isolation chapter 4

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  • 8/9/2019 Isolation Chapter 4


    Chapter 4

    A Single Thread Breaks

    Charlie didnt think he had a chance in hell of toppling Grayson over as he ran up

    the stairs. His was rig ht. Graysons arms closed around Charlie before he even made

    contact with his body.

    Graysons grip was lik e iron . Charlies breath flew out of him in a whoosh. The grip

    tightened and Charlie waited to hear his ribs crack from the inhuman grip of the reanimated

    Grayson. He struggled to break free, but he couldnt breathe . There was no escape from the

    dead embrace. The grip tightened around him. Charlie felt agonizing pain throughout his

    chest and lower back. He screamed again and Grayson answered with an unintelligible

    sound and squeezed tighter.

    Charlie remembered the dead people from below. Not that they were chasing after

    him, but that when he stopped running they stopped chasing him. Fighting his fear of being

    squeezed to death Charlie stopped trying to break free. It took a will unknown to him to

    accomplish this feat. He had to concentrate on becoming still; to relax, which was a hard

    enough thing to do seeing as his life was being wrenched out of him by a huge naked dead


    He slowed what little breath he had. His heartbeat dulled in his head and his visionbecame clear. The stench bleeding off of Grayson into his nostrils made him want to vomit.

    It smelled of formaldehyde and decaying organs. He couldnt panic , and if he did all would

    be lost; he would die in the arms of a naked dead man. The thought of it sent chills down

    his entire body. Charlie didnt know what else to do. He went limp in Graysons arms and

    waited. He heard the slow dragging footsteps of the dead people coming up the stairs after


    Charlie closed his eyes thinking it would be better to die in the blackness than to see

    a naked giant up close and personal as the last thing he saw before death. To his surprise,

    Grayson let go and Charlie fell to the floor like a loaded sack.

    It took a few moments for Charlie to catch his breath. He didnt move or stand u p.

    Air was a must for his deprived lungs and he took in all that he could. His chest was sore as

    he breathed in and he wondered how his ribs didnt snap from Graysons iron -like grip. His

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    lower back felt on fire. It was like a white hot poker had been inserted just above his hips

    and it was moving around between his vertebrae. He looked behind him and saw the people

    from down below. They stood there silent on the steps staring at him. He looked up at

    Grayson and he, too, stood still staring down at him. He looked down again at the floor not

    wanting to stare at the dead staring back at him anymore and a low, Hmmph, escaped his


    As long as I keep still and dont run from them they dont bother me , he thought. Charlie sat

    there and ran many things throug h his mind. All his questions came to answers he didnt

    like or was too squeamish to think about for long. He didnt look up yet; didnt want to at

    the moment. That might just send him to the Funny Farm. Charlie wanted to wake up now.

    It was all a terrible dream; a nightmare that he longed to be away from. He closed his eyes

    and wished with all his might to wake up from this horrific ordeal. Charlie slowly counted toten out loud hoping that when he opened his eyes he would be back in his bed and nursing a

    hangover. He didnt care how bad the hangover was just as long as he woke up and all of

    this was a bad dream.

    Charlie opened his eyes and saw two huge feet. They had grass stains on the sides

    and as he looked he could see dirt caked between the t oes. He wasnt dreaming. They were

    Graysons feet. He looked up and Grayson who loomed over him like a giant. He stood

    there silently looking down on him. This was no dream. His eyes went to the stairs and they

    were still there not moving just staring at him.

    A sigh escaped his lips and Charlie got up. His body hurt from the fall, Graysons

    bear grip, and now his head began a low thumping at his temples.

    Great Charlie said, A god damn headache on top of all this.

    The D ocs living room was obl ivious to Charlie before he got up. He rubbed his

    temples trying to ease the headache that was coming like a speeding bullet when he saw it.

    The living room was in total shambles. Furniture was turned over and the flat screen TV

    was off the wall and lay smoking on the floor. The D ocs shelves were broken and theircontents scattered all over the floor in no meaningful order. It looked like a tornado had hit

    the room. Charlie walked through the living room looking at the destruction picking up tiny

    pieces wondering what they might have been while recognizing some things. He unplugged

    the TV from the wall socket fearing a fire would immerse from the smolder. Grayson

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    followed him with silent feet. Charlie walked back to the center of the room and was just

    about to turn the small loveseat back upright when he saw the body underneath it.

    It was the Doc.

    The only way Charlie knew it was the Doc was because of the watch that glinted off

    the single ray of sunshine that leaked through the smashed front door. It was the LSU

    watch the university gave him. The D ocs body was a mass of stomped flesh and bones.

    No feature was visible on him. Charlie recoiled from the sight. The D ocs head was

    pulverized and his arms were all but flat and bent at odd angles. He looked closer and saw

    bones sticking out from the D ocs arms and legs. A large pool of blood was spreading

    beneath him. Charlie turned away from the Doc so quick he bumped into Grayson, who

    stood behind him.

