issue 2 | 6th october 2017 - milbourne lodge school · petit chaperon rouge” with the help of a...

Issue 2 | 6 th October 2017 Dear Parents, We are already approaching the end of a very busy half-term which has been packed with many varying activities as you will read below. There have been a number of highlights for me: our Language Day organised by Madame Claude, which made me appreciate just what a diverse community we are, our Poetry Day where L6A showcased their poems inspired by their studies of “To A Mouse” by Robert Burns, our Balloon Debate, complete with basket and balloons! And the first fixture for the new U8’s. I often wonder with all the activities on offer how we manage to cover the nitty gritty of the curriculum at all! May I take this opportunity to wish you a lovely half-term. Best wishes Judy Waite Head New Teacher Appointment I am delighted to announce the appointment of Rachel Watson who will be covering Mrs Kennard's maternity leave which begins in November. Rachel has a BSc in Geography and Sports Science from Loughborough and a PGCE from Leicester and is currently teaching in the secondary sector. She will be shadowing Mrs Kennard for two weeks prior to her departure so that she can familiarise herself with Milbourne life and get to know the pupils. Mrs Waite House Championship Last year’s winners, Green House, have made a strong start to the 2017/18 competition, but there are around 75,000 points to play for before the champions are announced on Speech Day next July.

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Issue 2 | 6th October 2017

Dear Parents,

We are already approaching the end of a very busy half-term which has been packed with many

varying activities as you will read below.

There have been a number of highlights for me: our Language Day organised by Madame

Claude, which made me appreciate just what a diverse community we are, our Poetry Day where

L6A showcased their poems inspired by their studies of “To A Mouse” by Robert Burns, our

Balloon Debate, complete with basket and balloons! And the first fixture for the new U8’s.

I often wonder with all the activities on offer how we manage to cover the nitty gritty of the

curriculum at all!

May I take this opportunity to wish you a lovely half-term.

Best wishes

Judy Waite


New Teacher Appointment

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Rachel Watson who will be covering

Mrs Kennard's maternity leave which begins in November.

Rachel has a BSc in Geography and Sports Science from Loughborough and a PGCE from

Leicester and is currently teaching in the secondary sector.

She will be shadowing Mrs Kennard for two weeks prior to her departure so that she can

familiarise herself with Milbourne life and get to know the pupils. Mrs Waite

House Championship

Last year’s winners, Green House, have made a strong start to the 2017/18 competition, but

there are around 75,000 points to play for before the champions are announced on Speech Day

next July.

Points Top contributors this term so far:

1st Green 1272 Alexander Bose, Lucas Dean, Lowe Mills

2nd Blue 1180 Amelie Patel, Ruben Bitner, Christian Bulmer

3rd Amber 1169 Hattie Sabben-Clare, Sebastian Foster, Ben Hoeffken

4th Red 896 Adam Durbar, Henry Franke, Cameron Kersey Mr Angus

French Storytelling Workshop

Forms 1, 2 and 3 pupils brought to life the traditional stories of “Les Trois Petits Cochons” and “Le

Petit Chaperon Rouge” with the help of a few props, lots of participation and repetition of key

phrases and an amazing facilitator from Freshwater Theatre Company.

Completely immersed in French, the children loved this interactive experience, developing their

listening and speaking skills and increasing their confidence.

This was a great way to celebrate the European Day of Languages! Madame Claude

Form 1 Visit Butser Ancient Farm

Form 1 enjoyed a visit

back in time on 3rd

October when we

visited Butser Ancient

Farm. The children

have been learning

about life in Ancient

Britain and were

enthralled to discover

Celtic roundhouses in the Hampshire countryside,

complete with goats and sheep. Whilst sitting in a wattle

and daub roundhouse around an open fire, we learned

about how the Celts lived and were able to experience

building a wall made from ‘clunch’, weaving a wattle wall

and making Celtic pots. The visit really has brought our

topic on Celtic Britain to life. The staff at

Butser were very complimentary of the children and

their impeccable behaviour. Mrs Slocombe

National Poetry Day

As part of our celebrations for National

Poetry Day, L6A have produced poems

based on 'To a Mouse' by Robert Burns.

