islamic history (part - i) study plan for css

THE ANCIENT ARABIA 2012 - Give an analytical study of Socio-political and economic conditions of Peninsula of Arabia at the advent of Islam. 2011 - Comment on the moral, social and political conditions of the world at the advent of Islam. 2010 - Point out the major world civilizations at the dawn of Islam, with special emphasis on their intellectual activities and socio-political institutions. 2008 - Before the advent of Islam, the Arabs had no central government and lived mainly a nomadic life in their tribes and were often engaged in the tribal feuds among themselves. Please read the above passage carefully and write an essay of 300 words. 2007 - Critically analyse the intellectual, economic, religious, political and social state-of-affairs of the world before the advent of Islam. How did Islam bring about reformative change in the situation? 2007 2007 - “The Arabian in general and Bedouin in particular is a born democrat”. (P. K. Haiti). Keeping this statement in view, discuss socio-political condition of Arabia before Islam.2007 2006 - Critically analyse the intellectual, economic, religious, political and social state of affairs of the world before the advent of Islam. How did Islam bring about reformative change in the situation? 2005 - The advent of Islam resulted in a new socio-political, economic and religious revolution in the history of the world. Discuss.

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Page 1: Islamic History (Part - I) Study Plan for CSS


2012 - Give an analytical study of Socio-political and economic conditions of Peninsula of Arabia at the advent of Islam.

2011 - Comment on the moral, social and political conditions of the world at the advent of Islam.

2010 - Point out the major world civilizations at the dawn of Islam, with special emphasis on their intellectual activities and socio-political institutions.

2008 - Before the advent of Islam, the Arabs had no central government and lived mainly a nomadic life in their tribes and were often engaged in the tribal feuds among themselves. Please read the above passage carefully and write an essay of 300 words.

2007 - Critically analyse the intellectual, economic, religious, political and social state-of-affairs of the world before the advent of Islam. How did Islam bring about reformative change in the situation? 2007

2007 - “The Arabian in general and Bedouin in particular is a born democrat”. (P. K. Haiti). Keeping this statement in view, discuss socio-political condition of Arabia before Islam.2007

2006 - Critically analyse the intellectual, economic, religious, political and social state of affairs of the world before the advent of Islam. How did Islam bring about reformative change in the situation?

2005 - The advent of Islam resulted in a new socio-political, economic and religious revolution in the history of the world. Discuss.

2003 - Write a comprehensive note on the social, economic, religious and political state of affairs of the pre-Islamic world and highlight the revolutionary changes brought by Islam in human thinking and behavior.

2002 - Give a brief best meaning sketch of socio-political conditions prevailing in the Byzantine and the Sasanian empires on the eve of Islam. What was the significance of Islam in the context of those conditions.

2001 - Give a brief outline of the history and civilization of ancient Babylonia.

1999 - Give a description of the social, political and religious conditions of the Arabs before the advent of Islam.

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1) Byzantine Empire2) Babylonian Empire3) Sassanid Empire4) Social, political, religious, economic conditions in these Empires5) Conditions of Arabia before the advent of Islam6) Impact of Islam on these civilizations7) Significance of Islam as a Revolutionary force

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2012 - Give a critical study of Pact of Medina and discuss its importance in the then society of Medina.

2011 - Critically examine the effects of the teachings of the Holy Prophet PBUH on Arabia.

2010 - Teachings of the Holy Prophet laid the foundations of a new and revolutionary world order. Comment

2009 - The Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) gave a charter for the welfare of humanity. Discuss the salient feature of that charter.

2007 - Discuss the steps taken by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to ensure peace and tranquillity in a society of acute anarchy at Madina.

2006 - Write a note on Mithaq-e-Madina and Sulh-i-Hudaibia and highlight how Prophet opted for peaceful solution of the crises ahead of him?

2005 - Write down a detailed note on the difficulties and sufferings the Prophet and his companions had to face during Makkah period.

2005 - Write a comprehensive essay on the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

2004 - Highlight the last 23 years of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in way of the complete study as a preacher of Islam, in view of Holy Quran and Sunnah.

2003 - Explain in the light Mithq-e-Madina, Sulh Hudaibiya and Conquest of Makkah that the prophet was a peacemaker and not a warmonger.

2001 - Discuss the achievements of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be upon him) as a Social Reformer.

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1999 - What were the causes that led to the Battle of Ahzab? Critically explain the causes responsible for the success of Muslims.

1992 - Discuss the last sermon of the Holy Prophet as a comprehensive charter of human rights.

1998 - “Battle of Badar laid the foundation of Muhammad’s temporal power. Islam had won its 1st decisive military victory”. Discuss.

1986 - The Treaty of Hudaibya has been called Clear Victory by the Holy Quran . Justify this in the light of the events that took place after that treaty.

1985 - Give an account of the relations between Muslims and Jews of Madina from the time of establishment of the state of Madina to the battle of Ditch.


Life and teachings of the Prophet (Analysis) Difficulties faced by the Holy Prophet Treaty of Hudaiba Significance of Charter of Madina Last Sermon Prophet as a Social Reformer Prophet as a teacher, soldier etc.