    Shit, Charlie said. He moved away from Grayson so he wouldnt be touching him. He looked around

    again and the people from down below now stood in the living room with him. They

    moved closer to him. His hair stood up on his arms. Charlie shuddered and spat on the

    floor after tasting the bile that was at the back of his throat. He looked back down at the

    Doc again wanting to cry, wanting to curse him; scream at him for his wild experiments that

    defied and mocked the laws of the universe. He didnt know what to do. His head was

    pounding now. Every heartbeat was like a knife in his brain jabbing at the soft tissue within.

    He was trembling.

    Then the Doc moved.

    The pool of blood around him was now a huge lake to Charlie. Ripples from the

    Docs movement s seemed like red tidal waves lapping on infinite shores. The Doc was

    moving. His whole body was moving, heaving up and down in some unnatural rhythmic

    pattern on the floor, but going nowhere. Charlie thought it was some nameless thing of old

    trying to emerge itself from the red lake to be birthed into this world. Then the Doc the

    nameless thing in the lake spoke.Its voice was wet and slippery. No tangible words could be heard. Only wet slurs

    and groans lathered by the congealing of the D ocs blood on a crushed larynx as the

    backwash of blood filled his smashed and open throat. Charlie heard screams in his mind

    from the thing before him. His muscles went limp and his jaw dropped open. The pain in

    his head doubled. This isnt right, Charlies mind told him over and over like it was fired

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    from a shotgun. He began walking backwards going nowhere. His body shook in hard

    spasms. The screams he thought he heard were his own. Charlie turned and looked at

    Grayson and saw the splatters of the blood on his body and his hands. He cringed and

    looked down. There was blood on his clothes and skin. The D ocs blood transferred from

    Grayson to him. Charlie felt the wet encroachment of vomit at the back of his throat; the

    sharp pain in his stomach that told him his food was coming back up. The Doc screamed

    then, if one could actually call it a scream. The wet pier cing wail shot through Charlies ears

    and went deep down to his heart to the very core of his being.

    Charlie covered his ears and then his eyes not wanting to hear or see anymore. He

    leaned over as the world swam in his vision. Tears welled up at the bottom of his eye lids.

    This was all too much. Nothing made sense anymore. The world was spinning out of

    control in a gale of madness and he was alone at the center being sucked down into a huge whirlpool in a dark sea of insanity.

    The Doc screamed again. Charlie turned back to look at him. Grayson moved then

    and began stomping on the D ocs already mutilated body. Each foot stomp sent blood

    flying and Charlie felt the warm liquid hit and cling to his body. He turned back to the stairs.

    The ten dead people walked towards him. He noticed they werent looking at him , but at the

    Doc. He thought he saw hatred in their eyes, but dismissed the idea as soon as his frayed

    mind thought it. They went past him to the Doc and began stomping on his body. It was

    madness. Charlie didnt know if he could hold on. His sanity was held only by a few threads

    and they were snapping in this maelstrom. He watched them stomp the D ocs body, al l ten

    of them and Grayson, emotionless, stomping a dead person; the Doc, his friend who cared

    about him. Their feet became red with his blood and still they continued stomping, but now

    they made their own sounds.

    It sound of dead people was deafening i n Charlies ears. He slumped to the floor as

    tears fell from his face and bounced off the hardwood floors like rain drops from an unseen

    cloud. The landing of each foot as they crushed the Doc sounded like giants and Charliecould feel each one vibrate through the floor.

    It came from deep within him. It was primal and pure. Charlie screamed. The

    scream was both fear and agony combined and could have been a howl in its primal tone

    and timber. He stood up; his body went taut and he screamed at the dead.

    Why cant you be dead? Why couldnt you just stay dead!?

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    If they heard him they paid him no mind. He looked down at the D ocs body and it

    was still moving, still trying to find a way back to the world; to stand and defy every known

    law in the universe. The D ocs voice was nothing more than low gurgling sounds now.

    Charlie closed his eyes to block out the insanity before him. He opened them a second later

    and the walking dead were staring at him. Charlies vision doubled and he saw two of each

    dead person. He shook his head to try and clear his vision, but it didnt do any good.

    Charlie was shaking out of control. He needed to leave and get out of this nightmare.

    Anywhere was better than here he told himself and began looking for a means of escape.

    Downstairs was no good. No door went to the outside. He thought about going

    out the back door, but that meant going past the people that had came from downstairs. He

    wondered if Grayson would follow him; if they all would follow him. Charlie sat still and

    tried to calm his nerves. No more sound came from the D ocs body on the floor; that wasgood. It allowed him to think somewhat; to get a foothold in reality and navigate this storm

    he was caught in. He breathed fast and ran one hand through his brown shaggy hair.