Daniel Hurst, Sebastian Foster,

Cameron Kersey and Sonja Thurow

read their work aloud in assemblies this

week and Jeong Lee's poem is

alongside. The teachers and other

pupils greatly enjoyed listening to the

pupils' poems and were extremely

impressed by the high standard of their


Please click here to view the video of

L6A reciting the poem ‘Mother


Mrs Ashford

Trip to Beowulf at the Unicorn Theatre Our trip on Tuesday, to the Unicorn

Theatre, was especially useful as 4B

had just done an 11+ paper where

they'd had to describe a train

journey which some found hard.

We've now added a train journey to

their repertoire.

The Seniors are visiting the Unicorn

Theatre to see Beowulf on 17th

October and a full review will be

published in the next Newsletter.

Mrs Croom

The Great Balloon Debate

Form 4A held their first ever Balloon Debate on

Thursday. They had all picked a historical figure to

research, focusing on that persons achievements and the

impact they had made on their country or other


The format had the debaters standing as though they

were in a hot air balloon that was rapidly losing height.

The balloon would soon crash into the side of a

mountain because it was over-weight. To prevent certain

death of everybody on board, each person had to outline

their achievements and the person who received the

most votes would stay in the balloon, the others would

be thrown overboard!

Some of the characters chosen by the pupils were:

Napoleon, George Washington, Nelson Mandela, Hitler,

Elizabeth 1 and Lincoln.

The whole class did a tremendous job and it was great fun listen to everyone's speeches.

Mr Drummond

U6 and M6 visit the Thames Flood Barrier

Last Friday Upper and Middle Sixth boys

enjoyed an informative trip to the Thames

Barrier at Greenwich. We were lucky to

have the run of the visitor centre to

ourselves in the morning and were greeted

by our guide, Neil who gave us some of the

history and future plans for the barrier.

The Thames Barrier itself was completed in

1984 and prevents the floodplain of all but

the easternmost boroughs of Greater

London from being flooded by

exceptionally high tides and storm surges

moving up from the North Sea.

The site at New Charlton was chosen because of the relative straightness of the banks, and

because the underlying river chalk was strong enough to support the barrier. Work began at the

barrier site in 1974 and construction, which had been undertaken by a building consortium was

largely completed by 1982. The concept of the rotating gates was devised by Charles Draper and

the novel rotating cylinders were based on the design of the taps on his gas cooker. Incidentally

each revolving gate weighs the same as half the Eiffel Tower!

Unfortunately, visitors no longer have access to the barrier and its two access tunnels but the

visitor centre has a working model of how the barrier actually functions. This was supported by

videos and displays which informed us how the barrier was constructed and why. It also

introduced us to some of its local residents including a grey seal which decided to make a guest

appearance before we departed for Milbourne. Mr Dungey

Wind Band Day at Charterhouse

On Tuesday 3rd October we left on the minibus for Charterhouse School for their Prep School

Wind Band day. When we arrived we were split into groups. I was with three Milbournians and

Tanish was all by himself. I was given three sheets of music and we practised the music in our

groups. We then had to pick our favourite piece by Mozart. It was two sheets long and very fast.

We then had a break. When we returned we had a half-hour practice session of our favourite

piece. Then we all joined up into one big group and we practised two pieces: Rock on Dinosaur

and Big Bands. Finally at 5pm we performed beautifully in front of all of our parents and

teachers. We were all looking forward to this part and to getting our Charterhouse goody bags

with a notepad, a Charterhouse ball and a water bottle.

Thank you to Madame Gall and Miss Cobham for looking after us on this trip. Daniel and Tanish

Debate Club and Senior Book Club Update

On Tuesday 28th September we had a joint Senior Book Club launch along with Debate Club for

those who wanted to come and work on their presentations.

Senior Book Club decided to read The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon. It deals with the very topical

subject of refugees. We will meet again as Book Club on Wednesday 18th to discuss The Bone

Sparrow and confirm our choice of book to be discussed on November 30th.

We welcomed some new members to Debate Club. Mr Kennard formed a team with Kit

Temperley and Max Hawkins; they are going to find a current sports topic for their debate

presentation and in the process perhaps educate me a little further in sports! Mrs Croom

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook

Please remember to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, like

our posts and share our news with your friends and family.

Click on the links below to go straight to our pages:

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all your wonderful and generous donations for Oasis Children's Centre. We look

forward to handing them over to Caroline Edwards, the founder of the charity, at our Harvest

Festival Assembly on Tuesday. The children are really looking forward to taking part in the

special assembly and learning more about the celebration of harvest time.

