need accomplished experts who will handle whatever the task that comes to hand.

“Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you.

You must travel it by yourself.

It is not far. It is within reach.

Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know.

Perhaps it is everywhere - on water and land.” — Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

Lockwood Funeral Home

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Personal & Professional

ServiceLet us honor and celebrate the life of your loved one

We can provide you with many options including:

Direct BurialCremations

Pre-planningGraveside ServicesMemorial Services

Lockwood Funeral Home, 255 21st st., Brooklyn, NY 11215phone: 718-788-0050 email: [email protected]

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(upon location)to all New York

metropolitan area

Delivery Hours:11am-10:30pm

Restaurant Hours: 10am - 1:30 am

(Open until 2:30am Friday & Sat.)

Cold Appetizer & Salads / Soguk Mezeler • Hot Appetizer / Sicak Mezeler • Soup / Corbalar • Chicken

Fish & Sea Fruits • Veggies • Sandwiches • Entree / Yemekler • Beverages / Icecekler • Desserts / Tatlilar • Sahara Bread

A Brooklyn Landmark — High Quality Food With Exotic Flavors

2337 Coney Island AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11223

(718) 376

GREAT FOOD, OUTDOOR GARDEN, PARTIES & CATERINGSahara Restaurant, the Largest Turkish Cuisine Restaurant in the USA, has been in business over 25 years.

We’re a great location for Weddings, Birthdays, Parties, Family Get-togethers and Corporate Events

With Banquet & Party facilities for well over 100 guests. We can accommodate any event.

CONVENIENT FREE PARKING(Valet parking Friday-Sunday)

sahara_full_Ad.indd 1 11/23/12 10:11 PM

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AJCRenovationsSpecializing in Roof Raises • Kitchens • Pavers


call: (347) 308-3246

Flooring • Painting • Concrete Doors • Plumbing • Roofing Electrical • Siding • Extensions Backyard Remodeling • BathsBasements • Complete Renovation/ Contracting • Additions

Insured & Licensed • DCA/HIC # 1367365 GENERALCONTRACTORS Free Estimates

10’ x 10’ All Wood Kitchen

$7,000 Including


AJC_renovations.indd 1 7/11/12 11:32 PM


(upon location)to all New York

metropolitan area

Delivery Hours:11am-10:30pm

Restaurant Hours: 10am - 1:30 am

(Open until 2:30am Friday & Sat.)

Cold Appetizer & Salads / Soguk Mezeler • Hot Appetizer / Sicak Mezeler • Soup / Corbalar • Chicken

Fish & Sea Fruits • Veggies • Sandwiches • Entree / Yemekler • Beverages / Icecekler • Desserts / Tatlilar • Sahara Bread

A Brooklyn Landmark — High Quality Food With Exotic Flavors

2337 Coney Island AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11223

(718) 376

GREAT FOOD, OUTDOOR GARDEN, PARTIES & CATERINGSahara Restaurant, the Largest Turkish Cuisine Restaurant in the USA, has been in business over 25 years.

We’re a great location for Weddings, Birthdays, Parties, Family Get-togethers and Corporate Events

With Banquet & Party facilities for well over 100 guests. We can accommodate any event.

CONVENIENT FREE PARKING(Valet parking Friday-Sunday)

sahara_full_Ad.indd 1 11/23/12 10:11 PM

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Celebrating 30 Years in Business

Guaranteed Great Quality

•Ask About Our Specialty Pies

•Open 7-Days11am–10pm

Hot Catering3-6ft Heros

•15% Off Any $50

Or More Order•

Dine-in & Free Delivery


263 Ave. U, Bklyn., NY 11223 718-372-1709 • 718-372-0485

pizza park_quarter.indd 1 9/19/12 9:07 AM



Home of Your personal Custom Caterer. Let Us Come to Your Home or any Party Room and Give You a Culinary Experience You Will Never Forget.Bardi Catering provides a complete range of services, from planning assistance and staffing your event to managing rental items.

Have Bardi Cater your next Party !

Smoke’N Pit BBQ : A Unique Catering Experience.Each pig is custom butchered. It is then stuffed with boneless pork roasts, seasoned from the inside out and slowly smoked to perfec-tion and served with homemade gravy, fresh rolls and assorted BBQ sauces. This process maximizes the meat from the pig and retains the presentation for the duration of your event.

Call: 718-619-9011 Websites: •

bardi-half.indd 1 7/23/12 11:34 PM



in our






WITh us


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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 85


485 Industr ial Loop, Staten Is land Tel : (718) 967-0632 Fax: (718) 967-8475

Granite • Marble • Limestone • Commercial & Residential Fully Insured

Biggest Granite Selection On Staten IslandChoose from a wide variety of granite slabs on premises

5 Day Turnaround

NO GIMMICKS, NO COUPONS, We will not be undersold!

granite_full.indd 1 7/2/12 4:44 AM

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 85

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1916 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11229718-332-3577

Hot & Cold CateringFor All Occasions

Etrees Include: Fish, Veal, Beef, Pork & Pasta

We have a Full Deli, Homemade Roast Beef

& Turkey, also Boar’s Head Meats

In Business for over 30 years.Our Family

at Vito’s Bakery are proud to serve

our friends and neighbors in NYC

We also have a wide range of deserts including custom order

cakes for special occasions


vitos_ad 1 10/11/11 10:31 PM

Page 87: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island


1916 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11229718-332-3577

Hot & Cold CateringFor All Occasions

Etrees Include: Fish, Veal, Beef, Pork & Pasta

We have a Full Deli, Homemade Roast Beef

& Turkey, also Boar’s Head Meats

In Business for over 30 years.

Our Family at Vito’s Bakery

are proud to serve our friends and

neighbors in NYC

We also have a wide range of deserts including custom order

cakes for special occasions


vitos_ad 1 10/11/11 10:31 PM

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Winter is here, and along with the snow flurr ies comes ski season. If you’re planning a winter escape and seek a snowy adventure, these

top ski destinations are sure to please. From Lake Tahoe to Lake Placid, Met Liv ing ex-plores the best places to hit the slopes in the United States.

parkCity,UtahThe wor ld-famous s lopes of Pa rk C i t y

are home to the steep mountains where the United States Ski Team trains. With 500 plus inches of snowfal l ever y season and around 100 powdery t ra i ls, adventure awaits around ever y turn at this top sk i dest inat ion. I t is not unusual for tour ists to outnumber permanent residents here.

gatlinburg,tennesseeHigh above Gat l inburg, Tennessee is a

mountaintop resor t featuring nine whitewashed trails. With an amusement park, an aerial tram that sets of f f rom downtown Gat l inburg, and fantastic views of the Great Smoky Mountains, i t s easy to see why this is one of the top sk i dest inat ions in the count r y.

MountHood,oregonThe wor ld-famous T imber l ine Lodge i s

known the wor ld over for having a longer sk i season than any other resor t in the count r y. Perched at 6,000 feet on the side of Mount Hood, T imber l ine has over a mil l ion v is i tors year tound. If you’ve ever seen “The Shining”, the snowy resor t ex ter ior w i l l be ins t ant l y recognizable as the Over look Hotel.


Situated in the Sier ra Nevada, Lake Tahoe is a top sk i dest inat ion for downhil lers l iv ing in Cal i fornia and Nevada. Well known for i t s bl iz zards, there are over a dozen major sk i areas surrounding the lake. Heavenly Mountain Resor t ho lds bragging r ight s for t he wes t coast ’s longest ver t ica l drop.

lakeplacid,newYorkThe heavy nor theastern snows make the

Adirondack Mountains a top sk i dest inat ion. I t is famous for being the si te of the Olympic Winter Games of 1932 and 1980. At 3,430 feet, Whiteface Mountain in nearby Wilmington has the highest ver t ica l drop in the eastern Uni ted States.

Jackson,WyomingWith steep ter ra in that spreads over two

peaks, Jackson Hole Mountain Resor t is a top sk i dest inat ion favored by intermediate-level skiers. Located 12 miles northwest of Jackson, the resor t features one of Nor th Amer ica’s highest ver t ical drops of 4,140 feet. Corbet ’s Couloir has been f requent ly descr ibed as the scar iest s lope in Amer ica.

BigSky,MontanaSi tuated on Lone Mounta in, the resor t ’s

signature peak soars at an al t i tude of 11,100 feet, has six-mile long runs and 4,350 feet of ver t ical drop. The li f t capacit y here is 20,000 people per hour, meaning there is hardly ever a wai t to get to the top.

aspen,ColoradoPerhaps one of the most legendar y names

when i t comes to sk i ing. The Colorado sk i resor t has four unlinked mountains that are f i t to please skiers of all levels. The only problem with v is i t ing this wor ld-class dest inat ion may be the pr ice t ag, as the resor t s here a re favored by the r ich and famous and tend to be pr icey.

Stowe,vermontWith an average snowfal l of 22 feet, the

p ic turesque s lopes of S towe are t yp ica l l y b lanketed for an except iona l l y long w inter s e a son. Loc a t ed on Moun t Mans f i e l d, Vermont ’s highest mountain.

vail,ColoradoVa i l Sk i Resor t has a co l lec t ion of 193

marked t ra i ls on three faces, and features a cra z y ver t ica l drop of 3,450 feet. Wi th around 5,300 acres of sk iable ter ra in, the resor t brags the largest s ingle mountain sk i area in the United States and is renowned as “Amer ica’s favor i te sk i resor t.” Af ter Whist ler Blackcomb, Vai l is the second largest resor t in Nor th Amer ica.

MetLiving’s Best U.S. Ski SlopesThe base lodgeStowe Mountain Resort, Stowe Vermont.

Page 89: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Bella Cucina


Old World Craftsmanship...

New World Pricing!

From concept to creation,we create your dream kitchen

10309 Industrial loop, Staten Island, NY 11223 718-356-3313

Bella_cucina.indd 1 7/2/12 5:17 AM

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Yours, Mine & R’s: Staten Island’s Home Improvement Specialists

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“I need to renovate my kitchen,” said one local man, “Where do I f ind a creat ive cont ractor who wil l be fa ir and honest?”

Don’ t f re t , my f r i end, don’ t wo r r y ! There i s a husband and w i fe team r igh t here in the borough of Staten Is land that wi l l see the project through f rom star t to f in i sh. And f u r t hermore, as t hey pour t he i r hea r t s and sou ls in to ever y job, you, t he c l ien t , w i l l be over joyed and happ i l y sa t i s f ied.

I f they charged by the smiles and gr ins on their former clients they would already be in the cont ractor Hal l of Fame.

HeretohelpyouYours, Mine & R’s i s a fami l y owned

a n d o p e r a t e d h o m e im p r o v e m e n t s company.  We spec ia l i ze in a l l phases o f home imp rovemen t s w i t h ove r 30

yea rs of exper ience. We sell and install k itchen cabinets that

are f ramed and f rameless, in a l l s t y les, contemporar y and t radi t ional. We also sel l and insta l l windows, doors, roof ing, s iding, bathroom vani t ies, counter tops, hardwood f loors, t i les, bathroom f ix tures and so much more. We are your complete renovat ion specia l is ts.


Yours, Mine & R’s is ab le to f i t in to nea r l y any s t y le and budget w i t h our ex tens i ve se lec t ion o f p roduc t s and payment opt ions. (F inancing is avai lable)

T he i r p ro fe s s i ona l compe tence i s at tested to by their reputat ion, and the benchmark is a sat is f ied cl ient.

Just l is ten to th is hear t fe l t message

f rom an elated customer who took the t ime to wr i te a specia l card: 

Dear Richie & Mar ia,

  Words cannot express how much I love my new k i tchen.  I t ’s a dream come t rue.  Your craf tsmanship and exper t ise exceeded all my expectations.  Richie, you are t ruly a master at your craf t.  Mar ia, thank you for your ideas and guidance in helping me plan the k i tchen.  Without the two of you this masterpiece could not have been accomplished.  Thank you! 

 Love, V ick i Enough said. So no mat ter the project,

Yours, Mine & R’s is there to assist you. They want to be w i t h you f rom the

star t ing gate all the way to the f inish l ine.

Page 95: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Interior & Exterior Specialists with over 30 years Experience


93 Main Street, Staten Island, NY 10307

Showroom (718) 227-2632Fax (718) 227-2066

• Complete Renovations

• Kitchen Cabinets

• Bathrooms

• Finished Basements

• Tiles

• Vanities

• Interior & Exterior Doors

• Security Doors

• Decks

• Siding

• Windows

• Roofing

• Carports

• Screen Rooms

• Hardwood Floors

HIC License # 1276464

NJ License # 13VH05203100

www.yoursmineandrs .com

Home Improvements

yours_mine_ours_Final1 1 12/5/12 4:56 PMM e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 95

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C.R.C. Plumbing & Heating Corp.

“The Family Business”

2235 East 17th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229 718-743-6858Lic. #1860, Lic. #1861, Fully insured

Plumbing • HeatingElectric Sewer Cleaning

C.R.C. Plumbing & Heating Corp. provides a full range of plumbing services for the Brooklyn area. We quickly and accurately diagnose

any plumbing work that needs to be done. That way, when you have a situation that requires a professional plumber , you’ll feel confident in calling on C.R.C. Plumbing & Heating Corp. for help.

crc_plumbing-half 1 5/30/12 5:28 PM

Page 97: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Faces & the Art of Make-Up

Faces Welcomes back Helene

Over 40 yearsCornerstone of NYC

S P A & S A L O N

Monday Madness WOW!