    Ok, Charlie, you can handle this. Just stay calm and you can get yourself out of here

    and remain sane.

    He looked around again at the total destruction of the D ocs living room. Then he

    looked at Grayson. He wondered why Grayson mutilated the D ocs body. Then wondered

    why they all did. Were they, on some primal level, angry at the Doc and taking out their

    aggression on him for bringing them back? Charlie then wondered if the dead before him

    could understand him. He shrugged as he looked at them, Cant hurt to try it.

    Charlie was hesitant at first. He felt foolish even thinking such a thing, but then

    called out, Grayson can you hear me? Can you understand me? Do you know what I am


    Grayson didnt answer. Charlie tried one more time. Do you understand me ,


    Charlie waited for a few moments to see if it took time to register in the dead giants mind. Nothing came from Graysons lips , so Charlie called out to the rest to them. He

    called them by their names one at a time asking each one the same questions. Charlie started

    laughing as he waited for the dead to answer him. This is insane,he thought. Im asking dead

    people questions. Questions! What the hell am I doing? What answer could they possibly give me? You

    need to get out of here, Charlie. Now!

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    His thoughts got him moving. He walked away from Grayson and the other dead

    people. He needed to get out of here before his world shrank and he was nothing more than

    a gibbering idiot on the floor.

    Charlie thought of the town. That was going to be his salvation. They couldnt

    have killed everybody yet. After he said this he wondered what time it was. He didnt have

    a watch and the clock on the shelf was a pile of mangled plastic and wires. Charlie would

    have to go to the Doc and look at his watch, if it still worked after the stomping. His mind

    told him not to go look. He looked left out one of the windows. A long crack ran down the

    entire length of the glass. The sun was still shining and Charlie guessed he still had a few

    hours of day light left. He didnt know how long he had been unconscious down below in

    the lab. He could have been out for hours. He didnt know. The thought of night time, the

    dark with all these dead people around made him jerk. It was a thought he didnt want tothink about.

    He didnt have a car, so he had kept mental notes on how long it took him to go to

    the different places in town and even out to the D ocs. He looked out the window again and

    thought he could make it to the boarding house before dusk. He had to try. Charlie made

    up his mind that he would not look at the D ocs watch. What if he moved again? What if

    he screamed again? It was something Charlie didnt want to think about and didnt know if

    he could stand it. His mind was already fragile. The past events only moments ago still

    echoed in his mind and he didnt want to repeat them.

    Charlie made up his mind quick. He was going to the shelter. Charlie took a deep

    breath, held it and then exhaled slowly. The clean air was heaven sent to his body and he

    took another long deep breath. He walked toward the door and looked back over his

    shoulder. Grayson and the other dead followed him. Charlie closed his eyes and imagined

    they werent there; wished they werent there. He opened his eyes and continued walking.

    The slow shuffling feet of the dead echoed in Charlies ears. He couldnt let that

    sound get to him. He had to make it outside and then to the shelter. Charlie didnt know what to expect when he got to the shelter, but it had to be better than this. Anything was

    better than this hell come to life.

    He turned back to see if the dead were still following him. They were and the hairs

    on the back of Charlies neck and head stood on end so much that it felt like his scalp was

    being pulled tight. He was almost to the door.

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    Charlie was a few feet from the door when he turned back to look at the dead

    following him. His thoughts became clearer with each foot step. The hope of escaping the

    Docs house drove him onward. He couldnt run and it took all Charlie had to keep himself

    from doing so. He would make it to the shelter and everything would be ok. People would

    be alive in the town, he just knew it. Charlie was close enough to the door to look outside.

    The glare was still bad and it took him a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to it. When they

    did his world came crashing down. He could feel the threads of his sanity starting to break,

    one thread at a time.

    The door was a wreck. Splinters of wood clung to the door and jutted out in every

    direction from Graysons pounding. They seemed like long teeth to Charlie , daring him to

    trespass. The opening was wide enough for Charlie to get through, but it would take some

    effort to squeeze through it . He didnt know if the door would even open after his firstglance at it. But he had to get out of here and when he looked out the crude opening he saw


    Shadows walked on the green grass towards the D ocs house. That was all Charlies

    mind allowed him to see. The sun was still glaring like a fireball and the people that walked

    towards the D ocs house were cast in shadow to Charlies eyes. He waited , hoping beyond

    all hope that it was real live people coming to investigate; people from the town coming to

    his rescue.

    His hopes fled from him when his eyes became adjusted to the light. He saw the

    familiar gowns. The dead wore those. Charlie didnt want to believe it at first, but it was

    true. It was more dead people and they were returning home, back to the place where they

    began this crazed afterlife.

    Charlie fell to the ground in despair. His breath stopped; stolen by the dread that

    crept through his body. His mind was blank. He heard the dead foot steps behind him

    stop. Charlie looked out the opening again, his hope fled on the wind. The new dead

    marched towards him.