islamic intellectual theology lesson 14 lesson four divine justice ala’dl alelahi learning from...

Islamic Intellectual Theology Lesson 14 Lesson Four Divine Justice ALA’DL ALELAHI Learning from KHIDR (AS) other side of the story and the wisdom of God behind what we see as negative and evil Edited: Jan. 20, 2010 - BHD

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Page 1: Islamic Intellectual Theology Lesson 14 Lesson Four Divine Justice ALA’DL ALELAHI Learning from KHIDR (AS) other side of the story and the wisdom of God

Islamic Intellectual TheologyLesson 14

Lesson Four

Divine JusticeALA’DL ALELAHI

Learning from KHIDR (AS) other side of the story and the

wisdom of God behind what we see as negative and evil

Edited: Jan. 20, 2010 - BHD

Page 2: Islamic Intellectual Theology Lesson 14 Lesson Four Divine Justice ALA’DL ALELAHI Learning from KHIDR (AS) other side of the story and the wisdom of God

Innocents Dying in Natural Disasters Once it is concluded by intellect that God is Just and His

justice is a necessity, then it becomes necessary intellectually to conclude positive sides of the picture which might look evil in the beginning if looked from one angle.

You may see some one demolishing a house (evil picture) but he is the owner and is doing it to rebuild a better house (positive picture).

The justice of God necessitates the existence of the day of judgment and that the life does not end in this world , but continues to a better life. Therefore if an innocent dies then he/she is taken to a better system free of miseries.

Maybe if he/she lives in this world goes through worse condition and death is relief for him/her which is known to God.

Page 3: Islamic Intellectual Theology Lesson 14 Lesson Four Divine Justice ALA’DL ALELAHI Learning from KHIDR (AS) other side of the story and the wisdom of God

Enhancement of Science Scientists have always observed problems and

tried to find solutions, and from those attempts science became more advanced. Science, therefore, depends on problems for growth. If people did not lose legs, there would be no need for synthetic legs.

Therefore the positives side for the disasters for the people of in this world that they start thinking and try to find solutions, most of the scientific discoveries happened in this way.

If a child lives with defect perhaps is taken care of by charitable and humanitarian organizations, this is preferable to being neglected and healthy. (In Islamic laws the entire community is responsible for taking care of disabled person.)

Page 4: Islamic Intellectual Theology Lesson 14 Lesson Four Divine Justice ALA’DL ALELAHI Learning from KHIDR (AS) other side of the story and the wisdom of God

Other Questions4. Why there are those who believe in Him live in worse condition

and those who believe in Him live in excellent condition? Where is His justice?

After believing in the justice of God and His mercy we must conclude that there is 100% for this believer in the condition he faces, especially if a believer puts his trust in God. (Story of a person fell of from mountain climbing attached to a rope keeping him hanging between the sky and the ground.)

5. How are His punishments out of His Justice? Is it just to cut the hand just for a crime of seconds? Or death for adultery?

This issue is discussed in our sessions of Meaad (hereafter) in the series of Aqaeed, but briefly Islam observes the benefit of an individual and the entire community, and when an individual violates then the entire community must not suffer.

Page 5: Islamic Intellectual Theology Lesson 14 Lesson Four Divine Justice ALA’DL ALELAHI Learning from KHIDR (AS) other side of the story and the wisdom of God

The Hereafter is Better than this Life ى�!ول األ" �م&ن �(ك ل "ر* ي �خ ة! �خ&ر �آل" و�ل

[Shakir 93:4] And surely what comes after is better for you than that which has gone before.

ى�"ق �ب و�أ "ر* ي �خ ة! �خ&ر و�اآل" [Shakir 87:17] While the hereafter

is better and more lasting. الد(ار &ن( و�إ �ع&ب* و�ل �ه"و* ل &ال( إ �ا "ي الد?ن �اة! ي �"ح ال ه�ذ&ه& و�م�ا

��م!ون �ع"ل ي !و �ان ك �و" ل �و�ان! ي �"ح ال ��ه&ي ل �ة �خ&ر اآل" � [Shakir 29:64] And this life of the world is nothing

but a sport and a play; and as for the next abode, thatmost surely is the life (THE REAL AND ETRERNAL LIFE)– did they but know!