Haircut & Blow $30Single Process $20Color Glaze $25In-Salon experience Priceless

Fu l l Se r v ice Sa lon

A lso O f fe r ing : Trave l ing S ty l i s ts &

Make-up a r t i s ts

Now Open 7 Days a week

Faces2205 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11229 718-332-6557 • 718-232-7979

Holiday giftGift certificate available

Recieve a free gift

faces_full 1 11/30/12 11:37 AM

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precise_ad half.indd 1 7/8/11 7:45 PM

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It is clear that there are more and more obstacles that impede the progress New Yorkers. These issues can be very daunting and sensitive be-cause sometimes they involve what is the most

precious commodity of all, family. These sentiments are addressed wholeheartedly by the law partners of Alatsas & Taub. Since its inception, the prominent sixteen-year-old firm has made Brooklyn its home and has seen its share of conflict and uncertainty.

“We are very sensitive and meticulous when it comes to each situation and we use our vast legal knowledge and expertise to assure the best outcome for our clients, both monetarily a n d e m o t i o n a l l y . ” Theodore Alatsas ESQ. states,

The firm specializes in divorce, family law and personal injury cases. As dedicated family men themselves, the partners are very concerned about the client’s best interests because they are well schooled in all aspects of the legal system. Each year there are new laws enacted which can affect the client both directly and indirectly. We take a special interest in the uncertain legal system and prepare a tactical game plan. A strategy that achieves the ultimate goal of winning the right settlement or claim that is best for you.

Alatsas & Taub

Tough, Experienced Divorce & Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan & Long Island.

We Are Dedicated to Achieving the Following 8 Goals for Our Clients:

1. Experienced & knowledge-able attention you deserve.

2. Aggressive representation to meet your needs.

3. Be thorough & honest in informing you of your rights & options.

4. Allow you to make final decisions.

5. Keep you apprised of the progress of your case.

6. Return phone calls & keep appointments.

7. Help you through this difficult time.

8. Treat you with dignity & respect.

We honor our promises as you honor us with your trust, when you retain us.

2115 Avenue U Brooklyn, NY 11229 Call (718) 891-1200 For A Free Consultation

Your Neighborhood Law Firm with Citywide Experience

alatsas_taub_full-ad.indd 1 6/1/12 11:28 AM

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The Ultimate in affordable EleganceBuckley’s: Celebrating our 40th Anniversary

2926 Ave. S, Bklyn., NY 11229 P: 718-998-4222 • F: 718-376-1182

Buckleys_full.indd 1 2/6/12 9:50 PM

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1 0 2 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

BassettCateringCelebrating Our 50th Anniversary

We have been honored to serve the good people of Brooklyn for the past 50 years, with our

friendly full service staff We offer all types of catering

to fit your needs including off premises throughout

the tristate area.visit us online at

www.bassettcaterers.comScan here for a mobile version

of our menu

Open 7 DaysMon–Fri 9am–7pm

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Call today for available packages

Call us for your next party

718.332.9000 1404 Ave X • Brooklyn, NY 11235

bassett.indd 1 6/12/12 5:33 PM

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 103

Kitchen Cabinets, Granite Countertops, Sinks & Tiles

all of our cabinets are solid wood • all cabinets are in stockwe retail and wholesale to any location

over 30 colors of granite in stock • contractors welcome


L&T Modern Kitchen Inc.

201 60th street, Brooklyn, NY718-492-8282

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10% offany purchase

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Care PharmaCy where our name says it all. It is Family owned and operated and has been a neighborhood staple for 20 years. The Care PharmaCy name has filled morethan 1 million prescriptions. Here the staff is always friendly, professional and eager to assist you in all your pharmacy needs. Come shop at Care PharmaCy and experience the difference.

care_pharm_half.indd 1 12/2/12 6:16 AM

Page 104: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island


takingabreakfromallyourworries,surewouldhelp alot.









Would it be nice to find a place like that Show...a place where regulars ruled. Well, you have a gin joint just l ike that r ight

in the Borough of Brooklyn. Joe’s Ba r & Gr i l l i s as “o ld schoo l”

as i t get s. Some ca l l i t a ch ic d i ve bu t o t he r s wou ld c a l l i t a p i ece o f New Yor k h i s to r y r igh t on Avenue U. The t ap room has been go ing s t rong s ince 1934. Owner Pat r ice, born and ra ised in Brook lyn, purchased t he sa loon ten yea rs ago and vowed to keep i t rea l. “ I re-mode led t he p lace and c leaned i t up,” sa id t he proud so le propr ie to r, “Bu t , I wan t ed t o keep a l l t h e o l d f i x t u res and in my mind a p iece K ings Count essence...a c i t y landmark.”

The establ ishment can accommodate u p t o 75 p e o p l e a n d s e ve n T V ’s adorn t he wa l l s fo r cont inuous spor t s coverage. I f you want weekend footba l l or any th ing ath let ica l l y re la ted-you w i l l f ind i t at Joe’s. There is a lso a thumping juke box that can handle any cus tomer reques t: i t has ever y t h ing f rom Frank S inat ra to Led Zeppe l in, f rom Conn ie Franc is to I ron Maiden. Trus t me...your ea rs w i l l be r ing ing w i t h happ iness...

Let ’s t a lk honest to goodness food...The t avern is essent ia l l y a Gast ro-Pub. I t s e r ve s qua l i t y g r ub t ha t w i l l have

you r t a s t e bud ’s s i z z l i ng w i t h g l ee. Chef George (Pat r ice’s f i ancee) wh ips up s te l l a r food t ha t has loya l pat rons b i t i n g t he i r l i p s w i t h ove r whe lm i ng sat is fact ion. Whatever is on the menu...George cooks i t f resh...and to order...and w i t h enough t a s te to k nock t he suds of f your brew.

Let ’s see what some local folks think of the his tor ic canteen. “I f you want a great p lace that is reasonably pr iced, fr iendly and just an old t ime gin can’t beat Joe’s,” said Frank from Stillwell Avenue, “I t is a t rue blue k inda place.”

That seems to be the word on the st reet. “Joe’s is great and such a local landmark,” gushed Tammy f rom Coney island, “I spend the day at the boardwalk and then f inish out the day wi th dr inks and dinner at Joe’s. What could be bet ter than a real old fashioned water ing hole.”

S o i f y o u h a p p e n t o b e i n t h e n e i g hbo r hood a nd w a n t t o t a ke a nosta lg ic wa lk down Memor y Lane and v is i t a cock ta i l lounge that has not, and w i l l not change...

Whi le we renovate t he k i tchen, s top over a t Joe’s fo r some dr ink spec ia l s, p lay poo l o r da r t s and of course have some great conversa t ion.

Of course when i t warms up in spr ing t ake i t ou t s ide in t he ga rden.

Joe’s Bar & Grill

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JOE’S BAR & GRILL257 Ave. U, New York, NY 11223 718-372-9595

Open 7 days a week 11am – 4am

Come check out our daily drink specials

Look for our upcomming NEW & EXCITING MENU

As Old School as Old School Gets

Joes_bar_full_Ad.indd 1 11/14/12 4:16 PM

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If you a re someone in te r-ested in building something, or maybe you just want to remode l , i t i s impera t i ve

that you en l is t a knowledge-ab le a rch i tec t who no t on l y knows h i s o r he r c r a f t bu t a l so l og i s t i c s and bu i l d i ng codes. Ever ywhere you look in th i s g rea t met ropo l i s you see remarkable structures. But i t i s a sa fe be t i f you gaze over New York’s iconic skyl ine, you r eyes w i l l f a l l on some rea l eyesores. What to do? I f you need someone who is lo-ca l and a hera lded creator of complex cons t ruc t ions he i s r ight around the corner.


Staten Is land’s own S teven S a v i n o h a s b e e n i n t h e a rch i tec tura l prob lem so lv ing game since the 1980’s. Af ter graduat ing f rom New York Ins t i t u te O f Technology in 1987, Sav ino set up shop on S t a ten Is land so that as he l ikes to pu t i t he is as access ib le as poss ib le. “Any t ype of const ruct ion is compl icated, whether i t i s a home or a commerc ia l bus iness. When under t ak ing any t ype of job in New Yo r k C i t y i t c a n be down r i gh t maddening. I fee l i t i s bes t to be c lose to t he s t reet so c l ien t s can come in to my o f f i c e and a sk ques t i ons be fo re mak ing the b ig dec is ions t hat a re both persona l and f inanc ia l.”


Sav ino Archi tects mainly ser ves New Yo r k and New Je r sey. T he o f f i c e i s compr ised of four des igners who a re there to tack le any and a l l const ruct ion ass ignment s. No job i s too sma l l, and

t he more cha l leng ing t he bet te r. The f i r m i s a membe r o f t h e A me r i c a n Ins t i t u te of A rch i tec t s. In add i t ion, t he crew has worked on the At lant ic Express building, several bus companies, var ious loca l bus ines ses and p r i va te homes. P re sen t l y Sav i no i s t ack l i ng seve ra l m i l l i on do l l a r p lu s re s idences and a cafe. A key component to the bus iness i s mak ing wha teve r s t r uc t u re f i t i n to t he l a ndsc ape o f t he ne ighbo r hood. As a rch i tec t s Sav ino and h is c rew fee l a re sens i t i ve to t he topography of t he pro jec t , wh ich i s jus t as impor t an t as t he impending s t r uc tu re.

Ful l-t imearchitect,part-t imetherapist

W he n i t c ome s t o d e s i g n t h e r e a re many c r i t i c s . S av i no A rch i t e c t s a s s i s t s t he c l i en t w i t h a l l a spec t s o f t he job. F rom beg inn ing to t he end.

Sav ino jokes t ha t he has a lso become qu i te a t herap is t wh i le in t he war room w i t h c l ien t s. “A rch i tec tu re in any fo rm can be ve r y pe r sona l ”, s ays Sav ino, “ T he w i f e wa n t s Tudo r s t y l e w h i l e t he hu sband wan t s sp l i t l e ve l . T he owne r wan t s i ndus t r i a l s t y l e bu t t he inves to r wan t s A r t Deco.” The F rank L loyd Wr igh t lov ing a rch i tec t goes on to say “ I t r y to communicate and he lp peop l e unde r s t a nd t h e p roc e s s s o t he exper ience i s as p leas ing and as pa in less as poss ib le.”

S o n o m a t t e r w h a t t h e h o u s i n g i s sue, d rop i n and see S teven Sav ino a n d c o m p a n y. T h e y w i l l a n s w e r a n y ques t ion and he lp so l ve any p rob lem. Do you k now p re s en t bu i l d i ng c ode s o r w h a t “ a i r r i g h t s ” a r e ? S t e v e n S a v i n o d o e s . W h a t a c om fo r t t o o l d p r o s a n d n e w v o y a g e r s s e t t i n g o u t a n e w v e n t u r e .

Savino: Architects with Vision

Page 107: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

The FirmSteven R. Savino Architect was established in 1995 and is a full service architectural firm providing designs for residential, commercial, indus-trial and manufacturing uses. I work closely with the client to fulfill their design and functional needs while keeping the client’s budget in mind.

Since its inception, I have provided highly creative designs to meet the client’s needs in many areas such as: interior and exterior design, space planning, site design and project development. Our goal is to provide the client with the most proficient means of analyzing their needs and developing the space to provide for a more creative solution that meets the clients design criteria. Design, functionality and aesthetics is what we strive for along with providing construction documents that graphically express the design to the owner and contractor.

Steven R. Savino is dedicated to providing his clients with the finest service while providing simple solutions to complex problems using creativity and elegance without sacrificing the design and functional aspect of the project.

Services Our services consist of Residential, Commercial, Industrial buildings, zoning and building code analysis and site development.

The firm also specializes in removing violations issued by the various city agencies.

We specialize in: New Buildings, Restaurant design, Gas Station Design, Alterations,

Additions, Roof Raises, Conversions, Public Assembly permits, Certificates of Occu-pancy, Fireplaces, Equipment use permits, Decks.

My firm works with all city agencies in all five boroughs such as: Department of Building, Highway Department, City Plan-ning, Fire Department, Parks Department, Department of Environmental Conserva-

tion (DEC), Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Environ-mental Control Board (ECB).

Steven R. Savino

I am a member of the American Institute of Architects.


4158 Victory Blvd. Staten Island, NY 10314 • Phone: 718 983-6575 • Fax 718 983-0220 • email: [email protected]

savino.indd 1 7/19/12 5:06 PM

Page 108: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Were you ever on the Atkins diet? If you were, you must have craved pasta, but were forbidden to eat it. Well, thank

God, that weight-watching craze is over! Because, let’s face it, i t was unhealthy and no fun. So now that you can splurge a l i t t le…there is a macaroni mecca for you right in the heart of Brooklyn.

allaboutpasta andFamily

T h e h i s t o r i c D a i r y M a i d Rav iol i pasta factor y has been around since 1953 and has been churning out delicious and delectable pasta products, much to the adorat ion of all New Yorkers. Th is pas t a fac tor y and ret a i l shop is loca ted in t he G ravesend sec t ion of Brooklyn. Owners Sal and Lou Ballar ino are ver y proud to create new and t rendy varieties of pastas and raviolis. “In today’s day and age of the big conglomerates, for a small to medium size f irm to make it to 60 years is a major accomplishment,” say Sa l and Lou Ba l la r ino. “Our goa l is to prov ide the f reshest products to our pa t rons w i t h t he h ighes t qua l i t y ingredients,” said Ballar ino. All products are made dai ly on the premises at 216 Avenue U.

varietyistheKeyOh…..le t me name some of t he i r

appet iz ing creat ions. They have hef t y r igaton i, gnocchi, lasagna, manicot t i, r av io l i, s t u f fed she l l s, to r te l l i n i, and fet tucini, just to name a few. I am making

mysel f hungr y. I w i l l just head over to Dair y Maid Ravioli and t r y the delectable pumpk in s t u f fed rav io l i , a seasona l favor i te, that are now made all year long because of the popular demand. When I saw the l ine of people, I knew I had come to the r ight place for my pasta f ix.