2010 - HIJRAH was the turning point in the history of Islam. Discuss

1986 - Discuss that the Hijrat of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) from Makkah to Madina was a turning point in the history of Islam.


1) Hijrat of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) from Makkah to Madina2) Hijra as a turning point in Islamic history


2002 - Never in the annals of history any conquest has been as peaceful as the conquest of Makkah explain. Please explain.

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2000 - The conquest of Mecca was in fact a peaceful revolution. Explain with reference to its importance in the history of Islam: 2000


1) Conquest of Makkah2) Conquest of Makkah As a Peaceful Conquest3) Importance of the Conquest of Makkah in the history of Islam

Orthodox Caliphs


2012 - Highlight the causes and the consequences of “expansion policy” during the Pious Caliphs.

2011 - Trace the origin of Shura in Islam and give a brief account of its working under the pious caliphs.

2009 - Give an account on the expansion of the Islamic state during the period of Orthodox Caliphs.

1990 - Discuss the merits and demerits of present system of election and compare it with the system that was adopted in electing the Khulfa-i-Rashidin.

1987 - Write down a comprehensive note on the collection and preservation of the Holy Quran during the period of Khulfa-i-Rashidin.


1) Collection and Preservation of Holy Quran2) Expansion of Islamic State3) Election of Khulfa-i-Rashidin4) Character and achievements in general


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2007 - Estimate the role of Hazrat Abu Bakr as a protector of Islam.

2002 - Highlight the achievements of Hazrat Abu Bakr as the 1st caliph.

1998 - What led to the Ridda wars after the death of the Holy prophet and how effectively did Abu Bakr deal with the situation.

1995 - Write a comprehensive note on the Muslim’s conquests during the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr.

1990 - Enumerate the problems that Hazrat Abu Bakr had to face just after being elected as Khalifa and show how he solved the problems.


1) Abu Bakr as the 1st Caliph2) Problems he faced3) Ridda Wars, causes and consequences4) Achievements of Abu Bakr5) Military Expeditions (expansion of Muslim domain during his

caliphate)6) Analysis of his Character and Achievements


2011 - Estimate the character and achievements of Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A as a statesman.

2006 - Write a comprehensive note on the administration/management and reforms of Hazrat Umar as a caliph

2005 - Highlight the character of Hazrat Umer and the expansion of Muslim domain during his caliphate.

2004 - Short note on Hazrat Umer Farooq

2003 - Highlight Hazrat Umer as a pioneer of the concept of welfare state.

2001 - Narrate the achievements of Hazrat Umer as a Conqueror and administrator.

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1987 - Discuss the socio-economic institutions established by Hazrat Umer and their effects on Muslim society.


1) Hazrat Umar as the 2nd Caliph2) His character as a Statesman3) Administrative Reforms4) Military Expeditions (expansion of Muslim domain during his

caliphate)5) Analysis of his Character and Achievements


2010 - Give a critical study of the causes and consequences of the political and ideological differences raised after the assassination of Hazrat Usman Ghani?

1991 - Analyse the charges against Usman the 3rd Caliph.


1. Election of Hazrat Usman2. Charges against him3. Achievements4. Causes and consequences raised after his assassination

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2012 - Give a critical study of the intellectual development of the Saracens in Baghdad?

2011 - Briefly describe the scientific and literary progress of the Muslims during Abbasid period.

2010 - Write essay on Any One of the followingi- Baghdad under early Abbasidsii- Philosophical progress of the Muslims during the Abbasid


2009 - How did the Abbasid court patronize the philosophical, scientific and literary progress?

2008 - Describe in detail the Revenue System of the Abbasid.

2007 - Write an essay on the scientific and literary progress of the Muslims during the Abbasid period.

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2006 - Highlight the contribution of the Abbasids towards education, people’s welfare and culture.

2005 - Abbasid period was the golden period for the progress of different sciences and arts. Discuss

2004 - Write a detailed note on the agricultural prosperity during the regime of Abbasids.

2004 - Write an administrative policy note on Judicial System during the period of Abbasid.

2003 - Write a note on the contribution of the Abbasids towards education.

2002 - Explain the progress of philosophy during the Abbasid Caliph with special reference to three (3) most celebrated philosophers of that period.

2001 - Briefly describe the scientific and. literary progress of the Muslims during Abbasid Period. 2001

1991 - Write a detailed note on the administration of Abbasids.

1989 - Development of Schools of Fiqh during Abbasid period.

1985 - What were the sources of revenue during Abbasid period?

MAIN FOCUS:1) Establishment of Abbasid Dynasty2) Development of Sciences, Arts ,Philosophy3) Literature, Islamic Fiqh, Agriculture etc.4) Administration under Abbasids5) Services rendered for Educational development6) Sources of Revenue7) Prominent Caliphs and their achivements

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2012 - Discuss the nature and the importance of the reforms of Abdul Malik Bin Marwan.

2006 - Discuss the causes of collapse of the Umayyads.

2005 - Highlight the central and provincial administrative structure of Umayyads

2003 - How did Shias and Kharjis emerge? Compare their believes and political thoughts.

