islamic madhahib university · 8-a collection of articles on allamah abduh and allamah mozaffar...

ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY *** *** *** A booklet on introducing the Islamic Madhahib University *** *** *** Establishment of university: According to the loſty thoughts of the Great Founder of the Islamic Revoluon, Imam Khomeini and the Constuon of the Islamic Republic of Iran which considers all Muslims as the unified Ummah, Believing in the fact that Islamic madhahib are scienfic schools and that this scienfic heritage is the cause of scienfic, intellectual, juridical, and legal progress and development of the Islamic society, Islamic Madhahib University was established in accordance with the guidelines given by the supreme leader in order to protect the scienfic and cultural heritage of the Islamic world aſter the establishment of The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought. The high council of Cultural Revoluon passed the statute of the university in 1992. And, with the license of the science, research and technology ministry, Islamic Madhahib University admits Iranian and foreign students for the bachelor, master and Ph.D programs. In internaonal arena, Islamic Madhahib University is one of the members of the federaon of the universies of Islamic world; it is also pioneer in being connected with the important universies of muslim world suh as Al-Azhar University in Egypt and Ez-Zeitouna University in Tunisia. Moreover, it holds joint scienfic conferences, juridical courses of different following of Islam and hosts professors from many Islamic countries following different Islamic schools. 1

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Page 1: ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY · 8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar 9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar) 10-History

I S L A M I C M A D H A H I B U N I V E R S I T Y*** *** ***A booklet on introducing the Islamic Madhahib University *** *** ***Establishment of university:According to the lofty thoughts of the Great Founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran which considers all Muslims as the unified Ummah, Believing in the fact that Islamic madhahib are scientific schools and that this scientific heritage is the cause of scientific, intellectual, juridical, and legal progress and development of the Islamic society, Islamic Madhahib University was established in accordance with the guidelines given by the supreme leader in order to protect the scientific and cultural heritage of the Islamic world after the establishment of The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought. The high council of Cultural Revolution passed the statute of the university in 1992. And, with the license of the science, research and technology ministry, Islamic Madhahib University admits Iranian and foreign students for the bachelor, master and Ph.D programs. In international arena, Islamic Madhahib University is one of the members of the federation of the universities of Islamic world; it is also pioneer in being connected with the important universities of muslim world suh as Al-Azhar University in Egypt and Ez-Zeitouna University in Tunisia. Moreover, it holds joint scientific conferences, juridical courses of different following of Islam and hosts professors from many Islamic countries following different Islamic schools.


Page 2: ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY · 8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar 9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar) 10-History

I S L A M I C M A D H A H I B U N I V E R S I T Y*** *** ***The objectives of the Islamic Madhahib University 1-The upbringing and educating of a generation of Muslim scholars and researchers who are well aware of and educated about their own school of thought, and making them aware of the tenets of other Islamic schools which could lead them to have unity among Muslims.2-Educating teachers and expert researchers in Fiqh, the principles of Islamic law (usul al-Fiqh ), comparative Fiqh, Quranic sciences, Hadith sciences, Theology and theosophy for schools, colleges and Islamic and cultural centers through master and PhD programs. 3-Educating Muslim preachers and propagators of different Islamic schools to be employed locally and internationally.Islamic world after the establishment of The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought. The high council of Cultural Revolution passed the statute of the university in 1992. And, with the license of the science, research and technology ministry, Islamic Madhahib University admits Iranian and foreign students for the bachelor, master and Ph.D programs. In international arena, Islamic Madhahib University is one of the members of the federation of the universities of Islamic world; it is also pioneer in being connected with the important universities of muslim world suh as Al-Azhar University in Egypt and Ez-Zeitouna University in Tunisia. Moreover, it holds joint scientific conferences, juridical courses of different following of Islam and hosts professors from many Islamic countries following different Islamic schools.


Page 3: ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY · 8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar 9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar) 10-History


The members of the board of trustees are as follows:1-The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran or his representative2-The Secretary General of The World Forum for Proximity (as the president of the board)3-The Minister of Higher Education, Research and Technology or his

representative4-The Minister of Education or his representative5-The Minister of Islamic Culture and Guidance or his representative6-The President of the of Islamic Madhahib University7-Three to six natural persons who possess outstanding scientific and cultural backgrounds appointed by the suggestion of the president of the board and confirmation of the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Technology


Page 4: ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY · 8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar 9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar) 10-History