Pat rons wi l l d iscover impor ted ol ive o i l s , ba l s amic v i nega r s, homemade sauces, and impor ted cheeses. The i r broad line of products give the consumer the abil i t y to stock their homes with hard to f ind I ta l ian fare.

ForCommercial andFamily

A l l p roduc t s a re ava i l a b l e fo r re t a i l o r who l e s a l e pu rcha se. T he ma r ke t s t he company se r v ices inc lude t he Tr i-S t a t e a re a a s we l l a s F l o r i d a , Texa s, a nd Mas s achuse t t s . A l l p roduc t s a re manu f ac t u red unde r t he Da i r y Ma id n a me a nd a r e a v a i l a b l e f o r p r i v a t e l a be l .

This place is just l ike New York Cit y, i f you can’t f ind i t here, then, i t isn’t made.

Dairy Maid Ravioli Pasta FactorypastaproductsMadeDai ly fornewYorkandBeyond

1 0 8 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

“Everything you see I owe to pasta.”

– Sophia Loren

Page 109: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

When was the last time you had an enjoyable shopping experience?

Here at Dairy Maid Ravioli we can provide that for you. Our sales associates provide good and friendly service, the old-fashioned way.

Dairy Maid Ravioli, MFG.


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Toll Free:866-777-3661

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 109

Page 110: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 111

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Page 113: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 113

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Page 116: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Entertainment Guide

1 1 6 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Met-Living On Broadway

Bringiton: theMusicalI n Br ing I t On: The Mus ica l, t he h igh-stakes wor ld of compet i t ive cheer leading is inter twined wi th cut throat high school pol i t ics to tel l the stor y of Campbell, the heir apparent to the head cheer leader at Truman High School.St. James TheatreClosing Dec. 30, 2012

elfA baby stowaway in Santa’s sack, Buddy, raised in the Nor th Pole as an elf, turns out to be human — and embarks on a quest to f ind his real family. Based on the 2003 holiday movie.Al Hirschfeld TheatreClosing 06 Jan 2013

WarHorseUt i l iz ing puppetr y, scenic elements, music and movement, the epic comes to l i fe in a breathtak ingly or iginal product ion. The drama recounts the adventures of a horse as he moves f rom l i fe on a farm into the bat t les of World War 1. It ’s also the story of a fr iendship put through the toughest tests. Vivian Beaumont TheaterClosing 06 Jan 2013

JerseyBoysJersey Boys tel ls the rags-to-r iches stor y of one of the greatest successes in pop music histor y — Frank ie Val l i & the Four Seasons. Meet the four b lue-col la r k ids working their way from the streets of Newark to the he ight s of s t a rdom. The mus ica l features such Seasons’ hi ts as “Big Gir ls Don’t Cr y,” “Oh What a Night” and “Can’t Take My Eyes Of f of You.”August Wilson TheatreOpen-Ended

MarypoppinsSupercalif ragilist icexpialidocious! Based on the books by P.L. Travers and the classic Wal t Disney f i lm, this is the stor y of the Banks family and how their l ives change af ter t he a r r i va l of nanny Mar y Poppins at their home at 17 Cher r y Tree Lane in London.New Amsterdam TheatreOpen-Ended

ChicagoFor a couple of Jazz Age enter ta iners, i t ’s a l l about fame, for tune. The razzle-dazzle musical where a sensat ional murder t r ia l is acted out in vaudevi l le specia l t ies. The score includes “Razzle-Dazzle,” “A l l That

Jazz” and “Mister Cel lophane.”Ambassador TheatreOpen-Ended

annieThe p lucky redheaded orphan and her sc ru f f y mu t t Sandy make t he i r way in Depress ion-era New York f rom a dismal orphanage to the home of bil l ionaire Daddy Warbucks. The Tony Award-winning musical includes the songs “Tomorrow,” “Lit t le Girls,” “Easy Street,” “NYC” and “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile.”Palace TheatreOpen-Ended

thelionKingJu l i e Taymo r ’s ac c l a imed s t ag i ng o f

t h e D i s n e y a n i m a t e d f i l m has been ha i led a s a B roadway l a n d m a r k . T h e L i on K i ng t e l l s t he s tor y of t he ep ic adven tu res o f a young l i on cub named Simba as he s t r ugg les t o a c c e p t t h e

re spons ib i l i t i e s o f adu l t hood and h i s dest ined role as k ing.Minskoff TheatreClosing Open-Ended

CinderellaThe Broadway debut of this beloved Rodgers and Hammers te in mus ica l of fe rs a new romant ic twis t on the ul t imate makeover s tor y of a maid-turned-pr incess, mix ing f resh comedy wi th the fa ir y ta le’s classic elements — the pumpkin, glass s l ipper, masked bal l and more. Broadway TheatreClosing Open-Ended

The Lion King

The Cast

of Annie

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 117

Met-Living at the Movies

theSecretlife ofWalterMittyA t imid magazine photo manager who lives li fe vicar iously through daydreams embarks on a t rue-l i fe adventure when a negat ive goes missing.Ben Stiller, Sean Penn In Theaters: Dec. 25 Adventure | Comedy | Drama

JackryanJack Ryan, as a young cover t CIA analyst, uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a ter ror is t at tack.Keira Knightley, Chris Pine In Theaters: Dec 25 Action | Drama | Thriller -

StandUpguysA pa i r of ag ing con men t r y to get t he old gang back together for one last hurrah be fo re one of t he guys t akes h i s l a s t assignment -- to k i l l his comrade.Al Pacino, Christopher In Theaters: Jan. 11 Comedy | Crime

BeautifulCreaturesEthan longs to escape his small Southern town. He meets a mysterious new girl, Lena. Together, they uncover dark secrets about their respect ive famil ies, their histor y and their town.Alice Englert, Viola DavisIn Theaters: Feb. 13 Drama | Romance

thetoDolistFeeling pressured to become more sexually exper ienced before she goes to col lege, Brandy C la rk makes a l i s t of t h ings to accompl ished before h i t t ing campus in the fa l l.Connie Britton, Andy SambergIn Theaters: Feb. 14 Comedy | Teen

escapefromplanetearthAst ronaut Scorch Supernova f inds himsel f caught in a trap when he responds to an SOS f rom a notor iously dangerous al ien planet.Brendan Fraser, Sarah Jessica ParkerIn Theaters: Feb. 14 Animation | Adventure | Comedy

21&overThe night before h is b ig medica l school exam, a promising student celebrates his 21st bir thday wi th his two best f r iends.Miles Teller, Justin ChonIn Theaters: Mar. 1 Comedy

tylerperry’s theMarrigeCounslerA ma r r i age counse lo r ’s pe r sona l and profess iona l l i fe becomes compl ic a ted af ter she enters in to a re la t ionship w i th one of her cl ients.Jurnee Smollett, Vanessa WilliamsIn Theaters: Mar. 29 Drama

Sean Penn

Vanessa Williams

Al Pacino

Page 118: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Entertainment Guide

1 1 8 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Stay at Home & Watch a Blu-Ray Classic

Towering Inferno (1974) Paul Newman, Steve McQueen Act ion

Poseidon Adventure (1972) Gene Hackman, Shelly Winter Act ion

Heat (1995) Rober t Dinero, A l Pachino Cr ime

Titanic (1997) Leonardo DeCapr io, Kate Winsiet Drama

Ghost (1996) Demi Moore, Pat r ick Swazey Drama

One Flew Over the Cookoo’s nest (1975)Jack Nicholson, Louise F letcher Drama

Raging Bull (1980) Rober t Dinero, Cathy Mor iar t y Spor ts/Drama

Grease (1978) John Travol ta, Oliv ia Newton-John Musical

Saturday Night

Fever (1977) John Travol ta, Karen Lynn Groney Drama/Musical

E.T. (1982) Henry Thomas, Drew Barr ymore Family

China Town (1974 Jack Nicholson, Faye Duneway Drama/Myster y

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Harr ison Ford, Karen Allen Adventure

Star Wars (1977) Mark Hamil l, Harr ison Ford Act ion Adventure/Fantasy

Do the Right Thing (1989) Danny Aliel lo, Ossie Davis Drama

Training Day (2001) Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke Drama

Until September (1984) Karren Al len, Thier r y Lhermit te Drama/Romance

Indecent Proposal

(1993) Rober t Redford, Demi Moore Drama

Sliding Doors (1998) Gwenth Pal t row, John Hannah Comedy/Drama

Frankie & Johnny (1966) Elv is Presley, Donna Douglas Comedy/Musical /Romance

Sea of Love (1989) All Pachino, El len Bark in Cr ime/Drama/Myster y

The Shining (1980) Jack Nicholson, Shelly Duval l Horror

The Big Chill (1983) Tom Berenger, Glenn Close Comedy/Drama

Tommy Boy (1995) Chr is Far ley, David Spaid Comedy

The 7th Sign (1988) Demi Moore, Michael Biehn


Caddy Shack (1980) Chevy Chase, Rodney Danger f ield Spor t /Comedy

Back To School (1986) Rodney Danger f ield, Sal ly Kel lerman Comedy

Rain Man (1988) Tom Cruise, Dust in Hof fman Drama

Die Hard (1988) Bruce Wil l is, A lan Rickman Act ion

When Harry Met Sally (1989) Bil ly Cr ysta l, Meg Ryan Comedy/Drama/Romance

Terms Of Endearment (1983) Shir ley Macla ine, Debra Winger


Broadcast News (1987) Will iam Hur t, A lber t Brooks Comedy/Drama/Romance

Stand By Me (1986) Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix Adventure/Drama

The Terminator (1984) Arnold Schwarenegger, Linda Hamil ton Act ion

Gone With The Wind (1939) Clark Gable, V iv ien Leigh Drama/Romance

The Bad News Bears (1976) Walter Mat thau, Tatum O’Neil Comedy/Family/Spor ts

Yentl (1983) Barbra St reisand, Amy Ir v ing Drama/Musical /Romance

Airport 1975 (1974) Char ton Heston, Karen Black Act ion/Drama/Thr i l ler

Jaws (1975) Roy Scheider, Rober t Shaw Thr i l ler

The Deer Hunter (1978)

Page 119: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Stay at Home & Watch a Blu-Ray Classic

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 119

Rober t Dinero, Chr istopher Walken Drama

Rocky (1976) Sylvester Sal lone, Tal ia Shire Drama/Spor t

American Graffit i (1973) Richard Drey fuss, Ron Howard Act ion

Goodfellas (1990) Rober t De Niro, Joe Pesci Act ion/Drama

Wizard of Oz (1939) Judy Gar land, Roy Bloger Musical /Fantsy

Bad Boys (1983) Sean Penn, A l ly Sheedy Act ion

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)Rober t Englund, Johnny Depp Horror

Saving Private Ryan (1998) Tom Hanks, Ed Burns Act ion

The Green Mile (1999) Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan Cr ime/Drama/Fantasy

Driving Miss Daisy (1989) Morgan Freeman, Jessica Tandy Comedy/Drama

The French Connection (1971) Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider Act ion/Cr ime/Thr i l ler

The Fugitive (1993) Harr ison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones Act ion/Adventure

The Way We Were (1973) Rober t Redford, Barbra

St reisand Romance

The Goodbye Girl (1977) Richard Drey fuss, Marsha Mason Comedy/Romance

Superman (1978) Chr istopher Reeve, Margot K idder Act ion

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCapr io Drama

Batman (1989) Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson Act ion

The Accidental Tourist (1988) Will iam Hur t, Kathleen Turner Drama/Romance

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman Cr ime/Drama

Alien (1979) Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerr i t t Horror/Sci-F i

Toy Story (1995) Tom Hanks, T im Allen Animat ion/Adventure/Comedy

The Last Emperor (1987)

John Lone, Joan Chen Biography/Drama/Histor y

The Breakfast Club (1985) Emil io Estevez, Judd Nelson Comedy/Drama

Apocalypse Now (1979) Mar t in Sheen, Mar lon Brando Drama/War

Dirty Harry (1971) Clint Eastwood, Andrew Robinson Act ion/Cr ime/Drama

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)Gene Wilder, Jack Alber tson Family/Fantasy/Musical

Mad Max (1979) Mel Gibson, Joanne Samuel Act ion/Adventure/Thr i l ler

Apollo 13 (1995) Tom Hanks, Bi l l Pax ton Drama/Histor y

The Untouchables (1987) Kevin Costner, Sean Conner y Biography/Cr ime/Drama

Raising Arizona (1987) Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter Adventure/Comedy/Cr ime

Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) Bob Hoskins, Christopher Lloyd

Animat ion/Comedy/Cr ime

Ghostbusters (1984) Bil l Murray, Dan Aykroyd Comedy/Family/Fantasy

Schindler ’s List (1993) Liam Neeson, Ralph F iennes Biography/Drama/Histor y

Lilo & Stich (2002) Daveigh Chase, T ia Carrere Family

A Few Good Men (1992) Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson Cr ime/Drama/Myster y

Independence Day (1996) Will Smith, Bi l l Pul lman Act ion/Adventure/Sci-F i

The Dark Knight (2008) Chr ist ian Bale, Heath Ledger Act ion/Drama

AvatarSam Worthington, Zoe Saldana Adventure/Fantasy

Toy Story II I (2010) Tom Hanks, T im Allen Animat ion/Comedy

On the Waterfront (1954) Marlon Brando, Kar l Malden Cr ime | Drama

The Godfather (1972)

Marlon Brando, A l Pacino Cr ime | Drama

Charlton Heston in Airport ’75

Page 120: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Entertainment Guide

1 2 0 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Sports Trivia1. Br i ta in’s Linford Chr ist ie was banned f rom compet ing for two years in which spor t?

