islam: shia-versus sunni/emergence of the caliphates 632-1500

Islam: Shia-versus Sunni/emergence of the Caliphates 632-1500

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Islam: Shia-versus Sunni/emergence of the Caliphates 632-1500. Muslim Mosque in Mecca. Kaaba, sacred shrine to Allah in Mecca. D144Kaaba. Hajj. Muslims performing the Hajj (a pilgrimage to Mecca). The simple white garments symbolize the equality of believers. Muslim Pilgrimage. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Islam:  Shia-versus Sunni/emergence of the Caliphates 632-1500

Islam: Shia-versus Sunni/emergence of the



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Muslim Mosque in Mecca

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Kaaba, sacred shrine to Allah in Mecca

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Muslims performing the Hajj (a pilgrimage to Mecca). The simple white garments symbolize the equality of believers.

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Muslim Pilgrimage

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Muslims in Mecca

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Muslims at Prayer

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Muslim obligations: Almsgiving

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“Jihad” among extremists refers to “Holy Wars” against the infidels or of Territorial expansion.

Among moderates, Jihad refers to

“Defense” of one’s faith; and or an “inner struggle” to rid oneself of evil and submit to Allah.

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Emergence of Shia

Claim that ‘Ali’s descendents were the true successors to Muhammad

Shia community recognizes the Imans, the successors to ‘Ali’s Spiritual Authority

Recognizes Koran only, not Koran but Sunna (traditional teachings) as authoritative.

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Caliph or “Deputy” refers to the Islamic rulers after the death of Muhammad.

Abu-Bakr is first Caliph (632-624) The first four caliphs expanded the

kingdom still further. Caliphs have both religious & civil authority.

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Eras of Islamic Civilization

570-632: Muhammad-Founder

632-661: First four Caliphs: - Expansion in Mideast

661-750: Ommayad Dynasty-(Centered in Damascus) Expansion in N.Africa & Spain

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Eras of Islamic Civilization cont.

750-1258: Abbasid Dynasty, Golden Age at Baghdad

1000s-1400s: Seljuks &Mongols

1453-WW I: Ottoman Empire; & Fragmentation

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D162Muslim Exp.Map

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Branches of Islam

Most Muslims would agree on the basic principles of Islam

Many varieties in beliefs and practices exist. The main groups are: Sunnis Shiites

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Comprises 85% of Muslims Considered to be mainstream everywhere except

in Iran Sources of religious and legal authority are the

Qur’an and the hadith (traditions)

Analogy and consensus are used to arrive at solutions

Sunnis often able to adapt to different cultures without losing their own values or beliefs

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Expand the basic teachings Answer legal questions Clarify ritual duties

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Started as a political dispute over the leadership of Islam

Muhammad died without naming an heir; some believed his cousin Ali should be his successor

661 CE, Ali was murdered; 680 CE, his son, Husayn, was killed in Iraq

Ali and Husayn were the first martyrs of the Shi’ites (Shia Ali)

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Imams Spiritual leaders of Islam are the imams

Imams are without sin and can interpret scripture without error

Innovation possible only through an imam’s approval

Belief in the Mahdi (guided one) - messianic figure who will lead the world into a time of peace

Sunni and Shi’a disagree over the scope and power of Imams: for Sunni, the Imam is a prayer leader; for the Shi’a, the Imam is temporal leader—the True Caliph.

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The Umayyad Caliphate

Flourish from 661 to 750 Centered in Damascus Nearly took Constantinople (674-77) but

were deterred by Greek Fire Captured Spain but were defeated by

Charles Martel at Tours in 732. Weakness of Umayyads—only Arabs could

be Muslims—opposed by Abbasids who accepted Muslims of all ethnicities

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The Abbasid Caliphate Flourished from 750 to 1258 Centered in Baghdad Great libraries, academies, and schools. Translated classical Greek scholarship into Arabic

—preserving it for posterity Achievements in Medicine, astronomy, and

Mathematics Muslim states in West break away from Abbasid

control beginning in 756. Seljuk Turks convert to Islam and conquer

Abbasids (1055) but allow Abbasids to continue to rule

Genghis Khans Grandson topples Abbasids in 1258

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Ottoman Empire (1300-1918)

The Ottoman Empire would rival that of China in size and economic power.

But over time the Ottoman Empire would be weakened until the twentieth century.

Yet under Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) the Ottoman Empire expanded into North Africa and Syria.

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Growth of the Ottoman Empire

For nearly 300 years the Ottomans expanded into the Balkans and to Persia.

By 1683 the Turks controlled Hungary in Europe to the Persian Gulf.

Initial Ottoman conquest and expansion was under their able leader Osman (1299-1326).

Osman was a ghazi, or warrior, who was determined to spread the faith.

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Why Did The Ottomans Succeed?

Ottomans tolerated other faiths—didn’t fight wars of religious exclusivism

Many in Old Byzantine Empire were weary of corruption in Byzantine state

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Key Events of the Ottoman State

1389 – Defeat the Serbs at Battle of Kosovo.

1396 – Crushed the Hungarians and foreign knights at Nicopolis.

1402 – Tamerlane defeats the Ottomans near Ankara.

1453 – Turks capture Constantinople by Mohammed II.

1517 – Turks captured Cairo. 1529 – First siege of Vienna. 1683 – Second siege of Vienna.

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Historic Contributions of the Islamic Civilizations

Rhazes (d. 925): Medical expert of the Abbasid Dynasty who studied optics; Caesarian operations and more.

Most famous treatise On Small Pox and Measles

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Historic Contributions of the Islamic Civilizations

• Avicenna (d. 1037): A Muslim scholar of the Abbasid Dynasty who excelled in both Medicine and Philosophy

• His Canon of Medicine was translated into Latin in the 12th century and by the 16th century was in its 35th edition.

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Historic Contributions of the Islamic Civilizations

Aveorres (d. 1198): Philosopher of the Abbasid Dynasty who tried to harmonize Islamc faith with Aristotelian logic.

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Distillation of Alcohol

• Developed about 800• Al-kuhl means “the essense”

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Used for astronomy & for navigation.

It is believed that the Muslim al-Fazari (d.777A.D.) was the first scientist in the MidEast to make an astrolabe, following the arrival of an Indian mission to Baghdad.

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Muslim Medicine

Muslim physicians were active in the advancement of surgical techniques, and were among the first to use narcotic and sedative drugs in operations.

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Omar Khyyam

Of the Abbasid Dynasty was the author of the Rubaiyat and the Book of 1001 Nights.

“A Book of Verses underneath the Bough; A jug of wine, a loaf of bread—and thou beside me in the wilderness—Oh Wilderness were paradise enow!”

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Harun Al Rashid (800s)

An esteemed ruler of the Abbasid Dynasty who exchanged gifts, and established friendly relations with Charlemagne (ruler of the greatest Christian Kingdom in Europe at that time).

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Cordoba, Spain

From 756 - 1031, Cordoba was a political and cultural center for the Muslims.

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Muslim Art & Architecture

The Muslim religion prohibited the picturing of human and natural forms.

Muslim art was thus channeled into artistic displays of great geometric complexity and abstract ornamentation.

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Muslim Art & Architecture

This Muslim mosque in Seville, was built in 1172.

It was converted to a Chrisitan Cathedral in 1248.

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Muslim architecture

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F320Ottoman Map