Fa c u l t i e sI n o r d e r t o r e a c h m o r e s o l i d a r i t y a n d p r o x i m i t y a m o n g t h e f o l l o w e r s o f d i f fe r e n t I s l a m i c s c h o o l s , c o n s i d e r i n g t h e u r g e n t n e e d t o n e w r e s e a r c h e s b a s e d o n c o m p a r i s o n a m o n g I s l a m i c s e c t s a n d e n r i c h i n g t h e i r o b s e r v a t i o n s a n d s t u d i e s , t h e I s l a m i c M a d h a h i b U n i v e r s i t y h a s b e e n e s t a b l i s h e d w i t h t h r e e f a c u l t i e s a s f o l l o w s :

1 - Fa c u l t y o f F i q h a n d L a w o f I s l a m i c s c h o o l s

B . A i n t h e f o l l o w i n g c o u r s e s : - F i q h a n d I m a m i y y a ( S h i i t e ) l a w

- F i q h a n d H a n a f i l a w- A r a b i c l a n g u a g e a n d l i t e r a t u r e

I n a d d i t i o n , c o u r s e s r e l a t e d t o j u r i s p r u d e n c e s o f A b a z i ,

M a l i k i a n d z a y d i a r e b e i n g h e l d p e r i o d i c a l l y.

M . A i n t h e f o l l o w i n g c o u r s e s :

- C o m p a r a t i v e F i q h a n d I s l a m i c p r i v a t e l a w

- C o m p a r a t i v e F i q h a n d I s l a m i c p u b l i c l a w

- C o m p a r a t i v e F i q h a n d I s l a m i c p e n a l l a w

P h . D i n t h e f o l l o w i n g c o u r s e s :


Page 5: ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY · 8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar 9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar) 10-History

- F i q h a n d t h e p r i n c i p l e s o f I s l a m i c l a w- Q u r ’a n i c s c i e n c e s a n d H a d i t h- H i s t o r y o f I s l a m2 - F a c u l t y o f Q u r ’a n i c s c i e n c e s a n d H a d i t h B . A i n t h e f o l l o w i n g c o u r s e s : - Q u r ’a n i c s c i e n c e s

- H a d i t h s c i e n c e s- H i s t o r y o f I s l a m

M . A i n t h e f o l l o w i n g c o u r s e s :

- Q u r ’a n i c s c i e n c e s & H a d i t h- H i s t o r y o f I s l a mP h . D i n t h e f o l l o w i n g c o u r s e s :- Q u r ’a n i c s c i e n c e s & H a d i t h- H i s t o r y o f I s l a m

3 - F a c u l t y o f P h i l o s o p h y, I s l a m i c t h e o l o g y a n d m y s t i c i s m

B . A i n t h e f o l l o w i n g c o u r s e s :

- I s l a m i c P h i l o s o p h y a n d m y s t i c i s m- R e l i g i o n s a n d I s l a m i c s c h o o l s o f t h o u g h t

M . A i n t h e f o l l o w i n g c o u r s e s :

- I s l a m i c p h i l o s o p h y- A b r a h a m i c r e l i g i o n s


Page 6: ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY · 8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar 9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar) 10-History

G e n e r a l a n d S p e c i a l R e q u i r e m e n t s f o r t h e

A d m i s s i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l

S t u d e n t s

The Islamic Madhahib University will admit students who are interested to pursue their study in the proximity of Islamic schools of Thought, and who are eligible for scholarships through oral test (Interview), priority being given to those who are the hafidz (memorizer) of the Holy Qur’an.

General qualifications1-Being practically committed to

Islamic commandments, to the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran and

the observance of Islamic ethics2-Believing in Islamic principles and

being interested in proximity of Islamic schools of thought

3-Being physically fit


Page 7: ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY · 8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar 9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar) 10-History

R e q u i r e m e n t s

1-Passing the oral test (interview) of the University

2-High school diploma with the average grade of 12.5 (from 020- grading

system) for under graduate applicants and average grade of 14 for M.A applicantsNote 1; having the minimum average of 15 for the courses of humanities for those applicants wanting to study towards MSc degree.