2. Which count r y’s ent ire team was barred f rom compet ing at the Paralympics in Sydney?

3. Which spor ts f igure holds the record for appear ing the most t imes on the cover of Spor ts I l lust rated?

4. Who is the only man to play both a NFL game and a MLB game in a single day?

5. Which two count r ies have not missed one of the modern day Olympics?

6. What is the maximum weight for a gol f bal l?

7. In Olympic badminton how many feathers does the bird have?

8. What professional spor t did bank robber John Dil l inger play?

9. Who was the only person elected to both the footbal l and the baseball hal l of fame?

10. Wayne Levi was the f irs t gol fer to win a PGA tournament using a colored bal l. What color was the bal l?

11. Which t rack and f ield event is

banned in high schools in ever y state except Rhode Is land?

12. What spor t awards the Maur ice Podolof f Trophy?

13. How many panels make up a soccer bal l?

14. How many st i tches are there on a baseball?

15. Who was the f irs t female parachut is t?

16. What is the most watched spor t in the wor ld?

17. Which spor t has the largest number of par t ic ipants in the wor ld?

18. In what year did boxing become a legal spor t in the U.S.A.?

19. What edible substance was found in gol f bal ls?

20. Who holds baseball ’s record for the most stolen bases in a single season?

21. Who holds the record in basketbal l for the most career rebounds?

22. Which woman took si lver in the men’s Wor ld F igure Skat ing Championship in 1902?

23. Who holds the record for the most goals in the NHL?

24. James Naismith is credi ted wi th invent ing which spor t?

25. In basketbal l how far is

the f ree throw l ine f rom the net?

26. In which spor t might you f ind a dagger and a t rapeze?

27. Which count r y held the 2008 Olympics.

28. In which spor t did Sonny Liston par t ic ipate?

29. Af f irmed, won the t r iple crown in 1978, who was his regular jockey?

30. Who eight gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympics?

Answers on page 127

What question would Hockey Legend Wayne Gretzky be the correct answer?

Page 121: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Met-Living’s Movie Trivia1. Who plays Joe Pendleton in the movie Heaven Can Wait?

2. What war f i lm stars Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel L. Jackson?

3. What kind of dog was Milo in the movie The Mask?

4. What is t he name of t he charac ter played by Patrick Swayze in the blockbuster Dir t y Dancing?

5. What movie features three unemployed professors set t ing up an agency to catch ghosts?

6. Who stars as Doctor Dooli t t le in the 1998 version of the movie?

7. In which movie does Kevin Costner play a character named Roy McAvoy?

8. Which movie pairs up Kr ist y A l ley and John Travol ta?

9. Who stars as the president in the movie The Amer ican President?

10. What is the name of the f i lm that has Goldie Hawn joining the army?

11. Who plays Greg Focker in the movie Meet the Fockers?

12. In the f i lm Poseidon who plays the character Rober t Ramsey?

13. Who does Robin Wil l iams play in the f i lm A Night at the Museum?

14 . Wha t i s t h e n ame o f t h e mov i e w h e r e a c t o r S h a r o n S t o n e p l a y s a gun f i gh t e r ?

15. In the f ilm Gladiator who does Russell Crowe play?

16. In which f i lm does Rober t De Niro play a homosexual pirate?

17. Who directed the Oscar winning movie Dances wi th Wolves?

18. Who plays the main detect ive in the f i lm Basic Inst inct?

19. In which movie does Justin Timberlake play a character named Ronnie?

20. In which f ilm does Robin Williams play a character named John Keat ing?

21. “A business on the l ine. A f r iendship on t he edge. A woman caught in t he middle.” This is the tagl ine f rom the f i lm Tequila Sunr ise. Who plays the woman in the middle?

22. In the movie License to Wed who plays the role of Rev. Frank?

23. In the movie Batman who wrote and per formed al l the songs?

24. In the movie Wil low, Wil low is not a hobbi t, el f or a dwar f. What k ind of being is he?

25. In the mov ie Splash what k ind of mythical creature does Daryl Hannah play?

1. Warren Beatty2. Rules of Engagement3. A Jack Russell Terrier4. Johnny Castle5. Ghost Busters6. Eddie Murphy7. Tin Cup8. Look Who’s Talking

9. Michael Douglas10. Private Benjamin11. Ben Stiller12. Kurt Russell13. Teddy Roosevelt14. The Quick and the Dead15. Maximus16. Stardust, De Niro plays the role of Captain Shakespeare.

17. Kevin Costner. 18. Michael Douglas19. Black Snake Moan20. Dead Poets Society21. Michelle Pfeiffer22. Robin Williams23. Prince24. He is a Nelwyn.25. Mermaid

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 121

Question #25 What mythical creature did Daryl

Hannah play in

the movie “Splash”?

Question #19. Justin Timber-lake

Movie Trivia Answers

Page 122: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Entertainment Guide

New York KnicksHomeCourt:MadisonSquare gardenManhattan, NY:

The New York Knickerbock-ers, commonly referred to as the Knicks, are par t of the At lant ic Divis ion of the

Eastern Conference in the National Basketbal l Associat ion (NBA). The team was es tab l i shed i n 1946 as one of the founding members of the Basketba l l Assoc ia t ion of America (BAA), which became the NBA after merging with their r ival, the Na t iona l Baske tba l l League (NBL) in 1949.

The Knicks a re one of on ly two t e ams o f t h e o r i g i n a l N a t i o n a l B a s k e t b a l l A s s o c i a t i o n s t i l l

l o c a t ed i n i t s o r i g i n a l c i t y ( t he o t he r be ing t he Bos ton Ce l t i c s).

The Kn ick s we re succes s f u l dur ing their ear ly years and were c on s t a n t p l a yo f f c o n t e nde r s . Beginning in 1950, the Knicks made three consecut ive appearances in the NBA Finals, a l l of which were los ing ef for t s. In the late 1960s when Red Holzman became head coach d id t he Kn icks beg in to rega in t he i r fo rmer dominance. Holzman successful ly guided the Knicks to two championship t i t les in 1970 and 1973.

The p layof f- leve l Kn icks of t he 1990s we re l e d by f u t u re Ha l l o f F ame cen t e r Pa t r i c k Ew ing; t h i s e r a w a s ma r ke d b y t h r e e i n t en se r i v a l r i e s w i t h t he M i am i Hea t , t h e I nd i a na Pace r s a nd, o f c ou r s e, M i chea l Jo rdan a nd t he Ch i c ago Bu l l s Carmello Anthony

Deron Williams

Brooklyn NetsHomeCourt: BarclayCenterBroolyn, NY

The Nets are back in New York. Members of the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference in the National Basketball Association

(NBA). The team is the second NBA franchise that play home games in New York City

An or igina l member of the Amer ican Basketball Associat ion (ABA), the Nets we re founded i n 1967 and i n i t i a l l y p l ayed i n Teaneck , New Je r sey a s t he New Je r s ey A me r i c a n s . I n i t s ea r l y yea rs, t he team led a nomadic ex is tence, mov ing to Long Is land in

1968 and p lay ing in va r ious a renas t here as t he New York Net s. I t won t wo ABA championsh ips in New York be fo re becom ing one o f f ou r ABA teams to be admi t ted in to t he NBA as pa r t o f t he ABA–NBA merge r in 1976. The team then moved back to New Jersey in 1977 and became t he New Jer sey Net s. Dur ing t he i r t ime in t ha t s t a te, t he Ne t s s aw pe r iods of los ing and mis for t une in te rmi t ten t wi th severa l per iods of success, which cu lmina ted in t wo consecu t i ve NBA F ina ls appearances in t he 2001–02 and 2002–03 seasons.

Af ter 35 seasons in New Jersey, the team returned to the state of New York in 2012 to p lay in the new Barc lays Center in Brooklyn.

1 2 2 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Page 123: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 123

2015 Brooklyn Islanders

Owner Charles B. Wang, Barclays Cen-ter Majority Owner and Developer Bruce Ratner, and Onexim Sports and Entertainment announced that

the Islanders wil l move to Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The 25-year agreement begins for the 2015-16 season.

The announcement was made at a press conference in the GEICO Atr ium at Barclays Center, which was a lso at tended by New York Ci t y Mayor Michae l R. Bloomberg, Nat iona l Hockey League Commiss ioner Gary Bet tman, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, Islanders General Manager Gar th Snow, and Barclays Center CEO Bret t Yormark.

In suppor t of the i l lust r ious histor y of the team, the New York Is landers name and logo wil l remain unchanged.

“I t was our goal f rom day one to keep t he I s l ander s in t he local New York area.” Wang s a i d. “We’ r e t h r i l l ed to have t he oppor tuni t y to play in Barclays Center, a f irst c lass arena. This has been a long journey for the Islanders family star t ing wi th our loyal f ans, sponsors, and employees. I want to personally thank them f o r t h e i r p a t i e n c e, loya l t y, and suppor t. I am exc i t ed abou t today’s announcement a n d I a m l o o k i n g forward to a long and success f u l f u t u re in Brooklyn.”

“Mo re t h a n e ve r

before, Brooklyn is the place where everyone wan t s to be,” Mayo r B loomberg s a id. “Barc lays Center has a lready brought an incredible amount of excitement to Brooklyn s ince i t s recent opening. Now things wi l l get even more interest ing, wi th Brooklyn’s f i rs t-ever NHL f ranchise. Whether or not you’re a hockey fan, more events at Barclays Center wil l lead to more economic act iv i t y and more jobs, and that ’s good news for a l l New Yorkers.”


BP Ma r kow i t z s a i d . “When I f i r s t campaigned for Borough President, I made the promise that I would bring a major-league spor ts team to Brooklyn. But never, in my wi ldest dreams, did I th ink we would be home to both the Brook lyn Nets and the

New York Is landers. With the Nets and the Islanders, Brooklyn is beginning a dominant power-play.”

“ The B rook l y n Ne t s a re exc i t ed to welcome the Is landers to Barclays Center and Brook lyn!” Yormark sa id. “Barc lays Center will of fer the Islanders with an exciting oppor tun i t y to grow the i r fan base and

to bu i ld t he i r brand. I s l a n d e r f a n s a r e going to love Barclays Center for its int imacy, s igh t l i ne s, B rook l yn Taste culinary program, and customer service. We are looking forward to opening our doors f o r t h e I s l a n d e r s a n d b r i n g i n g t h e be s t i n spo r t s a nd e n t e r t a i n m e n t t o Brooklyn.”

Barclays Center wil l h o l d 14,500 s e a t s fo r I s l ande r games. C u r r e n t I s l a n d e r season t icket holders w i l l have f i r s t r igh t s to pu rchase season t ickets in Brooklyn.

(L-R) New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Barclays Center devel-oper Bruce Ratner and New York Islanders owner Charles Wang

1980-83 Stanley Cup champions

New York Islanders.

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Entertainment Guide

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Las VegaslereveLe Rêve - The Dream welcomes you into a warm, romant ic and myster ious wor ld in an int imate aqua theater-in-the round. From a thr i l l ing high-dive to an underwater tango,stunning per formers and aer ia l feats of strength and agili t y will l i terally take your breath away.

1/1 – Le Reve Theatre

CelineDionCel ine is once aga in per forming at t he Colosseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. This glamorous show, designed exclusively fo r The Co losseum at Caesa rs Pa lace, features 31 musicians, consist ing of a ful l orchest ra and band. The show’s concept i s one-of-a-k ind and inc ludes Ce l ine’s b igges t h i t s per formed w i t h a s tunn ing v isual presentat ion.

1/3 – Caesar Palace

Disneyonice:DaretoDreamYour favorite Disney princesses and their big dreams: Tiana (from “The Princess and the Frog”), Cinderella, and Rapunzel. Their stor ies brought to li fe with the ar t-istr y of ice skat ing to create an unforget-table family experience

1/16 – Thomas And Mack Center

Soul2Soul:tim Mcgraw&FaithHil lThe biggest musical event in the Venet ian Hotel And Casino history. Husband and wife superstars Tim McGraw and Faith Hill promise duets, covers and more like you’ve never seen them before.

2/1-Venetian Hotel And Casino

BlueMangroupThe new, mega-enhanced show is a thrilling, energy-infused exper ience that int roduces w i ld l y invent i ve mus ica l ins t r ument s, a

humorous look at robot s and creat i v i t y, and a mind-blowing ( l i tera l ly) tour ins ide the neural network of the human brain.

2/1 – Monte Carlo Theatre

Janrouven:i l lusionsSleek, stylish, verging on couture and probably something you’d see in the crowd at a chic, post-goth nightclub. Rouven’s tr icks share an undercurrent of danger that will have you on the edge of your seat.

2/5 – Starlite Theatre

absintheA surreal experience for adults, Absinthe features wild and out landish acts in a theatre-in-the-round presentat ion. a mix of decadence, imaginat ion, carnival and old world burlesque. A night of imaginat ion that amazes and inspires.