Page 6: Islamic Intellectual Theology Lesson 14 Lesson Four Divine Justice ALA’DL ALELAHI Learning from KHIDR (AS) other side of the story and the wisdom of God

Learning from Prophets Musa (AS) and Khidr (AS) Its seems that Prophet Musa (AS) as being a Prophet having

passion, kindness, and mercy like any other Prophets, might have become bothered and disturbed by observing the pain and suffering of the children of Israel. He desired to know the wisdomof God behind all the pain he observed with innocents, and Allah SWT wanted to show him the truth behind what appears to be evil or negative.

"مQا ل ع& (ا (د!ن ل م&ن �اه! (م"ن و�ع�ل �ا ند&ن ع& م&ن" Qة�ح"م �ر �اه! "ن �ي آت �ا �اد&ن ب ع& مZن" "دQا ع�ب ف�و�ج�د�ا [Shakir 18:65] Then they found one from among Our servants

whom We had granted mercy from Us and whom We had taught knowledge from Ourselves.

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Musa (AS) wants to Learn Wisdom اQد ش" ر! �Zم"ت ع!ل م&م(ا Zم�ن& !ع�ل ت �ن أ ع�ل�ى �&ع!ك (ب ت

� أ ه�ل" م!وس�ى �ه! ل �ق�ال [Shakir 18:66] Musa said to him: Shall I follow you on condition

that you should teach me right knowledge of what you have been taught? ا Qر" ص�ب �م�ع&ي ��ط&يع ت �س" ت ل�ن �(ك &ن إ �ق�ال

[Shakir 18:67] He said: Surely you cannot have patience with me ا Qر" ب خ! &ه& ب !ح&ط" ت �م" ل م�ا ع�ل�ى &ر! �ص"ب ت �"ف �ي و�ك

[Shakir 18:68] And how can you have patience in that of which you have not got a comprehensive knowledge?

ا Qم"ر� أ ��ك ل �ع"ص&ي أ �و�ال ا Qر& ص�اب (ه! الل اء �ش &ن إ &ي �ج&د!ن ت �س �ق�ال

[Shakir 18:69] He said: If Allah pleases, you will find me patient and I shall not disobey you in any matter. (NOT FORBIDDEN LEGISLATIVELY)

ا Qر" ذ&ك "ه! م&ن �ل�ك �!ح"د&ث أ (ى ت �ح sي"ء �ش ع�ن &ي "ن �ل أ �س" ت �ف�ال &ي �ن �ع"ت (ب ات &ن& ف�إ �ق�ال [Shakir 18:70] He said: If you would follow me, then

do not question me about any thing until I myself speak to you about it

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Musa and Khidr (AS) ا��ه ه"ل

� أ �!غ"ر&ق &ت ل �ه�ا ق"ت ��خ�ر أ �ق�ال ق�ه�ا �خ�ر �ة& ف&ين الس( ف&ي �ا &ب ك �ر &ذ�ا إ (ى ت �ح �ق�ا ف�انط�ل Qئ" ي �ش �"ت ئ ج& �ق�د" ل Qر" ص�ب �م�ع&ي ��ط&يع ت �س" ت �ن ل �(ك &ن إ �ق!ل" أ �م" �ل أ �ق�ال

[Shakir 18:72] He said: Did I not say that you will not be able to have patience with me?

ا Qر ع!س" م"ر&ي� أ م&ن" &ي ه&ق"ن !ر" ت �و�ال يت! �س& ن &م�ا ب &ي !ؤ�اخ&ذ"ن ت �ال �ق�ال

[Shakir 18:73] He said: Blame me not for what I forgot, and do not constrain me to a difficult thing in my affair.

sف"س� ن "ر& &غ�ي ب Qة) &ي ك �ز ا Qف"س� ن ��ل"ت �ق�ت أ �ق�ال �ه! �ل ف�ق�ت مQا �غ!ال �ا �ق&ي ل &ذ�ا إ (ى ت �ح �ق�ا ف�انط�لا Qر" ?ك ن Qا "ئ ي �ش �"ت ئ ج& (ق�د" ل [Shakir 18:74] So they went on until, when they met a boy,

he slew him. (Musa) said: Have you slain an innocent person otherwise than for manslaughter? Certainly you have done an evil thing.

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Musa and Khidr (AS)ص�ب" م�ع&ي ��ط&يع ت �س" ت �ن ل �(ك &ن إ �(ك ل �ق!ل أ �م" �ل أ �ق�ال

[Shakir 18:75] He said: Did I not say to you that you will not be able to have patience with me?

