islamic point of view about cosmetics

1 B.S. Chemistry Organic Specialization Presented by

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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B.S. Chemistry



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Definition and types of cosmetics

Example of kajal&surma


What are cosmetics ?

Any substance intended to be rubbed,

poured, sprinkled, sprayed or applied to any

part of human body for purpose of cleansing,

beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or

altering the appearance, and includes any

article intended for use as a component of







•This beautification should not be for non-mahram men.

The one for whom she should beautify herself first and

foremost is her husband.

•The materials used for cosmetic purposes should be

permissible(jaaiz), such as henna and kohl. It is not

permissible for her to use but fat from dead meat (i.e.,

from animals that have not been slaughtered in

accordance with sharee’ah) or impure (naajis)

substances, because Islam forbids using impure and

haraam things..

There is no harm for a women to use cosmetics to beautify herself for her husband and endear herself to him but she should observe the following conditions:

1) She should not change her white hair into black since the Prophet (PBUH) said regarding the grey hair: "Change it with some thing but avoid the black colour".

.3) It should not be in imitation to non-Muslims.4) No impurity should have been added during

the process of its production.

If the above conditions are met then using makeup is permissible.

Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah Maidah verse 90:

O you who have believed! ‘Khamr’ (all types of intoxicants),

gambling, (ungodly) shrines, and divining devices are all

abominable works of Shaitaan; therefore, refrain from these so

that you may attain true success!

Thus what Allah and His Messenger (saws) have forbidden the believers is the consumption of all types of intoxicants, which effect the senses of the human; like wine, alcohol, drugs, etc.Similarly, most of the scholars of Islam are of the opinion that

although the consumption of alcohol is absolutely haram,

alcohol by itself is not impure. Thus there is no harm if one

uses products that contain alcohol like perfumes, creams,

soaps, shampoos, etc. provided the alcohol is not consumed

and entered into the body which would cause one to loose one’s

senses. And Allah Alone Knows Best.

That is an authentic Hadeeth, narrated by Ahmad and Abu Daawood, An-Nasaa‘i and Ibn Maajah

. It indicates that it is an act of Sunnah to apply antimony

to the eyes. Besides, it is an act of Sunnah for both men and women, and not limited to women as some might wrongthink.

Antimony is a famous reddish-black stone that exists in the region of Hijaaz, and the best of it is brought from Isfahan (a province in the center of nowadays Iran).

Nail polish:

varnish applied to the fingernails or toenails to colour

them or make them shiny.

1. Cosmetics are regarded as a means of enhancing one's

complexion and beautifying the skin.

2. If a women use it properly then the natural beauty


3. Sometimes, Makeup removes the signs of age. There

for it make the looks of women younger.

4. Using Makeup, a woman hides her red pimple on the tip

of the nose.

5. cosmetisc can improve your blood circulation.

6. If pores in the skin are blocked, it may lead to infection

and acne formation. Various cosmetic cleansing products

thoroughly cleanse the skin and remove the dirt and

microorganisms from the skin.

7. There are special sun-protection creams/lotions that

can protect you from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

These creams minimize the risk of skin cancer, which is

the result of exposure to sunrays.

8. Many cosmetics contain vitamins such as A, D, E and

K. These vitamins are essential for healthy skin and hair.