2/8 – Caesar Palace

Reno/Lake TahoealaddinA cast of live actors tell the magical tale of “Aladdin and His Lamp” with the fan-tast ic new stage ef fect of Live Act ion 3D Megavision. This amazing new technique brings the scenery into three dimensional reali t y as well as the character of the genie, which is a 3D car toon that interacts live on stage with the actors and with the audience.

1/1-1/13 – El Dorado Hotel

Soul2Soul:timMc-graw&FaithHil lThe biggest musical event in the Venet ian

Casinos & Hotel Show Guide

Blue Man Group

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Hotel And Casino history. Husband and wife superstars Tim McGraw and Faith Hill promise duets, covers and more like you’ve never seen them before.

2/1-Venetian Hotel And Casino

theWhoThe Brit ish group The Who will go on tour for the Quadro-phenia and more Tour. You’ll love Roger Daltrey’s stage charisma and Pete Town-shend windmill guitar strumming! See the legendary rock band per form songs such as “Baba O’Riley,” “Behind Blue Eyes,” and “My Generat ion”! The Who will also per form the complete 1973 rock opera double album Quadrophenia.

2/2 – Reno Event Center

Atlantic CityJamieFoxThe POOL a t Ha r rahs Resor t - Come dressed-up to get in the door, or pack a sui t to t ake a dip, as night swimming is ava i lab le f rom 9pm-4am. Wi th f lash ing

l ights, stocked bar, and ample pool space, this oasis combines a club atmosphere with a pr is t ine aquat ic twist. Dancers get down in calf-deep water against a background of cur tained-of f cabanas. All White Dress-code enforced by doorman.

1/4,5/13 – Harrah’s Atlantic City

Battleatthe BoardwalkThis 2-day Epic Brands Spir i t Unlimited Nat ional Cheerleading Championship This is a USASF All-Star Event and a US Finals Qualif ier.

2/1,2/13 – Atlantic City Conven-tion Center

rufusWainwrightRufus McGarr igle Wainwright is an American-Canadian singer-songwriter and composer. He has recorded seven albums of or iginal music and numerous tracks on compilat ions and f ilm soundtracks.

2/8/13– Borgata Music Box

atlanticCityBoatShowSee what’s new. Find the boat of your dreams and every thing to go with it at the At lant ic City Convent ion Center. From luxury motor and sailing yachts to personal watercraf t, there are boats for every li fe-style, act ivit y and budget. If i t ’s for boat-ing, you’ll f ind it here—the Marine Mar-ketplace, a 93,000 sq. f t. “show within the

show,” features 440 booths showcasing all the latest in marine technology, engines, accessories, naut ical gif ts, and more.

2/10/13 – Atlantic City Conven-tion Center

ConnecticutBlueoysterCultKnown for cul t c lassics “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper,” “Godzi l la,” and “Burnin’ for You,” their unique science fiction influenced music has lasted longer than three decades. Get ready for a night of s leek hard rock wi th band members Er ic Bloom, Donald “buck Dha rma” Roese r, A l l en Lan ie r, R ich ie Castel lano and Jule Radino.

2/3/13 – Ridgefield Ct

thetemptations& theFourtops Two of the most inf luent ial groups in mu-sic for more than 40 years. An integral par t of the Motown machine in the 60’s, The Temptat ions & The Four Tops brought that smooth R & B sound into pop music and created some of the most recogniz-able songs in music history: “The Way You Do the Things You Do,” “My Gir l,” “Baby I Need Your Lovin’,” “I Can’t Help Myself” and many more.

2/6/13-Palace Theatre

theassociationFree Concer t in Wolf Den — The Asso-ciat ion are one of the best vocal groups of the 1960s! The Associat ion per form all their mill ion selling hits, “Cherish”, “Windy”, “Along Comes Mary”, “Every thing That Touches You” … , and so many more! “Never My Love” is the second most played song on the radio of all t ime! 1/25/13 – Mohegan Sun

Blue Oyster Cult

Jamie Foxx

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Entertainment Guide

Best Books (Fiction)theracketeerBy John Grisham. (Knopf Doubleday Publishing.) An imprisoned ex-lawyer schemes to exchange this information about who murdered a judge for his freedom.

reflectedinYouBy Sylv ia Day. (Penguin Group.) Eva and Gideon, of “Bared to You,” cont inue to st ruggle to make their relat ionship work.

FiftyShadesFreedBy E. L. James. (Knopf Doubleday Publishing.) The f inal book in an erot ic t r i logy.

theSecretofellaandMichaBy Jessica Sorensen. (Jessica Sorensen.) Chi ldhood f r iends, long separated, get back together.

theSinsoftheMotherBy Daniel le Steel. (Random House Publishing.) A successful businesswoman t r ies to make up for past fa i l ings wi th her chi ldren, now grown.

gonegirlBy Gil l ian F lynn. (Crown Publishing.) A woman disappears on the day of her f i f th anniversar y; is her husband a k i l ler?

FiftyShadesofgreyBy E. L. James. (Knopf Doubleday Publishing.)

A col lege student fa l ls in love wi th a tor tured man with par t icular sexual tastes; the f irs t of a t r i logy.

FiftyShadesDarkerBy E. L. James. (Knopf Doubleday Publishing.) Ana Steele learns more about Chr ist ian Grey’s t roubled past; the second book in a t r i logy.

nYpDredBy James Pat terson and Marshal l Karp. (Li t t le, Brown & Company.) Detect ive Zach Jordan must stop a deranged k i l ler at a New York f i lm fest iva l.

thepantherBy Nelson DeMil le. (Grand Cent ra l Publishing.)

The ant i-ter ror is t task force agent John Corey and his wi fe, an F.B.I. agent, pursue a high-rank ing Qaeda operat ive in Yemen — who is out to avenge the death of a Libyan ter ror is t k i l led by Corey.

theBoneBedBy Pat r ic ia Cornwell. (Penguin Group.) A paleontologist ’s disappearance in Canada involves the chief medical examiner Kay Scarpet ta; the 20th Scarpet ta book.

CloudatlasBy David Mitchel l. (Random House Publishing.) Six l inked stor ies involve myr iad characters and conf l icts: f rom New Zealand in the mid-19th centur y to a Belgian estate in the 1930s to 1970s Cali fornia.

icedBy Karen Mar ie Moning. (Random House Publishing.) The f irst book in a new urban paranormal t r i logy set in the wor ld of the Fever ser ies features Dani O’Malley.

BlackberryWinter By Sarah Jio. (Penguin Group.) A Seat t le repor ter pursues an unsolved

abduct ion f rom 1933.


By J. K. Rowling. (Li t t le, Brown & Company.)

The sudden death of a par ish counci lman reveals bi t ter

socia l div is ions in an idy l l ic English town; a novel for adul ts

by the creator of Harr y Pot ter.

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 127

Best Books (Non-Fiction)Kill ingKennedyBy Bil l O’Reil ly and Mar t in Dugard. (Henr y Hol t & Company.) The host of “The O’Reil ly Factor” recounts the events surrounding the assassinat ion of John F. Kennedy.

proofofHeavenBy Eben Alexander. (Simon & Schuster.) A neurosurgeon recounts his near death exper ience dur ing a coma f rom bacter ia l meningi t is.

noeasyDayBy Mark Owen with Kevin Maurer. (Penguin Group.) An account of the mission that k i l led Osama bin Laden, by a former member of the Navy SEALs.

Kill inglincolnBy Bil l O’Reil ly and Mar t in Dugard. (Henr y Hol t & Company.) The host of “The O’Reil ly Factor” recounts the assassinat ion of Abraham Lincoln.

agiftofHopeBy Daniel le Steel. (Random House Publishing.) In this memoir, the novel is t descr ibes how she t ransformed the pain of the loss of her son into an enr iching campaign of ser v ice.

BruceBy Peter A. Car l in. (Simon & Schuster.) A biography of Bruce Spr ingsteen looks at his family, his music and his dr ive for fame and inf luence.

HeavenisForrealBy Todd Burpo wi th Lynn Vincent.

( Thomas Nelson.) A father recounts his 3-year-old son’s encounter wi th Jesus and the angels dur ing an appendectomy.

lostatSeaBy Jon Ronson. (Penguin Group.) An invest igat ion of the st range things human beings are wil l ing to bel ieve in.

rodBy Rod Stewar t. (Crown Publishing.) The pop singer reminisces on his long career.

thegeneralsBy Thomas E. Ricks. (Penguin Group.) A histor y of Amer ican mil i tar y command f rom Wor ld War I I to the present.

UnbrokenBy Laura Hil lenbrand. (Random House Publishing.) An Olympic runner ’s stor y of sur v iva l as a pr isoner of the Japanese in Wor ld War I I.


ofDisguiseBy Antonio J. Mendez wi th Malcolm McConnell. (HarperColl ins Publishers.) Recollect ions, f irs t published in 1999, by the C.I.A. of f icer who helped six

Amer icans escape f rom Tehran in 1980; he is played by Ben Af f leck in the movie “Argo.”

theSignalandthenoiseBy Nate Si lver. (Penguin Group.) An examinat ion of predict ions, the ones that come t rue and the ones that don’t.

WildBy Cher y l St rayed. (Knopf Doubleday Publishing.) A woman’s account of a l i fe-changing 1,100-mile hike a long the Paci f ic Crest Tra i l.

theimmortallifeofHenriettalacksBy Rebecca Skloot. (Crown Publishing.) The stor y of a woman whose cancer cel ls were cul tured wi thout her permission in 1951.

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Entertainment Guide

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2013 HoroscopesCapricorn(Dec 22 - Jan 20)

Life will sail smoothly for you. According to Capr icorn 2013 horoscope, the year w i l l g ive you more oppor tunit ies to widen your scopes and diversif y. You’ll aspire to seek spir i tual heights. Peaceful personal l i fe wil l help you excel in your professional life as well. It is the t ime to consider inves tment more ser ious ly. In

this year, you are l ikely to proceed faster than before and hence, you wouldn’t get t ime to sui t yoursel f wi th the t ransi t

aquarius(Jan 21 - Feb 19)

Af ter a s lack 2012, i t is t ime to gear up to take on the wor ld. Bu t, too much of ac t ion may a l so make you impu l s i ve a t t imes as wel l. You’l l f ind new direct ives in your professional life. 2013 is the t ime when you’d need to focus on your long-term ca ree r ob jec t i ve. You’ l l f i nd sat isfact ion in your professional

l i fe. However, the money mat ters can be li t t le unstable and you’d need to careful ly plan your budget

pisces(Feb 20 - Mar 20)

Your many moods wi l l keep you busy. You can expec t a success fu l and fu l f i l l ing yea r in 2013. However, you’l l have bet ter control over your situation and won’t get driven by impulses. You may f ind i t a di f f icul t task to balance between your income and spending. Though income will remain steady, there can be

unexpected expenses to dent your saving. You may also come across decis ion making si tuat ions in your personal l i fe. Tr y to be more suppor t ive to the needs of your loved ones.

 aries(March 21 - April 20)

Ar ies wil l enjoy a product ive year as Uranus and Jupi ter are go ing to p laces t hemse l ves favorably aga inst your zodiac s ign. You’l l be endowed w i th more insight which will help you choose the r ight course of l i fe. You wil l regain your foothold in your career as well as personal l i fe. You’l l enjoy a good heal th

and your v i ta l i t y wil l remain high. Consider 2013 as the t ime to reorganize your l i fe and reset your pr ior i t ies. 

taurus(April 21 - May21)

Sof t nes s w i l l ove r l ap w i t h vigor. You will f ind a new energy in creating new things and being innovat ive. Taurians in 2013 will con t i nue en joy ing f avo rab le inf luence of the planets. You’l l come across s i tuat ions which w i l l cha l l enge you r p re sen t st rengths and help you acquire new ones. You’l l have to take a

new approach towards your l i fe and career. Venus wil l cont inue to have a posi t ive ef fect upon you which wil l push you fur ther to harmonize your relat ions. Heal th wil l remain good but you may face lack of energy dur ing the f irs t hal f of the year.

gemini(May 22 - Jun 21)

2013 is going to fetch you the resul t of your ef for ts f rom the prev ious year. I t ’s the t ime to enjoy the f rui t s of your ef for ts. Your mind wil l be cleared and you’l l get a bet ter v iew of l i fe. You’re l ikely to succeed in your new ef for ts, too. However, you may need to exe rc i se some spont ane i t y in your persona l

l i fe. Your love l i fe wil l remain intense. 