Note 2; having the minimum average of 16 for Ph.D degrees

3-Maximum age of 32 for the applicants who desire to obtain M.A degree and 40

for PhD degree4-Recommendation letter from three high

school teachers or professors of the country where the applicant is graduated from

D o c u m e n t s r e q u i r e d f o r a p p l i c a t i o n :

1 - Completed Application Form.2 - Photocopy from all documents related to high school diploma and higher education degree (Transcripts of records must be translated into English or French languages), and all of them must be


Page 8: ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY · 8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar 9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar) 10-History

authenticated by the education authorities and the Iranian embassy of the country where the student has graduated from, and be sent to Islamic madhahib University before January of every year.3 – Submission of certificate of health, temperament and a certificate of no addiction. 4 – Submission of photocopy of a valid identification paper or passport. 5 – Submission of a written comment concerning the moral capacity of the applicant by the representative of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran in the home country of the student. 6 - Providing three recommendation letters from previous professors (for M.A & Ph.D applicants) 7 - A written letter of application seeking to study in Iran 8 - A written comment concerning the financial capacity of the applicant by the representative of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran in the home country of the student.9 - Six pieces of applicant’s photographs (6x4cm).


Page 9: ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY · 8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar 9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar) 10-History

Wa y s o f s t u d y i n g a n d e d u c a t i o nT h i s u n i v e r s i t y i s d e t e r m i n e d t o h a v e a l l t h e a d v a n t a g e s o f a u n i v e r s i t y a n d a s e m i n a r yf o r t h i s r e a s o n :

1-The best professors and teachers from Islamic seminary are invited2-Fiqh, interpretation of the holy Qur›an, theology, history and hadith from all Islamic schools through the styles of various Islamic schools are being taught3-Teaching Fiqh from each Islamic schools together with today’s requirements, dynamic and new Fiqh 4-Paving the ground for promoting and popularizing the culture of Islamic schools5-Teaching Arabic literature and conversation6-Teaching logic, as well as new and traditional theology7-Performing Islamic discussions by students coupled with practical researches in human sciences8-The medium of teaching in this university is Persian and Arabic; Thus, those students who are not familiar with these languages, must pass an orientation course of two terms


Page 10: ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY · 8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar 9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar) 10-History

E d u c a t i o n a l a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s With the help of Allah Almighty and continuous efforts of those in charge of university, about 60% of its graduate and post graduate students are admitted to other universities and higher education institutions as for taking supplementary courses (courses in M.A & Ph.D), and presently many of them are engaged in higher education and research institutions or cultural and religious organizations. We l f a r e s e r v i c e s1-Providing dormitory for students, providing partial financial support or rendering loans to students in accordance with the regulations of the loan fund of students welfare2-Having access to the dormitory libraries, self services, sport and leisure facilities, etcL i b r a r y a n d c o m p u t e r c e n t e rSpecialized library of the university has sections for cataloging, storage, barrow, references and journals which usually satisfy the needs of students in various fields and subjects, and also the needs of students for the courses offered in this university. There are about 37000 copies and 21690 titles of bookd together with 198 active journals, where all being in hand through computer searches and nets. There are 5 active computer stations which are connected to high speed internet. The web site of the library can provide information to students and researchers as well. The information unit of the university is rendering services such as: high speed internet service, printing, profile and personal drives for every student, providing course related soft wares, portal service of the library, net management and all office and educational computer systems etc.10

Page 11: ISLAMIC MADHAHIB UNIVERSITY · 8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar 9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar) 10-History

Publ icat ionsThe publ icat ions

of the Is lamic Madhahib Univers ity thoughts has

received i ts l icense from the ministry of Is lamic Culture and Guidance. Presently the fol lowing works have either been

publ ished:

1-The solidarity of Islamic Madhahib(schools) by Dr. Abd al-Karim Bi Azar Shirazi2-Embryology in the Qur›an by Dr. Abd al-Karim Bi azar Shirazi

3-Al-Fiqh al-Taqribi(proximity) and al-Moqaren Bayn al-Asalah and al-moa›serah by Dr. Abd al-Karim Bi Azar Shirazi

4- al-Masael al-Eqtesadiyah by Dr. Abd al-Karim Bi Azar Shirazi5-Ma Estadallah beh al-Hanafiyeh min A›sa›r Sahr Khatm Khair al-Bariyah by professor Mowlavi Mohammad

Ishaq Madani 6-Uncovering Noah’s Arc by Dr. Abd al-Karim Bi Azar Shirazi

7-A collection of articles on Ijtihad in Contemporary Era8-A collection of articles on Allamah Abduh and Allamah Mozaffar

9-The secret of awakening (the life of Allamah Shaykh Mohammad Redha Mozaffar)10-History of Ottoman Empire and the Middile East by, Muhammad Amin Sheykhnouri

11-Comparative Ayat-al-Ahkam by, Khalil Qebleey


1-The Foroogh Vahdat Quarterly Educational and Research Publication (professors, students, and Shiite and Sunni scholars may have contributions)

2-The student specialized quarterly of Edalat (justice) – the Fiqh and Shafi’i law academic association3-Al-Judy (the Fiqh and Shafi’i law academic association)