The Pre-Prep Celebration

Assemblies have been a wonderful

opportunity for all the children to

celebrate and share talents and

achievements acquired at school

and through extra-curricular

activities. So far we have enjoyed

listening to a budding pianist, an

accomplished violinist and hearing

of a football success during the


I shall look forward to celebrating even more talents and successes

in the coming weeks.

Best wishes,

Mrs Elmer

Getting Messy on Messy Monday

On Monday,

Reception had

the opportunity

to experiment

and play with

paint, foods and

other household

items including

washing up

liquid. We made

moon sand, silly putty and playdough. The children explored the textures and talked about what

they were feeling using great descriptive words e.g. (slimy, yucky, sticky etc). The Moon Sand was

very popular as the children could manipulate it into different shapes. The children could also

add more ingredients to the silly putty to make it more slimy and enjoyed mixing it

together. Some children tried making paint marks with cars and trucks on paper, this produced

interesting colour patterns.

All in all, it was an excellent 'Messy Monday'. Mr Davies

Reception Nature Walk

On Thursday, our Reception

children went on the first of

their Seasonal Walks to

Arbrook Woods. We looked at

our surroundings and took

note of the changing colours of

the leaves, the acorns on the

floor and made our own

‘Autumn Nature boards’. Once

inside the woods we crunched

our way through the falling

leaves to a clearing where we used twigs, moss, leaves and acorns to make faces and shared our

ideas with each other. What a great way to start the new season of Autumn! Mrs Hughes

Celebrating Korean Thanksgiving

Gina's dad came in to

Reception to talk about

Korean Thanksgiving, which is

4th to the 6th October. We

sang a Korean song, looked at

special costumes and tried

some special Korean food.

Mr Davies

Year 1 Art

In Year 1 the children have been learning about the artist Piet Mondrian and have studied how

he created his unique and distinctive artwork. Armed with nothing but pencils, rulers and the

three primary colours the children displayed admirable concentration in producing their own

versions of Mondrian's iconic paintings. Mrs Dean and Mrs Mentiplay

Painting by Isabella Elliott

U7 Lanesborough Football Tournament – Saturday 23rd September

Milbourne Lodge 3 - 0 Longacre

Milbourne Lodge 1 - 1 Shrewsbury House

Milbourne Lodge 1 - 1 Lanesborough

Milbourne Lodge 1 - 3 Danes Hill

Milbourne Lodge 0 - 3 Greenfield

Milbourne Lodge U7 Football team

travelled to Lanesborough for a

tournament on Saturday 23rd September.

The team were a credit to the school in

terms of their attitude and behaviour and

they played some excellent football. Fred

O'Connor was magnificent in goal, pulling

off some brilliant saves against

Shrewsbury House. Daniel Turnock, Lucas Taylor Rea and Barnaby Geary were brave and strong

in the tackle, whilst Semyon McGroarty and Freddie Beim competed extremely well and passed

the ball excellently. Curtis Cheung and Ivaan Juneja Jilka showed their pace and skill whilst

dribbling with the ball.

Thank you to all our parents for their support. Mr Brooks

U8C v Parkside – Thursday 5th October

This game was played at a great pace and there were lots of good individual performances and

the whole team played well throughout the game. Both sides were evenly matched and we

managed to eventually win 1 - 0 with a well taken goal from Kit W. Special mention goes to Vayun

S who played the whole match and worked magnificently both in attack and defence.

U8D v Hawthorns – Thursday 5th October

The team barely had time to rest before we were back out again to play another match. The boys

showed great resilience and continued to play well even though lots of them, by this time, were

complaining of "exhaustion". Again some good play and a well taken goal from Ben M allowed us

to win 1 - 0 for the second time. Special mention has to go to the whole team for continuing to

try throughout a hot autumn day.

U9A v Chinthurst – Tuesday 26th September

This was a very evenly matched game with both sides having chances to win. I am pleased to say

that the boys did win 2- 0. There were lots of good displays particularly with Felix down the wing

and he also scored both of the goals. Our defenders Hugo and Theo played very well and

ensured the opposition never really got to close to our goal. Still things to work on going forward

and overall a pleasing performance.