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 129

Cancer(Jun 22 - Jul 23)

2013 is going to have impacts on all the aspects of your life. The l i fe wil l s tar t to give you tangible resul t s. As the year proceeds, new oppor tuni t y wil l come your way which wil l fur ther push you to achieve greater heights. You will come across new people and network ing is going to open new scopes for you. Pluto is going to

have a ser ious impact on your l i fe this year.  

leo(Jul 24 - Aug 23)

The year may demand you to t ake a more r a t iona l app roach towa rds l i f e. You w i l l con t i nue t o en joy a h igh l y ac t i ve soc i a l l i f e. T he e f f e c t o f S a t u r n w i l l m a ke y o u f a c e t h e r e a l i t i e s o f l i f e. Bu t i r r e spec t i ve o f i t s downs i de s , l i f e w i l l c on t i n ue t h r o w i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s o f d e l i g h t t o y o u . L e o s w i l l

c on t i nue t o en j oy robus t he a l t h t h roughou t t he ye a r. You r l i f e w i l l go t h rough many pha se s wh i ch w i l l demand be t t e r unde r s t a nd i ng o f ma t t e r s f rom you.

virgo(Aug 24 - Sep 23)

V i r g o s m u s t p r e p a r e t hemse l ves to lead a f a s t l i fe i n 2013. You wou ld need t o loose your cau t ious approach t owa rd s l i f e a nd s t a r t l i v i n g more f ree ly. Your ef for t s w i l l be recogn i zed in you r wor kp lace a nd r ewa rded. Me rc u r y a nd Ma r s wou ld con t i nue to have t h e i r e f f e c t s on you. Spend

some t ime in sou l sea rch ing and le t go of your ego.

libra(Sep 24 - Oct 23)

O r g a n i z e y o u r t h o u g h t s a n d p r i o r i t i z e m a t t e r s t h a t w i l l d e m a n d y o u r a t t e n t i o n mo re t h an o t he r s . T h i s i s t he t ime to a f f i rm you r va lue s and s t i c k t o t hem. 2013 i s go i ng t o b e t h e t i m e t o e v a l u a t e y o u r p r o f e s s i o n a l l i f e a n d i f n e c e s s a r y, f i n e t u n e i t . Yo u may cons ide r a c a ree r change

a s we l l . You ’ l l r ad i a t e ene rg y a nd en t hu s i a sm and s t a y a t t he p i nnac l e o f you r f i t n e s s

Scorpio(Oct 24 - Nov 22)

The p lane t a r y pos i t i ons w i l l f o r c e y o u t o w i t h d r a w i n t o sec lus ion even when you r l i fe i s teeming w i t h ac t i v i t i e s. You wi l l f ind yourse l f busy in dea l ing w i t h i s sues in your soc ia l, love a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l l i f e . D e a l ca re fu l l y w i t h sens i t i ve i s sues. Don’ t s t i r t he pot too ha rd. In your per sona l l i fe, you w i l l be

more respons ive and recept ive. Mercur y w i l l he lp you dea l w i th mat te r s more sens ib l y.

Sagittarius(Nov 23 - Dec 21)

You won’ t be ab le to escape ac t i v i t ies even i f you want. The p l a n e t a r y p o s i t i o n s s u g g e s t t h a t you wou l d c ome ac ro s s m a n y o p p o r t u n i t i e s i n l i f e w h i c h w i l l k e e p y o u b u s y even when you want to remove you r s e l f f r om a l l t he se. You ’ l l c on t i nue to en joy gu idance o f S a t u r n i n you r l o ve l i f e wh i c h

w i l l he l p you ach i e ve g re a t e r he i gh t a nd succe s s 

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Entertainment Guide

1 3 0 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Met-Living Brain Teasers1. Ralph goes to the hardware store to buy something for his house. He asks the clerk how much one will cost and the clerk looks it up and tells him it will be $3. He asks about buying twelve and is told it will be $6. Two hundred will cost $9. What is Ralph buying?

2. By moving one of the following digits, make the equation correct. 62 - 63 = 1

3. You have a fox, a chicken and a sack of grain. You must cross a river with only one of them at a time. If you leave the fox with the chicken he will eat it; if you leave the chicken with the grain he will eat it. How can you get all three across safely?

4. You have 12 black socks and 12 white socks mixed up in a drawer. You’re up very early and it’s too dark to tell them apart. What’s the smallest number of socks you need to take out (blindly) to be sure of hav-ing a matching pair?

5. What is special about the following sequence of numbers? 8 5 4 9 1 7 6 10 3 2 0

6. Three travelers register at a hotel and are told that their rooms will cost $10 each so they pay $30. Later the clerk realizes that he made a mistake and should have only charged them $25. He gives a bellboy $5 to

return to them but the bellboy is dishonest and gives them each only $1, keeping $2 for himself. So the men actually spent $27 and the bellboy kept $2. What happened to the other dollar of the original $30?

7. You are the bus driver. At your first stop, you pick up 29 people. On your second stop, 18 of those 29 people get off, and at the same time 10 new passengers arrive. At your next stop, 3 of those 10 passen-gers get off, and 13 new passengers come on. On your fourth stop 4 of the remaining 10 passengers get off, 6 of those new 13 passengers get off as well, then 17 new passengers get on. What is the color of the bus driver’s eyes?

8. A rooster lays an egg at the very top of a slanted roof. Which side is the egg going to roll off on?

9. Why is it very common to have a 9 min-ute snooze interval on alarm clocks, why not 10 instead?

10. An Arab sheikh tells his two sons to race their camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel is slower will win. The brothers, after wandering aimlessly for days, ask a wise man for advise. After hearing the advice they jump on the camels and race as fast

as they can to the city. What does the wise man say?

11. An 18-wheeler is crossing a 4 kilome-ter bridge that can only support 10,000 kilograms and that’s exactly how much the rig weighs. Halfway across the bridge a 30 gram sparrow lands on the cab, but the bridge doesn’t collapse. Why not?

12. A completely black dog was strolling down Main street during a total blackout affecting the entire town. Not a single streetlight had been on for hours. As the dog crosses the center of the road a Buick Skylark with 2 broken headlights speeds towards it, but manages to swerve out of the way just in time. How could the driver see the dog to swerve in time?

13. In a small cabin in the woods, two men lay dead. The cabin itself is not burned, but the forest all around is burned to cinders. How did the men die?

14. Beulah died in the Appalachians while Craig died at sea. Everyone was much hap-pier with Craig’s death. Why?

15. I am the owner of a pet store. If I put in one canary per cage, I have one bird too many. If I put in two canaries per cage, I have one cage too many. How many cages and canaries do I have?

anSWerS:1. Door numbers at $3 each.

2. 26 - 63 = 1

(26 = 2x2x2x2x2x2 = 64, 64 - 63 = 1)

3. Take the chicken over first. Go back and bring the grain next, but instead of leaving the chicken with the grain, come back with the chicken. Leave the chicken on the first side and take the fox with you. Leave it on the other side with the grain. Finally, go back and get the chicken and bring it over.

4. 3 socks. If the first sock is black, the second one could be black, in which case you have a matching pair. If the second sock is white, the third sock will be either black and match the first sock, or white and match the second sock.

5. The numbers are in alphabetical order.

(eight, five, four, nine, one, seven, six, ten, three, two, zero)

6. There is no missing dollar from the original $30 because after getting $1 back, the three travelers had paid a total of $27 for their room ($9 each), not $30. Out of that $27, the hotel has $25 and the clerk kept the remaining $2. The misleading part is adding the bellboy’s $2 to the $27, when in fact it should be subtracted.

7. The eye color of the reader of this prob-lem. The first sentence is the key: “You are the bus driver”

8. Neither, roosters don’t lay eggs.

9. By setting the snooze time to 9 minutes, the alarm clock only needs to watch the last digit of the time. So, if you hit snooze at 6.45, the alarm goes off again when the last digit equals 4. They

couldn’t make it 10 minutes, otherwise the alarm would go off right away, or it would take more circuitry.

10. The wiseman tells them to switch camels.

11. Since the bridge is 4 kilometers long, the halfway point would be 2 kilometers. The 18-wheeler would have used much more than 30g of fuel to drive 2 kilometers.

12. It was during the day

13. It’s the cabin of a plane that crashed.

14. Beulah and Craig were hurricanes.

15. Four canaries and three cages. If you put one canary in each cage, you have an extra bird without a cage. However, if you put two canaries in each cage then you have two canaries in the first cage, two canaries in the second cage and an extra cage.

Page 131: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island




new Orleans, LA, Feb. 3, 2013




NFL — The Superbowl

lookingBackXLVI Feb. 5, 2012Giants 21–Patr iots 17XLV Feb. 6, 2011Packers 31–Steelers 25XLIV Feb. 7, 2010 Saints 31–Colts 17XLIII Feb. 1, 2009 Pi t t sburgh 27–Ar izona 23XLII Feb. 3, 2008N.Y. Giants 17–New England 14XLI Feb. 4, 2007 Indianapolis 29–Chicago 17XL Feb. 5, 2006 Pi t t sburgh 21–Seat t le 10XXXIX Feb. 6, 2005 New England 24 –Philadelphia 21XXXVIII Feb. 1, 2004 New England 32–Carol ina 29XXXVII Jan. 26, 2003 Tampa Bay 48–Oakland 21XXXVI Feb. 3, 2002

New England 20–St. Louis 17XXXV Jan. 28, 2001 Bal t imore 34–N.Y. Giants 7XXXIV Jan. 30, 2000 St. Louis 23–Tennessee 16XXXIII Jan. 31, 1999 Denver 34–At lanta 19XXXII Jan. 25, 1998 Denver 31–Green Bay 24XXXI Jan. 26, 1997 Green Bay 35–New England 21XXX Jan. 28, 1996 Dallas 27–Pit tsburgh 17XXIX Jan. 29, 1995 San Francisco 49 –San Diego 26XXVIII Jan. 30, 1994 Dallas 30–Buf fa lo 13XXVII Jan. 31, 1993 Dallas 52–Buf fa lo 17XXVI Jan. 26, 1992 Washington 37–Buf fa lo 24XXV Jan. 27, 1991 N.Y. Giants 20 –Buf fa lo 19

XXIV Jan. 28, 1990 San Francisco 55–Denver 10XXIII Jan. 22, 1989 San Francisco 20–Cincinnati 16XXII Jan. 31, 1988 Washington 42–Denver 10XXI Jan. 25, 1987 N.Y. Giants 39–Denver 20XX Jan. 26, 1986 Chicago 46–New England 10XIX Jan. 20, 1985 San Francisco 38–Miami 16XVIII Jan. 22, 1984 L.A. Raiders 38–Washington 9XVII Jan. 30, 1983 Washington 27–Miami 17XVI Jan. 24, 1982 San Francisco 26–Cincinnati 21XV Jan. 25, 1981 Oakland 27–Philadelphia 10XIV Jan. 20, 1980 Pi t t sburgh 31–L.A. Rams 19XIII Jan. 21, 1979 Pi t t sburgh 35–Dallas 31

XII Jan. 15, 1978 Dallas 27–Denver 10XI Jan. 9, 1977 Oakland 32–Minnesota 14X Jan. 18, 1976 Pi t t sburgh 21–Dallas 17IX Jan. 12, 1975 Pi t t sburgh 16–Minnesota 6VIII Jan. 13, 1974 Miami 24–Minnesota 7VII Jan. 14, 1973 Miami 14–Washington 7VI Jan. 16, 1972 Dallas 24–Miami 3V Jan. 17, 1971 Bal t imore 16–Dallas 13IV Jan. 11, 1970 Kansas Ci t y 23–Minnesota 7I I I Jan. 12, 1969 N.Y. Jets 16–Balt imore 7I I Jan. 14, 1968 Green Bay 33–Oakland 14I Jan. 15, 1967 Green Bay 35–Kansas City 10

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 131

Page 132: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Entertainment Guide

1 3 2 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Neil Armstrong Born: 1930 Astronaut, Explorer, Pilot

Maeve Binchy Born: 1940 Journalist, Author

Griselda Blanco Born: 1943 Drug Dealer, Murderer, Organized Cr ime Boss

Ernest Borgnine Born: 1917 Film/Theater Actor, Television Actor

Ray Bradbury Born: 1920 Author, Poet

Don Brinkley Born: 1921 Television Producer, Screenwriter

Chuck Brown Born: 1936 Guitar ist, Singer

Elizabeth Catlett Born: 1915 Sculptor

Dick Clark Born: 1929 Television Personali t y

Don Cornelius Born: 1936 Television Personali t y/Producer

Richard Dawson Born: 1932 Film/Television Actor, Comedian, Game Show Host

Phyllis Diller Born: 1917 Film Actress, Comedian, Pianist

Michael Clarke Duncan Born: 1957 Film Actor

Nora Ephron Born: 1941 Director, Journalist, Screenwriter

Robin Gibb Born: 1949 Songwriter, Singer

Andy Griffith Born: 1926 Actor, Talk Show Host

Helen Gurley Brown Born: 1922 Publisher

Larry Hagman Born: 1931Film/Television Actor

Marvin Hamlisch Born: 1944 Songwriter

Levon Helm Born: 1940 Drummer, Singer

Sherman Hemsley Born: 1938 Television Actor

Henry Hill Born: 1943 Organized Cr ime Boss

Celeste Holm Born: 1917Actress

Entertainers and Legends we Lost in 2012neverforgetthejoytheyhavebroughttoourlives

Davy Jones

Nora Ephron

Dick Clark

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 133

Entertainers and Legends we Lost in 2012neverforgetthejoytheyhavebroughttoourlives

Whitney Houston Born: 1963 Film Actress, Singer

Etta James Born: 1938 Singer

Davy Jones Born: 1945 Television Actor, Singer

Mary Kennedy Born: 1960 Architect

Rodney King Born: 1965 Civil Rights Act iv ist

Jon Lord Born: 1941 Musician

George McGovern Born: 1922 U.S. Representat ive

Russell Means Born: 1939 Act iv ist, Film Actor

Sun Myung Moon Born: 1920 Business Leader, Religious Leader

Joe Paterno Born: 1926 Coach, Football Player

Sally Ride Born: 1951 Educator, Astronaut, Physicist

Vidal Sassoon Born: 1928 Entrepreneur

Tony Scott Born: 1944 Director

Earl Scruggs Born: 1924 Musician

Maurice Sendak Born: 1928 Il lustrator, Author

Arlen Specte r Born: 1930 Lawyer, U.S. Representat ive

Donna Summer Born: 1948 Songwriter, Singer

Gore Vidal Born: 1925 Crit ic, Author, Playwright

Mike Wallace Born: 1918 Radio Personali t y, News Anchor, Journalist

Doc Watson Born: 1923 Guitar ist, Singer

Kitty Wells Born: 1919 Songwriter, Singer

Andy Williams Born: 1927 Singer, Television Personali t y

Adam Yauch Born: 1964 Rapper

Henry Hill

Donna Summer

Neil Armstrong

Page 134: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Entertainment Guide

1 3 4 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Met Living’s New Daytime StarsSTEVE HARVEY Actor, Producer, Comedian, WriterBorn: Broderick Stephen HarveyJanuary 17, 1957

earlyl ife

Harvey was born in Welch, West Vir-ginia, the son of Eloise and Jesse Harvey, a coa l miner. H is fami ly moved to Cleveland, Ohio where

he graduated from Glenvil le High School in 1974. He attended Kent State University and West Virginia Universi ty and is a member of Omega Psi Phi fraternity. He has been a boxer, an insurance salesman, and a mailman.

theShowSteve Har vey ’s new t a lk show is a h i t ,

landing in second behind jus t Kat ie Cour ic a s t he mos t wa tched new t a l k show in t he count r y.