4-Mosafer (traveler) News Letter (published by Basij) 5-Hamraz (the administration office of students affairs)

6-The Pen (the department of English language)7-Esharat, cultural and scientific magazine (student›s scientific and cultural researches and studies

association)8-Special scientific publication of Oruje Andishe (the rising up

of thoughts)(published by university students Basij)


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T h e t h e m e s

o f t h e m e e t i n g s a l r e a d y h e l d a r e a s

f o l l o w s :

1-The ro le of prox imity of I s lamic sects in d ia logue among c iv i l i zat ions

2- I j t ihad and i ts ro le in I s lamic so l idar i ty3- Is lamic government and jur isprudent guardianship (Velayat

a l faghih)4-purposes of Shar iah (Legal and moral code of I s lam) with the

presence of Shi i te and Sunni scholars 5-studying the thoughts of Imam Abu Hani feh with the presence of

Shi i te and Sunni scholars6-promoting good and prevent ing ev i l

7- I j t ihad in Contemporary Era8-commemorat ing Al lameh Sheikh Mohammad Abdoh and Al lameh Sheikh Mohammad

Reza Modaffar9-youth and the wor ld of I s lam

10-commemorat ing Al lameh Badiozzaman Sa› id Nors i11-div is ion factors focus ing on the ro le of wor ld arrogance with the

cooperat ion of union of I s lam wor ld students .12-Launching short term educat ional programs for the imams of mosques and imams of congregat ional prayers of Russ ia , and the

professors of Bosnia and Herzegovina Univers i ty13-Off ic ia l v is i t of var ious sc ient i f ic and cultura l personal i t ies

of the wor ld of I s lam to the Is lamic Madhahib univers i ty


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A c a d e m i c r e l a t i o n s w i t h o t h e r u n i v e r s i t i e s

1-Being the member of the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World.2-Admission of Herat university professors for master’s courses 3-Admission of foreign students through Iranian cultural and political representatives of Embassies of the Islamic Republic of Iran4-Memorandum of understanding for the scientific cooperation of Islamic Madhahib University and al-Mustafa University5-Scientific and Educational Agreement with San›a Islamic Studies Center (2006)6-Scientific and Cultural Agreement with the Science and Culture Institution of Istanbul(2011)7-Cooperation Agreement with Islami Aldavat University of Beirut and Islamic University of Lebanon (2014)8-Scientific, Cultural and Academic Cooperation Agreement with Sunan Kalijaga University of Indonesia (2012)11.Scientific, Educational and Research Cooperation Agreement with Ez-Zitouna University of Tunisia(2014)


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C u l t u r a l a n d l e i s u r e a c t i v i t i e sAside from studying, students can also avail themselves of the following cultural programs:-Quranic festivals- Sport festivals -Cultural activities within dormitories -Cultural gatherings, meetings and etc. *** *** *** S o m e o t h e r n e c e s s a r y i n f o r m a t i o n 1-The duration of study is four years for undergraduate students and two years for M.A students, and that will be counted from the start of the first semester. This period for Ph.D courses will be eight semesters. if a student fails to come up with writing his thesis and defending it, he shall be deprived of the continuation of his study.2-The University shall provide and render the necessary academic materials as prerequisites during the school term period.3-The academic system of this university is based on the number of units which must be passed, and the units for each term will be offered by the University according to the requirements of the university.4-The students must attend all classes that they have enrolled for.5-The students are obliged to obey and observe all the rules and regulations of the University.


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S i s t e r s › C a m p u s

With the approval of Members of the board of trustees the admission of female students was started for the academic year of 2007 -2008. This campus is managed by women and is separated from male students campus. It is active in 6 undergraduate courses of Fiqh and Imamiyya (Shiite) law, Fiqh and Shafi’i law, Fiqh and Hanafi law, Qur’anic sciences, History of Islam, Philosophy and Islamic Theology. There are also 5 master’s courses including: Comparative Fiqh and Islamic private law, Comparative Fiqh and Islamic public law, Comparative Fiqh and Islamic penal law, Qur’anic sciences, Hadith sciences, and History of Islam.It is worth mentioning that the students of this campus avail themselves of the same facilities that male students do.


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U N I V E R S I T Y B R A N C H E SThe establishment of other branches of this University in other parts

of the country is the approved policy of members of the board of trustees in the second developing program of the University. In this connection, with the support of the government of Islamic Republic

of Iran, three branches of this University have been established in the cities of Sanandaj, Zahedan and Bandar Abbas. Presently these three

branches are active in under graduate courses.*** *** ***