ا Qع!ذ"ر Zي (د!ن ل م&ن ��غ"ت �ل ب ق�د" &ي "ن ب !ص�اح& ت �ف�ال �ع"د�ه�ا ب sي"ء �ش ع�ن �!ك "ت �ل أ �س &ن إ �ق�ال[Shakir 18:76] He said: If I ask you about anything after this, keep

me not in your company; indeed you shall have (then) found an excuse in my case.

ف&يه�ا ف�و�ج�د�ا Zف!وه!م�ا !ض�ي ي �ن أ �و"ا ب� ف�أ �ه�ا ه"ل

� أ �ط"ع�م�ا ت اس" sة� ي ق�ر" ��ه"ل أ �ا �ي �ت أ &ذ�ا إ (ى ح�ت �ق�ا ف�انط�لا Qج"ر� أ "ه& �ي ع�ل �(خ�ذ"ت ت �ال �"ت ئ ش& �و" ل �ق�ال �ق�ام�ه! ف�أ �نق�ض( ي �ن" أ !ر&يد! ي ا Qار�ج&د[Shakir 18:77] So they went on until when they came to the

people of a town, they asked them for food, but they refused to entertain them as guests. Then they found in it a wall which was on the point of falling, so he put it into a right state. (Musa) said: If you had pleased, you might certainly have taken a recompense for it.

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Musa and Khidr (AS) Qر" ص�ب "ه& �ي ع(ل �ط&ع ت �س" ت �م" ل م�ا و&يل&

" �أ &ت ب �!ك Zئ �ب ن! أ �س �&ك "ن �ي و�ب &ي "ن �ي ب اق! �ف&ر ه�ذ�ا �ق�ال

[Shakir 18:78] He said: This shall be separation between me and you; now I will inform you of the significance of that with which you could not have patience.

�ه�ا يب ع&� �ن" أ دت? أ �ر

� �ح"ر& ف�أ "ب �ع"م�ل!ون� ف&ي ال &ين� ي اك �&م�س �ت" ل �ان �ة! ف�ك ف&ين م(ا الس(� أ

Qا �ةs غ�ص"ب ف&ين �!ل( س "خ!ذ! ك �أ اءه!م م(ل&ك* ي ��ان� و�ر و�ك[Shakir 18:79] As for the boat, it belonged to (some) poor men who

worked on the river and I wished that I should damage it, and there was behind them a king who seized every boat by force.

ا Qف"ر! Qا و�ك �ان ه&ق�ه!م�ا ط!غ"ي !ر" ن ي� �ا أ ين "ن& ف�خ�ش& �ي �و�اه! م!ؤ"م&ن ب

� �ان� أ م! ف�ك �"غ!ال م(ا ال� و�أ

[Shakir 18:80] And as for the boy, his parents were believers and we feared lest he should make disobedience and ingratitude to come upon them:

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Musa and Khidr (AS)Qح"م ب� ر! ��ق"ر �اةQ و�أ ك �"ه! ز ا مZن Qر" ي �?ه!م�ا خ ب ��ه!م�ا ر "د&ل !ب ن ي

� �ا أ د"ن �ر� ف�أ

[Shakir 18:81] So we desired that their Lord might give them in his place one better than him in purity and nearer to having compassion.

!وه!م�ا �ب �ان� أ (ه!م�ا و�ك �نز* ل �ه! ك ت �ح" �ان� ت �ة& و�ك "م�د&ين "ن& ف&ي ال &يم�ي �ت "ن& ي م�ي �&غ!ال �ان� ل "ج&د�ار! ف�ك م(ا ال� و�أ

ا Qح& ص�اله!م�ا ��نز �خ"ر&ج�ا ك ت �س" د(ه!م�ا و�ي �ش! !غ�ا أ "ل �ب �ن" ي ?ك� أ ب �اد� ر �ر

� ع�ل�ت�ه� ف�أ ا ف� ب"ك� و�م� ة' م"ن ر$ م� ح� ر�م�ر,ي

ع�ن� أ�ا Qر" "ه& ص�ب �ي �س"ط&ع ع(ل �م" ت و&يل! م�ا ل

" �أ &ك� ت ذ�ل[Shakir 18:82] And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys

in the city, and there was beneath it a treasure belonging to them, and their father was a righteous man; so your Lord desired that they

should attain their maturity and take out their treasure, a mercy

from your Lord, and I did not do it of my own accord. This is the significance of that with which you could not have patience.

KHIDR was acting like angle of death by the command

of God , so he was nor a murder.