H a r v e y ’ s d e b u t i s c ons i de red t he s t ronge s t debu t fo r a new t a lk show s i n c e D r. O z s t a r t e d i n 2009.

The good news doesn’ t end t he re fo r Ha r vey: h i s p re s enc e a s t h e ho s t o f “Fami l y Feud” has resu l ted in a 50 percent inc rease in the rat ings of that venerable te lev i s ion ins t i t u t ion s ince Ha r vey took ove r a s hos t la s t yea r.

Combined w i t h Ha r vey ’s nat ional ly syndicated radio show that goes ou t to 7 mi l l i on l i s t ene r s eve r yday and h is t wo no. 1 New York T imes bes t se l l ing book s, “Ac t L i ke a Lady, T h ink L i ke a Man” — which was t u rned in to t he top-grossing black f i lm of the year, “Think Like a Man” — and “St ra ight Ta lk, No Chaser,”

a s t rong case can be made that Har vey is t ru ly the k ing of a l l media.

Ha r vey con fe s sed t ha t , t hough he was a t a lk show nov ice, he was going to put h is fa te in God’s hands.

“ I ’ ve neve r done a t a l k show.” he said “I don’t know how i t ’s go ing to go, bu t I a l so know t ha t God d idn’ t b r ing me t h i s f a r to leave me, so He causes th ings to happen.”

Har vey i s conf ident t ha t h e i s o f f e r i n g s ome t h i ng d i f f e r e n t t o day t ime te lev is ion wh ich i s mis s ing f rom day t ime te lev is ion,” he to ld CNN.

L ike t ha t w ise bu t f unny unc le we a l l h ave, Ha r vey i s g i ve s s age ad v i c e a t graduat ion, and a hea l thy bu t gent le dose of t r u t h-t a lk ing a t Thanksg iv ing.”

KATIE COURIC Journalist, AuthorBorn: Katherine Anne “Katie” Couric January 7, 1957

earlyl ife

Couric was born in Arlington, Virginia, the daughter of E l inor Tul l ie (née Hene), a homemaker and part-t ime writer, and John Martin Couric Jr.,

a publ ic relat ions executive and news editor at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the United Press in Washington, D.C. Couric’s maternal grand-parents, Bert Hene and Clara L. Froshin, were the children of Jewish immigrants f rom Germany.

As a high school student, s h e w a s a n i n t e r n a t Wash ing ton, D.C. a l l-news

rad io s t a t ion WAVA. She enro l led at t he University of Virginia, in 1975 and was a Delta Del ta Del ta soror i t y s ister. Cour ic ser ved in severa l pos i t ions at UVA’s award-winning dai ly newspaper, The Caval ier Dai ly.

theShowCour ic has been known as “Amer ica’s

Sweethear t” largely due to her co-anchor role for 15 years on The Today Show.

Now, a f te r ove r a yea r o f bui ldup, Kat ie Cour ic’s day t ime t a l k s h ow, “K a t i e ,” f i n a l l y l aunched, a f t e r a ve r y l ong gestat ion process. Ever s ince Cour ic announced in May of 2011 that she would leave CBS News and en te r t he day t ime wor ld, there has been rampant specu l a t i on abou t wha t t he show would look l ike and, more impor tant ly, how many people

would watch i t.The premiere episode of “Kat ie” star ted

wi th a bi t of a surpr ise. Cour ic was f i lmed ly ing in bed, thoughts of her career s ince leav ing “Today” swir l ing in her head. She “woke up,” wonder ing i f i t had a l l been a dream, only to find Matt Lauer lying in the bed nex t to hers and tel l ing her i t was def ini tely real l i fe.

From there, “Kat ie” became a ta lk show, wi th i t s eye t ra ined f irmly on celebr i t y. She spoke to Jessica Simpson about her weight loss, and to Sher y l Crow about her bra in tumor and her thoughts on the t r ia ls of ex Lance Armstrong. Upcoming guests include Jenn i fe r Lopez, He id i K lum and Ba rbra St reisand.

Cou r i c j okes, “They s ay you a lways remember your f i rs t t ime, I th ink I ’l l s t ick around.” She is enter ing one of the most crowded day t ime markets in memory. The compet i t ion wil l be f ierce.

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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 135

Fashion Trivia1. Who is credi ted wi th popular iz ing the mini sk ir t?2. Who invented the C20th bik ini?3. What non surgical products does western societ y use for women to enlarge the l ips and l ighten wr ink les?4. In which UK town would you f ind women with the smallest feet found today in the UK?5. Which C20th film icon deliberately had the st i let to heels of her shoes adjusted so that she could sway her hips easi ly?6. A t wh ich f a sh ion show was Naomi Campbel l model l ing when she sl ipped on her plat form soles?7. What 1980s TV soap opera wi th a high fashion element had a global audience of over 250 mil l ion?8. Who was the 1980s and 1990s fashion icon known as the Clothes Horse Ambassadress of Fashion?9. What is a toi le?10. W h a t w a s 19 8 0 ’s N e w Romant ic ism?11. Which shoe mos t l y worn by peop le such as ambu lance and po l ice workers became a 1970s fashion shoe?12. What was grunge?13. What is a Novak?14.Who designed the coned bra, which Madonna wore on her 80s tour?15.Which Amer ican designer invented the idea of a capsule wardrobe in the 1990s?16. What was the name of a w ide sof t shawl that became popular around 1997?17. Who sa id, “You’ve never had i t so good?”18. What winter fabr ic has been in fashion for w in ter and spr ing jacket s in recent years?19. What age are ant ique garments?20. What age are v intage garments?21. How long has the Miss Wor ld beaut y Compet i t ion been running?

22. Who was the most famous Amer ican female fashion icon of the 1960s?23. What is the name of the most famous 1950s Hermes handbag?24. Who did Tom Ford design fashion for unt i l recent ly?

25. What does prêt à por ter mean?26. Which is the most potent f ragrance st rength a) Eau de cologne b) Eau de par fum c) Eau f ra iche? d) Eau de pongissima27. Which designer has a famous musician songwr i ter s inger pop star as a father?28. What were Yuppies in the 1980s? 29. Which per fume adver t isement cost over £5 mil l ion to make in 2004?30. Which famous f i lm star wrote a book about her passion for jewelr y?31. Which I t a l ian fash ion des igner was shot dead in the 1990s?

32. What is the f ibre source of cashmere f ibre?33. What is the f ibre source of moha ir f ibre?34. What is the f ibre source of angora f ibre?

35. Which fashion house has always designed glor ious exot ic colour fu l pr ints s ince the 1960s?36. Which year was the f i rs t face l i f t done? 37. Which designer brought messages on T-shir ts into mainst ream fashion when she protested against nuclear missi les in the 1980s?38. Name three items that teddy boys would have worn?39. Which fabr ic is f lax f ibre made into?40. Which fashion des igner won’t use animal products such as leather in fashion clothes or accessor ies?41. Whose famous ha i r s t y le of a 1990s TV comedy ser ies spawned a mil l ion look a l ike copies.42. What was the name of the much copied hairstyle from the series ‘The Avengers’ in the late 1970s?43. Complete the phrase ‘Posh and -----

44. To which top supermodel was Richard Gere once marr ied?45. What wor ld famous fashion magazine did Conde Nast purchase in 1909?46. Name two exot ic dances that took of f global ly in the 1990s and encouraged women to wear pret t ier dresses?47. Which 1990s designer made dresses that hugged the body like a bandage wrap?48. Who is famous for her wrap dresses?49. What does Philip Treacy mainly design?50. What accessories are Manolo Blahnik, Chr ist ian Loubout in and Jimmy Choo al l associated wi th?

Answers on page 137

#44. Richard Gere was once married to which super- model?

Page 136: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

Entertainment Guide

1 3 6 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

VALENTINES DAY Word PuzzleValentine's DayFind the words in the list hidden in the puzzle grid below.





















Answers on page 150







































TeDDY beAr






Page 137: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 137

Trivia Answers

Sportstr iv iaanswers

1.The 100m dash because he tes ted pos i t i ve fo r drugs.2. Spa in, t hey were caught en te r ing non-hand icapped a th le tes in to t he games.3. Michae l Jordan, he has been on t he cover 47 t imes.4. De ion Sanders5. Greece and Aus t ra l i a6. 1.6oz7. 148. Baseba l l9. Ca l Hubbard

10. Orange11. The hammer t h row12. Basketba l l, i t i s awarded to t he mos t va luab le p layer13. 3214. 10815. Jean Genv ieve Graner in in 1799, she jumped f rom a hot a i r ba l loon.16. Soccer ( footba l l ).17. F ish ing.18. 190119. Honey20. R ickey Henderson21. Wi l t Chamber la in22. Madge Syers-Cave, t here was

no women’s event s and no ru le in t he men’s say ing a woman cou ld not compete.23. Wayne Gret zk y, he scored 894.24. Basketba l l. When t he game was f i r s t p layed t here were on l y 13 ru les.25. 15 feet o r 4.6m.26. Sa i l ing.27. The 2008 O lympics were in Be i j ing Ch ina.28. Box ing, he was a heav y we ight.29. S teve Cau then and he was t he younges t jockey ever to w in t he t r ip le c rown.30. Michae l Phe lps in sw imming.


1. Mary Quant.2.The modern version was patented by Louis Reard in 1946. 3. Col lagen in jec t ions for l ips, botox for f rown l ines and wr ink les.4. Pont ypr idd in South Wales, UK5. Mar i lyn Monroe 6. V iv ienne Westwood’s fashion show.7. Dynast y 8. Diana Pr incess of Wales. 9. A muslin mock up of a dress. 10. A f l amboyan t , co lou r f u l d r ama t i c look that used f r i l l s and lusc ious fabr ics associated wi th histor ical per iods. Popular in London nightclubs in the ear ly 1980s. 11. Doc Mar tens. 12. A fashion star ted in Seat t le in the ear ly 1990s. Made popular by the band Nir vana.13. A Novak is a cult designer limited edit ion bag des igned by A lexander McQueen in 2005.14. John Paul Gaul t ier.15. Donna Karan

16. Pashminas. 17. Mr. Harold Macmil lan18. Lightweight tweeds.19. 0ver 100 years old 20. Any thing f rom 1920 onward to 1960. 21. Since 1951.22. Jacque l ine Kennedy la te r known as Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.23. Kel ly bag.24. House of Gucci.25. Ready to wear.26. b) Eau de par fum.27. Stel la McCar tney.28. Yuppies - Young Urban Professionals. Yupp i e w a s a n a c ro n y m f o r ‘ Young Upwa rd l y Mob i l e P ro fe s s iona l Pe r son’. Their conspicuous wastage was par t of the at t i tude.29. The Chanel No.5 adver t w i th Nico le K idman.30. El izabeth Taylor.31. Gianni Versace.32. The Kashmir goat .33. The angora goat produces f ibre which become mohair.

34. The angora rabbi t produced hair which is made into angora or bunny wool.35. Pucci.36. The f irs t face l i f t was done by Eugene Hollander of Ber l in in 1901. 37. Kathar ine Hamnet t.38. I n Eng l a nd Teddy Boy s o r Neo-Edwardians spor ted long low th igh or to knee jackets with narrow contrast ing lapels wi th matching cont rast dra inpipe t rousers and crepe soled shoes which helped wi th the dance movements of j iv ing.39. Linen.40. Stel la McCar tney.41. Jenni fer Aniston42. The Purdey43. Becks44. Cindy Craw ford45. Vogue.46. The Salsa and Lambada.47. Azzedine Ala ïa.48. Diane Von Furstenberg.49. Phi l ip Treacy mainly designs hats and accessor ies.50. Gorgeous shoes!

Page 138: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

1 3 8 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Johns Deli: Great Taste From Bklyn. and now on Staten Island

Ireland has i t ’s pubs. France has i t ’s cafes. Spain has it’s Tapas bars. Benson-hurst has it’s John’s Deli. Huh? Yes, the borough of Kings is home to the reign-

ing heavyweight champion in the highly competit ive delicatessen business. This perennial eatery is the champ, and it looks l ike retirement is not around the corner.