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2002 - Discuss the emergence of Umayyads with special reference to the role of Amir Muawiyah.

2000 - Critically analyse the political, social and military institutions under the Byzantine empire before the rise of Islam. Discuss their influence on the Umayyad Caliphate. 2000

2000 - Bring into light the administrative reforms of Abdul Malik. Do you agree with the view that he was the real founder of the Umayyad dynasty? Give reasons.

1998 - Causes of the decline and fall of Umayyad dynasty.

1996 - Discuss the expansion of Muslim empire under Walid Bin Abd al Malik.

1994 - Discuss the development of Arts, Sciences and architecture during the Umayyad Caliphate.

1991- Umer Bin Abdul Aziz’s reign was the revival of Khilafat-e- Rashida. Discuss

1988- How did the character and state policy of Amir Muawiyah affect the course of the Islamic state? Give a detailed estimate of this work.

MAIN FOCUS:1) Emergence of Umayyads2) Administrative set up of Umayyads3) Expansion of Islamic Empire by Umayyads4) Character and achievements of :

a. Amir Muawiyahb. Abdul Malik Bin Marwanc. Walid bin Abdul Malikd. Umer bin Abdul Aziz

5) Emergence of Shias, Kharjites, Mutalzites ect6) Causes of the Downfall of Ummayads



2008 - What do you understand by Kasb-e-Hilal? In this regard you are advised to write commandments from the Holy Quran and FIVE from Hadith.

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2008 - How many Schools of Thought are there in Islamic FIQH? Discuss all these in detail.

2004 - Define the term POLYGAMY? Describe the term Nisa in view of behaviour, value and character of human life according to Islamic thought of school.

2004 - Write a comprehensive note on Deen-i-Islam which is defined as a missionary Religion. Account any three missionary movements which are very much relevant to South Asia in term of Sufism.

1988 - Define and explain the purpose of Zakat and its effects to remove the inequality and poverty from the Muslim society.

1986 - Discuss in detail that Islam was not spread by the sword.

1985 - Discuss the institution of Hajj and its possible influence in bringing about unity of the Muslim world.


1) Islamic Schools of Thought (Fiqh)2) Pillars of Islam3) Problems faced by Muslims


2011 - What Limitation has Quran set upon speech and writing? In what respect does the Islamic concept of Literature differ from that of the non-Muslims.

2009 - The Holy Quran and Sunnah set forth the path for believers in the quest of knowledge Discuss the examples.

2008 - Highlight comprehensively at least 15 outstanding functions of the Holy Quran covering human life in general.


Determine the basic characteristics of Economic System of Islam.

In what respect Islamic political system is different from western secular democracy, theocracy and monarchy?

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1989 - Discuss the role of Shura in an Islamic political system. What are the required? Qualifications for the members of Shura and for the head of state


1. Basic Systems given by Islam2. Economic system of Islam3. Political system of Islam


2012 - Give an analytical study of the central administrative structure of the Ottoman Sultans.

2011 - Asses the claims of Suleman the magnificent to be the greatest of the Ottomans Sultan

2010 - Critically evaluate the ottomans administrative reforms with special reference to Tanzimat.

2009 - Give an account of the conquest of Europe by the Ottomans.

2007 - Enumerate the various causes of the decline and disintegration of the Ottoman Caliphate and also describe its aftermath.

2004 - Write a comprehensive note on the salient features of Ottoman Turks inarch towards Europe.

2000 - Discuss the salient features of the administration under the Ottoman Sultans.


Who were the Kharjites? Discuss their political and religious ideas. How did the Shi’a and Khawarij emerge? Compare their beliefs and

political thoughts. 2003 Write a comparative note on the situations during which the Khawarij

and the Shiites emerged. Also compare their beliefs.


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The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) as a Qazi/Judge [2006]

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) as a teacher [2005]

Khulfa-i-Rashedin [2009]

Hazrat Usman Ghani (r.a) [2005]

Hazrat Umar Farooque [2004]

Hazrat Umer Bin Abdul Aziz [2004, 2002]

Ashra Mubashra [2009]

Al-Muwatt [2009]

Ibn-Khaldun [2009]

Damascus Mosque [2009]

Dome of the Rock [2009]

Samarra [2009]

Hilf Al-Fadhul [2007]

Khazraj [2007]

Jabia Conference [2007]

Bair Al-Hikmat [2007]

Samarrah [2007]

Al-Mu’atta [2007]

Battle of Tabuk [2006]

Ottoman Tanzimat [2006]

Mamoon-al-Rashid [2006]

Battle of Siffin [2005]

Waild Bin Adl Malik [2005]

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Mamoon Rasheed [2004]

Asabiyya [2003]

Jabr wa Qadar [2003]

Nizam ul Mulk Tusi [2003]

Amir Mu’awiya [2003]

Ai-Shu'ubiyyah [2002]

AI-Mu'tazillah [2002]

AI-Biru [2002]

Abdullah Bin Zubair. [2001]

Battle of ZAB. " [2001]


‘Muakhat’ [2000]

Battle of Qadsiya [2000]

Foundation of Baghdad. [2000]