U9B v Chinthurst - Tuesday 26th September

This game was played throughout at a frantic pace and our boys never looked like being beaten

and we ran out winners 3 - 0. The whole team played their part and if it was not for their

goalkeeper the score would have been much higher. Special mention must go to the captain and


U9A v Rokeby - Thursday 28th September

This was probably the best game the boys have played this season especially as were 1 - 0 up

and then went onto win 4 -2. All the boys played well, with everyone playing and trying their

hardest for the team. There was some excellent passing moves which contributed to Felix

scoring 3 goals and Alexi scoring one. As in the last report we still need to improve on some of

our positional play. I would like to make special mention to Alex and Sammie who both had good

games and made some telling contributions.

U9B v Rokeby – Thursday 28th September

An excellent game played in a great spirit with both sides determined not to lose, which resulted

in a fair result of 2 - 2. We were unlucky in one respect, their keeper was in fine form. The effort

of this team was good and special mention needs to go to Jack Barrow for leading the team as

captain so well.

U9C v Rokeby – Thursday 28th September

The team played and were unlucky not to score on several occasions and were finally beaten

3- 0. The score line does flatter the opposition but also does impress on the boys the need to

take their opportunities when they come. Special mention goes to Joseph who used his speed to

good effect and to Joshan for his goalkeeping

U9D v Rokeby – Thursday 28th September

This game was an interesting one as lots of effort was put in by the boys but unfortunately for no

reward, as they were beaten 2 - 0. Again we had opportunities to score but could not convert

them. The pleasing thing to see was that the boys never gave up and played to the final whistle.

Well done!

U9A v Woodcote House – Tuesday 4th October

The first half was a great display by the boys. Their shape and passing was really of the highest

order. It was therefore no surprise that we went into the half-time break 3 - 0 up with goals from

Theo, Philip and Felix. In the first half there were some great runs by Alexi, from which we scored

two goals. Over confidence was the problem in the second half and we lost our shape and our

composure, having said that the overall result was pleasing. Also thanks for Jack who stepped

into to play at the last minute. Mr Drummond

Arrival and Departure Times: Prep School

Prep School pupils, unless booked in for our breakfast club, should not arrive at school before

8am, we only provide supervision from that time. Pupils are able to go to their form rooms from

8.15am before the day formally starts at 8.30am.

A reminder that the school day for Forms 1 to 3 ends at 4pm and for the older pupils (and

homework group) at 5.05pm. Please can you ensure that you are here promptly to pick up at

those times and if unavoidably delayed then please call the School Office before the pick-up time

so that we know when to expect you. If you wish your older child to make their way

independently from school, e.g. to catch a public bus, then we do need your written consent and

details of the arrangements. Mrs Dicker

Arbrook Astro

We are excited that the contractors are in next week to complete the fencing around the Arbrook

Astro. Once completed, then the children will have full use of this area for break times and

games. Mrs Dicker

Playball and Football – Collection time changes

Please note that there will be a slight alteration in pick-up timings on a Monday for Playball and

on a Thursday for Football club after this October Half Term.

The nights will gradually get darker and, therefore, for safety reasons both clubs will finish at

4.15pm from Monday 30th October until after the Spring half-term 2018. Mrs Beresford

The Booking Form for Bonfire Night tickets is attached to this Newsletter email.

Autumn Term 2017

Week Commencing: Monday 9th October 2017

Monday 9th October

Tuesday 10th October

Pre-Prep Harvest Festival Assembly

4B Parents’ Evening

Netball: Junior v Chinthurst


Home 2.30pm

Wednesday 11th October

Football: 1st XI v Lanesborough

2nd XI v Lanesborough

3rd XI v Lanesborough

4th XI v Lanesborough

Home 2.30pm

Home 2.30pm

Away 2.30pm

Away 2.30pm

Thursday 12th October

4A Parents’ Evening

Football: U8 A/B/C/D/E v Lanesborough


Home 2.30pm

Friday 13th October

MLPA Cake Sale

Football: U9 A/B/C/D v Northcote Lodge

Netball: Middle v Chinthurst

Senior v Chinthurst


Home 2.30pm

Home 2.30pm

Home 3pm

Saturday 14th October

Milbourne Lodge U7 Football Festival

Football: 1st XI v Eton College

Home 10am

Away 2.30pm

Future dates for the diary this half term:

Pre-Prep Author visit – Matthew Howorth Tuesday 17th October

L6 & U6 trip to Beowulf at the Unicorn Theatre Tuesday 17th October, pm

Half-Term Begins Thursday 19th October