To say John’s Del i is a genealogica l m i rac le a f f a i r i s an under s t a tement . The family run local landmark has been churning out mouth water ing food since 1968. With an emphasis on “no nonsense” t a s t e , j u s t c u l i n a r y per fect ion, this St i l lwel l Avenue s t a lwa r t never misses. I f unbel ievably au t hen t i c I t a l i a n food i s w ha t you c r a’ t wa lk to th is maceller ia.

A f t e r be i ng i n t h e communit y for 45 years, the owners, the Cicero f am i l y, a re ove r j oyed b y t h e i r c o n n e c t i o n to t he ne ighbo r hood. “I t ’s so nice to be here and to see eve r yone come in and out,” sa id s o n Robe r t , “ To b e p a r t o f B e n s onhu r s t is a badge I wear w i th p r i de. We l l , Robe r t , there is something else you should be boast ing a bou t . You r c u i s i n e ! W h e n w a l k i n g i n t o t h i s sh r ine to gas t ronomic goodness ones eyes s t ra in w i th p leasure as you gaze over the plethora of hot and cold possibilit ies. Salami, Prosciut to, Capicola, Bresaola, Mor tadel la and the l is t keeps on going. Aged cheeses that def ine the word “savor y”. Oh! Let ’s not forget the authent ic hot stuf f. Listen to these tast y

t reats. John’s wor ld renowned Eggplant Parmigiano has been satisfying bellies and making locals swoon for years. But I think you should a lso take a bi te out of this s ignature staple: Hot roast beef, topped wi th f resh mozzare l la, grat i f y ing gravy and onions over a veritable operat ic hero. Both of fer ings are absolutely audacious.

Loyal customers always stop by John’s Del i, and let Cicero know what a great place i t is.

“The sandwiches are great I have been coming here for over for ty years,” Said Phil

f rom 18th Ave “there’s nothing bet ter”. Debra f rom Pi tk in Ave. had to bestow a l i t t le enthusiast ic grat i tude as well. “I go in at around six in the morning when they open and I grab my cof fee. It ’s so nice to come into an old school family business before work...I t a lways gives me a boost right before I have to face the nightmare of

the subway.” When told of this Bob Cicero was very moved. “That ’s what we are, an authent ic I ta l ian place r ight here in the hear t of Bensonhurst. I have ever ybody f rom the police to f iremen to the people at Ver izon coming by. I could of sworn I saw Ralph Kramden the other day. And my father John (or iginal owner) comes by everyday and helps out everyday too. We wouldn’t have i t any other way.”

Luck i l y I was w i th in earshot when I heard what they were cooking up nex t. Sici l ian r ice bal ls wi th meat and sauce...

sounds awesome? I thought so too. I’m going to hurr y this up so I can race down and try some gourmandizing grub because I can’t wai t to s ink my teeth into some down home I t a l ian food. As Ph i l sa id ear l ier...Food l ike this...“there’s nothing bet ter”. Thank you Cicero family f rom al l of us to a l l of you.

Rob and John of John’s Deli in Brooklyn

Page 139: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island


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M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 139

Page 140: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

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Page 141: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 141

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Page 142: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

1 4 2 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

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1 4 2 M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g w w w. m e t l i v i n g m a g a z i n e . c o m

Page 143: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

M e t r o p o l i ta n l i v i n g 143

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Page 145: Issue 23 Brooklyn/Staten Island

The Original Nacmias BrothersNOW KNOWN AS


Nacmias & Sons Sunoco Service2489 Coney Island Ave.

(Corner of Ave. V)


* Official NYS inspection & emmissions* Complete diagnostics* Foreign, domestic and exotic vehicles * Classic and special interest autos* Hot rod shop* 24-hour Sunoco fuel — Full-service fuel at self-service price* Used car sales and leasing* Collision repair and insurance work * Electrical repairs* Honor all extended warranties and service contracts

Call Jack: 718-336-9020

Jack Nacmias, an honest

car mechanic who keeps Brooklyn on the road from

his SUNOCO station on

Coney Island Ave. & Ave. V.

—Dennis Hamill, Daily News

We buy

cars for


24-hour towing

Nacmias_full.indd 1 12/8/12 9:16 PM

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(718) 376-9570

Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protect-ing and enhancing your family life. It is likely that there is a local council near you. Appli-cants must apply to their local council located at a parish, college campus or in the community. If you are interested in joining our council, please contact our Membership Chairman, Jon O’Brien at 347-600-9610

• Bir thdays• Engagements• Chr istenings• Anniversar ies • Graduat ions• Meet ings

Perfect for Zumba, Dance Studio, Martial Arts, etc...

For rental info., please call Aldo E. Alleva Jr. 1-646-657-3272.

Rental Informat ionWe offer a full style banquet hall with capacity upto 200 people. Rent

our facility for any occasion or meeting. Also available for repeat rentals specializing in any affair, meeting, or customize for any event.

knighs of columbus.indd 1 12/6/12 9:55 AM

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721 Ave U, Bklyn., NY 11223


P ro f e s s i o n a l S u n l e s s S p r a y Ta n n i n g

Body Tan quart.indd 1 11/19/12 7:10 AM

We MakeYour Clothes Fit.


Call today to schedule your free, in-home design consultation with our Closet Couturier.

Parquet & Hardwood Floors Sanded, Stained & Refinished

Floors Repaired New Floors Installed

Quality10 % off labor cost

with mention of this ad

4822 Avenue N, Brooklyn, NY 11234Call David: c. (917) 559-1451 p. (718) 252-9128

Tully Spagnoli& Son

Spagnoli_half_ad 1 6/12/12 11:04 PM

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5 0 6 G R A V E S E N D N E C K R D . ,

B K L Y N . , N E W Y O R K 1 1 2 2 3A

W W W . A M S T E R D A M I N T E R I O R S . C O M

7 1 8 9 4 6 9 3 0 0

Amsterdam Biz Card.indd 1 7/16/12 4:25 AM


8846 16th Ave. , Brooklyn, NY 11214 • 866-399-8827 • 718-238-8460

Don’t replace it – Refinish it and save

A great solutionfor independence in the bath

• Over 20,000 Satisfied Customers• Commercial and Residential • Fully Insured and Bonded• Family Owned and Operated Business

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Available at

Tel: 718.317.850031 North Bridge Street

Staten Island, NY 10309For more information vist our website at

Comming Soon Ceramic tile by:

L&T Modern Kitchen Inc.

201 60th street, Brooklyn, NY


181 53rd street, Brooklyn, NY


landt_kitchens_card 1 2/22/12 11:03 AMDun-Rite RenovationsWhere the job is always DUNRITE!

718-836-RITE (7483)9054 Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn, NY

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C.R.C. Plumbing & Heating Corp.“The Family Business”

2235 East 17th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229 718-743-6858 Lic. #1860, Lic. #1861, Fully insured

crc_plumbing-biz_card 1 7/20/12 2:18 AM

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1838 Hylan Blvd. Staten Island, NY 10305



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... take your dreams to reality. Stop in soon to learn how easy it can be.

53 new dorp Plaza, Staten Island, NY718-979-5450

Your dreams begin here...

Creating and Crafting Better Kitchens & Baths

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We design closets that grow with your children. Let us show you.

They’ll outgroweverythingbut the closet.

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Word Sea rch &Soduku So l u t i ons

Answers Standard Sudoku Puzzles by,Book 1

Sudoku #1 Sudoku #25 4 3 1 8 9 2 7 6 4 2 1 7 6 5 8 3 99 1 2 6 3 7 5 8 4 7 5 6 3 8 9 2 1 46 8 7 5 2 4 3 1 9 9 3 8 4 2 1 5 6 71 9 4 2 7 8 6 3 5 5 8 7 1 9 2 6 4 33 6 5 4 9 1 7 2 8 6 4 9 8 7 3 1 2 52 7 8 3 6 5 4 9 1 2 1 3 6 5 4 7 9 84 2 6 8 1 3 9 5 7 3 7 4 2 1 8 9 5 67 3 1 9 5 6 8 4 2 1 6 5 9 4 7 3 8 28 5 9 7 4 2 1 6 3 8 9 2 5 3 6 4 7 1

Sudoku #3 Sudoku #46 7 3 9 5 8 1 4 2 8 5 7 9 4 6 1 2 39 1 8 2 6 4 7 5 3 1 2 6 3 8 7 4 5 92 5 4 1 3 7 8 9 6 3 9 4 2 5 1 6 7 81 3 6 7 9 5 4 2 8 4 6 9 7 1 2 3 8 54 9 7 8 2 3 5 6 1 7 1 8 6 3 5 9 4 25 8 2 4 1 6 9 3 7 2 3 5 4 9 8 7 1 68 6 5 3 4 1 2 7 9 9 7 2 8 6 4 5 3 13 2 1 5 7 9 6 8 4 5 8 3 1 7 9 2 6 47 4 9 6 8 2 3 1 5 6 4 1 5 2 3 8 9 7

Sudoku #5 Sudoku #68 9 7 1 2 3 6 5 4 5 4 2 6 7 1 3 8 92 1 3 5 4 6 9 7 8 3 8 1 5 2 9 6 7 45 6 4 8 9 7 1 2 3 9 6 7 4 3 8 5 1 29 3 5 4 1 2 7 8 6 1 9 4 2 8 5 7 6 37 8 6 9 3 5 4 1 2 7 3 8 1 9 6 4 2 51 4 2 6 7 8 5 3 9 2 5 6 7 4 3 1 9 84 7 8 3 5 9 2 6 1 6 2 3 8 5 7 9 4 13 5 9 2 6 1 8 4 7 4 1 9 3 6 2 8 5 76 2 1 7 8 4 3 9 5 8 7 5 9 1 4 2 3 6

Sudoku #7 Sudoku #84 9 7 1 5 3 6 2 8 8 3 9 6 2 5 4 7 16 2 1 7 8 4 9 3 5 4 2 7 3 1 8 6 9 55 3 8 9 2 6 7 1 4 5 1 6 4 9 7 3 2 89 6 4 2 7 8 3 5 1 3 9 1 7 6 2 5 8 47 1 3 5 4 9 8 6 2 2 4 8 5 3 1 7 6 98 5 2 6 3 1 4 7 9 6 7 5 9 8 4 2 1 31 7 6 4 9 2 5 8 3 1 5 4 2 7 9 8 3 62 8 9 3 6 5 1 4 7 7 8 3 1 5 6 9 4 23 4 5 8 1 7 2 9 6 9 6 2 8 4 3 1 5 7

For more Puzzles,visit

Valentine's DayFind the words in the list hidden in the puzzle grid below.



St. George Theat re 151 E-Squared Product ions 61


Kings Auto Group 2 Tommy’s Auto 47 Empire 142 Sal’s Transmissions 144 Nacmias & Sons 145 Manf redi Back Cover


I ’ l l Be Seeing You 5 Always A Bridesmaid 11 Garage Clothing 13 Lester ’s 21 Suzanne’s Fashion Corner 23 Count r y Mouse 28 Angels Br ida l 78 Rais ing The Bar re 98

Jewelers:Vik’s F ine Jewelr y 35 Casale 38 Chr is t ian Adams 48 Howard’s 56 Jewelr y Ex 67 Nor theastern 92 Best Buy Gold 141

FinanCe:Bedford Funding 74

FooD&DrinKCaterers & Deli’s:

Event ful l NYC 17 Riv iera 19 Camz Creat ions 25 Gennaro’s 45 A & S Pork 58 Aunt V iv ’s K i tchen 60 Pizza Park 84 Bardi 84 Basset t 102 Dair ymaid Raviol i 109 Sonny’s 112 John’s 139 Knights Of Columbus 146

Restaurants & Bars:

Pear l Room 9 Aqua Blu 10 Cabo 15 V icolo 39 La Bel la’s 53 Angel inas 76-77 La St rada 79 Sahara 82 Buck ley’s 101 Joe’s Bar 105 La V i l la 111 Burger Bis t ro 114 3 Star 143 La Granja 143

Bakery’s:Nuccio’s 68 V i to’s 86

Liquor Stores: St i l lwel l 111 5L’s 143


mac5design 37

giFtS:Edible Arrangements 75

HealtH &BeaUtYSalons & Spas:

Cris Thomas 62 Visage 64 Faces 97

Medical:Dr Avshalomov 16 Genesis 27 Skin Beauty 55 Dr Mar t ingano 63 Ult imate Vien Medicenter 99 Care Pharmacy 103 Vivian Botero- Nebel D.M.D 141

Gym:Harbor F i tness 3

Tanning Salon:Body Tan 147

HoMe iMproveMent&DeSign Contractors & Renovation:

Dun-Ri te 32 Bi lot t i Brothers 40 K i tchens & Things 59 Colonel Clean 67 Clean Sweep 71 360 Home Concepts 73 A jc Renovat ions 73 Grani te Designs 85 Bel la Cucina 89 Richmond Tile & Bath 91 RJM Signs 93 Colonel Clean 93 Your ’s Mine R’s 95 Premier 96 L & T 103 Midwood 113 Fox F loors 140 European Closet 147 Spagnol i & Son 147


Amsterdam Inter iors 41

Montage Decor 66

M&R Fantasy Bl inds 65

Lamp Warehouse 69

Wild F lowers 71Rob Decors 72Nivram International 110

Architects:Marcus Mar ino 37 Steve Savino 107

Pools:Mil l Bergen 33 New Wave 57

lawFirms:Costel lo & Costel lo 49 A latsas & Taub 100


Hanley 31 Lockwood 81

liMo&BUS: A&S Black T ie 51 Golden Ring 115

peStControl:Tonto 144


Oasis 20 Mil l Basin 22 St. Adalber t 26 Chess Camp 26 Bath Beach 115

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